• transparency
    纳斯达克多元化规则被上诉法院推翻 近日,美国联邦上诉法院驳回了纳斯达克推动董事会多元化的规定,该规则要求企业董事会中至少包括女性、少数族裔或LGBTQ+成员,或解释未达成的原因。法院认为该规则超出了美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的监管权限。尽管这一裁决是对多元化和包容性努力的重大打击,但许多投资者和企业仍认为多元化对公司治理和投资回报至关重要。一些公司,如高盛,仍保留多元化董事会的政策,以回应投资者对透明度的期待。然而,此次裁决可能影响未来与气候风险和多元化相关的披露规则,投资者的透明度面临挑战。 主要内容 纳斯达克在美国“黑人的命也是命”(Black Lives Matter)运动席卷全国之际曾传递这样的信息:推动多元化,否则准备好为自己的行为做解释。 四年后,美国联邦上诉法院推翻了纳斯达克交易所(包括苹果、英伟达、微软和特斯拉等公司)的规则,该规则试图要求公司董事会纳入更多女性、有色人种及LGBTQ+董事。 本周的裁决证实了许多高管私下接受的现实:他们所采纳并庆祝的多元化举措不仅面临攻击,还在被逐步撤销。随着特朗普新政府的到来,这种压力无疑会进一步加剧。 纳斯达克对此裁决表示接受,并决定不再寻求进一步审查。 “我们尊重法院的裁决,不打算进一步上诉,”一位发言人在声明中说道。 DEI(多元化、公平与包容)之争 此次裁决来自新奥尔良的保守派“第五巡回上诉法院”,这是右翼活动人士与美国企业界之间战争的最新一击。尽管这场官司被描述为一场歧视诉讼,但它实际上围绕着证券交易委员会(SEC)的权力展开。然而,随着越来越多针对实习项目、初创企业补助金甚至ATM费用减免的法律挑战,即使是最坚定的企业也开始公开做出妥协。 此次裁决也引发了人们对其他SEC披露规则(如气候相关风险和温室气体排放)的担忧,这些规则可能会被放宽,导致投资者无法获得重要信息。即使是与多元化相关的披露也可能因公司之间的不一致而变得难以比较,这对试图评估企业的股东来说是一个难题。 在此背景下,高盛集团仍保持着一个显著的多元化要求:自2020年起,该银行不再为美国或欧洲没有至少一名多元化董事(女性、有色人种或LGBTQ+)的公司进行首次公开募股(IPO)承销,从2021年开始要求至少两名多元化董事。高盛在周四确认了这一政策依然有效。 即使在四年前该规则提出时,纳斯达克的多元化要求就已颇具争议。规则规定,企业董事会必须包含一名女性、“未被充分代表的少数族裔”或LGBTQ+董事,否则需在代理声明或公司网站上解释未能合规的原因,并要求在去年12月31日前实现合规。纳斯达克原计划到明年年底将这一要求提高至至少两名多元化董事,其中一人必须为女性。 “理论上,这一规则或许无法推动领先公司表现得更好,但它能迫使那些落后的公司——例如只有零到一名女性董事的企业——取得进步,”彭博情报(Bloomberg Intelligence)高级ESG分析师Rob Du Boff表示。他还补充道,纳斯达克目前约25%的董事会席位已由女性担任,因此其要求门槛非常低。 质疑声音 从一开始,批评人士就将纳斯达克的规则称为一种配额制。尽管董事任命并不受传统的反歧视就业法律约束,但配额仍然在法律上存有争议。由成功推动高校录取平权法案诉讼的活动人士Edward Blum领导的“公平董事会招募联盟”(Alliance for Fair Board Recruitment)迅速对SEC批准该规则提出了挑战,称其助长了“有害的歧视”。一些州的总检察长也加入了类似的声音。 法院的决定避开了对歧视的直接讨论,仅指出多元化规则并不在SEC的监管权限内。 “第五巡回上诉法院,尤其是其整体倾向,意图推翻任何监管机构的规则,无论这些规则对投资者、市场和公众利益多么重要,”金融市场非营利组织Better Markets的法律总监Stephen Hall表示。他补充道,他认为法院对法律的解释是错误的。“这一裁决对透明度来说是一个巨大的挫折,而透明度是证券市场的生命线。” 律师们预计,作为诉讼主要当事方的SEC不会对此结果提出挑战,尤其是在该机构即将由特朗普任命的人士领导的情况下。 一些知名公司此前支持纳斯达克:包括Airbnb、微软和美光科技等公司,它们均在一份法律简报中将这一规则描述为“一个常识性措施”。像Lord Abbett & Co.和Northern Trust Investments Inc.这样的投资巨头也表达了支持。它们抱怨称,董事会多元化的可靠信息“难以获得,有时不准确”,且往往不一致。 投资者的需求 前激进投资者、现任雪城大学兼职教授Jared Landaw表示,发布有关董事会多元化的信息是一种明智的企业信号。在Barington资本集团担任首席运营官超过16年期间,他发现“许多表现不佳的公司在董事会内部往往存在某种同质性,这种同质性要么导致问题产生,要么阻碍董事会自我纠正。”引入来自不同人口统计和生活背景的董事能够帮助解决这些问题。 “大多数标普500公司都会披露它们的多元化统计数据,无论它们是否在纳斯达克上市,”Landaw说。“我认为这是投资者期望的反映。” 领导董事会多元化倡导组织“50/50董事会女性”(50/50 Women on Boards)的Heather Spilsbury提到她在加州的经验。加州曾在2019年实施一项法律,要求州内大多数上市公司在2021年前至少拥有三名女性董事。尽管该法律在2022年被推翻,但在法律实施期间,加州公司董事会的女性比例从20.6%增长到34.2%,至今仍维持在约34%。 “我们看到它的影响有涟漪效应,甚至超出了加州,”她补充道。 然而,其他人并不确定。没有规则的情况下,公司将“享有更大的灵活性,可以决定在SEC文件、网站或其他公开披露中包含哪些与董事会多元化相关的信息以及披露的范围,”Davis Polk律师在周四的一份客户更新中写道。 Davis Polk的律师们表示,法院可能会对SEC的气候相关风险和温室气体排放披露规则采取类似的裁决逻辑,这可能会影响联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)制定的企业治理规则。 无论投资者的需求如何,这是一个可能被一再使用的法律策略。 (Andrew Ramonas和Sridhar Natarajan提供了协助。)
  • transparency
    LinkedIn因违反欧盟GDPR被爱尔兰数据保护委员会罚款3.1亿欧元 LinkedIn因违反欧盟《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR)被爱尔兰数据保护委员会罚款3.10亿欧元(约合3.34亿美元)。调查始于2018年,法国非营利组织La Quadrature du Net提交投诉,指出LinkedIn广告数据处理方面存在问题。爱尔兰监管机构发现,LinkedIn在处理个人数据时未能遵守GDPR第6(1)条的法律依据要求。虽然LinkedIn声称一直遵守规定,但已被要求在规定时间内纠正数据处理方式。完整决定将在稍后公布。 全球最大的在线招聘广告平台LinkedIn因其个人数据处理方式被爱尔兰数据保护委员会罚款3.10亿欧元(约合3.343亿美元)。此外,LinkedIn还收到了谴责,并被要求将其数据处理操作改为符合规定。 调查揭示:未获用户许可的隐私数据处理 根据爱尔兰DPC的调查,LinkedIn使用了未经授权的个人数据,用于定向广告服务。具体而言,LinkedIn在用户不知情的情况下,追踪他们的在线行为,以推送更加个性化的广告。LinkedIn声称其基于“用户同意”或“合法利益”作为法律依据进行数据收集,但经过调查,这些理由未能满足GDPR的严格标准。DPC指出,LinkedIn在数据收集过程中缺乏透明度,未能获得用户的明确同意,严重违反了GDPR的规定。 自2018年8月起,欧洲官员开始调查LinkedIn的做法,这一调查源于法国非营利组织La Quadrature du Net的投诉。该投诉最初提交给法国数据保护机构,随后转交给负责LinkedIn的主要监督机构——爱尔兰数据保护委员会。 爱尔兰数据保护局在其决定中指出以下几点: 根据GDPR第6(1)条款,缺乏适当法律依据进行个人数据处理是对数据主体基本数据保护权利的严重侵犯。 GDPR要求数据处理必须遵循公平原则,即个人数据不得以损害、歧视、意外或误导数据主体的方式进行处理。 透明性条款的合规确保数据主体在数据处理前完全了解处理的范围及后果,并能够行使其权利。 完整的最终决定将在稍后公布。 科技行业的警示 这一事件不仅对LinkedIn构成打击,也为整个科技行业敲响了警钟。在当今数据驱动的世界中,越来越多的企业依赖于用户数据来提供个性化服务,如定向广告。然而,企业在处理个人数据时必须确保完全符合GDPR的要求,尤其是在透明度和用户同意方面。随着欧盟对数据保护的监管力度加大,所有在欧盟运营的科技公司都必须采取严格措施,确保数据处理合规,避免类似的处罚。 未来展望:隐私保护将成重中之重 此次事件表明,隐私保护将成为未来科技行业的核心议题。随着技术的进步,数据收集和分析变得更加复杂,企业必须加倍努力确保符合GDPR等法规的要求。这不仅需要定期进行隐私审查,还需要不断更新隐私政策,确保用户数据的安全使用。除此之外,企业还需加强对员工的培训,提升他们对数据保护的意识,以减少违规风险。 LinkedIn的案例揭示了数据隐私保护不容忽视的重要性。企业必须在透明度、用户同意和合法性之间取得平衡,否则将面临法律和声誉的双重打击。随着监管环境的日益严格,科技公司只有通过主动合规,才能在未来的市场中立于不败之地。
  • transparency
    美国劳工部发布职场人工智能使用原则,保护员工权益(附录原文) 今天5月16日,美国劳工部发布了一套针对人工智能(AI)在职场使用的原则,旨在为雇主提供指导,确保人工智能技术的开发和使用以员工为核心,提升所有员工的工作质量和生活质量。代理劳工部长朱莉·苏在声明中指出:“员工必须是我们国家AI技术发展和使用方法的核心。这些原则反映了拜登-哈里斯政府的信念,人工智能不仅要遵守现有法律,还要提升所有员工的工作和生活质量。” 根据劳工部发布的内容,这些AI原则包括: 以员工赋权为中心:员工及其代表,特别是来自弱势群体的代表,应被告知并有真正的发言权参与AI系统的设计、开发、测试、培训、使用和监督。这确保了AI技术在整个生命周期中考虑到员工的需求和反馈。 道德开发AI:AI系统应以保护员工为目标设计、开发和培训。这意味着在开发AI时,需要优先考虑员工的安全、健康和福祉,防止技术对员工造成不利影响。 建立AI治理和人工监督:组织应有明确的治理体系、程序、人工监督和评估流程,确保AI系统在职场中的使用符合伦理规范,并有适当的监督机制来防止误用。 确保AI使用的透明度:雇主应对员工和求职者透明地展示其使用的AI系统。这包括向员工说明AI系统的功能、目的以及其在工作中的具体应用,增强员工的信任感。 保护劳动和就业权利:AI系统不应违反或破坏员工的组织权、健康和安全权、工资和工时权以及反歧视和反报复保护。这确保了员工在AI技术的应用下,其基本劳动权益不受侵害。 使用AI来支持员工:AI系统应协助、补充和支持员工,并改善工作质量。这意味着AI应被用来提升员工的工作效率和舒适度,而不是取代员工或增加其工作负担。 支持受AI影响的员工:雇主应在与AI相关的工作转换期间支持或提升员工的技能。这包括提供培训和职业发展机会,帮助员工适应新的工作环境和技术要求。 确保负责任地使用员工数据:AI系统收集、使用或创建的员工数据应限于合法商业目的,并被负责地保护和处理。这确保了员工数据的隐私和安全,防止数据滥用。 这些原则是根据拜登总统发布的《安全、可靠和可信赖的人工智能开发和使用行政命令》制定的,旨在为开发者和雇主提供路线图,确保员工在AI技术带来的新机遇中受益,同时避免潜在的危害。 拜登政府强调,这些原则不仅适用于特定行业,而是应在各个领域广泛应用。原则不是详尽的列表,而是一个指导框架,供企业根据自身情况进行定制,并在员工参与下实施最佳实践。通过这种方式,拜登政府希望能在确保AI技术推动创新和机会的同时,保护员工的权益,避免技术可能带来的负面影响。 这套原则发布后,您认为它会对贵公司的AI技术使用和员工权益保护产生怎样的影响? 英文如下: Department of Labor's Artificial Intelligence and Worker Well-being: Principles for Developers and Employers Since taking office, President Biden, Vice President Harris, and the entire Biden-Harris Administration have moved with urgency to harness AI's potential to spur innovation, advance opportunity, and transform the nature of many jobs and industries, while also protecting workers from the risk that they might not share in these gains. As part of this commitment, the AI Executive Order directed the Department of Labor to create Principles for Developers and Employers when using AI in the workplace. These Principles will create a roadmap for developers and employers on how to harness AI technologies for their businesses while ensuring workers benefit from new opportunities created by AI and are protected from its potential harms. The precise scope and nature of how AI will change the workplace remains uncertain. AI can positively augment work by replacing and automating repetitive tasks or assisting with routine decisions, which may reduce the burden on workers and allow them to better perform other responsibilities. Consequently, the introduction of AI-augmented work will create demand for workers to gain new skills and training to learn how to use AI in their day-to-day work. AI will also continue creating new jobs, including those focused on the development, deployment, and human oversight of AI. But AI-augmented work also poses risks if workers no longer have autonomy and direction over their work or their job quality declines. The risks of AI for workers are greater if it undermines workers' rights, embeds bias and discrimination in decision-making processes, or makes consequential workplace decisions without transparency, human oversight and review. There are also risks that workers will be displaced entirely from their jobs by AI. In recent years, unions and employers have come together to collectively bargain new agreements setting sensible, worker-protective guardrails around the use of AI and automated systems in the workplace. In order to provide AI developers and employers across the country with a shared set of guidelines, the Department of Labor developed "Artificial Intelligence and Worker Well-being: Principles for Developers and Employers" as directed by President Biden's Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence, with input from workers, unions, researchers, academics, employers, and developers, among others, and through public listening sessions. APPLYING THE PRINCIPLES The following Principles apply to the development and deployment of AI systems in the workplace, and should be considered during the whole lifecycle of AI – from design to development, testing, training, deployment and use, oversight, and auditing. The Principles are applicable to all sectors and intended to be mutually reinforcing, though not all Principles will apply to the same extent in every industry or workplace. The Principles are not intended to be an exhaustive list but instead a guiding framework for businesses. AI developers and employers should review and customize the best practices based on their own context and with input from workers. The Department's AI Principles for Developers and Employers include: [North Star] Centering Worker Empowerment: Workers and their representatives, especially those from underserved communities, should be informed of and have genuine input in the design, development, testing, training, use, and oversight of AI systems for use in the workplace. Ethically Developing AI: AI systems should be designed, developed, and trained in a way that protects workers. Establishing AI Governance and Human Oversight: Organizations should have clear governance systems, procedures, human oversight, and evaluation processes for AI systems for use in the workplace. Ensuring Transparency in AI Use: Employers should be transparent with workers and job seekers about the AI systems that are being used in the workplace. Protecting Labor and Employment Rights: AI systems should not violate or undermine workers' right to organize, health and safety rights, wage and hour rights, and anti-discrimination and anti-retaliation protections. Using AI to Enable Workers: AI systems should assist, complement, and enable workers, and improve job quality. Supporting Workers Impacted by AI: Employers should support or upskill workers during job transitions related to AI. Ensuring Responsible Use of Worker Data: Workers' data collected, used, or created by AI systems should be limited in scope and location, used only to support legitimate business aims, and protected and handled responsibly.
  • transparency
    改善居家办公问责制的7个方法 受漫长的疫情影响以及网络通讯日益方便迅捷,居家办公了越来越合理化。居家办公成为职场大势,而管理者通常认为居家办公会严重影响员工工作效率。事实上,与其一味心里过滤不如正视其好处,适应混合式和多元化工作。 想了解居家办公问责制,就要知道是居家办公问责制的什么,其好处是什么,以及七个改善团队或企业问责制的方法。 居家办公(WFH)是许多美国专业人士的新型常态,无论是全职的远程工作还是混合式工作。然而,这种工作制度给企业和员工带来许多利益的同时也带来了特别的挑战——尤其是问责制的问题。没有了传统的办公环境,办公效率以及办公可靠度就需要刻意努力和有效的策略来维持。 在这篇文章中,我们将探讨如何改善居家办公的问责制,让个人和团队在这种新的工作环境下蓬勃发展。 What is work-from-home accountability? 什么是居家办公问责制? Accountability is taking ownership of one’s actions, decisions and outcomes in the remote work context. This means being responsible for meeting deadlines, maintaining quality levels and honoring commitments made to colleagues and stakeholders. When working from home, it’s important to establish clear expectations and guidelines for accountability. This includes: Defining specific goals and objectives Setting realistic deadlines Providing regular feedback Giving support Accountability in remote work also requires effective communication. Inform all team members about progress, challenges and any changes that may affect the workflow. This promotes transparency and allows for better collaboration and problem-solving among teams. Benefits of work-from-home accountability 居家办公问责制的好处 To enhance accountability in remote work, it’s important to recognize its significance. Some of the benefits of focusing on accountability in remote workers include: Improved responsibility: When people hold themselves accountable for their work, they’re more likely to step up and take responsibility for the outcome of their tasks. This also gives employees a sense of accomplishment and improves job satisfaction. More transparency: When you set clear expectations for remote teams, it’s easier for them to be clear about what they’re working on and when they may need help. This also increases trust among team members. Improved collaboration: Remote team accountability helps employees collaborate by outlining who’s responsible for what, so they know who to communicate with to ensure work is completed. Fewer missed deadlines: When working remotely, it’s easy to let deadlines slide past without colleagues reminding you when work is due. Improving accountability among WFH team members helps reduce the number of missed deadlines and streamlines workflows. Better work-life balance: Accountability also improves work-life balance for employees by making sure no team members have to pick up the slack for others. 7 ways to improve work-from-home accountability 改善居家办公问责制的7个方法 Leaders and managers can establish and improve WFH accountability through a few methods. Every organization is different, so you’ll need to find what works best for your situation. 1. Set a clear WFH policy 建立明确的WFH政策 The first step in establishing WFH accountability is to have a clear policy in place. It’s a good idea to ensure team members have buy-in so they don’t feel that they can’t follow the rules. Some items your policy should cover should include expected working hours, hybrid schedules and technology usage policies. Some virtual teams may work on their own schedules and timelines while others will need to have set hours in place to ensure collaboration. Many virtual teams will need more structure than others. It’s important your policy encompasses the best system for your entire organization. Work with your managers and team leaders to find out what policies will work best for everyone. 2. Clarify responsibilities 明确职责 If employees know what’s expected of them, they’ll be more likely to hold themselves accountable to those expectations. Make sure you set clear goals, deadlines and benchmarks so employees can hold themselves to them. Workers need to know what they’re responsible for and who to ask if a project is running late or they need more help. Key performance indicators (KPIs) help teams measure the quality and efficiency of their work to make changes where needed. This is particularly important in a remote work environment where team members don’t have regular physical interactions with each other. 3. Provide the right tools 提供合适的工具 Remote employees may need additional technology and tools to communicate, collaborate and complete tasks. Make sure you provide your teams with the right technology to help them meet goals and stay on track. Virtual teams will need the right communication tool for team meetings, plus project management and collaboration tools to keep each other accountable in real time. Time management and tracking tools help teams determine how to assign project deadlines and prioritize as well. Cloud-based systems help employees work from anywhere and at any time, helping them complete projects when working from home or traveling. Leadership also needs specialized software like ActivTrak to maintain visibility and manage hybrid and remote workforces. 4. Encourage clear communication 鼓励清晰的交流 The best-performing virtual teams are those who can communicate regularly and clearly about their work. Many of the tools you provide your team members will help them communicate about work status, bottlenecks and processes. However, you should also encourage communication among teams through other means, such as weekly newsletters and quarterly all-staff meetings. Just make sure that you’re not scheduling unnecessary meetings for your team’s needs. 5. Give regular check-ins 日常打卡 Beyond clear communication about the team or organization as a whole, structured check-ins for individual employees helps ensure work-from-home policies are working for each person. Give employees a chance to voice their concerns with existing policies or let their managers know where they may be struggling. This also provides an opportunity for managers to help employees see where they’re hitting goals or where they may need to work harder. WFH environments may change over time as your team members and their needs change, so flexibility and regular feedback are key. 6. Measure productivity 衡量工作效率 Remote employee management requires understanding how your teams work best and what blockers may keep them from productivity. One way to make sure you’re setting realistic goals and that team members are accountable for their work when they work from home is to monitor productivity. There are many benefits to using WFH productivity tracking software like ActivTrak, including helping team members with time management, task management and accountability. It also gives your leaders insight to make decisions driven by data rather than guesswork, so you can see where workflows and processes may need tweaking or what’s working for your remote teams. You can also see if team members may be working too much or too little and redistribute the workload as needed. 7. Reward employees for achievements 员工成就奖励 Create a culture of engagement by rewarding employees for being accountable and meeting (or exceeding) expectations. Bonuses, extra paid time off or gifts can be special rewards, but even publicly praising employees for their contributions can go a long way toward improving accountability in your team. Other rewards can include new opportunities to further their careers or take on new challenges. Different teams and employees will have different needs for feeling valued and rewarded, so let your managers find the best way to let employees know they’re appreciated. Use ActivTrak to improve work-from-home accountability If you’re ready to take the next step to enhance work-from-home accountability for your team, ActivTrak offers a comprehensive workforce analytics platform customizable to your needs. Get insights to assess and improve employee productivity and well-being and gain visibility into how work gets done within your company. Use data to inform key decisions and optimize outcomes for your remote or hybrid teams. To see how ActivTrak can empower your team, contact our sales team for a free demo. SOURCE ActivTrak
  • transparency
    Workday: It’s Time to Close the AI Trust Gap Workday, a leading provider of enterprise cloud applications for finance and human resources, has pressed a global study recently recognizing the  importance of addressing the AI trust gap. They believe that trust is a critical factor when it comes to implementing artificial intelligence (AI) systems, especially in areas such as workforce management and human resources. Research results are as follows: At the leadership level, only 62% welcome AI, and only 62% are confident their organization will ensure AI is implemented in a responsible and trustworthy way. At the employee level, these figures drop even lower to 52% and 55%, respectively. 70% of leaders say AI should be developed in a way that easily allows for human review and intervention. Yet 42% of employees believe their company does not have a clear understanding of which systems should be fully automated and which require human intervention. 1 in 4 employees (23%) are not confident that their organization will put employee interests above its own when implementing AI. (compared to 21% of leaders) 1 in 4 employees (23%) are not confident that their organization will prioritize innovating with care for people over innovating with speed. (compared to 17% of leaders) 1 in 4 employees (23%) are not confident that their organization will ensure AI is implemented in a responsible and trustworthy way. (compared to 17% of leaders) “We know how these technologies can benefit economic opportunities for people—that’s our business. But people won’t use technologies they don’t trust. Skills are the way forward, and not only skills, but skills backed by a thoughtful, ethical, responsible implementation of AI that has regulatory safeguards that help facilitate trust.” said Chandler C. Morse, VP, Public Policy, Workday. Workday’s study focuses on various key areas: Section 1: Perspectives align on AI’s potential and responsible use. “At the outset of our research, we hypothesized that there would be a general alignment between business leaders and employees regarding their overall enthusiasm for AI. Encouragingly, this has proven true: leaders and employees are aligned in several areas, including AI’s potential for business transformation, as well as efforts to reduce risk and ensure trustworthy AI.” Both leaders and employees believe in and hope for a transformation scenario* with AI. Both groups agree AI implementation should prioritize human control. Both groups cite regulation and frameworks as most important for trustworthy AI. Section 2: When it comes to the development of AI, the trust gap between leaders and employees diverges even more. “While most leaders and employees agree on the value of AI and the need for its careful implementation, the existing trust gap becomes even more pronounced when it comes to developing AI in a way that facilitates human review and intervention.” Employees aren’t confident their company takes a people-first approach. At all levels, there’s the worry that human welfare isn’t a leadership priority. Section 3: Data on AI governance and use is not readily visible to employees. “While employees are calling for regulation and ethical frameworks to ensure that AI is trustworthy, there is a lack of awareness across all levels of the workforce when it comes to collaborating on AI regulation and sharing responsible AI guidelines.” Closing remarks: How Workday is closing the AI trust gap. Transparency: Workday can prioritize transparency in their AI systems. Providing clear explanations of how AI algorithms make decisions can help build trust among users. By revealing the factors, data, and processes that contribute to AI-driven outcomes, Workday can ensure transparency in their AI applications. Explainability: Workday can work towards making their AI systems more explainable. This means enabling users to understand the reasoning behind AI-generated recommendations or decisions. Employing techniques like interpretable machine learning can help users comprehend the logic and factors influencing the AI-driven outcomes. Ethical considerations: Working on ethical frameworks and guidelines for AI use can play a crucial role in closing the trust gap. Workday can ensure that their AI systems align with ethical principles, such as fairness, accountability, and avoiding bias. This might involve rigorous testing, auditing, and ongoing monitoring of AI models to detect and mitigate any potential biases or unintended consequences. User feedback and collaboration: Engaging with users and seeking their feedback can be key to building trust. Workday can involve their customers and end-users in the AI development process, gathering insights and acting on user concerns. Collaboration and open communication will help Workday enhance their AI systems based on real-world feedback and user needs. Data privacy and security: Ensuring robust data privacy and security measures is vital for instilling trust in AI systems. Workday can prioritize data protection and encryption, complying with industry standards and regulations. By demonstrating strong data privacy practices, they can alleviate concerns associated with AI-driven data processing. SOURCE Workday
  • transparency
    视频:Leading Through Transformation The Future of HR in the AI Era Leading Through Transformation The Future of HR in the AI Era Jiajia Chen Senior Group Product Manager Nvidia 点击访问:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toiy_sBDXHs 以下为演讲稿翻译整理,仅供参考: 引领变革:人工智能时代人力资源的未来 欢迎大家,我很高兴有机会讨论一个自2022年底以来成为焦点的话题。随着chat的广泛成功,许多人开始思考一个问题:我还会有工作吗?对于一些父母来说,这个问题可能会有所不同:我的孩子将来会有工作吗?在深入这个问题之前,让我简单介绍一下自己。我早期的职业生涯涉及多个商业领域,包括人力资源,后来我专注于人工智能产品管理。我拥有几个学位,包括法律学位、MBA学位、经济学科学学位和软件工程学位。我曾在Nidia管理人工智能基础设施产品组合几年。去年晚些时候,我转移到另一个名为Nidia Omniverse的产品组,这是一个数字孪生平台工业元宇宙。我们的企业客户可以使用Omniverse来创建数字孪生工业元宇宙,通过利用模拟和生成性人工智能以及与大型生态系统合作。通过这些经历,我对人工智能和人力资源有了深刻的理解。在这次演讲中,我希望能提供一个框架,帮助大家思考如何在人工智能时代领导转型,如何保持相关性并比人工智能发展得更快。 人工智能并不是一个新概念。让我们快速回顾一下人工智能发展的简史,为今天的对话奠定基础。人工智能领域诞生于1950年代。1950年,艾伦·图灵提出了模仿人类智能的通用机器的概念。1956年,人工智能这一术语被创造出来。在1970年代和1980年代,人工智能最初的乐观预期开始减弱,因为进展没有达到高期望,人工智能研究的资金减少,领域经历了被称为人工智能冬天的时期。在人工智能冬天期间,研究人员专注于发展专家系统,这是基于规则的系统,旨在模仿人类专家在特定领域的知识和决策能力。这种方法在实际应用中取得了一些进展,例如医学诊断和工业自动化。1980年代,人工智能的焦点转向了机器学习和神经网络。机器学习算法允许计算机在没有明确编程的情况下从数据中学习,并做出预测或决策。受人类大脑结构启发的神经网络引起了关注,并被应用于各种任务,包括图像和语音识别。得益于大量数据的可用性和计算能力的进步,人工智能经历了复兴。Nidia的贡献是关键的。 2022年11月推出的ChatGPT标志着人工智能的关键时刻。生成性人工智能正在推动机器创造的边界。人工智能越来越多地融入各种应用和行业,正在金融、医疗保健、网络安全等领域发挥作用,转变行业并创造新的机会。 你们中有多少人尝试过ChatGPT?你们喜欢它的哪些功能?是否用它来草拟电子邮件、创建培训材料,或者提出棘手的问题,试图愚弄chat GPT,证明你的人类智能更高级?人工智能预计将在各个维度对工作场所产生重大变化。 以下是人工智能可能带来的九个变化。 首先,提高生产力:人工智能是否会提高生产力和经济增长?许多人这样预期,但也有很多人告诉你,到目前为止,这种生成性人工智能趋势并没有大幅提高生产力,除了提供一些有趣的玩具。你们中的一些人可能听说过“生产力悖论”,这是1970年代和1980年代在美国发生的现象。我的预测是,人工智能不会发生这种情况。人工智能可以更快地传播,且所需的资本投资更少。这是因为人工智能在短期内的应用主要是软件革命,所需的大部分基础设施,如计算设备、网络和云服务,已经到位。你现在可以通过手机立即使用chat GPT和迅速增长的类似软件。 其次,收入不平等:人工智能是否会带来自动化的奢华时代,还是只会加剧现有的不平等?美国国家经济研究局发布的一份报告称,自1980年以来,美国工资变化的50%到70%可以归因于蓝领工人被自动化取代或降级导致的工资下降。人工智能、机器人技术和新的复杂技术导致财富高度集中。直到最近,受过大学教育的白领专业人士基本上没有受到低教育工人的命运。拥有研究生学位的人看到他们的薪水上涨,而低教育工人的薪水显著下降。这一问题将加剧,低技能的白领工人也将受到影响。 第三,劳动力技能提升和风险转移:随着某些任务的自动化,人工智能需要专注于提升和重新技能化劳动力。员工需要获得新的技能和知识,以适应不断变化的工作要求,并有效地与人工智能系统协作。有关这一主题的研究很多,不同研究的数据也有所不同。彭博社的研究显示,由于人工智能对工作的影响,全球将有超过1.2亿工人在未来三年内需要重新培训。据信,由于人工智能相关部署,中国将有超过5000万工人需要重新培训。美国将需要重新培训1150万人,以适应劳动力市场的需求。巴西、日本和德国的数百万工人也将需要帮助应对人工智能、机器人技术及相关技术带来的变化。根据麦肯锡的一项研究,由于快速自动化的采用,多达3.75亿工人可能需要转换职业类别。 第四,重新定义工作角色:人工智能有潜力重塑工作角色并创造新的角色。一些任务和工作可能会完全自动化,导致某些领域的工作流失。然而,人工智能也为创造涉及管理和协作人工智能系统、分析人工智能生成的内容、开发和维护人工智能技术的新角色创造了机会。例子包括美国政府试图将制造业带回美国。许多人认为,像第二次世界大战后一样,将创造数百万高薪的蓝领工人工作。然而,这最有可能不会发生,因为在美国建造的新工厂几乎不会雇用许多人类工人。一切都将通过机器人或管理系统自动化。 第五,增强决策制定:人工智能系统可以分析大量数据,检测模式,并生成支持决策过程的洞察。这可以使员工和管理者获得更准确、更及时的信息,使各种职能(如运营、市场营销、财务、人力资源)的决策更加明智。2019年哈佛商业评论提出了一个概念,称为人工智能驱动的决策,与数据驱动的决策相比,它允许我们克服作为人类处理器的固有局限性,如低效和认知偏见,因为你可以指派机器来处理大量数据,让我们人类应用判断力、文化价值观和情境来选择决策选项。 第六,人工智能与人类的协作:人工智能技术使得人与智能系统之间的协作成为可能。这种协作可能涉及利用人工智能在数据分析、模式识别和预测方面的优势,而人类则提供批判性思维、创造力、同理心和复杂问题解决技能。如果能够有效地实现人与人工智能系统的协作,可以带来改进的成果和创新。的确,许多公司已经使用人工智能自动化流程,但到目前为止,证据表明,那些旨在取代员工的部署只会带来短期的生产力提升。在一项涉及1500家公司的基本研究中发现,当人类和机器一起工作时,公司取得了最显著的绩效提升。 第七,增强智能:人工智能可以通过补充和增强人类能力来增强人类智能。它可以协助人们执行诸如信息检索、数据分析和问题解决等任务。人工智能支持的虚拟助手和机器人可以为人们提供即时支持和指导,提高他们的效率和效果。 第八,伦理考虑:人工智能在工作场所的整合引发了与隐私、安全、公平、透明度和问责制相关的伦理考虑。组织需要建立伦理框架和指南来确保人工智能系统的合理和可信赖的开发和部署。 第九,监控和评估AI实施。这个变化涉及到持续监控人工智能在工作场所的影响,并从员工那里收集反馈,以识别改进领域。定期的评估和反馈循环将有助于完善人工智能的实施和使用,确保其在增进工作效率、创新和其他方面的应用是有效和恰当的。(以上为AI补充,仅供参考) 目前,我们已经详细讨论了人工智能在工作场所创造的变化,以及人力资源应该如何应对这些变化。 现在,让我分享这张早先在一次HR会议上使用的幻灯片。2016年,我在一个名为“HR新模型”的会议上发表了演讲。现在,让我们看看这个模型。一个典型的组织结构包括首席执行官、人力资源业务伙伴、共享服务和一个运营部门,支持管理者和员工群体。公司是否能用这个模型应对人工智能在工作场所带来的变化?我们是否需要一个不同的模型?在回答这个问题之前,让我们看看应对每种类型变化需要发生什么。在这张幻灯片上,我展示了我简单的颜色编码技术。我简单地将所有类型的能力和技能分类并用不同颜色高亮显示。现在我们可以看到几个主要类别和一些零散项目。让我们稍微深入一些颜色分类的挑战。 首先,以蓝色突出显示的助理挑战和两个工作场所的变化。HR可以评估利用人工智能的技能和能力要求,为员工提供必要的资源,使他们能够理解和利用人工智能技术,以及如何通过人工智能来增强他们的工作。这包括关于人工智能概念、数据分析、自动化工具和人工智能支持决策的培训。HR可以培养持续学习的文化。 其次,以绿色突出显示的变革管理和沟通,在四个不同的工作场所变化中出现。HR可以积极地向员工传达人工智能实施的目的和好处,以提高生产力和效率。HR可以协助经理和员工分析工作并重新设计工作流程,以利用人工智能技术。这涉及识别可以自动化或由人工智能增强的任务和活动,简化工作流程,消除冗余或低价值测试,并确定人类和人工智能如何合作以优化生产力和效率。 第三,以热粉色突出显示的职业发展和内部流动性,在三个不同的工作场所变化中出现。HR可以进行技能评估,以确定组织内现有技能,并确定需要解决的AI相关角色的差距。这包括识别与人工智能技术合作所需的技术技能,如机器学习,以及有效沟通、批判性思维和问题解决所必需的软技能。 最后,以灰蓝色突出显示的伦理指导和治理,在三个不同的工作场所变化中出现。HR可以与法律、合规团队等相关利益相关者协作,为人工智能变革建立治理框架。那些仍以黑色显示的功能在未来几年将看到更多的自动化和置换,投资较少,因为这些能力在人工智能转型中的相关性较低。 为了跟上甚至领导人工智能趋势及其对工作场所的影响,HR可以采取几个积极的步骤。以下是我们可以考虑的一些关键行动:持续学习,HR专业人士可以深入了解人工智能技术、应用和影响;识别人力资源中的人工智能用例,HR可以探索各种可以增强其功能和简化流程的人工智能应用,例如自动化日常行政任务、改进候选人筛选和选拔流程,以及提供个性化的学习和发展机会;评估组织的人工智能准备情况,HR可以评估组织当前的基础设施、技术能力和文化,以确定其采用人工智能的准备情况;通信和透明度,人工智能实施期间的沟通和透明度对于缓解对工作安全的担忧、澄清人工智能采用的好处以及确保员工理解人工智能技术将如何增强而非取代他们的工作至关重要;监控和评估人工智能实施,HR可以持续监控人工智能对工作场所的影响,并从员工那里收集反馈,以识别改进领域。定期的评估和反馈循环将有助于完善人工智能实施。  