This week Workday announced intent to acquire HiredScore, a leading provider of AI-based matching tools for recruiting (called “talent orchestration”). While it wasn’t discussed much in the earnings call, this deal is a big positive for Workday and could have many implications for the HR Tech market.
Let me explain. (I have not been briefed by Workday yet, so more information will come as I learn more.)
Right now there is a massive marketplace war for high-powered AI-based recruiting tools (estimated at $30.1 billion). Historically dominated by applicant tracking systems (ATS), this market provides essential technology to help every company grow.
The ATS market, which is more than 25 years old, has been rapidly transformed with high-powered AI tools that help with candidate matching, search, skills inference, and sourcing. And now that AI tools are readily available, these systems are becoming big data platforms loaded with billions of employee profiles, running complex AI models to help match people to jobs, projects, and gigs.
Most ATS vendors (including Workday) have slowly extended into this space through matching. The original idea of a resume parser (software that reads a resume and scores it against a job description) has evolved into complex text analysis and AI-powered inference technology, forcing ATS vendors to invest.
As the ATS vendors enhance their AI capabilities, a parallel universe of AI-first Talent Intelligence vendors emerged. These vendors, like Eightfold, Gloat, Beamery, Phenom, Seekout, Skyhive, Retrain, and Techwolf are building skills-centric big data platforms to match people to jobs, gigs, and mentors. These systems do much more than rate matches: they identify skills, find adjacent skills, match people to careers, find mentors, and more. They are essentially open big-data AI platforms built on vector databases that can be used for many enterprise apps (job architecture design, skills planning, internal mobility, pay equity analysis, etc.). In many ways they represent the future of HR Tech.
(Read our Talent Intelligence Primer for more.)
As the Talent Intelligence vendors grow, they start to deliver “HCM-threatening” platforms that impinge on the HCM “System of Record” idea. If you have all your employees, candidates, alumni, and prospects in Eightfold, Phenom, Seekout, or Gloat, for example, Workday or SAP look like a tactical payroll and workflow management system. (ServiceNow also understands this, and is building talent intelligence into its workflow platform.)
Up until now the big HCM vendors like Workday, Oracle, and SAP have struggled to build these new systems, largely because their original architectures were not AI-based. So they’ve attracted customers with offerings like the Workday Skills Cloud or SAP Opportunity Marketplace that aren’t fully completed yet. We have talked with dozens of Workday Skills Cloud customers, for example, and they see it as an important “skills system of record,” but its real AI matching and inference capabilities have been limited.
Along comes HiredScore, a well respected AI-based matching system with 150 employees and 40+ seasoned AI engineers in Israel. These folks are experts at candidate matching (quite a complex problem), and they’ve built a very innovative “orchestration” system to help line managers coordinate activities with HR business partners and recruiters (more on this later). While I’m sure they’ll continue to build out HiredScore, they can also contribute to Workday’s overall talent intelligence offering, improving the entire system – including the Skills Cloud, Workday Learning, Workday’s Talent Marketplace.
As large as the recruiting software market is, the market for internal career tools, talent mobility, skills inference, and corporate learning is five times bigger. This acquisition gives Workday a shot in the arm to accelerate its entire AI platform strategy. (As the Identified acquisition did back in 2014. Identified was the roots of the Workday Skills Cloud.)
Market Implications Of This Move
This move could change the market for HR software in a few significant ways.
First, Workday Recruiting customers will be thrilled. Workday’s ATS now benefits from a first class matching and candidate scoring solution. This helps Workday compete with the bigger ATS players and gives Workday a new revenue source as they sell HiredScore to the existing 4,000+ Workday ATS customers. (Similar to the Peakon acquisition in Employee Experience.) And the talent orchestration features (kind of like a “staffing copilot”) gives Workday a very unique feature set.
Second, this forces Workday’s talent intelligence partners to step up their game. Remember when Apple acquired Dark Sky, the most compelling micro-weather app on the market? Once they integrated it into Apple’s other apps, the market for third party weather apps went away. Workday could limit its partner network to avoid letting HiredScore competitors into the ecosystem.
Third, this forces HCM vendors to accelerate their AI. Since HiredScore is such a well-respected product (every client we talk with adores it), it will become part of Workday demos and sales proposals quickly. Workday’s HCM competitors will start scratching around to find a similarly mature AI vendor to acquire. And that could kick off another round of acquisitions, similar to the frenzy that took place in the mid 2010s.
Finally, there’s one more scenario, and I give this good odds. Not to be outdone by Workday, the Talent Intelligence vendors may just expand their ATS capability and decide to go “full stack.” I wouldn’t be surprised to see this happen.
Why Is AI-Based Candidate Matching So Important
Why is this technology so important? Well if you’ve ever tried to recruit on Indeed or LinkedIn, you know why. The quality and reliability of “candidate matching technology” is a lynchpin of a talent platform. Just as Google Search crushed Yahoo, Excite, and Inktomi, a powerful next-gen matching tool adds an enormous amount of value. Not only does it speed talent acquisition, it fuels all the internal mobility, career portals, skills, and eventually learning and pay systems.
Why do I say this? A “match” is a sophisticated problem. Unlike a Google search which looks at text and traffic, when you search for a person to fill a role you have to think about dozens of complex relationships. What are this person’s skills and capabilities? What are their credentials or certifications? Who else are they connected with? How likely will they fit into the job, role, and company? What is the impact of their industry experience? What tools and technologies do they understand?
And it gets much more complex. The Heidrick Navigator platform (built on Eightfold), uses AI to assess functional skills for management and leadership, identifies a person’s “ability to drive results,” and more. This important application of AI powers many of the most important decisions we make in business.
That’s why the Talent Intelligence space is growing so fast. As of this week there are more than 1,800 Director or VPs of “Talent Intelligence” in LinkedIn, and that number is up almost six-fold from one year ago.
Can Workday take the lead in this emerging space? It’s impossible to tell at this point, but the horses have left the gate and the race is on. This deal sets the players in the right lanes and feels like the earthquake to shake things up.
Is DEI Going to Die in 2024?Josh Bersin 的文章讨论了 2024 年多元化、公平与包容(DEI)项目所面临的重大挑战和批评,特别强调了 "反觉醒 "评论家的攻击和克劳迪娜-盖伊(Claudine Gay)从哈佛辞职的事件。报告探讨了多元包容计划在当前的文化战争中扮演的角色、人们对它的看法以及法律挑战对多元包容计划招聘和投资的影响。尽管存在这些挑战,贝尔辛还是强调了发展型企业的实际商业利益,展示了成功的战略以及将发展型企业融入业务而不仅仅是人力资源的重要性。他认为,应将重点转向在所有业务部门嵌入包容、公平薪酬和开放讨论的原则,并指出,未来的企业发展指数至关重要,但需要适应和领导层的承诺才能茁壮成长。
Is DEI Going to Die in 2024? By Josh Bersin
For anyone working in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), it is safe to say that it has been a tough start to 2024. For a while now, there has been a concerted attack on DEI programs, with ‘anti-woke’ commentators and public figures querying their value, worth, and even existence.
Those attacks increased enormously in 2024 with the resignation of Claudine Gay from Harvard. While the call to resign was supposedly related to plagiarism, one can’t help but feel that her position as a leading DEI advocate also fuelled the demand.
It means that DEI has come under increased and sustained fire, and despite the many benefits provided by a good DEO program – to both employer and employee – there is a feeling that 2024 could be the year that DEI fades away. How likely is this to happen, and what would the impact be if it did?
DEI and the culture wars
Anyone living and working in the US (or most other countries worldwide) over the past few years will have likely heard of the culture wars. Brought on by declining trust in institutions, growing inequalities, and the proliferation of technology, the culture wars involve opposing social groups seeking to impose their ideologies.
All manner of things has been caught up in this, from what’s on the curriculum at schools to taking a knee at sporting events and from definitions of what constitutes a woman to allegations of tokenism in the workplace. DEI has played an unwitting but central part in the culture wars.
There’s a perception that DEI programs are ‘woke’ and prioritize ethnicity and gender over achievement and ability. In August of 2023, an attorney filed (and won) a lawsuit against a VC firm that gives grants to black entrepreneurs. Similar suits have been filed against firms with diversity hiring programs, scholarships, and internships.
The resignation of Claudine Gay has reinvigorated the commentary around DEI programs. Josh Hammer, a conservative talk show host and writer, wrote on the social media platform X that taking down Dr. Gay was a “huge scalp” in the “fight for civilizational sanity. ” It was described as “a crushing loss to DEI, wokeism, antisemitism & university elitism,” by conservative commentator Liz Wheeler, and the “beginning of the end for DEI in America’s institutions,” by the conservative activist Christopher Rufo, who had helped publicize the plagiarism allegations against Claudine Gay.
When something is as consistently criticized and devalued as DEI programs have been, a toll is inevitably taken. That is certainly indicated by the latest hiring data for DEI professionals. According to data from labor market analytics company Lightcast, hiring for DEI positions in the US is down by 48% year over year, in the middle of an economic boom. Clearly, DEI investments are under attack.
And when you look at companies doing layoffs, DEI jobs are frequently high on the list of jobs to cut. I even heard a recent podcast with four well-known venture capitalists – three agreed that “doing away with DEI programs” was top on their list.
The value of DEI
Given this criticism of DEI programs, one could be forgiven for thinking such programs carry no value to HR and the wider business. Yet many companies invest in DEI programs, and the value is high in almost every case I come across.
Our Elevating Equity research in 2022 and 2023 found companies focus on diversity and inclusion for very pragmatic reasons, including:
An inclusive hiring strategy broadens and deepens the recruiting pool.
An inclusive leadership strategy drives a deeper leadership pipeline.
An inclusive management approach helps attract diverse customers and markets.
An inclusive board drives growth and market leadership. (proven statistically)
An inclusive supply chain program improves sustainability of the supply chain.
An inclusive culture creates growth, retention, and engagement in the employee base.
Organizations are not prioritizing DEI programs because they are woken or as a box-ticking exercise. They do so because DEI provides real and tangible business benefits. Workday, one of the most admired HR technology companies in the market, has pioneered DEI internally and through its products, and the company has outgrown and outperformed its competitors for years. Their product VIBE, an analytics system designed for this purpose, shows intersectionality, and helps companies set targets and find inequities in leadership, hiring, pay, and career development.
But some law firms have posited that these types of programs are illegal – is there a case to answer?
DEI legality
In response, it’s important to consider the massive and complex pay equity problem. Until the last few years, most companies had no problem paying people in very idiosyncratic ways. The Josh Bersin Company looked at leadership, succession, and pay programs worldwide last year and found that there are massive variations in pay with no clear statistical correlation in most larger companies.
This problem is called “pay equity,” and when you look at pay vs. gender, age, race, nationality, and other non-performance factors, most companies find problems. Is this a “DEI” program?
When we looked at pay equity in detail last year, we found that only 5% of companies have embarked on a strategic equity analysis. While most companies do their best to keep pay consistent with performance, these studies always find problems. Would it be considered illegal to analyze pay by race or nationality and then fix the disparities?
The future of DEI
DEI is undoubtedly a complex issue, and many organizations will be uncertain about the best course of action. Despite the current wave of criticism, there has been vast investment in DEI strategy over recent years, and business leaders are highly unlikely to let that fade away.
Despite the anti-woke movement, political debates, and the inability of Harvard, Penn, and other universities to speak clearly on these topics, businesses will not stop. Affirmative Action was not created to discriminate; it was designed to reduce discrimination. At the University of California, where Affirmative Action was halted in 1995, studies found that earnings among African American STEM graduates decreased significantly. So, one could argue that they were making a real difference.
DEI will not die – it is far too important for that to happen. However, it’s time to do away with the “DEI police” in HR and focus on embedding the principles of inclusion, fair pay, and open-minded discussions across all business units. Senior leaders must take ownership of this issue.
In the early 2000s, companies hired Chief Digital Officers to drive digital technology implementation, ideas, and strategies. As digital tools became commonplace, the role went away. We may be entering a period where the Chief Diversity Officer has a new role: putting the company on a track to embrace inclusion and diversity in every business area and spending less time pushing the agenda from a central group.
In every interview we conduct on this topic, we see overwhelming positive stories from various DEI strategies. Each successful company frames DEI as a business rather than an HR strategy. While HR-centric DEI investments are shrinking, it’s more like them migrating into the business where they belong.
2024年,多样性、公平与包容(DEI)将走向消亡吗?作者:Josh Bersin
特别是随着Claudine Gay从哈佛大学的辞职,这种攻击愈发激烈。尽管她的辞职表面上与剽窃事件有关,但不难察觉,她作为DEI领域的领军人物,这一身份似乎也是辞职呼声高涨的一个重要因素。
Claudine Gay的辞职再次引发了对DEI项目的广泛讨论。保守派脱口秀主持人和作家Josh Hammer在社交媒体平台X上表示,击败Gay博士是“为文明理智而战的一大胜利”。保守派评论员Liz Wheeler称之为“对DEI、觉醒主义、反犹太主义及大学精英主义的沉重打击”,而保守派活动家Christopher Rufo则称这是“DEI在美国机构中走向终结的开始”。
面对这一问题,我们不得不考虑到复杂且广泛的薪酬公平问题。直到最近几年,大多数公司在个性化支付薪酬方面并未遇到太大问题。Josh Bersin Company去年对全球的领导力、继承计划和薪酬计划进行了研究,发现在许多大公司中,薪酬存在巨大差异,且大多没有明显的统计相关性。
Workday: It’s Time to Close the AI Trust GapWorkday, a leading provider of enterprise cloud applications for finance and human resources, has pressed a global study recently recognizing the importance of addressing the AI trust gap. They believe that trust is a critical factor when it comes to implementing artificial intelligence (AI) systems, especially in areas such as workforce management and human resources.
Research results are as follows:
At the leadership level, only 62% welcome AI, and only 62% are confident their organization will ensure AI is implemented in a responsible and trustworthy way. At the employee level, these figures drop even lower to 52% and 55%, respectively.
70% of leaders say AI should be developed in a way that easily allows for human review and intervention. Yet 42% of employees believe their company does not have a clear understanding of which systems should be fully automated and which require human intervention.
1 in 4 employees (23%) are not confident that their organization will put employee interests above its own when implementing AI. (compared to 21% of leaders)
1 in 4 employees (23%) are not confident that their organization will prioritize innovating with care for people over innovating with speed. (compared to 17% of leaders)
1 in 4 employees (23%) are not confident that their organization will ensure AI is implemented in a responsible and trustworthy way. (compared to 17% of leaders)
“We know how these technologies can benefit economic opportunities for people—that’s our business. But people won’t use technologies they don’t trust. Skills are the way forward, and not only skills, but skills backed by a thoughtful, ethical, responsible implementation of AI that has regulatory safeguards that help facilitate trust.” said Chandler C. Morse, VP, Public Policy, Workday.
Workday’s study focuses on various key areas:
Section 1: Perspectives align on AI’s potential and responsible use.
“At the outset of our research, we hypothesized that there would be a general alignment between business leaders and employees regarding their overall enthusiasm for AI. Encouragingly, this has proven true: leaders and employees are aligned in several areas, including AI’s potential for business transformation, as well as efforts to reduce risk and ensure trustworthy AI.”
Both leaders and employees believe in and hope for a transformation scenario* with AI.
Both groups agree AI implementation should prioritize human control.
Both groups cite regulation and frameworks as most important for trustworthy AI.
Section 2: When it comes to the development of AI, the trust gap between leaders and employees diverges even more.
“While most leaders and employees agree on the value of AI and the need for its careful implementation, the existing trust gap becomes even more pronounced when it comes to developing AI in a way that facilitates human review and intervention.”
Employees aren’t confident their company takes a people-first approach.
At all levels, there’s the worry that human welfare isn’t a leadership priority.
Section 3: Data on AI governance and use is not readily visible to employees.
“While employees are calling for regulation and ethical frameworks to ensure that AI is trustworthy, there is a lack of awareness across all levels of the workforce when it comes to collaborating on AI regulation and sharing responsible AI guidelines.”
Closing remarks: How Workday is closing the AI trust gap.
Transparency: Workday can prioritize transparency in their AI systems. Providing clear explanations of how AI algorithms make decisions can help build trust among users. By revealing the factors, data, and processes that contribute to AI-driven outcomes, Workday can ensure transparency in their AI applications.
Explainability: Workday can work towards making their AI systems more explainable. This means enabling users to understand the reasoning behind AI-generated recommendations or decisions. Employing techniques like interpretable machine learning can help users comprehend the logic and factors influencing the AI-driven outcomes.
Ethical considerations: Working on ethical frameworks and guidelines for AI use can play a crucial role in closing the trust gap. Workday can ensure that their AI systems align with ethical principles, such as fairness, accountability, and avoiding bias. This might involve rigorous testing, auditing, and ongoing monitoring of AI models to detect and mitigate any potential biases or unintended consequences.
User feedback and collaboration: Engaging with users and seeking their feedback can be key to building trust. Workday can involve their customers and end-users in the AI development process, gathering insights and acting on user concerns. Collaboration and open communication will help Workday enhance their AI systems based on real-world feedback and user needs.
Data privacy and security: Ensuring robust data privacy and security measures is vital for instilling trust in AI systems. Workday can prioritize data protection and encryption, complying with industry standards and regulations. By demonstrating strong data privacy practices, they can alleviate concerns associated with AI-driven data processing.
SOURCE Workday
2024年的HRTech:GenAI、分析和技能技术In 2024, the field of Human Resources is experiencing a transformative shift with the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as Generative AI (GenAI), advanced analytics, and skills technology. This article by Dave Zielinski, featured on SHRM Online, delves into the evolving landscape of HR, highlighting the significant impact of these technologies on enhancing the employee experience, improving regulatory compliance, and revolutionizing talent management. Industry analysts and thought leaders share insights on the growing importance of GenAI in HR processes, the challenges of maintaining employee experience in cost-cutting scenarios, and the potential of predictive analytics in optimizing workforce planning.
接受SHRM Online采访的人力资源行业分析师、从业者和思想领袖表示,今年,人力资源职能部门将采用生成式人工智能 (GenAI),投资于提升员工体验的技术,并采用强大的预测分析和技能技术。
有远见的公司将继续投资 EX
一些分析师预测,随着高管将注意力转向降低成本和提高效率,远离包容性、公平和多样性等问题,员工体验 (EX) 将在 2024 年出现“衰退”;灵活的工作安排;和员工心理健康。员工的工作选择将减少,雇主将收回一些影响力。
不过,尽管许多组织可能会在 2024 年减少或冻结 EX 支出,但专家对此类举措的后果提出警告。
JP Gownder 是 Forrester 的副总裁兼首席分析师。他在博文中写道,根据 Forrester 研究,66% 的技术决策者表示,他们将在 2024 年增加对 EX 或人力资源技术的投资,其中许多投资将旨在提高效率,而不是 EX 结果。
但逆流而上的领导者将在 2024 年获得实实在在的好处。
“通过开发成熟的 EX 计划,您的组织可以提高生产力、降低人员流失率并提高创造力,”Gownder 写道。
其他专家认为,足智多谋的人力资源领导者会在预算紧张的情况下找到投资 EX 的方法。
管理咨询公司光辉国际 (Korn Ferry) 首席人力资源官 (CHRO) 业务的高级客户合伙人丹·卡普兰 (Dan Kaplan) 表示:“人力资源部门将被迫在低迷的市场中保持参与度,甚至在成本削减和削减的整个过程中也不例外。” “这将是一场艰难的舞蹈,但最好的人力资源领导者会找到办法做到这一点。”
光辉国际 (Korn Ferry) 专门负责人力资源问题的高级客户合伙人胡安·巴勃罗·冈萨雷斯 (Juan Pablo Gonzalez) 表示,组织对 EX 的承诺在 2024 年不会减弱,但 EX 看起来会非常不同。
“EX 的本质可能会变得更加个性化,同时也会变得不那么个性化,”冈萨雷斯说。“例如,通过使用 Microsoft Office Copilot、Workday 和 Salesforce 等大型软件平台中已有的人工智能功能,雇主和员工已经改变了他们的 EX。正在发生的情况是,员工与技术的互动越来越多地取代了与人的互动,但与技术的互动已经变得更加适合员工的特定需求和情况。”
亚特兰大人力资源咨询公司 IA 的创始人兼管理负责人 Mark Stelzner 表示,虽然由于组织面临控制盈利的挑战,预算将在 2024 年重新分配,但良好的 EX 相关技术投资将继续为公司带来红利。
“我认为投资 EX 实际上会提高效率并降低成本,”Stelzner 说。“到 2024 年,我们可能会看到组织不断转向‘流程主导、技术支持’的理念。端到端流程的优化通常会导致诸如消除现有技术债务以及统一工具和技术等决策,以减少员工的困惑并优化个性化,从而减少集成良好的接触点。”
Gartner 专门研究人力资源技术的副总裁分析师 John Kostoulas 表示,做出更具战略性的采购决策和改善现有技术生态系统的治理是改善 EX 的两个关键。Gartner 最近的研究发现,60% 的人力资源领导者认为他们当前的技术阻碍而不是改善了员工体验。
Nucleus Research 专门负责员工体验的研究经理 Evelyn McMullen 表示,仅仅为了提高效率而不是 EX 结果而设计的技术投资可能被证明是短视的。她指出,改进的 EX 通常会带来更好的绩效并降低与营业额相关的成本。
麦克马伦说:“考虑到劳动力市场和求职者优势的不断波动,减少 EX 预算的风险尤其大。” “当控制权不可避免地回到求职者手中时,保留 EX 投资的组织将能够更好地捕获和留住最优秀的人才。”
GenAI 从实验转向加速采用
到 2024 年,通过更多地采用该技术,人力资源职能将从涉足 GenAI 转向更深的领域。
随着领导者制定更严格的 GenAI 治理计划以及使用该技术的风险开始降低,人力资源和招聘部门将越来越多地使用其 HRIS 平台中已有的 GenAI 工具来编写职位描述和面试指南、创建敬业度调查、开发培训课程、分析数据,并制定政策。
世界大型企业联合会 2023 年底对首席人力资源官的调查发现,61% 的首席人力资源官计划在 2024 年投资人工智能以简化人力资源流程。
分析师 Eser Rizaoglu 表示:“许多人力资源领导者的 GenAI 之旅仍处于起步阶段,但要么通过现有的人力资源技术提供商获得 GenAI 功能,要么到 2024 年中期购买新的 GenAI 工具。” Gartner 的人力资源研究和咨询实践。
Rizaoglu 表示,许多人力资源技术供应商仍在努力弄清楚如何充分利用 GenAI 的功能,同时平衡保护数据、确保有效治理和考虑道德因素的需求。他表示:“在实现这种精细的平衡之前,GenAI 能力在人力资源领域的大规模扩散将面临挑战。”
Stelzner 表示,虽然去年 GenAI 带来了兴奋并刺激了人力资源领域的实验,但“冷酷的现实”是许多组织仍然没有准备好全力投入。
“到 2024 年,GenAI 采用率的任何增长都可能是渐进式的,包括更好地利用聊天机器人、增强员工沟通的个性化、更加关注人才招聘领域的可能性以及系统升级和实施测试的自动化。”他说。
埃森哲进行的研究发现,GenAI 有潜力改变组织 40% 的工作时间。“这并不意味着 40% 的工作岗位将会消失,而是反映了工作方式的转变,”负责该公司人力资源转型和交付实践的埃森哲董事总经理迈克尔·本亚明 (Michael Benyamin) 表示。“技术将取代一些任务,让员工在工作中变得更有生产力、更具创造力和效率。人工智能是人类能力的倍增器。”
随着 GenAI 开始增强或转变更多的工作角色,人力资源和学习领导者将需要创建敏捷的学习计划,以重新培训员工使用快速发展的 GenAI 工具的技能。许多工人几乎没有接受过如何使用该技术的培训。
Salesforce 于 2023 年进行的一项调查发现,62% 的员工表示他们缺乏有效、安全使用 GenAI 的技能。波士顿咨询集团的另一项研究发现,尽管该技术有望从根本上重塑他们的工作方式,但只有 14% 的一线员工接受过与人工智能相关的技能提升。
Benyamin 表示,随着 GenAI 在工作场所变得越来越普遍,人力资源部门必须帮助制定负责任和道德的人工智能使用政策,并制定培训计划来解决偏见、歧视、数据保护和适当数据使用等问题。
专家认为,许多人力资源领导者将寻求通过采用变革管理策略来提高 2024 年技术投资的回报,例如确保员工使用新采用的技术解决方案。
人力资源面临的一项持续挑战是管理云技术供应商源源不断的更新和新功能,导致许多人力资源软件即服务 (SaaS) 许可证闲置。位于加利福尼亚州帕洛阿尔托的 SaaS 智能平台 Productiv 于 2023 年进行的一项研究发现,组织中 53% 的 SaaS 许可证总体未使用。
位于阿拉巴马州亨茨维尔的人力资源咨询和研究公司 Lighthouse Research 的首席研究官本·尤班克斯 (Ben Eubanks) 表示,许多组织低估了如何确保员工在新的人力资源平台和应用程序推出后定期使用它们。
ServiceNow 高级副总裁兼员工工作流程产品总经理 Gretchen Alarcon 表示,随着组织继续努力寻找“秘方”,让员工在 2024 年更频繁地重返办公室,人力资源领导者将需要使用更有意义的方法测量工具。
她说:“组织将利用员工的声音调查和反馈来分析在办公室花费的时间与员工情绪和生产力的关系。” “这将使领导者能够根据数据而不是假设做出决策,这样他们就可以根据员工的需求、行为和提高生产力的因素来调整重返办公室 [RTO] 策略。”
“到 2024 年,随着组织采用技能智能技术,他们将开始认识到,这不是拥有最大的技能数据库,而是一个不断更新的丰富且互联的技能数据库,”Alarcon 说。她补充说,此类数据库使公司能够了解人才缺口是否是由于缺乏合适的人才或缺乏技能造成的,以及他们是否需要为未来培养、购买或借用人才。
光辉国际 (Korn Ferry) 的冈萨雷斯 (Gonzalez) 表示:“凭借更大的数据集和改进的算法,人力资源部门应该能够采取一些措施,例如缓和过去几年的招聘盛衰周期。” 例如,冈萨雷斯表示,雇主不会雇佣数千名员工,然后在六个月后解雇其中一半,而是能够更好地预测在合理的时间内他们需要的员工数量和类型。他说:“然后他们可以雇用和培养一支更稳定的员工队伍,以造福所有组织利益相关者。”
Stelzner 认为,许多人力资源部门由于没有充分发挥数据分析的潜力而错失了机会。他说,如果未能投资分析人力资源数据所需的工具和技能,可能会导致洞察力缺失,并阻碍人力资源战略与更广泛的业务目标保持一致的能力。
Dave Zielinski 是 Skiwood Communications 的负责人,这是一家位于明尼阿波利斯的商业写作和编辑公司。
作者:Dave Zielinski
Sana Raises Additional $28M Led by NEA to Build the Universal AI Platform for the EnterpriseSana, a company focused on building a universal AI platform for the enterprise, has secured an additional $28 million in funding, with NEA (New Enterprise Associates) leading the investment round. This infusion of funding will undoubtedly help Sana advance its mission of creating an AI platform that caters specifically to the needs of businesses.
The Swedish-born Sana scaleup becomes one of Europe’s most highly-funded AI companies with $62M in total Series B funding
May 31,2023 Sana, the leading AI-powered learning and knowledge platform, announced today it’s landed another $28m in an opportunistic investment round led by NEA. Workday Ventures also joined the round. With a combined total of $62m in Series B funding, the Swedish-born scaleup is now one of the most highly-funded AI companies.
Sana's mission is to augment human intelligence through artificial intelligence. To that end, the company has built a category-defining product that blends the best of enterprise search, a learning management system, meeting tools, and a knowledge management system into one single platform.
Underpinning this suite of tools is Sana AI, the company's latest release. Sana AI is an omnipresent assistant that can do everything from search across all your company's apps and take actions in response to natural language commands to generating real-time summaries of live meetings and creating entire learning courses from scratch, and writing SQL to query your data. In other words, it's like ChatGPT for your company's knowledge.
By augmenting an organization's ability to capture, organize, and access knowledge at every step through AI, Sana enables any team to move faster and be more productive—from sales and customer support teams to product specialists and software engineers.
"At Sana, we believe every organization's mission depends on the collective intelligence of its employees. That intelligence depends on knowledge, yet most institutional knowledge today is scattered across multiple tools, trapped in people's minds, and lost in verbal conversations. AI is the key to solving this problem at scale. By unlocking knowledge for every employee across any organization, we unlock global progress," said Joel Hellermark, founder and CEO of Sana. "We're thrilled to have the support from NEA and strategic investors like Workday Ventures on this mission."
Sana wasn’t looking for funding when NEA made its proactive offer. The scaleup had a healthy runway having closed a $34m Series B round led by Menlo Ventures last December. One of the reasons for the additional investor interest is commercial performance: Sana has grown its business 3x year over year.
NEA will be represented on Sana's board by CEO Scott Sandell and Managing Director Philip Chopin. Since joining NEA in 1996, Sandell has played a critical role in many industry-transforming businesses, including Robinhood, Salesforce, Tableau Software, and Workday.
"Sana's past track record and current trajectory are exceptional. Thanks to top talent, bold vision, and rare organizational alignment, we believe they've already built a world-class learning and knowledge platform. But what excites us most is where Sana is going next: indexing every form of an organization's functional data through LLMs to become the de-facto AI platform for the enterprise. The use cases for this type of product are endless," said Scott Sandell, CEO at NEA.
In addition to Sana's commercial growth and ambitious team, NEA was impressed by the level of customer advocacy. The platform is used by an impressive client roster of market-leading companies like Merck, Kry/Livi, and Svea Solar—all of whom praise Sana's superior user experience and product velocity.
"Since day one, we've been amazed at Sana's pace of innovation and commitment to addressing customer feedback. The platform is more than a tool—it's become Svea Solar’s home for learning and knowledge. We see the latest iteration of Sana AI as a productivity game-changer, " said Hanna Manberg, CHRO at Svea Solar.
With the additional funding, Sana will continue expanding its product development and commercial teams across Stockholm, London, and New York offices. Sana's headquarters will remain in Stockholm, where founder and CEO Joel Hellermark founded the company aged 19, six years after teaching himself to code in C.
"Joel is an exceptional founder. This Series B extension is a testament to his technical and commercial prowess and visionary leadership. As we enter the new age of artificial intelligence, we believe the Sana team is well positioned to become one of the world's most successful and impactful AI companies," said Philip Chopin, Managing Director at NEA UK.
About Sana
Sana is an AI-powered learning platform that empowers organizations to find, share, and harness the knowledge they need to achieve their missions. Backed by some of the world's leading investors, operators, and founders, Sana has raised more than $85m to date. The company's headquarters are in Stockholm, Sweden, with offices in London and New York. For more information, head to
About NEA
New Enterprise Associates, Inc. (NEA) is a global venture capital firm focused on helping entrepreneurs build transformational businesses across multiple stages, sectors and geographies. Founded in 1977, NEA has over $25 billion in assets under management, as of March 31, 2023 and invests in technology and healthcare companies at all stages in a company’s lifecycle, from seed stage through IPO. The firm's long track record of investing includes more than 270 portfolio company IPOs and more than 450 mergers and acquisitions. For more information, please visit