
2024年01月15日 2352次浏览



18岁的贝拉·贝特顿(Bella Betterton)来自德文郡,她上了招聘诈骗的当,被骗走了3000英镑。诈骗分子首先通过WhatsApp信息和电话与她联系。诈骗分子通过电话进行了一次贝拉以为是真实的面试,面试内容是关于远程工作,包括使用他们的钱购买和评估产品。犯罪分子通过数十条信息和电话与贝拉沟通,直到他们在她的手机上安装了她怀疑是恶意软件的东西,从而进行了四笔大额的信用卡支付,支付给了一个不明的加密货币交易所。诈骗分子可能会要求支付少量的预付款,他们声称这些款项将在受害者的第一份工资中报销,用于支付正当的费用——如DBS检查、安全检查和小型设备。





The rise in recruitment scams in the UK, as reported by the City of London Police, is a concerning trend that highlights the evolving nature of online fraud. The statistics indicate a significant increase in these scams, with an eightfold rise in reports to Action Fraud and the amount of money stolen jumping from £20,000 to nearly £1 million in just one year. This dramatic escalation underscores the seriousness and growing sophistication of these scams.

Recruitment scams typically involve criminals offering fake job opportunities to lure individuals. They use the promise of work or extra income to deceive victims into providing bank details or gaining access to their phones, often leading to substantial financial losses. The case of 18-year-old Bella Betterton from Devon is a poignant example. She was deceived through WhatsApp messages and phone calls, believing she was participating in a legitimate job interview. The scammers groomed her with consistent communication before presumably installing malware on her phone, which resulted in significant financial loss.

The complexity of these scams is highlighted by Dr. Elisabeth Carter, a criminologist at Kingston University. She points out that recruitment scams are high-volume, multi-stage crimes, employing specific language and tactics to manipulate victims. By mimicking the processes of legitimate HR departments, fraudsters collect valuable personal data, which can be used for further fraud or sold on the dark web.

The response to this growing threat includes initiatives like the Jobsaware scheme, a collaboration between law enforcement, the UK government, and staffing firms. This program aims to combat recruitment scams, especially following their increase during the pandemic. Nearly 500 UK recruiters are participating in promoting JobsAware to their candidates, and more than half a million online job adverts display the JobsAware logo daily, demonstrating the scale of efforts to raise awareness and protect job seekers.

This situation serves as a stark reminder of the need for vigilance in the digital age, especially when seeking employment opportunities online. Individuals must be cautious and verify the legitimacy of job offers and recruiters. Additionally, this highlights the importance of ongoing efforts by authorities, organizations, and the public in combating such fraudulent activities.