• Workforce Engagement
    根据美世 2024 年全球人才趋势研究,高管认为人工智能是提高生产力的关键,但大多数员工尚未做好转型的准备 Mercer's 2024 Global Talent Trends Study unveils critical insights from over 12,000 global leaders and employees, highlighting the increasing importance of AI in productivity, discrepancies between executive and HR perceptions, the necessity of human-centric work design, and the growing challenges in trust, diversity, and resilience within the workforce. The study emphasizes the urgency of adapting talent strategies to foster greater agility and employee well-being amidst technological advances and shifting workforce dynamics. 美世今天发布了2024年全球人才趋势研究。该研究借鉴了全球 12,000 多名高管、人力资源主管、员工和投资者的见解,揭示了雇主为在这个新时代蓬勃发展而采取的行动。 “今年的调查结果突显了工作中的惊人转变,”美世总裁帕特·汤姆林森 (Pat Tomlinson) 表示。“他们指出,高管层和人力资源部门对于 2024 年业务发展的看法存在显着分歧,而且员工对于技术影响的看法也存在滞后。随着我们迎来人机团队的时代,组织需要将人置于转型的核心。” 生成式人工智能 (AI) 被视为提高生产力的关键 生成式人工智能能力的快速增长引发了人们对劳动力生产力提升的希望,40% 的高管预测人工智能将带来超过 30% 的收益。然而,五分之三 (58%) 的人认为科技进步的速度超过了公司对员工进行再培训的速度,不到一半 (47%) 的人认为他们可以通过当前的人才模式满足今年的需求。 “通过人工智能提高生产力是高管们最关心的问题,但答案不仅仅在于技术。提高员工生产力需要有意识的、以人为本的工作设计。”美世全球人才咨询主管兼该研究的作者 Kate Bravery 说道。“领先的公司认识到人工智能只是其中的一部分。他们正在从整体的角度来解决生产力下降的问题,并通过新的人机协作模式提供更大的敏捷性。” 寻找通向未来工作的可持续道路面临着挑战。四分之三 (74%) 的高管担心他们的人才的转变能力,不到三分之一 (28%) 的人力资源领导者非常有信心他们能够使人机团队取得成功。提高敏捷性的关键是采用技能驱动的人才模型,这是高增长公司已经掌握的。 员工信任度全面下降 2023 年,对雇主的信任度从 2022 年的历史最高水平下降,这是一个危险信号,因为研究表明信任对员工的精力、蓬勃发展感和留下来的意愿产生重大影响。那些相信雇主会为他们和社会做正确事情的人,表示自己正在蓬勃发展、具有强烈的使命感、归属感和被重视感的可能性是其他人的两倍。 近一半的员工表示,他们希望为一个令他们感到自豪的组织工作,一些公司的回应是优先考虑可持续发展工作和“良好工作”原则。鉴于公平薪酬(34%)和发展机会(28%)是员工今年留下来的主要驱动力,雇主有动力在未来一年在薪酬公平、透明度和公平获得职业机会方面取得更快进展。 在全球范围内,员工都清楚,归属感有助于他们成长,但只有 39% 的人力资源领导者表示,女性和少数族裔在其组织的领导团队中拥有良好的代表,只有 18% 的人表示,最近的多元化、公平性和包容性努力提高了员工保留率关键多元化群体。四分之三的员工 (76%) 目睹过年龄歧视。由于这些挑战加上持续的技能短缺,更多地关注包容性和满足员工的需求将有助于所有员工蓬勃发展。 未来几年,韧性将至关重要 最近在风险缓解方面的投资已获得回报,64% 的高管表示他们的业务能够承受不可预见的挑战,而两年前这一比例为 40%。通货膨胀等近期担忧严重影响高管的三年计划,但网络和气候等长期风险可能没有得到应有的必要关注。 建立个人韧性与企业韧性同样重要,五分之四 (82%) 的员工担心自己今年会精疲力竭。为员工福祉重新设计工作对于缓解这一风险至关重要,51% 的高增长公司(2023 年收入增长 10% 或以上)已经这样做了,而低增长同行中只有 39% 这样做了。 员工体验是重中之重 超过一半的高管 (58%) 担心他们的公司在激励员工采用新技术方面做得不够,三分之二 (67%) 的人力资源领导者也担心他们在没有改变工作方式的情况下实施了新技术解决方案。员工体验是今年HR的首要任务;这是一个值得关注的问题,因为蓬勃发展的员工表示雇主设计的工作体验能够发挥他们的最佳水平的可能性是普通员工的 2.6 倍。 人力资源部门在改善所有人的工作方面发挥着关键作用,但人力资源部门越来越有必要与风险和数字化领导者合作,以按要求的速度引入必要的变革。为了满足组织和员工的期望,96% 的公司计划今年对人力资源职能进行一些重新设计,重点是跨部门交付和领先的数字化工作方式。 投资者重视敬业的员工队伍 今年,美世首次收集资产管理公司关于组织的人才战略如何影响其投资决策的意见。近十分之九 (89%) 的人将员工敬业度视为公司绩效的关键驱动力,84% 的人认为“流失和燃烧”方法会损害商业价值。投资者还表示,营造信任和公平的氛围是未来五年建立真正、可持续价值的最重要因素。 单击此处了解更多信息并下载今年的研究。 关于美世 2024 年全球人才趋势研究 美世全球人才趋势目前已进入第九个年头,汇集了来自 17 个地区和 16 个行业的 12,200 多名高管、人力资源领导者、员工和投资者的见解,该研究重点介绍了当今领先组织为确保人员长期可持续发展所采取的措施。在此过程中走得更远的组织在四个领域取得了长足的进步。(1) 他们认识到,以人为本的生产力需要关注工作的演变以及工作人员的技能和动机。(2) 他们认识到信任是真正的工作对话,通过透明度和公平的工作实践得到加强。(3) 随着风险变得更加关联且难以预测,他们认识到,提高风险意识和缓解水平对于建立一支准备就绪、有复原力的员工队伍至关重要。(4) 他们承认,随着工作变得越来越复杂,简化、吸引和激励员工走向数字化的未来至关重要。 关于美世 美世坚信,可以通过重新定义工作世界、重塑退休和投资成果以及释放真正的健康和福祉来建设更光明的未来。美世在 43 个国家/地区拥有约 25,000 名员工,公司业务遍及 130 多个国家/地区。美世是Marsh McLennan (纽约证券交易所股票代码:MMC)旗下的企业,Marsh McLennan 是风险、战略和人才领域全球领先的专业服务公司,拥有超过 85,000 名同事,年收入达 230 亿美元。通过其市场领先的业务(包括达信、Guy Carpenter和奥纬咨询),达信帮助客户应对日益动态和复杂的环境。
    Workforce Engagement
  • Workforce Engagement
    Top 10 HR and People Analytics Themes of 2023 As we near the end of another successful year here at Insight222, we want to reflect on the top themes that have emerged in our content. From data-driven insights to real-world examples, our team has worked meticulously to deliver informative and persuasive articles that aim to enhance the HR and people analytics function. And we have seen some exciting changes and advancements in the field this year. So, without further ado, here are the top themes that have taken front stage in our content during 2023. Psychological Safety in the Workplace Psychological safety in the workplace has been proven time and time again that without it, a team cannot thrive. In fact, we like to think of it as the epitome of successful teams. Therefore, it's no surprise that this theme carries over from last year. Some of our most popular blogs discuss measuring psychological safety in the workplace, understanding how organisational culture impacts it and exploring how companies like Microsoft are transforming their organisational culture to prioritise psychological safety and promote a positive work environment. Behavioural Science in HR (Source: People Analytics Trends 2021) The integration of behavioural science into HR and people analytics practices has been gaining traction for the past few years, and this year was no exception. With the changing nature of skills and roles in HR, the need for understanding human behaviour and decision-making has become increasingly important in driving impactful business outcomes. With this, our article on exploring the role of behavioural science in HR and how it can be leveraged to improve employee engagement, performance, and productivity was one of our most popular reads of 2023. How AI is Changing the HR Landscape No discussion about the future of work is complete without considering the role of artificial intelligence (AI). (Source: The Impact of GPT and Generative AI Models on People Analytics (Interview with Andrew Marritt)) AI has been incorporated into HR for some time now. We have been using it to automate routine tasks, streamline recruitment processes and improve HR analytics. However, with the birth of generative AI models like Chat-GPT, it is an understatement to say that AI has revolutionised every aspect of HR. Better yet, it's safe to say that it has and will continue to revolutionise every business function within an organisation. From utilising AI in people analytics to how it is transforming the HR landscape, our articles on the impact of Chat-GPT and generative AI models and how AI is changing HR analytics have been among the most popular reads of this year. And for good reason - with the potential to improve decision-making, streamline processes, and enhance employee experience, AI is a topic every HR and people analytics professional should pay attention to. The Impact of Analytics on HR Our Insight222 research has shown time and time again that organisations that invest in people analytics drive better business outcomes, which is why, this year, we continued to dig deeper into this topic by exploring the New Model for People Analytics. With the rise of digital transformation and the increasing importance of data in driving strategic business decisions, our articles on using statistics to drive actionable outcomes, why people analytics is so important for HR, and how social capital can be measured have been highly sought-after reads. Upskilling the HR Function and Building Data Literacy at Scale Considering the previous points, it's understandable that upskilling the HR function and building data literacy at scale have emerged as key themes this year. To fully leverage the benefits of AI and data analytics, HR professionals must develop a strong understanding of data and how it can be used to drive strategic decision-making. As such, in July, we released our research, Upskilling the HR Profession: Building Data Literacy at Scale, which outlines the skills and competencies that HR professionals need to succeed in the digital age. It also highlights how HR leaders need to build an effective skill-based workforce planning capability. (Source: Measuring the ROI of Employee Training and Development) Interestingly, this research has also sparked discussions on who holds the responsibility for scaling data literacy across HR, which we explore in our article Who Holds the Responsibility for Scaling Data Literacy Across HR? Measuring the ROI of Employee Development Building upon the theme of upskilling and data literacy, it's important to also focus on measuring the ROI of employee development. As professionals in the HR sector, we know all too well that investing in employee training and development is crucial for an organisation's long-term success. But with senior executives increasingly asking (and expecting) HR to demonstrate the value of these investments, our article on measuring the ROI of employee training and development has been one of the most popular reads this year. Delivering Greater Value for the Business Through People Analytics At its core, people analytics is about delivering greater value for the business. Our 2022 research, Impacting Business Value: Leading Companies in People Analytics, is a testament to this. Leading Companies (organisations that drive the most business impact through people analytics) have consistently shown better financial performance, higher employee engagement and retention rates, and overall greater success compared to their less data-driven counterparts. This is why, in 2023, we have seen a surge of interest in articles on delivering greater value for the organisation with people analytics and the growing influence of people analytics in strategic business decisions. And this trend will only continue as more and more organisations recognise the importance of incorporating data-driven insights into their decision-making processes. Challenges to Building Data Literacy If there is one thing we have identified as a common theme this year, it's the challenges of building data literacy within HR. From understanding the technical aspects of data analysis to gaining buy-in from senior leadership, organisations face various hurdles when trying to build a culture of data literacy. (Source: Insight222 Research: Upskilling the HR Profession: Building Data Literacy at Scale) However, as we continue to uncover the value that analytics brings to HR and the business as a whole, these challenges will become easier to overcome. And with more resources and tools available to support data literacy efforts within organisations, we are confident that this theme will evolve in 2024. Evolving the HR Practice In all, as we wrap up another year, it's clear that people analytics and data-driven HR practices have become even more ingrained in our work. From the importance of psychological safety and behavioural science to the impact of AI, measuring ROI, and delivering greater value to the business - these are just a few key themes that have shaped our content this year. However, as we move forward, HR professionals must continue developing their data literacy and upskilling themselves to drive the success of their organisations further. To that end, we look forward to seeing how these themes will evolve and shape the future of HR in the coming years. Manpreet RandhawaDecember 18, 2023
    Workforce Engagement