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    赋能未来的工作:生成式AI驱动的组织网络分析和高绩效团队 Empowering the Future of Work: Generative AI-Powered ONA and High-Performing Teams 现代职场正经历从僵化的等级制度向敏捷、动态网络的转变。这一转变的核心动力是生成式AI驱动的组织网络分析(Organizational Network Analysis,简称ONA)。这种尖端技术使小型、专注且具备多学科能力的团队能够独立完成任务,正在重塑企业的运营方式。 敏捷团队的崛起 在当今快节奏的商业环境中,敏捷性的需求比以往任何时候都更为重要。公司正从传统的孤立结构转向小型多学科团队的模式。这些团队通常被称为“squads”或“pods”,它们的设计目的是灵活、专注和自主运作,其特点是能够独立运作,快速高效地交付价值。 挑战:应对复杂性 然而,创建和管理这些团队并非易事。在复杂的组织中,理解关系、专业知识和沟通渠道的相互作用对于构建有效团队至关重要。这正是组织网络分析(ONA)派上用场的地方。ONA提供了关于信息流动、关键影响者以及组织内沟通瓶颈的洞察。 生成式AI驱动的ONA:游戏规则改变者 生成式AI驱动的ONA正在彻底改变公司理解和优化内部网络的方式。通过AI分析和建模组织关系,这项技术提供了团队互动和协作的动态实时视图。 创建小型专注的团队 ONA帮助识别自然合作良好的员工群体。通过分析沟通模式和协作网络,AI驱动的ONA突出了与项目目标一致的潜在团队配置。这确保了团队是小型、专注的,并由互补技能的个体组成。 使用生成式AI驱动的ONA进行小队组建。来源:Cognitive Talent Solutions 生成式AI驱动的队伍组建建议。来源:Cognitive Talent Solutions 赋能自主决策 生成式AI驱动的ONA识别团队中的关键影响者和决策者。通过了解谁在群体中拥有“社会资本”,公司可以赋予这些个体代表团队做出决策的权力,从而促进自主性,减少对高层管理批准的依赖 通过生成式AI驱动的ONA识别非正式领导者。来源:Cognitive Talent Solutions 增强多学科协作 ONA揭示了跨职能连接,帮助公司创建带来多样专业知识的多学科团队。这促进了创新,并确保团队具备从头到尾完成任务所需的技能。 实时监控和调整 生成式AI驱动的ONA提供团队动态的实时洞察。通过持续监控沟通模式和协作指标,公司可以在问题升级前识别并解决问题,确保团队保持有效和专注于目标。 影响:驱动创新和效率 生成式AI驱动的ONA对团队绩效的影响深远。通过赋能小型、专注的团队,企业可以实现以下关键收益: 增加创新:多学科团队带来多样的视角,促成创造性问题解决和创新。 提高效率:自主团队能够快速决策,减少瓶颈,加速项目进程。 增强参与度:赋能的团队拥有更高的工作满意度和参与度,导致更低的离职率和更投入的员工队伍。 提高敏捷性:小型专注的团队能够快速应对变化的市场条件,提供竞争优势。 结论:团队合作的未来 生成式AI驱动的ONA是创建和管理高绩效团队的强大工具。通过理解和利用组织内的复杂网络,公司可以使小型、专注、赋能的多学科团队从头到尾独立运作。这不仅驱动了创新和效率,还为更敏捷和响应迅速的未来工作奠定了基础。 随着职场的不断演变,拥抱生成式AI驱动的ONA将是保持领先并构建在变化中茁壮成长的团队的关键。
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    LinkedIn推出三款新职场小游戏,旨在增强职业网络互动 为了增加用户参与度并提供创新的网络解决方案,LinkedIn正式推出了三款新的职场小游戏:Queens、Crossclimb和Pinpoint。这些游戏自今日起在全球范围内提供,旨在通过逻辑、知识竞赛和词语联想测试来增强职业网络体验。 Queens游戏灵感来源于数独,挑战玩家在不重叠的情况下策略性地放置皇冠,促进逻辑思维和策略规划。Crossclimb是一款基于知识的填字游戏,玩家需要根据给定的线索通过更改一个字母来形成新词,测试他们的词汇灵活性和常识。最后,Pinpoint游戏类似于《纽约时报》的Connections游戏,要求玩家发现给定词语之间的联系,增强他们的联想思维和词汇能力。 Pinpoint是我们的词语联想游戏。网格中有五个词,你的目标是猜测(或者敢说是精准定位!)这些词的共同类别。但有一个转折:这五个词是隐藏的,一次只揭示一个。你希望尽可能少的揭示就猜到类别。 Queens是我们的逻辑游戏。这里的目标是在网格中填满皇后(?),使得每一行、每一列和每一区域中只有一位——且皇后之间不相接触。总有一个正确答案,而且总是可以不用猜测就能解决。当然,这也是一场与时间的赛跑! Crossclimb是我们的知识问答游戏。可以将其看作是填字游戏和词梯的结合:你需要利用你的知识问答和词汇知识来填写词梯中的单词。在你填写单词的同时,你会重新排列它们,使梯子中的每个词只有一个字母不同——这将解锁两个最终线索以赢得游戏。 我们设计每款游戏只需几分钟,完全可以融入你的工作日程——无论是在通勤时准备思维,还是在会议间隙进行快速的心理休息,或是在漫长的一天后放松。每天只有一版每个游戏,由世界顶级的谜题制作者精心制作:我们的每日Pinpoint和Crossclimb由今年的美国填字游戏锦标赛冠军、LinkedIn的游戏编辑Paolo Pasco创建。而我们的Queens网格将由一系列才华横溢的创作者制作,本月的网格由三届世界数独冠军Thomas Snyder制作。 LinkedIn新闻部的副总裁兼总编辑Dan Roth强调了这些游戏对职业互动的价值。“游戏是一种有趣轻松的方式,可以帮助我们的用户维护他们网络中的联系,”Roth解释说。他指出,虽然这些游戏设计为轻松互动,但也具有加强职业联系的更大目的。 这些游戏已整合到平台中,用户可以通过直接链接或通过负责开发这些游戏的LinkedIn新闻部门访问。尽管目前这些游戏独立于微软的游戏运营,LinkedIn内部团队在进一步开发这些互动功能方面看到了巨大的潜力。 LinkedIn北美执行编辑Laura Lorenzetti针对可能对工作场所分心的担忧进行了回应。“这些游戏故意设计得简短,并且每天限玩一次,以尽量减少干扰的同时最大化参与度,”她说。这种方式确保游戏既有趣又不会影响职业生产力。 随着LinkedIn继续扩展其内容和参与策略,这些游戏代表了一种新颖的方式,促进平台上用户的互动。通过将职业网络和互动游戏的世界结合起来,LinkedIn不仅增强了用户体验,还为职业环境中的互动内容树立了新的标准。
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    应对心理健康危机:42%的公司计划推出新的员工福利 根据The Conference Board的最新报告,尽管HR领导们对劳动力市场的乐观程度略有上升,但员工保留和参与度的预期与去年相比有所下降,显示出劳动力短缺的持续问题。报告揭示,随着员工心理健康问题的加剧,42%的公司计划今年提供新的福祉福利。企业承认对员工福祉负有责任,并在增加对健康项目的关注和支出方面取得了显著进展。报告强调,全面考虑员工福祉不仅可以提高员工参与度和生产力,还能保留人才。  Tackling the Mental Health Crisis: 42% of Companies Plan to Offer New Employee Well-Being Benefits NEW YORK, March 22, 2024 -- Corporate America's HR leaders continue to be more optimistic than pessimistic about the state of the workforce. The Conference Board CHRO Confidence Index ticked up to 54 in Q1, from 53 last quarter. (A reading of more than 50 points reflects more positive than negative responses.) While retention and engagement expectations improved from last quarter, the survey reveals they are down compared to this time last year, signaling ongoing concerns about labor shortages. Hiring expectations remained stable. The survey also reveals that businesses are stepping up as mental health concerns continue taking a toll on workers throughout the nation: 42% of surveyed companies plan to offer new well-being benefits this year. Indeed, 36% say businesses are responsible for the well-being of their employees, with another 62% saying they are somewhat responsible. As a result, they are ramping up their focus on employee wellness: In addition to those offering new well-being benefits, a quarter plan to increase spending on well-being initiatives. "Taking a holistic view of worker well-being can not only improve employee engagement and productivity but also retain your talent—a top focus of both CEOs and CHROs this year," said Diana Scott, Leader of The Conference Board US Human Capital Center. The Index, conducted quarterly, was launched in Q1 2023 and is comprised of three components—hiring, retention, and engagement—as well as special questions included in each survey. Nearly 150 CHROs participated in the Q1 survey, which included additional questions on employee well-being. Key findings include: Hiring The CHRO Confidence Index: Hiring component remained the same as both last quarter and YoY, at 55. CHROs' workforce expansion plans remained stable in Q1, with fewer CHROs expecting to increase or decrease hiring in the next six months: 36% of CHROs expect to increase their hiring over the next six months—down from 44% in Q4. 13% expect to decrease their hiring over the next six months—down from 19% in Q4. Retention The CHRO Confidence Index: Retention component rose to 53 in Q1 2024 from 51 in Q4 2023. But retention expectations are down YoY from 57 in Q1 2023. CHRO expectations regarding employee retention ticked up slightly in Q1: 29% of CHROs expect their employee retention levels to improve over the next six months—up slightly from 28% in Q4. 19% of CHROs expect employee retention to decrease over the next six months, down from 22% in Q4. Engagement The CHRO Confidence Index: Engagement component rose to 54 in Q1 2024 from 52 in Q4 2023. But engagement expectations are down YoY from 58 in Q1 2023. Fewer CHROs expect declines in employee engagement in Q1: 35% expect engagement levels to increase—down slightly from 37% in Q4. 20% expect engagement levels to decrease—down significantly from 31% in Q4. Special Questions for Q4: Employee Well-Being For Q1 2024, the Index also surveyed CHROs on employee well-being. CHROs overwhelmingly agree that organizations share responsibility for their employees' well-being. 62% said organizations are somewhat responsible. 36% said organizations are responsible. Only 2% said organizations are not responsible for employee well-being. A quarter of CHROs increased spending on employee well-being in 2024. 26% said their well-being budget increased for FY2024. 69% said it remained the same. Only 5% decreased spending on well-being. Nearly half of CHROs plan to offer new well-being benefits, despite most keeping spending the same. 42% plan to offer new benefits this year. 39% do not plan to offer new benefits. 19% are discussing offering new benefits. Mental and physical health are the top priorities for new well-being initiatives. Of those offering new benefits: 20% are offering mental health initiatives. 15% are offering physical health and fitness initiatives. 12% are offering financial well-being initiatives. 10% are offering work-life balance initiatives. About The Conference BoardThe Conference Board is the member-driven think tank that delivers trusted insights for what's ahead. Founded in 1916, we are a non-partisan, not-for-profit entity holding 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt status in the United States. www.conference-board.org SOURCE The Conference Board
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    驾驭寒冬:为员工敬业度下降做好准备" "Forrester 预测 2024 年员工体验的寒流将来临 Forrester 的一位专家表示,公司“总体上对员工体验不太感兴趣”,因此很容易成为削减成本或偷工减料的目标。 在大流行导致的人才短缺期间,在投资改善员工体验后,雇主普遍都在缩减开支,这可能会影响员工对工作的感受以及雇主的底线。 Forrester在其《2024 年预测:工作的未来》报告中发现,员工体验将在 2024 年退居二线,从而导致他们所谓的“EX 冬天”。(2023 年,员工和雇主的工作场所都充满了挑战。不幸的是,我们在 2024 年看到了更多同样的情况——员工体验 (EX) 全面衰退,雇主们不再关注这一点。EX 的商业案例仍然比以往任何时候都强大,但许多领导者仍然难以倾听员工的意见并将他们的担忧付诸行动。到 2024 年,我们还将看到人工智能在工作场所的崛起,其中对生成式人工智能的投资激增。在 EX 减少和 AI 增加的环境中提高生产力将是一个核心挑战。) Forrester 未来工作团队副总裁兼首席分析师 JP Gownder 表示,公司“总体上对员工体验不太感兴趣”,因此很容易成为削减成本或偷工减料的目标。提高参与度、生产力和最终增长的战略正在被取消。 例如,Forrester 指出,从 2022 年到 2023 年,表示为内部 DEI 职能提供资金的雇主数量从受访者的三分之一下降到 27%;该公司预计,到 2024 年底,这一比例将进一步下降至 20%。他表示,一些公司将默认勾选一个复选框,表示他们已实现 DEI 目标,而不是真正为对员工产生影响的 DEI 计划提供资金。 高德尔说,原因之一是劳动力市场不再那么紧张。“通常,当员工流失较多或工作进展不顺利而无法留住人才时,雇主会投资于员工体验,”他说,就像“大辞职”期间的情况一样。 现在情况已不再是这样了。当公司“不那么迫切地想留住人才时,他们通常会在人才方面松开油门”。 Forrester 发现,他们可能会花钱,但可能不会以正确的方式花钱:66% 从事软件工作的技术决策者表示,他们将在 2024 年增加对 EX/人力资本管理软件的投资,但这些投资不会充分利用他们的优势。相反,Forrester 预测这些投资将提高人力资源职能的效率,而不是改善 EX 成果。 员工体验的冬天将继续冻住员工 Forrester 表示,2022 年至 2023 年间,员工敬业度已经出现下滑,并将在 2024 年继续下滑。 2022 年至 2023 年间,美国员工敬业度从 48% 下降至 44%,文化能量从 69% 下降至 66%。Forrester 预测,到 2024 年,这些数字将分别下降至 39% 和 64%。 Gownder 表示,员工敬业度作为员工体验的衡量标准“对于生产力、创造力以及激发人们工作中的大部分兴趣和动力至关重要”。“如果你失去了这一点,那么人们就没有全力以赴,也没有充分利用他们的工作。” 他说,这损害了公司的整体利益。“当你取消对员工体验的投资,然后重新削减成本,并将员工仅仅视为资源而不是有价值的合作伙伴时,你的组织就会发现敬业度下降,因此其他事情也会下降。” Forrester表示,从2022年到2023年,员工参与度已经大幅下降,并将在2024年继续下降。 从2022年到2023年,美国的员工参与度从48%下降到44%,文化活力从69%下降到66%。Forrester预测,到2024年,这些数字将分别下降到39%和64%。 在别人盲目跟随时保持独立思考 Gownder补充说,并非所有都失去了。通过反其道而行之,保持积极的投入,可以避免EX的冬天。这意味着要真正投入与员工的互动,而不是削减成本或依赖于虚假的检查清单。 他说:“员工体验论断指出,投资于员工,在以人为中心的体验中提高参与度,降低流失率,提高生产力,也会让客户更加满意,因为快乐的员工会带来快乐的客户。” 他说,对于那些将继续投资于员工体验的公司,他们还应该衡量和理解员工对这些投资的感受。“这两件事往往是相辅相成的。” 而听力部分常常被抛在后面。Forrester 在报告中发现,只有 31% 的业务和技术专业人士认为改善员工体验是首要任务,同时也认为收集员工反馈是他们为提升员工体验而采取的一项关键行动。Forrester 预计到 2024 年这一比例将增至 34%。 原文访问:https://www.hrdive.com/news/is-an-employee-experience-winter-coming/701428/
  • Engagement
    AIHR:Measuring Employee Experience: A Practical Guide for 2024 Keeping your employees engaged, motivated, and satisfied throughout their journey with your organization is key to business success. Measuring employee experience allows HR professionals to understand how their workforce feels and ensure the team remains fulfilled. In this article, we’ll explore how to measure employee experience, evaluate the results, and turn them into meaningful action. Contents What is employee experience (EX)? Why measure employee experience? How to measure employee experience Best practices for measuring employee experience FAQ What is employee experience (EX)? Employee experience (EX), in its simplest form, is how employees perceive their stay at your organization from when they apply for a job to after they leave. It encompasses various dimensions – ranging from the physical workspace and technological tools being used to the organizational culture, professional growth opportunities made available, and social interactions they have with colleagues or superiors. It’s more than just a collection of daily experiences at work; EX profoundly shapes an employee’s perceptions about their employer and impacts their decision to stay or leave. DIVE DEEPEREmployee Experience vs. Employee Engagement: 4 Differences To Know Why measure employee experience? 87% of employee experience experts say that a great employee experience helps retain and attract talent. However, only 51% of employees feel that their organization is delivering on the experience they promised. By measuring employee experience, you can uncover and fix issues and discrepancies to reap the benefits of a satisfied and engaged workforce. Let’s break down the reasons why you should measure employee experience. Enhanced productivity and performance Research shows that superior employee experience (EX) may lead to enhanced productivity. Employees who feel satisfied, empowered, and valued are more motivated to perform at their highest level. They significantly contribute to organizational goals, which can result in an over 50% increase in revenue. By focusing on optimizing the employee journey – from end to end – companies can foster a work environment that stimulates both individual and team performance. LEARN MORE23 Key Employee Experience Statistics You Should Know in 2024 Retaining talent Monitoring and enhancing EX levels significantly contributes to improving retention rates. Employees who resonate with their company culture and find meaning in their work stay longer in their organizations. Examining facets like workplace habits or preferences provides employers invaluable insights related to employee experience – which ultimately feeds into long-term staff retention strategies. Making informed decisions related to HR practices A robust method of measuring employee experience offers in-depth insights into how employees perceive things such as career development opportunities or even intricate details like office seating arrangements. This helps HR shape policies and practices strategically and make smarter decisions that maximize the workforce potential while actively minimizing discontentment factors. Enhanced customer experience A happier workforce equals happier customers. Companies with great employee experience report 2X as high customer satisfaction levels compared to businesses scoring low on employee experience. A well-executed EX strategy will aid your organization in delivering higher standards of service, creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond merely measuring employee experience for internal benefit.   Australian Defence Bank collaborated with the employee and customer experience management platform Insync to measure and improve EX and CX.   Investing in their employees has helped them build a motivated workforce and get outstanding business results. Not only are they in the top 10% for employee engagement compared to other financial organizations, but they have also achieved record deposit growth in transaction and savings account balances.   Innovation, growth, and improved organizational performance As we’ve already alluded to, keeping your finger on the pulse of EX can set the scene for broader innovation and growth within an organization. Employee experience goes hand in hand with employee engagement, which helps foster an innovative culture and a passionate commitment to ongoing improvement—an infallible recipe to drive the company performance northward. To sum it up, measuring employee experience isn’t simply good practice, but it can bring numerous strategic benefits that make a profound impact on organizations and their competitive standing in the market. How to measure employee experience Employee experience is a multifaceted and intangible concept, which is not easy to quantify at first sight. Successfully measuring it involves defining relevant employee experience metrics and methods of measurement to collect the data. Let’s take a closer look. 1. Define and track employee experience metrics Employee experience metrics allow organizations to gain insight into the wellbeing, satisfaction, and productivity of their teams. The following metrics serve as good indicators of the employee experience levels at your organization: Retention rates Retention rates signify how many employees remained within the company over a specified period. A high employee retention rate generally implies positive experiences at work, while low rates indicate potential problems or dissatisfactions among staff. Intent to stay This metric shows how many employees foresee themselves staying with an organization over a lengthy period. It can provide insights into the workforce’s commitment level and their perception of future opportunities within the company. Number of employee referrals The number of referrals from existing staff suggests how highly they rate working within the organization. The higher this figure is, the more positive opinions workers hold about their employee experience, and that’s why they’re willing to recommend you as an employer. Productivity metrics Productivity indicators such as performance ratings or meeting project deadlines can reveal a lot about how efficiently an employee works. High productivity levels generally imply a supportive environment that propels the team towards achieving set objectives. Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) The eNPS asks employees on a scale from 0-10 whether they would recommend their place of work to others – typically friends or family members. The data gleaned helps appraise the overall employee experience levels. Employee Experience Index The Employee Experience Index score takes into account an array of factors influencing the overall workplace atmosphere, like engagement levels, empowerment feelings, job fulfillment factors, and key performance indicator achievement. It provides a holistic overview of what it might be like working for your organization. The exact dimensions of the Employee Experience Index depend on how an organization defines it. Two well-known Employee Experience Index systems have been developed by IBM and Forrester. 2. Administer surveys Once you know what insights you’re hoping to gain, you can start collecting data. Surveys are an indispensable tool for measuring employee experience. There are a couple of types of surveys that you can utilize. Employee experience surveys Employee experience surveys provide an avenue for employees to confidentially share views about their workplace, its leadership practices, and its culture. Organizations typically conduct employee experience surveys annually, bi-annually, or quarterly. Including both quantitative and qualitative questions in your survey will provide you with comprehensive data on your respondents’ perspectives. Quantitative questions, usually closed-ended, help gather structured data that you can do a statistical analysis of, revealing patterns and trends in responses. On the other hand, qualitative questions, typically open-ended, elicit descriptive and narrative responses that dive deeper into the nuances and complexities of participants’ experiences and feelings. These responses shed light on the ‘why’ and ‘how’ behind the numbers, uncovering the underlying motivations, beliefs, and emotions that drive behaviors and opinions. By incorporating both types of questions, you can capture the breadth of information and the depth of insights. Employee experience survey questions examples Next to the eNPS question “On a scale from 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our organization as a place to work to your friends and family?”, examples of quantitative employee experience survey questions include: On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being “Not at all” and 10 being “Extremely”: How satisfied are you with the opportunities for professional development within the company? How confident do you feel in your current role and responsibilities? How supported do you feel by your direct supervisor or manager? Qualitative questions you can consider covering in your survey are: In your opinion, what 2-3 changes could be made to improve the overall work environment and culture? What aspects of our company’s culture do you value the most? If you could recommend one thing to improve team collaboration, what would it be and why? Pulse surveys Pulse surveys are short, frequent surveys designed to quickly capture employee feedback and continuously gauge overall sentiment about their workplace experience. Focusing on a few key questions, they are less burdensome for employees, leading to higher response rates. These surveys can help organizations zoom in on current events or specific workplace issues that impact employee experience. However, regularly collecting data can lead to an abundance of information. Organizations must have the capacity and tools to analyze and act on this data to prevent it from becoming overwhelming or underutilized. It’s crucial to use pulse surveys strategically and in combination with other feedback mechanisms to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the employee experience. New hire surveys New hire surveys help you capture insights about one of the most crucial “moments that matter” in an employee’s journey: their onboarding. This initial phase sets the tone for an employee’s tenure with the company, shaping their perceptions, expectations, and overall sentiment toward the organization. You can glean valuable feedback about the effectiveness of your onboarding processes, the clarity of role expectations, and the cultural immersion experience. This feedback not only provides a snapshot of the new employees’ experience but also offers actionable insights for organizations to refine their onboarding processes so that they create a positive and lasting first impression. 3. Conduct qualitative interviews One-on-one dialogues with employees afford a deeper understanding of the intricacies at play regarding the overall employee experience. By conducting employee interviews, you can complement and enrich your survey data. They provide you with an excellent opportunity to ask open-ended questions and give your employees space to express their opinions and perceptions. Two common types of interviews to gather qualitative data are stay interviews and exit interviews. Stay interviews These discussions aim to find out why employees opt to remain with an organization. HR professionals can then identify the positive aspects of their working experiences that should be reinforced or replicated. Exit interviews Exit interviews help you assess why employees leave your organization and how they see their time spent working for you. These discussions allow you to better understand the challenges our employees face at work, providing insights into potential corrective measures. By adopting these varied approaches blending both quantitative and qualitative employee experience measurement methods, businesses can effectively gauge worker sentiments – thereby improving employee experiences and driving organizational success. Best practices for measuring employee experience Measuring employee experience effectively goes beyond defining relevant metrics and conducting surveys and interviews. To get a comprehensive view of employee experience at your organization and put your findings into action, you need to follow these five best practices. Setting clear objectives Begin with a set of distinct objectives that align with your company’s overall business strategy. This is crucial for accurately evaluating the employee experience. Why exactly do you want to assess employee experience? Are you aiming to increase productivity or retention rates or encourage higher creativity levels across teams? Your end goals play an indispensable role in determining which part of the employee journey needs focus and what type of feedback you need from the employees. Conducting research across different employee groups When you’re measuring employee experience, you need to recognize diversity within your workforce. That helps you accurately capture different facets of the work experiences of diverse groups in your organization. Make sure to survey or interview employees from diverse backgrounds, different job levels, departments, and lengths of service to understand the unique challenges they might face. Dell Technologies partnered with an employee experience measurement platform Voxxify to design a hybrid work plan for one of their European offices. Over 60% of employees responded to the survey, providing more than 2,100 individual comments. The analysis results helped identify four areas of focus. These included updating the handbook for managers and employees for hybrid work considerations, defining the value of coming into the office, supporting employees’ mental wellness, and optimizing facilities and technology to enhance the work environment. The office now sees occupancy rates of 60% or more on Tuesdays through Thursdays, and the success of the measurement effort has led to plans to repeat it annually. Overcoming survey fatigue and ensuring participation It may be tempting to send surveys left and right for comprehensive data collection when measuring employee experience. However, you should really avoid doing so. Survey fatigue can quickly pile up, draining previously enthusiastic participants’ eagerness to provide valuable insights. To keep engagement high and maximize response rates, make sure your surveys are succinct yet thorough. Carefully plan your survey schedule to not overwhelm your team. For example, you can send out a comprehensive survey quarterly or bi-annually, with a couple of shorter pulse surveys in between. It also helps to effectively communicate the purpose behind these assessments, so employees see them not as tasks but as avenues towards improving their work lives. You can, for instance, share examples of initiatives you implemented based on employee feedback. Guaranteeing confidentiality Nothing squashes honesty quicker than a sense of insecurity surrounding responses’ anonymity, which makes maintaining confidentiality critical to effective employee experience measurement. If you use external applications for gathering feedback, emphasize their confidentiality features. You should also invest in fostering an environment where employees feel they can honestly express thoughts and concerns without fear of retribution. Doing so will not only amplify trust but also provide you with more authentic data to work on. Acting on employee feedback Once you’ve gathered and analyzed employee feedback, it’s time to take action. Prioritize high-impact initiatives and create a plan for how to implement these. Employees need to believe that their input sparks real change; otherwise, they might lose engagement in such processes altogether. Recognize employee contributions and communicate plans about future improvements based on their input clearly. Transparency here fosters a sense of responsibility among the staff and improves morale during periods of change. Ultimately, measuring employee experience is a cyclical process. It starts from setting clear objectives leading up each step to enacting feedback-led changes and then identifying newer areas for improvement continuously. Key takeaway Staying on top of your employees’ experiences at work allows companies to detect dissatisfaction early enough and tackle issues before they develop into bigger problems. It’s a great way to improve HR practices and design employee experience that promotes productivity, talent retention rates, and ultimately a better workplace environment. Relevant employee experience metrics help you quantify the concept and solidify your measurement process. Surveys and qualitative interviews give voice to your employees, offering rich insights into the workers’ perceptions of the workplace. However, it’s the organization’s responsiveness to feedback that significantly impacts the effectiveness of measuring employee experience. It is key to not just listen but also take action based on employees’ feedback for positive changes. FAQ What are the most important employee experience metrics to measure? When it comes to measuring employee experience, key metrics that organizations use include: – Retention rates: Your business’s retention rates can reveal much about employees’ willingness to commit long-term to an organization. – Intent to stay: Beyond just assessing current employee tenure, discerning whether staff members aspire to stay with the company for the foreseeable future is a valuable indicator of how they perceive their journey at your organization. – Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS): This quantifies how likely employees would recommend their workplace to others – a telling sign of overall satisfaction and positive employee experience. A combination of several employee experience metrics paints a nuanced picture of overall employee experience in any organization. Are surveys the best way to measure employee experience? Surveys play an instrumental role in gauging overall employee experience levels—all thanks to their ability for large-scale data collection and sentiment analysis. They also provide insights into potential pain points and highlight areas for improvement according to actual employee sentiments. However, while valuable, relying solely on surveys can lead to limited insights. Conducting different types of interviews, like stay and exit interviews, helps complement the survey data with deeper insights. What is the Employee Experience Index? The Employee Experience Index is a metric that aims to give a comprehensive view of employees’ experience. Essentially, it helps you gauge the overall ‘health’ of organizational culture and environment. IBM’s Employee Experience Index assesses employee experience on five core dimensions: Belonging, Purpose, Achievement, Happiness, and Vigor. The Employee Experience Index from Forrester evaluates three elements of EX: Empower, Inspire, and Enable.