2024年人力资源预测:全球追求生产力In this fast-evolving era, all companies and individuals are seeking for change and efficiency. We can see the core of productivity in the new year: AI. Let's have a look at details on the Josh Bersin Predictions for 2024.
我们生活在一个失业率为 3.8% 的世界,几乎每个职位都存在劳动力短缺,劳动力权力日益增强,员工需求不断涌现:对加薪、灵活性、自主权和福利的要求。每年有超过20%的美国员工换工作(每月2.3%),其中近一半的变化是进入新行业。
其次,员工(尤其是年轻员工)感到有权按照自己的意愿行事。他们可能会悄悄地辞职,“做兼职”,或者抽出时间转行。他们看到自己的生活很长(人们的寿命比 1970 年代和 1980 年代长得多),所以他们不介意离开你的公司去其他地方。
2024 年普华永道 CEO 调查发现,CEO 认为公司 40%的工作浪费了生产力。
尽管这听起来令人震惊,但对我来说却是真实的:太多的电子邮件、太多的会议、混乱的招聘流程、官僚主义的绩效管理等等。(HR 就有其中一些问题。)
人工智能的应用旨在提高白领的生产力。(过去大多数自动化都有助于蓝领或灰领工人。)生成式 AI 让我们能够更快地查找信息,了解趋势和异常值,训练自己和学习,并清理我们随身携带的文档、工作流程、门户以及后台合规和管理混乱的系统。
还有一些其他变化。随着公司专注于“通过生产力实现增长”,我们必须考虑每周 4 天的工作制,我们如何将混合工作制度化,以及如何以更有效的方式连接和支持远程工作者。我们必须重新关注领导力发展,在一线经理身上花费更多的时间和金钱,并继续投资于文化和包容性。我们必须简化和重新思考绩效管理,我们必须解决令人头疼的薪酬公平问题。
DEI 计划必须嵌入到业务中(人力资源 DEI 警察的时代已经结束)。我们必须清理我们的员工数据,以便我们的人工智能和人才情报系统准确且值得信赖。正如我们的系统性人力资源研究所指出的那样,我们必须将思维从“支持业务”转变为“成为有价值的顾问”,并将我们的人力资源服务产品化。
所有这些都在我们本周发布的40页新报告“2024 年人力资源预测”中进行了详细说明,其中包括一系列行动计划,以帮助您思考所有这些问题。
Josh Bersin预测的详细信息
What Issues are Top of the Mind for HR Leaders Heading into 2024?根据康奈尔大学工业劳动关系学院高级人力资源研究中心的一份调查报告,“转型和演变”这一广泛而重要的话题最近受到人力资源领导者的关注,该问题被确定为2024年企业的最紧迫问题。
调查显示,由于地缘政治力量和劳动力变化导致的业务中断正在加剧人们对转型和演变的担忧。Bell 说,人力资源领导者特别关注人力资源内部的转型,例如保持公司的敏捷性、提高效率和优化运营。他指出,中东的冲突和乌克兰的持续战争限制了这些地区的员工流动,另外,总体上减缓了一些人力资源转型工作。他补充说,对组织治理问题的高度关注,包括股东对高管薪酬的发言权,也在缓和人力资源转型,因为这种努力可能会限制招聘工作。
此外,Bell 表示,调查参与者报告说,快速的组织文化变化使员工难以建立联系并发展共同的目标,尤其是在当今分散的工作环境中。作为回应,人力资源领导者经常更新他们的混合工作模式,这可能会损害包容性或其他相关目标,从而阻碍文化发展。
HR 优先事项如何变化
“每年,似乎都会有一个新话题出现在前 5 名名单上,”贝尔说。他说,2023 年,在高通胀和寻求为员工提供经济救济的组织推动下,总薪酬是增加的。但今年,通胀正在放缓,对经济衰退的担忧正在缓解,这可能会减少雇主对这一领域的担忧。
DEI 和福祉仍然是人力资源的优先事项吗?
Bell 说,尽管他们没有进入前五名,但 DEI 和福祉仍然是人力资源领导者最关心的问题之一。与去年一样,他们在 2024 年分别排名第六和第七。
Bell 说:“人力资源主管谈到希望保持他们迄今为止在 DEI 方面取得的进展,甚至希望将这些努力提升到一个新的水平。“例如,他们不仅考虑多样性和包容性,还考虑我们如何推动公平和各种人才实践。”
然而,他指出,一些公司正在撤回他们的 DEI 努力。这些行动反映在最高法院去年对平权行动作出裁决后,削减 DEI 预算和裁员 DEI 官员。
Source Human Resource Executive
Emotional intelligence elevates team building by fostering open communication, empathy, and understanding among members. It creates a positive workplace culture, strengthening relationships and contributing to overall team success and well-being.
FREMONT, CA: Emotional intelligence, or EQ, plays a crucial role in team construction and leadership. It involves understanding one's own emotions and reactions while also appreciating and interacting effectively with the emotions of others. Individuals with strong emotional intelligence, marked by humility, empathy, and self-regulation traits, tend to foster smoother communication and build robust relationships. This capacity for emotional intelligence in the workplace enables team members to proactively anticipate and address potential issues, such as conflicts, saving valuable time, energy, and resources crucial for organisational success. Developing emotional intelligence is an ongoing process that improves with practice, contributing significantly to the effectiveness of teams.
Any organisation that wants to succeed must focus on building emotionally intelligent teams. These teams may function best when they have open and effective communication, which is what makes them thrive. The procedure calls for deliberate measures and thorough planning. First and foremost, for team members to appreciate the value of their contributions, they must have a clear grasp of their responsibilities and the group's objectives. Second, creating platforms that support individual opinion expression encourages participation and a sense of ownership. Thirdly, leaders must foster empathy, communication, trust, and respect. Lastly, offering chances for group learning and development inspires the group, improving problem-solving skills and fortifying interpersonal ties. By recognising individual abilities, these actions help teams build emotional resilience.
Building relationships and encouraging candid communication are essential components of a productive team. If team members lack emotional intelligence, it can be challenging to encourage open communication since they may find it difficult to read body language or recognise mood swings. Developing ways that enable individuals to exchange information without fear of repercussions is essential to the success of any team. These tactics should emphasise the significance of having productive discussions where everyone feels heard and supported.
A few examples are one-on-one meetings with team leads, group brainstorming sessions, mentorship initiatives, and promoting more positive comments within the group. Teams can increase trust and connection while increasing productivity at work by implementing these methods.
Encouraging transparency and cooperation among team members is an effective tactic for creating unity and creating prosperous enterprises. Emotional intelligence must be given top priority to successfully build such an environment. Creating an environment where team members can express themselves without worrying about criticism or peer pressure is critical. This can be accomplished using easy strategies like regular talks between management and employees or team-building activities promoting opinion exchange.
Promoting open communication ensures that everyone feels free to share their thoughts, which boosts output overall and gives teams the tools they need to cooperate to achieve objectives. Hence, integrating emotional intelligence into team building is indispensable for fostering a positive and thriving workplace culture. Ultimately, the cultivation of emotional intelligence contributes to team success and also to the overall well-being and satisfaction of team members, creating a foundation for sustained growth and achievement.
Source ManageHR
The Power of Employeeship and its Direct Impact on Company's ResultsAfter The Great Resignation in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic and the huge wave of Baby-boomers retirement, pressure was put on companies. Till now, the war of talent is still ongoing in the time on the edge of various crisis. Company centered strategy is shifting to people centered. What should we do?
The war for Talent is something that many companies around the globe have faced over more than two decades. This phenomenon coined by Steven Hankin of McKinsey & Company in 1997 is still ongoing, more challenging than ever. It simply refers to an increasingly competitive landscape for recruiting and retaining talented employees.
The Great Resignation in addition is an ongoing economic trend in which employees have voluntarily resigned from their jobs in early 2021 in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the most cited reasons for resigning include wage stagnation is the long-lasting job dissatisfaction.
Here we could also add depopulation in some Western countries, big gap between demand and supply in critical competencies and huge wave of Baby-boomers retirement, big uncertainty in the world with conflicts and energy crisis, all of that indeed put the pressure on companies to Re-think the People strategy.
So, the million question is which driving factor is the most important enabler for companies to attract and retain people? There is no general recipe and no copy-paste strategy. Instead, look deeper into your people analytics, needs and behaviours. You will find the answer BUT I would dare to emphasize that psychological safety is taking more and more place among employees as the most critical one. By empowering Employeeship with psychological safety in the ground companies can gain both in terms of individual but also team performance. Research and survey are showing that innovation as a competitive advantage is possible if a company has people with high motivation and strong feeling of belonging. How could the way to empowered Employeeship look like:
"Empowered Employeeship leads to usage of full potential a company possess in its people"
1. Create a Culture of Care where people feel comfortable to admit, share and learn from failures. Companies need to have strong leadership commitment and empower its employees to bring even difficult topics to the table and discuss. Care from psychological perspective includes continues learning and development in all aspects. Care is very much about listening and understanding, supporting and coaching in the way that opens up for new ways of thinking and managing things.
2. Develop a Culture where ownership and responsibility in the organization is strong linked to each and one of the employees. If the employee is rather a partner than a subordinate than the individual contribution and feeling of personal value will be higher. This employee will give a company more value back because it will feel respected, acknowledged and empowered. This in turn will even strengthen company´s leaders and most probably lead the company to a higher maturity level. The better people the better business. At the end, all business problems are people problems. Therefore make your people accountable, responsible and put the hat of ownership on top of their heads. Just to mention, Employeeship is a philosophy adopted notably in Sweden where the hierarchy is abandoned. And it gives great companies, brands and results!
3. When having 1 and 2 in place then the most natural part is to work further with Inclusion. You can also say that companies need to develop a Sense of Coherence where three parts are important: a) the employee needs to feel included in an environment that is understandable and purposeful; b) the employee needs to have resources and conditions that makes the work possible and manageable; and c) the work that the person is expected to deliver and perform need to be part of the bigger picture and the employee needs to understand that. Just sitting in front of the computer day in and day out, delivering for example drawings of calculations will not give meaning long term. But if you put these deliveries into the bigger context by showing where this piece of a puzzle is and how it is connected to other pieces will most probably lead to higher satisfaction and retention rates, loyalty, performance and for certain create strong attractiveness as well.
Empowered Employeeship leads to usage of full potential a company possess in its people. We all have individual responsibility to contribute to a culture where other people feel comfortable. Just start with yourself and how you would like to be treated. Clear direction from top management and strong commitment from all employees will make this journey possible.