• Data Analytics
    利用组织网络分析(ONA) - 衡量员工绩效并优化战略 作者: Maya Bodan, Don Miller, Sue Cantrell, Gary Parilis, 和 Carissa Kilgour 在快速变化的工作环境中,传统的办公室、工作时间和组织结构已逐渐失效,组织需要新的洞察力来理解、衡量和评估员工的绩效。特别是现在,了解人们如何互动、互动模式如何影响业务结果以及如何调整行为以改善这些结果变得更加重要。数据分析和人工智能 (AI) 的创新使这一切成为可能。 组织网络分析利用网络科学和特定指标来分析和可视化组织内部的沟通和信息流动。通过收集和分析调查和工作应用中的数据,组织可以利用数据、分析和 AI 的力量。组织网络分析揭示了传统组织结构图中没有的洞察力,例如人们如何协作、谁在决策中起到关键作用或者独立工作,以及关于信任和影响的情感。组织网络分析可以帮助领导者理解人际关系、可视化关系并找出成功的潜在障碍(图1)。 图1: 组织网络分析可以帮助发现组织内部的协作 衡量员工绩效 业务结果可以通过多种方式衡量。有时具体的定量指标是适用的;例如,一个专注于生产力的网络营销团队可能会强调点击次数、下载次数或发布的社交媒体帖子数量。改进指标,如“将网络流量增加X%”,使团队能够创新实现这一目标的方法。其他业务结果包括质量率和客户保留率的衡量。 然而,仅靠容易衡量的关键绩效指标并不能完整地呈现员工的生产力和业务影响。推动关系、发展和其他非量化人类结果的软性目标的结果对业务至关重要,尽管难以衡量。 雇主需要创造员工重视的工作场所。德勤研究显示,79%的领导者认识到他们有责任为员工创造价值,但只有27%的员工认为他们的雇主正在取得有意义的进展。在当前质疑面对面工作价值的环境中,量化人类结果带来了挑战。组织网络分析为领导者提供了分析洞察,优先考虑以人为本的指标,优化工作场所策略以提升整体员工体验。 理解个人员工绩效 组织网络分析 (ONA) 的洞察力在结合评估个人和团队绩效时尤其有用,这些绩效衡量会影响业务结果或生产力。 组织网络分析通过衡量与生产力相关的行为模式来评估生产力(需要对不同团队、职能和业务的生产力进行客观定义)。这些定义可以通过专家判断、焦点小组和访谈确定,或者通过数据分析进行量化。哪种模式是最优的取决于业务情况和需求。例如,有时,广泛的网络互动(与团队外部合作)是必要的,而在其他情况下,这可能会分散注意力——与直接同事合作是最好的(孤立的团队也可以是好的)。 非正式影响者通常不同于组织的正式领导者,他们可以提供关于如何独立于正式层级结构高效工作的宝贵视角。这些洞察力展示了员工人口在整个网络中的分布,以及职能、业务单元或地理位置等因素如何影响团队动态和生产力。在一个无边界的组织中,员工绩效超越了传统指标,突出了对非正式协作可见性的重要性。组织网络分析可以揭示隐藏的洞察力,展示信息在组织内部的真实流动方式,给领导者提供做出明智决策和优化员工绩效的洞察。 利用 ONA 优化工作场所策略 组织在平衡面对面和虚拟互动方面面临挑战。尽管许多组织鼓励员工返回办公室,期望面对面的互动能提升员工绩效和创新,但需要对人们如何实际工作的细致理解。高管希望办公室工作能激发创造力和联系,但往往面临昂贵的长期房地产承诺未得到充分利用的压力,这增加了定义办公室目的和价值的难度。通勤也会增加环境足迹,员工可能不愿失去灵活性。 通过组织网络分析,领导者可以回答一些关键问题: 有多少团队成员是共址的? 在什么情况下以及为什么需要共址? 什么工作可以或最好独立完成? 哪些工具和应用程序最能支持不同地点的工作? 一个重要因素是现场密度,它衡量一个人在办公室内近距离合作者网络的比例。更高的现场密度与更高的面对面工作的认可度相关。领导者可以利用组织网络分析的洞察来了解谁应该在一起工作以及何时在一起工作。理解这些非正式网络和影响范围可以为领导者解锁巨大的价值,以确定哪些团队应该共址以及共址时如何组织空间。通过虚拟方式沟通的独立工作者可能在办公室工作中看到的收益有限。有趣的是,新的数据显示“在松散联系网络中更可能产生创意”,这意味着与自己的直接网络外的合作可以促进创新。 结论 组织应负责任地使用数据、分析和 AI,以实时洞察员工在当今工作环境中的操作、协作和战略。这种改进的理解可以在多个组织层面支持价值创造和决策。组织网络分析提供了有关员工如何在混合工作模式和远程工作模式中跨职能和地理“边界”协作的绩效洞察,可以帮助领导层制定工作场所策略和政策。 作者 Maya Bodan Don Miller Sue Cantrell Gary Parilis Carissa Kilgour 贡献者 Yuki Iwase Shruti Kalaiselvan Ramyasri T M Brennan Conway Katherine Arriola 尾注 1 Deloitte, “Using network analysis to build an agile organization: Create organizational collaboration in a remote workplace,” 2020年10月27日。 2 Stephen Lancaster-Hall 等人, Humanizing productivity and performance: Productivity and performance in times of disruption, Deloitte, 2020; Deloitte, Beyond productivity: The journey to the quantified organization, 2023年5月。 3 Deloitte, Beyond Productivity: The journey to the quantified organization, 2023年5月。 4 Sue Cantrell 和 Corrie Commisso, “Outcomes over outputs: Why productivity is no longer the metric that matters most,” Deloitte Insights, 2023年7月19日。 5 Steve Hatfield, “Rethinking the ways we look at productivity in a Work from Anywhere world: How to evaluate remote worker productivity post-pandemic,” Deloitte’s Capital H blog, 2021年8月24日。 6 Worklytics, “12 metrics for more effective meetings,” 访问时间 2024年1月4日。 7 Deloitte Insights, New fundamentals for a boundaryless world: 2023 Global Human Capital Trends Report, 2023, 第80页。   来源:https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/blog/human-capital-blog/2024/harnessing-organization-network-analysis.html
    Data Analytics
  • Data Analytics
    Exploring the Top 10 HR Tech Trends of 2024 The HR field is undergoing significant changes in 2024, with technology playing a pivotal role. Key trends include the use of AI and ML in talent acquisition, a shift to skills-based hiring, and the integration of remote and hybrid work models. Emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is growing, alongside the exploration of the Metaverse for virtual HR practices. Data analytics is crucial for informed decision-making, and there's a focus on optimizing user experience and supporting employee well-being and mental health. Enhancing the candidate experience and ensuring data security and compliance are also critical. 2024年人力资源领域正在经历重大变革,技术发挥着关键作用。主要趋势包括在人才招聘中使用人工智能和机器学习,向基于技能的招聘模式转变,以及远程和混合工作模式的整合。多元化、平等和包容性(DEI)的重视日益增加,同时探索元宇宙在虚拟人力资源实践中的应用。数据分析对于做出明智的决策至关重要,优化用户体验和支持员工福祉和心理健康也同样重要。加强候选人体验和确保数据安全与合规性也是关键。 Human Resources is continuously evolving, and in 2024, it is set to undergo a remarkable transformation. With the integration of cutting-edge technology and innovative approaches, HR departments are better equipped than ever to attract, retain, and manage talent effectively. In this blog, we'll delve into the top 10 HR tech trends of 2024, offering a glimpse of how these trends shape the future of HR. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are at the forefront of HR tech trends in 2024. These technologies are revolutionizing talent acquisition by streamlining the recruitment process. AI-driven algorithms can assess resumes, conduct initial candidate screenings, and predict a candidate's suitability based on historical data. ML algorithms analyze patterns within employee data to provide insights into performance, helping HR departments make more informed decisions about promotions and job placements. Skills-based Hiring Skills-based hiring, which prioritizes a candidate's specific skills and abilities, will significantly impact companies in 2024. This approach will help companies swiftly adapt to the changing job landscape and technological advancements. In 2024, skills-based hiring will: Improve Recruitment Efficiency: Companies will find it easier to match candidates directly to job requirements, reducing time and resources spent sifting through resumes and interviews. Reduce Skill Gaps: With skills-based hiring, companies can address skill gaps more effectively and invest in training and upskilling for existing employees to meet the organization's needs. Increase Employee Productivity: Hiring individuals with the right skills results in quicker onboarding and increased employee productivity, driving business performance. Remote and Hybrid Work: Remote work has swiftly transformed the modern workplace and is set to become a permanent fixture in 2024. HR professionals are tasked with managing the challenges of overseeing remote teams, encouraging collaboration, and maintaining employee engagement within virtual environments. Moreover, the growing prominence of hybrid work models demands strategic initiatives to enhance productivity and work-life balance for employees, regardless of their location within or outside the office. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): Inclusion and diversity will remain at the forefront of HR agendas in 2024. Organizations will strive to create inclusive cultures where employees from all backgrounds feel valued, respected, and empowered. HR professionals will focus on building diverse talent pipelines, implementing unconscious bias training, and developing inclusive leadership practices. Addressing pay equity and ensuring equal opportunities at all levels will also be prioritized. Focus on Metaverse in HR The Metaverse is poised to redefine HR practices. This revolutionary technology seamlessly integrates virtual meetings, interviews, onboarding, and learning experiences. By creating lifelike virtual environments, HR professionals can host dynamic meetings, conduct immersive interviews, and foster engaging discussions among remote teams. Recognizing its vast potential, organizations embrace the Metaverse to reshape traditional HR processes and enhance collaboration across distributed teams. The Metaverse empowers HR to transcend geographical boundaries, ushering in a new era of impactful virtual interactions that elevate employee experiences and boost organizational productivity. Harnessing Data for Informed Decision-Making This trend revolves around leveraging advanced data analytics tools to collect, process, and interpret vast amounts of data within the HR domain. By doing so, HR professionals can gain valuable insights into various aspects of workforce management, including employee engagement, performance metrics, talent acquisition, and workforce planning. This trend is driven by the recognition that data is critical to making strategic and informed decisions. HR departments increasingly adopt predictive analytics to foresee trends, identify potential challenges, and devise proactive solutions. Through data-driven decision-making, organizations can optimize their HR strategies, streamline operations, and enhance overall workforce effectiveness. Optimize the User Experience  As HR tech evolves, the user experience is optimized for HR professionals and employees. This trend is about making the technology more user-friendly and intuitive. User-friendly interfaces, simplified navigation, and customized dashboards make it easier for HR personnel to access and utilize HR tools, ultimately improving efficiency and reducing the learning curve. Employee Well-being and Mental Health Support HR technology trends are placing a spotlight on employee well-being and mental health. Innovative tools and applications are designed to monitor and support employee well-being, offering resources to help individuals manage stress and achieve a healthy work-life balance. This emerging trend underscores the recognition of the significance of comprehensive employee care. Emphasizing Candidate Experience Enhancement Even with resource limitations in 2024, CHROs are committed to maintaining their teams' focus on essential tasks. Companies recognize the imperative need to continually enhance the candidate experience, fortify their employment brand, and expedite their recruitment processes to remain competitive in attracting top talent. Among the myriad HR trends discussed, refining the candidate experience remains an enduring challenge for TA teams. Data Security and Compliance Data security and compliance are paramount with the growing use of HR tech. HR departments are increasingly implementing data protection measures to safeguard sensitive employee information and adhere to the ever-evolving global data protection regulations. Conclusion As we step into 2024, HR tech trends are shaping the future of human resources management. These trends, from artificial intelligence and machine learning to a strong focus on employee experience, enhance how organizations attract, retain, and manage talent. By staying abreast of these top 10 HR tech trends, businesses can position themselves to succeed in an ever-changing world of work. Embracing these technologies will streamline HR processes and create a more engaged, diverse, and resilient workforce.   by Navjot Kaur
    Data Analytics