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    LinkedIn因违反欧盟GDPR被爱尔兰数据保护委员会罚款3.1亿欧元 LinkedIn因违反欧盟《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR)被爱尔兰数据保护委员会罚款3.10亿欧元(约合3.34亿美元)。调查始于2018年,法国非营利组织La Quadrature du Net提交投诉,指出LinkedIn广告数据处理方面存在问题。爱尔兰监管机构发现,LinkedIn在处理个人数据时未能遵守GDPR第6(1)条的法律依据要求。虽然LinkedIn声称一直遵守规定,但已被要求在规定时间内纠正数据处理方式。完整决定将在稍后公布。 全球最大的在线招聘广告平台LinkedIn因其个人数据处理方式被爱尔兰数据保护委员会罚款3.10亿欧元(约合3.343亿美元)。此外,LinkedIn还收到了谴责,并被要求将其数据处理操作改为符合规定。 调查揭示:未获用户许可的隐私数据处理 根据爱尔兰DPC的调查,LinkedIn使用了未经授权的个人数据,用于定向广告服务。具体而言,LinkedIn在用户不知情的情况下,追踪他们的在线行为,以推送更加个性化的广告。LinkedIn声称其基于“用户同意”或“合法利益”作为法律依据进行数据收集,但经过调查,这些理由未能满足GDPR的严格标准。DPC指出,LinkedIn在数据收集过程中缺乏透明度,未能获得用户的明确同意,严重违反了GDPR的规定。 自2018年8月起,欧洲官员开始调查LinkedIn的做法,这一调查源于法国非营利组织La Quadrature du Net的投诉。该投诉最初提交给法国数据保护机构,随后转交给负责LinkedIn的主要监督机构——爱尔兰数据保护委员会。 爱尔兰数据保护局在其决定中指出以下几点: 根据GDPR第6(1)条款,缺乏适当法律依据进行个人数据处理是对数据主体基本数据保护权利的严重侵犯。 GDPR要求数据处理必须遵循公平原则,即个人数据不得以损害、歧视、意外或误导数据主体的方式进行处理。 透明性条款的合规确保数据主体在数据处理前完全了解处理的范围及后果,并能够行使其权利。 完整的最终决定将在稍后公布。 科技行业的警示 这一事件不仅对LinkedIn构成打击,也为整个科技行业敲响了警钟。在当今数据驱动的世界中,越来越多的企业依赖于用户数据来提供个性化服务,如定向广告。然而,企业在处理个人数据时必须确保完全符合GDPR的要求,尤其是在透明度和用户同意方面。随着欧盟对数据保护的监管力度加大,所有在欧盟运营的科技公司都必须采取严格措施,确保数据处理合规,避免类似的处罚。 未来展望:隐私保护将成重中之重 此次事件表明,隐私保护将成为未来科技行业的核心议题。随着技术的进步,数据收集和分析变得更加复杂,企业必须加倍努力确保符合GDPR等法规的要求。这不仅需要定期进行隐私审查,还需要不断更新隐私政策,确保用户数据的安全使用。除此之外,企业还需加强对员工的培训,提升他们对数据保护的意识,以减少违规风险。 LinkedIn的案例揭示了数据隐私保护不容忽视的重要性。企业必须在透明度、用户同意和合法性之间取得平衡,否则将面临法律和声誉的双重打击。随着监管环境的日益严格,科技公司只有通过主动合规,才能在未来的市场中立于不败之地。
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    Indeed起诉ZipRecruiter:指控虚假宣传抢夺客户 近日,全球领先的招聘平台之一Indeed向其主要竞争对手ZipRecruiter提起了一场备受关注的诉讼,指控ZipRecruiter通过误导性宣传手段抢夺客户,引发了招聘行业的一场法律风波。这场官司的焦点围绕Indeed于2024年进行的一项政策调整以及ZipRecruiter对此的宣传方式展开,显示出在招聘平台竞争激烈的背景下,任何微小的策略调整都可能导致市场动荡。 政策变动引发竞争风波 Indeed在2024年年中宣布了一项影响广泛的政策调整,决定限制免费职位发布的双重发布。该政策于2024年10月1日正式生效,旨在减少重复职位发布,避免给求职者带来困惑。根据新规,企业通过外部数据源或申请系统自动发布的免费职位将不再与直接在Indeed平台上发布的职位重复出现。该举措表面上看似是优化求职者体验的一项调整,然而对许多依赖Indeed免费职位发布的雇主而言,这一变化引发了担忧。 就在政策生效前后,ZipRecruiter迅速采取行动,通过电子邮件和社交媒体向Indeed的客户发送信息,声称Indeed将完全取消免费职位发布,并要求所有职位都需付费。据悉,ZipRecruiter的多名员工在社交平台LinkedIn上发布了与此相关的内容,称Indeed的新政策将影响职位的可见性,并增加企业对付费广告的依赖。 Indeed的法律行动:指控误导与不正当竞争 面对ZipRecruiter的行动,Indeed于2024年10月7日向美国德克萨斯州西区联邦法院提起诉讼,指控ZipRecruiter在市场竞争中使用了误导性信息,违反了《兰哈姆法》(Lanham Act),并干涉了Indeed与其客户之间的合同关系。Indeed在诉讼中指出,尽管其确实对免费职位发布政策进行了调整,但并未完全取消免费职位发布。然而,ZipRecruiter通过错误的宣传信息,让Indeed的客户产生了误解,影响了客户与Indeed的关系。 更值得注意的是,Indeed还指控ZipRecruiter的员工违反了Indeed的服务条款,创建虚假的Indeed账户,并利用这些账户与Indeed的客户进行接触,试图通过虚假陈述获取客户。Indeed认为,ZipRecruiter此举不仅误导了雇主,还损害了Indeed产品和服务的市场价值。 ZipRecruiter的回应:竞争的合法性争议 面对Indeed的指控,ZipRecruiter迅速作出回应,否认了Indeed的所有指控,并称其行为属于合法的市场竞争。ZipRecruiter的发言人在一份声明中表示:“我们强烈反对Indeed的指控,认为与Indeed的竞争并不违反联邦法律。”他们认为,Indeed的诉讼并未解决行业内因其政策变化所引发的混乱,反而是试图通过法律手段遏制市场竞争。 ZipRecruiter还特别提到,Indeed的政策变化对招聘行业有重大影响,特别是对那些依赖免费职位发布的中小型企业。ZipRecruiter表示,其宣传活动的目的在于帮助企业应对Indeed新政策带来的挑战,而非故意传播虚假信息。 招聘行业竞争的激烈局面 此次Indeed与ZipRecruiter的法律纠纷反映了招聘行业日益激烈的市场竞争。作为全球最大的人力资源招聘平台之一,Indeed在过去几年中占据了重要的市场份额,凭借其庞大的求职者和雇主数据库,Indeed在全球范围内拥有3.5百万家雇主和3.5亿独立访问者。然而,2024年Indeed面临的挑战显而易见,包括推行的按申请付费(pay-per-application)模式引发了雇主的不满,以及市场招聘放缓导致的裁员等,都对其市场表现造成了一定的负面影响。 与此同时,ZipRecruiter则通过持续创新和市场扩展,迅速占领了招聘市场的一部分。在Indeed宣布政策调整后,ZipRecruiter迅速采取行动,通过社交媒体和邮件营销,利用行业的混乱局面吸引客户。这也进一步说明了在招聘市场中,竞争对手的每一个策略调整都可能被视为机会,而如何合法地在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出,成为各大招聘平台需要面对的核心问题。 案件的未来影响与行业启示 Indeed对ZipRecruiter提起的这场诉讼,不仅仅是两家巨头之间的法律纠纷,它还揭示了招聘行业面临的更广泛的问题。在招聘行业中,免费职位发布一直是吸引中小型企业的重要工具,而任何对这一模式的调整都可能对市场产生深远的影响。ZipRecruiter抓住了这一变化,并通过快速反应尝试扩大自己的市场份额,但这种营销方式也面临着法律风险。 目前,Indeed正在寻求法庭的声明性和禁令性救济,希望法院裁定ZipRecruiter的行为违反了法律,并要求ZipRecruiter停止在Indeed平台上招揽客户或传播误导性信息。随着案件的审理推进,法院的判决可能对未来招聘平台的市场策略产生深远的影响,也为整个行业如何合法公平地竞争提供了新的思考方向。 总的来说,此案不仅涉及市场份额的争夺,更是招聘平台在面对激烈竞争时如何平衡商业策略与法律合规的一次考验。未来,类似的竞争与法律纠纷可能会进一步改变整个招聘行业的格局。
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    National Advertising Division Finds Certain Deel Payroll and HRIS Claims Supported; Recommends Others be Modified or Discontinued BBB全国项目的国家广告部(NAD)对Deel公司在其薪资和人力资源信息系统(HRIS)方面的广告声明进行了审查,回应了竞争对手Rippling提出的挑战。NAD认为,Deel的部分声明,如“每年节省高达$20,000”和“行业领先的全球薪资软件”是有依据的。然而,NAD建议修改或停止某些其他声明,特别是关于与Rippling的比较、法律合规性和客户支持的声明。NAD认为,Deel的“本地化”和“内部运营”薪资服务声明需要进一步澄清,并建议调整对Rippling的比较方式。此外,NAD要求停止使用“全球HR市场领导者”的称号,因为没有确凿证据支持这一说法。Deel已表示将遵守NAD的决定,进一步确保其广告的真实性和透明度。此次审查反映了NAD对广告真实性的持续关注,确保消费者能够获得准确的信息,同时促进公平竞争。 In a challenge brought by competitor People Center, Inc. d/b/a Rippling, BBB National Programs’ National Advertising Division determined that Deel, Inc., in connection with its Payroll and Human Resource Information System (HRIS), provided a reasonable basis for certain claims, including Deel’s “save up to $20,000 per year” claim and accompanying chart, as well as the claim that Deel has an “industry leading global payroll software.” New York, NY, Aug. 08, 2024 -- In a challenge brought by competitor People Center, Inc. d/b/a Rippling, BBB National Programs’ National Advertising Division determined that Deel, Inc., in connection with its Payroll and Human Resource Information System (HRIS), provided a reasonable basis for certain claims, including Deel’s “save up to $20,000 per year” claim and accompanying chart, as well as the claim that Deel has an “industry leading global payroll software.” However, the National Advertising Division (NAD) recommended that Deel modify or discontinue certain other claims, including comparative claims versus Rippling’s native payroll software, legal compliance, and customer support. The parties are human resources and payroll service providers that offer multiple services. Native and In-House Payroll Claims Rippling challenged claims about “native” and “in-house” payroll systems that appeared in charts on Deel’s website: “Payroll service is native and operated in-house in every country – Deel ✓, Rippling X” “Payroll service is native and operated in-house in every country – Deel ✓ Yes, Rippling X No, they currently use partners in some countries. The National Advertising Division (NAD) determined that customers could reasonably take away the message that native payroll includes native payroll software. Further, customers may reasonably take away the message that Rippling does not offer in-house and native payroll in all the countries in which it offers global payroll (outside of employer of record). Therefore, NAD recommended that Deel modify these claims by clearly and conspicuously defining what “native” means and clarifying that the comparison with Rippling also includes countries where they offer payroll as part of their employer of record services. Industry-Leading Payroll Claim Deel claims on its website to have “[i]ndustry leading global payroll software” and, in a smaller font, “Deel is a leader in multi-country payroll and contractor payments, according to G2 user reviews.” The National Advertising Division (NAD) determined that the phrase “global payroll software” means that Deel offers payroll software globally—whether that is in-house or through a third-party. Further, NAD considered the language and the context in which the “industry leading” language appears and concluded the claim does not convey a superlative message. Consumers are likely to take away the message that Deel is among the top in the industry, but not necessarily the best. Since the record indicates that Deel has significant revenue, market presence, and a large global footprint, and there is no dispute that Deel and Rippling are among the many leaders in the global payroll market, NAD concluded that this claim was not false or misleading. HRIS Comparative Claims Rippling challenged claims on Deel’s website that customers can “[s]witch to Deel HR and save up to $20,000 per year.” An accompanying chart below the claim lists seven product features with Rippling and Deel displaying checkmarks for each feature. The chart states that Deel is “Free for companies with less than 200 employees” while Rippling costs “$8 employee/month.” The National Advertising Division (NAD) concluded that because both products offer the touted features, it is not misleading to characterize Deel’s software as having those product features and that the product comparison chart is not misleading. HRIS Superlative Claims The National Advertising Division (NAD) determined that there was no evidence in the record to support an unqualified claim that Deel is #1 in the market. Therefore, NAD recommended that Deel discontinue the claims: “The market leader in the Global HR space.” “Build confidence in your compliance with the #1 Global HR platform.” Preference Claim The National Advertising Division (NAD) determined that data relied on by Deel is not a good fit for its claim that “Teams prefer Deel over Rippling for global HR and Payroll” because it did not indicate a preference for one product over another. Accordingly, NAD recommended that the claim be discontinued. Compliance Claims Rippling challenged claims about legal compliance that appeared in charts on Deel’s website: “Network of 200+ local legal hiring experts around the world -- ✓ Yes, Rippling X No” “Compliance document collection for contractors, on top of EOR, constantly reviewed and updated.” The National Advertising Division (NAD) determined that in context it is reasonable to take away the message that Rippling has an inferior network of legal experts around the world, and it does not offer compliance document collection. Since Deel submitted no evidence in support of these two claims, NAD recommended it discontinue the comparative part of these claims as they relate to Rippling and cease conveying the messages that there are legal risks associated with using Rippling products and that Rippling’s products are not compliant. NAD noted that nothing in its decision would prevent Deel from advertising its network of local legal hiring experts or comparing its compliance services to Rippling’s so long as they do not claim that Rippling lacks a network of 200+ local legal hiring experts around the world or compliance document collection for contractors. Customer Support Claims The National Advertising Division (NAD) determined that the comparative claim that Rippling does not offer multi-channel support is not false or misleading. However, NAD concluded that the unqualified claim, “Deel’s support is in-house, reliable, and faster than Rippling” is not supported and recommended that it be discontinued or modified to make clear the circumstances and times when its support would be faster and avoid conveying the message that Rippling’s customer support is unreliable. Further, NAD determined that Deel’s claim “Same level of service in every country with centralized communications – Deel ✓ Yes, Rippling X No, as they use partners in some places,” is not supported because there is no evidence about the level of service provided by Rippling in any country. Therefore, NAD recommended that the claim be discontinued. During the proceeding Deel permanently discontinued and modified certain claims. Therefore, NAD did not review these claims on their merits and will treat the claims, for compliance purposes, as though NAD recommended they be discontinued. In its advertiser statement, Deel stated that it will comply with NAD’s decision. All BBB National Programs case decision summaries can be found in the case decision library. For the full text of NAD, NARB, and CARU decisions, subscribe to the online archive. This press release shall not be used for advertising or promotional purposes. About BBB National Programs: BBB National Programs, a non-profit organization, is the home of U.S. independent industry self-regulation, currently operating more than a dozen globally recognized programs that have been helping enhance consumer trust in business for more than 50 years. These programs provide third-party accountability and dispute resolution services that address existing and emerging industry issues, create a fairer playing field for businesses, and a better experience for consumers. BBB National Programs continues to evolve its work and grow its impact by providing business guidance and fostering best practices in arenas such as advertising, child-and-teen-directed marketing, data privacy, dispute resolution, automobile warranty, technology, and emerging areas. To learn more, visit bbbprograms.org. About the National Advertising Division: The National Advertising Division of BBB National Programs provides independent self-regulation and dispute resolution services, guiding the truthfulness of advertising across the U.S. The National Advertising Division reviews national advertising in all media and its decisions set consistent standards for advertising truth and accuracy, delivering meaningful protection to consumers and leveling the playing field for business.
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    Google Workspace推出Gemini:开启AI增强生产力的新篇章 Google Workspace推出了为各种规模的组织设计的Gemini Business计划,以及一个全新的、具有企业级数据保护的独立Gemini聊天体验。Gemini Business计划每用户每月20美元起,提供包括文档和邮件中的写作帮助、表格中的增强智能填充和幻灯片中的图像生成等功能。Gemini Enterprise计划则以每用户每月30美元提供更多使用量和额外的AI驱动会会议的AI功能,如闭幕字幕的翻译和会议记录。 此外,Gemini还提供了一个独立的企业级聊天体验,通过使用最大且最有能力的1.0 Ultra模型,确保了企业级的数据保护,不用于广告目的或改进生成机器学习技术,不被人工审查或与其他用户或组织共享。这些更新旨在提高工作效率和团队合作,同时保障用户数据的安全和隐私。 2024年2月21日 — Google Workspace引入了Gemini Business和Gemini Enterprise,这标志着在其套件内整合人工智能的重大进步。由Aparna Pappu(副总裁兼总经理)领衔的这一举措旨在满足组织多样化的需求,用AI增强日常操作。 向前迈出的革命性一步 本月,Google宣布Duet AI转变为Google Workspace的Gemini,提供了对先进AI模型的访问。此次升级将Gemini集成到广泛使用的Workspace应用中,旨在简化从个人事件规划到复杂商业战略制定等任务。 用AI赋能企业 以每用户每月20美元(需年度承诺)的竞争价格推出的Gemini Business,旨在为所有规模的组织普及生成式AI技术的使用。它提供了如Docs和Gmail中的“帮我写”,Sheets中的“增强智能填充”以及Slides中的图像生成等功能,目的是提高生产力和创造力。 以每用户每月30美元的价格,Gemini Enterprise扩展了这些功能,并增加了AI驱动会议的附加特性,包括实时翻译100多种语言以及即将推出的会议记录功能。现有的Duet AI客户将自动过渡到这个增强计划。 交互的新维度 一个突出的特点是与Gemini的新独立聊天体验,利用1.0 Ultra模型进行更深入、更有洞察力的互动。这个平台承诺提供企业级数据保护,确保通信的隐私和安全。 展望未来 Google Workspace不仅在增强当前的商业和企业产品,还在探索扩展到教育领域。这一举措反映了Google利用AI提高各类用户群体的效率和创新的承诺。 Gemini for Workspace代表了企业、教育机构和个人利用AI实现更大生产力和创造力的关键发展。随着Google Workspace的持续演进,Gemini的整合预示着一个技术和人类智慧无缝融合的未来。