New Data from Inspira AI Predicts: Nine out of 10 Office Jobs Gone Forever as a Result of AI

2023年12月14日 1618次浏览
报告显示2045年将有90%的白领工作因AI的发展而永久消失,同时AI不仅会取代现有的工作,它还将占据大部分新创造的岗位。 根据Inspira AI的最新研究报告揭示了一个惊人的预测:到2045年,将有90%的白领工作因AI的发展而永久消失。这不仅仅是一次技术革命,更是对我们传统工作方式的全面挑战。 报告指出,与蓝领一线工作相比,办公室工作的自动化更为简单和经济高效。因此,白领岗位将会受到更广泛的影响。这种变化速度之快,影响之广,远超过我们之前的想象。它预示着社会结构和社会规范将经历迅速而广泛的变化,全球性的重大转型已经在眼前。 Inspira的CEO Izzy Traub强调,目前公众对于人工智能相关的工作流失的讨论,大多数估计过低。事实上,AI不仅会取代现有的工作,它还将占据大部分新创造的岗位。这是一个不容忽视的事实。 面对这样的挑战,作为职场人,我们需要重新思考和规划我们的职业生涯。技能的适应和升级变得至关重要。我们必须对人工智能的发展保持敏感,并积极探索如何在AI时代保持自身的竞争力。 现在是时候行动了。我们需要对未来的工作环境有一个清晰的认识,并思考如何在这个由AI主导的新时代中找到自己的位置。让我们共同面对挑战,拥抱变化,准备好迎接未来。

LOS ANGELES Inspira AI, a company pioneering new AI cognitive frameworks, has today released a paper that maps out shocking job losses in the white-collar sector.

The paper predicts that nine out of 10 white collar employees will be out of work by 2045, with no new jobs to replace them. In just over two decades, forecasts suggest the world will experience swift and extensive changes in social structures and societal norms, leading to a significant transformation globally.

Inspira CEO, Izzy Traub, commented on the data, “There has been a lot of public chatter about AI-related job losses forecasted in the 40-50% range. These forecasts take into account new jobs that will be created. What is not taken into consideration is that AI will also take most of these new jobs as well. The job displacement predictions are skewed far too low, at least for knowledge work. The scary truth is that AI will result in massive job losses for office workers, far more extensive than people realize.”

The newly released paper makes the case that automation of office work will take place far faster and broadly than jobs that require manual labor. The argument is that office work requires only the automation of computer processes, while manual labor requires expensive and hard-to-build robots. Automating office work is easier and less costly, and thus office jobs will be impacted more extensively.

Dr. Jo Ann Oravec, a professor at University of Wisconsin, is a contributor to the paper and the author of Good Robot Bad Robot (Springer Nature, 2022). She commented, “predictions about technological futures can never be entirely correct, but Inspira’s efforts are based on solid thinking and will certainly stimulate a new level of insight in business, academics, and public policy. Projections of the impacts of AI are often bold but have little to back them up, unlike Inspira’s pioneering approaches. The world is in for changes of such magnitude that we best prepare ourselves. The work that Inspira is doing is groundbreaking and is sure to have a profound impact on countless lives”.

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About Inspira

Inspira AI Corp is an A.I. SaaS company pioneering new cognitive frameworks and conversational agents for workforce optimization.