• HR leadership
    Josh Bersin: Understanding the Path to CHRO Josh Bersin 最新研究揭示 CHRO 成长轨迹与未来挑战!近年来,首席人力资源官(CHRO) 这一角色正在经历前所未有的变革。最新发布的 《Understanding the Path to CHRO》 报告(点击可以下载报告,同时附录在文章后),基于对 20,000 多名 CHRO 的数据分析,深入研究了 CHRO 的成长路径、核心能力及全球 HR 领导者如何适应企业需求的变化。 该研究揭示了HR 从传统行政职能向战略核心的转型趋势,同时发现: 75% 的 CHRO 来自外部招聘,内部继任计划严重不足。 CHRO 逐步迈入 C-suite,13% 进入企业最高薪酬前五名,相比 30 年前增长 26 倍。 四类 CHRO 发展路径浮出水面:职业型 CHRO(Career CHRO)、企业型 CHRO(Company CHRO)、业务型 CHRO(Business CHRO)、运营型 CHRO(Operations CHRO)。 具备国际化经验的 CHRO 绩效更高,75% 的高绩效 CHRO 曾在海外工作。 政治学、经济学背景的 CHRO 更具影响力,而 HR 专业背景反而在高绩效公司中占比最低。 从这些数据来看,CHRO 角色不再是简单的人才管理者,而是企业变革的推动者、业务战略的支持者、AI 与科技革新的领导者。那么,中国的 HR 领导者如何才能成长为具备全球视野的 CHRO?本文将从CHRO 角色的转型趋势、职业路径、核心能力模型及中国 HR 的成长路径四个方面展开分析。 报告下载地址:https://www.hrtechchina.com/Resources/59250FA4-A800-58D9-5CE6-76E4DBC4F82A.html ? CHRO 的转型趋势:从 HR 负责人到企业变革领导者 传统 HR 主要聚焦于招聘、薪酬管理、劳动合规等事务性工作,过去常被视为“后勤支持”部门。然而,随着 全球劳动力市场变化、AI 赋能 HR、企业运营模式调整,CHRO 的角色发生了深刻变化: 1️⃣ CHRO 从 HR 服务交付者转变为业务战略伙伴过去 HR 被认为是支持职能,而今天,CHRO 需要直接参与企业战略决策,关注人才如何驱动业务增长。例如,疫情后全球远程办公兴起,CHRO 需要设计全新的组织架构、推动员工体验升级、调整绩效激励模式,以适应新的工作模式。 2️⃣ AI 与数字化重塑 HR 角色AI 和 HR Tech(人力资源科技)正在改变 HR 的运作方式。CHRO 不仅需要理解 AI 招聘、数据驱动绩效管理、智能学习平台,还要在组织中推动这些技术的应用。例如,采用 AI 进行人才画像分析、通过自动化面试减少招聘成本、利用数据分析优化员工保留率。 3️⃣ 全球化人才流动与多元化管理企业越来越依赖国际市场,CHRO 需要具备 跨文化管理、远程团队领导、国际雇佣合规 的能力。报告发现,在高绩效公司中,75% 的 CHRO 具备国际工作经验,这说明全球视野已成为 HR 领导者不可或缺的竞争力。 ? 四类 CHRO 发展路径:你属于哪一类? 研究报告将 CHRO 的职业路径划分为 四种主要类型,每种路径各有优势和挑战: 1️⃣ 职业型 CHRO(Career CHRO)——最常见的路径 通过在不同公司担任 HR 领导职务不断晋升,占比 73%。 优势:具备跨行业 HR 经验,能从外部引入最佳实践,拥有更广阔的专业网络。 挑战:对新公司的文化和业务理解较浅,缺乏长期稳定的 C-suite 关系。 2️⃣ 企业型 CHRO(Company CHRO)——公司内部晋升 在同一公司内部从 HR 经理逐步晋升为 CHRO,占比 17%。 优势:深谙企业文化和业务流程,与内部管理层关系紧密。 挑战:缺乏外部视角,可能难以推动 HR 变革和创新。 3️⃣ 业务型 CHRO(Business CHRO)——来自业务部门 从 销售、运营、市场等业务部门 转型进入 HR,占比 8%。 优势:更能理解业务需求,与 C-suite 关系更紧密,推动 HR 战略落地能力强。 挑战:缺乏 HR 专业知识,需要依赖强大的 HR 团队支持。 4️⃣ 运营型 CHRO(Operations CHRO)——来自行政管理 从 财务、法务、风控、合规等行政职能 转型进入 HR,占比 2%。 优势:擅长数据分析、预算管理、企业治理。 挑战:缺乏人才管理经验,对 HR 战略落地理解较弱。 ? 在北美工作的华人 HR 领导者如何突破瓶颈? 在北美职场,华人 HR 面临 文化适应、晋升壁垒、C-suite 话语权较弱 等挑战。如何突破天花板,成长为 CHRO? ? 1. 强化本土商业思维,提升 C-suite 话语权 深入了解北美商业环境、企业运营模式、行业趋势。 参与跨部门会议,与 CEO、CFO 直接对话,培养以业务为核心的人才战略思维。 ? 2. 培养影响力,突破“华人 HR 只擅长执行”的刻板印象 多发声,多展示成果:在公司内外分享 HR 变革案例,塑造领导者形象。 主导 HR 变革项目,例如推动 AI 赋能招聘、优化薪酬激励机制,提升 HR 价值感。 ? 3. 争取国际轮岗机会,提升全球 HR 领导力 申请企业的跨国 HR 轮岗项目,拓展跨文化管理经验。 参与 国际 HR 论坛、北美 HR 高管社群,建立全球视野和人脉资源。 ? 4. 选择适合的 CHRO 职业路径 喜欢跨行业挑战?选择 职业型 CHRO 路线。 想深耕企业文化?适合 企业型 CHRO 发展路径。 具备销售、运营经验?向 业务型 CHRO 方向发展。 ? 5. 强化数据与 AI 能力,掌握 HR 科技趋势 学习 数据分析、AI 招聘、人才预测建模,让 HR 决策更具数据支撑。 掌握 HR Tech 生态系统,推动数字化 HR 变革,提高 HR 部门的战略价值。 ? 结论:北美华人 HR 需要突破自我,成为“全球 CHRO” 要成为北美企业的 CHRO,仅靠 HR 知识远远不够,商业思维、数据能力、影响力、全球化经验都是必备技能。北美华人 HR 需要打破行业天花板,成为推动企业变革、掌控未来人才战略的全球化 CHRO 领导者!
    HR leadership
  • HR leadership
    David Green:The best HR & People Analytics articles of November 2024 The centrepiece of this month’s edition of the Data Driven HR Monthly is focused around two topics – Agentic AI and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. One with a technology focus, the other very much a human topic. With Gartner predicting that that by 2028, at least 15% of day-to-day work decisions will be made autonomously through agentic AI (up from 0% in 2024), the word on everyone’s lips at UNLEASH World in Paris recently was Agentic AI. But what actually is Agentic AI, and what does it mean for HR technology and HR professionals? Some of the content this month explores these topics. It was also good to hear at Unleash, L’Oreal’s CHRO, Jean Claude Le Grand on the main stage saying in very clear terms that “DEI is not a trend. DEI is part of our DNA”. DEI shouldn’t be used as a political football. But with questions being asked about what Trump’s Second Term Could Mean for DEI, it is important to highlight that DEI is also about business performance. I’ve included two articles this month from Quinetta Roberson (on how to link DEI to business outcomes) and Brian Elliott (on why capitulating to DEI sceptics is counterproductive). When it comes to DEI, now is the time to stand up. This edition of the Data Driven HR Monthly is sponsored by our friends at TechWolf Transforming talent strategies with skills-based insights Skills are the currency of the modern workforce. For Workday, unlocking the power of skills was key to transforming their talent strategy—and the results speak for themselves. Workday faced common challenges: fragmented job architecture, costly manual processes, and a need for greater agility to adapt to shifting business needs. By partnering with TechWolf, they implemented a skills-based approach that delivered measurable impact: 32% faster hiring: AI-driven skills matching reduced time-to-hire by more than a third. 85% of the workforce had critical skills aligned to their jobs. Saved 12-18 months of manual effort, creating a standardized framework for decision-making. This partnership didn’t just solve today’s challenges—it prepared Workday for the future. TechWolf’s AI continuously updates skills data, ensuring their workforce strategy remains adaptable in a rapidly changing landscape. Want to know more about Workday’s journey? ? Watch the on-demand webinar: How Workday Leads the Skills Revolution with AI and Data? Explore how a skills-first approach can make a measurable impact on your workforce strategy. To learn more about how TechWolf can help your organization, reach out to us at hello@techwolf.ai or visit the contact page. To sponsor an edition of the Data Driven HR Monthly, and share your brand with more than 135,000 Data Driven HR Monthly subscribers, send an email to dgreen@zandel.org. November road report After a heavy travel schedule in September and October, November was a quieter month with my sole trip being to Germany for the final European Peer Meeting of 2024 for member companies of the Insight222 People Analytics Program®, which was hosted by Alexis Saussinan and Ruben Groen at Merck Group’s HQ in Darmstadt. During the two days, we learned about how Alexis and Khadija Ben Hammada, the CHRO, partner to deliver business value at Merck. We also learned from Ruben and Mariana Hebborn PhD on how Merck has established its enterprise data foundations, from Dawn Klinghoffer on how Microsoft has reconfigured its people analytics function in the age of intelligent automation, and Adam Tombor (Wojciechowski) on how Julius Bär democratised data across the company. If you are a people analytics leader interested in joining the People Analytics Program, and attending our 2025 Peer Meetings – including in Paris on January 28 and 29, and New York on March 4 and 5, please get in touch. Attendees at the Insight222 Peer Meeting for members of the Insight222 People Analytics Program, hosted by Merck, November 19-20, 2024 Sign-up to receive the 5th annual Insight222 People Analytics Trends research report The 2024 Insight222 People Analytics Trends study will be released publicly on December 9. The report, which is informed by a survey of 340 participating organisations, will uncover how AI, data democratisation, and impactful people analytics strategies drive business value and elevate workforce decision-making. You can pre-register to receive the report one week earlier on December 2 by signing up here or by clicking on the image below. Share the love! Enjoy reading the collection of resources for November and, if you do, please share some data driven HR love with your colleagues and networks. Thanks to the many of you who liked, shared and/or commented on October’s compendium. If you enjoy a weekly dose of curated learning (and the Digital HR Leaders podcast), the Insight222 newsletter: Digital HR Leaders newsletter is published every Tuesday – subscribe here. AGENTIC AI AND THE FUTURE OF WORK JOANNE CHEN AND JAYA GUPTA - A System of Agents brings Service-as-Software to life | McKINSEY - Why agents are the next frontier of generative AI With Gartner predicting that by 2028, at least 15% of day-to-day work decisions will be made autonomously through agentic AI, up from 0% in 2024, this is a topic we all need to learn about. Here are two resources that provide some helpful context. (1) A VC view from Joanne Chen and Jaya Gupta, writing for Foundation Capital, which they present as a “$4.6 trillion opportunity as AI transforms software from tool to worker”, with all the inherent implications that has for the workforce (see FIG 1). Thanks to Paul Daley, Gareth Flynn, Nico Orie, and Hung Lee (I recommend following all of these four people) for all highlighting this excellent article. (2) Writing for McKinsey, Lareina Yee, Michael Chui, Roger Roberts, and Stephen Xu, explore the opportunities that the use of gen AI agents presents including how they could work with potential use cases, the value they can bring, and how business leaders should prepare. FIG 1: A System of Agents (Source: Foundation Capital) JASON AVERBOOK - How AI Agents are Revolutionizing HR—and How to Get Ready | LARS SCHMIDT - Agents of (Massive) Change: How AI Agents Are Poised to Alter Work | JOSH BERSIN - AI Agents, The New Workforce We’re Not Quite Ready For (Agentic AI) | FELIPE JARA - HR - Let's Prepare for a Big Wave of Multi-Agents AI Systems For HR, Agentic AI means shifting away from repetitive administrative tasks to focusing on what truly matters: people. So, what does Agentic AI mean for HR in terms of the HR technology stack, how we deliver services to employees, and HR professionals themselves? Not surprisingly, with all the hype, there is a growing body of resources on these topics. Here are four I recommend to* Data Driven HR Monthly readers: (1) Definitely subscribe to Jason Averbook’s Now of Work Substack. In this blog, he provides five tips for HR to get ready for AI agents including: (i) Upskilling HR teams, (ii) Assessing current processes to identify and prioritise use cases, and (iii) Working on improving data quality. (2) Lars Schmidt’s primer is also highly recommended. It includes a guide to three categories of AI and how they are impacting work: bots, AI agents, and digital workers: “As we weave agentic AI capabilities into our businesses, we will likely deconstruct jobs into individual tasks and then identify the tasks that can be fully automated by these new AI technologies and agents.” (3) Josh Bersin has been all over agentic AI, and has recorded several podcasts on the topic as well as this article, which explains how the “’Large Language Models’ we’ve been learning about for the last two years are now turning into ‘Large Action Models’”, as well as outlining two potential uses cases in L&D and recruiting. As Josh mused in his keynote at Unleash World in Paris, AI is set to dominate the HR Tech stack (see FIG 2). (4) Last but not least, Felipe Jara provides a helpful synopsis of the emerging macro trends in enterprise AI for HR including a summary of the tools that major players like Workday, SAP, ServiceNow and One Model (see FIG 3) are introducing. He also lays out four focus areas of opportunity for HR including guidance on how to prepare your data foundation. FIG 2: AI dominates the HR Tech stack (Source: Josh Bersin at Unleash World, Paris, October 2024) FIG 3: The Evolution of Agents and Enterprise AI (Source: One Model – see here) ANDY SPENCE - The Next Wave of AI: Building Your Own Digital Workforce This is going to be fundamental change in how we interact with AI. It's moving us from being passive consumers of AI tools to active creators of personalized AI assistants. The great thing is we won’t need to be a machine learning expert or a seasoned programmer to get started. Finally on the Agentic AI theme this month, a twist as in an edition of his brilliant Workforce Futurist, Andy Spence writes about Agent Engineering, and how individuals (not just companies): “can create and deploy their own army of AI agents for a wide array of personal and professional tasks.” In his article, Andy breaks down what agent engineering is, the rise of personal AI agents, how to get started with agent engineering (including tools and platforms), and how it might reshape work, learning and our daily lives. FIG 4: Agent engineering framework process (Source: Andy Spence) MIT AND BCG - Learning to Manage Uncertainty, With AI Companies that boost their learning capabilities with AI are significantly better equipped to handle uncertainty from technological, regulatory, and talent-related disruptions compared with companies that have limited learning capabilities. A new study by Sam Ransbotham, David Kiron, Shervin Khodabandeh, Michael Chu, and Leonid Zhukov, Ph.D for MIT Sloan Management Review and BCG finds that companies that combine organisational learning with AI-specific learning, which they define as Augmented Learners, outperform those that apply either approach in isolation or neither (see FIG 5). For example, these Augmented Learner companies are twice as likely to weather talent-related disruptions, demonstrating that they are more resilient to workforce volatility. Thanks to Allison Ryder for highlighting the study. FIG 5: Learning Capabilities Vary (Source: MIT Sloan Management Review and BCG) DIVERSITY, EQUITY, INCLUSION, AND BELONGING QUINETTA ROBERSON - How Integrating DEI Into Strategy Lifts Performance By explicitly linking DEI goals to business outcomes, companies create a clear vision of how diversity adds value. In her timely article Quinetta Roberson presents the findings of a study on diversity, equity and inclusion and company financial performance, and highlights the practices for achieving competitive advantage through DEI. These findings include that a bundled practice approach to DEI amplifies the performance effects of individual practices – see example in FIG 6. Quinetta also presents a three-point blueprint for meaningful action to DEI: (1) Strategically align DEI with business goals. (2) Systemically integrate DEI practices. (3) Make evidence-based improvements. FIG 6: DEI practice bundles (Source: Quinetta Roberson) BRIAN ELLIOTT - How to Stand Up When It Comes to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion The backlash against DEI is out of sync with the opinions held by the most important set of stakeholders: your employees. In this powerful column for MIT Sloan Management Review, Brian Elliott tackles the growing backlash by some companies in the US on diversity, equity and inclusion. He highlights two dangers of backing away. First, the fact that DEI programs are actually getting more popular with employees, not less, and increasingly view it as a business topic rather than a political one. Second, capitulating on DEI commitments doesn’t settle the issue with employees or customers especially as research by Edelman finds that 76% of employees want companies to recommit not retreat. Elliott also provides guidance on three approaches to having real conversations on this topic, highlighting examples from his experience in leading teams at Google and Slack: (1) Let people voice their concerns about DEI programs. Don’t stifle the conversation or run away. (2) Use the words diversity, equity, and inclusion — not DEI. Explain what the words mean, correct misinformation, and tie them back to business results. (3) Keep in mind that memos don’t create trust; employee engagement does. PEOPLE ANALYTICS PHIL WILLBURN - People Analytics Demystified: A Practitioner’s Handbook Highly effective HR organizations know that every area of the business makes people decisions. The best people analytics teams excel by scaling people insights to all business leaders, ensuring these insights reach those making critical people decisions Phil Willburn, the Head of People Analytics, and his team recently hosted a Peer Meeting for member companies of the Insight222 People Analytics Program® at Workday’s global headquarters in California. During the two days, Phil and his team presented some of the amazing work they are doing with people analytics in areas such as workforce planning, employee experience and hybrid work. Some of the content they presented is in this insightful e-book, which shines a light on how Workday has scaled people analytics in its own company (see FIG 7), their product-oriented and persona-based approach, and provides details on three case studies including how the team provides insights on flexible work and collaboration. FIG 7: People analytics and insights at Workday (Source: Phil Willburn, Workday) COLE NAPPER, JIN YAN, AND BEN ZWEIG - What is happening to people analytics? A 15 Year Trend Part Two | Part Three Following on from Part One of their study on employment trends in the people analytics field over the last 15 years, which I featured in the September edition of Data Driven HR Monthly, Cole Napper, Jin Yan and Ben Zweig return for a second helping – and a third helping with Kristin Saboe, Ph.D. In Part Two, Cole, Jin and Ben turn their attentions to an analysis of the skills of people analytics professionals and the impact of the field during the last 15 years. The insights they uncover include: (1) While people analytics specialists are more likely to hold a doctoral degree (8.2%) than other HR specialists (1.4%), advanced skills (e.g. SQL, GenAI, Python) haven’t been adopted in the numbers expected. (2) There is a correlation between companies with ‘prestigious’ people analytics teams and companies being rated more highly for employee sentiment (see FIG 8). They also provide three recommendations for the field moving forward: (1) Add real value and break the cycle. (2) Mature the people analytics function. (3) Let’s get back to growth. In Part Three, Kristin takes the lead to shine the lens on how the composition of government people analytics jobs have changed over the last 15 years. FIG 8: Companies with a prestigious people analytics team are rated higher by employees (Source: Revelio Labs) ERIC LESSER, ERIC BOKELBERG, AND DEVON JOHNSON - Powering people analytics through HR data: How to strategically integrate data as a product Data products help analysts better grasp what data is available, where it comes from, how it can be used and how to put it together to gain insights effectively. When a new business question arises, the needed data is often already available in a data product, making it easy to gather the correct information. Eric Lesser, Eric Bokelberg, and Devon Johnson from Deloitte provide a helpful breakdown on how to implement data products through applying key principles of product management across the data lifecycle, namely: ownership, reuse, quality, cataloguing and security. They outline three steps to get started with data products: (1) Educate HR and IT teams about data products; (2) Focus on impactful use cases (“Instead of creating numerous data products, concentrate on those that effectively address pressing business needs”); (3) Establish a strong governance model. CHRISTOPHER ROSETT – Reporting, Analytics, Research, Statistics (RARS) | SERENA HUANG - The Future of Work: Human Skills in the Age of AI | GIOVANNA CONSTANT – The 10 Commandments for every People Analytics professional | MITCH MIHANOVIC – People Analytics Lessons | WILLIS JENSEN - An Unusual Application Using Organizational Network Data | A.J. TUFTE – Making Workforce Planning Strategic: Three Vs | BEN TEUSCH – A reflection on six years at Facebook The true value of people analytics lies in translating insights into actionable strategies and programs that enhance employee engagement and drive business performance. In each edition of the Data Driven HR Monthly, I feature a collection of articles by current and recent people analytics leaders. These are intended to act as a spur and inspiration to the field. Seven are highlighted in this month’s edition. (1) Christopher Rosett outlines the RARS (Reporting, Analytics, Research, Statistics) model he uses with his analytics teams and customers at Amazon (see FIG 9). (2) Serena H. Huang, Ph.D. presents seven human skills required in the age of AI (see FIG 10). (3) Giovanna Constant presents her ten commandments for people analytics professionals including i) You shall worship data quality, ii) You shall train HR teams in data literacy, iii) You shall not create confusing dashboards. (4) Mitch Mihanovic shares three things he has learned from working in the people analytics field, including: “The true value of people analytics lies in translating insights into actionable strategies and programs that enhance employee engagement and drive business performance.” (5) Willis Jensen walks through a case study of using ONA to support compensation decisions for employees. (6) A.J. Tufte breaks down his Three Vs of Strategic Workforce Planning: i) Value (“what value does the work provide”) ii) eVolution (“how does the work need to change”), and iii) Volume (“how much of the work is needed”). (7) Finally, Meta has made a number of layoffs including from its people analytics team in the last few weeks. One of those impacted is Ben Teusch, who penned a reflection on his six years with the company. Wherever Ben decides to go next will be very fortunate to land such a talented practitioner. FIG 9: The RARS model (Source: Christopher Rosett) FIG 10: Seven human skills required in the age of AI (Source: Serena Huang) THE EVOLUTION OF HR, LEARNING, AND DATA DRIVEN CULTURE RAVIN JESUTHASAN, MIRIAM DAUCHER, AND ALEX ZEA - The future of human resources: Who will care for the human at work? As the trusted link between organizations and their employees, HR can lead the charge in creating fulfilling workplaces and helping people thrive in an era of transformative technological change, ensuring that AI serves humanity, not the other way around. Ravin Jesuthasan, CFA, FRSA, Miriam Daucher, and Alexandra Zea present a new paper from Mercer on the future of human resources in the fifth industrial revolution. They paint a compelling evolution for the function to move beyond being stewards of employment to being stewards of work, and ultimate being stewards of humanity through (1) Ethical use of AI. (2) Safeguarding ESG. (3) Preserving human well-being. FIG 11: HR’s changing role through the history of industrial revolutions (Source: Mercer) ASAF JACKOBY - Work, Workforce, and Workplace: The Role of CHROs in Leading Change As Asaf Jackoby, VP HR for Amdocs, writes, chief human resources officers have a pivotal role to play in transforming the landscape of work, workforce and workplace. His article presents a framework (see FIG 12), and provides detail about each of the three categories and the individual components within it: (1) The Work – AI will transform the way we define work, (2) The Workplace – Creating an inclusive and adaptable environment, and (3) The Workforce – who does the work. FIG 12: Source – Asaf Jackoby WORKFORCE PLANNING, ORG DESIGN, AND SKILLS-BASED ORGANISATIONS BRIAN FISHER, KATE BRAVERY, KATIE JENKINS, AND LAUREN ROBERTSON - Measuring skills in the age of agile work A helpful primer from the Mercer team of Brian Fisher, Kate Bravery, Katie Jenkins, and Lauren Robertson on three ways to ascertain employee skills (see FIG 13): (1) Inferred skills (“The starting point for skills measurement”), (2) Rated skills (“The employee and manager view of skills proficiency”), and (3) Validated skills (“Approaches for validating behavioural and technical skills”). As the authors highlight: Although each method of collecting skills data has its respective merits, methods can also be combined to paint a more complete skills picture that strengthens talent decision-making and can better inform business strategy. FIG 13: Three components of a skills measurement strategy (Source: Mercer) EMPLOYEE LISTENING, EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCE, AND EMPLOYEE WELLBEING MICHAEL ARENA AND AARON CHASAN - Fostering Friendships: The Game Changer in Employee Retention One study found that an employee’s position in the network can predict turnover with 85% accuracy. This is especially true for friendship networks. Research consistently finds that those with friends at work are far more likely to stay. Indeed, in their article for HR Exchange Network, Michael Arena and Aaron Chasan share the results of a study with a technology company, which found that there was a 44% drop in turnover rate for those who went from 0 friends to just 1. They also provide guidance on how organisations can create a climate for friendships to blossom: (1) Create opportunities for employees to connect; (2) Actively encourage friendships among colleagues; (3) Evaluate the level of connections in the workplace; (4) Create an environment of belonging. KENNEDYFITCH – Employee Experience Report 2024: Humanized Growth In A Digital Era You need data to prove your cause, prove your arguments and prove your impact. This is a highly impressive report on the current state and long-term vision for employee experience by the team at KennedyFitch including Joan Beets, Frank van den Brink, Sander de Bruijn and Patrick Coolen. Highlights include: (1) Analysis on the current state of EX as it relates to maturity (see FIG 14), tools, skills, team responsibilities, leadership buy-in and main obstacles. (2) Insights into the goals, planned skills/tools development and anticipated challenges for the next 12 months. (3) Exploration of how AI and other factors will transform EX and HR. (4) Case studies from EX trailblazers including Sebastian Knepper (Deutsche Telekom), Vasuki Ranganath (Volvo), Lea Mikus (Celonis), Andreas Mayer (ING), Volker Schrank and Joachim Decock (Mondelez), and Ruth Bielderman (Royal BAM Group). An absolute must-read report for anyone working or interested in employee experience. FIG 14: EX Maturity Model (Source: KennedyFitch) DAVE ULRICH AND WENDY ULRICH - What Is the Next Step for Employee Experience? The Why, What, and How of Hope Hope is an emerging fifth wave of managing mental health challenges that shape employee experience which in turn impacts stakeholder value. The cost of mental illness and the related consequences is projected to be $6 trillion globally by 2030. As Dave Ulrich and Wendy Ulrich write, in the workplace, mental health often connects to the employee experience, which in turn impacts stakeholder and business outcomes (see FIG 15). The article then identifies hope as a new dimension of the employee experience (see FIG 16), and details six principles of what hope means in an organisational setting, so that organisations with hope: (1) Transform the future, (2) Are based in healthy relationships and conversation, (3) Ensure efficacy, (4) Rely on realistic optimism, (5) Empower people, and; (6) Address personal needs. Finally, Dave and Wendy offer seven skills for leaders to master to turn principles into actions that increase hope. An important and timely article. FIG 15: Logic of Mental Health, Employee Experience and Stakeholder Value (Source: Dave Ulrich and Wendy Ulrich) FIG 16: Evolution of Ideas Related to Employee Experience (Source: Dave and Wendy Ulrich) LEADERSHIP, CULTURE, AND LEARNING McKINSEY - Go, teams: When teams get healthier, the whole organization benefits Team effectiveness is less art, more science A new McKinsey study identifies the elements of team effectiveness that have the most significant impact on team performance: trust, communication, innovative thinking and decision-making. The authors debunk several other myths about how teams operate, and highlight the importance of context and how it determines the behaviours that matter most for a team to function effectively. A framework is presented that categorises teams into three archetypes: cycling, relay and rowing teams, which also highlights the top performance drivers for each (see FIG 17). Finally, the article details four actions for leaders to help their teams succeed: (1) Take a hard look in the mirror. (2) Make sure the changes stick. (3) If you are a team leader, don’t stand in the way of progress. (4) Embed team effectiveness in the organization’s DNA. (Authors: Aaron De Smet, Gemma D'Auria, Liesje Meijknecht, Maitham Albaharna, Anaïs Fifer, and Kimberly Rubenstein, PhD) FIG 17: Three archetypes of teams (Source: McKinsey) ALLAN H. CHURCH AND JANINE WACLAWSKI - Humpty Dumpty and the 9-Box: Five Steps to Putting it Back Together Again Using the Science of Leadership Potential (The 9-box) should be about understanding the consistency between what the organization thinks of its talent (designated potential) and what the data indicates against a validated predictive model (assessed potential). As Allan Church, Ph.D. and Janine Waclawski outline in their revealing article, while the 9-box model is commonly used talent management tools many companies struggle to use it effectively. Church and Waclawski believe this is because most organisations are doing it wrong, explaining the tendency to fall into “the performance-potential paradox”. They ten outline five steps towards having a best-in-class 9-box: (1) Throw Out Performance Ratings – They Should Be a Gatekeeper, not a Predictor. (2) Keep Your Current Talent Framework and Embrace it – But Re-label it as Designated Potential. (3) Introduce the Science of Leadership Potential – By Using Formal Assessments & Data (see the New 9-box in FIG 18). (4) Don’t Box Yourself In – Determine the Right Size Grid for Your Organization. (5) Use Data to Diagnose the Gaps – Between Designated Potential and Assessed Potential. FIG 18: Leadership potential for the new 9-box (Source: Allan H. Church and Janine Waclawski) HR TECH VOICES Much of the innovation in the field continues to be driven by the vendor community, and I’ve picked out a few resources from November that I recommend readers delve into. In a slight change-up this month, I’ll start with a couple of pieces that analyse the people analytics and wider HR technology market: DAVE ZIELINSKI - How GenAI is Transforming People Analytics Software – Analysis by David Zielinski for SHRM on how GenAI is democratising the use of people analytics and lowering the barrier to entry, which features insights from Stacia Sherman Garr, Jeremy Shapiro, Lydia Wu, and Sameer Raut. EKTA LALL MITTAL - The Realities of HR Tech Part 1 | Part 2 - In her column for Transform, Ekta Lall Mittal provides insights and guidance on the HR technology market. In Part 1, she looks at how to get started and ways to connect business and people strategy with technology. In Part 2, Ekta provides guidance on how to conduct a current state analysis of your tech stack. LISA SIMON - The Ripple Effect of Female Leadership in Data – Lisa K. Simon, Chief Economist at Revelio Labs, highlights some of the main findings from a report on the Career outlook for women in D&A and AI, she co-authored with Asha Saxena and Robert Parr. One of these was that companies with more women in senior executive data roles have higher female representation in data roles across the organisation. The difference is greatest for junior roles (see FIG 18). FIG 18: The more woman in leadership, the more women overall (Source: Revelio Labs) VISIER – Embracing the AI Driven Workforce: 5 Workforce Trends for 2025 – It’s that time of year when we start hearing the word ‘trends’ a lot, and Visier Inc. is one of the first out of the traps with their five workforce trends for 2025. It’s an insightful read featuring contributions from the likes of Angela LE MATHON, Jill Larsen, Keith Bigelow, and Dawn Klinghoffer. FIG 19: The ABCDs of Creating a Future-Proof Agile Workforce (Source: Visier) DIRK JONKER - Finance and Human Resources: A Strategic Partnership for Business Growth – Crunchr CEO Dirk Jonker explains why and how HR and Finance should work together, and paints a vision where: “Together, HR and finance can unlock a future where employees are seen for what they truly are: a company’s most significant (and measurable) asset.” FRANCISCO MARIN - The Shift from Authority to Influence: Power Distribution in a Network-First Future of Work – Francisco Marin of Cognitive Talent Solutions continues his excellent series of articles on moving to a network-first approach by analysing the shift of power from authority to influence. PODCASTS OF THE MONTH In another month of high-quality podcasts, I’ve selected six gems for your aural pleasure: (you can also check out the latest episodes of the Digital HR Leaders Podcast – see ‘From My Desk’ below): BROOKE WEDDLE, BRYAN HANCOCK, AND WENDY MILLER - Why being in HR is getting tougher—and how to break through – In a fascinating episode of McKinsey Talks Talent, Brooke Weddle, Bryan Hancock, and Wendy Stratman Miller join host Lucia Rahilly to discuss the dynamics that are making HR tougher than ever—as well as what leaders can do differently to begin turning morale around. CONNIE NOONAN HADLEY - Make it Safe for Employees to Speak Up – Connie Noonan Hadley guests on Steelcase’s Work Better podcast with host Chris Congdon to discuss why and how managers should encourage employees to speak up about mistakes, ideas, and questions – essentially by creating a psychologically safe work environment. DANIELLE BUSHEN – Navigating Pay Transparency with People Analytics - Danielle Bushen, Global Head of People Analytics Data Governance and Stewardship at Sanofi, joins David Turetsky on HR Data Labs to explore how people analytics intersects with compensation, how to modernise compensation through data-driven practices, and the importance of pay transparency. MATTHEW HAMILTON - How To Master People Analytics and Deliver Insights That Actually Work - Matthew Hamilton, VP of People Analytics & HRIS at Protective Life, joins host Christopher Rainey on HR Leaders to discuss the challenge of delivering actionable insights to leaders -  the last mile problem - and the importance of storytelling with data. PAUL RUBENSTEIN AND JOSH BERSIN - What’s Holding Back People Analytics? – Josh Bersin and Paul Rubenstein, Chief Customer Officer at Visier, discuss how the people analytics market has evolved, and why only around 10% of People Analytics teams deliver strategic business value. VIDEO OF THE MONTH LEENA NAIR – View From the Top Leena Nair is that rarity of a chief people officer that rises to the role of CEO having transitioned from CHRO at Unilever to CEO at Chanel in January 2022. In this interview with Ayesha Kamik as part of Stanford’s View From the Top series, Leena shares her inspiring journey with insights from her life and career, including her time in human resources, how to build company culture, her leadership principles, how to break barriers and her thoughts on AI and the future of work. BOOK OF THE MONTH RUSSELL KLOSK – Talent Prophecy: Creating Strategic Impact Through Workforce Planning and Talent Strategy In Talent Prophecy, Russell Klosk (智能虎) provides a comprehensive guide to workforce planning, which should have particular resonance for HR professionals involved in workforce planning activities. The book provides readers with practical and accessible tools to: (1) Analyse your current workforce capabilities. (2) Predict future talent needs across various business scenarios. (3) Create adaptive strategies for talent acquisition and development. (4) Leverage AI and emerging technologies. (5) Build stakeholder support for talent initiatives. RESEARCH REPORT OF THE MONTH ZHEYUAN (KEVIN) CUI, MERT DEMIRER, SONIA JAFFE, LEON MUSOLFF, SIDA PENG, AND TOBIAS SALZ - The Effects of Generative AI on High Skilled Work: Evidence from Three Field Experiments with Software Developers This paper explains the findings from a study to evaluate the impact of generative AI on software developer productivity through analysing data from three trials conducted at Microsoft, Accenture, and an anonymous Fortune 100 electronics manufacturing company. The researchers ( Kevin Zheyuan Cui, Mert Demirer, Sonia Jaffe, Leon Musolff, Sida Peng, and Tobias Salz) found that introducing a generative AI tool to software developers did increase productivity, with less-experienced developers showing higher adoption rates and greater productivity gains. You can also read this summary of the paper by Dylan Walsh: How generative AI affects highly skilled workers. FROM MY DESK November saw the final two episodes of Series 42 of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, sponsored by Workday (thanks to Sophie Barnes and Jennifer Neumann), an article rounding up the key learnings from series 42, and the first two episodes of Series 43, sponsored by TechWolf (thanks Maaike Standaert, Mikaël Wornoo?, Andreas De Neve ?). ANISH LALCHANDANI - The Four Reskilling Principles Every HR Leader Should Know - Anish Lalchandani, Global Head of Talent Management at Maersk, joins me to discuss insights from his book, The Skills Advantage, including why reskilling should be a key component of talent management strategy, the four cornerstones of reskilling, and key metrics to tie reskilling efforts to business value. LARA WAINWRIGHT AND DUNCAN REYNELL - How Digital Transformation Fuels Skills and EX at Lloyds Banking Group - Lara Wainwright, Product Owner and Lab Lead, and Duncan Reynell, Group Talent & Development Director, join me to share how digital transformation is driving Lloyds Banking Group’s shift to a skills-based organisation. SANDRA LOUGHLIN - Building a Skills-Based Organisation: Lessons from a 30-Year Journey – Sandra Loughlin, PhD, Chief Learning Scientist, discusses the lessons EPAM Systems has learned over its 30-year skills journey and how organisations can apply these insights to their own skills transformations. KEITH SONDERLING – Responsible AI in HR: The Ethical Roadmap for Success – For four years, Keith Sonderling was the Commissioner at the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). During this time, Keith openly engaged with the HR tech and people analytics community on AI in HR. In this episode, recorded just before Keith’s term ended, we reflect on what AI in HR means for organisations and technology firms, as well as have a broader discussion on discrimination in the workplace. DAVID GREEN - How can organisations use workforce data to drive culture, inclusion and engagement? - A round-up of the key discussions and learning from series 42 of the Digital HR Leaders podcast featuring: Michael Fraccaro, Michael Arena, Jason Scheckner, Anish Lalchandani, Lara Wainwright and Duncan Reynell. SIGN UP TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PEOPLE ANALYTICS NETWORK CENSUS This is a great initiative by Andrew Pitts, Richard Rosenow, Matthew Diabes, PhD, and Stephanie Murphy, Ph.D. Together they have launched the People Analytics Network Census (PANC), which aims to map and understand the global people analytics network, tracking connections across professionals in our field through a single active organisational network analysis. You can find out more about the initiative and sign up to PANC here. LOOKING FOR A NEW ROLE IN PEOPLE ANALYTICS OR HR TECH? I’d like to highlight once again the wonderful resource created by Richard Rosenow and the One Model team of open roles in people analytics and HR technology, which now numbers over 475 roles, and has now been developed into a LinkedIn newsletter too – you can read the latest edition here. THANK YOU Richard Rosenow for including the Digital HR Leaders podcast episodes with Craig Starbuck, PhD and Rob Briner on his Election Day Playlist Veronika Birkheim for including me on her list of experts on LinkedIn to read, listen and follow Thomas Kohler for including the Digital HR Leaders podcast episode with Anish Lalchandani in his excellent list of HR resources Nick Broughton for including me on his list of top 40 voices in the remote work industry. Wolfgang Brickwedde for including me in his article on the Recruiting Tech Highlights of Unleash 2024 OpenHR UK for including the Digital HR Leaders podcast as one of four must-listen to podcasts, along with podcasts by Matt Alder Ben Geoghegan and Lucinda Carney ? Finally, a huge thank you to the following people who either shared the October edition of Data Driven HR Monthly and/or posted about the Digital HR Leaders podcast, conferences or other content. It's much appreciated: Scott Rogers Tobias W. Goers ツ Jordan Hartley David McLean Jaqueline Oliveira-Cella Tim Sharp Delia Majarín Andreea Lungulescu Dart Lindsley Sharna Wiblen Amardeep Singh, MBA Selina Yankson Olivier Vidal Lukasz Sowinski Lenka Máchová Nick Lynn Russ Fatum BS, BS, MSA, MBB, PMP Tanguy Dulac Aurélie Crégut Roshaunda Green, MBA, CDSP, Phenom Certified Recruiter Stephanie Denino Ian Grant FCIPD Purvi Vasani Lewis Garrad Rafael Senise David Simmonds FCIPD William Thai, Ph.D. Olivia Li Md Shahid Ullah Bhuyan Facundo Tomás García Bob Pulver Corine Boon Alessandro Cosentino Jose Luis Chavez Vasquez Kalifa Oliver, Ph.D. Samir Murgude , SPHR®, SHRM-SCP, IHRP-SP Jayashree Shivkumar Dr. Jeeta Sarkar Abbie Gnewuch Zachary Schurmann ?️? Aurangzeb Soharwardi CDIS. CHRP. SAP HCM Aravind Warrier Catriona Lindsay Luis Maria Cravino Kerron Ramganesh Ralf Buechsenschuss David Hodges Ouarda Guergour Marijana Brasiello, MHRM Malgorzata Langlois Amit Mohindra Swechha Mohapatra (IHRP-SP, SHRM-SCP, CIPD) Lore Muraina, PMP, PMI-ACP, CPP Alan Susi Yuyan Sun Sven Hultin Greg Pryor Kathleen Kruse Jaap Veldkamp Aleksandra Borisova, RODP Hrvoje Bulat Jaejin Lee Wayne Tarken Caitie Jacobson Nathalie Kumbrink, PHR®, SAFe® APM Melissa Arronte Nicole Lettich Nils Bunde Mia Norgren Shane Walsh Irina Villacreces, M.S., SPHR, PMP Jaana Saramies ? Stacy Davies Ruben Santos Justin Shemeley Richie Citta Erin Gerbec, Ph.D. Mircea-Stefan Glavici Bri Klein Indre Radzeviciute Alex Paton Ramesh Karpagavinayagam Megan Cox (née Phelps) Natasha Ouslis, PhD Tina Peeters, PhD Joseph Frank, PhD CCP GWCCM Lucie Vottova John Fisher Whitney Giga, PHR, SWP Graham Tollit Dave Millner Nicole Davis Barry Swales Dr. Sebastian Projahn David Littlechild Tatu Westling Philipp Heller Blaine Ames Shujaat Ahmad Irene Wong Greg Newman Adam McKinnon, PhD. Kanwal Safdar Irada Sadykhova Hanadi El Sayyed Tanya Arrowsmith Nabil Dewsi Henrik Håkansson Lina Makneviciute Alejandro Giordanelli Andras Szabo Radka Krempova David van Lochem Andreas Maroulis Ohad Geron Placid Jover Sydney Dolanch Isabel Naidoo Rob Kok Kimberly Rose Nick Hayter Annia Balcazar Cabana Anna A. Tavis, PhD Claire Masson Agnes Garaba Sebastian Kolberg Sabine Bothe Sophia Huang, Ed.D. Mariami Lolashvili Philip Arkcoll Erik Otteson Alexandra Nawrat Kristina Schoemmel Craig Starbuck, PhD Maria Alice Jovinski Toon van der Veer Petra Noble Julia Brandon, PhD Aritra Majumdar Scott Nemeth Shannon Rutledge Gal Mozes, PhD Ken Clar Kelly Monahan, Ph.D. Jacob Nielsen Olimpiusz Papiez Nick Hudgell Sonia Mooney Marcela Mury Christopher Cerasoli Dr. Peter Schulz-Rittich Ludek Stehlik, Ph.D. Craig Forman Kelly Satterfield Perri Ma Anna Gullstrand Victoria Holdsworth Joanna Bloor Pietro Mazzoleni Andrés García Ayala Kristhy Bartels Tim Peffers John Golden, Ph.D. Nicole Hazard Søren Kold Kirsten Edwards Doug Shagam Geetanjali Gamel John Gunawan Jack Liu UNLOCK THE POTENTIAL OF YOUR PEOPLE ANALYTICS FUNCTION THROUGH THE INSIGHT222 PEOPLE ANALYTICS PROGRAM At Insight222, our mission is to make organisations better by putting people analytics at the centre of business and upskilling the HR profession The Insight222 People Analytics Program® is your gateway to a world of knowledge, networking, and growth. Developed exclusively for people analytics leaders and their teams, the program equips you with the frameworks, guidance, learnings, and connections you need to create greater impact. As the landscape of people analytics becomes increasingly complex, with data, technology, and ethical considerations at the forefront, our program brings together over one hundred organisations to collectively address these shared challenges. Insight222 Peer Meetings, like this event in London, are a core component of the Insight222 People Analytics Program®. They allow participants to learn, network and co-create solutions together with the purpose of ultimately growing the business value that people analytics can deliver to their organisations. If you would like to learn more, contact us today. ABOUT THE AUTHOR David Green ?? is a globally respected author, speaker, conference chair, and executive consultant on people analytics, data-driven HR and the future of work. As Managing Partner and Executive Director at Insight222, he has overall responsibility for the delivery of the Insight222 People Analytics Program, which supports the advancement of people analytics in over 100 global organisations. Prior to co-founding Insight222, David accumulated over 20 years experience in the human resources and people analytics fields, including as Global Director of People Analytics Solutions at IBM. As such, David has extensive experience in helping organisations increase value, impact and focus from the wise and ethical use of people analytics. David also hosts the Digital HR Leaders Podcast and is an instructor for Insight222's myHRfuture Academy. His book, co-authored with Jonathan Ferrar, Excellence in People Analytics: How to use Workforce Data to Create Business Value was published in the summer of 2021. MEET ME AT THESE EVENTS I'll be speaking about people analytics, the future of work, and data driven HR at a number of upcoming events in 2024 and early 2025: December 5 - Visier Outsmart Local - Building Your People Data Strategy, London December 10-12 - Workday Rising EMEA, Amsterdam January 23 - The Strategic Outlook for People Analytics in 2025 with Ian Cook and Dawn Klinghoffer (WEBINAR - Register here) February 26-27 - People Analytics World, Zürich April 29-30 - People Analytics World, London More events will be added as they are confirmed.   原文来自:https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/best-hr-people-analytics-articles-november-2024-david-green--aofje/
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  • HR leadership
    HR领导者可以从泰勒·斯威夫特身上学到什么 人力资源领导层可以从音乐家泰勒·斯威夫特身上学到一两件事,特别是在了解她如何建立和发展自己的品牌、形象和声誉时。 “我/我们希望因什么而出名?” 渗透到 Swift 所做的每一项行动和企业决策中,这是每个企业领导者都应该考虑的事情。这种方法使她能够突破界限并探索新的音乐风格,同时从青少年乡村歌手无缝过渡到全球流行歌手和女商人,并在 2023 年收入近 20 亿美元。 人力资源领导层可以采取泰勒·斯威夫特方法的 3 种方式 1. 让关键利益相关者感受到自己的声音被倾听 通过精心设计,想想斯威夫特强有力的、相关的信息如何让她的年轻女孩目标受众感到更“被倾听”、更有希望、更强大和更自信。这些特质进一步强化了她的品牌——在当今负面头条新闻和坏演员不断出现的情况下,这些特质不容低估或掉以轻心。 斯威夫特表现出了高管风范,同时也被塑造成一个极其积极、表现出色的人,她总是在场并建立自己的人际网络。她似乎会仔细倾听别人的意见,周围都是与她合作的高素质顾问,然后执行她想做的事情,或者更准确地说,她需要做的事情。在你的角色中,你有可以依靠的盟友和顾问吗? 作为人力资源领导者,你的“观众”并不完全是一个充满尖叫粉丝的体育场,也不是数百名参与流行歌星音乐和营销机器运作的人。但您的员工应该像 Swifties 一样感受到“被倾听”。 作为人力资源领导者,您希望您的团队和员工感到更有希望、更强大、更自信。从您的角度来看,您可以在公司中做些什么来做到这一点?   2.尝试新事物 斯威夫特是一位果断、打破常规的领导者,她能迅速尝试新模式或业务行动,使她的品牌和内容更容易获得,创造多样化的收入来源,并对其知识产权提供更大的控制权。每个人都在推销商品,但斯威夫特用她的粉丝认可的独特“商品”重塑了游戏,这推动了更多的品牌亲和力和社区——这个庞然大物每年的销售额超过 2 亿美元。 在人力资源方面,我们有很好的机会效仿 Swift 的做法,尝试新的模型和方法来支持团队。不要陷入“我们一直都是这样做的”的陷阱。与您的员工保持联系并倾听。失去员工并替换他们是一个非常昂贵的提议。倾听是为了理解,而不仅仅是回应。 斯威夫特又是一位开箱即用的领导天才,她重新录制自己的专辑,获得了对母带录音的控制权,同时巩固了未来的所有权,再次震撼了整个行业。在这里,斯威夫特巧妙地展示了她令人印象深刻的解决问题的方法,其完全原创,但与其他顶级艺术家(例如失去了对音乐的控制/权利的保罗·麦卡特尼)相比,更令人印象深刻。 人力资源领导者有很多机会以不同的方式思考来解决公司的问题:士气低落、人员流动、生产力、培训差距和招聘挑战。你可以在哪里拓展你的思维,接受新的想法和创造性的方法来解决熟悉的问题? 事后看来,将“Swifties”商标注册是另一个明显的举动,但这只是强大而多样化的商标组合的一部分。还是无法参加演出?没问题:斯威夫特继续创作最好的音乐会电影:《泰勒·斯威夫特:时代巡回演唱会》,目前是音乐会和纪录片历史上票房最高的电影,全球票房超过 2.616 亿美元。和足球明星约会?利用社交媒体和高调的电视露面来扩展品牌并控制信息! 从领导的角度来看,她做这样的事情看起来很不错,而且在做这件事的过程中,她总是表现出良好的关怀行为。作为人力资源领导者,我们可以开发不同的方式与员工沟通,并设计不同形式的活动以将人们聚集在一起。 3. 以同理心领导 除了为企业持续和多元化的发展制定路线之外,斯威夫特还以同理心领导。例如,当里约热内卢的一名球迷因高温死亡时,她推迟了音乐会,并立即在 Instagram 上发布了自己在体育场更衣室里“悲痛欲绝”的消息。 也许更令人印象深刻的是,巡演组织者——斯威夫特品牌的延伸——承担了责任并道歉,同时令人震惊地承认他们本可以采取更多措施来确保音乐会观众的安全。斯威夫特还与家人会面,并邀请他们作为她最后一场里约演出的嘉宾。 斯威夫特富有同理心的领导风格也体现在她关心和投资的事业上。她的慈善事业有一种方法:将金钱和时间投入到有意义的事业上,例如向家乡图书馆捐赠书籍、帮助粉丝偿还学生贷款、将歌曲收益捐赠给纽约市的一所学校,为性侵犯受害者而战,支持路易斯安那州洪水和纳什维尔龙卷风影响的人们,回馈食品银行和宠物救援组织等等。 斯威夫特还投资了 Toms Shoes 和 Bombay Socks 等无私的公司,这是她的粉丝所拥护的另一件事。Z世代特别喜欢与那些强烈表明他们愿意回馈共同利益的品牌建立联系。 人力资源部门可以在指导公司清楚地传达他们支持的事业和慈善活动方面发挥关键作用。Z 世代在加入组织时正在寻找这一点。 有人可能会说 Swift 建立的不仅仅是一家企业;更是一家企业。她在这个历来由男性主导的行业中发起了一场运动。人们购买这些品牌是因为他们想要积极的联想。斯威夫特反复证明,她拥有一种体现积极性并吸引各个年龄段人士的企业文化。她是一个如此积极的榜样,以至于父母可能愿意为孩子支付每张 1,000 美元的门票来见她。 杰出的人力资源领导者知道如何分享他们的愿景,并了解如何让人们参与他们正在迈向的任何新目标。斯威夫特如此提高了标准,以至于像其他标志性商业领袖一样,她面临着“我如何才能让人们保持兴奋?”的挑战。我很高兴看到她如何应对未来的挑战,因为我知道我们都可以从泰勒·斯威夫特的表演中学到一两点关于人力资源领导力的知识。 作者:温迪·汉森 Wendy Hanson 是 New Level Work 的联合创始人兼首席文化和社区官,负责监督所有项目,并负责招聘、管理和培养全球充满活力的高管教练和协调员社区。作为一名认证高管教练已有二十多年的经验,她曾与各种规模的公司合作,为各个行业的最高管理层领导者和业务团队提供培训
    HR leadership