• Mental Health
    Josh Bersin: Understanding the Path to CHRO Josh Bersin 最新研究揭示 CHRO 成长轨迹与未来挑战!近年来,首席人力资源官(CHRO) 这一角色正在经历前所未有的变革。最新发布的 《Understanding the Path to CHRO》 报告(点击可以下载报告,同时附录在文章后),基于对 20,000 多名 CHRO 的数据分析,深入研究了 CHRO 的成长路径、核心能力及全球 HR 领导者如何适应企业需求的变化。 该研究揭示了HR 从传统行政职能向战略核心的转型趋势,同时发现: 75% 的 CHRO 来自外部招聘,内部继任计划严重不足。 CHRO 逐步迈入 C-suite,13% 进入企业最高薪酬前五名,相比 30 年前增长 26 倍。 四类 CHRO 发展路径浮出水面:职业型 CHRO(Career CHRO)、企业型 CHRO(Company CHRO)、业务型 CHRO(Business CHRO)、运营型 CHRO(Operations CHRO)。 具备国际化经验的 CHRO 绩效更高,75% 的高绩效 CHRO 曾在海外工作。 政治学、经济学背景的 CHRO 更具影响力,而 HR 专业背景反而在高绩效公司中占比最低。 从这些数据来看,CHRO 角色不再是简单的人才管理者,而是企业变革的推动者、业务战略的支持者、AI 与科技革新的领导者。那么,中国的 HR 领导者如何才能成长为具备全球视野的 CHRO?本文将从CHRO 角色的转型趋势、职业路径、核心能力模型及中国 HR 的成长路径四个方面展开分析。 报告下载地址:https://www.hrtechchina.com/Resources/59250FA4-A800-58D9-5CE6-76E4DBC4F82A.html ? CHRO 的转型趋势:从 HR 负责人到企业变革领导者 传统 HR 主要聚焦于招聘、薪酬管理、劳动合规等事务性工作,过去常被视为“后勤支持”部门。然而,随着 全球劳动力市场变化、AI 赋能 HR、企业运营模式调整,CHRO 的角色发生了深刻变化: 1️⃣ CHRO 从 HR 服务交付者转变为业务战略伙伴过去 HR 被认为是支持职能,而今天,CHRO 需要直接参与企业战略决策,关注人才如何驱动业务增长。例如,疫情后全球远程办公兴起,CHRO 需要设计全新的组织架构、推动员工体验升级、调整绩效激励模式,以适应新的工作模式。 2️⃣ AI 与数字化重塑 HR 角色AI 和 HR Tech(人力资源科技)正在改变 HR 的运作方式。CHRO 不仅需要理解 AI 招聘、数据驱动绩效管理、智能学习平台,还要在组织中推动这些技术的应用。例如,采用 AI 进行人才画像分析、通过自动化面试减少招聘成本、利用数据分析优化员工保留率。 3️⃣ 全球化人才流动与多元化管理企业越来越依赖国际市场,CHRO 需要具备 跨文化管理、远程团队领导、国际雇佣合规 的能力。报告发现,在高绩效公司中,75% 的 CHRO 具备国际工作经验,这说明全球视野已成为 HR 领导者不可或缺的竞争力。 ? 四类 CHRO 发展路径:你属于哪一类? 研究报告将 CHRO 的职业路径划分为 四种主要类型,每种路径各有优势和挑战: 1️⃣ 职业型 CHRO(Career CHRO)——最常见的路径 通过在不同公司担任 HR 领导职务不断晋升,占比 73%。 优势:具备跨行业 HR 经验,能从外部引入最佳实践,拥有更广阔的专业网络。 挑战:对新公司的文化和业务理解较浅,缺乏长期稳定的 C-suite 关系。 2️⃣ 企业型 CHRO(Company CHRO)——公司内部晋升 在同一公司内部从 HR 经理逐步晋升为 CHRO,占比 17%。 优势:深谙企业文化和业务流程,与内部管理层关系紧密。 挑战:缺乏外部视角,可能难以推动 HR 变革和创新。 3️⃣ 业务型 CHRO(Business CHRO)——来自业务部门 从 销售、运营、市场等业务部门 转型进入 HR,占比 8%。 优势:更能理解业务需求,与 C-suite 关系更紧密,推动 HR 战略落地能力强。 挑战:缺乏 HR 专业知识,需要依赖强大的 HR 团队支持。 4️⃣ 运营型 CHRO(Operations CHRO)——来自行政管理 从 财务、法务、风控、合规等行政职能 转型进入 HR,占比 2%。 优势:擅长数据分析、预算管理、企业治理。 挑战:缺乏人才管理经验,对 HR 战略落地理解较弱。 ? 在北美工作的华人 HR 领导者如何突破瓶颈? 在北美职场,华人 HR 面临 文化适应、晋升壁垒、C-suite 话语权较弱 等挑战。如何突破天花板,成长为 CHRO? ? 1. 强化本土商业思维,提升 C-suite 话语权 深入了解北美商业环境、企业运营模式、行业趋势。 参与跨部门会议,与 CEO、CFO 直接对话,培养以业务为核心的人才战略思维。 ? 2. 培养影响力,突破“华人 HR 只擅长执行”的刻板印象 多发声,多展示成果:在公司内外分享 HR 变革案例,塑造领导者形象。 主导 HR 变革项目,例如推动 AI 赋能招聘、优化薪酬激励机制,提升 HR 价值感。 ? 3. 争取国际轮岗机会,提升全球 HR 领导力 申请企业的跨国 HR 轮岗项目,拓展跨文化管理经验。 参与 国际 HR 论坛、北美 HR 高管社群,建立全球视野和人脉资源。 ? 4. 选择适合的 CHRO 职业路径 喜欢跨行业挑战?选择 职业型 CHRO 路线。 想深耕企业文化?适合 企业型 CHRO 发展路径。 具备销售、运营经验?向 业务型 CHRO 方向发展。 ? 5. 强化数据与 AI 能力,掌握 HR 科技趋势 学习 数据分析、AI 招聘、人才预测建模,让 HR 决策更具数据支撑。 掌握 HR Tech 生态系统,推动数字化 HR 变革,提高 HR 部门的战略价值。 ? 结论:北美华人 HR 需要突破自我,成为“全球 CHRO” 要成为北美企业的 CHRO,仅靠 HR 知识远远不够,商业思维、数据能力、影响力、全球化经验都是必备技能。北美华人 HR 需要打破行业天花板,成为推动企业变革、掌控未来人才战略的全球化 CHRO 领导者!
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    美国2025年HR发展趋势:数字员工与未来工作场景,大选带来的可能影响 2025年,HR领域将面临前所未有的变革,技术、社会、政治因素共同推动着工作场所的迅速转型。随着AI、数字孪生体、智能代理等技术的加速发展,HR从业者必须应对不断变化的工作环境。与此同时,政治变革,如特朗普有可能在大选中回归执政,将带来政策的不确定性,影响劳动力市场和企业的运营。在这一背景下,HR需要更加灵活、创新和前瞻性。以下是2025年HR发展的八大趋势: 1. 数字员工的全面普及 数字员工、数字孪生体和智能代理将在企业中迅速普及,成为HR团队的重要组成部分。通过AI驱动的自动化,HR能够更高效地处理招聘、员工管理、数据分析等任务。比如,数字员工将帮助筛选简历、安排面试、甚至进行员工培训。这不仅能提高HR的工作效率,还将使HR从繁琐的日常事务中解放出来,专注于更具战略意义的任务,如人才保留和文化建设。 2. 远程工作与混合办公的进一步常态化 远程工作在全球大流行后逐渐成为常态,2025年这种模式将进一步成熟和优化。HR将需要设计更好的政策来管理远程和混合工作的员工,包括技术支持、绩效评估和团队协作。尤其是在政治环境可能受到影响的情况下,如特朗普重回白宫可能带来的政策变化,公司需要更灵活的劳动力管理方式,以应对政策的不确定性和跨州的不同规定。 3. 多元化与包容性在政治压力下的挑战 随着可能的政治环境变化,多元化与包容性可能面临更大的挑战。特朗普回归可能带来对劳动力市场的管制和移民政策的收紧,这将直接影响到HR对全球化人才的招聘。HR需要更加积极地维护职场的多样性与包容性,创造一个公平、包容的工作环境。这也意味着企业需要加强文化敏感度培训,确保在更具分裂性的社会氛围中维护公司内部的和谐。 4. 数据隐私与合规性管理的复杂性增加 随着数字员工和智能代理的使用,企业对员工数据的收集和使用将大幅增加,这对HR的隐私和合规管理提出了新的挑战。特别是在美国,如果特朗普再次执政,劳工和数据保护政策可能会有显著变化。HR需要更加密切关注新的法律法规,确保数据的收集和处理符合各州和联邦法律的要求,并保持透明的沟通以赢得员工的信任。 5. 技能提升与终身学习成为HR焦点 2025年,技能差距问题将进一步凸显,尤其是在技术快速发展的背景下。HR需要与培训和学习部门合作,设计持续的技能提升计划,确保员工能够掌握最新的技术和工作方法。随着AI和自动化工具的普及,员工需要具备更高层次的技术技能和问题解决能力,HR也将更多地参与人才的技能重塑,确保企业在竞争中保持优势。 6. 心理健康与员工幸福感得到更多关注 心理健康已经成为HR的重要议题,2025年这一趋势将继续深化。随着技术和远程工作的普及,工作与生活的界限日益模糊,HR需要关注员工的心理健康,提供相关支持。这不仅涉及到心理健康资源的提供,还需要通过文化建设和员工关怀政策来提高员工的幸福感。随着美国社会可能面临的政治分裂和不确定性,HR需要积极缓解由此带来的员工焦虑。 7. 劳动力市场的多代际管理 2025年,劳动力市场将由多代人组成,包括婴儿潮一代、X世代、千禧一代以及Z世代。不同代际的员工有着不同的工作方式、价值观和技术适应度。HR必须设计灵活的工作政策,平衡各代员工的需求,特别是在招聘、工作模式和员工发展上。同时,AI和数字员工的崛起将进一步重塑这些代际的工作方式,HR需要帮助员工适应这种新常态。 8. 政治环境对劳工政策的影响 如果特朗普在2024年大选中获胜,其政府可能会实施更严厉的劳工政策,影响薪酬、福利、移民和就业法律等方面。 HR需要随时了解政府的政策变化,确保公司运营合规,并积极调整劳动力管理策略。未来几年,美国的政治环境将对企业运营和HR的日常工作产生深远影响,因此HR必须具备应对快速政策变化的灵活性和适应性。 结语 2025年,HR将在技术变革和政治环境变化的双重推动下,面临前所未有的机遇和挑战。数字员工的普及将为企业提供更高效的工作方式,但HR也必须重新思考如何在人与技术之间找到平衡,维护企业文化和员工福祉。在不确定的政治环境中,HR需要具备敏捷性和创新精神,帮助企业在复杂多变的环境中实现可持续发展。
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    Josh Bersin:Digital Twins, Digital Employees, And Agents Everywhere 2025 年,数字员工和人工智能助理的崛起将彻底改变人力资源运营,改变招聘、数据分析和员工管理等任务。 这些技术包括数字双胞胎和智能代理,它们将与人类专业人员一起工作,以提高生产力和优化工作流程。 随着人工智能工具成为日常业务不可或缺的一部分,人力资源领导者必须拥抱这些创新,同时继续关注技能培训、心理健康和包容性工作环境。 向人工智能的转变还将重塑团队动态,这对人力资源部门重新设计角色和流程以保持竞争力提出了挑战。 I recently heard Elon Musk predict that every citizen would have multiple Optimus robots in their homes within five years. And while I often ignore his predictions because they’re exaggerated, I think he’s on to something. We are about to witness an explosion of Digital Employees in our companies, and these may be the “robots” we’ve heard about for years. Let me explain. This week I talked with dozens of vendors and clients at Unleash and then visited our development partner Sana Labs in Stockholm. It’s now clear that we’re going to be working with multitudes of “digital employees” in the year ahead. (And as Dario Amodei, the founder of Anthropic explains, AI can do many more positive things in business, science, and health than we ever imagined.) By “digital employee” I mean a software powered agent that can talk with us, answer detailed questions, solve complex analytic problems, and navigate a multitude of systems. ChatGPT and its peers, which introduced the idea of an agent, has now spawned dozens of “agentic” use cases, which I’d be willing to refer to as personalities. Let me start with a “Digital Twin.” Imagine you have a superb customer service agent with years of experience helping your most demanding clients. If you load the last five years of their emails, coupled with all their internal documentation, and a log history of their last two years of service calls, you can essentially “create him or her” digitally with all the knowledge, style, and internal contacts this person has developed. This twin, which may look initially like an AI assistant, could then carry on this employee’s work when the real life worker is on vacation. One of our clients, a large insurance company, has already built “digital twins” for claims processing. If you think about the complexity and workflow of processing a claim, much of it could be learned by an agent, making the “claims robot” an expert on this important process. And as you change claims rules and limits, the agent will learn new guidelines in only seconds. Our AI assistant Galileo, a trained expert on HR (Galileo is trained on 25 years of research and thousands of conversations with clients and vendors), is essentially a “digital twin” of me and the other analysts in our firm. I’m not saying Galileo is as fun to talk with as we are, but I can assure you that he (or she) is as knowledgeable and supportive. And Galileo is even smarter than I am: he has instant knowledge of skills models, compensation benchmarks, turnover statistics, and other data bases which I can only access by looking them up on demand. And using the Sana platform we can configure Galileo to have multiple personalities. Galileo the “Recruitment Agent” might have in-depth knowledge of screening, interviewing, and candidate skills assessment and he may have direct linkage to SeekOut, Eightfold, or any other sourcing applications. In his candidate facing personality he may be able to answer candidate questions, explain shift schedules, and “sell” the company to top job candidates. (This is what Paradox has done for years and vendors like Eightfold and LinkedIn are launching now.) But there’s more. Imagine that this “digital twin” or “digital employee” has intimate knowledge of Workday, SuccessFactors, or a variety of other systems. Now the assistant can not only answer questions and help solve problems, he can also process transactions, look things up, and run reports against multiple system. The digital employee has turned into a “digital analyst,” who can find things and do work for you, saving you hours of effort in your daily life. (Vee from Visier is designed for this.) Suppose you ask your digital friend to attend meetings for you, participate in conversations on certain topics, and alert you in real time when urgent issues come up for discussion. He could help you scale your time, keep you informed about decisions you need to know about, and help you manage your action items. And the list goes on and on and on. Best of all, what if your digital twin can talk to you. Suppose he “checks in” with you about the project you asked for help with last week, so you inform him how things are going and he gets “smarter” about what you may need next. Galileo does this today, prompting you to dig into a problem and explore areas you may not have considered. And if you ask him about management or people issues, he could give you advice and coaching, based on the leadership models or even CEO interviews in your own company. (BetterUp, Valence and others are working on this.) This is not science fiction, my friends. All this is becoming reality and will certainly be common next year. Every vendor has a slightly different focus. The Microsoft Copilot specializes in MS Office-related activities, ServiceNow’s focuses on internal service and support, Galileo is focused on the needs of HR, and Joule is an expert on all the functions of SAP. Each of these “digital employees” needs training, feedback, and connections to stay current and relevant. So it’s doubtful that one digital employee will do everything. (Training a digital employee means managing his or her corpus of information, which will be a major new role in HR.) One thing is very clear: we are going to be living and working with these guys. And as we use them and see what they’re capable of, we’re going to redesign work. Little by little we’ll offload tasks, projects, and workflows. And as we do, we’ll get smarter and smarter about redesigning our teams. I liken the process to that of a carpenter who gets a new multi-function power drill. Before the drill he may have manually drilled holes, carefully selecting the drill bit and the level of pressure based on wood density. Now he drills holes faster, more accurately, and with more precision. Soon he just speeds through the process, spending more time on cabinet fit, finish, or design. The same thing will happen to our HR tasks, projects, and designs. And these new digital employees are programmable! So once we figure out what they’re capable of we can adjust them, customize them, and connect them together. Eventually we’ll have intelligent assistants that operate as entire applications. And that’s the threat to incumbent software companies – the agents hollow out many of our existing applications. How Do Our Digital Employees Impact Our Own Work? One more observation. Many a few of the clients I talked with kept asking “what about our softskills?”  What work is truly human? I think that’s the wrong question. Rather we should ask the opposite: how much can I delegate to my new friends as fast as possible! Have you been upset that your vacuum cleaner took away the rewarding human work of sweeping a floor? How much joy do you get from washing dishes? Did your dishwasher make you feel deflated when you stopped splashing around in the soapy water? Of course not – these tools eliminated tasks we considered to be “drudgery.” Well today, thanks to digital assistants, creating a pivot table to do cross-tab analysis has become drudgery. You can stop getting your hands wet with that task – ask Galileo or Copilot to analyze the data, and then ask him to chart it, add more data, and try new assumptions. The more we learn to use these new digital employees the more “drudgery” we can stop doing. And consider complex “human-centered” activities like “change management.” A client asked me “how could Galileo help me with change management for our new HCM system?” I answered her with dozens of ideas: ask Galileo for case studies of other companies and have it build a checklist to consider based on what other companies did. Then ask Galileo to build a training plan; ask it to read the user documentation and create a table of what features are new; then ask Galileo to rewrite that change plan by role. And finally ask Galileo to write a press release about success, craft some compelling communications to employees, and ask it to compute the ROI of all the steps eliminated. These are all “manual” human tasks we do today and they take time and ingenuity to figure out. If you went through this process in Galileo you could ask your digital employee to save these steps and prompts in a “template,” and you have just taught your digital employee how to do change management. The next time you need him he can step you through the process. As I started to explain this to my client I stopped and said: wait a minute. I can’t possibly show you everything Galileo can do. You have to try it for yourself. And that’s my big message. Don’t wait for a vendor to drop a finished solution in your lap. These are intelligent, trainable, digital experts. You have to get to know them so you can figure out where they fit in your job, your projects, and your company. Just like you do with any new hire. I say it’s time to get started. No more sweeping floors or washing dishes by hand. Let’s meet our digital employees, tell them about our projects, and ask for their help. Step by step, day by day, we can redesign our jobs to be more more productive, liberating us to do greater things.
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    2025年HR领域的6大关键趋势:迎接未来工作的变革 随着技术的进步和员工期望的不断变化,2025年的人力资源管理将面临前所未有的挑战和机遇。以下是六大关键趋势,它们将推动未来职场的发展: 1. 远程和混合办公模式的普及 远程和混合办公已成为员工最期待的工作形式。2025年,更多企业将采用灵活的工作安排,不仅能提高员工的满意度,还能减少运营成本。HR团队需要确保远程员工享有与办公室员工相同的支持和资源。 2. 人工智能(AI)深度融入HR流程 AI技术正在快速改变HR流程,如招聘和绩效管理。2025年,AI将更加普及,帮助HR自动化日常任务,并提供数据洞察以优化决策。但企业在使用AI时必须保持透明,定期进行偏见审查。 3. 强调员工健康和心理健康 员工心理健康在疫情后成为企业的首要关注点。到2025年,企业将进一步加大对员工健康的投入,如提供灵活的工作安排、心理健康资源等,以提高生产力并减少员工流失。 4. 多样性、公平性和包容性(DEI) DEI是未来工作的核心。2025年,更多公司将推进多元化招聘和公平政策,培养包容性的企业文化,以推动创新和更好的决策。 5. 技能提升与再培训 技术的快速发展导致技能过时的速度加快。到2025年,50%的员工需要再培训。企业将需要投资于员工的持续学习计划,以确保其技能与未来工作需求匹配。 6. 人才分析的兴起 人才分析通过数据驱动决策,使HR能够更有效地管理员工并优化业务成果。2025年,企业将加大对数据工具的投入,提升HR决策的科学性和精准性。 2025年,企业若能掌握这些趋势,将在未来职场中占据竞争优势。
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    美国公民自由联盟对Aon人工智能招聘工具发起投诉 美国公民自由联盟(ACLU)于2024年6月6日向美国联邦贸易委员会提交了针对Aon的投诉,挑战其候选人评估工具的合法性和偏见问题。ACLU指控Aon的评估工具,如Adept-15人格测试和vidAssess-AI视频评估工具,在市场上虚假宣称“无偏见”并能“增进多样性”,实际上这些工具可能基于种族和残疾(如自闭症和心理健康障碍)歧视求职者。此外,ACLU还提到,Aon的gridChallenge认知能力评估也显示出种族表现上的差异。针对这些指控,Aon回应称其评估工具遵循行业最佳实践和EEOC、法律及专业指导原则。ACLU此举揭示了在职场包容性与合规性之间的紧张关系,呼吁更严格审查这些广泛使用的人力资源技术工具。 在人力资源技术迅速发展的世界中,人工智能(AI)扮演着关键角色,承诺将简化流程并增强招聘实践的效率。然而,AI整合到这些实践中经常引发关于公平性和歧视的重大争议。最近的一个例子涉及到全球专业服务公司Aon,该公司的AI驱动的招聘评估工具因美国公民自由联盟(ACLU)的指控而受到审查。ACLU向美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)正式投诉Aon,突显了关于AI在招聘中应用的重要对话。 ACLU投诉的基础 ACLU指控Aon欺骗性地营销其招聘评估工具——特别是Adept-15性格评估、vidAssess-AI视频面试工具和gridChallenge认知能力测试——这些工具被宣称为无偏见并有助于提高工作场所的多样性。根据ACLU的说法,这些声明不仅具有误导性,而且可能违法,因为这些工具可能会基于种族和残疾(如自闭症、抑郁症和焦虑症)歧视求职者。这些工具使用算法和AI进行评估,根据候选人的积极性、情感意识和活力等特征进行评估,这些特征往往与工作表现无直接关联,且可能对某些残疾人群产生不成比例的影响。 Aon的辩护和行业实践 面对ACLU的指控,Aon为其产品辩护,声称这些工具是根据法律和专业指南(包括平等就业机会委员会EEOC设定的指南)设计的。Aon强调他们的工具是雇主用于做出更具包容性招聘决策的更广泛评估工具集的一部分。此外,Aon还指出其工具的效率和成本效益,认为这些工具比传统方法更少歧视性。 法律和道德含义 这场争议引发了关于使用AI进行就业的重要法律和道德问题。美国的法律,包括美国残疾人法案(ADA)和民权法案第七章,要求就业中的非歧视实践,涵盖从招聘到工作场所的所有方面。ACLU向FTC的投诉不仅提示可能违反这些法律,还将问题框定为不仅是就业歧视,还涉及消费者欺诈的问题。 更广泛的行业关注 ACLU对Aon的行动是更广泛运动的一部分,旨在审查用于招聘的AI工具。批评者认为,虽然这些技术提供了无偏见决策的潜力,但它们常常缺乏透明度,并可能无意中编码了其开发者或它们所训练的数据集的偏见。这一问题由于这些工具的专有性质而变得更加复杂,这阻碍了对它们的公平性和效率进行彻底的公众评估。 潜在后果和改革 ACLU对Aon的投诸可能对人力资源技术行业产生深远影响。如果FTC决定调查或制裁Aon,可能会导致对AI在招聘中的使用进行更严格的监管,可能为整个行业中类似工具的市场营销和实施设定先例。对依赖这些工具的公司而言,此案可能是重新评估其算法以确保符合反歧视法律的关键提示。 此外,此案凸显了技术专家、法律专家、政策制定者和民权倡导者之间需要进行持续对话的需求,以确保AI的进步能够增强而非破坏工作场所的平等。随着AI继续渗透到各种人力资源方面,制定维护反歧视和坚持道德原则的标准和最佳实践将至关重要。 结论 ACLU对Aon的投诉提醒我们在AI时代,创新、监管和权利之间的复杂相互作用。虽然AI为HR提供了变革的潜力,但它也需要谨慎处理以防止新形式的歧视。这个案例可能会成为AI在招聘伦理辩论中的一个里程碑,促使所有利益相关者考虑其技术选择的更广泛影响。随着法律程序的展开,人力资源技术行业将密切关注,意识到AI在招聘中的未来现在受到更审慎的公众和法律审视。   Unveiling Bias: The Controversy Over Aon's AI Hiring Tools and the ACLU's Challenge In the rapidly evolving world of human resources technology, artificial intelligence (AI) plays a pivotal role, promising to streamline processes and enhance the efficiency of hiring practices. However, the integration of AI into these practices often sparks significant debate regarding fairness and discrimination. A recent example of this controversy involves Aon, a global professional services firm, whose AI-driven hiring assessment tools have come under scrutiny by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The ACLU's allegations against Aon, leading to a formal complaint to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), underline a critical dialogue about the implications of AI in hiring. The Basis of the ACLU’s Complaint The ACLU has accused Aon of deceptively marketing its hiring assessment tools — specifically the Adept-15 personality assessment, the vidAssess-AI video interviewing tool, and the gridChallenge cognitive ability test — as bias-free and conducive to improving diversity in the workplace. According to the ACLU, these claims are not only misleading but also potentially unlawful, as the tools may perpetuate discrimination against job seekers based on race and disabilities such as autism, depression, and anxiety. These tools, which utilize algorithmic processes and AI, are said to evaluate candidates on traits like positivity, emotional awareness, and liveliness, which are often not directly relevant to job performance and may disproportionately affect individuals with certain disabilities. Aon’s Defense and Industry Practices In response to the ACLU's claims, Aon has defended its products by asserting that they are designed in compliance with legal and professional guidelines, including those set forth by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Aon emphasizes that their tools are part of a broader array of assessments used by employers to make more inclusive hiring decisions. Moreover, Aon points to the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of their tools, arguing that they are less discriminatory than traditional methods. Legal and Ethical Implications The controversy raises significant legal and ethical questions about the use of AI in employment. U.S. laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, mandate non-discriminatory practices in employment, covering all aspects from hiring to workplace accommodation. The ACLU's complaint to the FTC, an agency tasked with protecting America’s consumers and competition, suggests potential violations of these laws, framing the issue not only as one of employment discrimination but also of consumer deception. Broader Industry Concerns The ACLU's actions against Aon are part of a larger movement to scrutinize AI tools used for hiring. Critics argue that while these technologies offer the potential for unbiased decision-making, they often lack transparency and can inadvertently encode the biases of their developers or the data sets they are trained on. This issue is compounded by the proprietary nature of these tools, which prevents a thorough public assessment of their fairness and effectiveness. Potential Repercussions and Reforms The outcome of the ACLU’s complaint could have far-reaching implications for the HR technology industry. A decision by the FTC to investigate or sanction Aon could lead to more stringent regulations governing the development and use of AI in hiring, potentially setting a precedent for how similar tools are marketed and implemented across the industry. For companies that rely on these tools, the case may serve as a critical prompt to reevaluate their algorithms to ensure compliance with anti-discrimination laws. Moreover, this case highlights the need for ongoing dialogue between technologists, legal experts, policymakers, and civil rights advocates to ensure that advancements in AI serve to enhance, rather than undermine, workplace equality. As AI continues to permeate various aspects of human resources, the development of standards and best practices that safeguard against discrimination and uphold ethical principles will be crucial. Conclusion The ACLU's complaint against Aon is a reminder of the complex interplay between innovation, regulation, and rights in the age of AI. While AI offers transformative potentials for HR, it also demands a cautious approach to prevent new forms of discrimination. This case may well become a landmark in the ongoing debate over AI ethics in hiring, urging all stakeholders to consider the broader implications of their technological choices. As the legal proceedings unfold, the HR technology industry will be watching closely, aware that the future of AI in hiring is now under a more discerning public and legal microscope.
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    应对心理健康危机:42%的公司计划推出新的员工福利 根据The Conference Board的最新报告,尽管HR领导们对劳动力市场的乐观程度略有上升,但员工保留和参与度的预期与去年相比有所下降,显示出劳动力短缺的持续问题。报告揭示,随着员工心理健康问题的加剧,42%的公司计划今年提供新的福祉福利。企业承认对员工福祉负有责任,并在增加对健康项目的关注和支出方面取得了显著进展。报告强调,全面考虑员工福祉不仅可以提高员工参与度和生产力,还能保留人才。  Tackling the Mental Health Crisis: 42% of Companies Plan to Offer New Employee Well-Being Benefits NEW YORK, March 22, 2024 -- Corporate America's HR leaders continue to be more optimistic than pessimistic about the state of the workforce. The Conference Board CHRO Confidence Index ticked up to 54 in Q1, from 53 last quarter. (A reading of more than 50 points reflects more positive than negative responses.) While retention and engagement expectations improved from last quarter, the survey reveals they are down compared to this time last year, signaling ongoing concerns about labor shortages. Hiring expectations remained stable. The survey also reveals that businesses are stepping up as mental health concerns continue taking a toll on workers throughout the nation: 42% of surveyed companies plan to offer new well-being benefits this year. Indeed, 36% say businesses are responsible for the well-being of their employees, with another 62% saying they are somewhat responsible. As a result, they are ramping up their focus on employee wellness: In addition to those offering new well-being benefits, a quarter plan to increase spending on well-being initiatives. "Taking a holistic view of worker well-being can not only improve employee engagement and productivity but also retain your talent—a top focus of both CEOs and CHROs this year," said Diana Scott, Leader of The Conference Board US Human Capital Center. The Index, conducted quarterly, was launched in Q1 2023 and is comprised of three components—hiring, retention, and engagement—as well as special questions included in each survey. Nearly 150 CHROs participated in the Q1 survey, which included additional questions on employee well-being. Key findings include: Hiring The CHRO Confidence Index: Hiring component remained the same as both last quarter and YoY, at 55. CHROs' workforce expansion plans remained stable in Q1, with fewer CHROs expecting to increase or decrease hiring in the next six months: 36% of CHROs expect to increase their hiring over the next six months—down from 44% in Q4. 13% expect to decrease their hiring over the next six months—down from 19% in Q4. Retention The CHRO Confidence Index: Retention component rose to 53 in Q1 2024 from 51 in Q4 2023. But retention expectations are down YoY from 57 in Q1 2023. CHRO expectations regarding employee retention ticked up slightly in Q1: 29% of CHROs expect their employee retention levels to improve over the next six months—up slightly from 28% in Q4. 19% of CHROs expect employee retention to decrease over the next six months, down from 22% in Q4. Engagement The CHRO Confidence Index: Engagement component rose to 54 in Q1 2024 from 52 in Q4 2023. But engagement expectations are down YoY from 58 in Q1 2023. Fewer CHROs expect declines in employee engagement in Q1: 35% expect engagement levels to increase—down slightly from 37% in Q4. 20% expect engagement levels to decrease—down significantly from 31% in Q4. Special Questions for Q4: Employee Well-Being For Q1 2024, the Index also surveyed CHROs on employee well-being. CHROs overwhelmingly agree that organizations share responsibility for their employees' well-being. 62% said organizations are somewhat responsible. 36% said organizations are responsible. Only 2% said organizations are not responsible for employee well-being. A quarter of CHROs increased spending on employee well-being in 2024. 26% said their well-being budget increased for FY2024. 69% said it remained the same. Only 5% decreased spending on well-being. Nearly half of CHROs plan to offer new well-being benefits, despite most keeping spending the same. 42% plan to offer new benefits this year. 39% do not plan to offer new benefits. 19% are discussing offering new benefits. Mental and physical health are the top priorities for new well-being initiatives. Of those offering new benefits: 20% are offering mental health initiatives. 15% are offering physical health and fitness initiatives. 12% are offering financial well-being initiatives. 10% are offering work-life balance initiatives. About The Conference BoardThe Conference Board is the member-driven think tank that delivers trusted insights for what's ahead. Founded in 1916, we are a non-partisan, not-for-profit entity holding 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt status in the United States. www.conference-board.org SOURCE The Conference Board
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    2024年未来全球人力资源趋势 本博客重点介绍了 2024 年新兴的未来全球人力资源趋势。探索人力资源专业人士和企业在 2024 年保持竞争力所需采取的最具影响力的发展和战略。  人力资源世界正在经历一场巨大的变革。它是由快速发展的技术、不断变化的劳动力人口结构以及对员工福祉的重新重视所推动的。未来的工作是重塑组织吸引、管理和留住人才的方式。  这些人力资源趋势植根于创新,并受到对现代劳动力需求和愿望的更深入理解的推动,将在未来几年重新定义人力资源的角色。人力资源 (HR) 专业人员有一些令人兴奋且重要的事情需要学习和适应。     混合工作模式——工作的演变 近年来,混合工作模式已成为一个流行词。远程和混合工作的日益普及正在重新定义企业的运营方式以及员工如何履行其专业职责。  众所周知,疫情导致远程工作大幅增加。   混合工作模式是雇主期待的新解决方案。它提供的灵活性允许个人定制他们的工作时间表,以更好地适应他们的个人生活。  然而,在混合工作场所中,人力资源部的主要重点是制定政策和实践,确保员工在与同事保持联系的同时实现健康的工作与生活平衡。明确的指导方针、开放的沟通和信任的文化对于有效管理这种平衡至关重要。 混合工作模式预计将成为现代工作场所的关键部分,提供灵活性,改善工作与生活的平衡,并为人才招聘提供有吸引力的好处。尽管存在挑战,但技术和人力资源实践的快速发展将继续支持混合工作场所和远程工作的未来。人力资源专业人士和企业必须拥抱这种混合远程工作的趋势,并调整策略,在这个新的工作时代为员工创造一个既高效又充实的工作环境。 工作场所的多元化、公平性和包容性 工作场所的多元化、公平性和包容性 (DEI) 不仅仅是一个流行词,而且是 2024 年继续流行的人力资源管理新兴趋势之一。  大多数组织已经在努力建立一个多元化和包容性的工作场所,这必将帮助他们成长和成功。工作场所的包容性和多样性不仅仅是一项道德和伦理举措,它正在成为吸引、留住和聘用顶尖人才的战略举措。  在来年鼓励工作场所的多样性、公平性和包容性时,可以考虑一些建议:  确保领导者为整个组织定下正确的基调  明确制定和传达“工作场所多元化”政策,并向所有员工提供指导方针  在招聘启事、多样化的面试小组以及对代表性不足的群体的外展活动中使用公正的语言。  通过向所有员工提供多元化和包容性培训来提高意识  建立包容性的工作文化,让所有声音都得到倾听和重视  确保无论性别、种族或背景如何,薪酬和机会均等  庆祝工作场所的文化和个人行为差异  衡量 DEI 为建立工作场所多样性、公平性和包容性而采取的举措的进展情况,并在需要时实施新战略 为未来做好准备的劳动力的再培训和技能提升 员工成长和发展日益受到重视。对于任何企业的成功,关注员工的持续学习和发展非常重要。  计划投资于员工培训、导师计划以及员工技能提升和再培训机会可能是企业的最佳选择。主动为员工提供咨询并为他们的职业发展制定明确的道路至关重要。这确保他们感到受到重视并能够在组织内看到未来。  持续学习、员工技能提升和再培训将有助于员工的内部流动。这也将有助于吸引和留住员工。  另一方面,就业市场也在不断变化。为了跟上工作场所不断变化的需求,员工必须专注于技能提升和再培训。他们将需要发展新技能,获得工作领域的专业知识,并根据新的行业趋势更新知识。 为未来做好准备的劳动力的再培训和技能提升将是来年未来人力资源的主要趋势之一。它将盛行并使员工和组织取得成功。  关注员工心理健康和工作场所福祉 快乐、健康和敬业的员工队伍不仅生产力高,而且更有可能对公司保持忠诚。随着压力和抑郁的专业人士比例不断增加,公司必须优先考虑员工的身体、心理和情感健康。  2024 年最新的人力资源趋势之一是关注员工的心理健康和福祉。员工援助计划和心理健康日将很快成为常态。事实上,雇主已经开始进行公开讨论并提供咨询服务。  通过提供灵活和支持性的工作环境并让员工保持健康的工作与生活平衡,可以照顾员工的福祉。这包括提供远程工作选项、灵活的日程安排以及为团队成员提供善解人意的经理。  未来的工作将观察到雇主将重点放在旨在为员工提供良好身体健康、营养和锻炼的健康计划上。有一些组织提供健身房会员资格、瑜伽课程以及心理和身体健康应用程序,以鼓励健康的生活方式。为了衡量这些努力的影响,采用数据驱动的工具和调查来评估员工的福祉和满意度。这将持续成为 2024 年及以后最突出的人力资源趋势之一。  用于数据驱动决策的人力资源分析工具  随着技术的进步,组织正在最大限度地利用人力资源分析来进行数据驱动的决策。  人力资源分析涉及收集和分析与员工绩效、敬业度和整体福祉相关的数据。这有助于获得洞察力,从而推动各个人力资源职能部门做出更好的决策。  使用人力资源分析工具和数据驱动的人力资源是当前人力资源趋势之一,并将在 2024 年继续占据主导地位。利用数据和人力资源分析力量的组织必将拥有竞争优势。  此外,人员分析将使人力资源专业人员能够:  识别员工相关趋势 衡量现有策略的有效性 做出数据驱动的决策,从而改善员工体验和组织成功 这些先进的人力资源数据分析工具将帮助雇主更好地了解员工流动率的关键驱动因素、培训和发展计划的影响、招聘策略的有效性等等。  积极的职场文化,共创美好明天  工作场所及其文化直接影响员工体验。因此,创造积极的职场文化当然需要一种具有前瞻性的方法,对于进入劳动力市场的新一代来说更是如此。 积极和包容的工作环境可以提高员工保留率、提高生产力和公司发展。因此,创造一个积极的工作环境,让员工感到受到重视、尊重和激励非常重要。  在未来的一年里,企业将需要塑造自己的工作文化,以体现多元化和包容性的价值观,并提供卓越的员工体验(满足员工的职业成长和个人福祉)。  简而言之,通过关注“工作文化”,人力资源部门将改变公司吸引、保留和聘用公司发展和成功所必需的顶尖人才的方式。  人工智能和人力资源流程自动化——2024 年全球热门未来人力资源趋势之一  利用人工智能 (AI) 进行人力资源自动化正在改变人力资源部门的运作方式。人工智能对人力资源的主要好处是它能够简化各种人力资源流程,从而提高效率和整体效益。 预计到 2024 年,人工智能和人力资源流程自动化将实现强大的结合。人工智能将深刻影响各种人力资源流程,从招聘和人才获取到绩效管理和员工敬业度。  基于人工智能的算法现在在简历筛选和候选人入围中发挥着至关重要的作用。这大大减少了招聘过程中花费的时间和精力。此外,聊天机器人和虚拟助理对于解决候选人的疑问并帮助他们完成申请流程至关重要。他们的主要目标是提高效率并提供用户友好的体验。  通过人工智能实现各种人力资源职能的自动化还简化了日常管理任务,例如工资单、福利管理和休假审批。提高准确性、减少管理开销和快速响应时间是其中一些好处。  可以说人工智能不会取代人力资源工作,但它肯定会让人力资源专业人员在塑造未来工作方面变得更具战略性。 零工工人,混合劳动力的新方面  近年来,零工经济已成为不断发展的人力资源格局的一部分。零工工人是指那些作为独立承包商、自由职业者或顾问工作的人。  如今,他们日益成为劳动力的重要组成部分。  专家预测,来年,雇主将不得不寻找方法来容纳零工劳动力。由于越来越多的人选择独立工作,而不是全职工作,远程零工工作将成为 2024 年人力资源管理的流行趋势之一。  为了保持积极主动,雇主必须制定有效管理零工工人的策略,认识到他们在灵活性、专业知识和成本效率方面带来的价值。人力资源专业人士还应优先创建一个欢迎全职员工和零工员工的多元化工作场所。需要实施灵活的工作场所政策和人力资源技术解决方案,以满足各种就业安排。  零工经济相信将成为 2024 年最重要的人力资源趋势之一,并将继续增长。  基于云的人力资源系统——对于成长型企业来说不是奢侈品而是必需品  2024 年人力资源的主要趋势之一是越来越多地采用云人力资源系统。 快速发展的技术不断重塑工作场所。人力资源技术趋势关注组织如何利用技术将其人力资源流程和数据管理转移到云端。人力资源专业人员正在使用云人力资源系统来提高灵活性和效率,并改变他们处理人力资源职能的方式。  云人力资源系统(例如Empxtrack)使人力资源专业人员能够安全地访问、更新和分析员工数据,即使他们在远程工作或在旅途中也是如此。  Empxtrack 是领先的人力资源管理系统之一,它简化了各种人力资源操作,包括薪资、福利管理、招聘、绩效管理等。该软件以其众多的配置选项以及出色的定制和集成功能而闻名,从而映射到每个客户的独特需求要求。云人力资源软件减少了管理工作量,确保数据安全,并让人力资源部门腾出时间专注于战略业务目标。  人力资源管理系统的重要性在未来几年只会增长。每个致力于打造高效、敬业和快乐员工队伍的企业都将在 2024 年实施并继续使用人力资源管理系统。  员工体验——2024 年未来全球人力资源趋势之一  2024年,“员工体验”将成为重点关注点。员工体验,通常缩写为 EX,是指员工在公司工作时的感受和经历。它的重点是让员工的工作场所变得更加愉快、有意义和高效。  这一趋势表明,快乐且敬业的员工更有可能留在公司并提高工作效率。这反过来对员工和组织都有好处。  来年,公司将投资各种举措来改善员工体验。其中一些举措包括:  了解员工的独特需求和偏好。这包括灵活的工作安排、创造舒适的物理工作空间等等。  提供职业发展机会。最好的方法是投资于培训、指导计划和技能提升机会。  关注工作场所员工的福祉。公司将提供咨询服务、灵活的时间表,并鼓励工作与生活的平衡。  促进工作场所的开放式沟通。创建一个让员工公开讨论他们的需求和挑战的工作场所。  定期提供反馈。为员工提供建设性的反馈和正确的指导。 员工体验不仅仅是一种趋势,而且将成为 2024 年人力资源部门的首要任务。 最后的想法  人力资源管理的未来趋势让我们对未来有了令人兴奋的看法,未来工作将更加灵活、包容和数据驱动。  成功当然取决于创新、技术以及让员工感到受到重视的工作场所。因此,组织需要拥抱这些人力资源技术趋势,才能走在最前沿并妥善管理员工队伍。  了解员工的期望并正确使用技术来满足他们的需求至关重要。遵循 2024 年未来全球人力资源趋势可能会在未来几年改变人力资源部门的游戏规则。 
    Mental Health
  • Mental Health
    CHIPOTLE 推出新福利以帮助吸引和支持其不断增多的 Z 世代员工 该公司的新福利优先考虑财务和心理健康 Chipotle 首次提供学生贷款退休匹配计划,并获得一种特殊的高科技 Visa 卡,可以为所有员工建立信用 3月到5月Chipotle 希望在即将到来的“墨西哥卷饼季节”再招聘19,000名员工,这是该公司一年中最繁忙的时间 加州纽波特海滩2024年1月24日电 /美通社/ -- Chipotle Mexican Grill(纽约证券交易所代码:CMG)今天宣布,将通过一项新的员工援助计划和增强的福利,为超过11万名员工提供额外的财务健康和心理健康支持。该公司将在未来几个月内雇用更多员工,为3月至5月一年中最繁忙的时期做准备,这被称为“墨西哥卷饼季节”。 Chipotle的新福利将使符合条件的员工能够: 在为退休储蓄的同时偿还学生债务: 利用 SoFi 的学生贷款验证 (SLV) 服务,一旦员工有资格获得 Chipotle 的 401(k) 计划匹配,如果员工支付符合条件的学生贷款,公司将通过向 401(k) 供款来匹配员工工资的 401%。为响应国会批准《确保强大的退休法案》(SECURE 2.0)而推出的福利解决方案,允许符合条件的员工不再需要在偿还学生债务或为退休储蓄之间做出选择——他们可以两者兼而有之。 通过高科技银行建立信用: Chipotle 员工将获得优质的银行体验,Cred.ai 具有高科技 Visa 卡,提供安全功能、更快地获得薪水,以及 Ccred.ai 的“信用优化器”,它有助于自动建立和提高信用评分,即使对于已经拥有良好信用的员工也是如此。 管理他们的财务状况: Chipotle与SoFi的合作还将使员工能够访问SoFi at Work Dashboard,这是一个领先的财务健康教育平台,其中包括对当前财务前景的评估,以及改进的建议和工具。 获取心理健康资源: Chipotle 的新员工援助计划(EAP) SupportLinc由CuraLinc Healthcare 提供支持,专注于心理和情绪健康。它包括与持牌辅导员或心理健康教练的六次免费课程,以及获得法律、财务和家庭事务的工具、资源和社区支持。 Chipotle 超过73%的餐厅员工是 Z 世代,这些新福利迎合了他们面临的挑战。人们普遍认为,90年代末至2000年代初出生的人正在经历显着的财务挑战,包括比前几代人更快地积累信用卡债务*,以及对管理自己的资金没有信心的可能性几乎是普通人的两倍**。 “赋予我们的人才权力植根于我们公司的文化中,”Chipotle 首席人力资源官 Ilene Eskenazi 说。“随着我们朝着在北美经营 7,000 家餐厅的长期目标迈进,我们必须倾听并适应团队成员的需求,这样他们才能与我们一起成长。” Chipotle 的职业流动 Chipotle的员工可以在短短三年半内晋升为餐馆老板,在领导数百万美元的业务时,总潜在薪酬约为100,000美元。目前近90%的餐厅领导层都是从员工开始的,然后晋升到管理职位。2023年,Chipotle 晋升了超过26,000名员工。 “今天,我们有许多船员晋升到现在担任餐厅领导职务的例子,这是该组织最自豪的成就之一,”Chipotle 首席运营官 Scott Boatwright 说。“随着 2024 年'墨西哥卷饼季'的临近,Chipotle 的职业机会比以往任何时候都多。” 世界级的福利 Chipotle 的新产品继续建立在公司一流的员工福利之上,包括有竞争力的工资:全员奖金计划,让餐厅员工有机会每年额外赚取一个月的工资; 获得精神卫生保健和医疗、牙科和视力保险;英语作为员工及其家人的第二语言;学费报销和无债务大学学位;401(k)与雇主匹配;带薪休假和病假;灵活的时间表、免费餐食等。 有兴趣加入 Chipotle 以培育更美好世界的使命的人可以在这里申请:CHIPOTLE CAREERS。 *资料来源:CREDIT KARMA **资料来源:INTUIT 繁荣指数研究 – 2023 年 1 月 关于Chipotle Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc.(纽约证券交易所代码:CMG)通过提供负责任的采购、经典烹制的真正食品,以及不含人工色素、香料或防腐剂的有益健康的成分,正在培养一个更美好的世界。截至 2023 年 9 月 30 日,Chipotle 在美国、加拿大、英国、法国和德国拥有 3,300 多家餐厅,是唯一一家在北美和欧洲拥有并经营所有餐厅的同规模餐饮公司。Chipotle 位列财富 500 强,并在 2023 年《财富》杂志最受尊敬的公司和《时代》杂志最具影响力的公司名单中得到认可。Chipotle 拥有超过 110,000 名员工,热衷于提供卓越的宾客体验,是食品行业的长期领导者和创新者。Chipotle 致力于让每个人都能更容易地获得其食物,同时继续成为一个具有明确目标的品牌,因为它在数字、技术和可持续商业实践方面处于领先地位。欲了解更多信息或在线下订单,请访问 WWW.CHIPOTLE.COM。
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    January HR Tech Partnership News Who’s partnering with who in the world of HR technology. Salary + UKG Salary.com® 是基于云的整体薪酬管理软件和数据解决方案的市场领导者,今天与UKG建立了新的技术合作伙伴关系,UKG是一家为所有人提供人力资源、薪资和劳动力管理解决方案的领先供应商。UKG 拥有 250 多个技术和服务合作伙伴,是 HCM 行业中规模最大、协作性最强的合作伙伴生态系统之一,专注于为所有人创造更好的员工体验,以改善业务成果。 通过这种合作,同时使用 Salary.com 和 UKG Pro 的组织可以从薪酬数据的同步中受益。UKG客户可以访问Salary.com的: 广泛的薪酬数据库,提供准确、最新和 HR 报告的市场洞察。这种整合使组织能够设定有竞争力的薪酬结构并与行业基准保持一致,从而增强了薪酬计划。 工作评估方法和角色匹配算法,以确保一致和公平的工作分类。 详细说明员工总薪酬的总薪酬报表,有助于促进敬业度、积极性和保留率。 薪酬规划和预算工具,用于简化薪酬规划流程,提高薪酬策略的准确性、效率,并使薪酬策略与组织目标保持一致。 Apploi + Indeed Apploi 是医疗保健行业的独家劳动力管理平台,已被领先的匹配和招聘平台 Indeed 评为 Platinum ATS 合作伙伴。Apploi 是获得此称号的五家 Indeed 合作伙伴之一。 Indeed 与数百个平台集成,帮助雇主更有效地填补职位空缺。Indeed 根据各种因素将合作伙伴指定为白银、黄金和白金合作伙伴。通过指定Apploi为 ATS 白金合作伙伴,Indeed 承认该平台提供了尽可能高的集成、性能和服务水平。 作为 Indeed 白金合作伙伴,Apploi 可以为客户提供独特的优势,以帮助吸引优质的医疗保健候选人。Apploi 客户现在将能够从Apploi平台访问多项 Indeed 功能。其中包括 Indeed Apply Sync,Disposition Sync 和 Sponsored Jobs 集成。 Ascen + Loxo Ascen 是 Y Combinator 资助的合同人员配备后台平台,今天宣布与Loxo建立战略合作伙伴关系,Loxo是#1人才智能平台,用于管理整个招聘生命周期,为人员配备公司推出了完全集成的平台,以无缝管理他们的合同安置。 Ascen与Loxo的完全集成使招聘人员和人力资源公司能够立即将Loxo申请人跟踪系统(ATS)中的数据与Ascen的合同人员管理平台同步。传统上,人力资源公司使用多种“前台”工具来招聘候选人,然后手动将候选人和工作数据导入其“后台”系统以处理合规性、工资单和发票。Loxo/Ascen 集成完全自动化了此类工作流程,为招聘人员节省了时间并消除了手动数据输入的错误风险,同时为管理团队提供了对其运营的实时可见性。 Humi + DMZ Humi是加拿大企业领先的一体化人才解决方案,自豪地宣布与DMZ建立独家服务合作伙伴关系,DMZ是位于多伦多城市大学的世界领先的创业孵化器,为下一代科技企业家提供建立、启动和扩展高影响力创业公司所需的工具。 为了最好地支持DMZ的社区简化其人员运营,Humi正在为DMZ初创公司提供激励措施,以访问其一流的工资单,人力资源和福利解决方案,包括允许公司无缝管理其SR&ED税收抵免申请。Humi将负责技术报告,审查索赔和资格,并确保探索所有可能性,以最大限度地提高索赔率。 Sequoia + Remote 红杉资本是全面福利和薪酬领域的先驱,宣布与建立、管理和支持全球分布式劳动力的领导者 Remote 建立合作伙伴关系,为各地风险投资支持的公司提供全面的人力资源外包解决方案,以支持其全球员工。 此次合作以红杉资本的 PEO 产品 Sequoia One 为中心,该产品专门用于帮助美国风险投资支持的科技初创公司提供他们所需的服务和能力,例如薪酬管理、人力资源、福利和工资单。通过与 Remote 合作,共同客户现在拥有单一解决方案,通过实时集成 Sequoia People Platform 和 Remote 的全球 HR 平台来管理和扩展其全球员工队伍。同时,Remote 的国际客户可以在专门满足科技公司独特需求的认证 PEO 的支持和指导下扩大其在美国的人员运营。 Fountain + Sterling Fountain 是领先的一线员工招聘和入职综合平台,Sterling(纳斯达克股票代码:STER)是全球领先的背景审查和身份服务提供商,宣布 Fountain 选择 Sterling 作为 Fountain 客户的首选背景审查合作伙伴,标志着他们成功合作的五年。这一战略合作伙伴关系旨在通过技术支持的合规解决方案和消除手动任务,进一步简化酒店、零售、医疗保健、零工经济和物流行业的筛选流程。 作为扩大合作伙伴关系的一部分,Fountain 和 Sterling 合作将 Fountain 的创新劳动力平台与 Sterling 行业领先的筛选解决方案相结合,以简化新员工的筛选流程。其结果是具有凝聚力的求职者体验,提高了人才保留率,并加快了雇主的招聘速度。 Relode 在重新定义医疗保健招聘的变革性举措中,拥有广泛医疗保健专业人员和招聘人员网络的领先医疗保健招聘引擎 Relode 自豪地宣布与 epocrates 建立战略关系,epocrates 是 athenahealth, Inc. 旗下公司,为超过100万处方者提供数字临床决策支持。该联盟将 Relode 的创新招聘引擎与值得信赖的 epocrates 解决方案相结合,以增加职位空缺的覆盖面和可见性,使医疗保健组织能够解决空缺职位带来的挑战,并开始快速、大规模地缓解这一痛点。 Survale + HappyDance 领先的招聘体验管理平台提供商 Survale 宣布与 Ph.Creative 公司 HappyDance 建立新的合作伙伴关系。 根据合作条款,两家公司将合作,向客户和潜在客户展示彼此的技术。 HiringThing + HRlogic 首屈一指的白标招聘平台 HiringThing 已将人力资源合规解决方案的领导者 HRlogics 添加到其合作伙伴市场中,以帮助各种规模的企业充分利用宝贵的工作机会税收抵免 (WOTC) 激励措施。 这项联邦税收抵免适用于雇用和留住 10 个有“重大就业障碍”的目标群体的员工的雇主,例如长期失业、失业或残疾退伍军人以及有犯罪记录的人。 “公司正在重新思考谁是'理想'员工,”HiringThing HR 战略业务合作伙伴 Becca Noland 说。“传统上,在因心理健康、旅行、帮助照顾家人或医疗原因而休息时,长期失业之类的事情不应该取消候选人的资格。同样,仅仅因为某人在年轻时犯罪并不意味着他们没有学习和成长。这些类别的人代表了一些真正的、原始的职场人才。 SOURCE HRTECHFEED
    Mental Health
  • Mental Health
    Exploring the Top 10 HR Tech Trends of 2024 The HR field is undergoing significant changes in 2024, with technology playing a pivotal role. Key trends include the use of AI and ML in talent acquisition, a shift to skills-based hiring, and the integration of remote and hybrid work models. Emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is growing, alongside the exploration of the Metaverse for virtual HR practices. Data analytics is crucial for informed decision-making, and there's a focus on optimizing user experience and supporting employee well-being and mental health. Enhancing the candidate experience and ensuring data security and compliance are also critical. 2024年人力资源领域正在经历重大变革,技术发挥着关键作用。主要趋势包括在人才招聘中使用人工智能和机器学习,向基于技能的招聘模式转变,以及远程和混合工作模式的整合。多元化、平等和包容性(DEI)的重视日益增加,同时探索元宇宙在虚拟人力资源实践中的应用。数据分析对于做出明智的决策至关重要,优化用户体验和支持员工福祉和心理健康也同样重要。加强候选人体验和确保数据安全与合规性也是关键。 Human Resources is continuously evolving, and in 2024, it is set to undergo a remarkable transformation. With the integration of cutting-edge technology and innovative approaches, HR departments are better equipped than ever to attract, retain, and manage talent effectively. In this blog, we'll delve into the top 10 HR tech trends of 2024, offering a glimpse of how these trends shape the future of HR. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are at the forefront of HR tech trends in 2024. These technologies are revolutionizing talent acquisition by streamlining the recruitment process. AI-driven algorithms can assess resumes, conduct initial candidate screenings, and predict a candidate's suitability based on historical data. ML algorithms analyze patterns within employee data to provide insights into performance, helping HR departments make more informed decisions about promotions and job placements. Skills-based Hiring Skills-based hiring, which prioritizes a candidate's specific skills and abilities, will significantly impact companies in 2024. This approach will help companies swiftly adapt to the changing job landscape and technological advancements. In 2024, skills-based hiring will: Improve Recruitment Efficiency: Companies will find it easier to match candidates directly to job requirements, reducing time and resources spent sifting through resumes and interviews. Reduce Skill Gaps: With skills-based hiring, companies can address skill gaps more effectively and invest in training and upskilling for existing employees to meet the organization's needs. Increase Employee Productivity: Hiring individuals with the right skills results in quicker onboarding and increased employee productivity, driving business performance. Remote and Hybrid Work: Remote work has swiftly transformed the modern workplace and is set to become a permanent fixture in 2024. HR professionals are tasked with managing the challenges of overseeing remote teams, encouraging collaboration, and maintaining employee engagement within virtual environments. Moreover, the growing prominence of hybrid work models demands strategic initiatives to enhance productivity and work-life balance for employees, regardless of their location within or outside the office. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): Inclusion and diversity will remain at the forefront of HR agendas in 2024. Organizations will strive to create inclusive cultures where employees from all backgrounds feel valued, respected, and empowered. HR professionals will focus on building diverse talent pipelines, implementing unconscious bias training, and developing inclusive leadership practices. Addressing pay equity and ensuring equal opportunities at all levels will also be prioritized. Focus on Metaverse in HR The Metaverse is poised to redefine HR practices. This revolutionary technology seamlessly integrates virtual meetings, interviews, onboarding, and learning experiences. By creating lifelike virtual environments, HR professionals can host dynamic meetings, conduct immersive interviews, and foster engaging discussions among remote teams. Recognizing its vast potential, organizations embrace the Metaverse to reshape traditional HR processes and enhance collaboration across distributed teams. The Metaverse empowers HR to transcend geographical boundaries, ushering in a new era of impactful virtual interactions that elevate employee experiences and boost organizational productivity. Harnessing Data for Informed Decision-Making This trend revolves around leveraging advanced data analytics tools to collect, process, and interpret vast amounts of data within the HR domain. By doing so, HR professionals can gain valuable insights into various aspects of workforce management, including employee engagement, performance metrics, talent acquisition, and workforce planning. This trend is driven by the recognition that data is critical to making strategic and informed decisions. HR departments increasingly adopt predictive analytics to foresee trends, identify potential challenges, and devise proactive solutions. Through data-driven decision-making, organizations can optimize their HR strategies, streamline operations, and enhance overall workforce effectiveness. Optimize the User Experience  As HR tech evolves, the user experience is optimized for HR professionals and employees. This trend is about making the technology more user-friendly and intuitive. User-friendly interfaces, simplified navigation, and customized dashboards make it easier for HR personnel to access and utilize HR tools, ultimately improving efficiency and reducing the learning curve. Employee Well-being and Mental Health Support HR technology trends are placing a spotlight on employee well-being and mental health. Innovative tools and applications are designed to monitor and support employee well-being, offering resources to help individuals manage stress and achieve a healthy work-life balance. This emerging trend underscores the recognition of the significance of comprehensive employee care. Emphasizing Candidate Experience Enhancement Even with resource limitations in 2024, CHROs are committed to maintaining their teams' focus on essential tasks. Companies recognize the imperative need to continually enhance the candidate experience, fortify their employment brand, and expedite their recruitment processes to remain competitive in attracting top talent. Among the myriad HR trends discussed, refining the candidate experience remains an enduring challenge for TA teams. Data Security and Compliance Data security and compliance are paramount with the growing use of HR tech. HR departments are increasingly implementing data protection measures to safeguard sensitive employee information and adhere to the ever-evolving global data protection regulations. Conclusion As we step into 2024, HR tech trends are shaping the future of human resources management. These trends, from artificial intelligence and machine learning to a strong focus on employee experience, enhance how organizations attract, retain, and manage talent. By staying abreast of these top 10 HR tech trends, businesses can position themselves to succeed in an ever-changing world of work. Embracing these technologies will streamline HR processes and create a more engaged, diverse, and resilient workforce.   by Navjot Kaur
    Mental Health