如何在2024年管理第三方风险:Venminder 的最新白皮书揭示了一切(白皮书) 肯塔基州伊丽莎白镇,Feb.2,2024   Venminder 是用于管理第三方风险管理计划的领先综合统一平台,发布了第八份年度“第三方风险管理状况”白皮书。该白皮书深入探讨了当今组织如何处理第三方风险,涵盖了当前实践、挑战、合规驱动因素和优势等关键方面。 第三方风险管理不是一种静态的实践,而是不断适应新的风险和监管要求的动态实践。过去的一年,世界面临前所未有的事件和挑战,例如三家地区银行的倒闭、各种监管变化、创纪录的数据泄露数量、人工智能的兴起及其风险等等,这些都表明制定有效的第三方风险管理计划是多么重要。这些发展甚至对最有经验的第三方风险管理专业人员提出了挑战,要求他们重新评估其计划的范围和有效性。 对于各种规模和行业的组织来说,第三方风险管理正变得越来越紧迫和重要。组织需要持续识别、评估、管理和监控第三方风险,现在可以利用Venminder的2024年白皮书将其绩效与同行进行比较。 Venminder首席执行官James Hyde表示:“第三方风险管理为组织带来了显著的好处,并帮助他们完善其治理、风险和合规管理计划。“通过阅读和审查我们调查中捕获的当前第三方风险管理环境和流程的数据、趋势和最佳实践,您可以深入了解您的组织与同行的对比情况,并用它来指导您今年及以后的计划改进。” 第三方风险管理状况调查揭示了以下主要发现: 第三方风险管理计划的成熟度总体上正在提高,71%的受访者表示他们已经完全制定了政策/计划(其中38%仍在进一步改进),17%的受访者表示他们已经制定了政策/计划,但流程尚未完全实施。 第三方风险管理活动被认为是有价值的,96%的受访者认为他们有积极的投资回报。 第三方风险管理计划在资源有限的情况下运作,58%的受访者拥有不超过2名专职员工。 软件工具被广泛用于促进供应商风险管理,77%的受访者依赖它们。 网络安全是第三方风险管理的主要关注点和挑战,51%的受访者在过去一年中经历过第三方网络安全事件。 人工智能给第三方风险管理计划带来了新的重大风险,需要更多的关注和监督。 第三方风险管理计划面临着越来越大的改进压力,68%的受访者感受到了这一点,其中34%的受访者将其归因于监管机构。 第三方风险管理的最大障碍是从供应商处获取正确的文档、拥有足够的内部资源以及有效地管理时间。 风险情报工具在监控第三方、第四方和第 n 方方面变得越来越流行,从而增强了可见性和控制力。 64%的受访者已经定义了衡量其第三方风险管理计划的健康状况、稳定性和有效性的指标。 三分之一的受访组织(37%)在过去一年中没有在审计或考试中发现任何结果,这表明其合规性和绩效水平很高,而28%的组织发现有需要改进的地方,17%的组织对其第三方风险管理没有反馈。 完整的调查结果可在Venminder的网站上免费下载,请点击这里。 Source Venminder
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    公司雇用大量员工,好>坏? 公司招聘人数越多公司发展越快?为什么不会集中团队的公司落后更快?在人工智能时代如何制造高集中团队,提高追求生产力的全球战略位置?这个新战略是什么样的?Josh Bersin提出了五大想法。本周,我们见证了多年来最令人惊叹的商业故事之一。Meta 宣布裁员22%,收入增长25%,净收入为140 亿美元,同比增长203%。这意味着 Meta 是一家价值160+ 亿美元的公司,税后产生35%净利润(高于谷歌、苹果和Microsoft)。 这真是太神奇了。该公司解雇了近四分之一的员工,财务业绩飙升(Meta 的市值周五上涨了17亿美元)。 我们在这里学到了什么? 很简单,公司无须雇用这么多人就可以以惊人的速度增长。 公司为什么过度招聘? 我们退一步想。为什么公司会过度招聘,我们该如何避免?未来几年,随着就业市场变得更加紧张,公司需要在没有员工线性增长的情况下实现增长。 我们正在进入一个“人员过多的公司”将表现不佳的时代,这改变了以往的思维。 顺便说一句,请注意,2024年普华永道CEO调查发现,高管认为他们公司40%的时间浪费在非必要事情上。十大问题中有三个与人力资源有关。同一项调查还显示,三分之二的CEO认为人工智能将把行政效率提高5%或更多,我同意这一点。这就是我在2024年预测报告中谈论“全球追求生产力”的原因。我们正在进入这样一个时代——人均收入较高的小公司将在执行,操纵和发展等方面超越多员工的竞争公司。由于招聘中太多的层次和挑战,那些没有学会如何集中团队(和员工人数)的公司将落后。 这个新战略是什么样的?这里有五大想法。 #1.不要再认为招聘是一种增长战略。 许多领导者仍然认为“雇用更多的人将使公司发展壮大”。换句话说,如果你想“快速做大”(硅谷的口头禅),你就尽可能快地招聘。更多的销售人员将产生更多的收入。更多的工程师将生产出更多的产品。更多的营销人员将产生更多的潜在客户。更多的服务人员将服务更多的客户。 这些都是有缺陷的假设。在每个职能领域,都有高绩效者(超能力工人)和低绩效者。当你匆忙招聘时,你迫使招聘人员大量招聘,而不是专注于适合。其结果就是我所说的“削弱每个员工的生产力”。您每雇用一个额外的人,就会减慢已经到位的其他人的速度。 是的,公司必须替代离职人员并增加员工。但是,当一家公司快速招聘时,入职和新员工的剪切量迫使经理放慢速度,员工放慢速度,许多现有流程也放慢速度。这意味着每增加一个“新员工”都会降低整体生产力。 我们最近采访了领先的电池制造商之一松下。高级人力资源主管发现(通过分析)直线经理过度招聘,他们的产出放缓,而员工预订了更多的加班时间。虽然经理们不同意(见#2),但当她分享数据时,他们突然意识到了问题所在。 数据显示,一旦一条生产线的调度和人员配备超过50人,生产力就会下降。这是由于收益曲线递减,即增加超过最佳点的工人会导致每个工人的产出减少。 这种人员过剩导致了成本的增加,也导致了更高的缺陷率和材料浪费,因为生产线上的人越多并不一定等同于更高的效率或更好的质量。而生产经理们在直接看到数据之前并不相信这一点。 医疗保健提供商是医疗领域最先进的提供商之一。鉴于护士和临床专业人员的巨大短缺(未来三年将有超过200万个工作岗位短缺),这些公司将行政工作自动化,将临床护理分解为亚专业,并培训护士在执照的顶端操作。 例如,普罗维登斯(Providence)和斯坦福医疗保健公司(Stanford Healthcare)精心设计了护理角色(通过减少管理任务和使用人工智能进行调度),以减少每位患者的人员配备,而不会降低患者的治疗效果。你怎么确定自己在这条曲线上的位置? 您可以查看每个员工的收入或产出。当这个指标开始下降时,你就是在曲线的右侧操作。在许多组织中,我们已经走上了下坡路。 我经常比较细分市场中同行公司的每位员工收入,而数字较低的公司几乎总是在其市场中落后。顺便说一句,这就是为什么私募股权公司几乎总是在收购公司后立即放人的原因。 #2.重新定义HR处理员工人数需求的方式。 我们面临的第二个问题是大多数公司的招聘方式。 据我所知,几乎每家公司都有一个年度或季度的员工分配流程。首席财务官知道经理对招聘的需求是无限的,因此根据业务部门的财务状况向业务部门“发布员工人数”。这些申请被分发给经理,人力资源团队开始工作。 然后,HR 像订单接受者一样运作,招聘组织开始处理申请。我们开发招聘信息、寻找候选人、购买广告和雇用招聘人员。我们开始筛选、面试和评估候选人。并且进行了大量的日程安排、讨论候选人和决策工作。 所有这些努力都需要宝贵的时间却不经过深思熟虑,而且被首席执行官评为#3“最官僚”的过程。 这个招聘应该由内部候选人填补吗?这份工作应该是全职的还是兼职的,可以作为共享工作吗?这项工作是否应该外包,因为它没有战略意义?这个团队的流动率高吗,那么我们是否应该讨论为什么这个职位空缺? 这些都是重要的战略对话,除非高级人力资源业务合作伙伴(或人才顾问)参与,否则它们不会真正发生。招聘经理是老板,他们可能不希望人力资源人员问他们关于他们如何管理团队的各种问题。 那么会发生什么呢?人才招聘团队急于填补职位空缺,几乎没有机会讨论内部发展、工作轮换、兼职或任何其他重要选项。没有真正的过程来思考我们如何“设计”这个团队以实现增长,然后团队会招聘更多的人。 正如我们在系统人力资源研究中所讨论的那样,如果我们采用 4R(人才招聘、人才保留、更新技能、重新设计)的招聘方法,这一切都可以避免。这就是为什么越来越多的招聘团队正在与L&D整合,公司正在购买人才市场平台,大多数首席人力资源官都在努力提高内部招聘比例并制定内部职业管理战略。 #3.为内部流动制定战略、文化和工具。 许多年前,我意识到你可以将公司分为两种类型:一种是相信“向上或向外”的工作模式(他们经常使用堆栈排名),另一种是相信“辅导和发展”工作模式。 第一种公司相信“竞争绩效”,总是通过绩效的视角来看待员工。将人员分组到绩效桶中,随着新机会的出现,专注于这些重要角色的“HiPO”。 第二种公司相信“持续学习”和成长心态,他们为每个人提供成长机会、发展任务和指导。从某种意义上说,这些公司只是本着“任何人都可以被培养来做更多事情”的理念运营,他们专注于永无止境的技能发展。 顺便说一句,今天,我们研究的公司中有三分之二以上属于第二类,但大多数公司都像第一类一样“思考和运营”。因此,我们正处于从“要么执行,要么被解雇”模式到“执行,我们将帮助您成长”的模式的全球过渡。 好吧,在劳动力短缺的情况下运营的唯一方法(现在平均需要 45 天才能招聘,某些职位需要 70 天或更长时间)是转向第二种模式。多亏了人工智能工具和人才智能,我们现在可以发现,拥有市场营销数学学位的营销经理可以在相当短的时间内成为一名数据科学家。 当然,不是每个人都想转行,我们大多数人都害怕做一些新的事情。但是,如果你想在不雇用和流失人员的情况下发展你的公司,并且你想将员工从表现不佳的产品领域转移到增长领域,你必须做到这一点。而强大的人才流动性的结果是什么?您不必按周期招聘(和解雇),您可以培养深厚而持久的技能,并且工作满意度和保留率可以飙升。 #4.重新定义管理者的角色。 从广义上讲,有两种管理模式:作为主管运作的管理者,以及作为“在职教练”运作的管理者。虽然这因工作和角色而异,但高效公司很少有领导者既不“指挥”又不“实践”。 正如WL Gore的人力资源主管多年前告诉我的那样(扁平化、高效管理的先驱),“经理管理项目,员工管理自己。换句话说,如果你想避免中层管理人员臃肿的官僚主义,你必须增加控制范围,并将“管理”定义为教练、项目领导、发展和调整。 当你这样做时,人们会站出来,在团队中担任领导职务。从某种意义上说,解放生产力的途径是“少管理,多领导”。 正如我们新的领导力研究发现的那样,伟大的领导者专注于愿景、灵感、专注和变革。这些是特殊人员的角色,他们可以设定方向并帮助其他人弄清楚如何到达那里。他们协调团队,帮助人们避免时间浪费,并明确分配责任。他们拥抱并鼓励变革,他们树立了榜样,永远帮助和指导他人。 虽然这些想法很好理解,但快速招聘往往让这变得不可能。当我在“快速招聘”(而不是“快速增长”)的公司工作时,我发现经理们对人事问题不知所措:入职、培训、辅导和解决问题。当你慢慢成长并保持广泛的控制范围时,你会发现同龄人会挺身而出,为这些任务负责。这有助于公司的发展。 再次回到医疗保健。有几十人向护士主管打报告并不罕见,因为这些员工训练有素,对自己的工作很清楚,而且积极性很高。这是一个高度可扩展的模型示例,我们都必须一直致力于这种转换。 #5.专注于你的核心。 避免“人员膨胀”的最后也是最重要的方法是集中精力。我的经验是,组织(团队或业务部门)一次只能专注于两到三件事。 但专注于什么?大多数大型公司在世界各地拥有数十个项目、数百个产品和业务部门。在我们的人力资源领域,这意味着做我经常称之为“清理厨房抽屉”的事情。今天,使用新的人工智能工具,我们可以将精力集中在少数重要的事情上。 上周,我们会见了几个人力资源领导团队,他们中的许多人有20个或更多的项目。虽然这听起来可能雄心勃勃,但实际上效率低下。你应该作为一个领导团队聚在一起,决定什么是必要的,什么不是。当 Meta 让22%的员工离开时,我猜许多项目都停止了。尽管这可能很痛苦(每个重大举措都有一个赞助商),但它可以促进增长、盈利和创新。 几年前,在 Sybase(最初是一家高性能数据库公司),我们进入了一个不专注的时期。该公司正在开发工具、中间件、行业解决方案和专业服务。高层领导认为,“成为一家更大的公司更好”。但唉,事实并非如此。 由于失去了对核心数据库的关注,Microsoft和Oracle迎头赶上。很快,“箭后面的木头”变得虚弱,我们的销售和营销分心,最终公司被卖掉了。 去年,我们采访了麦当劳的招聘团队,随着年轻人的职业生涯发展,麦当劳不断招聘新员工。通过“简化主义思维”的过程,在 Paradox 的帮助下,他们将商店职位的招聘时间从25天缩短到6天。这减少了75%的工作量。因此,麦当劳的招聘团队可以专注于招聘质量、目标定位、保留和店内职位管理。对于麦当劳来说,这家公司雇佣了一些世界上最难找到的职位,这是一个奇迹。 公司有数百个机会可以关注。与您的团队聚在一起,优先考虑真正重要的事情。当百事可乐询问他们的员工在大流行期间公司“最官僚、最浪费时间的流程”是什么时(使用他们称之为“流程粉碎机”的众包工具),绩效管理被评为最浪费时间的流程。每家公司都有阻碍的事情,今年是指出它们的原因。 最后:进行对话 底线是这样的。没有公司再一开始就确定什么最重要,哪个团队太大了等方面达成一致。但你必须进行对话。 在当今的经济中,招聘比以往任何时候都更难,人手过剩的公司只会表现不佳。请记住,“少即是多”,并帮助您的整个领导团队思考如何提高生产力、简化主义和专注,无论您走到哪里。 Source JOSH BERSIN
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    2024年人力资源预测:全球追求生产力 In this fast-evolving era, all companies and individuals are seeking for change and efficiency. We can see the core of productivity in the new year: AI. Let's have a look at details on the Josh Bersin Predictions for 2024. 在过去的二十年里,我一直在写关于人力资源预测的文章,但今年不同。我看到这一年打破了范式,改变了商业中的每一个角色。不仅人工智能会改变每家公司和每一项工作,而且公司将开始不懈地寻求生产力。 想想我们的过去。2008年金融危机后,世界开始了加速增长的零利率时期。公司增加了收入,雇用了员工,并看着他们的股价上涨。招聘继续以狂热的速度进行,导致2019年底失业率创下3.5%的历史新低。 随之而来的是大流行,在六个月内,一切都停滞不前。2020年4月,失业率飙升至15%,公司将人们送回家,我们重新设计了我们的产品、服务和经济,以应对远程工作、混合工作制和对心理健康的关注。 一旦经济再次启动(由于美国的财政刺激),公司又回到了旧的招聘周期。但随着利率上升和需求不足,我们看到裁员一再发生,在过去的18个月里,我们看到了招聘、裁员,然后再次招聘以复苏经济。 为什么会出现跷跷板效应? 首席执行官和首席财务官正处于我们所说的“工业时代”——招聘以增长经济,然后在事情好转时裁员。 今天,当我们进入2024年时,一切都不同了。我们必须“囤积人才”,投资于生产力,并重新开发和重新部署人员以实现增长。 我们生活在一个失业率为 3.8% 的世界,几乎每个职位都存在劳动力短缺,劳动力权力日益增强,员工需求不断涌现:对加薪、灵活性、自主权和福利的要求。每年有超过20%的美国员工换工作(每月2.3%),其中近一半的变化是进入新行业。 为什么这是“新常态”? 有几个原因。首先,正如我们在全球劳动力情报研究中所讨论的那样,行业是重叠的。每家公司都是数字化公司;每家公司都希望建立经常性收入来源;很快,每家公司都将使用人工智能。过去停留在行业内的职业正在转变为“基于技能的职业”,让人们比以往任何时候都更容易跳槽。 其次,员工(尤其是年轻员工)感到有权按照自己的意愿行事。他们可能会悄悄地辞职,“做兼职”,或者抽出时间转行。他们看到自己的生活很长(人们的寿命比 1970 年代和 1980 年代长得多),所以他们不介意离开你的公司去其他地方。 第三,生育率持续下降,劳动力短缺加剧。日本、中国、德国和英国的劳动力人口都在萎缩。在未来十年左右的时间里,大多数其他发达经济体也将如此。 第四,工会正在崛起。由于华盛顿的新理念,我们看到了谷歌、亚马逊、星巴克、GM、福特、Stellantis、凯撒、迪士尼、Netflix等公司的劳工活动。虽然工会参与率不到美国劳动力的11%,但在欧洲要高得多,而且这一趋势正在上升。 这一切意味着什么? 这有很多影响。 首先,公司将更加专注于建立高保留率的工作模式(有人称之为“劳动力囤积”)。这意味着改善薪酬公平,继续混合工作模式,投资于以人为本的领导力,并为员工提供在公司内部从事新职业的机会。这就是为什么人才市场、基于技能的发展和工作流程中的学习如此重要的原因。 其次,CEO必须了解员工的需求、愿望和要求。正如爱德曼的最新研究表明的那样,职业发展现在位居榜首,同时对授权、影响力和信任的渴望也排在首位。我们称之为“员工激活”的新主题:倾听员工的意见,并将有关他们工作的决定委托给他们的经理、团队和领导者。 第三,传统的“雇佣成长”模式并不总是奏效。在这个后工业时代,我们必须系统地运作,将内部发展、工作再设计、经验和招聘放在一起。这汇集了招聘、奖励和薪酬、学习与发展以及组织设计等独立领域。(阅读我们的系统性人力资源研究了解更多信息。) “业务绩效”的真正含义是什么? 如果你是首席执行官,你希望增长收入、增加市场份额、提高盈利能力和可持续性。如果你不能通过招聘来成长(而员工不断以奇怪的方式“激活”),你还有什么选择?这很简单:您可以自动化生产并专注于生产力。 虽然这张图表令人印象深刻,但它给每个CEO都引出了一个问题:我们在这张图表上的位置是什么?我们的运营速度是否与同行一样快、一样高效? 我认为这导致了一种我称之为“生产力优势”的策略。如果你能帮助你的公司更快地发展(生产力意味着速度,而不仅仅是利润),你就可以比你的竞争对手更快地进行重塑。这才是真正让CEO们夜不能寐的原因。 考虑一下普华永道最新的CEO调查数据。今年,我们必须比以往任何时候都更快地重塑我们的公司。到2024年,45%的CEO(去年为39%)认为他们的业务在十年内将无法生存。 生产力优势 为什么生产力如此重要?有四个原因。 首先,CEO们关心它。 2024 年普华永道 CEO 调查发现,CEO 认为公司 40%的工作浪费了生产力。 尽管这听起来令人震惊,但对我来说却是真实的:太多的电子邮件、太多的会议、混乱的招聘流程、官僚主义的绩效管理等等。(HR 就有其中一些问题。) 其次,AI让人生产力优势成为可能。 人工智能的应用旨在提高白领的生产力。(过去大多数自动化都有助于蓝领或灰领工人。)生成式 AI 让我们能够更快地查找信息,了解趋势和异常值,训练自己和学习,并清理我们随身携带的文档、工作流程、门户以及后台合规和管理混乱的系统。 第三,公司的发展需要AI。 当很难找招聘到人时,你将如何成长?去年,招聘时间增加了近20%,就业市场变得更加艰难。你能在技术技能上与谷歌或OpenAI竞争吗? 内部开发、重组和自动化项目就是答案。有了生成式人工智能,机会无处不在。 第四,生产力推动重塑。 如果你考虑重塑你公司(新产品、利用人工智能、进入新市场等)的需求,最大的障碍是惯性。为什么诺基亚和黑莓的手机业务输给了苹果?因为这些公司“又胖又快乐”。在这个人才和技能短缺的时代,这是灾难的根源。 普华永道(PwC)估计,“效率低下”产生了对GDP10万亿美元的税收,相当于全球GDP的7%。这种税收阻碍了您的公司转型。每当我们简化、减少会议并更好地定义决策权时,我们都会加快并实现变革。 这一切对人力资源意味着什么? 正如我在《人力资源预测》中所描述的那样,我们有很多问题需要解决。 我们必须加快向动态工作和组织结构的转变。我们必须专注于和务实地对待技能。我们必须重新思考“员工体验”,并处理我们所说的“员工激活”。我们将不得不对我们的人力资源技术、招聘和L&D系统进行现代化改造,以利用人工智能并使这些系统更加有用。 我们的人力资源团队也将由人工智能驱动。正如我们的Galileo™客户告诉我们的那样,一个架构良好的“专家助理”可以彻底改变人力资源人员的工作方式。我们可以成为“全栈”人力资源专业人员,在几秒钟而不是几周内找到有关我们团队的数据,几秒钟与一线领导分享人力资源、领导力和管理实践。(Galileo被一些世界上最大的公司用作管理教练。) 还有一些其他变化。随着公司专注于“通过生产力实现增长”,我们必须考虑每周 4 天的工作制,我们如何将混合工作制度化,以及如何以更有效的方式连接和支持远程工作者。我们必须重新关注领导力发展,在一线经理身上花费更多的时间和金钱,并继续投资于文化和包容性。我们必须简化和重新思考绩效管理,我们必须解决令人头疼的薪酬公平问题。 还有更多。 DEI 计划必须嵌入到业务中(人力资源 DEI 警察的时代已经结束)。我们必须清理我们的员工数据,以便我们的人工智能和人才情报系统准确且值得信赖。正如我们的系统性人力资源研究所指出的那样,我们必须将思维从“支持业务”转变为“成为有价值的顾问”,并将我们的人力资源服务产品化。 所有这些都在我们本周发布的40页新报告“2024 年人力资源预测”中进行了详细说明,其中包括一系列行动计划,以帮助您思考所有这些问题。 让我提醒你一个大观念。生产力是人力资源部门存在的原因。 我们所做的一切,从招聘到辅导,从开发到组织设计,只有在帮助公司成长的情况下才能成功。作为人员流动、敬业度、技能和领导力方面的专家,我们人力资源部门每天都在提高员工和组织的生产力。2024年是专注于这一更高使命的一年。 最后一件事:照顾好自己。 该报告有15个详细的预测,每个预测都有一系列需要考虑的行动步骤。最后一个真正适合你:专注于人力资源的技能和领导力。作为流程的管理者,我们必须专注于我们自己的能力。2024年将是成长、学习和团队合作的一年。如果我们处理好这15个问题,我们将帮助我们的公司在未来一年蓬勃发展。 Josh Bersin预测的详细信息 预测研究是我们每年阅读量最大的报告。它包括我们所有研究的详细摘要,并讨论了首席执行官、首席人力资源官和人力资源专业人士的15个基本问题。它将以以下形式提供: 包含详细信息的信息图。(点击这里) Source JOSH BERSIN
  • CEO
    招聘大学毕业生,你更注重GPA还是能力? 2019年迸发了许多新趋势,人力资源招聘也是如此。大学毕业生是一个孕育人才潜力股的巨大群体。在招聘大学毕业生时,从过去的GPA至上到注重沟通和团队适应力等能力。不是GPA看不起,而是能力更有性价比。2024年伊始,关于HR在大学毕业生招聘时的偏好数据如下。 美国全国大学和雇主协会报道,雇主在招聘大学毕业生时不强调学生分数。相反,他们关注的是学生在课程作业中培养的个人特质和技能。 大多数雇主(88.7%)表示,在招聘过程中会寻找有解决问题能力的学生,78.9%的雇主想要有很强团队合作能力候选人。 另外,至少2/3的雇主认为拥有很强的职业道德,书面和口头沟通能力,分析/定量能力,灵活性/适应性以及技术能力很重要。 NACE的首席执行官肖恩 ·范德齐尔(Shawn VanDerziel)在一次新闻发布声明中说到:“在今天的就业市场中毕业的大学生需要培养能力,通过课堂内外的各种经历,帮助他们在工作场所获得成功。” 除此之外,让自己从众多候选人中脱颖而出的是将自己的技能和品质与所应聘职位联系起来的能力,并在简历和面试过程中将这些联系表达给面试者。范德齐尔说到。 报告还发现,雇主在选择两个同样合格的候选人时,雇主会首先考虑有实习经历者。 但是当谈到GPA时,只有38.3%的受访雇主说他们会用GPA来筛选候选人。相比于2019年的73.3%,该数据下降了不少。 范德齐尔表示:“现在雇主不再将GPA作为筛选工具,这不仅突出了他们更重视候选人的技术和能力,也表明他们明白,通过GPA筛人可能削弱他们建设包容性员工队伍的努力” 。 该调查于2023年8月2日至2023年9月18日进行,共收到255份回复,其中有180份是NACE雇主会员。 SOURCE SIA
  • CEO
    Bullhorn Acquires Mployee to Help Recruitment Agencies Accelerate Their Digital Transformation Journey Bullhorn's acquisition of Mployee will undoubtedly contribute to the digital transformation journey of recruitment agencies. By joining forces, Bullhorn will be able to leverage Mployee's expertise to enhance their offerings and provide agencies with the tools and technologies they need to thrive in the digital age. The addition of this technology will help Bullhorn deliver an end-to-end enterprise solution for customers on the Salesforce platform BOSTON,Jan. 5,2024 Bullhorn®, the global leader in software for the staffing and recruitment industry, today announced its acquisition of Mployee, a provider of Salesforce-based solutions for recruitment agencies, which is headquartered in the Netherlands. Mployee’s technology will accelerate Bullhorn’s vision to deliver a full, end-to-end, enterprise solution for Bullhorn customers using the Salesforce platform. Mployee expands Bullhorn’s Salesforce-based enterprise offerings Uncertainty over the economy, pricing pressure, and fewer job orders have all forced the recruitment industry to streamline internal operations as much as possible this year. Centralizing all recruitment activity on a single platform helps agencies gain those efficiencies. As a result, Bullhorn has seen a significant increase in adoption of the Salesforce platform, especially in Europe. It is now the largest independent software vendor (ISV) for Salesforce serving the recruitment industry. Bullhorn revenue on the Salesforce platform has grown at an average annual rate of nearly 30% since 2019. Bullhorn products on the Salesforce platform are currently used across 40 countries, including by four of the five largest global recruitment agencies. By combining Mployee’s middle-office capabilities with Bullhorn’s front-office, Bullhorn can offer a true enterprise-grade, end-to-end solution built on the Salesforce platform. This solution will help solve a myriad of front- and middle-office challenges inhibiting agencies’ growth and differentiation. Together, Bullhorn and Mployee will help global recruitment agencies excel “We’ve seen tremendous growth in customers using Bullhorn for Salesforce globally in recent years, and this acquisition will help us better support those agencies throughout the world in delivering more efficient middle-office operations,” said Matt Fischer, President and Chief Operating Officer at Bullhorn. “We’re excited at the potential of combining Mployee’s offerings with Bullhorn for Salesforce to deliver a full, end-to-end solution.” “We’re very excited to join Bullhorn to further our efforts to drive the digital revolution of the staffing industry,” said Mployee CEO Karen Weebers. “Bullhorn has the resources to invest in Mployee’s product roadmap and bring our solutions to even more recruitment agencies.” About Bullhorn Bullhorn is the global leader in software for the staffing industry. More than 10,000 companies rely on Bullhorn’s cloud-based platform to power their staffing processes from start to finish. Headquartered in Boston, with offices around the world, Bullhorn is founder-led and employs nearly 1,500 people globally. To learn more, visit www.bullhorn.com or follow Bullhorn on Linkedin or X. About Mployee Mployee is a leading front and mid office solution for the staffing and recruitment sector. The company has established a strong market position and is recognized as a rapidly growing technology company in the Netherlands by Deloitte Fast 50 and Main Software 50. Mployee has proven itself as an innovative player in the industry, with a commitment to optimizing workforce management. SOURCE Bullhorn
  • CEO
    Hireology Named Best Applicant Tracking System of 2024 by Hotel Tech Report Hireology's recognition by Hotel Tech Report showcases their ability to understand the unique needs of the hotel sector and deliver innovative solutions. With an increasingly competitive job market, hiring the right personnel is crucial for hotels to maintain their high standards of service and guest satisfaction.   "We’re excited to announce that Hireology has ranked #1 overall on the Global Best Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) list in the 2024 HotelTechAwards! The HotelTechAwards are produced by Hotel Tech Report, the leading authority on hotel software and digital transformation in the hotel industry." Often referred to as “the Grammys of hotel tech,” the HotelTechAwards rank the world’s best hotel software companies and products based on authentic, timely reviews from real users. Winners have been selected from more than 200 of the top technology products around the world. “The ranking process is simple, transparent, and unbiased — judging is based on time tested ranking factors developed specifically for the industry. Only verified hoteliers with hands-on experience using each product are allowed to participate in the voting process. This means that Hireology’s users decided the #1 ATS,” said Hotel Tech Report CEO, Jordan Hollander. With more than 10,000 customers, Hireology is the only applicant tracking system built to power better hiring for multi-location businesses that largely rely on skilled talent like hotels. Our platform makes it easy for users to source quality talent across key channels, streamline hiring with innovative recruitment automation, and make smarter hiring decisions rooted in data. “This recognition from Hotel Tech Report validates the work we’re doing at Hireology to help hotels capture more than their fair share of quality talent and fill critical revenue-driving roles faster,” said Adam Robinson, CEO at Hireology. “We’re grateful for every customer who helped us earn the top spot on this list, and we’re looking forward to helping even more hotels navigate today’s challenging hiring market and achieve their goals in 2024 and beyond.” In 2023 alone, Hireology launched several critical product updates that are designed to help their hotel customers not only attract better quality talent but also streamline the hiring process to fill critical roles faster, including: Indeed Sponsored Jobs integration: Sponsor jobs on Indeed directly from the Hireology platform — helping you maximize your reach to top candidates and make hires faster all without ever leaving Hireology Innovative ChatGPT integration: Leverage generative AI to instantly craft quality descriptions for new open jobs Enhanced candidate communication automations: Keep candidates engaged and reduce no-shows with automated messaging for routine updates Employee referral campaign templates and manager: Quickly launch optimized text and email campaigns and start driving quality referrals faster Hotel Tech Report’s lists are based on data from over 16,000 verified customer reviews during the HotelTechAwards period. These reviews were written and published between September 1,2023–December 15,2023, with participation from every major hotel brand and thousands of independents. In one review, a Hireology customer noted how they’ve driven better quality candidates and made smarter hiring decisions with our platform: “With Hireology I am able to track all of my candidates from the various recruiting websites and see all the candidates in one spot. With their screening tools I am able to pick out the candidate that has the most potential to be a good fit for the position. I have a better turn out and response rate for candidates that I have considered, and I have had a better quality of candidates who show up to the interview. The candidates that I have hired have become invaluable assets to my property.” Today’s announcement comes at the heels of the Winter G2 awards, where they placed in the top 10 in more than 200 reports and earned the top spot in 28—including referral programs, recruitment marketing, and HR analytics. Additionally, Hireology was recently named the American Hotel and Lodging Association’s (AHLA) Leadership Partner for Talent Technology. Learn more about this partnership here. To learn more about Hireology’s hospitality-specific ATS, take a self-guided virtual tour today! Or reach out to one of our experts for a free 1:1 consultation. SOURCE Hireology
  • CEO
    Sana Raises Additional $28M Led by NEA to Build the Universal AI Platform for the Enterprise Sana, a company focused on building a universal AI platform for the enterprise, has secured an additional $28 million in funding, with NEA (New Enterprise Associates) leading the investment round. This infusion of funding will undoubtedly help Sana advance its mission of creating an AI platform that caters specifically to the needs of businesses. The Swedish-born Sana scaleup becomes one of Europe’s most highly-funded AI companies with $62M in total Series B funding May 31,2023 Sana, the leading AI-powered learning and knowledge platform, announced today it’s landed another $28m in an opportunistic investment round led by NEA. Workday Ventures also joined the round. With a combined total of $62m in Series B funding, the Swedish-born scaleup is now one of the most highly-funded AI companies. Sana's mission is to augment human intelligence through artificial intelligence. To that end, the company has built a category-defining product that blends the best of enterprise search, a learning management system, meeting tools, and a knowledge management system into one single platform. Underpinning this suite of tools is Sana AI, the company's latest release. Sana AI is an omnipresent assistant that can do everything from search across all your company's apps and take actions in response to natural language commands to generating real-time summaries of live meetings and creating entire learning courses from scratch, and writing SQL to query your data. In other words, it's like ChatGPT for your company's knowledge. By augmenting an organization's ability to capture, organize, and access knowledge at every step through AI, Sana enables any team to move faster and be more productive—from sales and customer support teams to product specialists and software engineers. "At Sana, we believe every organization's mission depends on the collective intelligence of its employees. That intelligence depends on knowledge, yet most institutional knowledge today is scattered across multiple tools, trapped in people's minds, and lost in verbal conversations. AI is the key to solving this problem at scale. By unlocking knowledge for every employee across any organization, we unlock global progress," said Joel Hellermark, founder and CEO of Sana. "We're thrilled to have the support from NEA and strategic investors like Workday Ventures on this mission." Sana wasn’t looking for funding when NEA made its proactive offer. The scaleup had a healthy runway having closed a $34m Series B round led by Menlo Ventures last December. One of the reasons for the additional investor interest is commercial performance: Sana has grown its business 3x year over year. NEA will be represented on Sana's board by CEO Scott Sandell and Managing Director Philip Chopin. Since joining NEA in 1996, Sandell has played a critical role in many industry-transforming businesses, including Robinhood, Salesforce, Tableau Software, and Workday. "Sana's past track record and current trajectory are exceptional. Thanks to top talent, bold vision, and rare organizational alignment, we believe they've already built a world-class learning and knowledge platform. But what excites us most is where Sana is going next: indexing every form of an organization's functional data through LLMs to become the de-facto AI platform for the enterprise. The use cases for this type of product are endless," said Scott Sandell, CEO at NEA. In addition to Sana's commercial growth and ambitious team, NEA was impressed by the level of customer advocacy. The platform is used by an impressive client roster of market-leading companies like Merck, Kry/Livi, and Svea Solar—all of whom praise Sana's superior user experience and product velocity. "Since day one, we've been amazed at Sana's pace of innovation and commitment to addressing customer feedback. The platform is more than a tool—it's become Svea Solar’s home for learning and knowledge. We see the latest iteration of Sana AI as a productivity game-changer, " said Hanna Manberg, CHRO at Svea Solar. With the additional funding, Sana will continue expanding its product development and commercial teams across Stockholm, London, and New York offices. Sana's headquarters will remain in Stockholm, where founder and CEO Joel Hellermark founded the company aged 19, six years after teaching himself to code in C. "Joel is an exceptional founder. This Series B extension is a testament to his technical and commercial prowess and visionary leadership. As we enter the new age of artificial intelligence, we believe the Sana team is well positioned to become one of the world's most successful and impactful AI companies," said Philip Chopin, Managing Director at NEA UK. About Sana Sana is an AI-powered learning platform that empowers organizations to find, share, and harness the knowledge they need to achieve their missions. Backed by some of the world's leading investors, operators, and founders, Sana has raised more than $85m to date. The company's headquarters are in Stockholm, Sweden, with offices in London and New York. For more information, head to www.sanalabs.com. About NEA New Enterprise Associates, Inc. (NEA) is a global venture capital firm focused on helping entrepreneurs build transformational businesses across multiple stages, sectors and geographies. Founded in 1977, NEA has over $25 billion in assets under management, as of March 31, 2023 and invests in technology and healthcare companies at all stages in a company’s lifecycle, from seed stage through IPO. The firm's long track record of investing includes more than 270 portfolio company IPOs and more than 450 mergers and acquisitions. For more information, please visit www.nea.com.
  • CEO
    Sana Raises $34M Series B to Transform the Way Organizations Learn Through AI Sana has raised $34 million in a Series B funding round to revolutionize the way organizations learn through AI. This funding round was led by Menlo Ventures, a venture capital firm. Existing investor EQT Ventures also joined the round with several founders and operators. This Series B funding round is a significant milestone for Sana, providing them with the necessary resources to scale their platform, refine their AI capabilities, and further drive innovation in the learning space. Following 7x year-over-year growth, Menlo Ventures leads funding round to accelerate US expansion Dec.13,2022 Sana, the leading AI-powered learning platform, announced the close of its $34M Series B led by Menlo Ventures. Existing investor EQT Ventures also joined the round with several founders and operators. Menlo Ventures’ partner JP Sanday joins the board as part of this round. This funding follows a 7x year-over-year increase in Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR). Sana was founded with the vision of leveraging artificial intelligence to help organizations learn and share knowledge. To that end, Sana built a category-leading learning platform that enables organizations to consolidate their learning and capture, organize, and personalize all their institutional knowledge. From personalized learning recommendations to an AI writing assistant that automatically generates content, Sana applies the latest breakthroughs in AI to enhance and optimize the entire learning and knowledge-sharing journey. Sana's AI-powered semantic search empowers employees to get the knowledge they need from anywhere in their organization. The platform connects and indexes tools like Slack, Salesforce, Notion, LinkedIn Learning, and Google Workplace to provide employees with automatically generated answers in natural language. The result: an end-to-end platform that decreases onboarding time, improves sales efficiency, and grows and retains top talent. "Now a $30 billion industry, the learning and development market has demanded more sophisticated tools. With a world-class product and incredible team, Sana is uniquely positioned to win the market. They offer two vital benefits to the historically underserved L&D category: the scalability and efficiency of artificial intelligence and the compelling experience of a consumer-grade product,” said JP Sanday, Partner at Menlo Ventures. "The ambitious customers we serve—pioneers like Alan, Svea Solar, Kry/Livi, and Merck—are on a mission to change the world. Sana’s job is to accelerate their efforts by ensuring every employee has access to the right knowledge at the right time. By leveraging the power of AI, Sana can unlock organizational knowledge with unprecedented scale and speed, supercharging the organizations we serve,” said Joel Hellermark, founder and CEO of Sana. Sana is now the home for knowledge and learning at digital health company Alan—consolidating a myriad of learning and productivity tools. Today, Alan uses Sana to onboard employees, train sales and customer support reps, and develop their leaders. "Speed, transparency, and personal growth are key to Alan's culture, and Sana was the only provider able to deliver on all three. Since using the platform, we've decreased our ramp time while boosting learner engagement. We think Sana has set a new standard for what organizations expect from a learning platform. Their tech and UX have leapfrogged the industry," said Filip Lam, Head of People Growth at Alan. With the new funding, Sana will extend its product development and expand its team across Stockholm, London, and New York offices. The headquarters will remain in Stockholm, where founder and CEO Joel Hellermark founded the company aged 19, six years after teaching himself to code in C. “Joel’s visionary leadership, and his rare combination of being technically skilled and exceptionally ambitious, has enabled him to assemble a world-class team from some of the foremost tech companies. With learning as the foundation of human progress, we believe team Sana has the potential to play an important role in reimagining learning as we know it,” said Sandra Malmberg, Director at EQT Ventures. "Our ambition is to build an internet-scale Library of Alexandria, where more than a billion people can learn about anything and share everything they know," said Hellermark. "We're thrilled to have the support of Menlo Ventures and previous backers on this mission." About Sana Sana is an AI-powered learning platform that empowers organizations to find, share, and harness the knowledge they need to achieve their missions. Backed by some of the world’s leading investors, operators, and founders, Sana has raised $54M to date. The company's headquarters are in Stockholm, Sweden, with offices in London and New York. About Menlo Ventures Menlo Ventures is a venture capital firm that strives to have a positive impact on everything we do. That’s why we support businesses including Benchling, Chime, Carta, Poshmark, Uber, and Roku that are reimagining life and work for the better. Over 43 years, we’ve grown a portfolio that includes more than 70 public companies, over 100 mergers and acquisitions, and $5.5 billion under management. We invest at every stage and in every sector, with expertise in Consumer, Enterprise, and Healthcare. From developing market strategies to creating communities, we provide real impact where entrepreneurs need it most. When we’re in, we’re all in. www.menlovc.com