• Strategic HR
    美国2025年HR发展趋势:数字员工与未来工作场景,大选带来的可能影响 2025年,HR领域将面临前所未有的变革,技术、社会、政治因素共同推动着工作场所的迅速转型。随着AI、数字孪生体、智能代理等技术的加速发展,HR从业者必须应对不断变化的工作环境。与此同时,政治变革,如特朗普有可能在大选中回归执政,将带来政策的不确定性,影响劳动力市场和企业的运营。在这一背景下,HR需要更加灵活、创新和前瞻性。以下是2025年HR发展的八大趋势: 1. 数字员工的全面普及 数字员工、数字孪生体和智能代理将在企业中迅速普及,成为HR团队的重要组成部分。通过AI驱动的自动化,HR能够更高效地处理招聘、员工管理、数据分析等任务。比如,数字员工将帮助筛选简历、安排面试、甚至进行员工培训。这不仅能提高HR的工作效率,还将使HR从繁琐的日常事务中解放出来,专注于更具战略意义的任务,如人才保留和文化建设。 2. 远程工作与混合办公的进一步常态化 远程工作在全球大流行后逐渐成为常态,2025年这种模式将进一步成熟和优化。HR将需要设计更好的政策来管理远程和混合工作的员工,包括技术支持、绩效评估和团队协作。尤其是在政治环境可能受到影响的情况下,如特朗普重回白宫可能带来的政策变化,公司需要更灵活的劳动力管理方式,以应对政策的不确定性和跨州的不同规定。 3. 多元化与包容性在政治压力下的挑战 随着可能的政治环境变化,多元化与包容性可能面临更大的挑战。特朗普回归可能带来对劳动力市场的管制和移民政策的收紧,这将直接影响到HR对全球化人才的招聘。HR需要更加积极地维护职场的多样性与包容性,创造一个公平、包容的工作环境。这也意味着企业需要加强文化敏感度培训,确保在更具分裂性的社会氛围中维护公司内部的和谐。 4. 数据隐私与合规性管理的复杂性增加 随着数字员工和智能代理的使用,企业对员工数据的收集和使用将大幅增加,这对HR的隐私和合规管理提出了新的挑战。特别是在美国,如果特朗普再次执政,劳工和数据保护政策可能会有显著变化。HR需要更加密切关注新的法律法规,确保数据的收集和处理符合各州和联邦法律的要求,并保持透明的沟通以赢得员工的信任。 5. 技能提升与终身学习成为HR焦点 2025年,技能差距问题将进一步凸显,尤其是在技术快速发展的背景下。HR需要与培训和学习部门合作,设计持续的技能提升计划,确保员工能够掌握最新的技术和工作方法。随着AI和自动化工具的普及,员工需要具备更高层次的技术技能和问题解决能力,HR也将更多地参与人才的技能重塑,确保企业在竞争中保持优势。 6. 心理健康与员工幸福感得到更多关注 心理健康已经成为HR的重要议题,2025年这一趋势将继续深化。随着技术和远程工作的普及,工作与生活的界限日益模糊,HR需要关注员工的心理健康,提供相关支持。这不仅涉及到心理健康资源的提供,还需要通过文化建设和员工关怀政策来提高员工的幸福感。随着美国社会可能面临的政治分裂和不确定性,HR需要积极缓解由此带来的员工焦虑。 7. 劳动力市场的多代际管理 2025年,劳动力市场将由多代人组成,包括婴儿潮一代、X世代、千禧一代以及Z世代。不同代际的员工有着不同的工作方式、价值观和技术适应度。HR必须设计灵活的工作政策,平衡各代员工的需求,特别是在招聘、工作模式和员工发展上。同时,AI和数字员工的崛起将进一步重塑这些代际的工作方式,HR需要帮助员工适应这种新常态。 8. 政治环境对劳工政策的影响 如果特朗普在2024年大选中获胜,其政府可能会实施更严厉的劳工政策,影响薪酬、福利、移民和就业法律等方面。 HR需要随时了解政府的政策变化,确保公司运营合规,并积极调整劳动力管理策略。未来几年,美国的政治环境将对企业运营和HR的日常工作产生深远影响,因此HR必须具备应对快速政策变化的灵活性和适应性。 结语 2025年,HR将在技术变革和政治环境变化的双重推动下,面临前所未有的机遇和挑战。数字员工的普及将为企业提供更高效的工作方式,但HR也必须重新思考如何在人与技术之间找到平衡,维护企业文化和员工福祉。在不确定的政治环境中,HR需要具备敏捷性和创新精神,帮助企业在复杂多变的环境中实现可持续发展。
    Strategic HR
  • Strategic HR
    Top 10 HR and People Analytics Themes of 2023 As we near the end of another successful year here at Insight222, we want to reflect on the top themes that have emerged in our content. From data-driven insights to real-world examples, our team has worked meticulously to deliver informative and persuasive articles that aim to enhance the HR and people analytics function. And we have seen some exciting changes and advancements in the field this year. So, without further ado, here are the top themes that have taken front stage in our content during 2023. Psychological Safety in the Workplace Psychological safety in the workplace has been proven time and time again that without it, a team cannot thrive. In fact, we like to think of it as the epitome of successful teams. Therefore, it's no surprise that this theme carries over from last year. Some of our most popular blogs discuss measuring psychological safety in the workplace, understanding how organisational culture impacts it and exploring how companies like Microsoft are transforming their organisational culture to prioritise psychological safety and promote a positive work environment. Behavioural Science in HR (Source: People Analytics Trends 2021) The integration of behavioural science into HR and people analytics practices has been gaining traction for the past few years, and this year was no exception. With the changing nature of skills and roles in HR, the need for understanding human behaviour and decision-making has become increasingly important in driving impactful business outcomes. With this, our article on exploring the role of behavioural science in HR and how it can be leveraged to improve employee engagement, performance, and productivity was one of our most popular reads of 2023. How AI is Changing the HR Landscape No discussion about the future of work is complete without considering the role of artificial intelligence (AI). (Source: The Impact of GPT and Generative AI Models on People Analytics (Interview with Andrew Marritt)) AI has been incorporated into HR for some time now. We have been using it to automate routine tasks, streamline recruitment processes and improve HR analytics. However, with the birth of generative AI models like Chat-GPT, it is an understatement to say that AI has revolutionised every aspect of HR. Better yet, it's safe to say that it has and will continue to revolutionise every business function within an organisation. From utilising AI in people analytics to how it is transforming the HR landscape, our articles on the impact of Chat-GPT and generative AI models and how AI is changing HR analytics have been among the most popular reads of this year. And for good reason - with the potential to improve decision-making, streamline processes, and enhance employee experience, AI is a topic every HR and people analytics professional should pay attention to. The Impact of Analytics on HR Our Insight222 research has shown time and time again that organisations that invest in people analytics drive better business outcomes, which is why, this year, we continued to dig deeper into this topic by exploring the New Model for People Analytics. With the rise of digital transformation and the increasing importance of data in driving strategic business decisions, our articles on using statistics to drive actionable outcomes, why people analytics is so important for HR, and how social capital can be measured have been highly sought-after reads. Upskilling the HR Function and Building Data Literacy at Scale Considering the previous points, it's understandable that upskilling the HR function and building data literacy at scale have emerged as key themes this year. To fully leverage the benefits of AI and data analytics, HR professionals must develop a strong understanding of data and how it can be used to drive strategic decision-making. As such, in July, we released our research, Upskilling the HR Profession: Building Data Literacy at Scale, which outlines the skills and competencies that HR professionals need to succeed in the digital age. It also highlights how HR leaders need to build an effective skill-based workforce planning capability. (Source: Measuring the ROI of Employee Training and Development) Interestingly, this research has also sparked discussions on who holds the responsibility for scaling data literacy across HR, which we explore in our article Who Holds the Responsibility for Scaling Data Literacy Across HR? Measuring the ROI of Employee Development Building upon the theme of upskilling and data literacy, it's important to also focus on measuring the ROI of employee development. As professionals in the HR sector, we know all too well that investing in employee training and development is crucial for an organisation's long-term success. But with senior executives increasingly asking (and expecting) HR to demonstrate the value of these investments, our article on measuring the ROI of employee training and development has been one of the most popular reads this year. Delivering Greater Value for the Business Through People Analytics At its core, people analytics is about delivering greater value for the business. Our 2022 research, Impacting Business Value: Leading Companies in People Analytics, is a testament to this. Leading Companies (organisations that drive the most business impact through people analytics) have consistently shown better financial performance, higher employee engagement and retention rates, and overall greater success compared to their less data-driven counterparts. This is why, in 2023, we have seen a surge of interest in articles on delivering greater value for the organisation with people analytics and the growing influence of people analytics in strategic business decisions. And this trend will only continue as more and more organisations recognise the importance of incorporating data-driven insights into their decision-making processes. Challenges to Building Data Literacy If there is one thing we have identified as a common theme this year, it's the challenges of building data literacy within HR. From understanding the technical aspects of data analysis to gaining buy-in from senior leadership, organisations face various hurdles when trying to build a culture of data literacy. (Source: Insight222 Research: Upskilling the HR Profession: Building Data Literacy at Scale) However, as we continue to uncover the value that analytics brings to HR and the business as a whole, these challenges will become easier to overcome. And with more resources and tools available to support data literacy efforts within organisations, we are confident that this theme will evolve in 2024. Evolving the HR Practice In all, as we wrap up another year, it's clear that people analytics and data-driven HR practices have become even more ingrained in our work. From the importance of psychological safety and behavioural science to the impact of AI, measuring ROI, and delivering greater value to the business - these are just a few key themes that have shaped our content this year. However, as we move forward, HR professionals must continue developing their data literacy and upskilling themselves to drive the success of their organisations further. To that end, we look forward to seeing how these themes will evolve and shape the future of HR in the coming years. Manpreet RandhawaDecember 18, 2023
    Strategic HR