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    2024NACSHR夏季论坛6月8日-9日在加州硅谷举办,欢迎参加与合作 2024NACSHR夏季论坛即将开启报名,欢迎参加与合作 从2016年起,北美华人人力资源协会(NACSHR)一直致力于构建一个专为HR专业人士及商业精英打造的交流平台。多年来,NACSHR年度论坛已经发展成为北美地区最有影响力的人力资源活动之一,吸引了众多行业领导者和专家的关注与参与。 2024年,我们非常高兴地再次邀请全球的华人人力资源专业人士以及从业者,加入我们6月份的NACSHR夏季论坛。继续我们的成功传统,即将到来的论坛将包含专业小组讨论、实用工作坊、招聘会、企业参观以及多种交流活动。这些会议不仅旨在提供最新的行业知识和趋势,而且为与会者提供了一个与行业顶尖专业人士进行近距离交流的宝贵机会,并且与同行建立或加深联系。 这个多元化的平台将探讨在北美职场中实现职业飞跃的策略,应对快速变化的工作环境,以及如何通过有效的人力资源管理促进企业与个人的共同发展。NACSHR2024年度论坛不仅是学习和交流的场所,它还是启示和灵感的源泉,为华人HR专家和从业者打开了通往职业新篇章的大门。 我们期待着全球的华人HR同事共聚一堂,共同探索和塑造未来人力资源的新趋势。加入我们的NACSHR2024年度论坛,共享思想的碰撞和心灵的触动。 会议形式:专业小组讨论+晚宴酒会+职业机会+企业参观+互动交流 2024北美华人人力资源夏季峰会将于6月7日至9日在硅谷举办!会议形式多样,嘉宾阵容强大,为华人HR专业人士聚集提供了不容错过的机会。超过30位来自北美的杰出华人HR领导者和专家将带来两天充实的专业内容。 Stay Together Stay Powerful 诚挚邀请全世界华人HR以及人力资源行业从业人员参加本次年度盛会。 2024北美华人人力资源协会夏季论坛 时间:2024年6月8日-9日 周六周日 (9:00-17:00 ) 周六8点半签到 地点:Sonesta Silicon Valley 1820 Barber Lane Milpitas, CA 95035 报名地址:https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/6DD83E38-2557-37A2-0855-F8A9412B2003 (5月1日前报名付费可享早鸟票价) (Eventbrite频道  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2024-nacshr-tickets-857613855127,如需通过其报名亦可。) 门票价格:  注:不含会议午餐和参访期间交通  (付款方式及报名后的注意事项:https://www.nacshr.org/1800.html) 赞助合作: 联系人:Annie annie@nacshr.org 或者点击这里:https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/CDBE9324-6291-EB0E-3E50-91532A2A70BB 参与分享演讲:(仅限 inhouse HR) 联系人:Bijun or 冬瓜 nacshr818@gmail.com 嘉宾申请链接: https://www.nacshr.org/1732.html 2024NACSHR夏季论坛,欢迎参加与合作 往届回顾: https://www.nacshr.org/762.html        
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    【报名事项】付款方式—欢迎参加NACSHR2024夏季论坛,注意事项及付款方式,请查看相关信息(不断更新中) 欢迎参加6月8日-9日在硅谷举办的2024年的北美华人人力资源夏季论坛。 早鸟票请于5月1日前完成支付,之后将无法保留早鸟票的资格。   期待6月份与您相聚会议现场! NACSHR论坛会议相关信息: 时间:2024年6月8日-9日 周六周日,其中周六上午 8点开放签到 地点:SONESTA SILICON VALLEY   1820 Barber Lane, Milpitas, California 95035(可以直接绕到酒店后面的会议中心停车场) 会议详情:https://www.nacshr.org/1659.html (会不断更新) 5月1日前为早鸟票,价格请按照报名选择支付,备注相关信息 付款方式如下:(为方便大家,特别提供2种付款方式) 因EventBrite手续费非常高,应大家要求,今年特别提供 Zelle 方式付款,收款人为本次会议运营负责人. 付款zelle地址为 gawain520@qq.com 或者扫码支付。支付时请memo处备注您的报名姓名及参会人数,感谢! (这个是没有手续费的) 您可以选择通 Eventbrite的NACSHR会议链接进行报名和付费。报名及付费链接如下: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2024-nacshr-tickets-857613855127 (注:Eventbrite 会收取一些手续费,信用卡或者美国之外的或如果无法使用zelle 建议可以使用,或者联系我们) 备注:如需银行账号转账或企业支付,或写支票,请直接联系我们获取详细信息 会议费用供参考: ———————————————————————————————————————————— 备注:付款优惠节点为5月1日前早鸟票 6月1日前为优惠门票,价格不同,以付费为准。谢谢 · 如果您有HR职位招聘,可以点击这里免费发布:https://www.nacshr.org/job 如果有任何问题可以联系我们: 联系人:Annie 邮件: nacshr818@gmail.com  网站:https://www.nacshr.org *报名收到此邮件,意味着您已经报名参加NACSHR及合作伙伴主办的论坛,亦表示您已经清晰了解参会注意事项和用户隐私条款等事宜。 若非本人报名,请邮件告知:nacshr818@gmail.com Become a Speaker at NACSHR Events   附录: 会议详情:https://www.nacshr.org/1659.html  不断更新 成为论坛分享嘉宾 : https://www.nacshr.org/1732.html 会议赞助合作:Annie  nacshr818@gmail.com  or  annie@nacshr.org  
  • 推荐活动
    2024年NACSHR论坛峰会计划发布 备受关注的NACSHR2024年度论坛活动计划正式发布,欢迎保存收藏! 自2016年起,北美华人人力资源协会(NACSHR)一直致力于搭建一个互动交流的平台,专为HR专业人士和泛商科界的精英而设。随着时间的推移,NACSHR年度论坛已经成为北美地区最具影响力的HR事件之一,吸引了众多业内精英和专家的关注和参与。 2024年,我们再次诚挚邀请全球的华人HR专业人士以及人力资源领域的从业者,加入我们的年度盛会。本年度的论坛将继续沿袭以往的成功模式,包括专业论坛、实用课程、招聘会、企业参访交流以及不同形式的交流活动。这些活动不仅提供了最新的行业知识和趋势,而且也为参与者提供了一个难得的机会,与行业大咖进行近距离的交流,以及与同行建立或深化联系。 在这个多元化的平台上,我们将探讨如何在北美职场中实现个人职业的飞跃,如何应对快速变化的工作环境,以及如何通过有效的人力资源管理促进企业和个人的共同发展。NACSHR2024年度论坛不仅是一个学习和交流的场所,它也是一个启示和灵感的源泉,为华人HR专家和从业者打开了一扇通向职业新篇章的大门。 我们期待与全球的华人HR同仁共襄盛举,一同探索和塑造未来人力资源的新趋势。 让我们在NACSHR2024年度论坛相遇,共同开启一场思维的碰撞和心灵的触动。 预定报名:https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/40616C37-03CD-C19A-1EBB-8167100BBC93 赞助合作:Annie   annie@nacshr.org 或者直接点击这里:https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/CDBE9324-6291-EB0E-3E50-91532A2A70BB    
  • 推荐活动
    Personal Branding Expert And Host Of Leading Career Podcast, Jayzen Patria, Challenges You To Lead With Your Brand In The New Year Jayzen Patria emphasizes the importance of building a strong personal brand that aligns with one's values, strengths, and aspirations. Your personal brand is how you present yourself to the world and how others perceive you. It encompasses your unique skills, experiences, and personality traits that set you apart from others in your field. He also emphasizes the importance of consistency in personal branding. It's essential to ensure that your brand messaging, visual identity, and online presence align with your desired image. Consistency builds trust and helps others recognize and remember your brand. Lead With Your Brand! Will Help You Seize Control of Your Career in 2024 With A Collection of Resources to Jumpstart Your Next Career Breakthrough Jayzen Patria, one of the nation’s sought-after personal branding experts and the host of the leading career podcast “Lead With Your Brand!” is issuing a compelling challenge to professionals seeking to seize control of their careers in 2024. Patria’s Lead With Your Brand!™ Challenge transcends conventional career development, prompting professionals to build winning, super premium personal brands starting in the new year with a collection of resources to help jumpstart one’s next career breakthrough in 2024. Included within these resources are the five essential steps of his Lead With Your Brand!™ System in the form of actionable strategies, as well as complimentary downloadable worksheets designed to guide professionals through each of these five steps. Patria is known to lead with the question,“In your career, are you coffee or are you Starbucks?” which really underscores the transformative nature of his Lead With Your Brand!™ System. His thought-provoking query drives home the distinction between being recognized for your job title, in a similar way to being thought of as a boring old commodity like coffee, or instead being known as a super premium brand like Starbucks that people are willing to wait in line and pay a premium price for because of the incredible value that you bring. Beginning in January, the podcast is also set to unveil a series of new episodes, with Patria poised to continue to offer listeners a chance to explore his proven personal branding methodology. Of the new episodes listeners can look forward to in the new year, one of the first will include an interview with Mark Bertolini, the former CEO of Aetna and current head of Oscar Health, as well as author of the bestselling business book,“Mission-Driven Leadership: My Journey as a Radical Capitalist.” For the last four seasons, the Lead With Your Brand!™ podcast has featured exclusive interviews with industry titans, executives, and influencers who have shared their personal brand journeys and insights with listeners. With nearly 200 episodes, the podcast offers valuable advice and inspiration for individuals looking to build and elevate their personal brands in today’s competitive landscape. It transcends conventional offerings, serving as a catalyst for career breakthroughs. Jayzen Patria is a personal branding expert, diversity advocate and keynote speaker, helping transform organizations through the power of their people finding their true brand voice and bringing their best authentic selves to work every day. “The Lead With Your Brand Challenge is here to help you develop and lead with your personal brand into the new year, and make 2024 the year you achieve your next career breakthrough.” exclaims Patria. SOURCE HRTECH SERIES
  • 推荐活动
    Mark Your Calendars: Top Recruiting and HR Events in 2024 Top Recruiting and HR Events in 2024 The recruiting and HR industry is always evolving, and staying ahead of the curve is essential for success. One of the best ways to do this is to attend industry events. In 2024, there are a number of great events happening in North America that you won’t want to miss. For HR tech vendors these events are great opportunities to showcase your latest software. Talent Acquisition, Technology, and More Whether you’re interested in talent acquisition, HR technology, or human resources in general, there’s an event for you. Some of the major events on the calendar include: Talent Acquisition Week (January 29-February 4): This week-long virtual event is all about talent acquisition. Attendees can expect to hear from industry experts on a variety of topics, including sourcing, recruiting, and onboarding. HR Technology Virtual Conference (March 12-14): This virtual conference is the place to learn about the latest HR technology trends. Attendees can expect to see demos of new products and hear from thought leaders about how HR technology can be used to improve employee experience and productivity. ADP Meeting of the Minds (Feb 28 – Mar 2): This annual event is a great opportunity to network with other HR professionals and learn about the latest trends in the industry. Attendees can expect to hear from ADP executives and industry experts on a variety of topics. Upcoming Events in Spring and Summer In addition to these major events, there are a number of other great events happening throughout the year. Here are a few of the upcoming events later on in the year: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Annual Conference & Expo (June 23-26): This is the largest HR conference in the world, and it’s a great opportunity to learn about the latest trends in the industry and network with other HR professionals. Unleash America (May 7-9): This Las Vegas event is designed for HR executives and senior leaders. Attendees can expect to hear from industry experts on a variety of topics, including talent management, leadership development, and change management. HR Tech Conference (Sept 24-27): This conference is all about HR technology. Attendees can expect to see demos of new products and hear from thought leaders about how HR technology can be used to improve employee experience and productivity. Get Out There and Learn These are just a few of the many great recruiting and HR events happening in 2024. I encourage you to check out the full calendar of events on our sister site and find ones that are relevant to your interests. Attending industry events is a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest trends, learn from experts, and network with other professionals. So mark your calendars and get ready to learn! SOURCE HRTECH FEED
  • 推荐活动
    Webinar:ILS - 2023 Annual Conference ILS - 2023 Annual Conference Join us for an in-depth review and discussion on the pivotallegal developments from 2023 and what to expect in 2024. Featuring most important Supreme Court rulings, Labor andEmployment trends, and International Trade regulations. THURSDAY.DECEMBER 14.2023 2PM - 4PM PST 4PM - 6PM CST 5PM - 7PM EST https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_dBaJvmtaQ-iAlx-cqZ8gLQ#/registration
  • 推荐活动
    重磅揭晓嘉宾日程—2023北美华人人力资源年度峰会即将于6月17-18日在加州硅谷盛大举办,大咖云集,华人HR精英汇聚 时隔三年,我们再度重聚!2023北美华人人力资源年度峰会 6月17-18日在硅谷举办!会议形式多样,嘉宾大咖云集,汇聚华人HR精英,不可错过!Stay Together Stay Powerful 诚挚邀请全世界华人HR以及人力资源行业从业人员参加本次年度盛会。 2023北美华人人力资源协会年度峰会  时间:2023年6月17日-18日 周六周日 (9:00-17:00 ) 地点:Sonesta Silicon Valley 1820 Barber Lane Milpitas, CA 95035 门票:https://nacshr23.eventbrite.com 一年一度北美华人人力资源协会年度论坛将于6月17-18日在硅谷举行,诚挚邀请北美各地华人HR同仁积极参与,共建华人人力资源社团,携手华人HR一起成长! 今年论坛话题多样,更多关注HR细分专业本身以及华人HR同仁在美的职业发展,我们特别邀请华人HR杰出代表与您共同交流 30多位北美华人优秀的HR及专家为你带来2天充实的专业内容。 相信一定不可错过! · 广泛的北美华人人力资源网络社群 · 适合华人HR职场发展的专业分享 · 潜在的工作和发展机会 日程如下:
  • 推荐活动
    【嘉宾介绍】北美华人人力资源年度峰会6月17-18日在硅谷举办,诚邀参加 Stay Together Stay Powerful 诚挚邀请全世界华人HR以及人力资源行业从业人员参加本次年度盛会。 2023北美华人人力资源协会年度峰会  时间:2023年6月17日-18日 周六周日 (9:00-17:00 ) 地点:Sonesta Silicon Valley 1820 Barber Lane Milpitas, CA 95035 门票:https://nacshr23.eventbrite.com  (火热报名中)
  • 推荐活动
    NACSHR2019年会将于9月28日-29日在加州硅谷举行 2019北美华人人力资源协会年度论坛 预告: 时间:9月28日-29日 地点:硅谷
  • 推荐活动
    NACSHR年会培训:设计思维实战演练工作坊 —挑战题目:未来的HR应该做什么? 设计思维实战演练工作坊 ——挑战题目:未来的HR应该做什么? 副标题: 1. 设计思维能帮助HR做什么? 2. 为什么HR要学点设计思维? 3. 为什么全球的CEO到了硅谷都想听设计思维课? 培训嘉宾:艾欣博士 创新思维导师和倡导者, 硅谷创业者, 教育践行者 摘要: 当今社会已进入科技、产品、市场、生活方式快速发展的阶段,几乎没有人、没有企业可以预测明天会发生什么。所有的企业都面临这样的挑战,也就意味着企业的人才面临这样的挑战,而这个压力和挑战会有相当的一部分放到了HR部门和HR专业人员的身上。 另一方面,设计思维由践行者在实践中使用、归纳总结出来,由以斯坦福设计学院(DSchool)为代表的高校、研究机构进行了理论化的升级和推广,到IBM、SAP等应用在大型公司内部创新转型,硅谷中小创业者的创业应用(很多现在早已不是中小创业者了,如airbnb),以及美国创新学校的整体改革,都体现了其作为创新方法论的有效性,特别是在应对不确定的未来提供了确定的方法和解决问题的行动路线,因此成为全球企业都想学习的课程。 本次工作坊结合HR面临的未来挑战,用设计思维的方法快速体验一个设计思维创新的流程,参与者分成5-6人一个小组,从HR的用户入手、到深挖用户需求,结合头脑风暴进行创新方法找寻,以及快速产品原型和测试,在这样一个高度动手互动、人人参与、深度碰撞的过程中,学习了解设计思维,设计出未来HR的发展趋势。 演讲大纲: 1. 设计思维入门:定义和五步方法 2. 实战演练第一步:HR的用户是谁? 3. 实战演练第二步:HR的用户有哪些需求? 4. 实战演练第三步:头脑风暴可能的解决方案 5. 实战演练第四步:快速产品原型 6. 实战演练第五步:原型展示和测试 7. 复盘和总结 时间:9月30日  周日 9点30分-12点 地点:2F   3120 Scott Boulevard, Santa Clara, CA, USA 费用: HR学生免费参加 其他:50美元/人 折扣码 XIN 即可享受单独30块折扣。 点击这里或阅读原文报名: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2018-nacshr-annual-conference-tickets-50260199610
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