收藏贴:2017年美国250家最佳招聘公司 America's Best Recruiting Firms 2017

2018年04月09日 83558次浏览

If you speak with startup founders or large-company CEOs, they’ll probably tell you that hiring good people is their biggest challenge. It’s no wonder there are thousands of recruiting firms in the U.S., all vying to help companies get talent in the door. But which recruiters are the most well-respected?

Forbes worked with analytics firm Statista to compile two lists of America’s best recruiting firms. The first set ranks 250 executive search firms, defined as companies that place executives in positions with at least $100,000 in annual pay. The second ranks 250 professional search firms, which place employees in roles with less than $100,000 in annual income.

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To see the 10 most highly-rated companies in each category, open the gallery.


America’s Best Recruiting Firms 2017
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To conduct its research, Statista first consulted with sources like trade organizations and company databases, identifying about 4,000 recruiters in each of the two categories. Then it invited thousands of recruiters, employees who have worked with recruiters over the past three years, and H.R. managers to take an online survey. The survey asked them to recommend up to 10 recruiting firms (excluding their own), and it gathered a total of 20,000 recommendations. The companies with the most recommendations ranked highest.

Robert Half, a recruiting firm based in Silicon Valley, was the only company to make the top 10 on both the professional and executive recruiters lists. It has 16,400 employees, made $5.3 billion in revenue last year and is a member of the S&P 500. Robert Half places candidates in a range of industries, including finance, law, technology and marketing.

Korn Ferry took the top spot on the executive recruiters list. The Los Angeles-based company has 7,000 employees and works with 93% of the highest-grossing companies in the U.S. It places candidates in dozens of sectors, ranging from investment banking to industrial manufacturing and education.

New York had more recruiters on the lists than any other city, with 41 executive recruiting firms and 18 professional recruiting firms. Chicago had the second-most, followed by Atlanta.

Best Executive Recruiting Firms

Rank Company Website Headquarters
#1 Korn Ferry Executive Search http://www.kornferry.com Los Angeles, California
#2 Egon Zehnder http://www.egonzehnder.com Chicago, Illinois
#3 Heidrick & Struggles http://www.heidrick.com Chicago, Illinois
#4 Spencer Stuart http://www.spencerstuart.com Chicago, Illinois
#5 Diversified Search http://www.divsearch.com Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
#6 Lucas Group http://www.lucasgroup.com Atlanta, Georgia
#7 N2GROWTH http://www.n2growth.com Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
#8 DHR International http://www.dhrinternational.com Chicago, Illinois
#9 Boyden http://www.boyden.com Purchase, New York
#10 Management Recruiters International http://www.mrinetwork.com Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

#11 E.A. Hughes & Co. http://www.eahughes.com New York City, New York
#12 Stanton Chase http://www.stantonchase.com Baltimore, Maryland
#13 Schweichler Price Mullarkey & Barry http://www.spmb.com San Francisco, California
#14 Koya Leadership Partners http://www.koyapartners.com Newburyport, Massachusetts
#15 20/20 Foresight Executive Search http://www.2020-4.com Chicago, Illinois
#16 Global Recruiters Network http://www.grncorp.com Chicago, Illinois
#17 Dynamics Search Partners http://dynamicssearchpartners.com New York City, New York
#18 Witt/Kieffer http://www.wittkieffer.com Oak Brook, Illinois
#19 Daversa Partners http://www.daversapartners.com Westport, Connecticut
#20 Major, Lindsey & Africa http://www.mlaglobal.com Hanover, Maryland

#21 Lois L. Lindauer Searches http://lllsearches.com Boston, Massachusetts
#22 KLR Executive Search Group http://www.klrsearchgroup.com Providence, Rhode Island
#23 Allen Austin http://www.allenaustin.com Houston, Texas
#24 Cabot Consultants http://cabotinc.com McLean, Virginia
#25 Russell Reynolds Associates http://www.russellreynolds.com New York City, New York
#26 True Search http://www.truesearch.com Haddonfield, New Jersey
#27 The McCormick Group http://www.mccormickgroup.com Arlington, Virginia
#28 Exceptional People International http://www.exceptionalpeople.com Mill Valley, California
#29 The Alexander Group http://www.thealexandergroup.com Houston, Texas
#30 Robert Half Executive Search http://www.roberthalfes.com Menlo Park, California

#31 The QualiFind Group http://www.qualifindgroup.com Chula Vista, California
#32 Storbeck/Pimentel & Associates http://www.storbeckpimentel.com Media, Pennsylvania
#33 Parker + Lynch http://www.parkerlynch.com Jacksonville, Florida
#34 Goldsmith & Co. http://www.goldsmithandco.com New York City, New York
#35 Apex Executive Recruiting http://www.apex-careers.com Redondo Beach, California
#36 B.E. Smith http://www.besmith.com Lenexa, Kansas
#37 Epsen Fuller & Associates http://www.epsenfuller.com New York City, New York
#38 TRANSEARCH International http://www.transearch.com London, United Kingdom
#39 Herd Freed Hartz http://www.herdfreedhartz.com Seattle, Washington
#40 Kaye/Bassman International http://www.kbic.com Plano, Texas

#41 Isaacson, Miller http://www.imsearch.com Boston, Massachusetts
#42 Allegis Partners http://www.allegis-partners.com New York City, New York
#43 Affinity Executive Search http://www.affinitysearch.com Hollywood, Florida
#44 HardHatJobs http://www.hardhatjobs.com Richardson, Texas
#45 Amrop http://www.amrop.com Brussels, Belgium
#46 Merritt Hawkins & Associates http://www.merritthawkins.com Dallas, Texas
#47 FPC National http://www.fpcnational.com Lake Success, New York
#48 Parker Executive Search http://www.parkersearch.com Atlanta, Georgia
#49 Alder Koten http://www.alderkoten.com Houston, Texas
#50 Cameron Smith Associates http://www.csarecruiters.com Rogers, Arkansas

#51 BSG Team Ventures http://www.bostonsearchgroup.com Boston, Massachusetts
#52 Benchmark Executive Search http://www.benchmarkes.com Reston, Virginia
#53 Hollander Horizon International http://www.hhisearch.com St. Louis, Missouri
#54 FPL Advisory Group http://www.fpladvisorygroup.com Chicago, Illinois
#55 Riviera Partners http://www.rivierapartners.com San Francisco, California
#56 Salveson Stetson Group http://www.ssgsearch.com Radnor, Pennsylvania
#57 PrincetonOne http://www.princetonone.com Skillman, New Jersey
#58 Craig Lindell & Associates http://craiglindell.com Naples, Florida
#59 Barbachano International http://www.bipsearch.com Chula Vista, California
#60 RSR Partners http://www.rsrpartners.com Greenwich, Connecticut

#61 BoardWalk Consulting http://www.boardwalkconsulting.com Atlanta, Georgia
#62 Sanford Rose Associates http://www.sanfordrose.com Plano, Texas
#63 Crist|Kolder Associates http://www.cristkolder.com Downers Grove, Illinois
#64 The Caldwell Partners International http://www.caldwellpartners.com Toronto, Ontario, Canada
#65 Kaplan Partners http://www.kaplanpartners.com Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
#66 Kelly & Company http://www.kellyandco.com New York City, New York
#67 Joseph Chris Partners http://www.josephchris.com Kingwood, Texas
#68 McDermott & Bull http://www.mbsearch.com Irvine, California
#69 Parker Remick http://www.parkerremick.com Bellingham, Washington
#70 CarterBaldwin http://www.carterbaldwin.com Atlanta, Georgia

#71 Howard-Sloan Search http://www.howardsloan.com New York City, New York
#72 Herbert Mines Associates http://www.herbertmines.com New York City, New York
#73 Anderson & Associates http://www.andersonexecsearch.com Charlotte, North Carolina
#74 Polachi Access Executive Search http://www.polachi.com Boston, Massachusetts
#75 Parchman + Parchman http://www.parchmancareers.com San Antonio, Texas
#76 Focus Search Partners, a Vaco Company http://focussearchpartners.com Brentwood, Tennessee
#77 Major Executive Search http://www.majorexecutivesearch.com Rancho Santa Fe, California
#78 Abeln, Magy, Underberg & Associates http://www.abelnmagy.com Wayzata, Minnesota
#79 CareerSMITH http://www.careersmith.com Newport Beach, California
#80 The Quest Organization http://www.questorg.com New York City, New York

#81 CSI Executive Search http://www.csi-executivesearch.com Austin, Texas
#82 24 Seven Talent http://www.24seventalent.com New York City, New York
#83 The Execu|Search Group http://www.execu-search.com New York City, New York
#84 Core Business Solutions http://www.coreconnects.com Milwaukee, Wisconsin
#85 Intellenet Executive Search http://www.salesheadhunter.com Santa Cruz, California
#86 Cornerstone Search Group http://www.cornerstonesg.com Parsippany, New Jersey
#87 Hanold Associates http://www.hanold-associates.com Evanston, Illinois
#88 Charles Aris http://www.charlesaris.com Greensboro, North Carolina
#89 12.12Partners http://www.1212partners.com San Francisco, California
#90 Fred W. Smithson http://www.fredwsmithson.com El Paso, Texas

#91 ON Partners http://www.onpartners.com Solon, Ohio
#92 The De Angelis Group http://www.orthospinesearch.com Scottsdale, Arizona
#93 Grady Levkov & Company http://gradylevkov.com New York City, New York
#94 Tyler & Company http://www.tylerandco.com Atlanta, Georgia
#95 Odgers Berndtson http://www.odgersberndtson.com New York City, New York
#96 WorldBridge Partners http://www.worldbridgepartners.com Baldwin, New York
#97 Stephen-Bradford Search http://www.stephenbradford.com New York City, New York
#98 Kincannon & Reed http://www.krsearch.net Waynesboro, Virginia
#99 Specialty Consultants http://www.specialtyconsultants.com Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
#100 Adam James International http://www.adamjamesinternational.com Denver, Colorado

#101 Granite International Executive Search http://www.graniteintl.com New York City, New York
#102 Barry Persky & Company http://barrypersky.com Newtown, Connecticut
#103 Egret Consulting Group http://www.egretconsulting.com Mundelein, Illinois
#104 Williams Executive Search http://www.williams-exec.com Minneapolis, Minnesota
#105 DRG Executive Search Consultants http://www.drgnyc.com New York City, New York
#106 Kathy Freeman Company http://www.kathyfreemanco.com San Luis Obispo, California
#107 Joseph David International/JDI Search http://www.jdisearch.com Phoenix, Arizona
#108 Andcor Companies http://www.andcor.com Wayzata, Minnesota
#109 Chartwell Partners http://www.chartwellpartners.com Austin, Texas
#110 R.H. Perry & Associates http://www.rhperry.com Asheville, North Carolina

#111 Slayton Search Partners http://www.slaytonsearch.com Chicago, Illinois
#112 The Onstott Group http://www.onstott.com Wellesley, Massachusetts
#113 Grant/Morgan Associates http://www.grantmorgan.com Bethesda, Maryland
#114 Corporate Information Systems http://www.cisrecruiters.com Rutherford, New Jersey
#115 Brigham Hill Consultancy http://www.brighamhill.com Dallas, Texas
#116 Brooke Chase Associates http://www.brookechase.com Sarasota, Florida
#117 Development Resources http://www.driconsulting.com Arlington, Virginia
#118 Signium International http://www.signium.com Chicago, Illinois
#119 Alliance Resource Consulting http://www.alliancerc.com Long Beach, California
#120 Hodges Partners http://www.hodgespartners.com Dallas, Texas

#121 The Horizon Group http://www.thehorizongroup.com Hicksville, New York
#122 Whitney Partners http://www.whitneypartners.net New York City, New York
#123 FinderSeekers http://www.finderseekers.com St. Charles, Missouri
#124 ACCUR Recruiting Services http://accurservices.com New York City, New York
#125 Cornerstone International Group http://www.cornerstone-group.com Atlanta, Georgia
#126 Solomon Page Group http://www.solomonpage.com New York City, New York
#127 Transgistics Talent Acquisition http://www.transgisticstalent.com Saint Petersburg, Florida
#128 Atlantic Group http://www.atlanticrecruiters.com New York City, New York
#129 Electronic Search http://www.electronicsearch.com Rolling Meadows, Illinois
#130 Baker Montgomery http://bakermontgomery.com Chicago, Illinois

#131 Morgan Samuels http://www.morgansamuels.com Los Angeles, California
#132 WilsonHCG http://www.wilsonhcg.com Tampa, Florida
#133 Wilbanks Partners http://www.wilbankspartners.com Stamford, Connecticut
#134 Battalia Winston http://www.battaliawinston.com New York City, New York
#135 Campbell & Company http://www.campbellcompany.com Chicago, Illinois
#136 Calibre One http://www.calibreone.com San Francisco, California
#137 Keifer Professional Search http://keiferprofessionalsearch.com San Jose, California
#138 Howard Fischer Associates http://www.hfischer.com Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
#139 Executive Staffing Solutions http://www.ess123.com Columbus, Ohio
#140 Kensington International http://www.kionline.com Oak Brook, Illinois

#141 Terra Search Partners http://www.terrasearchpartners.com San Francisco, California
#142 SkyWater Search Partners http://www.skywatersearch.com Minneapolis, Minnesota
#143 Crabtree & Eller http://www.crabtreeandeller.com Castle Pines, Colorado
#144 North Line Search Partners http://northlinepartners.com Winnetka, Illinois
#145 Banister International http://banisterinternational.com Northbrook, Illinois
#146 Creative Solutions Services http://www.css-llc.net New York City, New York
#147 The Advocates http://advocatesdenver.com Denver, Colorado
#148 Catalyst Advisors http://www.catalystadvisorslp.com New York City, New York
#149 Ramax Search http://www.ramaxsearch.com New York City, New York
#150 Alta Associates http://www.altaassociates.com Flemington, New Jersey

#151 Daubenspeck & Associates http://www.daubenspeck.com Chicago, Illinois
#152 Greenwich Harbor Partners http://www.greenwichharborpartners.com Greenwich, Connecticut
#153 hrQ http://www.hrqinc.com Denver, Colorado
#154 UrpanTech http://www.urpantech.com Sunnyvale, California
#155 ZRG Partners http://www.zrgpartners.com Rochelle Park, New Jersey
#156 Adams Consulting Group http://acgresources.com New York City, New York
#157 Vanderbloemen Search Group http://www.vanderbloemen.com Houston, Texas
#158 The Albrecht Group http://www.agroupnc.com Cary, North Carolina
#159 The Stevenson Group http://stevensongroup.com Fort Lee, New Jersey
#160 Career Brokers http://www.careerbrokers.com Plano, Texas

#161 Scion Staffing http://www.scionstaffing.com San Francisco, California
#162 Angott Search Group http://www.asgteam.com Rochester, Michigan
#163 Stout Executive Search http://stoutexecutivesearch.com Springdale, Arkansas
#164 The Moran Company http://www.morancompany.com Baldwin City, Kansas
#165 CyberCoders http://www.cybercoders.com Irvine, California
#166 The Oxbridge Group http://www.oxbridgegroup.com New York City, New York
#167 Force Brands http://www.forcebrands.com New York City, New York
#168 Lehman Associates http://lehmanassociates.com Austin, Texas
#169 Coleman & Company http://www.colemancompany.net New York City, New York
#170 Saenger Associates http://www.saengerassociates.com Santa Clarita, California

#171 Rhodes Associates http://www.rhodesassociates.com New York City, New York
#172 Bert Davis Executive Search http://bertdavis.com New York City, New York
#173 Madison MacArthur http://mmsearch.com New York City, New York
#174 Borderless Executive Search http://www.borderless.net Ridgewood, New Jersey
#175 Capodice & Associates http://capodice.com Sarasota, Florida
#176 Intelligent Capital Management http://www.icn-i.com Wayne, Pennsylvania
#177 Buffkin / Baker http://www.buffkinbaker.com Brentwood, Tennessee
#178 Harvard Group International http://www.hgi1.com Marietta, Georgia
#179 Simpson Associates http://www.simpsonassociates.com New York City, New York
#180 Tula International http://www.tulainternational.com Atlanta, Georgia

#181 Babb McGrew http://babbmcgrew.com Wilmington, North Carolina
#182 High Country Search Group http://www.highcountrysearch.com Denver, Colorado
#183 Kirby Partners http://www.kirbypartners.com Heathrow, Florida
#184 Pearson Partners International http://www.pearsonpartnersintl.com Dallas, Texas
#185 Heyman Associates http://www.heymanassociates.com New York City, New York
#186 The Bowdoin Group http://www.bowdoingroup.com Waltham, Massachusetts
#187 Coley Company http://www.coleycompany.net Greensboro, North Carolina
#188 Development Guild DDI http://www.developmentguild.com Brookline, Massachusetts
#189 Movement Search http://www.movementsearch.com Clarkston, Michigan
#190 Lochlin Partners http://lochlinpartners.com McLean, Virginia

#191 Mestel & Company http://www.mestel.com New York City, New York
#192 Access Point Partners http://accesspointpartners.com Stamford, Connecticut
#193 Richard, Wayne & Roberts http://www.rwr.com Houston, Texas
#194 The Hennessy Group http://thehennessygroup.com Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
#195 Commongood Careers http://commongoodcareers.org Boston, Massachusetts
#196 WinterWyman http://www.winterwyman.com Waltham, Massachusetts
#197 Hawthorne Search http://www.hawthornesearch.com Plainfield, New Jersey
#198 Lord Gurman & Lewis http://www.mlordco.com New York City, New York
#199 Basilone Executive Search and Staffing http://www.basilone.net Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
#200 Allen + Associates Executive Search http://www.allen.associates Cincinnati, Ohio

#201 Dore Partnership http://www.dorepartnership.com New York City, New York
#202 Heritage Partners http://www.heritagepartners.com Berwyn, Pennsylvania
#203 Vetted Solutions http://www.vettedsolutions.com Washington, District of Columbia
#204 The Applied Companies http://theappliedcompanies.com Reno, Nevada
#205 Phaidon International http://www.phaidoninternational.com New York City, New York
#206 Lee Heagy & Company http://www.leeheagy.com Great Falls, Virginia
#207 AC Lion http://www.aclion.com New York City, New York
#208 Govig & Associates http://www.govig.com Scottsdale, Arizona
#209 Kirby Bates Associates http://kirbybates.com Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania
#210 NGS Global http://www.ngs-global.com San Ramon, California

#211 Manhattan Resources http://www.manhattanresources.com Houston, Texas
#212 Avior Search http://aviorsearch.com Melville, New York
#213 Resources Global Professionals http://www.rgp.com Irvine, California
#214 Glocap Search http://www.glocap.com New York City, New York
#215 Explore Company http://www.explorecompany.com Kensington, Maryland
#216 Marlin Hawk http://www.marlinhawk.com London, United Kingdom
#217 Arete Partners http://www.aretepartners.com San Francisco, California
#218 Coulter Partners http://www.coulterpartners.com London, United Kingdom
#219 DataPath Search http://www.datapathsearch.com Norwalk, Connecticut
#220 Klein Hersh http://www.kleinhersh.com Horsham, Pennsylvania

#221 Landing Point Search Group http://www.landingpoint.com New York City, New York
#222 Preng & Associates http://www.preng.com Houston, Texas
#223 SEBA International http://www.sebasearch.com New York City, New York
#224 Sheffield Haworth http://www.sheffieldhaworth.com London, United Kingdom
#225 Vida Group International http://www.vidagroupintl.com Round Rock, Texas
#226 Evergreen Executive Source http://www.egreensource.com Haddonfield, New Jersey
#227 CEO Worldwide http://www.ceo-worldwide.com New York City, New York
#228 Action Management Services http://www.actionmgmt.com Cleveland, Ohio
#229 PeopleFirst HR Solutions http://www.peoplefirsthrsolutions.com La Crosse, Wisconsin
#230 Magellan Search & Staffing http://magellangroup.com Wayne, Pennsylvania

#231 Foundation Talent http://foundationtalent.com Haddonfield, New Jersey
#232 accelHRate http://www.accelhrate.com Herndon, Virginia
#233 Bohan & Bradstreet http://www.bohanbradstreet.com Guilford, Connecticut
#234 Launch Search Partners http://launchsearchpartners.com San Francisco, California
#235 DW Simpson http://www.dwsimpson.com Chicago, Illinois
#236 BraddockMatthews http://braddockmatthews.com Wellesley, Massachusetts
#237 Huntington Partners http://www.huntingtonpartners.com Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
#238 American Recruiters http://www.americanrecruiters.com Coconut Creek, Florida
#239 Agility Executive Search http://agilityexecutivesearch.com New York City, New York
#240 Accent Professional Recruiting http://www.accentrecruit.com Richmond, Virginia

#241 Bell Oaks http://www.belloaks.com Atlanta, Georgia
#242 Youngerman Search Partners http://www.youngermansearch.com Athens, Georgia
#243 Furst Group http://www.furstgroup.com Rockford, Illinois
#244 Canny, Bowen http://www.cannybowen.com New York City, New York
#245 Robert Walters Associates http://www.robertwalters-usa.com London, United Kingdom
#246 JP Canon Associates http://www.jpcanon.com New York City, New York
#247 The Bandish Group http://www.bandishgroup.com Warrington, Pennsylvania
#248 Carlson Beck http://www.carlsonbeck.com San Francisco, California
#249 JJBergen http://www.jjbergen.com New York City, New York
#250 Lantern Partners http://www.lanternpartners.com Chicago, Illinois