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    加州最高法院倾向支持第22号提案:零工工人或继续作为独立承包商 加州最高法院似乎对否决选民对第 22 号提案的意见犹豫不决,该提案是一项允许共享单车公司将司机归类为独立承包商的投票倡议。大法官们在口头辩论中的提问方式表明,可能会寻求妥协,而不是完全宣布该法律无效。2020 年,58% 的选民通过了第 22 号提案,但该提案一直面临着法律挑战,其命运可能会对加州临时工的分类和福利产生重大影响。 The California Supreme Court appears hesitant to overrule voters on Proposition 22, a ballot initiative allowing ride-share companies to classify drivers as independent contractors. The justices' line of questioning during oral arguments suggested a compromise might be sought, rather than fully invalidating the law. Proposition 22, passed by 58% of voters in 2020, has faced ongoing legal challenges and its fate could significantly impact gig workers' classification and benefits in California. 加州最高法院在审理第22号提案(Prop. 22)时显得犹豫,似乎不愿推翻这项由选民在2020年通过的提案。第22号提案允许网约车公司如优步和Lyft将司机归类为独立承包商,而不是雇员。这项提案自成为法律以来,一直面临法律挑战,包括被一名高等法院法官裁定违宪,随后又被上诉法院维持原判。现在,加州最高法院正在审理这项提案是否与州议会执行完整工人赔偿系统的宪法权力相冲突。 在听取口头辩论时,法官们的提问表明,他们可能在寻求一种折中方案,而不是完全废除这项法律。首席大法官帕特里夏·格雷罗问到,议员是否可以恢复零工工人的工人赔偿,而副大法官古德温·刘则指出,选民提案的权力是否等同于立法权力,是否意味着选民在工人赔偿领域完全无权行动。 代表SEIU加州和四名零工工人的律师斯科特·克朗兰德强调,第22号提案与议会的无限权力相冲突。而代表零工公司的律师杰弗里·费舍尔则认为,宪法允许选民对任何主题采取行动,甚至可以通过提案取消工人赔偿,但他认为这距离实际情况还很远。 零工工人团体的一些成员在法庭外举行了集会,呼吁支持零工工人的权益。提案的支持者如贝区司机科拉·曼达帕特则表示,她依赖于提案中的一些规定,比如保证最低工资120%的收入,而反对者如埃德·卡拉斯科则认为法官们似乎在寻找修改提案的方法,以便让零工工人可以在某些情况下获得工人赔偿。 最高法院的七位法官将在90天内作出决定,这一决定可能会改变加州的零工经济。如果第22号提案被推翻,零工公司将受到2019年通过的第5号法案(Assembly Bill 5)的约束,这可能会要求公司为他们的140万名工人支付雇佣税,并提供额外的福利,如病假工资和超时工资。 反对第22号提案的人指出,零工工人的薪酬和福利仍然存在问题。加州大学伯克利分校劳工中心的一项研究显示,扣除费用后,网约车司机的平均时薪为7.12美元,而送货工人为5.93美元。包括小费在内,司机的平均时薪为9.09美元,送货工人为13.62美元。 这一裁决不仅会影响加州,还可能对其他地方的相关立法和条例产生影响。例如,最近在明尼苏达州,立法者通过了一项法案,设定了网约车司机的最低工资标准,而这些公司威胁要退出该州。
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    Sana Raises $34M Series B to Transform the Way Organizations Learn Through AI Sana has raised $34 million in a Series B funding round to revolutionize the way organizations learn through AI. This funding round was led by Menlo Ventures, a venture capital firm. Existing investor EQT Ventures also joined the round with several founders and operators. This Series B funding round is a significant milestone for Sana, providing them with the necessary resources to scale their platform, refine their AI capabilities, and further drive innovation in the learning space. Following 7x year-over-year growth, Menlo Ventures leads funding round to accelerate US expansion Dec.13,2022 Sana, the leading AI-powered learning platform, announced the close of its $34M Series B led by Menlo Ventures. Existing investor EQT Ventures also joined the round with several founders and operators. Menlo Ventures’ partner JP Sanday joins the board as part of this round. This funding follows a 7x year-over-year increase in Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR). Sana was founded with the vision of leveraging artificial intelligence to help organizations learn and share knowledge. To that end, Sana built a category-leading learning platform that enables organizations to consolidate their learning and capture, organize, and personalize all their institutional knowledge. From personalized learning recommendations to an AI writing assistant that automatically generates content, Sana applies the latest breakthroughs in AI to enhance and optimize the entire learning and knowledge-sharing journey. Sana's AI-powered semantic search empowers employees to get the knowledge they need from anywhere in their organization. The platform connects and indexes tools like Slack, Salesforce, Notion, LinkedIn Learning, and Google Workplace to provide employees with automatically generated answers in natural language. The result: an end-to-end platform that decreases onboarding time, improves sales efficiency, and grows and retains top talent. "Now a $30 billion industry, the learning and development market has demanded more sophisticated tools. With a world-class product and incredible team, Sana is uniquely positioned to win the market. They offer two vital benefits to the historically underserved L&D category: the scalability and efficiency of artificial intelligence and the compelling experience of a consumer-grade product,” said JP Sanday, Partner at Menlo Ventures. "The ambitious customers we serve—pioneers like Alan, Svea Solar, Kry/Livi, and Merck—are on a mission to change the world. Sana’s job is to accelerate their efforts by ensuring every employee has access to the right knowledge at the right time. By leveraging the power of AI, Sana can unlock organizational knowledge with unprecedented scale and speed, supercharging the organizations we serve,” said Joel Hellermark, founder and CEO of Sana. Sana is now the home for knowledge and learning at digital health company Alan—consolidating a myriad of learning and productivity tools. Today, Alan uses Sana to onboard employees, train sales and customer support reps, and develop their leaders. "Speed, transparency, and personal growth are key to Alan's culture, and Sana was the only provider able to deliver on all three. Since using the platform, we've decreased our ramp time while boosting learner engagement. We think Sana has set a new standard for what organizations expect from a learning platform. Their tech and UX have leapfrogged the industry," said Filip Lam, Head of People Growth at Alan. With the new funding, Sana will extend its product development and expand its team across Stockholm, London, and New York offices. The headquarters will remain in Stockholm, where founder and CEO Joel Hellermark founded the company aged 19, six years after teaching himself to code in C. “Joel’s visionary leadership, and his rare combination of being technically skilled and exceptionally ambitious, has enabled him to assemble a world-class team from some of the foremost tech companies. With learning as the foundation of human progress, we believe team Sana has the potential to play an important role in reimagining learning as we know it,” said Sandra Malmberg, Director at EQT Ventures. "Our ambition is to build an internet-scale Library of Alexandria, where more than a billion people can learn about anything and share everything they know," said Hellermark. "We're thrilled to have the support of Menlo Ventures and previous backers on this mission." About Sana Sana is an AI-powered learning platform that empowers organizations to find, share, and harness the knowledge they need to achieve their missions. Backed by some of the world’s leading investors, operators, and founders, Sana has raised $54M to date. The company's headquarters are in Stockholm, Sweden, with offices in London and New York. About Menlo Ventures Menlo Ventures is a venture capital firm that strives to have a positive impact on everything we do. That’s why we support businesses including Benchling, Chime, Carta, Poshmark, Uber, and Roku that are reimagining life and work for the better. Over 43 years, we’ve grown a portfolio that includes more than 70 public companies, over 100 mergers and acquisitions, and $5.5 billion under management. We invest at every stage and in every sector, with expertise in Consumer, Enterprise, and Healthcare. From developing market strategies to creating communities, we provide real impact where entrepreneurs need it most. When we’re in, we’re all in. www.menlovc.com