• Payroll
    HiBob:HCM 市场中快速成长的新领导者 HCM 市场规模达 110 亿美元,为各种规模的公司提供人力资源和薪资平台。知名领导者(Workday、SAP SuccessFactors、ADP、UKG、dayforce)都是对该领域了解多年的高管。由于这些公司在市场上拥有多年的经验,他们拥有成千上万的客户,因此他们了解全球人力资源部门、经理和薪资团队的复杂需求。 然而,尽管市场具有传统性质,但颠覆正在发生。公司对这些系统的可用性、缺乏灵活性以及其架构限制的脆弱性感到沮丧。在大多数情况下,当你建立人力资源系统时,你会对职位层次、职位级别、薪资等级和组织结构做出许多决定。一旦你做出了这些决定,它们就很难改变。这意味着随着时间的推移,系统变得越来越难用,因此公司在上面叠加了几十种人才管理工具。 这些系统对于员工来说也很难使用。这些系统最初是为人力资源部门开发的,现在大多数系统都有移动界面和门户供管理人员和员工使用。由于 Agentic AI 的出现,大多数系统都在构建聊天前端。尽管如此,其复杂程度很难掩饰,因此许多公司对员工“隐藏”了 HCM,并在其上构建了复杂的门户。ServiceNow 的迅猛发展就是明证,它推广了员工体验层的概念,可以保护员工免受 HCM 的困扰。 大约十年前(2017 年),我遇到了 Ronni Zehavi,他是一位经验丰富的科技企业家,也是当时 HiBob 的新任首席执行官。他的愿景是建立一个“人员管理”系统,该系统不是为后台办公室设计的,而是为经理和员工设计的。我们广泛讨论了最初的想法,即打造“人力资源的 Instagram”——一个如此优雅和美丽的东西,任何人都能立即看到它的价值。 我警告 Ronni,这个问题比想象的要复杂得多。他听了我的劝告,但还是继续前进,为 Bob 构建了一个具有现代、优雅、引人入胜界面的 HCM 平台,使 Bob 的“人人享有 HCM”愿景成为现实。 与我看到的许多 HCM 产品不同,Bob 的使用案例始于员工和经理。因此从一开始,该系统就旨在帮助领导者管理他们的团队,提供易于使用的工具,用于创建个人资料、日历、团队员工识别、组织结构图、通信和警报。用户体验至今仍然令人兴奋,它有趣、易于理解,并且以通用的商业语言编写。 (顺便说一下,HiBob在 G2 中的评分为 4.5 ,这对于企业软件来说是一个很高的评分。) 虽然前端看起来“简单”,但该系统从一开始就具备企业功能。虽然 HiBob 最初将其出售给规模较小的科技公司,但他们很快意识到其最初的核心市场更大,几乎涵盖了以人为本的行业中所有快速增长的公司。 VaynerMedia 和 Fiverr 等公司招聘人数众多,非常注重文化和参与度,人力资源团队人手不足。Bob 非常擅长薪酬管理、分析、DEI 和绩效管理,这些都是所有公司都需要的东西,但很少有公司愿意购买每个领域的专业产品。 (几年前,我们 Josh Bersin 公司实施了 Bob HCM 平台,基本上在一个周末就完成了配置。) 随着公司业务的增长,对功能的需求也随之增长。因此,在 2023 年和 2024 年,HiBob 推出了 Bob Hiring、其 ATS(申请人跟踪系统)、Bob Learning、其 LMS 和 UK Payroll,为传统的薪资运营提供了一种现代化的方法。通过今年早些时候对Pento 的战略收购(Ronni 的团队是一家技术巨头),HiBob 获得了提供灵活薪资方法的技术,并计划在 2026 年提供美国薪资服务。 在此过程中,HiBob 始终专注于“企业软件消费化”,成为少数成功破解用户体验密码的 SaaS 公司之一。作为一名用户,我不得不说它不仅功能丰富,而且使用起来真的很愉快。 让我来谈谈使命。大多数 HCM 供应商一开始都关注员工,但很快就被拖入人力资源的神秘需求中。即使是世界上最大的 HCM 供应商 ADP(以客户数量衡量),也不得不强迫自己随着时间的推移构建越来越易于​​使用的前端。正如您所见,HiBob 仍然认为 Bob 是一个“业务增长平台”,而不是一个“管理人力资源”或“向领导者提供可操作的人力资源数据”的系统。(Rippling 也是这么认为的。) 这让 HiBob 实现了快速增长,我称之为“颠覆者”地位。其他颠覆者包括美国的 Rippling 和 Lattice、亚洲的 Darwinbox 以及薪资供应商(Paychex、Paycor、Paylocity、Gusto 等),它们各自都在构建 HCM 平台。 当然,我们不得不提 ADP,它仍然以自己的方式具有颠覆性和创新性。ADP的 Lyric HCM建立在高度自适应的架构之上,拥有市场上最先进的灵活性,但它针对的是大型分布式企业。 这个领域的每个供应商都很聪明、创新且充满热情。UKG 推出了整个代理 AI 平台,任命了一位新 CEO,并致力于让小时工雇主成为最佳工作场所。Workday继续创新,将 AI 注入其平台并与专注于行业的顾问合作。而 SAP SuccessFactors推出了我目前见过的最先进的 AI 系统(Joule),集成了所有 SAP 应用程序。 尽管进行了所有这些创新,HiBob 仍在继续发展。去年,该公司增长了 40%,目前拥有 4,200 多名客户和 1,100 名员工。随着公司扩大产品和销售团队,它现在看到了成为“您一直想要的 HCM 平台”的机会。换句话说,他们正在瞄准快速增长的中型公司,在这些公司中,Workday 和其他传统企业解决方案过于复杂,无法证明其成本合理性。 HiBob 将其称为“现代企业”,这一定位很有道理。Workday 是 2000 年代中期“第一个采用云计算”的公司,并确立了其作为该代技术的“现代系统”的地位。HiBob 认为,其高度灵活的平台、快速的价值实现时间和类似 Instagram 的用户界面使其有可能赢得基于当今架构的“下一代快速增长公司”。 (即将推出的 AI 功能令人印象深刻:招聘电子邮件生成器、智能课程生成器、能力库生成器、工作目录构建器、调查构建器以及经理和员工自助服务工具。) 虽然所有这些都是有道理的,而且很少有 HCM 供应商以每年 40% 的速度增长,所以我认为故事归根结底还是执行力。Rippling是一个了不起的创新者,拥有我见过的最积极的销售团队之一(我经常接到他们的电话)。ADP 是各方面的创新者:工资服务、数据和基准测试、AI 界面以及最终将基于Lyric HCM 的一系列底层平台。Workday 正在与集成商合作,并为较小的公司重新包装其系统。而像 UKG 和 dayforce 这样的供应商正在加倍投入先进功能来吸引这个市场。 就 HiBob 而言,我认为其活力、激情和快节奏的工程文化发挥了一定作用。Ronni 继续领导该组织,他拥有精明的商业领导力、丰富的技术经验和不断学习的谦逊态度等独特优势。我认为这是一家值得关注的公司,在任何像 HiBob 这样充满活力的市场中,HiBob 的成功都将推动其他公司更快地发展。
  • Payroll
    National Advertising Division Finds Certain Deel Payroll and HRIS Claims Supported; Recommends Others be Modified or Discontinued BBB全国项目的国家广告部(NAD)对Deel公司在其薪资和人力资源信息系统(HRIS)方面的广告声明进行了审查,回应了竞争对手Rippling提出的挑战。NAD认为,Deel的部分声明,如“每年节省高达$20,000”和“行业领先的全球薪资软件”是有依据的。然而,NAD建议修改或停止某些其他声明,特别是关于与Rippling的比较、法律合规性和客户支持的声明。NAD认为,Deel的“本地化”和“内部运营”薪资服务声明需要进一步澄清,并建议调整对Rippling的比较方式。此外,NAD要求停止使用“全球HR市场领导者”的称号,因为没有确凿证据支持这一说法。Deel已表示将遵守NAD的决定,进一步确保其广告的真实性和透明度。此次审查反映了NAD对广告真实性的持续关注,确保消费者能够获得准确的信息,同时促进公平竞争。 In a challenge brought by competitor People Center, Inc. d/b/a Rippling, BBB National Programs’ National Advertising Division determined that Deel, Inc., in connection with its Payroll and Human Resource Information System (HRIS), provided a reasonable basis for certain claims, including Deel’s “save up to $20,000 per year” claim and accompanying chart, as well as the claim that Deel has an “industry leading global payroll software.” New York, NY, Aug. 08, 2024 -- In a challenge brought by competitor People Center, Inc. d/b/a Rippling, BBB National Programs’ National Advertising Division determined that Deel, Inc., in connection with its Payroll and Human Resource Information System (HRIS), provided a reasonable basis for certain claims, including Deel’s “save up to $20,000 per year” claim and accompanying chart, as well as the claim that Deel has an “industry leading global payroll software.” However, the National Advertising Division (NAD) recommended that Deel modify or discontinue certain other claims, including comparative claims versus Rippling’s native payroll software, legal compliance, and customer support. The parties are human resources and payroll service providers that offer multiple services. Native and In-House Payroll Claims Rippling challenged claims about “native” and “in-house” payroll systems that appeared in charts on Deel’s website: “Payroll service is native and operated in-house in every country – Deel ✓, Rippling X” “Payroll service is native and operated in-house in every country – Deel ✓ Yes, Rippling X No, they currently use partners in some countries. The National Advertising Division (NAD) determined that customers could reasonably take away the message that native payroll includes native payroll software. Further, customers may reasonably take away the message that Rippling does not offer in-house and native payroll in all the countries in which it offers global payroll (outside of employer of record). Therefore, NAD recommended that Deel modify these claims by clearly and conspicuously defining what “native” means and clarifying that the comparison with Rippling also includes countries where they offer payroll as part of their employer of record services. Industry-Leading Payroll Claim Deel claims on its website to have “[i]ndustry leading global payroll software” and, in a smaller font, “Deel is a leader in multi-country payroll and contractor payments, according to G2 user reviews.” The National Advertising Division (NAD) determined that the phrase “global payroll software” means that Deel offers payroll software globally—whether that is in-house or through a third-party. Further, NAD considered the language and the context in which the “industry leading” language appears and concluded the claim does not convey a superlative message. Consumers are likely to take away the message that Deel is among the top in the industry, but not necessarily the best. Since the record indicates that Deel has significant revenue, market presence, and a large global footprint, and there is no dispute that Deel and Rippling are among the many leaders in the global payroll market, NAD concluded that this claim was not false or misleading. HRIS Comparative Claims Rippling challenged claims on Deel’s website that customers can “[s]witch to Deel HR and save up to $20,000 per year.” An accompanying chart below the claim lists seven product features with Rippling and Deel displaying checkmarks for each feature. The chart states that Deel is “Free for companies with less than 200 employees” while Rippling costs “$8 employee/month.” The National Advertising Division (NAD) concluded that because both products offer the touted features, it is not misleading to characterize Deel’s software as having those product features and that the product comparison chart is not misleading. HRIS Superlative Claims The National Advertising Division (NAD) determined that there was no evidence in the record to support an unqualified claim that Deel is #1 in the market. Therefore, NAD recommended that Deel discontinue the claims: “The market leader in the Global HR space.” “Build confidence in your compliance with the #1 Global HR platform.” Preference Claim The National Advertising Division (NAD) determined that data relied on by Deel is not a good fit for its claim that “Teams prefer Deel over Rippling for global HR and Payroll” because it did not indicate a preference for one product over another. Accordingly, NAD recommended that the claim be discontinued. Compliance Claims Rippling challenged claims about legal compliance that appeared in charts on Deel’s website: “Network of 200+ local legal hiring experts around the world -- ✓ Yes, Rippling X No” “Compliance document collection for contractors, on top of EOR, constantly reviewed and updated.” The National Advertising Division (NAD) determined that in context it is reasonable to take away the message that Rippling has an inferior network of legal experts around the world, and it does not offer compliance document collection. Since Deel submitted no evidence in support of these two claims, NAD recommended it discontinue the comparative part of these claims as they relate to Rippling and cease conveying the messages that there are legal risks associated with using Rippling products and that Rippling’s products are not compliant. NAD noted that nothing in its decision would prevent Deel from advertising its network of local legal hiring experts or comparing its compliance services to Rippling’s so long as they do not claim that Rippling lacks a network of 200+ local legal hiring experts around the world or compliance document collection for contractors. Customer Support Claims The National Advertising Division (NAD) determined that the comparative claim that Rippling does not offer multi-channel support is not false or misleading. However, NAD concluded that the unqualified claim, “Deel’s support is in-house, reliable, and faster than Rippling” is not supported and recommended that it be discontinued or modified to make clear the circumstances and times when its support would be faster and avoid conveying the message that Rippling’s customer support is unreliable. Further, NAD determined that Deel’s claim “Same level of service in every country with centralized communications – Deel ✓ Yes, Rippling X No, as they use partners in some places,” is not supported because there is no evidence about the level of service provided by Rippling in any country. Therefore, NAD recommended that the claim be discontinued. During the proceeding Deel permanently discontinued and modified certain claims. Therefore, NAD did not review these claims on their merits and will treat the claims, for compliance purposes, as though NAD recommended they be discontinued. In its advertiser statement, Deel stated that it will comply with NAD’s decision. All BBB National Programs case decision summaries can be found in the case decision library. For the full text of NAD, NARB, and CARU decisions, subscribe to the online archive. This press release shall not be used for advertising or promotional purposes. About BBB National Programs: BBB National Programs, a non-profit organization, is the home of U.S. independent industry self-regulation, currently operating more than a dozen globally recognized programs that have been helping enhance consumer trust in business for more than 50 years. These programs provide third-party accountability and dispute resolution services that address existing and emerging industry issues, create a fairer playing field for businesses, and a better experience for consumers. BBB National Programs continues to evolve its work and grow its impact by providing business guidance and fostering best practices in arenas such as advertising, child-and-teen-directed marketing, data privacy, dispute resolution, automobile warranty, technology, and emerging areas. To learn more, visit bbbprograms.org. About the National Advertising Division: The National Advertising Division of BBB National Programs provides independent self-regulation and dispute resolution services, guiding the truthfulness of advertising across the U.S. The National Advertising Division reviews national advertising in all media and its decisions set consistent standards for advertising truth and accuracy, delivering meaningful protection to consumers and leveling the playing field for business.