Josh Bersin :劳动力市场已完全改变:您真的准备好了吗?Josh Bersin 最新撰文谈到,随着以婴儿潮一代为主的劳动力队伍的衰落和具有独特期望和职业模式的新一代的崛起,劳动力市场发生了巨大的变化。这一新劳动力的特点是偏好组合职业和副业,他们要求尊重、灵活性和精心设计工作的机会。企业在适应这些变化时面临着挑战,职位普遍空缺,人员流动增加。文章强调,企业需要采用一种动态的组织模式,优先考虑授权、内部流动性和员工积极性,以便在这个新的劳动力市场中茁壮成长。这种适应的关键在于了解劳动力现在寻求的是成长、灵活性以及他们的价值观与工作之间有意义的结合。
The labor market has changed before our eyes. Employers and HR teams better watch out.
Over the last five decades baby boomers defined the workforce. Today things could not be more different, and this change impacts all of us.
I was born in the 1950s, growing up in a world where the middle class experienced steadily increasing standards of living. My father was a scientist, my mother sold art, and my brother and I had a nice middle-class life.
This included a three stage career: education | work | retirement. I went to college, studied hard, and got a good job as an engineer. My career went on a predictable path. I worked for Exxon and then IBM – each company giving me training, development, and potential for long-term career. I met many great people, learned about work, got married and had a family.
My cohort, the baby boomers, was huge. Companies built entire talent systems for us – onboarding, training, predictable career growth, developmental assignments, leadership development, and retirement programs. We strapped ourselves in and enjoyed the journey.
Fast forward to now: things are very different.
Today’s working population bulge (median age 33, born in the early 1990s,) entered the workforce in a disrupted world. They joined companies during a boom, experienced the pandemic in their 20’s, and live in a world where everything is on the internet. While my generation revered our employers, these workers see every corporate mistake in real-time. They expect their bosses to earn their respect, otherwise they’ll “quietly quit” or start moonlighting on the side.
While my generation expected to work for only a few employers during a career, today people build what Lynda Gratton calls “a portfolio career.” More than 2/3 of workers have side-hustles and their resume is filled with projects, businesses, activities, and professional interests. If you look at the LinkedIn profiles of most high performers they look like personal journeys, far different from the linear career paths we had in the past.
While most of these changes came slowly, the end result is profound: the expectations, needs, and demands of workers are different. And businesses have struggled to keep up. Companies have vast amounts of unfilled positions, we suffer high turnover in almost every role, and labor unions are growing in number.
What do companies do? We have to accept and understand that the labor market has totally changed.
We live in a world where employees will live into their 100s. Young workers are postponing getting married and having children and they see their career as a long series of experiences. The norms of a long-term linear career have ended: people try new things, change industries, and live in what I call a “pixelated” job market.
And rather than blindly trust employers, people bring high expectations to work. Young workers don’t expect to “become the job,” they want the job to “become them.” (Often called “job crafting.”) And given the shortage of workers in every role, this trend is just getting bigger.
While economists believe the job market will soften and employers will have more power over time, I think those days are over. Life just isn’t going back to the way it was. Despite the growth of AI, companies are more dependent on their workforce than ever. And with 70% of the jobs now service-related (healthcare, retail, hospitality), employees really are our product.
I look at it this way. Companies and employers live in a pool of labor: it’s the needs and expectations of people who decide what we can and should do. People are upset about inflation. They’re worried about climate change. They want CEOs to behave ethically. And they want flexible work that lets them live a joyful life.
And every year the workforce becomes more educated and connected. (The percentage of US workers with degrees has gone up to 54%, up from 38% fifteen years ago.) People know about the company’s financial results or other issues far before an announcement even comes out.
While many of these trends are obvious, many companies aren’t ready. Last year I talked to the CHRO of Boeing and he told me the problems were highlighted by employees years ago. They simply were not listening, and now they’re a company in crisis. And that leads to the topic of “employee activation.”
In the old days senior leaders made decisions, workers carried out the orders. Ideas and strategies were “top-down.”
Today much of the intelligence we need to grow our companies is sitting with front-line workers. We need to “activate employees” and listen to them directly. The worker in the store, plant, or front office who feels frustrated by some system or process is the person who should advise us what to do. The old idea of “management by walking around” must come back. (Our Org Design Superclass explains this in detail.)
I don’t mean chaos, holacracy, or lack of controls. Successful companies have a clear mission, a series of strategic initiatives, and budgets to hold people accountable. But they empower everyone to be a leader, unleashing power from the bottom up. (Come to Irresistible and learn about how Marriott and Delta airlines exemplify this model.)
The key is building what we call a “Dynamic Organization” – one which is flat, team-centric, connected, and accountable. Our research shows that only 7% of companies operate this way: most are still very hierarchical and slow to adapt. But change is coming, as companies like Delta, Marriott, Telstra, Unilever, Novartis, Seagate, and Bayer have found out.
(This week the CEO of Bayer announced a radical transformation to a team-centric management model, dramatically reducing the number of “bosses.”)
A dynamic organization does two things well. First, it adapts to change, sees new markets, and mobilizes quickly for change. But even more importantly, it empowers people, encourages internal mobility, and focuses on meritocracy, skills, and collaboration to thrive. (Read about Talent Density to learn more.)
While these ideas are not new, urgency is critical. Employees demand growth, flexibility, and agency – and we can’t deliver it unless our reward and development systems change. Today more than 70% of US jobs are in the service sector: health care, retail, entertainment, and transportation. If we don’t empower people in these roles our products and services will suffer.
Let me conclude with this: we just woke up in a totally new labor market. If you don’t focus on empowerment, growth, and employee activation, talent will just go elsewhere.
labor unions
labor unions
2024年人力资源预测:全球追求生产力In this fast-evolving era, all companies and individuals are seeking for change and efficiency. We can see the core of productivity in the new year: AI. Let's have a look at details on the Josh Bersin Predictions for 2024.
我们生活在一个失业率为 3.8% 的世界,几乎每个职位都存在劳动力短缺,劳动力权力日益增强,员工需求不断涌现:对加薪、灵活性、自主权和福利的要求。每年有超过20%的美国员工换工作(每月2.3%),其中近一半的变化是进入新行业。
其次,员工(尤其是年轻员工)感到有权按照自己的意愿行事。他们可能会悄悄地辞职,“做兼职”,或者抽出时间转行。他们看到自己的生活很长(人们的寿命比 1970 年代和 1980 年代长得多),所以他们不介意离开你的公司去其他地方。
2024 年普华永道 CEO 调查发现,CEO 认为公司 40%的工作浪费了生产力。
尽管这听起来令人震惊,但对我来说却是真实的:太多的电子邮件、太多的会议、混乱的招聘流程、官僚主义的绩效管理等等。(HR 就有其中一些问题。)
人工智能的应用旨在提高白领的生产力。(过去大多数自动化都有助于蓝领或灰领工人。)生成式 AI 让我们能够更快地查找信息,了解趋势和异常值,训练自己和学习,并清理我们随身携带的文档、工作流程、门户以及后台合规和管理混乱的系统。
还有一些其他变化。随着公司专注于“通过生产力实现增长”,我们必须考虑每周 4 天的工作制,我们如何将混合工作制度化,以及如何以更有效的方式连接和支持远程工作者。我们必须重新关注领导力发展,在一线经理身上花费更多的时间和金钱,并继续投资于文化和包容性。我们必须简化和重新思考绩效管理,我们必须解决令人头疼的薪酬公平问题。
DEI 计划必须嵌入到业务中(人力资源 DEI 警察的时代已经结束)。我们必须清理我们的员工数据,以便我们的人工智能和人才情报系统准确且值得信赖。正如我们的系统性人力资源研究所指出的那样,我们必须将思维从“支持业务”转变为“成为有价值的顾问”,并将我们的人力资源服务产品化。
所有这些都在我们本周发布的40页新报告“2024 年人力资源预测”中进行了详细说明,其中包括一系列行动计划,以帮助您思考所有这些问题。
Josh Bersin预测的详细信息