超级员工的崛起 -The Rise of the Superworker: Delivering On The Promise Of AI《超级员工的崛起》研究报告揭示了AI如何深刻改变工作场所与工作方式。随着AI技术融入工作流程,传统工作模型被重新定义,AI正助力“超级员工”以创新的方式提升生产力和创造力。
We’re excited to launch our groundbreaking research “The Rise of the Superworker,” a deep dive into the impact of AI on the future of work. As our hallmark research for the year, it defines the roadmap for leadership, technology, and HR. (Register for the launch webinar on January 28.)
The Workforce and Workplace Environment
We are entering a year of political change, economic disruption, and changing labor markets. As I discussed recently (The Tumultuous Year Ahead), the world is experiencing talent shortages in front-line and blue collar work (US unemployment remains at 4.1%) while white-collar employment is softening. CEOs are investing in AI in a quest for productivity and workers are asking to be retrained. And many core values (diversity and inclusion, pay equity, remote work) remain challenging.
Companies believe that AI will transform their business, so investment in technology is exploding. Yet as history tells us, this “trillian dollar AI-based re-engineering” effort is about people, not technology. As the research points out, the AI revolution, as exciting as it feels, is all about redesigning the way we get things done. And that lands in the laps of HR: how we redesign, reskill, and redeploy people in a world of highly intelligent systems.
Understanding The Superworker and The Superworker Company
Let’s start with the basics. Companies are filled with business processes, tools, and job models designed around traditional people-centric work. Every job function, from sales to marketing to manufacturing, has been designed around the old-fashioned job families of the past.
In other words, we’ve run our companies as “people machines.” We design a set of jobs and job families, then hire, train, and promote people to grow. This model creates a sprawling company filled with skills challenges, people wanting promotion, and fragility as the business goes through change.
The digital revolution, which defines the last 27 years of transformation, did speed things up. It automated many processes and opened up the ideas of self-service, e-commerce, and direct consumer transactions. But it didn’t fundamentally change how companies are organized: rather it accelerated the processes we had.
Suddenly, with AI everything is different. As the most intelligent and data hungry technology ever, AI stands to integrate and redefine every business process and “superpower” every employee. And this shift, toward copilots, agents, digital twins, and intelligent platforms, forces us to rethink how we’re organized, what we do, and what we define as a “job.”
We are building a company of Superworkers.
What exactly is a “Superworker?”
A Superworker is an individual who uses AI to dramatically enhance their productivity, performance, and creativity. As routine work gets automated, AI has the potential to empower everyone, eliminating some roles while empowering many others.
A “Superworker company” is an organization that embraces this transformation, building a culture of adaptability where people reinvent themselves. Our new Dynamic Organization research shows that such change-ready companies outperform their peers by six-times.
Just as Superman Clark Kent learned to channel his powers, we must learn to harness AI for individual and team performance. This means not just automating existing tasks, but rethinking how work gets done, empowering people to do more, and creating opportunities for growth.
The Historical Perspective: From Automation to Autonomy
We’ve seen waves of automation before, but this time it’s different.
In the past we used machines to automate the work of craftsmen and tradespeople. A welder, farmer, or shoemaker had his or her expertise built into a machine so their craft could scale at low cost. The expert didn’t go away, rather he or she helped design the machine.
AI does the same for white collar work. Writers, analysts, marketers, and sales people are now superpowered, leveraging their skills to drive scale. AI will not replace these special individuals: it empowers them to scale and expand their impact.
But in the case of AI we go further: it doesn’t just automate tasks; it becomes a co-worker itself: listening, learning, reasoning, and acting. So new and better jobs are created, designing, training, and managing the AI.
And the shift to Superworker happens everywhere: from the retail clerk to the nursing supervisor to the senior executive.
The New Corporate Imperative: Redesign Work and Jobs
This transformation won’t happen without effort.
Today, as AI systems still mature, our challenge is not implementing AI, but redesigning jobs, and business processes around AI. And that’s why success with AI is a people problem, not a technology one. And if you don’t get this right, your AI transformation will lag.
Academic studies show that 45% of change management programs fail, and 72% of the reason is “people resistance.” So consider this:
For each dollar spent on machine learning technology, companies may need to spend nine dollars on intangible human capital,” Erik Brynjolfsson wrote in 2022, citing research by him and others.
Consider the four stage model below, where we look at “current jobs” vs “re-engineered jobs” on the horizontal, and level of output on the vertical.
AI transformation begins with assistance, then moves to augmentation, then to work replacement and then to autonomy. The level of performance improvement goes up exponentially.
This process of rethinking business processes takes time. When electricity was invented companies replaced horse-driven machines with motors. Decades later engineers realized we could redesign the entire manufacturing process by integrating the entire supply chain.
The same will happen again. We may start by automating emails and data access, but over time we build “digital twins” and configurable agents to manage entire projects and business processes.
One of our clients built an entire platform that can interview stakeholders, import documentation, build training programs, and publish training and certification programs by AI. Humans are still needed, but now they’re the “super-curators” and “craftsmen” perfecting the product. New programs that took 3-6 months can be generated in a few days.
This kind of redesign is now being used for claims analysis, sales enablement, RFP generation, and workplace design. (Our report 100 Use Cases For Galileo explains dozens of such solutions available now for HR.)
The Work Redesign Challenge
How do we get there? Business and HR teams work together, following these stages.
Improve efficiency at current job: Use AI to make existing work more efficient: same job as before, new tools to make it easier. Examples include an office worker using MS Copilot.
Automate tasks to increase scale: An engineer uses AI to write code. A marketer builds videos and campaigns automatically. An HR manager rapidly builds job descriptions or analyzes performance.
Integrate processes to improve productivity: Agents now handle multiple connected steps. A retail clerk automatically checks out customers; a nurse uses a machine to monitor dozens of patients and make diagnostics; an HR manager builds learning programs in minutes.
Leverage autonomy for more: The AI manages multi-step processes (customer service, candidate communications, recruiting, campaign design) and the people “manage” the digital employee.
This creates four types of Superworker:
An Example: The HR Business Partner
Consider the role of HR Business Partner (HRBP), a complex job that’s constantly changing.
An HR business partner (HRBP) equipped with AI like Galileo™ can automatically analyze turnover, productivity, individual performance, and leadership potential. The AI HR Agent can help compare job candidates against multiple requirements. Analysis, coaching, and hiring speed goes up, and the HRBP is now a Superworker.
Then the transformation continues. What if we give the AI to managers. Do we need the HRBP at all? (IBM has made this step.)
Yes, now the HRBP manages the AI. Just as Wayze may drive you automatically, someone behind the scenes is monitoring your trip to help you when things go wrong. This “Superworker” job is the upgraded role of the HRBP.
AI As A Job Creation Technology
Many new jobs will be created. Who maintains the knowledge base that feeds the AI? Who ensures data privacy and security? Who handles the ethical issues that arise? Who monitors the AI to make sure it’s trained well? And once these multi-step digital employees exist, who will manage them?
These are new Superworker jobs.
Five Imperatives for 2025
How do we make this transition a success?
Here are five key imperatives detailed in our study:
Redesign Work, Jobs, and Organizational Models: Focus on the customer, how success is measured, then apply AI. This is what we call “productivity-based job design”. Deconstruct work into activities, evaluate AI solutions, and determine the human role alongside AI, using the models above.
Create a Dynamic Talent Model: The traditional “prehire to retire” model is becoming obsolete. We need a more dynamic approach where people move across roles and projects. Prioritize internal mobility and foster a culture of growth. Focus on “doing more with what we have” by upgrading the productivity of our existing workforce. Focus on building “talent density“.
Rethink Pay, Rewards, and Performance: Move from traditional pay models to “systemic rewards,” based on role, skills, and output. New roles may warrant higher pay, not lower. (Lightcast sees a $45,000 premium for workers with AI skills.)
Refine Leadership and Culture: Focus on human-centered leadership: this is a time of change. Ensure leaders understand AI, foster innovation, and focus on productivity, not headcount. Start co-design projects in every functional areas. Get line employees involved in transformation efforts.
Accelerate the Shift to Systemic HR®: HR must operate in a consulting role. Integrate HR silos, develop a change-enablement team. Experiment with AI tools in HR and train the HR team about AI.
Let me give you an example.
One of our large clients, a healthcare company, created a “transformation enablement” team in HR that does co-design workshops throughout the business, helping with process redesign, role design, job changes and pay and rewards changes. They built a set of tools and methodologies which are well established. HR professionals rotate into this team for education. Every HR function should set up “AI transformation teams” like this.
AI isn’t here to replace us; it’s here to empower us.
How To Get The Research and Learn
The Rise of the Superworker predictions report is available to all users of Galileo™, The Josh Bersin Academy, or Corporate Members. (A Galileo Pro membership is only $39 per month, and JBA membership is $49 per month.)
If you want to learn more and follow our ongoing case studies, briefs, and AI tools, download the Rise of the Superworker Overview today. You will be registered for regular updates. And please register for our launch webinar on January 28 where I will detail this entire story.
The Superworker era has arrived, join us in the journey!
HR如何可以成为组织中的影响者 How HR Can Become an Organizational Influencer文章《HR如何成为组织的影响者》强调了HR在推动组织变革中的关键作用,通过战略影响而非正式权力来驱动变革。HR专业人员可以通过利用他们对人力动态的深入理解、战略思维和沟通技巧,成为关键的影响者。文章列出了HR需要掌握的八项核心能力,包括战略影响力、讲故事的能力、公共演讲、协作影响力、外交、信息传递、冲突解决和执行力。
在大多数组织中,人力资源(HR)没有像其他部门那样拥有正式的权力或影响力。通常,HR人员不足,资源匮乏。即使在过去几年中人力资源职能快速发展,HR在工作中仍在努力建立其战略价值。对于HR来说,推动或引导变革的力量不是正式的权力或“蛮力”,而是战略影响力(strategic influence)。
组织中的影响者 组织中的影响者是变革的催化剂,是能够理解业务战略与人类动态之间联系的愿景者。不同于源自层级权力的传统影响力,组织中的影响者的影响力来自于他们连接、理解和激励人的能力。
让HR成为组织影响者的8种方式 以下是HR可以用来成为组织影响者的八种方法:
1 - 战略影响力 战略影响力是关于利用HR在人员领导和业务管理方面的独特见解来推动业务策略,确保人员与业务目标对齐并推动其前进。这个概念体现了HR领导者不仅是参与者,而且是董事会中的关键策略家,倡导促进组织成长和员工满意度的政策和实践。 这些是需要掌握的五项能力:
2 - 讲故事 讲故事是HR专业人士的一个强大工具,使他们能够将组织的价值观、文化和目标联系起来形成引人入胜的叙述。这种方法不仅增强了沟通,还建立了情感连接,使HR举措更易于理解和影响深远。通过讲故事,HR可以有效地倡导变革,庆祝成功,并阐明业务决策中的人性化一面,将抽象概念转化为在整个组织中产生共鸣的有意义的故事。 这些是需要掌握的五项能力:
3 - 出色的公众演讲 出色的公众演讲使HR领导者能够以权威和激情进行沟通,影响并激励他人。出色的公众演讲不仅仅是大声说话或喋喋不休,而是关于自信、同理心和理解。这项技能对于倡导HR举措、分享洞察和引导塑造组织未来的讨论至关重要。精通的公众演讲使HR领导者成为能够吸引听众的强大演说者,无论是在小型团队会议还是大型企业聚会上,都能有效传达HR的战略价值。 这些是需要掌握的五项能力:
4 - 协作影响力 协作影响力侧重于HR建立和维护推动组织成功的战略业务伙伴关系的能力。它突显了HR在弥合部门间差距、促进跨职能团队合作以及将HR策略与更广泛的业务目标对齐方面的作用。通过协作,HR可以打破孤岛,促进团结,并确保人员策略是实现公司目标的重要组成部分。 这些是需要掌握的五项能力:
5 - 外交技巧 HR的外交技巧是关于以策略性智慧和策略性技巧驾驭复杂的组织政治网络。它涉及以尊重不同观点的方式倡导HR政策和举措,同时推动进步性变革。HR外交官善于建立共识、管理冲突,并将HR定位为组织决策中的中立但有影响力的参与者,确保在业务策略中始终考虑人员因素。 这些是需要掌握的五项能力:
6 - 信息掌控 HR的信息掌控是关于编写和传达清晰表述HR策略价值和影响的信息。它是将沟通调整到不同受众的能力,确保清晰、参与和支持HR举措。通过有效的信息传达,HR专业人士可以解密HR政策,倡导组织变革,并巩固HR在组织内作为关键沟通者的角色。 这些是需要掌握的五项能力:
7 - 冲突解决和达成共识 冲突解决和达成共识在维护和谐和高效的工作环境中至关重要。这个概念围绕HR调解争议、促进谈判和培养合作与相互尊重环境的能力。通过为HR专业人士配备解决冲突的技能,组织可以确保更顺畅的运营、增强的团队合作以及一个重视建设性对话而非对抗的文化。 这些是需要掌握的五项能力:
8 - 领导风范 HR影响者的领导风范和领导力是关于体现那些在组织各个层面上赢得尊重和激发信心的品质。这包括培养一种真实、权威和平易近人的领导风格,使HR领导者能够有效地倡导战略举措并以身作则。凭借强大的领导风范,HR专业人士可以更有效地影响结果、推动战略决策,并倡导以人为本的业务方法。 这些是需要掌握的五项能力:
作者:Hacking HR
Change is not just inevitable, but the driving force behind personal and organizational growth and innovation.
At work, change can either propel an organization forward and lift it up, or break it (including its people).
How can organizations navigate change? Is it through pure role-based authority? Is it through the brute force of senior leadership mandates? Or is there a more subtle way in which people, without “formal authority”, may drive and even steer the direction of change?
In most organizations, Human Resources (HR) does not have the formal authority or power that some of its counterparts have. Generally, HR is understaffed and under-resourced. And, even with the rapid advancement of the people function in the past few years, HR is still on the road to building its strategic value at work.
For HR, it is not formal authority or “brute force” that drives or steers change, it is the power of strategic influence.
In essence, strategic influence is not about authority, but inspiration, innovation, and a deep understanding of the human element at work.
Ironically, some leaders with a powerful position have no influence other than that given to them by their titles. In contrast, some ordinary people at work, without a title, are real change makers with potent network effects at work given how they leverage their influence to drive and steer change.
Sometimes HR does have the formal authority, but often it does not. That’s why it has to rely more on the power of influence than on the power of formal authority.
Organizational Influencers
An organizational influencer is a catalyst for change, a visionary who understands the connection business strategy and human dynamics. Unlike traditional notions of influence that stem from hierarchical power, organizational influencers derive their impact from their ability to connect, understand, and inspire people.
An organizational influencer has some foundational attributes, including:
Thinking strategically: Sees the bigger picture and aligns efforts with overarching organizational goals.
Leading with empathy: Understands and values the perspectives and needs of others.
Communicating effectively: Articulates ideas and inspires action through clarity and conviction.
Adapting: Embraces change and helps others navigate through it.
Informing decisions with data: Leverages insights from data to inform decisions and strategies.
Collaborating with others and building partnerships: Builds partnerships and fosters teamwork across all levels of the organization.
Innovating: Constantly seeks and implements creative solutions to challenges.
Being resilient: Maintains focus and positivity in the face of setbacks.
Behaving ethically and with integrity: Upholds integrity and promotes a culture of trust and respect.
8 Ways for HR to Becomes an Organizational Influencer
These are nine ways HR can use to become an organizational influencer.
1 - Strategic Influence
Strategic influence is about leveraging HR's unique insights into people leadership and business management to drive business strategies, ensuring that people align with and propels business objectives forward. This concept embodies the idea that HR leaders are not just participants but key strategists in the boardroom, advocating for policies and practices that foster both organizational growth and employee satisfaction.
These are five competencies to master:
Develop and execute impactful HR strategies aligned with organizational leadership.
Influence top-level management and decision-making through strategic HR initiatives.
Foster strategic partnerships across the organization to enhance HR's influence.
Analyze and address complex organizational challenges using HR insights.
Mentor and develop HR teams to strengthen strategic thinking skills.
2 - Storytelling
Storytelling is a powerful tool for HR professionals, enabling them to connect the dots between organization's values, culture, and goals into compelling narratives. This approach not only enhances communication but also builds emotional connections, making HR initiatives more relatable and impactful. Through storytelling, HR can effectively champion change, celebrate successes, and articulate the human side of business decisions, transforming abstract concepts into meaningful stories that resonate across the organization.
These are five competencies to master:
Craft compelling narratives to communicate HR vision and values.
Engage diverse audiences with persuasive storytelling techniques.
Leverage storytelling to drive organizational change.
Adapt storytelling styles to fit various communication mediums.
Use narrative intelligence to enhance HR's persuasive power.
3 - Public Speaking Excellence
Public speaking excellence empowers HR leaders to communicate with authority and passion, influencing and inspiring others at work. People speaking excellence is not about being loud or never shutting up, but about confidence, empathy and understanding. This skill is crucial for advocating HR initiatives, sharing insights, and leading discussions that shape the organization's future. Masterful public speaking turns HR leaders into powerful orators who can captivate their listeners, whether in small team meetings or large corporate gatherings, effectively conveying the strategic value of HR.
These are five competencies to master:
Master public speaking skills tailored for HR contexts.
Engage and motivate audiences through effective speech delivery techniques.
Utilize public speaking as a tool for HR advocacy and influence.
Adapt speeches to various audience types and organizational levels.
Develop compelling presentation content that resonates with stakeholders.
4 - Collaborative Influence
Collaborative influence focuses on HR’s capacity to forge and maintain strategic business partnerships that drive organizational success. It highlights HR’s role in bridging gaps between departments, facilitating cross-functional teams, and aligning HR strategies with broader business objectives. Through collaboration, HR can dismantle silos, encourage unity, and ensure that people strategies are integral to achieving corporate goals.
These are five competencies to master:
Build and sustain influential business partnerships that support HR goals.
Facilitate collaboration between HR and other business units.
Leverage interpersonal skills to enhance HR’s collaborative impact.
Negotiate and align HR strategies with broader business objectives.
Cultivate a network of allies to support and advocate for HR initiatives.
5 - Diplomacy
HR diplomacy is about navigating the complex web of organizational politics with tact and strategic acumen. It involves advocating for HR policies and initiatives in a way that respects differing viewpoints while pushing for progressive change. HR diplomats are adept at building consensus, managing conflicts, and positioning HR as a neutral yet influential player in organizational decisions, ensuring that the people aspect is always considered in business strategies.
These are five competencies to master:
Utilize diplomacy to navigate and influence organizational politics.
Advocate for HR-driven change using tactful and strategic communication.
Resolve complex organizational issues with diplomatic problem-solving.
Build consensus among diverse stakeholder groups.
Lead with integrity and ethical considerations in all HR initiatives.
6 - Message Mastery
Message mastery in HR is about crafting and delivering messages that clearly articulate the value and impact of HR strategies. It’s the ability to tailor communication to diverse audiences, ensuring clarity, engagement, and support for HR initiatives. Through effective messaging, HR professionals can demystify HR policies, champion organizational change, and solidify HR’s role as a key communicator within the organization.
These are five competencies to master:
Develop clear and impactful communication strategies for HR initiatives.
Tailor HR messaging to resonate with different organizational audiences.
Communicate complex HR concepts in an accessible manner.
Utilize various communication channels effectively for HR messaging.
Measure and analyze the impact of HR communication strategies.
7 - Conflict Resolution and Agreement Building
Conflict resolution and agreement building are fundamental in maintaining a harmonious and productive workplace. This concept revolves around HR's ability to mediate disputes, facilitate negotiations, and foster an environment of cooperation and mutual respect. By equipping HR professionals with the skills to navigate and resolve conflicts, organizations can ensure smoother operations, enhanced teamwork, and a culture that values constructive dialogue over confrontation.
These are five competencies to master:
Mediate and resolve workplace conflicts effectively.
Facilitate collaborative and constructive negotiation processes.
Build consensus among conflicting parties to achieve organizational harmony.
Implement proactive strategies to prevent and manage conflicts.
Train and guide teams in conflict resolution and agreement-building skills.
8 - Executive Presence
Executive presence and leadership for HR influencers are about embodying the qualities that command respect and inspire confidence at all levels of the organization. This includes cultivating a leadership style that is authentic, authoritative, and approachable, enabling HR leaders to effectively advocate for strategic initiatives and lead by example. With a strong executive presence, HR professionals can more effectively influence outcomes, drive strategic decisions, and champion a people-centric approach to business.
These are five competencies to master:
Cultivate an authoritative and authentic leadership style.
Enhance executive communication skills.
Build strategic relationships.
Lead with confidence and vision.
Inspire teams and individuals with transformative leadership practices.