• Digital Transformation
    Josh Bersin:AI最终会连通整个企业界吗?问问ServiceNow,他们的回答是肯定的。 本周,ServiceNow在其年度用户大会上迎来了超过22,000名IT和技术专业人士,同时公布了几项对其战略的重大增强。ServiceNow的目标是通过一个全新的工作流软件层整合企业资源,使之能够实现全面连接,进而让员工、顾客以及企业领导通过一个统一的界面访问信息和系统。 历史上,ServiceNow主要通过一系列案例管理和服务交付工具来实现这一目标,这些工具主要服务于IT部门。这个平台极大地帮助IT服务团队自动化和优化了他们日常面临的各种IT请求和问题处理。但随着公司的发展及其野心的扩大,尤其是在Bill McDermott这位我所见过的最杰出领导者的带领下,ServiceNow的发展已经远远超出了原有范畴。 在员工服务领域,ServiceNow即将推出一系列雄心勃勃的产品。首先,原名为HR的员工工作流服务现已扩展到包括工作场所管理、员工入职、调查问卷以及技能分析工具等,还包括从Hitch收购的人才智能平台、内部职位调动与招聘等功能。公司正在开发专门的招聘工作流程,以帮助企业简化面试安排、候选人管理以及内外部候选人关系协调等复杂问题。这个看似小众的领域实际上正变得越来越重要,因为越来越多的公司开始重视内部职位流动和动态。 但在我本周参加这次会议时,我注意到ServiceNow的战略叙述发生了显著变化。Bill McDermott花了近一个小时重申他之前的讲话,但这次他将重点从工作流转移到了人工智能。他基本上将原本的工作流引擎战略替换为了“商业转型的AI平台”,显然,他们不再仅仅关注“数字化转型”。 ServiceNow的商业转型AI平台 他们强调的一个非常重要的信息是,AI将成为企业变革的技术,这与数字化变革的影响相似。 几个月前我们还在讨论数字化转型,现在,这已成为过去式:未来的变革将借助AI实现。没错,从某种意义上来说,每种技术都能成为业务变革的工具,但AI带来的变革程度将远超过互联网本身。这一点我稍后将进一步解释。 ServiceNow将其视为一个集成了异构系统的集合,中心是一个AI引擎。会议上的一个关键案例是一家面包店,因应不同地点的天气变化而调整各种烘焙产品的生产。中心的AI系统能够感知这些变化,预测接下来的行动,并指导工厂调整生产策略,从而满足市场需求,提升销售额。这是一个非常吸引人的案例。 ServiceNow的AI架构 有趣的是,像SAP在20世纪80年代推广集成供应链管理,Qualtrics推广客户体验管理时讲的故事,似乎都在用不同的方法解决相似的问题。Bill McDermott凭借丰富的经验,将这一叙事应用于ServiceNow,展现了他作为CEO的卓越远见和沟通能力。 那么,AI真的能成为未来的企业协调系统吗,将各种遗留平台联系起来,提供解决方案吗? 我确信这将成为现实。虽然这不会一夜之间实现,但最终会发生。这种变革同样适用于我们的消费者生活。 我们日常工作中的效率之所以低下,往往是因为在寻找信息、处理文档、查询库存等活动中分心。如果能直接通过AI查询并获取答案,无疑会极大提升工作效率。(正如我尝试让Siri帮忙却发现它做不到的那样。) 正如我在本周的播客中讨论的,通过语音或文本提出问题比在Workday、Oracle、SAP等系统中四处查找要简单得多。我们曾努力使这些系统更加用户友好,现在,生成式AI的出现将为这些努力带来新的变革。 ServiceNow之所以能够很好地定位自己,有两个主要原因。 首先,他们长期以来一直在开发工作流工具,很多系统都设计得非常用户友好,即便是普通用户也能轻松使用。这就是为什么有这么多IT开发者选择使用ServiceNow的原因。(我在这周的大会上亲眼见证了这一点。) 其次,他们对这些后端系统的工作原理非常熟悉。ServiceNow的工程和产品团队对SAP、Oracle、Workday等系统进行的工作流程和交易处理有深入了解。 我与HR产品团队有过深入的交流,他们向我展示了如何将员工交易集成到ServiceNow平台中,以便构建生成式AI解决方案,与公司内部的系统进行交互。这一过程需要时间,也不会十全十美,但他们已经在正确的道路上迈出了坚实的步伐。这也引出了一个问题:我们是否应该将所有企业系统整合到这种新的界面下。 ServiceNow的HR产品 然而,这种架构也有潜在的缺点。 首先,成本较高。你现在不仅要购买ServiceNow这一复杂的企业平台,还要维护你现有的复杂企业平台。Oracle、SAP、Workday、Salesforce和Hubspot等都在尝试提供类似服务。你已经为他们的建设付出了巨大的成本,现在又要为ServiceNow付费。ServiceNow的产品不便宜,这从他们的收入就可以看出。 其次,这可能会造成系统的脆弱性。ServiceNow的工作流本身可能会因为业务规则的嵌入而变得过时,你必须管理许多小型应用程序,这些应用程序位于你的其他应用程序之上。当这些应用程序更新或被替换时(很多软件公司被收购后,其产品线会发生变化),作为客户的你需要重新配置在ServiceNow中所做的设置。 这让我回想起我在IBM的日子,当时我在主机世界工作,我们的应用程序都是定制开发的,我们有大量的COBOL程序员在构建这些系统。我曾与数据处理部门合作,探讨他们是如何在公司内部整合所有这些系统的。现在,你可能需要在ServiceNow基础设施中构建类似的工具。 如果我现在能与Bill McDermott面对面交谈,我相信他会说:“这是一种更有效的运营方式,我们ServiceNow将为你自动化这一切。”我相信这将随着时间的推移逐渐成为现实。但这也引出了一个问题:你希望将多少组织功能和经验整合进ServiceNow,而不是选择其他核心系统? 每当我们需要构建新功能时,我们都必须决定将其部署在何处。我们是应该将职业管理平台部署在Workday、Eightfold、Degreed还是Cornerstone?你的决定将决定你依赖于哪个供应商及其发展路线图。 考虑到ServiceNow已经取得了巨大的成功,许多公司都在说:“既然我们已经为此付出了代价,那就让我们继续吧。” 生成式AI能否实现这一承诺?例如,在天气变暖时,它能否提前告诉你需要烘焙更多的面包圈? 根据我们通过Galileo®获得的AI经验,我认为答案是肯定的。 这项技术的重要性堪比电力的发明。虽然这听起来有些夸张,但我是认真的。我从未见过如此自我发展、强大并且发展迅速的技术。我们正处于生成式AI进入市场的初期阶段。 在未来几年内,生成式AI很可能会改善这些连接,开发代码,并优化这些端到端的“单一视窗系统”。Google正在消费者领域推进此类工作,Microsoft则在办公生产力领域努力。如果ServiceNow能成为企业级应用中的佼佼者,那将不足为奇。
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    Top 10 HR and People Analytics Themes of 2023 As we near the end of another successful year here at Insight222, we want to reflect on the top themes that have emerged in our content. From data-driven insights to real-world examples, our team has worked meticulously to deliver informative and persuasive articles that aim to enhance the HR and people analytics function. And we have seen some exciting changes and advancements in the field this year. So, without further ado, here are the top themes that have taken front stage in our content during 2023. Psychological Safety in the Workplace Psychological safety in the workplace has been proven time and time again that without it, a team cannot thrive. In fact, we like to think of it as the epitome of successful teams. Therefore, it's no surprise that this theme carries over from last year. Some of our most popular blogs discuss measuring psychological safety in the workplace, understanding how organisational culture impacts it and exploring how companies like Microsoft are transforming their organisational culture to prioritise psychological safety and promote a positive work environment. Behavioural Science in HR (Source: People Analytics Trends 2021) The integration of behavioural science into HR and people analytics practices has been gaining traction for the past few years, and this year was no exception. With the changing nature of skills and roles in HR, the need for understanding human behaviour and decision-making has become increasingly important in driving impactful business outcomes. With this, our article on exploring the role of behavioural science in HR and how it can be leveraged to improve employee engagement, performance, and productivity was one of our most popular reads of 2023. How AI is Changing the HR Landscape No discussion about the future of work is complete without considering the role of artificial intelligence (AI). (Source: The Impact of GPT and Generative AI Models on People Analytics (Interview with Andrew Marritt)) AI has been incorporated into HR for some time now. We have been using it to automate routine tasks, streamline recruitment processes and improve HR analytics. However, with the birth of generative AI models like Chat-GPT, it is an understatement to say that AI has revolutionised every aspect of HR. Better yet, it's safe to say that it has and will continue to revolutionise every business function within an organisation. From utilising AI in people analytics to how it is transforming the HR landscape, our articles on the impact of Chat-GPT and generative AI models and how AI is changing HR analytics have been among the most popular reads of this year. And for good reason - with the potential to improve decision-making, streamline processes, and enhance employee experience, AI is a topic every HR and people analytics professional should pay attention to. The Impact of Analytics on HR Our Insight222 research has shown time and time again that organisations that invest in people analytics drive better business outcomes, which is why, this year, we continued to dig deeper into this topic by exploring the New Model for People Analytics. With the rise of digital transformation and the increasing importance of data in driving strategic business decisions, our articles on using statistics to drive actionable outcomes, why people analytics is so important for HR, and how social capital can be measured have been highly sought-after reads. Upskilling the HR Function and Building Data Literacy at Scale Considering the previous points, it's understandable that upskilling the HR function and building data literacy at scale have emerged as key themes this year. To fully leverage the benefits of AI and data analytics, HR professionals must develop a strong understanding of data and how it can be used to drive strategic decision-making. As such, in July, we released our research, Upskilling the HR Profession: Building Data Literacy at Scale, which outlines the skills and competencies that HR professionals need to succeed in the digital age. It also highlights how HR leaders need to build an effective skill-based workforce planning capability. (Source: Measuring the ROI of Employee Training and Development) Interestingly, this research has also sparked discussions on who holds the responsibility for scaling data literacy across HR, which we explore in our article Who Holds the Responsibility for Scaling Data Literacy Across HR? Measuring the ROI of Employee Development Building upon the theme of upskilling and data literacy, it's important to also focus on measuring the ROI of employee development. As professionals in the HR sector, we know all too well that investing in employee training and development is crucial for an organisation's long-term success. But with senior executives increasingly asking (and expecting) HR to demonstrate the value of these investments, our article on measuring the ROI of employee training and development has been one of the most popular reads this year. Delivering Greater Value for the Business Through People Analytics At its core, people analytics is about delivering greater value for the business. Our 2022 research, Impacting Business Value: Leading Companies in People Analytics, is a testament to this. Leading Companies (organisations that drive the most business impact through people analytics) have consistently shown better financial performance, higher employee engagement and retention rates, and overall greater success compared to their less data-driven counterparts. This is why, in 2023, we have seen a surge of interest in articles on delivering greater value for the organisation with people analytics and the growing influence of people analytics in strategic business decisions. And this trend will only continue as more and more organisations recognise the importance of incorporating data-driven insights into their decision-making processes. Challenges to Building Data Literacy If there is one thing we have identified as a common theme this year, it's the challenges of building data literacy within HR. From understanding the technical aspects of data analysis to gaining buy-in from senior leadership, organisations face various hurdles when trying to build a culture of data literacy. (Source: Insight222 Research: Upskilling the HR Profession: Building Data Literacy at Scale) However, as we continue to uncover the value that analytics brings to HR and the business as a whole, these challenges will become easier to overcome. And with more resources and tools available to support data literacy efforts within organisations, we are confident that this theme will evolve in 2024. Evolving the HR Practice In all, as we wrap up another year, it's clear that people analytics and data-driven HR practices have become even more ingrained in our work. From the importance of psychological safety and behavioural science to the impact of AI, measuring ROI, and delivering greater value to the business - these are just a few key themes that have shaped our content this year. However, as we move forward, HR professionals must continue developing their data literacy and upskilling themselves to drive the success of their organisations further. To that end, we look forward to seeing how these themes will evolve and shape the future of HR in the coming years. Manpreet RandhawaDecember 18, 2023
    Digital Transformation
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    驾驭寒冬:为员工敬业度下降做好准备" "Forrester 预测 2024 年员工体验的寒流将来临 Forrester 的一位专家表示,公司“总体上对员工体验不太感兴趣”,因此很容易成为削减成本或偷工减料的目标。 在大流行导致的人才短缺期间,在投资改善员工体验后,雇主普遍都在缩减开支,这可能会影响员工对工作的感受以及雇主的底线。 Forrester在其《2024 年预测:工作的未来》报告中发现,员工体验将在 2024 年退居二线,从而导致他们所谓的“EX 冬天”。(2023 年,员工和雇主的工作场所都充满了挑战。不幸的是,我们在 2024 年看到了更多同样的情况——员工体验 (EX) 全面衰退,雇主们不再关注这一点。EX 的商业案例仍然比以往任何时候都强大,但许多领导者仍然难以倾听员工的意见并将他们的担忧付诸行动。到 2024 年,我们还将看到人工智能在工作场所的崛起,其中对生成式人工智能的投资激增。在 EX 减少和 AI 增加的环境中提高生产力将是一个核心挑战。) Forrester 未来工作团队副总裁兼首席分析师 JP Gownder 表示,公司“总体上对员工体验不太感兴趣”,因此很容易成为削减成本或偷工减料的目标。提高参与度、生产力和最终增长的战略正在被取消。 例如,Forrester 指出,从 2022 年到 2023 年,表示为内部 DEI 职能提供资金的雇主数量从受访者的三分之一下降到 27%;该公司预计,到 2024 年底,这一比例将进一步下降至 20%。他表示,一些公司将默认勾选一个复选框,表示他们已实现 DEI 目标,而不是真正为对员工产生影响的 DEI 计划提供资金。 高德尔说,原因之一是劳动力市场不再那么紧张。“通常,当员工流失较多或工作进展不顺利而无法留住人才时,雇主会投资于员工体验,”他说,就像“大辞职”期间的情况一样。 现在情况已不再是这样了。当公司“不那么迫切地想留住人才时,他们通常会在人才方面松开油门”。 Forrester 发现,他们可能会花钱,但可能不会以正确的方式花钱:66% 从事软件工作的技术决策者表示,他们将在 2024 年增加对 EX/人力资本管理软件的投资,但这些投资不会充分利用他们的优势。相反,Forrester 预测这些投资将提高人力资源职能的效率,而不是改善 EX 成果。 员工体验的冬天将继续冻住员工 Forrester 表示,2022 年至 2023 年间,员工敬业度已经出现下滑,并将在 2024 年继续下滑。 2022 年至 2023 年间,美国员工敬业度从 48% 下降至 44%,文化能量从 69% 下降至 66%。Forrester 预测,到 2024 年,这些数字将分别下降至 39% 和 64%。 Gownder 表示,员工敬业度作为员工体验的衡量标准“对于生产力、创造力以及激发人们工作中的大部分兴趣和动力至关重要”。“如果你失去了这一点,那么人们就没有全力以赴,也没有充分利用他们的工作。” 他说,这损害了公司的整体利益。“当你取消对员工体验的投资,然后重新削减成本,并将员工仅仅视为资源而不是有价值的合作伙伴时,你的组织就会发现敬业度下降,因此其他事情也会下降。” Forrester表示,从2022年到2023年,员工参与度已经大幅下降,并将在2024年继续下降。 从2022年到2023年,美国的员工参与度从48%下降到44%,文化活力从69%下降到66%。Forrester预测,到2024年,这些数字将分别下降到39%和64%。 在别人盲目跟随时保持独立思考 Gownder补充说,并非所有都失去了。通过反其道而行之,保持积极的投入,可以避免EX的冬天。这意味着要真正投入与员工的互动,而不是削减成本或依赖于虚假的检查清单。 他说:“员工体验论断指出,投资于员工,在以人为中心的体验中提高参与度,降低流失率,提高生产力,也会让客户更加满意,因为快乐的员工会带来快乐的客户。” 他说,对于那些将继续投资于员工体验的公司,他们还应该衡量和理解员工对这些投资的感受。“这两件事往往是相辅相成的。” 而听力部分常常被抛在后面。Forrester 在报告中发现,只有 31% 的业务和技术专业人士认为改善员工体验是首要任务,同时也认为收集员工反馈是他们为提升员工体验而采取的一项关键行动。Forrester 预计到 2024 年这一比例将增至 34%。 原文访问:https://www.hrdive.com/news/is-an-employee-experience-winter-coming/701428/
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