IntelliPro Group
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Founded in 2009, IntelliPro is one of the fastest growing talent acquisition firms in the United States and Asia-Pacific region. We have built our business on our company-wide commitment to continually overdeliver on the high expectations of our clients, employees and business partners. The secret to our success is that our unified team works harder, faster, smarter and more collaboratively than anyone else in the talent acquisition business.

英特利普集团创立于2009年,是一家以科技数据驱动的顶尖人才生态管理咨询及人力资源解决方案供应商。借助AI+大数据技术,英特利普集团已经建立和拥有庞大规模的海外高端人才数据库,成为美国和亚太地区超一流科技行业公司的顶级人力资源合作伙伴。我们专业的团队和服务能够快速满足企业对人才精英的需求,从灵活用工,高端猎聘,薪资管理服务及人力资源服务外包到校园招聘,市场营销活动策划以及企业管理咨询,提供全方位的综合性人才解决方案为合作伙伴提供高质量的人力资源服务,助力企业繁荣发展。 英特利普集团已为Google,Apple,Amazon,Airbnb,LinkedIn,Snap,Pinterest,Waymo,Cruise,Adobe,Samsung,阿里,腾讯,百度,字节跳动,快手,美团,京东,滴滴等多家知名企业提供全方位服务。 集团总部位于美国硅谷,在纽约,西雅图,温哥华,伦敦,新加坡,北京,深圳,上海,武汉,新德里等核心城市均设有分公司,服务范围覆盖全球。坐拥丰富资源的同时,英特利普集团更是致力于为中国企业提供跨文化交流的平台,打造一流一站式商务出行服务与沉浸式体验,其内容涵盖了科技、金融、 商业类培训等方面。通过与斯坦福、伯克利、UCR等国际知名院校的合作,可针对不同客户的不同需求提供高质量的课程内容,带领中国企业对标全球一流企业、参加高端论坛、考察海外投资环境等,为企业学习先进企业管理模式、汲取行业前沿信息、加强国际交流合作、 开拓国际市场,促进企业创新变革。


IntelliPro Group


IntelliPro Group


Santa Clara, CA





最近有 14 位 HR索取过产品资料




INFOX Consulting
INFOX started its humble beginnings in the year 2014. Committed to providing clients with the most professional talent acquisition and funding management consulting, INFOX has a team of talent and grant gurus leveraging technology so our clients can take advantage of government funding programs as soon as they come out. Our clients range from start-ups to global leading companies across United States, Canada and Asia with focuses on talent acquisition in the fields of Biotechnology, Fin-Tech, Game, e-Commerce, etc. Our forward-thinking consultants will regularly send a customized list of government grants that apply specifically to your business. You don’t have to waste or risk time manually researching and applying for government grants. We take care of the full application and reporting process from beginning to end. We have the passion and the interest in what you do, and since we share your passion, we will be able to find the perfect talent who will also share our passion. Our high-end recruitment testimonies in the fields of back end, front end, mobile and full stack is proof of how good we are at profiling. With a growing number of recruitment firms in the country, what makes INFOX stand out? ​ We promote equal employment opportunities for all job applicants. We welcome disadvantaged candidates to apply. For example, Apprentices, Indigenous people, persons with disabilities, Newcomers to Canada, Seniors, Students, Veterans, Visible minorities and Youth.
总部 Seattle Washington
International Recruiting
International Recruiting LLC是一家顶级的人力资源服务提供商,专注于信息技术、生物科技、医疗保健,能源, 消费品与制造业等行业。公司总部位于美国西雅图,并在北美多个地区设有分支机构,包括美国加州/尔湾,芝加哥、波士顿、德州,佛罗里达等; 加拿大的温哥华,卡尔加里以及多伦多。此外,我们在中国上海的团队进一步增强了我们的全球业务覆盖,使我们能够有效地为北美,澳大利亚, 欧洲和亚太的客户提供服务。
总部 Seattle Washington
规模 30-50人
European / USA Tech Recruit Ltd
我们拥有超过15年的技术招聘经验,已经成为行业的领导者,擅长为全球最前沿的技术项目发掘顶尖人才。我们不仅能找到具备合适技能的人才,还特别注重文化的契合度。我们能与各领域的工程师和开发人员深度沟通,同时确保与贵公司的招聘战略完美契合。 凭借我们对本地市场的深刻理解和全球视野,我们帮助客户在人才争夺战中脱颖而出。在与我们合作的12个月内,80%的客户选择我们作为他们的主要技术招聘伙伴,这是对我们服务的极大认可。无论您是在寻找技术招聘专家帮助填补专业化的小众职位,还是需要在全球范围内快速招聘大批人才,我们都有能力助您一臂之力。 无论是与世界知名科技公司合作,还是支持具有颠覆性思维的初创公司,我们都能够凭借深厚的专业知识和成熟的行业网络,完成最具挑战性的招聘任务。
总部 布莱顿,英国
规模 50-99人