Bruce 发布于 2023-11-20
加州 San Jose生物科技公司需一名onsite- Sr. Payroll Accountant. 200人数左右规模,薪酬福利优厚,有感兴趣的小伙伴请与我联系,谢谢
Open Future 发布于 2023-11-17
中国企业在法国招聘CHRO的信息,欢迎大家推荐:Open Future 在寻找优秀的华人首席人力资源官(CHRO)加入法国知名的医药企业。CHRO 候选人需要熟悉法国当地劳动法规,有工会关系经验及裁员经验,工厂的人力资源管理的经验。该职位要具有欧洲工作经验,人在法国或有意愿赴法国工作2-3年的计划的,优先考虑。英文和中文需精通,法文为可选项。如果感兴趣请和 Joanna微信联系(koikoi_joanna)
wangyayun 发布于 2023-11-02

嘿,小伙伴们!SHOPLINE 美国目前在招聘 一位 HRM(人力资源经理)和一位TA(招聘)

1,HRM 要求:5-10年HR工作经验,中&英文可以作为工作语言,过往有过和亚太地区的合作经验,对美国当地的compliance 和 HR Operation 非常熟悉,沟通表达能力强,愿意加入创业型的团队,共同成长!

Linkedin 投递链接:

2,TA 要求:5-10年招聘相关经验,熟悉整个招聘流程,中&英文可作为工作语言,有电商/SAAS行业工作经验,负责过Commercial 团队招聘工作的优先。


BAIDU 发布于 2023-10-13
我司正在招聘一位大模型实习生,要求有NLP/LLM训练相关项目经历,懂transformer。工作地点在硅谷Sunnyvale CA, 要求onsite一周至少三天,实习时间三个月以上,非寒暑期实习(一个月内到岗),欢迎各位推荐~请从链接申请

Key Responsibilities:

Undertake research directions including, but not limited to, efficient large model architectures, multimodal learning, self-supervised representation learning, unified cross-task learning, dataset construction, and RLHF.
Aim to lead the industry by developing large model technologies and promoting their application in business areas including but not limited to multimodal content understanding and generation, and virtual digital avatars.
Encourage candidates to stay focused on technical issues, providing a simple and friendly working environment and collaboration model, and fostering a research atmosphere that closely collaborates with academia.


Proficiency in written and spoken Mandarin is a must-have skillset
Master's degree or above in natural language processing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, or related fields
Ensure at least 3 days weekly onsite working with minimum contract length being 3 month
Large model research ability; candidates who have published high-quality papers in top conferences such as ICLR, NeurIPS, ICML, ACL, EMNLP, CVPR, JMLR, etc., are preferred.
Excellent collaborative abilities, capable of coordinating with platform and data teams to complete systematic tasks, and possessing outstanding direction planning and execution capabilities.

Hourly Rare: $50/hour
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