• 加州
    【下载】2024年加利福尼亚州就业法律指南 Get Your Free 2024 California Employment Law Guide 2024年加利福尼亚州就业法律指南 广泛概述了 2024 年加利福尼亚州的新就业法律。 它涵盖了就业法的各个方面,如一般就业法、大麻使用权、非竞争协议、与生育相关的丧假、工作场所安全以及特定行业的法律。每个部分都概述了新法律、其生效日期以及建议雇主为遵守这些法规而采取的下一步措施。 该指南是了解不断变化的加利福尼亚州就业法律环境的全面资源,有助于确保遵守新的法规和条例。 欢迎点击下载,来自CEA Get Your Free 2024 California Employment Law Guide While the end of the year is full of excitement with the holidays, this time of year also marks the buzz of Labor Law Update Season, as California employers prepare to comply with dozens of new employment laws. Access California Employers Association’s free 2024 New Laws Guide here, including key highlights for each bill and a to-do list for employers on practical next steps! Major changes this year include: Increased mandatory paid sick leave Brand new reproductive loss bereavement leave Comprehensive workplace violence prevention plan requirements Cannabis-use protections Wage and hour updates Just to name just a few!  click here https://www.nacshr.org/Resources/63027AD3-6469-1065-2077-A1551263B72F.html CEA is here to provide customized support to employers of all sizes with their California compliance needs. source:CEA
  • 加州
    李静远律师对于2018加州HR的建议 大家新年快乐! 正如我们大多数人所知,加利福尼亚州每年都制定新的与人力资源相关的法律。对于在加州工作的人力资源专业人员,下面是在新的一年自我审计的一些提示: 1. 在全州范围内检查您的员工在做同等雇主时的薪酬是否存在性别差异,或白人与其他种族群体之间的差异。与律师一起进行自我审计,与律师讨论差距,以便讨论内容受特权保护。 2. 确保豁免员工的所有薪水至少为45,760美元,拥有26名或更多员工的加州雇主的最低工资增加到每小时11美元。内部销售人员每月至少需要挣2,860美元的佣金才能免除加班费。 3. 修订你的的雇用申请表,删除提及工资史或刑事定罪。可以事先告诉申请人,如果招聘他们,将会进行全面的背景调查。 4. 培训管理人员,如果美国移民和海关执法局(ICE)人员出现,在没有传票的情况下,不允许他们进入休息室或非公共场所与员工谈话。 5. 如果你有超过50名员工,安排骚扰培训,包括性取向和性别认同。确保培训是由具有消除工作场所骚扰的知识和专业知识的培训师完成的。   Happy New Year’s everyone! As most of us know, California enacts new HR related laws every year. For HR professionals working in California, here are some self-audit tips for the new year: 1. Review your employees’ compensation statewide for disparities between genders or between whites and other racial groups for people doing equivalent work. Do the self-audit in conjunction with counsel and discuss gaps with them so that it's all privileged. 2. Make sure all salaries are at least $45,760 for exempt employees, to account for the increase in minimum wage to $11 per hour for California employers with 26 or more employees. Inside salespeople need to earn at least $2,860 per month in commissions to be exempt from overtime. 3. Revise your employment applications to remove references to salary histories or criminal convictions. It's OK to tell applicants up front that there will be a comprehensive background check done if they receive an offer. 4. Train managers that if ICE shows up, they are not allowed into break rooms or non-public areas to talk to employees without a subpoena. 5. If you have more than 50 employees, schedule harassment training to include sexual orientation and gender identity. Make sure the training is performed by trainers with knowledge and expertise in eliminating workplace harassment.   Jing Li Esq. California Employer-side Employment Lawyer https://swsslaw.com/attorney/jing-y-li/     李静远律师. 加利福尼亚州代表雇主的雇用律师 https://swsslaw.com/attorney/jing-y-li/