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    Care.com因夸大工作数量和收入,被诉向FTC支付850万美元和解金 美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)对Care.com采取了法律行动,原因是该公司在其平台上关于照护工作的可用性和潜在收入的广告中存在误导性陈述。这些广告经常夸大了工作的数量和可能的收入,同时还使用户难以取消他们的订阅。根据和解协议,Care.com必须支付850万美元用于消费者退款,并且要求公司未来在做出收入声明时必须实事求是,并简化订阅取消流程。此举不仅保护了消费者权益,也促进了更为诚信的市场环境。   近日,美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)与在线护理服务平台Care.com达成了一项重要的和解协议。此次和解,Care.com将支付850万美元,用于赔偿因其误导性广告和复杂的取消流程受损的消费者。 FTC指控Care.com在其平台上发布的护理工作的可用性和潜在收入方面存在误导性信息。此外,Care.com的订阅取消流程复杂,迫使消费者无法轻易取消服务,从而违反了消费者权益。 对此,Care.com表示,尽管公司对FTC的指控持有异议,并有信心通过法律途径争取正当权益,但最终决定选择和解,以避免长时间的诉讼消耗公司资源。Care.com强调,和解不代表对FTC指控的认可,公司的主要目标仍是为美国家庭及看护工作者提供高质量的服务。 Care.com回应称,他们一直致力于透明和公平地展示工作机会和薪资信息,任何误导消费者的行为都不符合公司的业务宗旨。关于FTC提出的取消订阅问题,Care.com承诺将进一步简化流程,确保消费者能够轻松管理其订阅。 此外,此次事件也引起了业界对护理经济透明度和公平性的广泛关注。随着护理服务需求的增加,消费者对透明度和公平交易的要求也日益增强。业内专家指出,此类和解案例可能会推动行业内更多的自我监管和改进,从而提高服务质量和消费者满意度。 长期以来,Care.com已在全美各地提供服务,帮助数百万家庭找到合适的看护资源。公司表示,尽管面临FTC的指控和和解,但会继续扩展其服务,确保为更多家庭和看护工作者创造价值。 FTC方面也表达了对和解结果的满意,认为这是保护消费者权益的重要一步。FTC表示将继续监督市场,确保所有企业都能遵守公平竞争和诚实宣传的原则。 总之,此次和解不仅解决了Care.com与FTC之间的法律纠纷,也为护理服务行业树立了一个公平交易和消费者保护的标杆。未来,Care.com及同行业的其他公司可能需要在确保广告真实性和提供消费者友好服务方面做出更多努力。 附录Care.com 的回应新闻稿 CARE.COM RESPONSE TO FTC AGREEMENT At Care.com, we put our members first, providing valuable tools and resources to help families find care and caregivers find jobs. Though we were fully prepared to litigate for the next several years if necessary and confident in our position, we decided to enter into an agreement with the FTC to resolve this matter now and keep our focus on helping our customers. This settlement is in no way a validation of the FTC’s claims. In fact, the settlement requires no material change in how Care.com serves those who use its platform. At a time when the care economy is under assault, when families are draining their savings to afford child care, when caregivers are leaving the profession and when our growing senior population is facing astronomical long term care costs, it is disappointing that the FTC has chosen to attack trusted businesses who are part of the solution. We have been in business nearly 20 years, available in every state and every town in America. That kind of longevity and scale comes from putting customers first every day; helping millions of families access the care they need and connecting millions of caregivers with meaningful, well-paying jobs. In response to the FTC’s press release, we wanted to clarify a few facts: The presentation of available job opportunities: We would not be in business for long if we manipulated optics, inflated statistics and attempted to trick our customers. We have found that many care seekers prefer to see a level of interest in their job post before committing to a premium membership, and our basic service tier offers this “try before you buy” opportunity. When a seeker sees the array of caregivers available, the commitment to premium membership—which enables seekers to contact and hire caregivers—follows naturally. Earnings data: Care.com does not set rates and we never make promises about earnings. The data we provide about posted rates is based solely on what families say they are willing to pay, which varies significantly. Given the size of our platform, the potential earnings data we provide is at scale, and helps maintain a balanced and fair market for care. Cancellation process: Families and caregivers can and do cancel memberships at any time and for a variety of reasons, including having successfully found a caregiver or a job. Our members can easily cancel if they wish, and we are further streamlining the process for doing so. Cancellation instructions for desktop and mobile users are included in every confirmation email upon sign up, accessible in our Help Center and available through our Customer Care support team which also offers 24 hour support via chat. Given the care crisis in America, we believe our collective energy as a country should be on solutions, not nitpicking attacks. Care.com intends to keep our focus on what matters: American families and the hardworking caregivers who support them.