• customer satisfaction
    滴滴出行选用NICE,以提供基于实时 AI 的个性化服务 NICE has partnered with DiDi Global to enhance customer and employee experiences through its cloud-based Workforce Management (WFM) and Employee Engagement Manager (EEM) solutions. This collaboration aims to streamline DiDi's global contact center operations, improving operational efficiency and customer satisfaction with AI-driven forecasting and scheduling. The implementation of NICE's solutions facilitates real-time management and self-scheduling for agents, boosting employee engagement and operational efficiency. DiDi's choice of NICE highlights the importance of advanced, flexible technology in supporting the dynamic needs of modern, app-based transportation services. 领先的移动出行平台通过利用 NICE 的客户体验 AI 技术,使其员工能够提供轻松且高效的客户服务体验 新泽西州霍博肯-NICE (纳斯达克: NICE) 今日宣布,滴滴出行已经选用了 NICE 劳动力管理 (WFM) 和员工参与管理 (EEM) 作为其云端创新技术的一部分。滴滴现在可以全面预测、规划和管理其全球客户联系中心的运作;同时提升运营效率和员工的参与度,并确保客服代表能够在首次通话中解决问题。Betta作为全球最大的 WFM 客户群之一的支持者,在实施过程中与 NICE 价值实现服务携手合作,负责执行集成,并在多国提供咨询、培训和支持服务。 滴滴出行寻求一种能够满足其核心业务、功能及技术需求,并能够随公司成长而扩展的劳动力管理解决方案。NICE WFM 结合了 AI 技术与灵活性,能够满足跨多个大洲、具有特定区域特色的运营需求,这不仅成本效益高,而且精确度高,确保维持最佳的服务水平。通过精准预测,确保在合适的时间有合适技能的代理人,从而大幅提升客户满意度。 通过引入 NICE EEM,可以实时解决人员配置需求,使得客服代理能够自我调节工作时间表,从而增强员工参与度和工作满意度。此外,利用智能日内自动调整功能,能够主动地进行调整,预防问题的发生。 滴滴出行国际客户体验执行总监 Caio Poli 表示:“基于多个考量因素,NICE 显然是我们的首选。我们寻找的是一个顶尖的云端劳动力管理解决方案,能够使我们的全球运营在保证运营效率和员工参与度的同时,提供卓越的客户体验。NICE 的智能日内自动化功能给我们留下了深刻印象,我们的选择是基于 AI 驱动的策略以及云技术的速度和灵活性。” NICE 美洲总裁 Yaron Hertz 表示:“随着滴滴持续全球扩张,NICE 很高兴有机会为这家数字时代最具创新和活力的应用型运输公司之一提供服务。我们相信,通过采用 NICE 的 AI 驱动预测和机器学习来进行最适合的调度安排,对于联系中心和员工而言,这将有助于推动滴滴的未来发展。” 关于滴滴出行公司 滴滴出行公司是一个领先的移动技术平台,它在亚太地区、拉丁美洲及其他全球市场提供一系列基于应用的服务,包括网约车、叫车服务、代驾以及其他共享出行方式,还涵盖某些能源和车辆服务、食品配送和城市内部货运服务。滴滴为车主、司机和配送伙伴提供灵活的工作和收入机会,致力于与政策制定者、出租车行业、汽车行业及社区合作,利用 AI 技术和本地化智能交通创新解决全球的交通、环境和就业挑战。滴滴力图为未来城市构建一个安全、包容和可持续的交通与本地服务生态系统,以创造更好的生活体验和更大的社会价值。更多信息,请访问:www.didiglobal.com 关于 NICE 借助 NICE (纳斯达克: NICE),全球各地不同规模的组织现在可以更容易地创造卓越的客户体验,同时满足关键的业务指标。作为世界领先的云原生客户体验平台 CXone 的提供者,NICE 是 AI 驱动自助服务和代理辅助客户体验软件领域的全球领导者,服务范围超出了传统的联系中心。超过 25,000 个组织在超过 150 个国家,包括 85 家以上的财富 100 强公司,都选择与 NICE 合作,以改造并提升每一次客户互动。www.nice.com 商标说明:NICE 和 NICE 标志是 NICE Ltd. 的商标或注册商标。所有其他标志属于它们各自的所有者。NICE 商标的完整列表,请访问:www.nice.com/nice-trademarks。
    customer satisfaction
  • customer satisfaction
    10个方法让你更好地营销人力资源科技10 Ways to Become a Better HR Tech Marketer 为有效拓展并参与到人力资源领域,人力资源科技公司应该采取全面的市场营销策略,囊括多种渠道,响应目标群众,展现价值主张。具体步骤包括:理解人力资源领域,强调投资回报率,创造有价值的内容,与行业影响者合作,细分受众,参与行业会议,展现前沿行业思想,加强线上展现力,培养客户友好关系,跟踪前沿趋势。人力资源营销的成功需要时间的积累与不懈的努力。祝你好运! To effectively reach and engage the HR community, HR technology firms should adopt a comprehensive marketing strategy that encompasses various channels, resonates with the target audience, and demonstrates value proposition. 为加强营销力量,以下是行动策略的具体步骤: Here’s a breakdown of actionable strategies to enhance marketing efforts: Understand the HR community: Thoroughly understanding the needs, challenges, and aspirations of HR professionals is crucial for crafting relevant and impactful marketing messages. Conduct surveys, engage in industry forums, and interview HR leaders to gain insights into their preferences and pain points. Highlight the ROI: HR professionals are data-driven and results-oriented. Clearly demonstrate the return on investment (ROI) of your HR technology solutions. Quantify the benefits, such as cost savings, increased efficiency, or improved employee productivity. Create valuable content: Develop informative and engaging content that addresses the specific needs of HR professionals. Produce blog posts, white papers, infographics, and case studies showcasing real-world success stories. Leverage industry influencers: Partner with industry thought leaders, bloggers, and social media influencers to reach a wider audience. Collaborate on content creation, webinars, and social media campaigns to gain credibility and trust. Engage in targeted outreach: Utilize digital marketing tools to target HR professionals with personalized messaging. Segment your audience based on their roles, industries, and interests to deliver relevant content and offers. Attend industry events: Actively participate in HR conferences, trade shows, and networking events to connect with potential customers and showcase your solutions. Build relationships with key decision-makers and industry peers. Demonstrate thought leadership: Establish your company as a trusted resource by sharing expert insights and perspectives on HR trends and challenges. Contribute to industry publications, participate in panel discussions, and offer webinars to position your brand as a leader. Build a strong online presence: Develop a user-friendly and informative website that clearly communicates your value proposition and showcases your solutions. Utilize social media platforms to engage with HR professionals, share content, and respond to inquiries promptly. Nurture customer relationships: Prioritize customer satisfaction by providing excellent customer support and proactively addressing any concerns. Gather feedback regularly to improve your products, services, and marketing strategies. Stay up-to-date with trends: Continuously monitor emerging HR trends and technologies to ensure your marketing efforts remain relevant and aligned with the evolving needs of the industry. HR Tech marketing is all about being persistent and consistent over time. Good luck! SOURCE HRTECHFEED
    customer satisfaction