  • 资讯
    北美华人人力资源协会2017年度评选榜单揭晓        由北美华人人力资源协会发起的2017年度评选活动-North American Chinese Society of Human Resource Annual Awards (以下简称“NACSHR年度评选”)以及颁奖典礼于2017年12月20日在硅谷圣塔克拉拉万豪酒店圆满落幕。现场近50位来自优秀华人企业或科技公司,如阿里巴巴、百度、猎豹、京东、景弛、海航创新、滴滴出行、新浪、华为、Workday、Linkedin等的HR高管均出席本次的颁奖活动,一同见证北美华人企业的光辉时刻。NACSHR年度评选获奖榜单也在现场隆重揭晓。        伴随着华人企业快速的全球化扩展,华人在北美企业中的角色越来越重要和多样化,也更加凸显了人力资源和人才发展的重要性和关键性。为了更好的帮助和团结在北美的华人人力资源工作者以及北美职场的华人,协会由美国硅谷优秀的华人人力资源同仁们共同发起成立于2016年。今年是北美华人人力资源协会首次发起年度评选活动。评选旨在发现华人企业在海外的卓越的人力资源发展成果,发掘华人企业在海外人力资源实践的优秀案例,表彰华人企业中优秀的人力资源团队以及个人。通过本次的评选活动希望让更多的海外华人企业可以进一步借鉴优秀的人力资源实践成果,并进行广泛地分享和交流,与国内外的华人人力资源同仁们共同勉励,持续进步。        NACSHR年度评选今年设置2大奖项类别,分别是“最佳人力资源实践”和“最佳人力资源团队”,其中在“最佳人力资源实践”奖项下又另设“招聘创新实践”、“国际化实践”、“人力资源战略伙伴实践奖“三个细分奖项。评选活动于11月初中旬启动,历经为期一个月的评选期间,最终共有6家企业摘得年度评选的奖项。        颁奖典礼于6点半准时开幕,由北美华人人力资源协会主席-Jennifer女士发表开幕致辞,正式拉开活动的帷幕。随后揭晓了部分奖项,其中阿里巴巴集团美国, 京东美国凭借其在人力资源领域的杰出成就分别获得“最佳人力资源国际化”、“最佳人力资源实践”以及“最佳人力资源招聘创新实践”;百度美国以其快速增加的高潜力团队获得“最佳人力资源团队”奖项。、紧接着,来自百度美国的人力资源团队的Shelly也和我们进行了分享了关于华人人力资源团队国际化方面的心得体会。       分享结束后,北美华人人力资源协会随后公布了剩余的奖项,其中猎豹移动和滴滴美国因其在国际化领域的突出成绩均获得“最佳人力资源国际化”奖项;景弛科技凭借其较少的HR核心团队在过去7个月帮助团队从10人的美国团队增长至近80人横跨中美的团队,同时努力增加公司的“温度”,从衣食住以及生活处入手细致入微地关怀员工等方面获得了“最佳人力资源实践”奖项。随后猎豹移动的Linda Lee也分享了关于猎豹移动在走向国际化方面的实践和经验,为在场的人力资源同仁们带来不少的收获。最后来自滴滴出行的Train Luo也与大家分享了滴滴出行在人力资源国际化方面所做的探索,使各位在场的人力资源同行们受益匪浅。 至此,本次北美华人人力资源协会发起的2017年度评选活动暨颁奖典礼顺利落幕。以下是此次评选的获奖名单(排名不分先后): 以下为获奖企业 阿里巴巴企业代表 百度企业代表 猎豹移动企业代表 滴滴出行企业代表   京东集团企业代表 景弛企业代表 关于北美华人人力资源协会 为了更好的帮助和团结在北美的华人人力资源工作者以及在北美职场的华人,协会由美国硅谷优秀的华人人力资源同仁们共同发起成立于2016年。协会宗旨是为北美华人人力资源从业者提供广泛的交流平台,促进华人人力资源在海外的发展,维护华人人力资源从业者及职场华人的正当权益,建立北美地区乃至国际范围内的华人人力资源交流合作组织。 协会目前拥有官方网站(www.nacshr.org), 网站下设立招聘版块(job.nacshr.org)以及专栏板块(column.nacshr.org),旨在为北美的华人企业以及人力资源从业者提供免费的职位发布以及宣传企业人才策略和招聘资讯的渠道。 同时协会还运营微信公众账号(NACSHR),LinkedIn,Twitter以及Youtube,欢迎大家关注!
  • 观点
    Sam Altman的17条“希望早点知道的建议”,帮你更好得做2024年规划 Sam Altman 给你17条“希望早点知道的建议” 即将踏入2024年,Sam Altman更新博客,写下17条“希望早点知道的建议”,希望对正在做2024年规划的人们有帮助。 1.乐观、执着、自信、原始的动力和人际关系是事情开始的关键。 2.有凝聚力的团队,冷静和紧迫的合理搭配,以及非凡的投入是成事的关键。长期的方向目标是稀缺的;无需过分担心短期内其他人的看法,随着时间的推移,这会变得更容易。 3.对于团队而言,完成一项真正重要的艰巨任务,比起做一些并不那么重要的简单工作要更有意义;大胆的想法能够激发斗志。 4.激励机制的效果有如超能力,在设定时需经过慎重考虑。 5.把你的资源集中在少数有着高度信念的目标上,实际上可以剔除掉的东西多于你的想象。 6.沟通要清晰简洁。 7.每当你看到官僚主义和废话时,就与之斗争,也要让其他人参与斗争。不要让组织架构妨碍人们高效地协同工作。 8.结果才是最重要的;好过程不是坏结果的遮羞布。 9.花更多的时间在招聘上。在高潜力、成长快的人身上冒险。除了智力之外,除了智力外,还要寻找他们实际完成任务的证据。 10.超级明星实际比表面更有价值;但评价员工时,需要考虑他们对组织整体绩效的真正影响。 11.迅速迭代能可以弥补许多不足;通常情况下,如果你能迅速调整,即使犯下错误也无所谓。计划应以十年为周期,执行则应以周来衡量。 12.不要违背商业上的基本规律。 13.灵感易逝,人生苦短。不行动是一种既隐而又致命的风险。 14.规模往往具有令人惊讶的涌现特性。 15.借助复合增长的力量;尤其是,你会想要创建一个随着规模扩大而能够获得增长优势的企业。 16.站起来继续前行。 17.与优秀的人共事是人生中最美好的部分之一。 What I Wish Someone Had Told Me Optimism, obsession, self-belief, raw horsepower and personal connections are how things get started. Cohesive teams, the right combination of calmness and urgency, and unreasonable commitment are how things get finished. Long-term orientation is in short supply; try not to worry about what people think in the short term, which will get easier over time. It is easier for a team to do a hard thing that really matters than to do an easy thing that doesn’t really matter; audacious ideas motivate people. Incentives are superpowers; set them carefully. Concentrate your resources on a small number of high-conviction bets; this is easy to say but evidently hard to do. You can delete more stuff than you think. Communicate clearly and concisely. Fight bullshit and bureaucracy every time you see it and get other people to fight it too. Do not let the org chart get in the way of people working productively together. Outcomes are what count; don’t let good process excuse bad results. Spend more time recruiting. Take risks on high-potential people with a fast rate of improvement. Look for evidence of getting stuff done in addition to intelligence. Superstars are even more valuable than they seem, but you have to evaluate people on their net impact on the performance of the organization. Fast iteration can make up for a lot; it’s usually ok to be wrong if you iterate quickly. Plans should be measured in decades, execution should be measured in weeks. Don’t fight the business equivalent of the laws of physics. Inspiration is perishable and life goes by fast. Inaction is a particularly insidious type of risk. Scale often has surprising emergent properties. Compounding exponentials are magic. In particular, you really want to build a business that gets a compounding advantage with scale. Get back up and keep going. Working with great people is one of the best parts of life. https://blog.samaltman.com/what-i-wish-someone-had-told-me
  • 专栏
    Top 10 HR and People Analytics Themes of 2023 As we near the end of another successful year here at Insight222, we want to reflect on the top themes that have emerged in our content. From data-driven insights to real-world examples, our team has worked meticulously to deliver informative and persuasive articles that aim to enhance the HR and people analytics function. And we have seen some exciting changes and advancements in the field this year. So, without further ado, here are the top themes that have taken front stage in our content during 2023. Psychological Safety in the Workplace Psychological safety in the workplace has been proven time and time again that without it, a team cannot thrive. In fact, we like to think of it as the epitome of successful teams. Therefore, it's no surprise that this theme carries over from last year. Some of our most popular blogs discuss measuring psychological safety in the workplace, understanding how organisational culture impacts it and exploring how companies like Microsoft are transforming their organisational culture to prioritise psychological safety and promote a positive work environment. Behavioural Science in HR (Source: People Analytics Trends 2021) The integration of behavioural science into HR and people analytics practices has been gaining traction for the past few years, and this year was no exception. With the changing nature of skills and roles in HR, the need for understanding human behaviour and decision-making has become increasingly important in driving impactful business outcomes. With this, our article on exploring the role of behavioural science in HR and how it can be leveraged to improve employee engagement, performance, and productivity was one of our most popular reads of 2023. How AI is Changing the HR Landscape No discussion about the future of work is complete without considering the role of artificial intelligence (AI). (Source: The Impact of GPT and Generative AI Models on People Analytics (Interview with Andrew Marritt)) AI has been incorporated into HR for some time now. We have been using it to automate routine tasks, streamline recruitment processes and improve HR analytics. However, with the birth of generative AI models like Chat-GPT, it is an understatement to say that AI has revolutionised every aspect of HR. Better yet, it's safe to say that it has and will continue to revolutionise every business function within an organisation. From utilising AI in people analytics to how it is transforming the HR landscape, our articles on the impact of Chat-GPT and generative AI models and how AI is changing HR analytics have been among the most popular reads of this year. And for good reason - with the potential to improve decision-making, streamline processes, and enhance employee experience, AI is a topic every HR and people analytics professional should pay attention to. The Impact of Analytics on HR Our Insight222 research has shown time and time again that organisations that invest in people analytics drive better business outcomes, which is why, this year, we continued to dig deeper into this topic by exploring the New Model for People Analytics. With the rise of digital transformation and the increasing importance of data in driving strategic business decisions, our articles on using statistics to drive actionable outcomes, why people analytics is so important for HR, and how social capital can be measured have been highly sought-after reads. Upskilling the HR Function and Building Data Literacy at Scale Considering the previous points, it's understandable that upskilling the HR function and building data literacy at scale have emerged as key themes this year. To fully leverage the benefits of AI and data analytics, HR professionals must develop a strong understanding of data and how it can be used to drive strategic decision-making. As such, in July, we released our research, Upskilling the HR Profession: Building Data Literacy at Scale, which outlines the skills and competencies that HR professionals need to succeed in the digital age. It also highlights how HR leaders need to build an effective skill-based workforce planning capability. (Source: Measuring the ROI of Employee Training and Development) Interestingly, this research has also sparked discussions on who holds the responsibility for scaling data literacy across HR, which we explore in our article Who Holds the Responsibility for Scaling Data Literacy Across HR? Measuring the ROI of Employee Development Building upon the theme of upskilling and data literacy, it's important to also focus on measuring the ROI of employee development. As professionals in the HR sector, we know all too well that investing in employee training and development is crucial for an organisation's long-term success. But with senior executives increasingly asking (and expecting) HR to demonstrate the value of these investments, our article on measuring the ROI of employee training and development has been one of the most popular reads this year. Delivering Greater Value for the Business Through People Analytics At its core, people analytics is about delivering greater value for the business. Our 2022 research, Impacting Business Value: Leading Companies in People Analytics, is a testament to this. Leading Companies (organisations that drive the most business impact through people analytics) have consistently shown better financial performance, higher employee engagement and retention rates, and overall greater success compared to their less data-driven counterparts. This is why, in 2023, we have seen a surge of interest in articles on delivering greater value for the organisation with people analytics and the growing influence of people analytics in strategic business decisions. And this trend will only continue as more and more organisations recognise the importance of incorporating data-driven insights into their decision-making processes. Challenges to Building Data Literacy If there is one thing we have identified as a common theme this year, it's the challenges of building data literacy within HR. From understanding the technical aspects of data analysis to gaining buy-in from senior leadership, organisations face various hurdles when trying to build a culture of data literacy. (Source: Insight222 Research: Upskilling the HR Profession: Building Data Literacy at Scale) However, as we continue to uncover the value that analytics brings to HR and the business as a whole, these challenges will become easier to overcome. And with more resources and tools available to support data literacy efforts within organisations, we are confident that this theme will evolve in 2024. Evolving the HR Practice In all, as we wrap up another year, it's clear that people analytics and data-driven HR practices have become even more ingrained in our work. From the importance of psychological safety and behavioural science to the impact of AI, measuring ROI, and delivering greater value to the business - these are just a few key themes that have shaped our content this year. However, as we move forward, HR professionals must continue developing their data literacy and upskilling themselves to drive the success of their organisations further. To that end, we look forward to seeing how these themes will evolve and shape the future of HR in the coming years. Manpreet RandhawaDecember 18, 2023