• 雇主品牌
    2025年HR趋势洞察:挑战与机遇并存 2025年,人力资源领域面临的挑战和机遇并存。从如何高效管理日常运营到吸引和留住顶尖人才,HR专业人士正在努力应对新时代的变化和需求。同时,HR自动化也成为焦点,无论是招聘、绩效跟踪还是员工福利管理,智能化的解决方案正在逐步改变工作方式。本报告基于Simpli Group的调研数据,为您呈现2025年HR领域的关键趋势与优先事项,深入解析企业在未来发展中需要关注的核心问题。无论是应对HRMS软件的使用挑战,还是规划下一阶段的自动化升级,这份报告都能为HR专业人士提供宝贵的洞察和实用建议。 随着2025年的到来,人力资源领域迎来了一场机遇与挑战并存的变革。从日常运营管理到人才激励与保留,再到HR自动化的深入应用,HR专业人士正在快速适应新时代的需求与期望。基于Simpli Group的调研数据,本文为您深入解析2025年HR行业的主要趋势与关键策略。 日常运营与人才管理:双重挑战 在2025年,如何高效管理日常运营依然是HR领域的首要挑战,占据了41%的关注度。然而,吸引并留住顶尖人才也成为企业不可忽视的任务,占比达到30%。现代企业不仅需要卓越的日常管理能力,还需通过有效的激励手段构建稳定的人才队伍。 调研显示,奖励与留住优秀员工是HR专业人士在人才管理中的核心策略,占比高达56%。其次是提升雇主品牌影响力(19%)、改进招聘流程(13%)和优化入职体验(13%)。显然,只有在“选、用、育、留”四个环节上全面发力,企业才能在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出。 HR自动化:智能化引领未来 随着技术的快速发展,HR自动化逐渐成为行业热点。在众多自动化任务中,招聘与绩效跟踪位列优先事项,占比分别为38%和31%。此外,员工福利管理及薪资与考勤管理也同样重要,各占15%。 同时,HR自动化的未来方向也逐渐清晰。调查显示,HR们计划将绩效跟踪(40%)和**学习管理系统(30%)**作为下一步的重点模块。这表明,企业正努力通过技术赋能,实现更高效的人才发展与团队管理。 HRMS软件:挑战与机遇并存 尽管HRMS软件在提升效率方面有着显著优势,但其使用过程中的问题也不容忽视。数据显示,43%的受访者认为数据上传与复杂界面是使用HRMS软件的主要障碍。此外,服务支持(29%)和用户培训(14%)也对HR系统的普及产生了一定阻碍。 然而,值得关注的是,43%的受访者对在2025年尝试新HR软件表示高度接受。这一数据反映出HR从业者对新技术的开放态度和对改进现有系统的迫切需求。 总结:2025年HR的优先事项 2025年,HR行业正朝着更加智能化与人性化的方向发展。从提升日常运营效率到聚焦人才保留,再到加速HR自动化应用,企业需要在多个维度上实现突破。与此同时,对HRMS软件的优化与应用也将成为助推行业发展的重要引擎。 未来,只有那些能够平衡技术与人性需求的企业,才能在HR领域的竞争中占据领先地位。
  • 雇主品牌
    What is Employer Branding? 根据前亚马逊CEO杰夫·贝佐斯的说法,“你的品牌是当你不在房间里时人们对你的评价。”对我们这些在招聘领域的人来说,你的品牌是求职者和潜在候选人在线上阅读关于你的信息、在你的网站和社交媒体上看到的内容,以及从你现在的员工那里在Glassdoor等网站上听到的信息。 所有这些,还有更多,构成了你的雇主品牌。在这篇博客文章中,我们深入探讨了良好的雇主品牌战略的基本原理,并分享了如何将雇主品牌融入你的招聘工作的提示。 According to former Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” For those of us in the recruiting space, your brand is what job seekers and potential candidates read about you online, see on your website and social media, and hear about from your current employees on sites like Glassdoor. All of this, and more, is what makes up your employer brand. In this blog post, we dig into the fundamentals of a good employer branding strategy and share tips on how you can incorporate employer branding into your recruitment efforts. Defining Employer Branding Employer branding is the intentional management of an organization’s reputation and value proposition amongst current and prospective employees. In other words, it refers to efforts made by members of an organization (most often, recruitment and talent acquisition teams) to cultivate a positive image of their company’s brand, both internally and externally. Having a strong employer brand increases your credibility with job seekers, reduces company turnover, and can dramatically reduce your cost-per-hire. According to LinkedIn, among small to mid-size businesses, 72% of recruiting leaders worldwide agreed that employer brand has a significant impact on hiring. Image via @HubSpot on Instagram Their research also shows that having an employer branding strategy has an impact on their business’ bottom line, with a 50% reduced cost-per-hire, 50% more qualified job applicants, and a 28% reduced employee turnover. Numbers don’t lie: employer branding can have a significant impact on your business’ overall reputation, as well as your entire recruitment funnel. When job seekers can get a glimpse into what it’s like to work at your company, read reviews from current and past employees about their experiences, and see your brand’s initiative to share your culture outside of your business’ walls, they become attracted to your brand’s online presence. From there, it becomes that much easier for your recruiting team to engage those qualified job seekers, convert them into candidates, and, eventually, hire them into your organization. Who’s Responsible for Employer Branding? Employer branding, from an internal perspective, is culture, and culture is the responsibility of every leader and every employee within an organization. It requires input and, ultimately, buy-in from everyone throughout the organization. When you have a culture that your entire company believes in, people outside of your company will start to believe in it too. The implementation and execution of an employer branding strategy, however, remains largely the responsibility of the organization’s talent acquisition team. Why? Because talent acquisition and recruitment teams know their organization, and their ideal candidates, best. As such, they play a major role in helping to shape, share, and maintain the message of their organization’s employer brand. It’s up to them to understand how their organization is viewed (both internally and externally), to create and circulate a positive identity with current employees and stakeholders, and to craft a strategy around communicating that employer brand identity outside the walls of the company. This can be done in a few ways, from utilizing social media as a recruiting tool to elevating job descriptions to showcase company culture and perks, as well as engaging with reviews left on sites like Glassdoor. In some cases, like social media, it will make sense to team up with your organization’s marketing team to ensure that your messaging is aligned with theirs. By doing so, you‘ll be able to work together to achieve both teams’ goals. Building an employer brand is no easy task – it requires research, testing, and optimization. But in the end, it can become a main driver of applications from candidates who are excited to work at your organization. How to Build Employer Branding into the Recruiting Process In many ways, your employer branding is the recruiting process. Candidates have the power to research your organization, look up reviews, and even talk to current employees – all without ever contacting a recruiter or clicking on a job posting. When it comes to employer branding within the recruiting process, there are various moving pieces to pay close attention to, including: Cultivating an employer brand presence on social media: Become a champion of your own company culture, and make sure that job seekers who research your brand’s social presence (pssst…a lot of them will!) get a clear, accurate picture of what it’s like to work at your company. Improving and optimizing your corporate careers site: Despite the rise of social media, most candidates still visit a company’s corporate career site to learn more about their culture and the type of work they do, and to look for potential employment opportunities. Put your best foot forward with high-quality employee testimonial videos, office photography, and an accurate description of who your company is. Responding to employee reviews: Our research has found that on average, a higher Glassdoor rating leads to an almost ~50% increase in application conversion rates. Replying to every employee review your organization has on Glassdoor, whether positive or negative, can have a massive impact on the likelihood that job seekers will see, click on, and apply to your jobs. Ensuring a positive candidate experience: Word travels fast in the age of the Internet, and if a candidate has a poor experience during your hiring process, they’ll likely share their negative feelings. Continuously audit your hiring process for potential roadblocks, communicate timelines and expectations clearly with candidates, and ensure that even candidates who don’t receive an offer feel positive about their experience. And, like any other organizational initiative, employer branding efforts should be continually measured and improved. Common metrics include: Candidate and new hire satisfaction with the hiring process Cost-per-hire Time-to-hire Quality of hire (like new hire retention, hiring manager satisfaction) Number of applicants Employee retention rates Employee engagement scores Social media sentiment Number of social media followers Traffic to corporate career site Review site ratings (like Glassdoor and Indeed) eNPS (employee Net Promoter Score) Placement on employer ranking sites New hire interviews Employee exit surveys But don’t worry – you don’t need to measure every metric we’ve listed here (unless you want to, of course!). Where possible, set benchmarks ahead of the launch of your employer branding program, so you can later measure against the specific metrics that are most valuable to your organization. Connect these chosen metrics to your recruiting goals, and don’t forget to pay attention to post-hire measures of quality, such as new hire retention and employee satisfaction. Why Investing in Employer Branding Matters Across the board, one of the biggest obstacles that candidates come up against during their job search is not knowing what it’s like to work for an organization (LinkedIn). Think about it: you stumble on a job title you’re interested in, read the job description, and might come away knowing more about the position…but nothing about the company that position is for. So, you do a quick Google search, read a few positive (and, likely, a few negative) company reviews, visit the company’s social media (where they showcase their marketing efforts), and take a look at the careers page (which hosts their other various open positions). And still, you’ve learned nothing about the company’s values, culture, or what it might be like to join the team. Often, this can keep good-fit candidates from ever clicking on the “Submit Application” button. Your reputation plays a key factor in helping candidates take that final step to enter your recruitment pipeline. Having a positive reputation leads to more interest in your company, lower recruitment costs, and an employer brand and culture that your employees can rave about. By investing in employer branding, you can improve both your bottom line, as well as the overall culture of your organization.