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    LinkedIn推出AI招聘助手:重新定义未来招聘流程 LinkedIn Enters AI Agent Race With LinkedIn Hiring Assistant LinkedIn推出了首个AI Agent : Hiring Assistant,旨在帮助招聘人员重新成为招聘人员。 LinkedIn于本周推出了全新的AI招聘助手,这款工具旨在自动化招聘过程中高达80%的工作,特别是候选人筛选和招聘前的步骤。通过与LinkedIn平台的无缝集成,这款助手不仅提高了招聘人员的工作效率,也显著提升了候选人的质量。该工具的“体验记忆”和“项目记忆”功能,可以记录招聘人员的搜索和操作习惯,并将所有与招聘项目相关的信息进行整合,从而智能化地优化招聘流程。 这款助手已经在西门子、Canva等公司的招聘流程中得到了应用,这些公司报告称,通过LinkedIn招聘助手,招聘人员的生产力显著提升,候选人质量也得到了极大的改善。招聘前的AI辅助搜索仅需30秒即可完成,而传统的搜索通常需要15分钟。 LinkedIn招聘助手还通过AI驱动的沟通功能改善了候选人的体验。数据显示,使用AI辅助发送的招聘信息的接受率提高了44%,接受速度也加快了11%。此外,AI搜索的候选人接受率高出18%。 随着越来越多的公司采用AI技术,招聘与候选人之间的竞争日益加剧。求职者也在利用AI工具优化简历,甚至在面试中使用AI辅助表现,从而使HR在筛选候选人时面临更多挑战。因此,LinkedIn招聘助手等工具正成为招聘人员不可或缺的助手。 LinkedIn招聘助手不仅仅是提高效率的工具,它真正的价值在于解放招聘人员,使他们能够专注于与候选人和招聘经理的对话,改善雇主品牌,并更好地了解就业市场。这种转变反映了人才获取的战略性转变——从执行角色转变为人才顾问,帮助公司更好地实现增长。 详细请看Josh Bersin 写的这篇介绍 As I discussed in the article Digital Twins, Digital Employees, Agents Everywhere, tech vendors are creating AI-powered Agents as fast as they can. And in HR, where we deal with hundreds of mundane checklist-types of processes, the opportunity for automation is everywhere. This week, just as Microsoft launched a tools to help companies build Agents in Copilot, LinkedIn announced its Hiring Assistant. And this is a pretty amazing product. The Hiring Assistant is the first highly-integrated agent I’ve seen that fits right into the LinkedIn workflow. And the companies using it now (Siemens, Canva, AMS) are seeing recruiter productivity and candidate quality skyrocket. Here’s how to think about it: consider a schematic of the recruitment workflow. As you can see, there are more than 30 steps to complete, and this doesn’t even include background checking, offer-letter generation, benefits discussions, pre-boarding, and onboarding. With this brand new Assistant LinkedIn believes they can automate almost 80% of this pre-offer workflow. And the LinkedIn Hiring Assistant is just getting started. Here are some screenshots of the workflow: As you can see, the agent prompts the recruiter with intelligent responses and questions along the way. And throughout the process it stores more and more information to get smarter and smarter. This Is A Sophisticated Product This is a well-engineered product. Not only does it include many subtle features (ie. “find me a candidate like Joe,” which brings in Joe’s profile and analyzes Joe’s role, skills, and experience), it includes several platform innovations. The first is something LinkedIn calls “Experiential Memory,” storing the recruiter’s search and activity history for future work. The Hiring Assistant learns what this recruiter is doing, how they communicate, and how they operate, to tune its results to each recruiter’s needs (ie. a tech recruiter vs. an executive recruiter). Second is a feature called “Project Memory,” which brings together all the information about a single search project. This means the candidate selection criteria, emails, and input from hiring managers are stored in the project, enabling the assistant to see the whole experience of selection. Recruiters understand this challenge: every hire and every hiring manager is different, and each project has unique and sometimes new requirements which have nothing to do with the job description. Other Agents Will Have To Take Notice LinkedIn is not the first mover in this space, but the company’s credibility will accelerate the market. Paradox, the current leader in recruitment automation, has been automating high-volume recruiting for almost a decade and offers an agent that not only helps recruiters but also supports job seekers. It isn’t focused on sourcing liked LinkedIn, but it automates the rest of the process (candidate inquiries, interview scheduling, assessment, onboarding). And it really works: this week Chipotle announced that Paradox’s solution reduces time to hire by 75%, making it a central part of the company’s growth strategy. LinkedIn Hiring Assistant is receiving similar accolades. “Doing a normal search before AI took upwards of 15 minutes. Now, with AI-Assisted Search, it takes about 30 seconds to get results. The time saved is tremendous. It is so much more convenient and easier doing it this way,” said Victoria Östryd Söderlind, Senior Recruitment Specialist, Toyota Material Handling Europe.  “The AI features on LinkedIn have allowed our recruiters to do more, to be better and to grow faster in all of our activities. It’s about spending time in the right places where our time is more valuable and LinkedIn’s AI features have enabled us to do that. What it’s not doing is removing great conversations with candidates, stopping our ability to ask them questions or getting to know candidates as people and humans,” said Olivia Brown, Head of Talent Acquisition, Octopus Energy. Improving Candidate Experience While LinkedIn talks about the value to HR, the bigger value may be for candidates. The company found that AI-Assisted outreach messages generate a 44% higher acceptance rate and are accepted 11% faster by job seekers. And AI-based searches produce 18% higher candidate acceptance. As Paradox has discovered, candidates don’t like to waste time scheduling calls with recruiters if they can avoid it. And that leads to another important issue. There is now a growing AI battle between recruiter and candidates. AS AI helps recruiters source and screen candidates, the candidates are using AI to “power-up” their resumes. One of our clients told me that almost all their job applicants now submit resumes that look eerily similar to job descriptions. Why? Job candidates are using AI also! This means is that tools like LinkedIn Hiring Assistant are more essential than ever. As job seekers tweak their identity and even use AI interview assessments to game interviews, HR has to beef up its tools to better differentiate candidates. Liberating Recruiters To Recruit And Advise The big story is actually this: while Hiring Assistant is an efficiency tool, what it really does is free up recruiters to talk to candidates. Recruiters who are bogged down with drudgery can talk with hiring managers, improve employment brand, and get to know candidates and the job market better. This is part of what we call Systemic HR: moving talent acquisition away from the “fulfillment center” role to that of a talent advisor, helping the company think about its best ways to grow. As you look at these tools and think about automation, I encourage you to read our new research on the strategic shift in talent acquisition. Automation is not just about productivity and cost savings: it’s really about liberating our minds to think and add value in new and exciting ways.
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    Indeed:生成式人工智能的技能能够带来近 50% 的薪资增长 Indeed的最新报告显示,掌握生成式人工智能(AI)技能的技术工作者平均薪资可达174,727美元,比没有这些技能的竞争者高出47%。随着2023年的职场波动让位给2024年的稳定,企业恢复延期的项目并推进AI实施,对技术人才的需求日益增长。数据科学家、机器学习工程师和软件工程师等角色尤为抢手。报告强调了AI技能在竞争激烈的就业市场中的价值,并指出市场上对AI相关技能的短缺。尽管对提升技能和学习AI技能的兴趣浓厚,但仅有不到四分之一的开发者表示其雇主提供了升级技能或学习AI技能的时间。 根据周三发布的 Indeed 报告,与不具备生成式人工智能技能的求职者相比,进入市场的求职者的平均薪资提高了47%。该公司在其平台上审查了职位发布的薪资数据。 根据该公司的分析,能够胜任生成式人工智能的技术人员的平均薪资预计高达174,727 美元。 生成式人工智能与其他关键技能一起为求职者带来高薪,包括深度学习、计算机视觉以及特定软件语言和框架(如Rust 或 PyTorch )的知识。 在技术行业,一个新的趋势正在改变就业市场的面貌——掌握生成式人工智能(AI)技能的工作者,其平均薪资相较于其他技术工作者高出将近50%。根据Indeed最新发布的报告,这类技术人才的平均薪资可达174,727美元,显示出市场对于此类技能的极高需求。 随着2023年的职场不确定性逐步平息,2024年迎来了更多的稳定与项目复苏,尤其是在AI实施方面。数据科学家、机器学习工程师及软件工程师等角色变得极其抢手,他们掌握的技能成为了获得高薪的关键。 报告指出,AI技术领域的半数最高薪技能都与AI直接相关,强调了AI技能在激烈的就业市场中的价值。此外,就业市场对于AI相关技能的渴求与可用人才之间存在明显差距,这一点从几乎400,000个活跃的技术职位空缺和对于数据科学家等专业人才的需求中可以看出。 然而,尽管对于提升技能和学习AI技能的需求日益增长,少于四分之一的开发者表示他们的雇主提供了学习或提升这些技能的时间。这揭示了一个问题,即尽管技术行业对于AI技能的需求日益增长,但在培养这些技能方面,企业和教育机构还有很长的路要走。 Indeed的报告不仅仅是一个薪酬调查,它也是对于技术行业未来走向的一个预示。生成式AI技能的价值在不断上升,对于那些希望在职业生涯中获得成功的技术专业人士来说,现在是最好的时机去掌握这些未来技能。 在这个由技术驱动的时代,生成式AI不仅仅是一个工具或者一个概念,它代表了未来的方向和无限的可能性。对于技术工作者而言,掌握这些技能不仅能够带来薪酬上的优势,更能在竞争激烈的就业市场中脱颖而出,成为真正的行业新贵。
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