EEOC Issues Final Regulation on Pregnant Workers Fairness Act美国平等就业机会委员会(EEOC)发布了《怀孕工作者公平法案》(PWFA)的最终规则,该规则自2023年6月27日生效,要求15名以上员工的雇主为怀孕、分娩或相关医疗条件的员工提供合理的工作调整,除非这种调整给雇主带来过大困难。此规则进一步加强了1964年民权法案和美国残疾人法案下的保护措施,提供了关于合理调整、雇主责任及孕期工作者权利的更清晰指导。
Aids Implementation of Civil Rights Law Expanding Protections and Accommodations for Pregnant Workers
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) today issued a final rule to implement the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA), providing important clarity that will allow pregnant workers the ability to work and maintain a healthy pregnancy and help employers understand their duties under the law. The PWFA requires most employers with 15 or more employees to provide “reasonable accommodations,” or changes at work, for a worker’s known limitations related to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions, unless the accommodation will cause the employer an undue hardship.
The PWFA builds upon existing protections against pregnancy discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and access to reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The EEOC began accepting charges of discrimination on June 27, 2023, the day on which the PWFA became effective.
The final rule will be published in the Federal Register on Apr. 19. The final rule was approved by majority vote of the Commission on Apr. 3, 2024, and becomes effective 60 days after publication in the Federal Register.
The final rule and its accompanying interpretative guidance reflect the EEOC’s deliberation and response to the approximately 100,000 public comments received on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. It provides clarity to employers and workers about who is covered, the types of limitations and medical conditions covered, how individuals can request reasonable accommodations, and numerous concrete examples.
“The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act is a win for workers, families, and our economy. It gives pregnant workers clear access to reasonable accommodations that will allow them to keep doing their jobs safely and effectively, free from discrimination and retaliation,” said EEOC Chair Charlotte A. Burrows. “At the EEOC, we have assisted women who have experienced serious health risks and unimaginable loss simply because they could not access a reasonable accommodation on the job. This final rule provides important information and guidance to help employers meet their responsibilities, and to jobseekers and employees about their rights. It encourages employers and employees to communicate early and often, allowing them to identify and resolve issues in a timely manner.”
Highlights from the final regulation include:
· Numerous examples of reasonable accommodations such as additional breaks to drink water, eat, or use the restroom; a stool to sit on while working; time off for health care appointments; temporary reassignment; temporary suspension of certain job duties; telework; or time off to recover from childbirth or a miscarriage, among others.
· Guidance regarding limitations and medical conditions for which employees or applicants may seek reasonable accommodation, including miscarriage or still birth; migraines; lactation; and pregnancy-related conditions that are episodic, such as morning sickness. This guidance is based on Congress’s PWFA statutory language, the EEOC’s longstanding definition of “pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions” from Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and court decisions interpreting the term “pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions from Title VII.
· Guidance encouraging early and frequent communication between employers and workers to raise and resolve requests for reasonable accommodation in a timely manner.
· Clarification that an employer is not required to seek supporting documentation when an employee asks for a reasonable accommodation and should only do so when it is reasonable under the circumstances.
· Explanation of when an accommodation would impose an undue hardship on an employer and its business.
· Information on how employers may assert defenses or exemptions, including those based on religion, as early as possible in charge processing.
More information about the PWFA and the EEOC’s final rule, including resources for employers and workers, is available on the EEOC’s “What You Should Know about the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act” webpage.
For more information on pregnancy discrimination, please visit
The EEOC prevents and remedies unlawful employment discrimination and advances equal opportunity for all. More information is available at Stay connected with the latest EEOC news by subscribing to our email updates.
Emotional intelligence elevates team building by fostering open communication, empathy, and understanding among members. It creates a positive workplace culture, strengthening relationships and contributing to overall team success and well-being.
FREMONT, CA: Emotional intelligence, or EQ, plays a crucial role in team construction and leadership. It involves understanding one's own emotions and reactions while also appreciating and interacting effectively with the emotions of others. Individuals with strong emotional intelligence, marked by humility, empathy, and self-regulation traits, tend to foster smoother communication and build robust relationships. This capacity for emotional intelligence in the workplace enables team members to proactively anticipate and address potential issues, such as conflicts, saving valuable time, energy, and resources crucial for organisational success. Developing emotional intelligence is an ongoing process that improves with practice, contributing significantly to the effectiveness of teams.
Any organisation that wants to succeed must focus on building emotionally intelligent teams. These teams may function best when they have open and effective communication, which is what makes them thrive. The procedure calls for deliberate measures and thorough planning. First and foremost, for team members to appreciate the value of their contributions, they must have a clear grasp of their responsibilities and the group's objectives. Second, creating platforms that support individual opinion expression encourages participation and a sense of ownership. Thirdly, leaders must foster empathy, communication, trust, and respect. Lastly, offering chances for group learning and development inspires the group, improving problem-solving skills and fortifying interpersonal ties. By recognising individual abilities, these actions help teams build emotional resilience.
Building relationships and encouraging candid communication are essential components of a productive team. If team members lack emotional intelligence, it can be challenging to encourage open communication since they may find it difficult to read body language or recognise mood swings. Developing ways that enable individuals to exchange information without fear of repercussions is essential to the success of any team. These tactics should emphasise the significance of having productive discussions where everyone feels heard and supported.
A few examples are one-on-one meetings with team leads, group brainstorming sessions, mentorship initiatives, and promoting more positive comments within the group. Teams can increase trust and connection while increasing productivity at work by implementing these methods.
Encouraging transparency and cooperation among team members is an effective tactic for creating unity and creating prosperous enterprises. Emotional intelligence must be given top priority to successfully build such an environment. Creating an environment where team members can express themselves without worrying about criticism or peer pressure is critical. This can be accomplished using easy strategies like regular talks between management and employees or team-building activities promoting opinion exchange.
Promoting open communication ensures that everyone feels free to share their thoughts, which boosts output overall and gives teams the tools they need to cooperate to achieve objectives. Hence, integrating emotional intelligence into team building is indispensable for fostering a positive and thriving workplace culture. Ultimately, the cultivation of emotional intelligence contributes to team success and also to the overall well-being and satisfaction of team members, creating a foundation for sustained growth and achievement.
Source ManageHR
视频:Leading Through Transformation The Future of HR in the AI Era
Leading Through Transformation The Future of HR in the AI Era
Jiajia Chen
Senior Group Product Manager
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