2024 NACSHR Annual Conference
时间:10月5日-6日 周六周日 October 5-6, 2024 (9:00-17:00 周六上午8点半签到)
地点: Crowne Plaza Silicon Valley North 一楼会议室 (32083 Alvarado-Niles Rd. Union City CA 94587 )
几个机场SFO\SJC\OAK 到酒店距离差不多.
赞助合作伙伴:Law Office of Xiaomin Hu P.C.、 中国南方航空 、LYD Law
会议日程 DAY1 DAY2
PS: 周五4号晚上、周六5号晚上8点半 在酒店泳池大堂举行自由交流酒会,欢迎自由参加
会议午餐:自理 活动期间会组成不同小组,可结伴前往 Union Landing 广场 5分钟路程(I-880, Union City, CA 94587)
Workshop :Power Beyond Title and Presence
2024 NACSHR Annual Conference
时间:10月5日-6日 周六周日 October 5-6, 2024 (9:00-17:00)
地点: Crowne Plaza Silicon Valley North ( Union City)
费用:400美元/人 优惠票 (10月4日前)
晚宴:150美元/人(不单独销售,需购买门票,名额有限,售完为止 参与者为分享嘉宾、特邀专家、VIP参会等40人规模)
合作伙伴:Law Office of Xiaomin Hu P.C.、 中国南方航空 、LYD Law、虚位以待
注:不含会议午餐和参访期间交通 (付款方式及报名后的注意事项:https://www.nacshr.org/2022.html)
参会其他注意事项 (更详尽事宜访问网站,以网站为准):
视频和摄影 参加 NACSHR 即表示您同意由官方展会摄影师和摄像师拍摄您的形象。由此产生的材料,包括静态照片、视频和音频记录,NACSHV 可以在新闻材料、宣传材料、网站和其他宣传渠道中不受限制地使用。与会嘉宾可以使用智能手机拍照和捕捉数字图像,仅限于个人、非商业用途,且摄影活动不得造成干扰。在会议进行时,与会嘉宾可以在座位上拍照,条件是不得站在媒体区域、阻挡其他人视线或使用闪光灯。照片不得以任何方式出售、复制、传播、分发或用于任何商业目的。
直播和录制会议 虽然 NACSHR 会录制和拍摄各种会议活动,这些活动主要是为了现场观众的利益。尽管我们实行“禁止直播和录制”的政策,但我们理解与会者希望通过手机捕捉照片和视频,并在社交网络上分享的愿望。为了保护发言者和会议内容的版权,与会嘉宾不得直播会议,并且同意录制任何单场会议的连续视频不得超过 60 秒。
NACSHR Forum Attendee Guidelines
1. Safety and Emergency Procedures
Emergency Exits and Safety Routes: Locate emergency exits and familiarize yourself with the nearest safety routes upon arrival.
Emergency Response: Remain calm and follow the directions of staff in case of an emergency.
Health Safety: Adhere to all health and safety guidelines set by the venue, including the use of masks and sanitizers as required.
2. Registration and Identification
Pre-registration: Ensure smooth entry by completing online registration and identity verification in advance.
Badge Display: Wear your conference badge at all times for access and visibility during the event.
3. Code of Conduct
Respect and Professionalism: Maintain respect for all participants, speakers, and staff. Harassment, discrimination, or inappropriate behavior will result in expulsion from the venue.
Intellectual Property: Respect intellectual property rights; do not record or disseminate presentation content or materials without permission.
Cyber Security: Exercise caution when using venue Wi-Fi, especially when accessing sensitive or critical information.
4. Photography and Recording
Personal Use: Non-commercial photography and video recording should not disrupt the event or other attendees’ experience.
No Live Broadcasting: Live broadcasting of any session is prohibited without explicit permission from the organizers.
5. Facility Use
Cleanliness: Keep the venue clean; dispose of trash in designated receptacles.
Equipment Care: Use conference facilities and equipment responsibly; damages may be subject to compensation.
6. Communication and Networking
Engagement: Participate actively in discussions and networking opportunities to enhance your professional connections.
Cultural Sensitivity: With diverse backgrounds among attendees, display cultural sensitivity and inclusiveness.
7. Intellectual Property and Confidentiality
Confidentiality Obligations: Confidential information and unpublished data discussed at the forum must not be disclosed without authorization.
Material Distribution: Conference materials are for session use only and should not be copied or distributed without consent.
8. Legal Compliance and Ethical Standards
Local Laws: Comply with all applicable local laws, including antitrust laws and fair competition.
Ethical Behavior: Encourage high standards of professional ethics, characterized by honesty, fairness, and responsibility.
9. Anti-Harassment Policy
Harassment-Free Environment: Commit to a harassment-free environment; all complaints will be taken seriously to ensure the rights and privacy of victims.
10. Complaints and Feedback Mechanism
Feedback Channels: Establish clear channels for complaints and feedback during and post-event.
Rapid Response Team: Have a rapid response team available during the event to handle any emergencies or urgent needs from attendees.
11. Property Security
Personal Belongings: Attendees are advised to keep personal belongings secure as the organizers are not liable for loss or damage.
Facility Equipment: Unauthorized use or relocation of venue facilities and equipment is prohibited.
12. Prohibition of Political and Religious Advocacy
Neutral Policy: The forum is a platform for professional and business exchanges; any form of political or religious advocacy is prohibited.
Union City
Union City
【重磅】北美地区最大的华人人力资源盛会-2024北美华人人力资源年度峰会10月硅谷举办,日程嘉宾发布2024 NACSHR Annual Conference -The Largest Chinese HR event in North America
Stay Together Stay Powerful
2024北美华人人力资源年度峰会 2024 NACSHR Annual Conference
时间:10月5日-6日 周六周日 October 5-6, 2024 (9:00-17:00)
地点: Crowne Plaza Silicon Valley North ( Union City)
(32083 Alvarado-Niles Rd. Union City CA 94587)
费用:400美元/人 (10月4 日前报名支付) 现场门票:500美元/人
晚宴:150美元/人(不单独销售,需购买门票,名额有限,售完为止 参与者为分享嘉宾、特邀专家、VIP参会等40人规模)
合作伙伴:Law Office of Xiaomin Hu P.C.、 中国南方航空 、LYD Law、虚位以待
注:不含会议午餐和参访期间交通 (付款方式及报名后的注意事项:https://www.nacshr.org/2022.html)
·北美HR招聘平台: https://www.nacshr.org/job
Annie annie@nacshr.org
参与分享演讲:(仅限 inhouse HR)
Gavin nacshr818@gmail.com
嘉宾申请链接: https://www.nacshr.org/1732.html
The Largest Chinese HR event in North America, —the 2024 North American Chinese HR Conference — will be held in Silicon Valley this October. We warmly invite you to join us!
Since its inception in 2016, the North American Chinese Society of Human Resources (NACSHR) has been dedicated to creating an exceptional platform for Chinese HR professionals and executive elites to connect and exchange ideas. Over the years, the NACSHR Annual Summit has grown into one of the most influential HR events in North America, attracting numerous industry leaders and HR experts.
In 2024, the NACSHR Annual Summit will be upgraded to the North American Chinese HR Conference, featuring a larger scale, richer content, more diverse formats, and more professional topics. We sincerely invite you to join us in participating and creating this grand event!
This October in Silicon Valley, we will once again welcome Chinese HR professionals and practitioners from around the world to gather together, continuing our tradition of success. The upcoming conference will include professional panel discussions, practical workshops, keynote speeches from industry leaders, annual awards, company visits, gala dinners, and other diverse networking activities. These sessions are designed not only to provide the latest industry knowledge and trends but also to offer attendees valuable opportunities to engage closely with top professionals and build or strengthen connections with peers.
Stay Together Stay Powerful
The NACSHR 2024 Conference is not just a venue for learning and networking; it is also a source of inspiration and ideas, serving as a bridge for Chinese HR colleagues to embark on new career chapters. We look forward to seeing Chinese HR professionals from around the globe come together to explore and shape the future trends of human resources.
Join us at the NACSHR 2024 Conference to share in the exchange of ideas and the touching of hearts. We eagerly anticipate your participation in witnessing the exciting moments of this HR grand event!
2024 North American Chinese HR Conference
Date: October 5-6, Saturday-Sunday (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM)
Location: Crowne Plaza Silicon Valley North ( Union City )
(32083 Alvarado-Niles Rd. Union CityCA 94587)
Registration: https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/418189BC-FF9F-D9B7-B7F8-8E5980AAFFA1
Fee: $300 per person for early bird tickets (before September 1)
Why Attend the NACSHR Event?
Gain Insights from Industry Experts:
Our speakers include successful entrepreneurs, industry leaders, and top talent strategy experts. With deep knowledge of both the Chinese and North American HR markets, they are eager to share their perspectives and experiences, ensuring you gain valuable insights from the best in the field.
Learn New Knowledge and Stay Updated:
Whether you are a seasoned professional or new to the field, updating your knowledge base is a perpetual endeavor. The summit features various session formats to provide industry updates and practical career insights. Exclusive shares from industry experts will help you broaden your horizons and enhance your competitiveness.
Discover New Career Opportunities:
NACSHR highlights HR job opportunities in North America, offering a unique chance for face-to-face networking. Informal networking sessions facilitate deeper connections, paving the way for your career success.
Participate in North America's Largest Chinese HR Industry Event:
Focused on elite Chinese HR professionals in North America, the event brings together the strength of Chinese professionals in the workplace. Featuring top entrepreneurs, innovators, and industry pioneers, NACSHR stands as the largest and only Chinese HR event in North America.
Exchange New Information and Build Partnerships:
Explore industry hot topics, stimulate innovative thinking, and collectively drive the HR industry forward. Use the event to connect with fellow Chinese HR professionals in North America and expand your personal network.
Inspire New Career Thinking and Achieve Breakthroughs:
Discuss how Chinese managers can achieve their career development goals. With dedicated discussion sessions, engage with speakers, industry experts, and peers to explore ways to realize your potential in the American workplace.
Union City
Union City
时间:2024年10月5日-6日 周六周日,其中周六上午 8点开放签到,9点会议开始
地点:Crowne Plaza Silicon Valley North ( Union City) 如需预定酒店,直接拉到最下方查看
32083 Alvarado-Niles Rd. Union City CA 94587
会议详情:https://www.nacshr.org/2024.html (会不断更新)
因EventBrite手续费非常高,应大家要求,今年特别提供 Zelle 方式付款,收款人为本次会议运营负责人. 付款zelle地址为 gawain520@qq.com 或者扫码支付。支付时请memo处备注您的报名姓名及参会人数,感谢! (这个是没有手续费的)
您可以选择通 Eventbrite的NACSHR会议链接进行报名和付费。报名及付费链接(https://nacshr10.eventbrite.com/) (注:Eventbrite 会收取一些手续费,信用卡或者美国之外的或如果无法使用zelle 建议可以使用,或者联系我们)
费用:400美元/人 优惠票 (10月4日前报名支付) 现场门票 500美元。
晚宴:150美元/人(不单独销售,需购买门票,名额有限,售完为止 参与者为分享嘉宾、特邀专家、VIP参会等40人规模)
· 如果您有HR职位招聘,可以点击这里免费发布:https://www.nacshr.org/job
联系人:Annie 邮件: nacshr818@gmail.com 网站:https://www.nacshr.org
会议酒店:Crowne Plaza Silicon Valley North ( Union City)
32083 Alvarado-Niles Rd. Union City CA 94587
点击这里可以直接预定酒店: ( https://www.ihg.com/crowneplaza/hotels/us/en/find-hotels/select-roomrate?fromRedirect=true&qSrt=sBR&qIta=99801505&icdv=99801505&qSlH=SFOUC&qCiD=04&qCiMy=092024&qCoD=06&qCoMy=092024&qGrpCd=NAZ&qAAR=6CBARC&qRtP=6CBARC&setPMCookies=true&qSHBrC=CP&qDest=32083%20Alvarado-Niles%20Road,%20Union%20City,%20CA,%20US&srb_u=1&qChAge=&qRmFltr= )