• empathy
    Free immersive online training available for California caregivers 加州的护理工作者和家庭照顾者现可通过Front Porch与Embodied Labs合作开发的免费沉浸式在线培训课程,从所照顾人的视角看世界。该培训平台获奖无数,旨在通过第一人称视角体验,包括临终对话、护理转换、阿尔茨海默病、黄斑变性等多种经历,让正式和非正式的护理工作者能够体验并理解他人的视角和条件,这种独特的理解方式是传统培训工具无法提供的。Front Porch承诺将Embodied Labs程序免费提供给500名直接护理工作者和5000名家庭及朋友护理者,通过沉浸式体验,促进更加人性化的护理服务。 Front Porch Center for Innovation and Wellbeing partners with Embodied Labs to provide direct care workers, friends and family caregivers with cutting edge technology GLENDALE, Calif., Feb. 12, 2024 California caregivers can see the world through the eyes of the people they care for through a free immersive online training developed by Embodied Labs, in partnership with Front Porch and the Front Porch Center for Innovation and Wellbeing (FPCIW). The award-winning caregiver training platform is available for paid care workers, as well as for family or friend caregivers of older adults in California. The online program gives users a first-person perspective, allowing viewers to embody a variety of experiences including end-of-life conversations, transitions of care, Alzheimer's disease, macular degeneration and more. FPCIW is partnering as a Center of Excellence with Embodied Labs, a CalGrows Innovation Fund Award Winner, to offer free training to direct care workers and friends/family caregivers in California. "Front Porch is committed to sharing the Embodied Labs program for free to 500 direct care workers and 5,000 family and friend caregivers throughout California as well as to its community caregiver staff, residents and their loved ones," says Davis Park, vice president of FPCIW. "Through immersive experiences, formal and informal caregivers can embody the perspectives and conditions of other people, gaining a unique understanding not found in traditional training tools." Direct care workers, including home care aides, care coordinators or care managers, dementia care specialists, non-IHSS affiliated personal care assistants, activities coordinators, transportation providers, community health workers, and certified nursing assistants, can experience a VR or a desktop computer web-immersive experience. Friends and family caregivers can access short videos on their computers that allow participants to experience a 360-view from the perspective of an adult needing care. All content is available in both English and Spanish. More information on the program, including links to register, is available at the Center's website. "Embodied Labs is using the power of VR and immersive storytelling to help caregivers, family members, staff, and students see the world through the eyes of the people they care for and care about," said Kari Olson, president of FPCIW. "We are thrilled to expand access to this innovative training platform particularly because of the dynamic way it can bring people together and improve lives." Over 30 million Americans provided unpaid caregiving to older adults in the past year, according to the Family Caregiver Alliance. "Embodied Labs is positioned to support these heroes by providing caregiver training and tools that build empathy and understanding," says Park. "Our vision is to offer a deeper understanding of the perspectives and health conditions lived by others, through our shared immersive training experiences," says Carrie Shaw, founder and CEO of Embodied Labs. "By expanding our technology offering through our online platform, we can reach more people, and further build that bridge to understanding more effectively and empowering more humanistic care." About the Front Porch Center for Innovation and Wellbeing The Front Porch Center for Innovation and Wellbeing (FPCIW) is part of Front Porch, a dynamic not-for-profit organization, dedicated to empowering individuals to live connected and fulfilled lives through community and innovation. FPCIW pilots innovative solutions to solve real-world problems and meet the needs of older adults in collaboration with innovative partner organizations. Learn more at https://fpciw.org/. About Embodied Labs Headquartered in Los Angeles, California, Embodied Labs is the leader in immersive training for healthier aging. In use by a range of organizations in senior living, home care, government, academia and corporations, the training labs include: The Frank Lab (social isolation); The Beatriz Lab (Alzheimer's Disease); The Alfred Lab (Macular Degeneration and High Frequency Hearing Loss); The Clay Lab (End of Life Conversations); The Dima Lab (Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson's Disease) and The Eden Lab (Trans Health & LGBT Aging).For more information, please visit www.embodiedlabs.com. Media Contact: Laura Darling, VP of CommunicationsFront Porch Communities and Servicesldarling@frontporch.net 818-482-7597 SOURCE Front Porch
  • empathy
    HR领导者可以从泰勒·斯威夫特身上学到什么 人力资源领导层可以从音乐家泰勒·斯威夫特身上学到一两件事,特别是在了解她如何建立和发展自己的品牌、形象和声誉时。 “我/我们希望因什么而出名?” 渗透到 Swift 所做的每一项行动和企业决策中,这是每个企业领导者都应该考虑的事情。这种方法使她能够突破界限并探索新的音乐风格,同时从青少年乡村歌手无缝过渡到全球流行歌手和女商人,并在 2023 年收入近 20 亿美元。 人力资源领导层可以采取泰勒·斯威夫特方法的 3 种方式 1. 让关键利益相关者感受到自己的声音被倾听 通过精心设计,想想斯威夫特强有力的、相关的信息如何让她的年轻女孩目标受众感到更“被倾听”、更有希望、更强大和更自信。这些特质进一步强化了她的品牌——在当今负面头条新闻和坏演员不断出现的情况下,这些特质不容低估或掉以轻心。 斯威夫特表现出了高管风范,同时也被塑造成一个极其积极、表现出色的人,她总是在场并建立自己的人际网络。她似乎会仔细倾听别人的意见,周围都是与她合作的高素质顾问,然后执行她想做的事情,或者更准确地说,她需要做的事情。在你的角色中,你有可以依靠的盟友和顾问吗? 作为人力资源领导者,你的“观众”并不完全是一个充满尖叫粉丝的体育场,也不是数百名参与流行歌星音乐和营销机器运作的人。但您的员工应该像 Swifties 一样感受到“被倾听”。 作为人力资源领导者,您希望您的团队和员工感到更有希望、更强大、更自信。从您的角度来看,您可以在公司中做些什么来做到这一点?   2.尝试新事物 斯威夫特是一位果断、打破常规的领导者,她能迅速尝试新模式或业务行动,使她的品牌和内容更容易获得,创造多样化的收入来源,并对其知识产权提供更大的控制权。每个人都在推销商品,但斯威夫特用她的粉丝认可的独特“商品”重塑了游戏,这推动了更多的品牌亲和力和社区——这个庞然大物每年的销售额超过 2 亿美元。 在人力资源方面,我们有很好的机会效仿 Swift 的做法,尝试新的模型和方法来支持团队。不要陷入“我们一直都是这样做的”的陷阱。与您的员工保持联系并倾听。失去员工并替换他们是一个非常昂贵的提议。倾听是为了理解,而不仅仅是回应。 斯威夫特又是一位开箱即用的领导天才,她重新录制自己的专辑,获得了对母带录音的控制权,同时巩固了未来的所有权,再次震撼了整个行业。在这里,斯威夫特巧妙地展示了她令人印象深刻的解决问题的方法,其完全原创,但与其他顶级艺术家(例如失去了对音乐的控制/权利的保罗·麦卡特尼)相比,更令人印象深刻。 人力资源领导者有很多机会以不同的方式思考来解决公司的问题:士气低落、人员流动、生产力、培训差距和招聘挑战。你可以在哪里拓展你的思维,接受新的想法和创造性的方法来解决熟悉的问题? 事后看来,将“Swifties”商标注册是另一个明显的举动,但这只是强大而多样化的商标组合的一部分。还是无法参加演出?没问题:斯威夫特继续创作最好的音乐会电影:《泰勒·斯威夫特:时代巡回演唱会》,目前是音乐会和纪录片历史上票房最高的电影,全球票房超过 2.616 亿美元。和足球明星约会?利用社交媒体和高调的电视露面来扩展品牌并控制信息! 从领导的角度来看,她做这样的事情看起来很不错,而且在做这件事的过程中,她总是表现出良好的关怀行为。作为人力资源领导者,我们可以开发不同的方式与员工沟通,并设计不同形式的活动以将人们聚集在一起。 3. 以同理心领导 除了为企业持续和多元化的发展制定路线之外,斯威夫特还以同理心领导。例如,当里约热内卢的一名球迷因高温死亡时,她推迟了音乐会,并立即在 Instagram 上发布了自己在体育场更衣室里“悲痛欲绝”的消息。 也许更令人印象深刻的是,巡演组织者——斯威夫特品牌的延伸——承担了责任并道歉,同时令人震惊地承认他们本可以采取更多措施来确保音乐会观众的安全。斯威夫特还与家人会面,并邀请他们作为她最后一场里约演出的嘉宾。 斯威夫特富有同理心的领导风格也体现在她关心和投资的事业上。她的慈善事业有一种方法:将金钱和时间投入到有意义的事业上,例如向家乡图书馆捐赠书籍、帮助粉丝偿还学生贷款、将歌曲收益捐赠给纽约市的一所学校,为性侵犯受害者而战,支持路易斯安那州洪水和纳什维尔龙卷风影响的人们,回馈食品银行和宠物救援组织等等。 斯威夫特还投资了 Toms Shoes 和 Bombay Socks 等无私的公司,这是她的粉丝所拥护的另一件事。Z世代特别喜欢与那些强烈表明他们愿意回馈共同利益的品牌建立联系。 人力资源部门可以在指导公司清楚地传达他们支持的事业和慈善活动方面发挥关键作用。Z 世代在加入组织时正在寻找这一点。 有人可能会说 Swift 建立的不仅仅是一家企业;更是一家企业。她在这个历来由男性主导的行业中发起了一场运动。人们购买这些品牌是因为他们想要积极的联想。斯威夫特反复证明,她拥有一种体现积极性并吸引各个年龄段人士的企业文化。她是一个如此积极的榜样,以至于父母可能愿意为孩子支付每张 1,000 美元的门票来见她。 杰出的人力资源领导者知道如何分享他们的愿景,并了解如何让人们参与他们正在迈向的任何新目标。斯威夫特如此提高了标准,以至于像其他标志性商业领袖一样,她面临着“我如何才能让人们保持兴奋?”的挑战。我很高兴看到她如何应对未来的挑战,因为我知道我们都可以从泰勒·斯威夫特的表演中学到一两点关于人力资源领导力的知识。 作者:温迪·汉森 Wendy Hanson 是 New Level Work 的联合创始人兼首席文化和社区官,负责监督所有项目,并负责招聘、管理和培养全球充满活力的高管教练和协调员社区。作为一名认证高管教练已有二十多年的经验,她曾与各种规模的公司合作,为各个行业的最高管理层领导者和业务团队提供培训