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Welcome to the North American Chinese Society of Human Resource! We are a vibrant community where North American Chinese HR professionals can connect, learn, grow, and thrive throughout their careers.
Founded in 2016 in Silicon Valley, NACSHR is dedicated to supporting and advancing Chinese HR practitioners in North America.
We offer a platform for North American Chinese HR professionals to exchange knowledge, enhance their skills, and succeed in their careers.
Through events, an online platform, mentorships, and awards, we connect, elevate, and empower the Chinese HR community. Our goal is to strengthen the influence and rights of HR professionals and the broader Chinese community in the workplace.
Ultimately, we strive to promote the collective prosperity of the entire Chinese HR ecosystem.
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San Jose CA





最近有 14 位 HR索取过产品资料




INFOX Consulting
INFOX started its humble beginnings in the year 2014. Committed to providing clients with the most professional talent acquisition and funding management consulting, INFOX has a team of talent and grant gurus leveraging technology so our clients can take advantage of government funding programs as soon as they come out. Our clients range from start-ups to global leading companies across United States, Canada and Asia with focuses on talent acquisition in the fields of Biotechnology, Fin-Tech, Game, e-Commerce, etc. Our forward-thinking consultants will regularly send a customized list of government grants that apply specifically to your business. You don’t have to waste or risk time manually researching and applying for government grants. We take care of the full application and reporting process from beginning to end. We have the passion and the interest in what you do, and since we share your passion, we will be able to find the perfect talent who will also share our passion. Our high-end recruitment testimonies in the fields of back end, front end, mobile and full stack is proof of how good we are at profiling. With a growing number of recruitment firms in the country, what makes INFOX stand out? ​ We promote equal employment opportunities for all job applicants. We welcome disadvantaged candidates to apply. For example, Apprentices, Indigenous people, persons with disabilities, Newcomers to Canada, Seniors, Students, Veterans, Visible minorities and Youth.
总部 Seattle Washington
China Southern Airlines is China’s largest carrier in terms of fleet size, route network coverage, and annual passenger traffic. Rated as China’s safest airline, China Southern Airlines is proud to maintain the best safety record in the country with its global leadership in safety management. It has maintained 30 million consecutive hours of safe flight operation and, in 2023, became the first in the industry to receive the "Three-Star Flight Safety Diamond Award" from the Civil Aviation Administration of China. China Southern is now operating 11 scheduled flights per week from North American to China, including 4 flights departure from San Francisco. We look forward to your visit to Guangzhou with China Southern Airlines. 购票访问: 中国南方航空股份有限公司简称“中国南方航空”或“南方航空”,英文名称为China Southern Airlines,简称CSN,是中国南方航空集团有限公司控股的运输航空公司,总部位于广东省广州市。 南方航空以蓝色垂直尾翼镶红色木棉花为公司标志,以“让更多人乐享美好飞行”为企业使命,秉持“安全第一 客户为本”的核心价值观,大力弘扬“勤奋、务实、包容、创新”的南航精神,致力建设具有全球竞争力的世界一流航空运输企业。 南方航空直接或间接控股厦门航空有限公司、重庆航空有限责任公司、中国南方航空河南航空有限公司、贵州航空有限公司、珠海航空有限公司、汕头航空有限公司、河北航空有限公司、江西航空有限公司、中国南方航空货运有限公司9家客、货运输航空公司,参股四川航空股份有限公司;拥有新疆、北方、北京、深圳、上海等18家分公司及南阳、佛山2家基地;设有杭州、南京、西宁等21家境内营业部,洛杉矶、纽约、伦敦、巴黎等52家境外营业部。 南方航空是中国机队规模最大、航线网络最发达、年客运量最大的运输航空公司。旗下各运输航空公司运营包括波音787、777、737系列,空客A350、A330、A320系列,中国商飞ARJ-21等型号客货运输飞机。航线数量、航班频率、市场份额均在国内航空公司中居于首位,旅客运输量连续45年居国内各航空公司之首。 南方航空是国内安全星级最高的航空公司,保持着国内航空公司最好的安全纪录,安全管理水平处于国际领先地位。实现连续安全飞行3000万小时,2023年率先在全行业获得中国民航“飞行安全钻石三星奖”。2021年被国际独立航空评级网站AirlineRatings.com授予最高等级“七星安全评级”。截至2023年12月,拥有客机、货机908架,连续保证290个月的飞行安全和355个月的空防安全。 南方航空致力建设广州、北京两大综合性国际航空枢纽。在广州,持续稳步建设“广州之路”(Canton Route),推动广州成为中国大陆至大洋洲、东南亚的第一门户,服务粤港澳大湾区和“一带一路”。在北京,作为北京大兴国际机场最大的主基地航空公司,运营着亚洲跨度最大的机库、亚洲最大的运行控制中心和航空食品生产基地。 南方航空不断加强运行管控能力。在全球首家完成双发飞机越洋飞行、亚洲首家成功飞越北极点,航班运行方面取得过诸多“第一”。建设了成熟、先进、高效的运行体系支撑,率先联合开发的运行控制系统,改变了中国民航对运行控制的认知,极大提高了运行管理水平,航班正常率自2016年起连续8年在国内主要航空公司中名列前茅。 南方航空着力打造以人性化、数字化、精细化、个性化、便捷化为特征的“五化”服务,为旅客提供“亲和精细”的一流服务。重点打造“南航e行”“客户尊享”“行李优享”“中转畅享”“空中服务360”“食尚南航”6张服务名片。拥有“南航明珠俱乐部”常旅客奖励计划的会员超过1亿人。荣获SKYTRAX 2022年“中国最佳航司”奖;世界品牌实验室2023年航空公司“五星钻石奖”;连续13年获评中国品牌力研究航空服务业第一品牌;连续6年获评民航资源网民航旅客服务测评年度最佳航空公司奖。 南方航空积极履行央企社会责任,致力于创造经济、环境、社会综合价值,携手各方“飞向美好未来”:升级“绿色飞行”责任品牌,在业内率先推出“绿色全旅程”服务,国内首家自主开发航油大数据管理系统“航油e云”,能源利用效率行业领先,连续两年获评中国民航“年度环保航空公司”,2023年度“可持续贡献品牌”。首创“绿色飞行”按需用餐服务,获首届“金钥匙——面向SDG的中国行动”冠军奖。南方航空定点帮扶新疆和田地区墨玉县和皮山县,为打赢脱贫攻坚战作出了积极贡献;积极参与保障重要物资、人员的运送,获评中国民航2023年度“企业社会责任品牌”。
规模 500人以上
Avary AI is an AI interview SaaS product aimed at enhancing recruitment efficiency, reducing costs, and shortening hiring cycles. Utilizing advanced language models and customized standards, it delivers friendly AI interviewers that provide fair and standardized interview experiences for all candidates. Through video and voice analysis, it aids companies in making quick decisions. The platform also features intelligent evaluation models and generates objective interview reports to assist in decision-making.
总部 Seattle