2026财年H-1B申请3月7日开启:新规生效,流程与抽签机制重大调整! 美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS)近日宣布,2026财年H-1B签证申请的初始注册期将于2025年3月7日中午12点(东部时间)开启,并于2025年3月24日中午12点(东部时间)截止。此次H-1B申请周期不仅延续了电子注册流程,还引入了新的抽签机制和更严格的监管规则,以提高公平性和防止滥用。 H-1B 申请流程概览 申请H-1B签证的雇主及其法律代表需通过USCIS在线系统提交电子注册,并支付每位受益人$215的注册费。在注册窗口结束后,USCIS将对符合条件的受益人进行随机抽选,并计划在2025年3月31日前通过在线账户通知获选者。 新规生效:H-1B抽签机制与流程重大调整 2026财年起,USCIS正式实施以受益人为中心的H-1B抽签流程,旨在减少以往存在的“多家雇主为同一申请人提交多次注册”的问题。 关键变化包括: 单一受益人唯一注册:每位H-1B申请人无论由多少雇主提名,都只能被计算一次,大幅降低“多重注册”操纵抽签的可能性。 新规避免恶意操纵:USCIS强调,任何企图规避新规、通过多个注册增加中签概率的行为将受到严厉审查。 随机抽选优化:此次改革将确保每位受益人享有平等的抽签机会,提高中签机制的公平性。 缴费限额调整与电子注册优化 美国财政部为配合H-1B申请季,暂时提高信用卡支付限额,每日信用卡交易上限由**$24,999.99提高至$99,999.99**,以满足雇主大规模注册需求。同时,USCIS对电子注册系统进行了优化,包括: 助理可同时协助多个法律代表,增强协作灵活性。 自动填充部分I-129表格字段,减少人工输入错误。 支持批量上传H-1B受益人数据,简化雇主提交流程。 F-1签证持有者Cap-Gap期限延长 对于F-1签证持有者,此次调整还带来了一个重大利好。DHS(国土安全部)宣布,Cap-Gap期限将从10月1日延长至次年4月1日,确保H-1B申请人在身份转换期间能够继续合法工作。 雇主与申请人的应对建议 提前注册:建议雇主尽早完成USCIS账户创建,并确保所提交的受益人信息准确无误。 合规申请:雇主需遵守单一受益人唯一注册的规定,避免违规行为导致申请无效。 关注最新动态:密切留意USCIS官网,以获取官方指南和重要通知。 结语 2026财年H-1B申请窗口即将开启,面对新规的实施和抽签流程的重大调整,雇主和申请人需提前做好准备,以确保符合新的合规要求。关注H-1B政策变动并积极应对,将有助于提高申请的成功率。 更多详细信息可访问USCIS官网:https://www.uscis.gov。   Today, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that the initial registration period for the fiscal year 2026 H-1B cap will open at noon Eastern on March 7 and run through noon Eastern on March 24, 2025. During this period, prospective petitioners and representatives must use a USCIS online account to register each beneficiary electronically for the selection process and pay the associated registration fee for each beneficiary. Prospective H-1B cap-subject petitioners or their representatives are required to use a USCIS online account to register each beneficiary electronically for the selection process and pay the associated $215 H-1B registration fee for each registration submitted on behalf of each beneficiary. If you are an H-1B petitioning employer who does not have a USCIS online account, you will need to create an organizational account. If you are an H-1B petitioning employer who had an H-1B registrant account for the FY 2021 – FY 2024 H-1B registration seasons, but you did not use the account for FY 2025, your existing account will be converted to an organizational account after your next log in. First-time registrants can create an account at any time. You can find additional information and resources on the organizational accounts, including a link to step-by-step videos, on the Organizational Accounts Frequently Asked Questions page. These FAQs will be updated with FY 2026 information before the start of the initial registration period. Representatives may add clients to their accounts at any time, but both representatives and registrants must wait until March 7 to enter beneficiary information and submit the registration with the $215 fee. Selections take place after the initial registration period closes, so there is no requirement to register on the day the initial registration period opens. The FY 2026 H-1B cap will use the beneficiary-centric selection process launched in FY 2025. Under the beneficiary-centric process, registrations are selected by unique beneficiary rather than by registration. If we receive registrations for enough unique beneficiaries by March 24, we will randomly select unique beneficiaries and send selection notifications via users’ USCIS online accounts. If we do not receive registrations for enough unique beneficiaries, all registrations for unique beneficiaries that were properly submitted in the initial registration period will be selected. We intend to notify by March 31 prospective petitioners and representatives whose accounts have at least one registration selected. The U.S. Department of Treasury has approved a temporary increase in the daily credit card transaction limit from $24,999.99 to $99,999.99 per day for the FY 2026 H-1B cap season. This temporary increase is in response to the volume of previous H-1B registrations that exceeded the daily credit card limit.  Transactions more than $99,999.99 may be made via Automated Clearing House (ACH). Use of ACH may require the payor to alert their bank in advance to remove any potential ACH block on their account. We will provide additional information before the start of the initial H-1B registration period. An H-1B cap-subject petition, including a petition for a beneficiary who is eligible for the advanced degree exemption, may only be filed by a petitioner whose registration for the beneficiary named in the H-1B petition was selected in the H-1B registration process. Additional information on the electronic registration process is available on the H-1B Electronic Registration Process page. Organizational Account Enhancements for FY 2026 For FY 2026, we have made multiple enhancements for organizational and representative accounts for H-1B filing. These enhancements include: The ability for paralegals to work with more than one legal representative. A paralegal will now be able to accept invitations from multiple legal representative accounts, allowing them to prepare H-1B registrations, Form I-129 H-1B petitions, and Form I-907 requests for premium processing for different attorneys, all within one paralegal account; An easier way for legal representatives to add paralegals to company clients. Pre-population of certain Form I-129 fields from selected H-1B registrations; and The ability to prepare a spreadsheet of H-1B beneficiary data and upload the information to pre-populate data in H-1B registrations. These enhancements will be live before the start of the initial registration period.
    刚刚美国国土安全部(DHS)发布了针对季节性临时工H-2签证最终规定 美国国土安全部(DHS)近日发布了针对H-2签证计划的最终规定,旨在增强对季节性农业(H-2A)和非农业(H-2B)临时工的保护。这些新规包括延长工人工作变更的灵活性,例如在终止雇佣后可享受最长60天的宽限期,以便寻找新工作或准备离境。此外,新规明确了签证有效期前10天和到期后30天内的工人身份保持规则。这些措施旨在缓解农业和季节性行业的劳动力短缺问题,同时加强对工人的保护,如举报者保护机制和禁止费用的新规定。新规将于30天后生效,并为2025财年额外提供64,716个H-2B签证配额,以促进经济发展。 美国国土安全部(DHS)于2024年12月17日发布了关于H-2签证计划的最终规定,旨在进一步完善对季节性临时工的保护措施,同时提升雇佣灵活性。这些新规涉及H-2A(农业工人)和H-2B(非农业工人)签证,覆盖了农业、酒店、旅游、园艺以及海鲜加工等多个领域。这些规定既解决了美国当前的季节性劳动力短缺问题,也为持签证的非公民工人提供了更好的法律保护。以下是详细内容: 新规定的核心内容 增加新的60天宽限期 在工人工作中断或终止后,可享最长60天的宽限期,用于寻找新的符合要求的工作或准备离境。 期间工人不会因身份问题被视为非法滞留。 延长并扩大现有宽限期 现有因签证撤销的30天宽限期延长至60天,同时适用于所有H-2签证批准被撤销的情况。 保持身份期间的新规定 明确H-2A和H-2B签证持有人在签证有效期前10天和有效期到期后30天内,其身份仍被视为合法。 新增的拒签依据和禁止费用规定 严格限制第三方对工人收取任何违规费用,以保护工人利益。 对部分签证申请设置了新的拒签依据,以防止滥用签证系统。 举报保护机制 新增对H-2工人的举报保护措施,与H-1B工人享有的保护措施相似,鼓励工人举报潜在的不当行为或剥削行为。 背景与影响 缓解劳动力短缺 H-2签证计划在美国经济中扮演重要角色,尤其是在季节性需求高峰期。 2023财年,美国发放了近31万张H-2A签证,反映出农业领域对外籍劳动力的高度依赖。 同时,2025财年将新增64,716个H-2B签证名额,超出现有法定的6.6万配额。 经济意义 此次改革不仅帮助农业和季节性行业缓解劳动力紧缺,还提升了外籍劳动力的工作保障和生活质量,助力经济增长。 国土安全部强调,新规将在帮助雇主和保护工人之间取得平衡。 对雇主的帮助 USCIS(美国公民及移民服务局)表示,新规将加速签证流程,为雇主更高效地填补临时或季节性岗位。 总结 这次DHS的最终规定标志着H-2签证计划进入一个新的发展阶段,通过更灵活的宽限期安排、更严格的费用限制以及举报保护措施,提升了美国对外籍工人权益的重视,同时也帮助雇主更好地应对劳动力市场需求。这些变化不仅能满足季节性行业的用工需求,还为美国经济注入新的活力。
    2025财年美国H-1B签证达到上限,你抽中了吗? 美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS)已宣布完成 2025 财年(FY)H-1B 签证上限(包括高级学位豁免)的初步筛选程序。根据其目前的状态,注册被分为 "已提交"、"已选定"、"未选定 "等状态。被选中的注册者现在有资格从 2024 年 4 月 1 日起递交 H-1B 上限主体申请。该公告还包括对申请费用的修改,以及自 2024 年 4 月 1 日起启用新版 I-129 表格,旧版表格不再有宽限期。此外,移民局还推出了 H-1B 申请在线申请和组织账户,以方便管理申请。 美国 H-1B 签证的电子注册数量已达到 2025 年联邦财政年度的签证上限。签证上限为 65,000 个,另外 20,000 个签证可供拥有美国高级签证的人使用。 Notice of FY 2025 H-1B Cap Initial Registration Selection Process Completion and Cap Season Reminders H-1B Initial Electronic Registration Selection Process Completed U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has received enough electronic registrations for unique beneficiaries during the initial registration period to reach the fiscal year (FY) 2025 H-1B numerical allocations (H-1B cap), including the advanced degree exemption (master’s cap). We have randomly selected enough properly submitted registrations for unique beneficiaries projected as needed to reach the H-1B cap and have notified all prospective petitioners with selected beneficiaries that they are eligible to file an H-1B cap-subject petition for such beneficiaries. Registrants’ online accounts will now show one of the following statuses for each registration (that is, for each beneficiary registered): Submitted: The registration has been submitted and is eligible for selection. If the initial selection process has been completed, this registration remains eligible, unless subsequently invalidated, for selection in any subsequent selections for the fiscal year for which it was submitted. Selected: Selected to file an H-1B cap petition. Not Selected: Not eligible to file an H-1B cap petition based on this registration. Denied – duplicate registration: Multiple registrations were submitted by or on behalf of the same registrant for the same beneficiary. If denied as a duplicate registration, all registrations submitted by or on behalf of the same registrant for this beneficiary for the fiscal year are invalid. Invalidated – failed payment: A registration was submitted but the payment method was declined, not reconciled, or otherwise invalid. Deleted: The submitted registration has been deleted and is no longer eligible for selection. Processing submission: USCIS is processing your submission. It may take up to 72 hours for all of your case information to show on the case details page. While it is processing, you will be unable to access your draft. For more information, visit the H-1B Electronic Registration Process page. FY 2025 H-1B Cap Petitions May Be Filed Starting April 1 H-1B cap-subject petitions for FY 2025, including those petitions eligible for the advanced degree exemption, may be filed with USCIS beginning April 1, 2024, if filed for a selected beneficiary and based on a valid registration. Only petitioners with registrations for selected beneficiaries may file H-1B cap-subject petitions for FY 2025. An H-1B cap-subject petition must be properly filed at the correct filing location (see H-1B Form I-129 Filing Location Change to Lockbox section below) or online at my.uscis.gov and within the filing period indicated on the relevant selection notice. The period for filing the H-1B cap-subject petition will be at least 90 days. Petitioners must include a copy of the applicable selection notice with the FY 2025 H-1B cap-subject petition. Petitioners must also submit evidence of the beneficiary’s valid passport or travel document used at the time of registration to identify the beneficiary. Petitioners filing for selected beneficiaries based on their valid registration must still submit evidence or otherwise establish eligibility for petition approval, as registration and selection only pertains to eligibility to file the H-1B cap-subject petition. For more information, visit the H-1B Cap Season page. New Fees and Form Edition On Jan. 31, 2024, USCIS published a final rule  that adjusts the fees required for most immigration applications and petitions. The new fees are effective April 1, 2024. Petitions postmarked on or after April 1, 2024, must include the new fees or we will not accept them. Additionally, there will be a new 04/01/24 edition of Form I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker. There will be no grace period for filing the new version of Form I-129 because it must include the new fee calculation. What to Know About Sending Us Your Form I-129. We will accept the 05/31/23 edition of this form if it is postmarked before April 1, 2024; We will not accept the 05/31/23 edition of this form if it is postmarked on or after April 1, 2024; and We will only accept the 04/01/24 edition of this form if it is postmarked on or after April 1, 2024. We will use the postmark date of a filing to determine which form version and fees are correct but will use the received date for purposes of any regulatory or statutory filing deadlines. As a reminder, we recently announced a final premium processing fee rule that increased the filing fee for Form I-907, Request for Premium Processing Service, to adjust for inflation, effective Feb. 26, 2024. If we receive a Form I-907 postmarked on or after Feb. 26, 2024, with the incorrect filing fee, we will reject the Form I-907 and return the filing fee. For filings sent by commercial courier (such as UPS, FedEx, and DHL), the postmark date is the date on the courier receipt. Online Filing and Organizational Accounts On Feb. 28, 2024, we launched new online organizational accounts that allow multiple people within an organization and their legal representatives to collaborate on and prepare H-1B registrations, H-1B petitions, and any associated Form I-907. Information on organizational accounts is available on the Organizational Accounts Frequently Asked Questions page. We also launched online filing of Form I-129 and associated Form I-907 for non-cap H-1B petitions on March 25. On April 1, we will begin accepting online filing for H-1B cap petitions and associated Forms I-907 for petitioners whose registrations have been selected. Petitioners will continue to have the option of filing a paper Form I-129 H-1B petition and any associated Form I-907 if they prefer. However, during the initial launch of organizational accounts, users will not be able to link paper-filed Forms I-129 and I-907 to their online accounts. H-1B Form I-129 Filing Location Change to Lockbox Starting April 1, 2024, H-1B and H-1B1 (HSC) Form I-129 petitions are no longer filed directly with the USCIS service centers. All paper-based H-1B and H-1B1 (HSC) Form I-129 petitions are now filed at USCIS lockbox locations. This includes cap, non-cap, and cap-exempt H-1B filings. We will reject H-1B or H-1B1 (HSC) petitions received at a USCIS service center on or after April 1, 2024. There will be no grace period provided. USCIS has specific mailing addresses for cases that are subject to the H-1B cap. To determine the correct mailing address, please see our Form I-129 Direct Filing Addresses page. If a petition is filed at the wrong location, we may reject the petition. Rejected petitions will not retain a filing date. If we reject a petition because it was filed at the wrong location, it may be refiled at the correct location, or online. H-1B cap subject petitions may be refiled at the correct location, or online, as long as the petition is refiled during the designated 90-day filing window listed on the selection notice. No More Pre-paid Mailers As of March 25, 2024, we are no longer using prepaid mailers to send out any communication or final notices for any H-1B or H-1B1 (HSC) petitions. With H-1B intake now occurring at the lockbox or online, we will not be able to use any prepaid mailers for H-1B or H-1B1 (HSC) filings. The process of printing and mailing H-1B petition approval notices by first-class mail is fully automated. For petitions filed online, myUSCIS account holders will also receive an email or text message notification in their myUSCIS account when there is a case status change on a case in their account, followed by a paper notice by mail. Receipt Notice Delays When we receive a timely and properly filed H-1B cap subject petition, the petitioner (and, if applicable, the petitioner’s legal representative) will be provided a Form I-797, Notice of Action, communicating receipt of the petition. Due to increased filing volumes typically seen during H-1B cap filing periods, there are instances where a paper petition is timely and properly filed by mail, but issuance of the Form I-797 is delayed. If you are a petitioner and have confirmation from the delivery service that the petition was delivered, but you have not yet received a Form I-797 confirming receipt of the petition, you should not submit a second petition. If you have confirmation from the delivery service that the petition was delivered and you then submit a second H-1B cap petition for the same beneficiary, you will be considered to have submitted multiple H-1B cap petitions. This will result in denial or revocation of both petitions. If more than 30 days have passed since the confirmation of delivery and you have still not received a Form I-797, you may contact the USCIS Contact Center for assistance. If you receive notification from the delivery service, or your tracking information suggests that there may be a delay or damage to the package or that the package was misrouted, you should follow the Delivery Service Error Guidance on the H-1B Cap Season webpage.
    两个H1B Final Rules最全解读|一人一抽落地,申请费真的涨了! 一人一抽必然是打击滥用抽签的最好手段,但是基于移民局拖拖拉拉的性格,政策能否今年落地大家都在关注。终于!就在今天!(美国华盛顿1月30日)国土安全部公布了一份叫做Improving the H-1B Registration Selection Process and Program Integrity的文件,正式确认: 从今年2月2日起公告30天后,今年3月3日起,H-1B将采用“一人一抽”制度!Official response: DHS agrees with the need for prompt implementation of this rule. This rule will be effective in time for the FY 2025 H-1B cap season (the H-1B registration period and related selection process beginning in March 2024).国土安全部卡着最后时间节点走到这一步,想必有今年必须实行的决心,而且这一维护抽签公平的制度要想找个理由,在公示期内提出有效异议也比较困难。Final Rule说,今年H-1B怎么抽?必须用Passport/Travel Document来注册。往年没有护照也可以参与抽签,但是今年开始,受益人与护照信息绑定,防止一人多抽现象发生。How does it work? 今年之前的H-1B注册抽签都是基于雇主而非受益人,所以同一个受益人可以有多个抽签机会。但是改革之后是基于受益人来抽签,纵使您有上百个雇主注册抽签,也只能占用一个抽签名额。3月6日开始注册!之前不是还说要自动延长Cap-Gap时间到次年4月1日,还有要支持H-1B自主创业么? 不好意思,这两个政策Final Rule都没说,今年可能来不及落地。 如果我有多个offer怎么办? 所有的公司正常注册抽签,一人一抽不排斥多个公司sponsor同一个受益人。您可以中签后选择最心仪的公司递交H-1B申请。 中签后我可以递交多份H-1B申请提高批准率吗?可以,这一点移民局不禁止。今年H-1B申请费怎么涨?首先我们来明确涨价前H-1B申请费的组成部分:注册抽签费 + 基本申请费 + 反诈骗费 + 美国工人培训费 (+ 加急费,自选),我们来一个一个说明。今年的H-1B申请费怎么涨? 注册抽签费:移民局已经确认,不涨价!还是10刀! 基本申请费:根据最新的Final Rule,要对申请人(雇主)进行区分了!如果您的雇主是小公司/non-profit,那么基本申请费还保持在$460。如果您的雇主不属于前面两类,则基本申请费会涨价到$780,涨价幅度是70%!*小公司:雇佣25个或以下全职员工的公司。 反诈骗费:Final Rule里没说要涨价,所以维持在500刀。 美国工人培训费:没有涨价,还是25个全职员工以下的小公司及无需抽签的雇主缴纳750刀,其他雇主缴纳1500刀。 加急费:Final Rule没说涨价,但是2023年12月27日,移民局公告说:从2024年2月26日起,H-1B加急费将从原本的$2,500涨到$2,805,所以加急费不是不涨是刚涨过。 庇护费:USCIS说,要限制H-1B申请人交庇护费的频率。所以坏消息是,600刀庇护费要交了(小公司的庇护费减半,一共是300刀),好消息是仅应针对H-1B首次申请,后续的transfer、extension、renewals、change of status都不需要重新交。庇护费于今年4月1日生效。如果今年抽签H-1B,涨价是躲不掉的,但是如果您申请H-1B transfer、extension之类的,或者不用抽签,只要您能在4月1日前递交H-1B申请,涨价的镰刀就割不到! USCIS: The Asylum Program Fee should only be assessed for the initial petition filed by an employer, like the Fraud Prevention and Detection and Public Law 114-113 fees, and not subsequent transfers, extensions, renewals, and changes of status. Source 小敏话移民WeChat official account