• expectations
    招聘启事中不该写什么 2024 年 6 月 26 日,在佛罗里达州日出市 Amerant Bank Arena 举办的 JobNewsUSA.com 南佛罗里达招聘会上,一家公司向求职者发布招聘广告。两位劳动法律师表示,写得好的招聘广告可以证明雇主没有歧视,但写得不好的招聘广告可能会产生相反的效果。 Leah M. Stiegler 和 Emily Kendall Chowhan 是弗吉尼亚州 Woods Rogers 的管理方就业律师。Stiegler 是该公司劳动与就业业务的负责人,Chowhan 是合伙人。他们每两周为公司领导和人力资源专业人士主持一个视频系列,名为“劳动与就业中的茶话会是什么” 。 在为一个组织制作招聘广告时,古老的体育格言是正确的:最好的防守就是进攻。 这种说法是准确的,原因有多种。首先,写得不好的招聘启事可能会带来重大的法律责任,并可能导致不必要的法律费用和声誉损害。其次,如果职位令人困惑或不清楚,你的理想候选人可能会放弃这个职位。一份执行良好的招聘广告会设定明确的期望,并证明你的组织没有参与歧视性的招聘行为。 以下是为您组织中的空缺职位制作有效且合法的广告的一些技巧。 避免使用可能成为偏见证据的语言 就业歧视法适用于现有员工和求职者。因此,在制定招聘广告时,务必要花时间和精力,以保护您的组织。 写得好的招聘广告可以证明雇主没有歧视,但写得不好的招聘广告可能会产生相反的效果。潜在雇员经常利用招聘广告来提出招聘歧视索赔。 由于年龄歧视索赔很常见,最常见的陷阱之一是列出似乎歧视年长工人的资格。例如,今年早些时候,RTX 公司(原名雷神技术公司)收到了一项集体诉讼,指控该公司将工作岗位保留给应届大学毕业生,从而延续了对年长工人的歧视。原告称,RTX 要求求职者拥有大学学位,并且工作经验不足一到两年。原告是一名 67 岁的男子,他声称 RTX 至少不会考虑他应聘应届毕业生的七个职位。 去年,制药商礼来公司与美国平等就业机会委员会就年龄歧视诉讼达成和解,赔偿金额为240 万美元。诉讼的焦点是年龄较大的医药销售代表职位申请人,他们据称因公司的“早期职业”招聘计划而被拒绝录用。“早期职业”招聘计划旨在改变招聘偏好,为公司员工队伍增加更多千禧一代。 在这些情况下,并非所有的新闻都是好的新闻。 为了避免可能发生的年龄歧视案件,请勿使用可能被视为明显歧视的语言。招聘广告中不应出现“仅限年轻人”或“不适合年长员工”等字眼。其次,避免使用任何暗示更青睐年轻员工的语言。例如,不要说公司正在寻找“数字原生代”、“职业生涯早期”或“前途光明”的员工。这些短语暗示年长员工不会因年龄原因被考虑。 同样,不要收集求职者的大学毕业日期,因为这样做可能表明您实际上是在估算求职者的年龄。 了解州法律可能要求薪酬透明度 要求企业在招聘广告中公布薪资范围的运动日益兴起。虽然没有联邦法律要求在招聘广告中披露薪资,但 各州的薪资透明法正变得越来越受欢迎。各州希望通过要求提供更多信息来协商薪资,缩小或消除女性和少数族裔工人所经历的已知工资差距。 重要的是,这些薪酬透明度要求的深度和复杂性各不相同。此外,一些城市或地方已经制定了薪酬透明度法律。 在发布职位之前,请咨询法律顾问,确定州或地方政府是否要求在招聘信息中提供薪酬信息。尽管这些法律是新出台的,但监管机构和原告已对不遵守规定的雇主提起诉讼。科罗拉多州已公开披露了对包括洛克希德马丁公司和 X Corp(前身为 Twitter)在内的雇主的罚款,原因是这些雇主涉嫌未遵守招聘广告薪酬要求,Qdoba 也在今年早些时候就一项类似的集体诉讼达成和解。 其他州也在考虑制定类似的法律,2024 年 1 月,白宫宣布计划要求联邦承包商在招聘广告中公开薪酬信息。 谨防“复制粘贴”的职位描述 借用其他招聘广告的语言也可能带来潜在的责任。 例如,阿斯利康制药公司目前正在应对一桩潜在的集体诉讼,该诉讼由前女性销售员工发起,指控其薪酬歧视。 阿斯利康辩称,其全国销售代表的日常职责因多种因素而有很大差异,因此,销售员工的薪酬基于合法标准而有所不同。相比之下,前女员工表明,阿斯利康在全国范围内为相同的销售岗位发布了相同的职位描述。最终,这些相同的职位描述帮助说服法官,有证据表明“阿斯利康在全国范围内制定招聘政策,在全国范围内监督其销售团队,[并且]存在基于性别的薪酬歧视。” 如果阿斯利康能为每个职位定制招聘广告和描述,那么其麻烦或许会减轻。这不仅能为求职者设定准确的期望,还能让雇主处于更有利、更有利的地位。 为此,人力资源部门应在发布招聘信息前安排至少两名人员进行筛选。要求招聘广告接受多种意见和视角的审核有助于消除潜在的疏忽。 总之,人力资源部应避免发布带有明确或暗示歧视性要求的招聘广告;仔细检查该职位是否符合州或地方薪酬透明度要求;并确保每个招聘广告都经过深思熟虑,准确地针对该职位进行策划。 原文翻译:https://www.hrdive.com/news/how-to-write-compliant-job-postings/721237/
  • expectations
    Trends in Employment Law Employers Should be Aware of With 2023 here, it’s time to look ahead to key issues affecting employers in the coming year. Notably, these issues share a major driver: remote and hybrid work models. Here’s a peek at top labour and employment law trends for employers to watch out for in 2023. Changes in the labour laws will continue to impact many workplace practices, including vaccination requirements, hybrid and remote work, travel restrictions, and ensuring workers with underserved opportunities can access the labour market. These inquiries will require outside labour attorneys and in-house legal counsel to answer and comprehend. As the area of labour and employment law develops over the coming years, employers must take into account the following trends. Quelling Quiet Quitting: On social media, the idea of quiet quitting—where a person continues to work but ceases to go above and beyond, performing only what is officially required—has received a lot of attention. Employers are starting to face a serious problem as workers place more value on the "life" component of the work-life balance equation. Employers are also attempting to determine what, if anything, can be done about it. The good news is that employers have resources at their disposal to combat quiet resignation, such as: Written employment contracts: Employee rights, obligations, and expectations will be made plain to employees through a well-crafted and effectively implemented written employment contract that includes explicit terms regarding work assignments, working hours, and pay. This document may also grant the authority to terminate an employee if they fail to uphold those conditions. Incentive compensation: Offering incentives to employees for exceeding performance goals, such as bonuses, paid time off, or other rewards, may encourage them to put in the extra effort. However, it's crucial to carefully craft incentive plans to avoid future liability for them even after the employment relationship has ended. "When there is a fierce talent competition, a voluntary “disconnecting from work” policy that is (well-drafted and effectively administered) sends a message to both present and potential employees that an employer is eager to help workers balance their home and work life." Job satisfaction: Consider ways to improve job satisfaction, which is less of a legal concern than an engagement one. For instance, refusing to offer remote work opportunities can induce disengagement, which in turn can lead to employee dissatisfaction. Employers have the authority to determine an employee's place of employment. So, take into account the model that will benefit the staff and the company equally. Progressive discipline: While employers have the right to control the workplace, they can only expect adequate - not exceptional - performances from their employees. If an employee's performance falls below a certain threshold, the employer may gradually penalise the employee for poor performance and, ultimately, terminate their employment. However, companies always have the option to fire employees without cause as long as they receive the proper amount of notice or compensation. Demands to Disconnect: Employee requests for more flexibility have led to the retention of remote and hybrid work arrangements post-pandemic, which has led to rising employee demands for a "right to disconnect." Employees' "right to disconnect" often refers to their decision to disengage from communication about their jobs post-working hours. Employers may decide to implement a voluntary "disconnecting from work" policy as a recruitment and retention strategy even if they are not legally compelled to do so. Due to COVID-19, a lot of employers have switched to a hybrid or remote work model, which has caused the distinction between personal and professional lives to become hazier. When there is a fierce talent competition, a voluntary "disconnecting from work" policy that is (well-drafted and effectively administered) sends a message to both present and potential employees that an employer is eager to help workers balance their home and work life. More Employee Monitoring: With remote or hybrid work arrangements becoming more prevalent, employers are exploring how to monitor employees generally and remote workers specifically. Maintaining compliance with all federal and state labour laws and regulations is integral to running a business. In addition to being among the easiest to violate, labour and employment regulations are also among the most important. SOURCE Manage HR