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    美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)FTC 宣布全国范围内禁止竞业协议,详细请看 美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)于2024年4月23日发布最终规定,全国范围内禁止非竞争协议。此举旨在通过保护工人更换工作的自由来促进竞争,增加创新,并推动经济增长。根据FTC的预测,新业务的形成将每年增加2.7%,预计每年将新增超过8500家新企业。此外,预计工人的平均收入将增加524美元,未来十年内医疗费用预计将减少高达1940亿美元。同时,预计该规定还将在未来十年内每年新增17000至29000项专利。 详情以英文版为准: FTC Announces Rule Banning Noncompetes FTC’s final rule will generate over 8,500 new businesses each year, raise worker wages, lower health care costs, and boost innovation Today, the Federal Trade Commission issued a final rule to promote competition by banning noncompetes nationwide, protecting the fundamental freedom of workers to change jobs, increasing innovation, and fostering new business formation. “Noncompete clauses keep wages low, suppress new ideas, and rob the American economy of dynamism, including from the more than 8,500 new startups that would be created a year once noncompetes are banned,” said FTC Chair Lina M. Khan. “The FTC’s final rule to ban noncompetes will ensure Americans have the freedom to pursue a new job, start a new business, or bring a new idea to market.” The FTC estimates that the final rule banning noncompetes will lead to new business formation growing by 2.7% per year, resulting in more than 8,500 additional new businesses created each year. The final rule is expected to result in higher earnings for workers, with estimated earnings increasing for the average worker by an additional $524 per year, and it is expected to lower health care costs by up to $194 billion over the next decade. In addition, the final rule is expected to help drive innovation, leading to an estimated average increase of 17,000 to 29,000 more patents each year for the next 10 years under the final rule. Noncompetes are a widespread and often exploitative practice imposing contractual conditions that prevent workers from taking a new job or starting a new business. Noncompetes often force workers to either stay in a job they want to leave or bear other significant harms and costs, such as being forced to switch to a lower-paying field, being forced to relocate, being forced to leave the workforce altogether, or being forced to defend against expensive litigation. An estimated 30 million workers—nearly one in five Americans—are subject to a noncompete. Under the FTC’s new rule, existing noncompetes for the vast majority of workers will no longer be enforceable after the rule’s effective date. Existing noncompetes for senior executives - who represent less than 0.75% of workers - can remain in force under the FTC’s final rule, but employers are banned from entering into or attempting to enforce any new noncompetes, even if they involve senior executives. Employers will be required to provide notice to workers other than senior executives who are bound by an existing noncompete that they will not be enforcing any noncompetes against them. In January 2023, the FTC issued a proposed rule which was subject to a 90-day public comment period. The FTC received more than 26,000 comments on the proposed rule, with over 25,000 comments in support of the FTC’s proposed ban on noncompetes. The comments informed the FTC’s final rulemaking process, with the FTC carefully reviewing each comment and making changes to the proposed rule in response to the public’s feedback. In the final rule, the Commission has determined that it is an unfair method of competition, and therefore a violation of Section 5 of the FTC Act, for employers to enter into noncompetes with workers and to enforce certain noncompetes. The Commission found that noncompetes tend to negatively affect competitive conditions in labor markets by inhibiting efficient matching between workers and employers. The Commission also found that noncompetes tend to negatively affect competitive conditions in product and service markets, inhibiting new business formation and innovation. There is also evidence that noncompetes lead to increased market concentration and higher prices for consumers. Alternatives to Noncompetes The Commission found that employers have several alternatives to noncompetes that still enable firms to protect their investments without having to enforce a noncompete. Trade secret laws and non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) both provide employers with well-established means to protect proprietary and other sensitive information. Researchers estimate that over 95% of workers with a noncompete already have an NDA. The Commission also finds that instead of using noncompetes to lock in workers, employers that wish to retain employees can compete on the merits for the worker’s labor services by improving wages and working conditions. Changes from the NPRM Under the final rule, existing noncompetes for senior executives can remain in force. Employers, however, are prohibited from entering into or enforcing new noncompetes with senior executives. The final rule defines senior executives as workers earning more than $151,164 annually and who are in policy-making positions. Additionally, the Commission has eliminated a provision in the proposed rule that would have required employers to legally modify existing noncompetes by formally rescinding them. That change will help to streamline compliance. Instead, under the final rule, employers will simply have to provide notice to workers bound to an existing noncompete that the noncompete agreement will not be enforced against them in the future. To aid employers’ compliance with this requirement, the Commission has included model language in the final rule that employers can use to communicate to workers. The Commission vote to approve the issuance of the final rule was 3-2 with Commissioners Melissa Holyoak and Andrew N. Ferguson voting no. Commissioners’ written statements will follow at a later date. The final rule will become effective 120 days after publication in the Federal Register. Once the rule is effective, market participants can report information about a suspected violation of the rule to the Bureau of Competition by emailing noncompete@ftc.gov. The Federal Trade Commission develops policy initiatives on issues that affect competition, consumers, and the U.S. economy. The FTC will never demand money, make threats, tell you to transfer money, or promise you a prize. Follow the FTC on social media, read consumer alerts and the business blog, and sign up to get the latest FTC news and alerts.  
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    硅谷女性关爱活动于5月4日下午举办 Cathy 开心健身平台主办, MyT coach 和北美华人人力资源协会协办的硅谷女性关爱活动。 时间: 5/4 青年节, 星期六, 2-4:30pm (现场交友, 学习, 赋能), 4:30-6pm (开心健身舞会, 线上线下同时进行, Zoom: 88904068282, 密码: 8888)。 地址:  百度硅谷办公室  USA 1195 Bordeaux Dr, Sunnyvale, CA , Invitation only Cathy 开心健身平台义工和嘉宾邀请的朋友。 传递健康传递爱
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    EEOC Issues Final Regulation on Pregnant Workers Fairness Act 美国平等就业机会委员会(EEOC)发布了《怀孕工作者公平法案》(PWFA)的最终规则,该规则自2023年6月27日生效,要求15名以上员工的雇主为怀孕、分娩或相关医疗条件的员工提供合理的工作调整,除非这种调整给雇主带来过大困难。此规则进一步加强了1964年民权法案和美国残疾人法案下的保护措施,提供了关于合理调整、雇主责任及孕期工作者权利的更清晰指导。 Aids Implementation of Civil Rights Law Expanding Protections and Accommodations for Pregnant Workers WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) today issued a final rule to implement the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA), providing important clarity that will allow pregnant workers the ability to work and maintain a healthy pregnancy and help employers understand their duties under the law. The PWFA requires most employers with 15 or more employees to provide “reasonable accommodations,” or changes at work, for a worker’s known limitations related to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions, unless the accommodation will cause the employer an undue hardship. The PWFA builds upon existing protections against pregnancy discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and access to reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The EEOC began accepting charges of discrimination on June 27, 2023, the day on which the PWFA became effective. The final rule will be published in the Federal Register on Apr. 19. The final rule was approved by majority vote of the Commission on Apr. 3, 2024, and becomes effective 60 days after publication in the Federal Register. The final rule and its accompanying interpretative guidance reflect the EEOC’s deliberation and response to the approximately 100,000 public comments received on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. It provides clarity to employers and workers about who is covered, the types of limitations and medical conditions covered, how individuals can request reasonable accommodations, and numerous concrete examples. “The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act is a win for workers, families, and our economy. It gives pregnant workers clear access to reasonable accommodations that will allow them to keep doing their jobs safely and effectively, free from discrimination and retaliation,” said EEOC Chair Charlotte A. Burrows. “At the EEOC, we have assisted women who have experienced serious health risks and unimaginable loss simply because they could not access a reasonable accommodation on the job. This final rule provides important information and guidance to help employers meet their responsibilities, and to jobseekers and employees about their rights. It encourages employers and employees to communicate early and often, allowing them to identify and resolve issues in a timely manner.” Highlights from the final regulation include: ·       Numerous examples of reasonable accommodations such as additional breaks to drink water, eat, or use the restroom; a stool to sit on while working; time off for health care appointments; temporary reassignment; temporary suspension of certain job duties; telework; or time off to recover from childbirth or a miscarriage, among others. ·       Guidance regarding limitations and medical conditions for which employees or applicants may seek reasonable accommodation, including miscarriage or still birth; migraines; lactation; and pregnancy-related conditions that are episodic, such as morning sickness. This guidance is based on Congress’s PWFA statutory language, the EEOC’s longstanding definition of “pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions” from Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and court decisions interpreting the term “pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions from Title VII. ·       Guidance encouraging early and frequent communication between employers and workers to raise and resolve requests for reasonable accommodation in a timely manner. ·       Clarification that an employer is not required to seek supporting documentation when an employee asks for a reasonable accommodation and should only do so when it is reasonable under the circumstances. ·       Explanation of when an accommodation would impose an undue hardship on an employer and its business. ·       Information on how employers may assert defenses or exemptions, including those based on religion, as early as possible in charge processing. More information about the PWFA and the EEOC’s final rule, including resources for employers and workers, is available on the EEOC’s “What You Should Know about the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act” webpage. For more information on pregnancy discrimination, please visit https://www.eeoc.gov/pregnancy-discrimination. The EEOC prevents and remedies unlawful employment discrimination and advances equal opportunity for all. More information is available at www.eeoc.gov. Stay connected with the latest EEOC news by subscribing to our email updates.
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    2025财年美国H-1B签证达到上限,你抽中了吗? 美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS)已宣布完成 2025 财年(FY)H-1B 签证上限(包括高级学位豁免)的初步筛选程序。根据其目前的状态,注册被分为 "已提交"、"已选定"、"未选定 "等状态。被选中的注册者现在有资格从 2024 年 4 月 1 日起递交 H-1B 上限主体申请。该公告还包括对申请费用的修改,以及自 2024 年 4 月 1 日起启用新版 I-129 表格,旧版表格不再有宽限期。此外,移民局还推出了 H-1B 申请在线申请和组织账户,以方便管理申请。 美国 H-1B 签证的电子注册数量已达到 2025 年联邦财政年度的签证上限。签证上限为 65,000 个,另外 20,000 个签证可供拥有美国高级签证的人使用。 Notice of FY 2025 H-1B Cap Initial Registration Selection Process Completion and Cap Season Reminders H-1B Initial Electronic Registration Selection Process Completed U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has received enough electronic registrations for unique beneficiaries during the initial registration period to reach the fiscal year (FY) 2025 H-1B numerical allocations (H-1B cap), including the advanced degree exemption (master’s cap). We have randomly selected enough properly submitted registrations for unique beneficiaries projected as needed to reach the H-1B cap and have notified all prospective petitioners with selected beneficiaries that they are eligible to file an H-1B cap-subject petition for such beneficiaries. Registrants’ online accounts will now show one of the following statuses for each registration (that is, for each beneficiary registered): Submitted: The registration has been submitted and is eligible for selection. If the initial selection process has been completed, this registration remains eligible, unless subsequently invalidated, for selection in any subsequent selections for the fiscal year for which it was submitted. Selected: Selected to file an H-1B cap petition. Not Selected: Not eligible to file an H-1B cap petition based on this registration. Denied – duplicate registration: Multiple registrations were submitted by or on behalf of the same registrant for the same beneficiary. If denied as a duplicate registration, all registrations submitted by or on behalf of the same registrant for this beneficiary for the fiscal year are invalid. Invalidated – failed payment: A registration was submitted but the payment method was declined, not reconciled, or otherwise invalid. Deleted: The submitted registration has been deleted and is no longer eligible for selection. Processing submission: USCIS is processing your submission. It may take up to 72 hours for all of your case information to show on the case details page. While it is processing, you will be unable to access your draft. For more information, visit the H-1B Electronic Registration Process page. FY 2025 H-1B Cap Petitions May Be Filed Starting April 1 H-1B cap-subject petitions for FY 2025, including those petitions eligible for the advanced degree exemption, may be filed with USCIS beginning April 1, 2024, if filed for a selected beneficiary and based on a valid registration. Only petitioners with registrations for selected beneficiaries may file H-1B cap-subject petitions for FY 2025. An H-1B cap-subject petition must be properly filed at the correct filing location (see H-1B Form I-129 Filing Location Change to Lockbox section below) or online at my.uscis.gov and within the filing period indicated on the relevant selection notice. The period for filing the H-1B cap-subject petition will be at least 90 days. Petitioners must include a copy of the applicable selection notice with the FY 2025 H-1B cap-subject petition. Petitioners must also submit evidence of the beneficiary’s valid passport or travel document used at the time of registration to identify the beneficiary. Petitioners filing for selected beneficiaries based on their valid registration must still submit evidence or otherwise establish eligibility for petition approval, as registration and selection only pertains to eligibility to file the H-1B cap-subject petition. For more information, visit the H-1B Cap Season page. New Fees and Form Edition On Jan. 31, 2024, USCIS published a final rule  that adjusts the fees required for most immigration applications and petitions. The new fees are effective April 1, 2024. Petitions postmarked on or after April 1, 2024, must include the new fees or we will not accept them. Additionally, there will be a new 04/01/24 edition of Form I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker. There will be no grace period for filing the new version of Form I-129 because it must include the new fee calculation. What to Know About Sending Us Your Form I-129. We will accept the 05/31/23 edition of this form if it is postmarked before April 1, 2024; We will not accept the 05/31/23 edition of this form if it is postmarked on or after April 1, 2024; and We will only accept the 04/01/24 edition of this form if it is postmarked on or after April 1, 2024. We will use the postmark date of a filing to determine which form version and fees are correct but will use the received date for purposes of any regulatory or statutory filing deadlines. As a reminder, we recently announced a final premium processing fee rule that increased the filing fee for Form I-907, Request for Premium Processing Service, to adjust for inflation, effective Feb. 26, 2024. If we receive a Form I-907 postmarked on or after Feb. 26, 2024, with the incorrect filing fee, we will reject the Form I-907 and return the filing fee. For filings sent by commercial courier (such as UPS, FedEx, and DHL), the postmark date is the date on the courier receipt. Online Filing and Organizational Accounts On Feb. 28, 2024, we launched new online organizational accounts that allow multiple people within an organization and their legal representatives to collaborate on and prepare H-1B registrations, H-1B petitions, and any associated Form I-907. Information on organizational accounts is available on the Organizational Accounts Frequently Asked Questions page. We also launched online filing of Form I-129 and associated Form I-907 for non-cap H-1B petitions on March 25. On April 1, we will begin accepting online filing for H-1B cap petitions and associated Forms I-907 for petitioners whose registrations have been selected. Petitioners will continue to have the option of filing a paper Form I-129 H-1B petition and any associated Form I-907 if they prefer. However, during the initial launch of organizational accounts, users will not be able to link paper-filed Forms I-129 and I-907 to their online accounts. H-1B Form I-129 Filing Location Change to Lockbox Starting April 1, 2024, H-1B and H-1B1 (HSC) Form I-129 petitions are no longer filed directly with the USCIS service centers. All paper-based H-1B and H-1B1 (HSC) Form I-129 petitions are now filed at USCIS lockbox locations. This includes cap, non-cap, and cap-exempt H-1B filings. We will reject H-1B or H-1B1 (HSC) petitions received at a USCIS service center on or after April 1, 2024. There will be no grace period provided. USCIS has specific mailing addresses for cases that are subject to the H-1B cap. To determine the correct mailing address, please see our Form I-129 Direct Filing Addresses page. If a petition is filed at the wrong location, we may reject the petition. Rejected petitions will not retain a filing date. If we reject a petition because it was filed at the wrong location, it may be refiled at the correct location, or online. H-1B cap subject petitions may be refiled at the correct location, or online, as long as the petition is refiled during the designated 90-day filing window listed on the selection notice. No More Pre-paid Mailers As of March 25, 2024, we are no longer using prepaid mailers to send out any communication or final notices for any H-1B or H-1B1 (HSC) petitions. With H-1B intake now occurring at the lockbox or online, we will not be able to use any prepaid mailers for H-1B or H-1B1 (HSC) filings. The process of printing and mailing H-1B petition approval notices by first-class mail is fully automated. For petitions filed online, myUSCIS account holders will also receive an email or text message notification in their myUSCIS account when there is a case status change on a case in their account, followed by a paper notice by mail. Receipt Notice Delays When we receive a timely and properly filed H-1B cap subject petition, the petitioner (and, if applicable, the petitioner’s legal representative) will be provided a Form I-797, Notice of Action, communicating receipt of the petition. Due to increased filing volumes typically seen during H-1B cap filing periods, there are instances where a paper petition is timely and properly filed by mail, but issuance of the Form I-797 is delayed. If you are a petitioner and have confirmation from the delivery service that the petition was delivered, but you have not yet received a Form I-797 confirming receipt of the petition, you should not submit a second petition. If you have confirmation from the delivery service that the petition was delivered and you then submit a second H-1B cap petition for the same beneficiary, you will be considered to have submitted multiple H-1B cap petitions. This will result in denial or revocation of both petitions. If more than 30 days have passed since the confirmation of delivery and you have still not received a Form I-797, you may contact the USCIS Contact Center for assistance. If you receive notification from the delivery service, or your tracking information suggests that there may be a delay or damage to the package or that the package was misrouted, you should follow the Delivery Service Error Guidance on the H-1B Cap Season webpage.
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    应对心理健康危机:42%的公司计划推出新的员工福利 根据The Conference Board的最新报告,尽管HR领导们对劳动力市场的乐观程度略有上升,但员工保留和参与度的预期与去年相比有所下降,显示出劳动力短缺的持续问题。报告揭示,随着员工心理健康问题的加剧,42%的公司计划今年提供新的福祉福利。企业承认对员工福祉负有责任,并在增加对健康项目的关注和支出方面取得了显著进展。报告强调,全面考虑员工福祉不仅可以提高员工参与度和生产力,还能保留人才。  Tackling the Mental Health Crisis: 42% of Companies Plan to Offer New Employee Well-Being Benefits NEW YORK, March 22, 2024 -- Corporate America's HR leaders continue to be more optimistic than pessimistic about the state of the workforce. The Conference Board CHRO Confidence Index ticked up to 54 in Q1, from 53 last quarter. (A reading of more than 50 points reflects more positive than negative responses.) While retention and engagement expectations improved from last quarter, the survey reveals they are down compared to this time last year, signaling ongoing concerns about labor shortages. Hiring expectations remained stable. The survey also reveals that businesses are stepping up as mental health concerns continue taking a toll on workers throughout the nation: 42% of surveyed companies plan to offer new well-being benefits this year. Indeed, 36% say businesses are responsible for the well-being of their employees, with another 62% saying they are somewhat responsible. As a result, they are ramping up their focus on employee wellness: In addition to those offering new well-being benefits, a quarter plan to increase spending on well-being initiatives. "Taking a holistic view of worker well-being can not only improve employee engagement and productivity but also retain your talent—a top focus of both CEOs and CHROs this year," said Diana Scott, Leader of The Conference Board US Human Capital Center. The Index, conducted quarterly, was launched in Q1 2023 and is comprised of three components—hiring, retention, and engagement—as well as special questions included in each survey. Nearly 150 CHROs participated in the Q1 survey, which included additional questions on employee well-being. Key findings include: Hiring The CHRO Confidence Index: Hiring component remained the same as both last quarter and YoY, at 55. CHROs' workforce expansion plans remained stable in Q1, with fewer CHROs expecting to increase or decrease hiring in the next six months: 36% of CHROs expect to increase their hiring over the next six months—down from 44% in Q4. 13% expect to decrease their hiring over the next six months—down from 19% in Q4. Retention The CHRO Confidence Index: Retention component rose to 53 in Q1 2024 from 51 in Q4 2023. But retention expectations are down YoY from 57 in Q1 2023. CHRO expectations regarding employee retention ticked up slightly in Q1: 29% of CHROs expect their employee retention levels to improve over the next six months—up slightly from 28% in Q4. 19% of CHROs expect employee retention to decrease over the next six months, down from 22% in Q4. Engagement The CHRO Confidence Index: Engagement component rose to 54 in Q1 2024 from 52 in Q4 2023. But engagement expectations are down YoY from 58 in Q1 2023. Fewer CHROs expect declines in employee engagement in Q1: 35% expect engagement levels to increase—down slightly from 37% in Q4. 20% expect engagement levels to decrease—down significantly from 31% in Q4. Special Questions for Q4: Employee Well-Being For Q1 2024, the Index also surveyed CHROs on employee well-being. CHROs overwhelmingly agree that organizations share responsibility for their employees' well-being. 62% said organizations are somewhat responsible. 36% said organizations are responsible. Only 2% said organizations are not responsible for employee well-being. A quarter of CHROs increased spending on employee well-being in 2024. 26% said their well-being budget increased for FY2024. 69% said it remained the same. Only 5% decreased spending on well-being. Nearly half of CHROs plan to offer new well-being benefits, despite most keeping spending the same. 42% plan to offer new benefits this year. 39% do not plan to offer new benefits. 19% are discussing offering new benefits. Mental and physical health are the top priorities for new well-being initiatives. Of those offering new benefits: 20% are offering mental health initiatives. 15% are offering physical health and fitness initiatives. 12% are offering financial well-being initiatives. 10% are offering work-life balance initiatives. About The Conference BoardThe Conference Board is the member-driven think tank that delivers trusted insights for what's ahead. Founded in 1916, we are a non-partisan, not-for-profit entity holding 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt status in the United States. www.conference-board.org SOURCE The Conference Board
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    2024年NACSHR论坛峰会计划发布 备受关注的NACSHR2024年度论坛活动计划正式发布,欢迎保存收藏! 自2016年起,北美华人人力资源协会(NACSHR)一直致力于搭建一个互动交流的平台,专为HR专业人士和泛商科界的精英而设。随着时间的推移,NACSHR年度论坛已经成为北美地区最具影响力的HR事件之一,吸引了众多业内精英和专家的关注和参与。 2024年,我们再次诚挚邀请全球的华人HR专业人士以及人力资源领域的从业者,加入我们的年度盛会。本年度的论坛将继续沿袭以往的成功模式,包括专业论坛、实用课程、招聘会、企业参访交流以及不同形式的交流活动。这些活动不仅提供了最新的行业知识和趋势,而且也为参与者提供了一个难得的机会,与行业大咖进行近距离的交流,以及与同行建立或深化联系。 在这个多元化的平台上,我们将探讨如何在北美职场中实现个人职业的飞跃,如何应对快速变化的工作环境,以及如何通过有效的人力资源管理促进企业和个人的共同发展。NACSHR2024年度论坛不仅是一个学习和交流的场所,它也是一个启示和灵感的源泉,为华人HR专家和从业者打开了一扇通向职业新篇章的大门。 我们期待与全球的华人HR同仁共襄盛举,一同探索和塑造未来人力资源的新趋势。 让我们在NACSHR2024年度论坛相遇,共同开启一场思维的碰撞和心灵的触动。 预定报名:https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/40616C37-03CD-C19A-1EBB-8167100BBC93 赞助合作:Annie   annie@nacshr.org 或者直接点击这里:https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/CDBE9324-6291-EB0E-3E50-91532A2A70BB    
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    在加州的雇主必须在2月14之前向加州工人提供竞业禁止信息披露 今年生效的两项州法律使加州工人的竞业禁止制度无效。 加州雇员雇主必须向雇员发送书面通知,声明根据新法律,竞业禁止条款和协议无效的最后期限即将到来。  议会法案 1076于 2023 年 10 月 13 日签署成为法律,要求公司在 2 月 14 日星期三之前向加利福尼亚州受非竞争条款约束的现任雇员和前雇员(2022 年 1 月 1 日后雇用)发送通知除非属于法定例外情况,否则这些协议无效。 根据 AB 1076,员工必须收到有关其最后已知地址和电子邮件地址变更的个性化通知。 White and Case 律师事务所表示,根据《反不正当竞争法》 ,违反该法案被视为不正当竞争行为,每次违规将被处以 2,500 美元的罚款。  参议院第 699 号法案于2023 年 9 月 1 日签署成为法律,“无论合同何时何地签署”,竞业禁止均无效,这使得该法律适用于在加州雇用工人的金州以外的雇主。  管理方公司Ogletree Deakins的律师在 2023 年 10 月 18 日的博客文章中写道:“AB 1076 和 SB 699 共同强调了加州对竞业禁止协议的不信任。 ” 为了遵守规定,律师建议雇主:对与现有员工以及 2022 年 1 月 1 日之后聘用的前员工的雇佣协议进行审核,看看是否包含任何竞业禁止条款;修改与现有工人的协议,其中包含可能无效的非竞争条款;并向受临近截止日期影响的员工发送个性化的书面通知。  这两项法案均于 2024 年 1 月 1 日生效。
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    Free immersive online training available for California caregivers 加州的护理工作者和家庭照顾者现可通过Front Porch与Embodied Labs合作开发的免费沉浸式在线培训课程,从所照顾人的视角看世界。该培训平台获奖无数,旨在通过第一人称视角体验,包括临终对话、护理转换、阿尔茨海默病、黄斑变性等多种经历,让正式和非正式的护理工作者能够体验并理解他人的视角和条件,这种独特的理解方式是传统培训工具无法提供的。Front Porch承诺将Embodied Labs程序免费提供给500名直接护理工作者和5000名家庭及朋友护理者,通过沉浸式体验,促进更加人性化的护理服务。 Front Porch Center for Innovation and Wellbeing partners with Embodied Labs to provide direct care workers, friends and family caregivers with cutting edge technology GLENDALE, Calif., Feb. 12, 2024 California caregivers can see the world through the eyes of the people they care for through a free immersive online training developed by Embodied Labs, in partnership with Front Porch and the Front Porch Center for Innovation and Wellbeing (FPCIW). The award-winning caregiver training platform is available for paid care workers, as well as for family or friend caregivers of older adults in California. The online program gives users a first-person perspective, allowing viewers to embody a variety of experiences including end-of-life conversations, transitions of care, Alzheimer's disease, macular degeneration and more. FPCIW is partnering as a Center of Excellence with Embodied Labs, a CalGrows Innovation Fund Award Winner, to offer free training to direct care workers and friends/family caregivers in California. "Front Porch is committed to sharing the Embodied Labs program for free to 500 direct care workers and 5,000 family and friend caregivers throughout California as well as to its community caregiver staff, residents and their loved ones," says Davis Park, vice president of FPCIW. "Through immersive experiences, formal and informal caregivers can embody the perspectives and conditions of other people, gaining a unique understanding not found in traditional training tools." Direct care workers, including home care aides, care coordinators or care managers, dementia care specialists, non-IHSS affiliated personal care assistants, activities coordinators, transportation providers, community health workers, and certified nursing assistants, can experience a VR or a desktop computer web-immersive experience. Friends and family caregivers can access short videos on their computers that allow participants to experience a 360-view from the perspective of an adult needing care. All content is available in both English and Spanish. More information on the program, including links to register, is available at the Center's website. "Embodied Labs is using the power of VR and immersive storytelling to help caregivers, family members, staff, and students see the world through the eyes of the people they care for and care about," said Kari Olson, president of FPCIW. "We are thrilled to expand access to this innovative training platform particularly because of the dynamic way it can bring people together and improve lives." Over 30 million Americans provided unpaid caregiving to older adults in the past year, according to the Family Caregiver Alliance. "Embodied Labs is positioned to support these heroes by providing caregiver training and tools that build empathy and understanding," says Park. "Our vision is to offer a deeper understanding of the perspectives and health conditions lived by others, through our shared immersive training experiences," says Carrie Shaw, founder and CEO of Embodied Labs. "By expanding our technology offering through our online platform, we can reach more people, and further build that bridge to understanding more effectively and empowering more humanistic care." About the Front Porch Center for Innovation and Wellbeing The Front Porch Center for Innovation and Wellbeing (FPCIW) is part of Front Porch, a dynamic not-for-profit organization, dedicated to empowering individuals to live connected and fulfilled lives through community and innovation. FPCIW pilots innovative solutions to solve real-world problems and meet the needs of older adults in collaboration with innovative partner organizations. Learn more at https://fpciw.org/. About Embodied Labs Headquartered in Los Angeles, California, Embodied Labs is the leader in immersive training for healthier aging. In use by a range of organizations in senior living, home care, government, academia and corporations, the training labs include: The Frank Lab (social isolation); The Beatriz Lab (Alzheimer's Disease); The Alfred Lab (Macular Degeneration and High Frequency Hearing Loss); The Clay Lab (End of Life Conversations); The Dima Lab (Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson's Disease) and The Eden Lab (Trans Health & LGBT Aging).For more information, please visit www.embodiedlabs.com. Media Contact: Laura Darling, VP of CommunicationsFront Porch Communities and Servicesldarling@frontporch.net 818-482-7597 SOURCE Front Porch
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    Workday: It’s Time to Close the AI Trust Gap Workday, a leading provider of enterprise cloud applications for finance and human resources, has pressed a global study recently recognizing the  importance of addressing the AI trust gap. They believe that trust is a critical factor when it comes to implementing artificial intelligence (AI) systems, especially in areas such as workforce management and human resources. Research results are as follows: At the leadership level, only 62% welcome AI, and only 62% are confident their organization will ensure AI is implemented in a responsible and trustworthy way. At the employee level, these figures drop even lower to 52% and 55%, respectively. 70% of leaders say AI should be developed in a way that easily allows for human review and intervention. Yet 42% of employees believe their company does not have a clear understanding of which systems should be fully automated and which require human intervention. 1 in 4 employees (23%) are not confident that their organization will put employee interests above its own when implementing AI. (compared to 21% of leaders) 1 in 4 employees (23%) are not confident that their organization will prioritize innovating with care for people over innovating with speed. (compared to 17% of leaders) 1 in 4 employees (23%) are not confident that their organization will ensure AI is implemented in a responsible and trustworthy way. (compared to 17% of leaders) “We know how these technologies can benefit economic opportunities for people—that’s our business. But people won’t use technologies they don’t trust. Skills are the way forward, and not only skills, but skills backed by a thoughtful, ethical, responsible implementation of AI that has regulatory safeguards that help facilitate trust.” said Chandler C. Morse, VP, Public Policy, Workday. Workday’s study focuses on various key areas: Section 1: Perspectives align on AI’s potential and responsible use. “At the outset of our research, we hypothesized that there would be a general alignment between business leaders and employees regarding their overall enthusiasm for AI. Encouragingly, this has proven true: leaders and employees are aligned in several areas, including AI’s potential for business transformation, as well as efforts to reduce risk and ensure trustworthy AI.” Both leaders and employees believe in and hope for a transformation scenario* with AI. Both groups agree AI implementation should prioritize human control. Both groups cite regulation and frameworks as most important for trustworthy AI. Section 2: When it comes to the development of AI, the trust gap between leaders and employees diverges even more. “While most leaders and employees agree on the value of AI and the need for its careful implementation, the existing trust gap becomes even more pronounced when it comes to developing AI in a way that facilitates human review and intervention.” Employees aren’t confident their company takes a people-first approach. At all levels, there’s the worry that human welfare isn’t a leadership priority. Section 3: Data on AI governance and use is not readily visible to employees. “While employees are calling for regulation and ethical frameworks to ensure that AI is trustworthy, there is a lack of awareness across all levels of the workforce when it comes to collaborating on AI regulation and sharing responsible AI guidelines.” Closing remarks: How Workday is closing the AI trust gap. Transparency: Workday can prioritize transparency in their AI systems. Providing clear explanations of how AI algorithms make decisions can help build trust among users. By revealing the factors, data, and processes that contribute to AI-driven outcomes, Workday can ensure transparency in their AI applications. Explainability: Workday can work towards making their AI systems more explainable. This means enabling users to understand the reasoning behind AI-generated recommendations or decisions. Employing techniques like interpretable machine learning can help users comprehend the logic and factors influencing the AI-driven outcomes. Ethical considerations: Working on ethical frameworks and guidelines for AI use can play a crucial role in closing the trust gap. Workday can ensure that their AI systems align with ethical principles, such as fairness, accountability, and avoiding bias. This might involve rigorous testing, auditing, and ongoing monitoring of AI models to detect and mitigate any potential biases or unintended consequences. User feedback and collaboration: Engaging with users and seeking their feedback can be key to building trust. Workday can involve their customers and end-users in the AI development process, gathering insights and acting on user concerns. Collaboration and open communication will help Workday enhance their AI systems based on real-world feedback and user needs. Data privacy and security: Ensuring robust data privacy and security measures is vital for instilling trust in AI systems. Workday can prioritize data protection and encryption, complying with industry standards and regulations. By demonstrating strong data privacy practices, they can alleviate concerns associated with AI-driven data processing. SOURCE Workday
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    Bullhorn Acquires Mployee to Help Recruitment Agencies Accelerate Their Digital Transformation Journey Bullhorn's acquisition of Mployee will undoubtedly contribute to the digital transformation journey of recruitment agencies. By joining forces, Bullhorn will be able to leverage Mployee's expertise to enhance their offerings and provide agencies with the tools and technologies they need to thrive in the digital age. The addition of this technology will help Bullhorn deliver an end-to-end enterprise solution for customers on the Salesforce platform BOSTON,Jan. 5,2024 Bullhorn®, the global leader in software for the staffing and recruitment industry, today announced its acquisition of Mployee, a provider of Salesforce-based solutions for recruitment agencies, which is headquartered in the Netherlands. Mployee’s technology will accelerate Bullhorn’s vision to deliver a full, end-to-end, enterprise solution for Bullhorn customers using the Salesforce platform. Mployee expands Bullhorn’s Salesforce-based enterprise offerings Uncertainty over the economy, pricing pressure, and fewer job orders have all forced the recruitment industry to streamline internal operations as much as possible this year. Centralizing all recruitment activity on a single platform helps agencies gain those efficiencies. As a result, Bullhorn has seen a significant increase in adoption of the Salesforce platform, especially in Europe. It is now the largest independent software vendor (ISV) for Salesforce serving the recruitment industry. Bullhorn revenue on the Salesforce platform has grown at an average annual rate of nearly 30% since 2019. Bullhorn products on the Salesforce platform are currently used across 40 countries, including by four of the five largest global recruitment agencies. By combining Mployee’s middle-office capabilities with Bullhorn’s front-office, Bullhorn can offer a true enterprise-grade, end-to-end solution built on the Salesforce platform. This solution will help solve a myriad of front- and middle-office challenges inhibiting agencies’ growth and differentiation. Together, Bullhorn and Mployee will help global recruitment agencies excel “We’ve seen tremendous growth in customers using Bullhorn for Salesforce globally in recent years, and this acquisition will help us better support those agencies throughout the world in delivering more efficient middle-office operations,” said Matt Fischer, President and Chief Operating Officer at Bullhorn. “We’re excited at the potential of combining Mployee’s offerings with Bullhorn for Salesforce to deliver a full, end-to-end solution.” “We’re very excited to join Bullhorn to further our efforts to drive the digital revolution of the staffing industry,” said Mployee CEO Karen Weebers. “Bullhorn has the resources to invest in Mployee’s product roadmap and bring our solutions to even more recruitment agencies.” About Bullhorn Bullhorn is the global leader in software for the staffing industry. More than 10,000 companies rely on Bullhorn’s cloud-based platform to power their staffing processes from start to finish. Headquartered in Boston, with offices around the world, Bullhorn is founder-led and employs nearly 1,500 people globally. To learn more, visit www.bullhorn.com or follow Bullhorn on Linkedin or X. About Mployee Mployee is a leading front and mid office solution for the staffing and recruitment sector. The company has established a strong market position and is recognized as a rapidly growing technology company in the Netherlands by Deloitte Fast 50 and Main Software 50. Mployee has proven itself as an innovative player in the industry, with a commitment to optimizing workforce management. SOURCE Bullhorn
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