Cornerstone Galaxy: Acquisition Of SkyHive Could Pay OffCornerstone在人力资源技术领域长期以来一直是学习管理系统(LMS)的领导者。公司最近推出了Galaxy,这是一个集成了人工智能的全新人才管理平台。这一重大进展是在一系列收购之后实现的,尤其是最近收购了SkyHive,显著增强了公司的数据处理能力。Galaxy平台通过提供全面的技能发展、绩效管理和员工晋升系统,为HR技术空间树立了新标准。
Cornerstone spent the last decade acquiring LMS and talent software companies, all in a goal to build an integrated skills platform. Finally, after years of hard work and integration, the company introduces Galaxy, an advanced offering in the world of AI-powered HR systems.
Before I explain Galaxy, the history is important. Founded in 1999, Cornerstone started as an e-learning platform company (CyberU). The company established a foothold in the emerging LMS market and grew through strong marketing, sales, and product innovation. Since then the company has gone public, reached a $5.2 billion valuation, and was then acquired by a private equity firm (Aug. 2021, three years ago).
The new management team continued to acquire companies (EdCast, SumTotal, Talespin, and most recently SkyHive) and has now stitched these systems together into a unified platform called Galaxy. Galaxy, as I show below, is a skills-powered integrated talent management platform, built around the core of learning management. And this is what makes it unique.
The other talent intelligence or skills-based platforms started elsewhere. Eightfold started in talent acquisition; Gloat started in talent mobility; SeekOut started in recruiting; Beamery started in CRM; and players like and NeoBrain started in more vertical domains. Each of these companies use large-scale profile data to infer skills, give companies tools to find and match candidates, and eventually to deliver learning.
Cornerstone, with deep background in L&D, is coming at this from another direction: employee development. The Galaxy system, which is built into a complete user interface, infers skills, lets employees tag and assess their skills, helps employees find and complete many forms of learning, manage compliance and certification programs, and advance skills through gigs, assignments, assessments, or management coaching. And since Cornerstone is an integrated talent suite, the system lets companies drive skills through performance management, development planning, succession planning, and also recruiting.
Before the acquisition of SkyHive, Cornerstone was trying to do this with its own data set of LMS information. This data, which includes billions of learning records, was simply not sufficient to build out the entire AI corpus. By acquiring SkyHive, Cornerstone gained an entire labor market system of data, a company-neutral job architecture, and lots of industry skills. This brings Galaxy into direct competition with the other major talent intelligence and talent marketplace vendors.
I have not yet talked with Galaxy customers, but the user experience is integrated and shows the sophistication of thinking under the covers. Remember that Cornerstone acquired Evolv, Clustree, and EdCast before acquiring SkyHive, so the team has been building AI capabilities and use-cases for several years. And now that Cornerstone has a VR platform for learning, more use-cases are coming.
While I don’t know Cornerstone’s revenues, the leadership team assures me that the company is growing and the profitability is high. This means the company has long-term sustainability and despite its many acquisitions, is likely to evolve to “Oracle-like” status. (Oracle has acquired hundreds of companies over the years and now looks at M&A as one of its core strengths).
Here’s the major play in the market. With 7,000+ customers, Cornerstone has many customers shopping for new tools. If Galaxy is as solid as it looked in the demos, some percentage of these buyers could upgrade to Galaxy and avoid the purchase of Gloat, Eightfold, or another LMS. While we cannot be sure where Galaxy will play, for companies that want to deploy a skills architecture across all talent practices, it looks like a solid option.
Cornerstone Vision:
Cornerstone User Experience
Cornerstone Career and Talent Marketplace
Cornerstone Performance Management
Skills in Goal Management
Why Cornerstone Still Matters
Cornerstone has a massive customer base. The users of Cornerstone, Saba, SumTotal, Lumesse, and Halogen include many of the world’s largest companies and thousands of mid-market organizations as well. These organizations have invested billions of dollars into learning infrastructure, content, and user portals to reach employees. If Cornerstone Galaxy delivers on its promise, the company can help many of these organizations avoid buying lots of standalone new tools. And given Cornerstone’s size, the company could become, as I mentioned above, the “Oracle” of the space.
And note, by the way, that a recent survey by found that the top rated HR tech issue to address is L&D infrastructure, so this issue is on everyone’s mind.
While the market is highly competitive and there are many skills-based tools in the market, Cornerstone’s focus on L&D is unique. None of the other major LMS vendors have the skills infrastructure of Cornerstone today.
If your skills strategy is focused on building skills, Galaxy may be the answer.
More to come as we talk with more Galaxy customers.
Additional Information
美国一家IT人力资源公司因招聘信息中注明“仅限当地社区白人”申请,被求职者投诉种族歧视,被罚款概览:2023年3月,Arthur Grand Technologies发布了一则仅限“美国出生的白人公民”申请的招聘广告。经调查,这是一名心怀不满的员工报复公司的行为。公司总部位于弗吉尼亚州阿什本,是一家小型弱势企业。美国司法部和劳工部认定公司违反了相关法律,处以7500美元罚款,并向31名应聘者支付共计3.1万美元的赔偿金。公司否认批准广告,并称其为员工个人行为,已立即解雇该员工。首席执行官重申对多样性的承诺,并采取措施防止类似事件再发生。
2023年3月,Arthur Grand Technologies Inc.发布了一则招聘广告,明确要求“只有美国出生的公民(白人)”和居住在德州达拉斯60英里以内的人,才能申请“Salesforce业务分析师和保险理赔职位”。此外,招聘启事中还规定,求职者不得与其他候选人分享信息。
本周二(2024年5月28日),Arthur Grand Technologies Inc.与美国政府部门达成和解协议。根据协议,该公司将支付7500美元的民事罚款,并赔偿每位应聘者1000美元,总计3.1万美元。
Arthur Grand Technologies Inc.是一家总部位于弗吉尼亚州阿什本的IT人力资源公司。公司的注册地址是一个两层楼的办公大楼,距离杜勒斯国际机场约10英里。根据美国政府的记录,该公司被认证为联邦承包商名录中的一家“小型弱势企业”。要获得这种资格,公司的大部分所有权必须归“一名或多名弱势人士”所有,这些人必须在社会和经济上处于弱势地位。
司法部称,Arthur Grand Technologies Inc.否认公司批准了这条招聘信息,并称该信息是由一位“心怀不满的印度招聘人员”所发布,目的是让公司陷入麻烦。据悉,这位员工因处于绩效改进计划(PIP)中不满,于是为了报复公司,通过其个人电子邮件地址和账户发布了这则招聘。
司法部民权司助理司法部长Kristen Clarke宣布达成和解协议时表示:“在21世纪,我们仍然看到雇主使用‘仅限白人’和‘仅限美国出生’的招聘启事,排除其他符合条件的有色人种候选人,这是可耻的。司法部将与其他政府机构合作,继续追究雇主违反我国联邦民权法的责任。”
Arthur Grand Technologies Inc.的首席执行官Sheik Rahmathullah表示,公司没有承认任何罪行或不法行为,同意司法部和劳工部协议,只是为了避免诉讼给公司带来的重大财务损失和长期业务中断。
Attracting candidates, Selecting candidates, Hiring from within and from outside, Performance appraisals, Compensation, Employee benefit management, Learning & development, Promotions, Problem-solving groups, Total quality management (TQM), Information sharing, Organizational development, Survey management, Compliance management, Business partnering, Data & analytics management, HR technology management, Change management, Employee experience, DEIB, PR
吸引候选人、选择候选人、内部和外部招聘、绩效评估、薪酬、员工福利管理、学习与发展、晋升、问题解决小组、全面质量管理 (TQM)、信息共享、组织发展、调查管理、合规管理、业务合作、数据与分析管理、人力资源技术管理、变革管理、员工体验、DEIB、公共关系
加班规则即将发生变化:雇主需要了解什么 Upcoming Changes to Overtime Rules: What Employers Need to Know加班规则即将发生变化:雇主需要了解什么
A significant development in U.S. labor regulations has just taken a step closer to reality. The White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has completed its review of a new rule from the U.S. Department of Labor that is poised to expand overtime pay protections. This rule, which has been under development since last August, is set to make a substantial impact on the pay structure of millions of American workers. The Department of Labor is anticipated to release the final rule imminently.
Detailed Overview of Proposed Changes
The FLSA is the federal law that establishes minimum wage, overtime pay eligibility, and other employment standards. Under current rules, employees are entitled to overtime pay at one and one-half times their regular rate for every hour they work beyond 40 in a workweek, unless they fall under specific exemptions. These exemptions apply to employees in executive, administrative, or professional roles as defined by the DOL’s regulations, requiring both a duties test and a salary basis test.
The proposed changes aim to adjust the salary thresholds that determine exemption from overtime:
Increase in Salary Thresholds: The standard salary level for exemption will be raised from $684 per week ($35,568 annually) to $1,059 per week ($55,068 annually). This substantial increase means that employees earning less than $55,068 will now qualify for overtime pay.
Adjustment for Highly Compensated Employees: The threshold for "highly compensated employees" will rise from $107,432 to $143,988 annually, expanding overtime eligibility to more workers at higher income levels.
Automatic Updates: Salary thresholds will be updated every three years based on current wage data to ensure they reflect economic realities.
Steps Employers Should Take
With these impending changes, businesses should begin preparations now to ensure compliance. Here are essential steps to consider:
Evaluate Employee Roles: Assess which employees are exempt from overtime and determine if their status will change.
Consider Reclassification: Reclassify employees who no longer meet the exemption criteria.
Update Record-Keeping: Maintain accurate work hour records for nonexempt employees to avoid disputes.
Adjust Budgets: Anticipate and prepare for potential increases in payroll expenses.
These regulatory updates represent a significant shift in recognizing the changing dynamics of work and compensation in the U.S. Employers should review and adjust their employment practices promptly.
Richard Liu, Esq. is the Managing Counsel of ILS. He serves clients as a management-side defense lawyer specializing in employment and business litigation. Richard is also an expert on litigation prevention and compliance. He regularly advises Fortune 500 companies and startups on employment, labor, and commercial matters.
Email: | Phone: 626-344-8949
Valoir 报告显示 HR 尚未准备好迎接 AI,你呢?
研究显示,人力资源管理领导者面临的主要问题包括缺少 AI 相关的专业知识以及面临的风险和合规性问题。
弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿--Valoir 发布的一项全球新报告显示,尽管 AI 驱动的自动化似乎无法避免,但人力资源部门似乎并未做好准备。这项涵盖超过150位人力资源执行官的调查揭示了利用 AI 的巨大机会,但同时也显示出在制定政策、实施实践和进行培训方面普遍存在不足,以便安全有效地将 AI 技术应用于人力资源管理。
“虽然许多机构开始采用生成式 AI,但很少有组织建立必要的政策、准则和保障措施。作为员工数据的保护者和公司政策的制定者,人力资源领导者需要在 AI 的政策和培训方面走在前列,不仅为自己的团队,也为广大员工群体做好准备。”
以下内容需要特别注意: “AI 正在快速融入人力资源管理领域,特别是在招聘、人才发展和劳动力管理等方面。然而,引入 AI 也伴随着诸如数据泄露、误解、偏见和不当内容等风险,”Valoir 的首席执行官 Rebecca Wettemann 表示。“面对这些挑战并采取措施减少风险的人力资源部门,可以显著提升其从 AI 中获得的益处。”
报告指出,有35%的人力资源部门员工的日常工作非常适合自动化处理。在所有人力资源管理活动中,招聘环节最有潜力应用 AI 技术,并且已成为采纳率最高的领域,近四分之一的组织已经开始利用 AI 支持的招聘流程。人才发展、劳动力管理以及培训和发展同样被视为 AI 自动化的关键领域。
生成式 AI 正在加速人力资源部门的生产力提升及风险增加
尽管到2023年中旬,超过三分之四的人力资源领域工作者已经尝试使用过某种形式的生成式 AI,但仅有16%的组织制定了关于使用生成式 AI 的具体政策。而且,真正关于其伦理使用的政策数量更是寥寥无几。人力资源领导者认为,缺乏 AI 相关技能和专业知识是采纳 AI 的最大障碍,但只有14%的组织制定了有效的 AI 使用培训政策。这些政策对于确保所有员工都能充分利用 AI 带来的好处并最小化风险是至关重要的。
“尽管生成式 AI 正被广泛采纳,但几乎没有哪些组织建立了必要的政策、准则和保护措施。作为员工数据的守护者和公司政策的制定者,人力资源领导者必须在 AI 政策和培训方面先行一步,这不仅是为了他们自己的团队,也是为了整个员工群体的利益,”Wettemann 表示。
Integration Challenges: HR faces challenges in managing AI use due to lack of policies, practices, and training.
Early Adoption vs. Preparedness: While HR has been an early adopter of AI, most organizations still lack the proper frameworks for safe and effective AI adoption.
Rapid Product Release: Post-Chat GPT announcement, HR software vendors have rapidly released generative AI products with varying capabilities.
AI’s Double-Edged Sword: AI offers great benefits but also poses risks of "accidents" due to immature technology, inadequate policies, and lack of training.
AI Experimentation and Automation Opportunity: Over three-quarters of HR workers have experimented with generative AI. 35% of HR tasks could potentially be automated by AI.
Current AI Utilization: The main opportunities for HR benefits from AI are in recruiting, learning and development, and talent management, with recruiting leading in AI adoption.
Adoption Barriers: Main hurdles include lack of AI expertise (28%), fear of compliance and risk (23%), and lack of resources (21%).
Policy and Training Deficiencies: Only 16% of organizations have policies on generative AI use, and less than 16% have training policies for AI usage.
Risk Areas in AI: Data compromises, AI hallucinations, bias and toxicity, and recommendation bias are identified as primary risks.
Future Plans for AI: Over 50% of organizations plan to apply AI in recruiting, talent management, and training within the next 24 months.
Least Likely AI Adoption: Benefits management has the lowest likelihood of current or future AI adoption due to data sensitivity concerns.
AI Skills and Expertise: The significant gap in AI skills and expertise impacts the adoption and effective use of AI in HR.
HR’s Role in AI Adoption: HR needs to develop policies, provide training, and ensure ethical AI use aligning with organizational principles.
Recommendations for HR: Suggestions include experimenting with generative AI, developing ethical AI usage policies, creating role-specific AI training, and identifying employee groups at risk from AI automation.