• private sector
    How to Learn More About Labor Relations There’s a lot of talk about labor relations (i.e., union activity) in today’s news. While we’re reading about it more, the actual number of American workers that belong to unions is relatively small. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it’s 10.1% and only 6% in the private sector. So, it’s not unusual that individuals might not have much labor relations experience. That’s what today’s reader note is all about. "I am looking for some direction. I love your emails and share them with my peers.  Can you suggest any online blog, certificate program, or course I can take that would help me interpret union contracts more effectively? I am struggling to understand the grey area of the language sometimes. What I interpret the language as saying is different than the original intent of the language and I get stuck. Any help or direction you could give would be great. Have a great day!" When it comes to labor relations, one of the first things that individuals need to know is what legislation governs your industry. For instance, many organizations are governed by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). But some industries – like transportation – are governed by the Railway Labor Act. And if you’re in the public sector, the rules are different as well. So, understanding the rules is step one. While I have some labor relations experience, I know someone who is a specialist in this area and thankfully, when I asked if he would share his expertise, he said “yes”. Michael VanDervort is a staff member with the Labor Relations Institute (LRI) in Tulsa Oklahoma. In his role, Michael specializes in creating thriving workplaces driven by positive associate relations. Before joining LRI, Michael worked in labor relations for Publix Super Markets and was executive director of CUE Inc., a non-profit, member-run organization dedicated to assisting companies in the creation and maintenance of positive working environments. Michael and I have known each other for years. We met as volunteer leaders with the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) and HR Florida. Michael, thanks for much for being here. Can you share with readers how you got started in labor relations? [VanDervort] I grew up in Michigan at a time when the state was the center of the universe when it came to the auto industry and manufacturing, especially the UAW (United Auto Workers). My dad was a manufacturing supervisor at that time and would come home with paperwork that included lists of grievances that had been filed by employees, and he would have to write responses. I guess I was an HR nerd even then because I remember reading the complaints and saying,‘But why….??’ about all kinds of work-related complaints. When I graduated with my bachelor’s, I originally planned to go to law school, but I decided to take a year off to earn some cash. I applied for and got hired into a job with the U.S. Postal Service as a letter carrier, and I joined the National Association of Letter Carriers Union (NALC). I became a union member, realized how bad the relationship between craft workers and postal management was, and started asking,‘But why…?’ again. I became active with the union, winding up as an elected official, but I knew I could do more. A few years later, I applied to graduate school for my master’s in labor and industrial relations. I switched to the management side 35 years ago because that’s where you can make the most difference, and I have been doing this work ever since and still love it. Before we start talking about the reader note, I want to ask about non-union environments. Why should HR professionals in non-union environments learn about labor relations? [VanDervort] If you manage in a non-union environment, you have a blank slate for establishing a thriving workplace culture. If you do this well, your people will never need a union. That’s the first reason. The second is that even though it may seem remote and esoteric to non-union practitioners, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is an influential agency with jurisdiction over many crucial aspects of the workplace that apply to all employers, regardless of union status. Any employee, including non-union employees covered by the NLRA, can file an unfair labor practice (ULP) charge with the NLRB and bring the Board to your front door. Most of these charges would be related to protected concerted activity for things like complaining about unfair treatment, being disciplined, or fired for sharing company information, or handbook policy violations. The reader expressed interest in building their labor relations knowledge. If someone wants to learn more about the area of labor relations, can you name a handful of low-cost / no-cost resources? [VanDervort] There are many newsletters and organizations that focus on labor relations in different ways, including professional organizations like: CUE Inc., a community for positive employee relations HR Policy Association Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Law firms also provide great resources with their blogs and newsletters. Jackson Lewis Littler Mendelson P.C. Ogletree Deakins And free blogs, newsletters, and podcasts abound. Labor Relations Radio Labor Union News Projections Inc. and the ProjectHR podcast Lastly, my own firm, the Labor Relations Institute, offers free resources and I do a podcast called Labor Relatedly, which I co-host with attorney Jon Hyman as part of the DriveThruHR show. I put out a LinkedIn newsletter called “Positive Employee Relations” several times a week that is a great resource for staying current on developments in the labor space. And if I have some budget dollars, are there any labor relations educational programs that might be helpful? [VanDervort] CUE offers some low-cost training like Labor Relations 101 and a periodic certification course in labor relations. They also offer two conferences yearly, which are great learning opportunities for those seeking to learn more about labor relations. Michigan State University’s School of Human Resources & Labor Relations offers unique monthly courses and a certificate program for someone preparing for a leadership role in a unionized organization. Cornell University also offers an online certification in labor relations. This reader note talks about collective bargaining agreement (CBA) language. If an HR pro is trying to interpret the CBA, what should they do? Is there someone specific they should turn to for guidance? [VanDervort] The first piece of advice I received about learning labor relations and contract interpretation was ‘read the labor agreement’. This is completely true. Everything starts with the labor agreement. From there, you have guidelines in precedent, past grievance settlements, bargaining notes from negotiations, and your internal/external labor attorneys to draw from. However, you need to build your own knowledge first because every conversation you have around grievances, arbitration, and work rules with a union representative derives from that CBA, so you need to know it inside out. Last question. I’ve worked with some companies where labor relations were left up to lawyers and consultants. I’m not a lawyer or consultant bashing – they are invaluable, especially when employees might be considering union representation (i.e., organizing) and contract negotiations. How can an HR pro know when to call in outside expertise?  [VanDervort] It goes back to knowing the basics of labor law, what the current trends are in labor relations are, and how they might impact your employer. If you are non-union, follow what the NLRB is doing policy-wise. They create policies every week that impact non-union workplaces significantly. You are not doing your job if you aren’t on top of these developments. Stay abreast of what labor unions are doing and what industries they focus on for organizing. If you get a surprise petition or ULP charge, you are going to be hard-pressed to respond. If you are a union employer facing contract negotiations, ULPs, or even a strike, you must be prepared and have plans in place. These are the times when having a labor attorney or consultant in your contacts makes sense. A huge thanks to Michael for sharing his experience and knowledge with us. Michael frequently speaks and writes about a wide variety of human resources topics, including labor and employee relations, positive workplace leadership, and social media. So, I hope you’ll check out all the resources he has provided. One of the big takeaways for me in this conversation with Michael is there’s a place for labor relations in both union and non-union environments. And he’s absolutely right in saying that the NLRB is an influential agency. It’s worth your time to proactively understand what’s happening, not only for your own professional development but your company culture. Image captured by Sharlyn Lauby while exploring the streets of Tampa, FL SOURCE HR Bartender
    private sector
  • private sector
    ADP National Employment Report: Private Sector Employment Increased by 103,000 Jobs in November; Annual Pay was Up 5.6% 2023 年 11 月 ADP 全国就业报告对美国劳动力市场进行了细致的分析。报告显示,私营部门就业人数小幅增长,新增就业岗位 10.3 万个,表明与 10 月份相比,增长略有放缓。这一数字低于预期的 13 万,是自 2021 年初以来第二小的月度增幅。报告还指出,年薪同比增长 5.6%,反映出工资增长持续但放缓。 ROSELAND, N.J., Dec. 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Private sector employment increased by 103,000 jobs in November and annual pay was up 5.6 percent year-over-year, according to the November ADP® National Employment Report™ produced by the ADP Research Institute® in collaboration with the Stanford Digital Economy Lab ("Stanford Lab"). The ADP National Employment Report is an independent measure and high-frequency view of the private-sector labor market based on actual, anonymized payroll data of more than 25 million U.S. employees. ADP Research Institute, logo (PRNewsfoto/ADP, Inc.) The jobs report and pay insights use ADP's fine-grained anonymized and aggregated payroll data to provide a representative picture of the private-sector labor market. The report details the current month's total private employment change, and weekly job data from the previous month. Because the underlying ADP payroll databases are continuously updated, the report provides a high-frequency, near real-time measure of U.S. employment. This measure reflects the number of employees on ADP client payrolls (Payroll Employment) to provide a richer understanding of the labor market. ADP's pay measure uniquely captures the earnings of a cohort of almost 10 million employees over a 12-month period.   "Restaurants and hotels were the biggest job creators during the post-pandemic recovery," said Nela Richardson, chief economist, ADP. "But that boost is behind us, and the return to trend in leisure and hospitality suggests the economy as a whole will see more moderate hiring and wage growth in 2024." November 2023 Report Highlights* View the ADP National Employment Report and interactive charts at www.adpemploymentreport.com. JOBS REPORT Private employers added 103,000 jobs in NovemberLast month brought moderate growth in hiring and another slowdown in pay gains. Both goods and services saw weakness, with leisure and hospitality and manufacturing posting declines. Change in U.S. Private Employment:     103,000 Change by Industry Sector - Goods-producing:     -14,000 Natural resources/mining     5,000 Construction     -4,000 Manufacturing     -15,000 - Service-providing:     117,000 Trade/transportation/utilities     55,000 Information     4,000 Financial activities     11,000 Professional/business services     -5,000 Education/health services     44,000 Leisure/hospitality     -7,000 Other services     15,000 Change by U.S. Regions - Northeast:     59,000 New England     7,000 Middle Atlantic     52,000 - Midwest:     2,000 East North Central     9,000 West North Central     -7,000 - South:     58,000 South Atlantic     24,000 East South Central     -10,000 West South Central     44,000 - West:     -10,000 Mountain     -6,000 Pacific     -4,000 Change by Establishment Size - Small establishments:     6,000 1-19 employees     22,000 20-49 employees     -16,000 - Medium establishments:     68,000 50-249 employees     71,000 250-499 employees     -3,000 - Large establishments:     33,000 500+ employees     33,000 PAY INSIGHTS Pay growth continued its slowdown in NovemberJob-stayers saw a 5.6 percent pay increase in November, the slowest pace of gains since September 2021. Job-changers, too, saw slowing pay growth, posting pay gains of 8.3 percent, the smallest year-over-year increase since June 2021. The premium for switching jobs is at its smallest in three years of data. Median Change in Annual Pay (ADP matched person sample) - Job-Stayers     5.6% - Job-Changers     8.3% Median Change in Annual Pay for Job-Stayers by Industry Sector - Goods-producing: Natural resources/mining     5.2% Construction     5.8% Manufacturing     5.1% - Service-providing: Trade/transportation/utilities     5.4% Information     5.2% Financial activities     6.0% Professional/business services     5.5% Education/health services     6.2% Leisure/hospitality     6.5% Other services     5.7% Median Change in Annual Pay for Job-Stayers by Firm Size - Small firms:                                                                 1-19 employees     4.8% 20-49 employees     5.7% - Medium firms:                                                              50-249 employees     5.8% 250-499 employees     5.7% - Large firms:                                                                 500+ employees     5.6% To see Pay Insights by U.S. State, Gender, and Age for Job-Stayers, visit here: * Sum of components may not equal total, due to rounding. The October total of jobs added was revised from 113,000 to 106,000. The historical data file, and weekly data for the previous month, is available at https://adpemploymentreport.com/. To subscribe to monthly email alerts or obtain additional information about the ADP National Employment Report, including employment and pay data, interactive charts, methodology, and a calendar of release dates, please visit https://adpemploymentreport.com/. The December 2023 ADP National Employment Report will be released at 8:15 a.m. ET on January 4, 2024. About the ADP® National Employment Report™The ADP National Employment Report is an independent measure of the change in U.S. private employment and pay derived from actual, anonymized payroll data of client companies served by ADP, a leading provider of human capital management solutions. The report is produced by ADP Research Institute in collaboration with the Stanford Digital Economy Lab. The ADP National Employment Report is broadly distributed to the public each month, free of charge, as part of the company's commitment to offering deeper insights of the U.S. labor market and providing businesses and governments with a source of credible and valuable information. About the ADP Research Institute®The ADP Research Institute delivers data-driven discoveries about the world of work and derives reliable economic indicators from these insights. We offer these findings as a unique contribution to making the world of work better and more productive by delivering actionable insights to the economy at large. About ADP (NASDAQ – ADP)Designing better ways to work through cutting-edge products, premium services and exceptional experiences that enable people to reach their full potential. HR, Talent, Time Management, Benefits and Payroll. Informed by data and designed for people. Learn more at ADP.com ADP, the ADP logo, and Always Designing for People, ADP National Employment Report, and ADP Research Institute are registered trademarks of ADP, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Copyright © 2023 ADP, Inc. All rights reserved. ADP-Media SOURCE ADP, Inc.
    private sector