• AI
    Josh Bersin谈首席人力资源官 (CHRO) 职责的扩展 推荐介绍:这是Josh Bersin最新的一篇文章,谈到了CHRO角色的问题,这确实是一个好问题!在当今快速变化的商业环境中,首席人力资源官(CHRO)的角色变得尤为重要。随着人工智能变革、全球劳工实践和组织重组等挑战,CHRO的职责显著扩大。企业面临广泛的人事问题,包括混合工作带来的压力、劳动力短缺以及需要提高生产力和内部流动性。CHRO在重新设计传统人力资源实践和整合全球及技术进步方面至关重要。 在劳动力短缺的背景下,CHRO需要将旧的“雇用以增长”模式转变为“提高生产力和内部流动性”的模式,这比看起来更难。全球化也是一个挑战,CHRO必须引领公司进行全球化领导力和薪酬实践的调整。此外,行业整合使得大多数CHRO都在处理收购或被收购的前景,带来裁员和组织整合等问题。 领导力的发展同样是CHRO的重要职责。随着组织趋向扁平化,公司需要在各个层面培养领导技能,这是所有人力资源投资中最重要的。 技术也是一个复杂的问题,CHRO必须整理遗留的人力资源系统,并应对技术带来的挑战。 优秀的CHRO不仅是聪明、有创造力的变革领导者,还是精明的商业人士。他们展示了在我们的领域内进行业务转型的能力。我们的CHRO研究计划将为CHRO的专业发展提供支持。   我们一起来看正文: 随着时代变迁,曾被认为是C级高管中地位较低的职位,如今CHRO可能是最重要的职位之一。随着AI不断改变我们的业务,CHRO的职责每天都在增加。(Jack Welch经常说 CHRO是公司中第二重要的职位,甚至比CFO更重要。) 公司面临着各处的人力挑战 首先显而易见的是:公司在各个方面都面临人力问题。大多数公司仍在努力适应混合办公模式,经理和员工压力巨大,员工幸福感处于历史最低点。疫情的创伤切断了公司与员工之间的联系,使各类员工能够自主做出许多决定。 应对劳动力短缺 在这种背景下,我们还面临着持续的劳动力短缺。低生育率和退休的婴儿潮一代将失业率推至50年来的最低点,这个问题在几十年内都不会消失。旧的“雇佣增长”模式正在失效,我们在快速增长的科技公司中看到了“雇佣,然后裁员”的循环。 CHRO们必须将这种模式转变为“提高生产力和内部流动性”,这个转变比看起来要困难得多。 重新设计组织 此外,在过去几年里,公司终于决定废除职能层级结构。我们交谈的大多数公司都在扁平化,取消中层管理人员,并以更跨职能的方式运营。前瞻性组织(如Bayer、ING Bank、Telstra、Mastercard、Netflix)正在采用我们称之为“动态组织 (Dynamic Organization)”的运营模式,创造新的敏捷性和市场响应时间。CHRO必须领导这一努力,并找出如何重新设计工作设计、薪酬、绩效管理和职业发展的传统实践。 每家公司现在都是全球性的 随着远程工作的普及,每家公司现在都具有全球性。这意味着我们必须了解全球劳工实践、不同的人才市场以及如何领导远程团队。CHRO必须领导决策,例如在哪里雇佣、在哪里设立设施,以及如何全球化领导力、薪酬实践、雇佣政策和劳资关系。 并购 我们也处于一个整合的周期。媒体、零售、医疗和科技等行业正在整合。这意味着大多数CHRO都在处理并购或被收购的前景。这些交易带来了裁员、组织整合和高级领导团队对齐的问题。许多人将波音的问题归咎于1997年收购McDonnell Douglas,这次收购创造了一种新的文化。我觉得我们都在成为收购新公司的专家,这迫使CHRO领导不断的整合和变革。 改变领导力培养路径 CHRO还有另一个棘手的角色:领导力模型已经发生了变化。我们不仅需要培养总经理,领导者现在无处不在。扁平化的组织迫使公司在各个层面建立领导技能。当做得好时(如我在下面讨论的Marriott和Delta),领导力发展是至关重要的。在我们所有的HR投资中,领导力发展带来的价值最大。这也落在了CHRO的肩上。 更新传统HR技术 HR技术有些混乱。公司拥有几十甚至上百个传统的HR系统,这些系统充斥着招聘、培训、排班、入职、调查和合规的工具。AI有望提供帮助,但即使是Workday的客户也对他们的系统感到厌倦,(阅读“为什么每个人都讨厌Workday”)。CHRO不能再忽视技术:他们必须解决这些问题。 重新设计HR职能 最后是运行HR这一极其复杂的工作。CHRO领导着公司中最复杂的职能之一,通常被认为是成本中心。CHRO必须改造自己的团队,建立一个敏捷、智能和咨询型的组织。这意味着创建一个系统性HR运营模型 (Systemic HR operating model),简化员工体验,并培养能够与高级运营领导者咨询和建议的HR领导者。 高绩效的CHRO是什么样的? 我们每年与数百位CHRO交谈,有许多衡量成功的方法。优秀的CHRO不仅是聪明、有创意的变革领导者,他们也是精明的商业人士。 这些个人帮助领导他们的消费导向公司渡过了疫情,达到了有史以来最大的增长。Delta现在是美国排名第一的航空公司,Marriott现在是世界上排名第一的酒店公司。在这两种情况下,正如我们的HR Hero奖所指出的,这些人展示了创意、商业头脑和我们领域的广泛技能。 介绍我们的CHRO研究计划:CHRO Insights™ 我们正在启动一个以CHRO为导向的大型研究计划,研究CHRO的角色。该计划包括研究、教育、工具和信息。我们已经发现了一些重要的事情(我们查看了47000名全球CHRO的数据,并将他们的职业与许多业务结果进行了比较)。 首先,我们看到CHRO角色在C级高管中的重要性大幅增加。 CHRO的薪酬迅速增加,越来越多的公司告诉我们,HR正在领导公司的AI计划、生产力计划和文化变革。 其次,CHRO的工作比看起来要难。 大多数公司没有为CHRO提供良好的继任计划(84%的高影响力CHRO职位是外部填补的),这告诉我们需要关注这个角色。这激励我们在这里集中精力,您将在接下来的几个月中看到我们关于CHRO职业发展的更多内容。 第三,CHRO角色必须融合对业务、技术、文化和多种HR领域的深刻理解。 我们的全球HR能力模型涵盖了94个不同的领域,超过11000名HR专业人士的平均信心水平约为3分(满分5分)。想象一下CHRO必须面对的各种问题:从AI战略到全球文化、员工体验、薪酬、多样性等等。 第四,CHRO角色正在扩展。 我交谈的许多CHRO现在负责设施战略(因为设施影响混合工作、福利和工作体验)、整体员工体验战略(包括健康和福祉)、员工沟通战略,以及公司中的所有合规、培训、招聘、薪酬和绩效计划。 最后,强大的CHRO正在改造他们的HR职能。 公司正在使用我们的系统性HR模型来整合HR中的职能孤岛,创建新的产品和解决方案团队,并对HR团队进行交叉培训,以应对AI和这些新问题。优秀的CHRO不仅是出色的领导者和高级HR从业者,他们还是商业变革专家。 今年夏天晚些时候,我们将发布我们的第一份CHRO角色研究,并详细描述我们的CHRO Insights计划。 与此同时,我想庆祝那些承担这些角色或渴望承担这些角色的人,并告诉你们我们正在准备一些令人兴奋的事情。
  • AI
    美国劳工部发布职场人工智能使用原则,保护员工权益(附录原文) 今天5月16日,美国劳工部发布了一套针对人工智能(AI)在职场使用的原则,旨在为雇主提供指导,确保人工智能技术的开发和使用以员工为核心,提升所有员工的工作质量和生活质量。代理劳工部长朱莉·苏在声明中指出:“员工必须是我们国家AI技术发展和使用方法的核心。这些原则反映了拜登-哈里斯政府的信念,人工智能不仅要遵守现有法律,还要提升所有员工的工作和生活质量。” 根据劳工部发布的内容,这些AI原则包括: 以员工赋权为中心:员工及其代表,特别是来自弱势群体的代表,应被告知并有真正的发言权参与AI系统的设计、开发、测试、培训、使用和监督。这确保了AI技术在整个生命周期中考虑到员工的需求和反馈。 道德开发AI:AI系统应以保护员工为目标设计、开发和培训。这意味着在开发AI时,需要优先考虑员工的安全、健康和福祉,防止技术对员工造成不利影响。 建立AI治理和人工监督:组织应有明确的治理体系、程序、人工监督和评估流程,确保AI系统在职场中的使用符合伦理规范,并有适当的监督机制来防止误用。 确保AI使用的透明度:雇主应对员工和求职者透明地展示其使用的AI系统。这包括向员工说明AI系统的功能、目的以及其在工作中的具体应用,增强员工的信任感。 保护劳动和就业权利:AI系统不应违反或破坏员工的组织权、健康和安全权、工资和工时权以及反歧视和反报复保护。这确保了员工在AI技术的应用下,其基本劳动权益不受侵害。 使用AI来支持员工:AI系统应协助、补充和支持员工,并改善工作质量。这意味着AI应被用来提升员工的工作效率和舒适度,而不是取代员工或增加其工作负担。 支持受AI影响的员工:雇主应在与AI相关的工作转换期间支持或提升员工的技能。这包括提供培训和职业发展机会,帮助员工适应新的工作环境和技术要求。 确保负责任地使用员工数据:AI系统收集、使用或创建的员工数据应限于合法商业目的,并被负责地保护和处理。这确保了员工数据的隐私和安全,防止数据滥用。 这些原则是根据拜登总统发布的《安全、可靠和可信赖的人工智能开发和使用行政命令》制定的,旨在为开发者和雇主提供路线图,确保员工在AI技术带来的新机遇中受益,同时避免潜在的危害。 拜登政府强调,这些原则不仅适用于特定行业,而是应在各个领域广泛应用。原则不是详尽的列表,而是一个指导框架,供企业根据自身情况进行定制,并在员工参与下实施最佳实践。通过这种方式,拜登政府希望能在确保AI技术推动创新和机会的同时,保护员工的权益,避免技术可能带来的负面影响。 这套原则发布后,您认为它会对贵公司的AI技术使用和员工权益保护产生怎样的影响? 英文如下: Department of Labor's Artificial Intelligence and Worker Well-being: Principles for Developers and Employers Since taking office, President Biden, Vice President Harris, and the entire Biden-Harris Administration have moved with urgency to harness AI's potential to spur innovation, advance opportunity, and transform the nature of many jobs and industries, while also protecting workers from the risk that they might not share in these gains. As part of this commitment, the AI Executive Order directed the Department of Labor to create Principles for Developers and Employers when using AI in the workplace. These Principles will create a roadmap for developers and employers on how to harness AI technologies for their businesses while ensuring workers benefit from new opportunities created by AI and are protected from its potential harms. The precise scope and nature of how AI will change the workplace remains uncertain. AI can positively augment work by replacing and automating repetitive tasks or assisting with routine decisions, which may reduce the burden on workers and allow them to better perform other responsibilities. Consequently, the introduction of AI-augmented work will create demand for workers to gain new skills and training to learn how to use AI in their day-to-day work. AI will also continue creating new jobs, including those focused on the development, deployment, and human oversight of AI. But AI-augmented work also poses risks if workers no longer have autonomy and direction over their work or their job quality declines. The risks of AI for workers are greater if it undermines workers' rights, embeds bias and discrimination in decision-making processes, or makes consequential workplace decisions without transparency, human oversight and review. There are also risks that workers will be displaced entirely from their jobs by AI. In recent years, unions and employers have come together to collectively bargain new agreements setting sensible, worker-protective guardrails around the use of AI and automated systems in the workplace. In order to provide AI developers and employers across the country with a shared set of guidelines, the Department of Labor developed "Artificial Intelligence and Worker Well-being: Principles for Developers and Employers" as directed by President Biden's Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence, with input from workers, unions, researchers, academics, employers, and developers, among others, and through public listening sessions. APPLYING THE PRINCIPLES The following Principles apply to the development and deployment of AI systems in the workplace, and should be considered during the whole lifecycle of AI – from design to development, testing, training, deployment and use, oversight, and auditing. The Principles are applicable to all sectors and intended to be mutually reinforcing, though not all Principles will apply to the same extent in every industry or workplace. The Principles are not intended to be an exhaustive list but instead a guiding framework for businesses. AI developers and employers should review and customize the best practices based on their own context and with input from workers. The Department's AI Principles for Developers and Employers include: [North Star] Centering Worker Empowerment: Workers and their representatives, especially those from underserved communities, should be informed of and have genuine input in the design, development, testing, training, use, and oversight of AI systems for use in the workplace. Ethically Developing AI: AI systems should be designed, developed, and trained in a way that protects workers. Establishing AI Governance and Human Oversight: Organizations should have clear governance systems, procedures, human oversight, and evaluation processes for AI systems for use in the workplace. Ensuring Transparency in AI Use: Employers should be transparent with workers and job seekers about the AI systems that are being used in the workplace. Protecting Labor and Employment Rights: AI systems should not violate or undermine workers' right to organize, health and safety rights, wage and hour rights, and anti-discrimination and anti-retaliation protections. Using AI to Enable Workers: AI systems should assist, complement, and enable workers, and improve job quality. Supporting Workers Impacted by AI: Employers should support or upskill workers during job transitions related to AI. Ensuring Responsible Use of Worker Data: Workers' data collected, used, or created by AI systems should be limited in scope and location, used only to support legitimate business aims, and protected and handled responsibly.
  • AI
    BetterUp Manage: Pioneering AI-Powered Platform For Leaders BetterUp公司最近在其Uplift大会上推出了一个名为BetterUp Manage的领导力发展平台,这一平台采用人工智能驱动的评估和个性化学习方案,彻底改变了专业发展的途径。该平台具有高度的可扩展性和可定制性,能够与Workday、Oracle和SAP等主要系统无缝连接。BetterUp Manage不仅为领导者提供服务,也支持任何寻求发展专业能力的个人。通过整合最新的人工智能技术,BetterUp Manage为传统的领导力培训行业带来了革命性的变革。 这次大会中,BetterUp还邀请了英国的哈里王子Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex 和亚当·格兰特,哈里王子是BetterUp的首席影响官。。。 This week I attended the BetterUp Uplift conference and I really was impressed. This is a company that exploded into the market with an innovative coaching and employee wellbeing network built around an assessment called the “whole person model.” Through a set of shrewd marketing and sales strategies BetterUp established a leadership position in this market, growing to a billion dollar+ valuation. This success encouraged many competitors to form and now the market for AI-enabled, targeted coaching is large and crowded (vendors include Torch, CoachHub, Growthspace, Sounding Board, Bravely, and a new breed of AI systems). Essentially what BetterUp did was democratize business and professional coaching. Before this trend coaching was a rarified, expensive offering reserved for under-performing leaders or high-potential executives. Today, with BetterUp, anyone can go through a meaningful assessment, get assigned a relevant coach, and start a coaching session in minutes. The system is well designed and easy to use and BetterUp’s coaches are all trained (most of the coaching vendors use a lot of the same certified coaches – they are not BetterUp employees). As a corporate solution, BetterUp goes much further. The data collected through assessments is available for analysis (anonymized) so companies can find pockets of stress in the organization. You can look at assessments by team (minimum of 10 people), tenure, level, and other factors. This lets companies like Chevron or Cisco understand the issues new employees or new managers have, for example. In the last few years the company moved into wellbeing by offering a solution called BetterUp Care, which targets benefits buyers. But the more strategic and interesting offering is the new platform I saw this week, now named BetterUp Manage (it was originally called Connect). BetterUp Manage is the first highly personalized, scalable management development platform I’ve seen. It brings together AI-enabled assessment, personalized learning, coaching, and AI-driven narrative support. It’s quite an impressive product, much of it was developed by the team at Motive, who was acquired by BetterUp in 2021. BetterUp Manage is an out of the box personalized leadership development solution. And you don’t need to be a “leader” to use it. The system steps you through the Whole Person assessment, then asks you questions about the types of soft-skills issues you face (many specific scenarios), and then gives you a customized learning path, week by week, along with a professional coach. Since it’s built on an AI platform there is very little manual work behind the scenes so it’s enormously scalable. Large companies will want to customize it and BetterUp is prepared for some of these requests. And the system connects to Workday, Oracle, SAP to automatically understand your role and level. The reason I’m so excited is this: the management training industry is a confusing, messy, red ocean. There are thousands of consultants, coaches, books, courses, and executive education programs. L&D executives have to constantly build custom solutions, evaluate vendors, and hope that an offering will stick. This pure complexity, coupled with the fact that every company is unique, has led to many specialized leadership development firms (and some big ones like Franklin Covey). So what most companies do is mix, match, and custom-build leadership solutions. And they’re not simple: we developed a model we call the 4-E’s to understand this: Education (courses), Experience (developmental assignments), Exposure (mentoring and coaching from leaders), and Environment (a company-wide focus on leadership values and behaviors). All these elements play a role in developing leadership skills. Companies like IBM, Cisco, and Marriot can afford to custom build these solutions, but many companies don’t have the focus. BetterUp Manage is a way to personalize, scale, and democratize this solution and leverage the increasingly important role of AI. I met Alexi Robichaux almost a decade ago and his passion and energy still drives the company. While BetterUp is a bigger company going through the growing pains of any $billion valued growth business, the culture and passion for clients is clear. Remember that buying L&D solutions is not as simple as buying a product and turning it on. Every training solution, platform, or program you buy must be carefully aligned with your company’s culture and rolled out with care. Otherwise people simply say “another training program from corporate I can ignore.” BetterUp, for all its startup-like innovations, has overcome this problem. Customers value the system, they get strong adoption from employees, and the company works hard to advise and consult. It has always been interesting to me that very few content companies ever become very big (Skillsoft is the only one that never seems to stop). And the reason for this is simply the nichey, highly diversified needs of many industries and companies. BetterUp, as a platform-centered company delivering a high-touch solution, has the potential to break this paradigm. It has enormous potential, given the rapid acceleration of AI behind the scenes. I consider BetterUp one of the “Trailblazers” I talk about with clients, and BetterUp Manage is definitely something to watch.
  • AI
    Top AI Tools In Recruiting for 2024 本文由本杰明-梅纳(Benjamin Mena)撰写,深入探讨了 2024 年人工智能(AI)对招聘工作的变革性影响。梅纳探讨了人工智能工具如何不仅简化招聘流程,而且使企业能够高效地获得顶尖人才。这篇文章重点介绍了 SeekOut、PeopleGPT 和 Metaview 等平台,展示了人工智能在自动化任务、提高候选人参与度以及提供无与伦比的人才库洞察力方面的作用。随着人工智能与招聘的融合,该行业将迎来一场革命,在人才招聘中优先考虑效率、包容性和战略决策。 本文中提到的AI招聘工具公司覆盖了从综合人才搜索和评估平台到特定招聘流程自动化工具的全方位解决方案。这些公司可以分为几个主要类别,具体如下: 综合人才搜索与评估平台: SeekOut:利用先进的AI技术进行人才搜索和资质评估。 PeopleGPT:通过大数据和对话AI技术改善候选人匹配过程。 HireEZ:通过机器学习和大数据技术,快速定位合适的人才。 招聘流程自动化工具: Metaview:自动化面试笔记记录,提高招聘效率。 Teamable:结合智能搜索、自动化排程和AI电话/邮件外联功能的全方位招聘平台。 Betterleap:基于AI学习的候选人偏好自动构建候选人名单。 特定功能解决方案提供商: Cherrypicker AI:优化招聘营销活动,通过AI提高候选人参与度。 Paradox's Olivia:AI聊天助手,自动回答候选人问题和安排面试。 MoonHub:利用AI技术提供全面的人才搜索和评估解决方案。 Popp's AI Copilot:通过AI筛选和预定合格面试,提升招聘效率。 其他值得关注的AI招聘公司: Fetcher Leoforce Humanly (humanly.io) Paiger Jobin.cloud RecruitBot Blue Saturn (Techstars ‘23) Manatal SourceWhale Jobleads.io Sendspark Kwal Visage.Jobs Textio HireVue Honeit Talent Solutions Gem Parasale (YC W24) Apriora Carv Talent Llama Wellfound Eightfold Hirize Sense RecruiterPM Enboarder Workable Findem 这些公司代表了AI招聘技术的最前沿,通过创新的解决方案帮助企业改进招聘流程、提升人才获取的效率和质量。无论是综合性平台还是专注于特定环节的工具,它们都在推动着招聘领域的技术进步和效率革新。 全文如下,请查看: In today's fast-paced business world, the race to attract and retain top talent has become fiercer than ever before. Companies across industries are locked in a perpetual battle to stand out from the crowd and capture the attention of the best and brightest candidates. Enter artificial intelligence (AI) – a game-changing technological force that is revolutionizing the way we approach the art of recruitment. AI is no longer a futuristic concept; it's a present-day reality that is transforming virtually every aspect of the business landscape, including the realm of talent acquisition and recruiting even though the hype train is coming to an end. From automating tedious tasks to providing data-driven insights, AI tools are empowering recruiters to work smarter, not harder, and gain a competitive edge in the ever-evolving war for talent where recruiters will be able to do much more. To top that off I see a future soon where internal recruiting teams will allocate about 25% of their headcount spend on AI Tools to that can help their current recruiters do more. I also see a future where small nimble recruitment agencies that are either solo or small teams will be able to run in circles around recruiting teams of 30 or more because of the use of AI. As the host of The Elite Recruiter PodcastI have gotten a chance meet and see so many amazing companies and individuals in the space   As we delve into the fast-moving world of AI in recruiting, we'll explore cutting-edge tools that are redefining the industry's boundaries. But we won't stop there; we'll also introduce you to influential thought leaders and experts who are shaping the discourse around this groundbreaking technology. Their insights and perspectives will equip you with the knowledge to leverage AI effectively and stay ahead of the curve. Whether you're a seasoned recruiter seeking to optimize your processes or a business leader looking to attract top-tier talent, this comprehensive guide to AI in recruiting will provide you with the strategies, tools, and inspiration you need to thrive in the modern talent marketplace. ??? Sidenote: If you need help hiring?  We can help! ??? I am going to break it down into companies that I currently use or have used recently and then other companies to watch. Before we jump into that make sure to check out the The Elite Recruiter Podcast on Apple Podcast and Spotify and join The Elite Recruiter Community AI Recruitment Companies that I currently use or have used recently. Seekout SeekOut is a leading recruiting technology company that leverages advanced artificial intelligence to streamline the candidate search and hiring process. The AI-powered platform scans vast talent pools and online profiles to identify qualified candidates that match an employer's specific needs. Using natural language processing, machine learning algorithms, and extensive data on millions of professionals, one of my favorite parts is the ability to try to figure out who has security clearances based on data they were able to find about the candidate.  They have also increased their AI capabilities so you can now just ask Seekout a question and it will find candidates for you based on your question.  (This new tool just launched and I love it) Seekout's intelligent search engine can surface the most relevant and promising job seekers for any given role. This allows Seekout's clients, which include numerous Fortune 500 companies, to efficiently find and engage with the best-fit talent, reducing time-to-hire and improving the quality of their hires. Seekout's innovative use of AI has made it a disruptive force in the recruiting industry, helping organizations build high-performing teams through data-driven, tech-enabled talent acquisition.  They have also updated their pricing plans for smaller companies and smaller recruiting agencies. SeekOutis a member of the Responsible AI Institute. They are worth checking out and I personally use them. Check out the podcast interview with Edward Pedinifrom Seekout: Spotify and Apple Podcast PeopleGPT PeopleGPT by Juicebox (YC S22) is pioneering the use of large language models and other advanced AI technologies to transform the recruiting industry. Founded in 2022, this innovative startup has developed a powerful AI-driven platform that dramatically enhances the candidate search and hiring process for its client organizations. By ingesting and analyzing massive datasets on millions of professionals, PeopleGPT's conversational AI engine can engage in natural dialogues to uncover the most qualified and promising job seekers for any given role. Through intelligent semantic understanding, the system identifies hard and soft skills, experience, career goals and cultural fit - delivering a curated pool of top talent that perfectly aligns with an employer's needs. This level of sophisticated AI-powered candidate matching has allowed PeopleGPT's clients to make faster, more informed hiring decisions, leading to higher quality hires and stronger, more productive teams. As the recruiting landscape continues to evolve, PeopleGPT is at the forefront of harnessing transformative AI technologies to reshape the future of talent acquisition. One of the new updates you can search for people using Funding, Revenue, and Investor Data to narrow down your search even more. They are worth checking out and I personally use them. Check out the interview with People GPT founder David Paffenholz. Metaview Recruiting conversations contain critical insights, but frantically capturing meeting and interview details can distract from building connections. Metaview offers a purpose-built AI solution tailored to talent acquisition that automates the notetaking process It works by using speech and conversation models trained on recruiting lingo to listen in on interviews, meetings etc. The assistant takes structured notes in real-time, cataloguing relevant candidate attributes, key discussion points and action items. These AI-generated notes are customized to the needs of hiring managers and talent teams for seamless sharing post-conversations. Recruiters can also enrich captured details with additional context from the ATS profile. By eliminating the constant need for manual note documentation, Metaview allows talent professionals to be fully present. They can focus on assessing candidates and strategic hiring conversations without distraction. The automated approach also saves ample time post-meetings that can get reallocated to higher-value work. Recruiters gain back hours each week while still benefiting from comprehensive, tailored meeting recaps. As talent teams support growing hiring demands with constrained resources, solutions like Metaview will prove essential. Its AI recruiting assistant empowers the humans behind talent acquisition to nurture relationships and make smarter data-backed decisions. They are worth checking out and I personally use them. Here is more info on them Betterleap Betterleap learns the type of candidate that you are sourcing for and then starts to develop a candidate list every day that you are able to reach out to. To top that off one of the things that Betterleap does a bad job highlighting (but it’s a huge benefit for those recruiters that know).  You can reach out to unlimited contacts each month. Betterleap also surprised me when it came to recruiting Cleared and GovCon recruiting talent.  It has a great database of and filters for clearance levels. Anna Melano and Khaled Hussein have the potential to build one of the hottest recruiting startups in 2024. They have recently updated their system with Natural Language Search. So you can ask it something like Find me Software Engineers that are close to Googles HQ. The software will know where the HQ of Google is and will start to build out a list of candidates close to that location. Here is an interview with Betterleap founder Khaled Hussein as we talk about the 3 evolutions of AI in recruiting. Other AI Recruiting Companies that you should check out! HireEZ hireEZ has emerged as a frontrunner in the AI recruiting space, offering a comprehensive solution that harnesses the power of big data and machine learning to revolutionize the talent acquisition process. By tapping into a vast pool of over 800 million candidate profiles and leveraging intelligent algorithms, HireEZ empowers recruiters to uncover the most qualified and relevant talent for their specific needs. Gone are the days of sifting through endless resumes - this AI-driven platform does the heavy lifting, delivering a curated shortlist of candidates who possess the perfect blend of skills, experience, and cultural fit. But HireEZ's innovation doesn't stop there. The platform's AI-powered automation capabilities tackle the time-consuming administrative tasks that often bog down recruiters, from scheduling interviews to managing candidate communication. This frees up valuable time and resources, allowing recruiting teams to focus on what they do best: building meaningful relationships with top-tier candidates. Notably, HireEZ's commitment to diversity and inclusion is woven into the core of its technology, with the platform's AI configured to prioritize candidates from underrepresented groups, helping organizations build a more diverse talent pipeline and combat unconscious bias in the hiring process. HireEZ's AI Values system is built on the following principles: Fair, Accountable, Transparent, Inclusive, Explainable, and Privacy, Security and Safety. The company strives to mitigate AI bias risks, ensure continuous improvements to their product and technology, and provide users with control and transparency throughout the decision-making process. As the recruiting landscape continues to evolve, forward-thinking companies would be wise to explore AI-powered solutions like HireEZ. By harnessing the power of data and automation, recruiters can elevate their game, make more informed decisions, and ultimately, deliver the best-fit talent to drive their organization's success. The future of talent acquisition is here, and HireEZ is leading the charge. It will be fun to see what Daniel Harten and Shannon Pritchett have up their sleeve next. Teamable: AI-Powered Recruiting Automation Teamableoffers an all-in-one talent acquisition platform combining intelligent sourcing, automated scheduling, and AI phone/email outreach. This end-to-end recruiting software solution helps organizations scale efforts and engage more candidates. At its core is an AI Assistant that understands role requirements and proactively sources qualified, diverse candidates from both public and private talent pools. Instead of sifting databases, the Smart Search functionality finds ideal talent matches. Teamable also automatically coordinates complex interview scheduling amongst hiring managers and candidates. By managing the frustrating back-and-forth, it accelerates process timelines. It's AI will even handle email and text outreach to talent, freeing up recruiter time. The unified platform centralizes all candidate information and interactions for a complete view enabling data-driven decisions. Built-in analytics track KPIs like source of hire to optimize the funnel. As recruiting needs grow more complex amid intensifying competition for talent, consolidating tech stacks is key. Teamable offers an integrated solution encompassing intelligent sourcing, scheduling, and outreach. With automation powering high-volume tasks, recruiters can focus on building candidate relationships. That's why forward-looking organizations will turn to all-in-one solutions like Teamable to drive efficiencies and results in 2024. It's a recruiting automation platform flying under the radar but poised to help talent leaders succeed amid shifting dynamics and I know Dan Crouchis going to be someone to follow this year because of it. Holly Hires.AI Holly - hollyhires.ai is another company that I have been using off and on. Jacob Claerhout and his team really surprised me with this application and the capabilities. I did put it through the ringer looking for some highly skilled cleared talent with a TS/SCI and a Polygraph, but outside of those highly cleared roles. The application does a great job. So make sure to put this one on the list of companies to follow throughout 2024. Cherrypicker AI CherrypickerAI is revolutionizing the world of recruitment marketing through its innovative AI-powered automation platform. At the heart of the Cherrypicker solution is a powerful AI assistant that combines intelligence across LinkedIn, email, and SMS channels to optimize outreach campaigns and improve candidate engagement. Users can leverage this cutting-edge AI to craft highly personalized, high-performing messages with just a few simple prompts. Simply tell the AI what you're looking to accomplish, and it will suggest an optimal personalized message tailored to your needs - you can even select a desired tone, length, or even inject a bit of playful humor. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, Cherrypicker AI empowers recruiters to scale their efforts, boost response rates, and build stronger connections with top talent. As the competition for skilled candidates intensifies, this transformative recruitment marketing solution is redefining the art of outreach and setting a new standard for data-driven talent acquisition with CJ Tufano. Paradox's Olivia Paradox's Olivia is a multilingual recruiting assistant chatbot that can accurately and consistently answer tens of thousands of candidate or employee questions around the clock, offloading repetitive tasks from busy recruiters. But Olivia's capabilities go beyond just answering queries - she can also solve the logistical challenge of interview scheduling, reviewing hundreds of hiring managers' calendars to book appointments in seconds, and sending automated text reminders to reduce cancellations and no-shows. Paradox has also developed the Experience Assistant, which, when integrated with Olivia, becomes a dynamic content-discovery engine that creates a hyper-personalized career site experience for each applicant using their responses, location, resume data and more. Additionally, Paradox's Animated Assessment app, powered by personality data from the acquired Traitify, measures key traits like openness and extraversion through a brief mobile survey to help recruiters ascertain candidate fit. Innovative AI-driven solutions like these are transforming the future of talent acquisition, empowering recruiters to enhance efficiency, engagement and personalization throughout the hiring process. MoonHub Moonhub ?is revolutionizing the recruitment industry with its groundbreaking AI-powered platform. Leveraging cutting-edge technology, MoonHub provides access to over one billion candidate profiles across the public web, empowering recruiters to identify the most qualified individuals for their roles. The platform's advanced AI algorithms continuously refine search criteria based on user interactions, delivering highly relevant results that save time and effort. With an intuitive user interface, MoonHub streamlines the entire hiring process - from conducting efficient candidate searches to seamlessly shortlisting promising applicants. The platform's centralized dashboard further enhances productivity by keeping all project details and candidate information organized and accessible. Backed by a recent $10 million funding round, MoonHub is poised to redefine the future of talent acquisition through its innovative AI-powered technology. Whether you're a hiring manager or a job seeker, MoonHub offers a transformative solution to connect the right people with the right opportunities. Sign up today and experience the future of recruiting. Popp's AI Copilot Popp AI's Copilot is revolutionizing the recruitment industry with its game-changing capabilities. Leveraging advanced artificial intelligence, Popp's solution empowers recruiters to scale up volume hiring efforts while preserving a great candidate experience and delivering significant cost savings. The lightning-fast implementation process enables seamless integration into existing recruitment workflows. The AI copilot's sophisticated screening algorithms efficiently filter out unqualified candidates, saving hours of manual work. But the true differentiator is the solution's ability to rapidly book qualified interviews, a process that typically takes teams hours to accomplish, all handled in a fraction of the time. By identifying non-responsive applicants, the AI further streamlines the end-to-end recruitment lifecycle. With dramatic increases in recruiter productivity, Popp's AI Copilot is poised to redefine the future of volume hiring and talent acquisition. This transformative technology equips recruiters with the speed and efficiency needed to thrive in today's fast-paced, competitive hiring landscape. There are a few others that I am keeping an eye on and you should also. Fetcher Leoforce Humanly (humanly.io) Paiger Jobin.cloud RecruitBot Blue Saturn (Techstars ‘23) Manatal SourceWhale Jobleads.io Sendspark Kwal Visage.Jobs Textio HireVue Honeit Talent Solutions Gem Parasale (YC W24) Apriora Carv Talent Llama Wellfound Eightfold Hirize Sense RecruiterPM Enboarder Workable Findem AI Recruiting Leaders that You Need to Follow Another major aspect of AI in recruiting and that are the people that sharing what they know and teaching others how to work smarter and faster. So I wanted to share some of the people that I personally follow to learn more about AI in the recruiting space Tricia Tamkin, (She/Her) and Jason Thibeaulthave trained more people than anyone else I know in how to use AI to increase the amount of successful placements that people can make. Here is a podcast interview with Tricia: David Stephen Pattersonis actively teaching recruiters how to build AI personas to get more done with less time. Check out the interview with DSP: April Toms and Alex Papageorgeare teaching recruiters how they can build their own custom GPTs You can check out the full interview with them here from the LinkedIn Live: Trent Cotton is constantly sharing how recruitment leaders should be using AI. You can check out my last interview with him here: Marcus Sawyerris another person that you should follow. He is constantly sharing how you can use AI as a recruiter to get ahead. Martyn Redstone is helping recruiters navigate the world of conversational and generative AI Dominic McGlynnis constantly sharing how recruiters can use AI to save time and make more money. Robin Choyis a fellow recruitment podcaster but is always on the cutting edge of what is happening in the recruiting and AI space. Mike Wolfordis a definite follow. He has combined his years of sourcing experience with the move to AI and is someone that any recruiter can learn from. Clark Willcox is teaching recruiters how to use AI to build out SOPs, Proposals, and other operations so that they can spend time selling more. Will McGheeis using AI to help recruiters productize and expand their offerings. Brian Fink is sharing the best sourcing tips with and without AI. Benjamin Mena- You can follow me if you want to! Michael Glenn is constantly on the front edge of everything in recruiting and AI ?Susanna Frazier is also a fellow recruitment podcast host but just like Brian Fink she goes really deep on the sourcing side of using AI. Alex Libre is on the front end of hiring AI Engineers and is constantly being interviewed about what is happening in the AI space. Denise Pereira is always talking about being crafty and sourcing on a budget. With that she is also sharing how recruiters can use AI the best. Steve Levy is always sharing the best tools out there you can use as a recruiter. Rob McIntosh who has been talking about AI in recruiting before just about anyone (Thank you Steve Levy for pointing that out) Last but not least you can't forget about the ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude I use these programs almost daily and they are all extremely powerful. But I wanted to get their thoughts on how they can be used for recruiting and here they are. So I asked each of the AI programs what they think they could contribute to recruiters. ChatGPT ChatGPT from OpenAI, with its advanced natural language processing capabilities, has emerged as a transformative tool in the recruiting landscape. By automating and personalizing various stages of the recruitment process, from initial candidate screening to preliminary interviews, ChatGPT offers a highly efficient and scalable solution. Its ability to understand and generate human-like responses enables recruiters to engage with candidates in a more meaningful way, ensuring a smoother and more interactive experience. Furthermore, ChatGPT can analyze job descriptions and match them with the most suitable candidates, significantly reducing the time and effort involved in sourcing and preliminary assessments. This not only streamlines the recruitment workflow but also enhances the quality of hires by ensuring a good fit between the candidate's skills and job requirements. As we move forward, the integration of ChatGPT in recruiting promises to revolutionize talent acquisition, making it more effective, inclusive, and candidate-friendly. Google Gemini Enter Gemini AI , a multimodal AI that goes beyond the text-based approach. I can analyze resumes, cover letters, and even video interviews, understanding not just the words, but also the skills and experiences conveyed. Imagine identifying a candidate's coding strengths by reviewing their GitHub profile, or gauging their communication style and cultural fit through video interviews. This holistic approach empowers recruiters to build a well-rounded picture of each candidate, streamlining the hiring process and uncovering hidden talent. Additional points you can consider mentioning: I can help with outreach by generating personalized emails to potential candidates, highlighting their relevant achievements. I can automate scheduling tasks and interview logistics, freeing up valuable recruiter time. My development is ongoing, so the possibilities for my use in recruiting are constantly expanding. (Also if you really want to learn how to use Gemini for Recruiting. Make sure to follow Donnie Gupton ?) Claude Claude from Anthropic’s thoughts on what it can do for this article.  (not going to lie.  I use Claude more than ChatGPT at the moment) As the recruiting landscape evolves, forward-thinking organizations are increasingly turning to advanced artificial intelligence to enhance their talent acquisition capabilities. In this regard, Anthropic's Claude AI assistant represents a powerful tool that can augment and streamline various aspects of the recruiting process. With its natural language understanding, expansive knowledge base, and analytical capabilities, Claude can assist recruiters in a multitude of ways - from crafting personalized outreach messages and optimizing job descriptions, to surfacing qualified candidates and conducting initial screening interviews. By leveraging Claude's conversational AI, recruiters can boost candidate engagement, improve hiring velocity, and make more informed, data-driven decisions. Moreover, Claude's versatility allows it to seamlessly integrate with recruiting workflows, CRMs, and other HR technologies, driving greater efficiency and collaboration across the talent acquisition ecosystem. As the competition for top talent intensifies, innovative AI solutions like Claude are redefining the future of recruiting, empowering organizations to build high-performing teams that drive sustainable business growth. Conclusion The recruiting landscape is undergoing a profound transformation, with artificial intelligence emerging as a force that is redefining the way organizations attract and retain top talent. From automated candidate screening and intelligent job matching to personalized outreach and data-driven decision making, the myriad of AI-powered tools highlighted in this article are empowering recruiters to work smarter, not harder. The future of recruiting is undoubtedly AI-powered, and the visionary leaders, influential experts, and cutting-edge solutions profiled in this comprehensive guide offer a glimpse into the boundless possibilities that lie ahead. Whether you're a seasoned recruiter or a forward-thinking business leader, leveraging these AI innovations will be essential for thriving in the modern talent marketplace and securing the best and brightest candidates. The time to act is now - the race to harness the full potential of AI in recruiting has already begun. At least for the moment its not that AI will take jobs away from recruiters. Its the recruiters that use AI will be the ones that get ahead. #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Recruiting #Recruiters #recruitment #AIRecruiting Need to hire? We can help! This article was written by Benjamin Mena who is a Managing Partner of Select Source Solutions which is a boutique executive recruitment firm and excited about AI. If you’d like to have a conversation about employee retention, growing your team, or hiring plans for the rest of the year, please get in touch! Benjamin@selectsourcesolutions.com Join me on upcoming episodes of the Elite Recruiter Podcast on Apple or Spotify!
  • AI
    美国领先企业联合成立了一个联盟,应对人工智能对技术岗位劳动力的影响 由思科(Cisco)牵头,埃森哲(Accenture)、谷歌(Google)、国际商业机器公司(IBM)和微软(Microsoft)等主要行业参与者参与的人工智能 ICT 劳动力联盟(AI-Enabled ICT Workforce Consortium)AI-Enabled Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Workforce Consortium 旨在评估和减轻人工智能对技术工作的影响。该联盟旨在确定受人工智能进步影响的岗位所需的关键技能,为再培训和提高技能提供途径。该倡议借鉴了私营部门、顾问和政府的合作见解,为人工智能环境下的劳动力做好准备,强调了全球合作促进包容性技术未来的必要性。 人工智能 ICT 劳动力联盟致力于提供实际可行的洞见,发掘重新培训和提升技能的新机遇 思科牵头成立的AI赋能信息通信技术(ICT)工作力联盟,包括埃森哲、Eightfold、谷歌、IBM、Indeed、英特尔、微软和SAP等行业领导者的加入。该联盟将评估人工智能对科技岗位的影响,并为最可能受到AI影响的职业确定技能发展途径。 联盟的成立得到了美国-欧盟贸易与技术委员会人才成长工作组的推动,思科主席兼CEO Chuck Robbins在该工作组的参与,以及美国商务部的建议,起到了催化剂的作用。 顾问团包括美国劳工联盟-产业组织联合会、CHAIN5、美国通信工人联合会、DIGITALEUROPE、欧洲职业培训协会、可汗学院和SMEUnited等。 比利时鲁汶,2024年4月4日-- 思科(纳斯达克代码:CSCO)和另外八家行业领先公司包括埃森哲、Eightfold、谷歌、IBM、Indeed、英特尔、微软和SAP,以及六位顾问今天宣布,成立了致力于提升和重新培训最可能受到AI影响岗位的AI赋能ICT工作力联盟。该联盟受到美国-欧盟贸易与技术委员会人才成长工作组的启发,旨在探究AI对ICT岗位的影响,帮助工作者发现并参与相关培训计划,同时连接企业和具备相应技能、准备就绪的工作者。 作为私营部门的合作平台,联盟正评估AI如何改变工作岗位及所需技能,让工作者取得成功。首阶段工作成果将总结为一份提供给企业领导者和工作者实际建议的报告。未来几个月将公布更多详情。研究结果旨在为那些寻求为员工重新培训和提升技能的雇主提供实用的洞见和建议。 联盟成员涵盖了在AI前沿创新的企业,他们深知AI对劳动力市场的当前和未来影响。各成员企业已分别记录了AI带来的机遇与挑战。通过合作,这些组织能够汇聚见解,推荐行动计划,并在其广泛的影响领域内实施这些发现。 “人工智能正加速全球劳动力市场的变革,为私营部门提供了一个强大机会,帮助工作者重新培训和提升技能,以迎接未来,”思科执行副总裁兼首席人事、政策与目标官Francine Katsoudas表示。“我们新成立的AI赋能工作力联盟的任务是向组织提供关于AI对劳动力影响的知识,并装备工作者以相关技能。我们期待吸引更多利益相关方——包括政府、非政府组织和学术界——一同迈出确保AI革命惠及每个人的重要一步。” 联盟的工作受到了美国-欧盟贸易与技术委员会人才成长工作组的启发,思科主席兼CEO Chuck Robbins领导其技能培训工作流程的指导,以及美国商务部的建议。美国总统拜登、欧盟委员会主席冯德莱恩和欧洲理事会主席米歇尔于2021年6月成立了TTC,目的是通过合作和民主方法在贸易、技术和安全领域推进美国和欧盟的竞争力和繁荣。 “在美国商务部,我们致力于推动先进技术的发展,并深化与全球伙伴和盟友之间的贸易与投资关系。这项工作正帮助我们建立一个强大且具竞争力的经济体,由能够获得高质量、高薪、可维持家庭生活的未来工作的才华横溢的劳动力所推动。我们明白,经济安全与国家安全紧密相连。这就是我为何感到自豪地看到人才成长工作组的努力以及AI赋能ICT工作力联盟的成立,”美国商务部长Gina Raimondo表示。“我感激联盟成员加入这一努力,共同面对AI快速发展所带来的新型劳动力需求。这项工作将为这些工作的具体技能需求提供前所未有的见解。我希望这个联盟仅是一个开始,并且私营部门将其视为一个行动呼吁,确保我们的劳动力能够享受到AI带来的好处。” AI赋能ICT工作力联盟的工作解决了对具备AI各方面技能训练的熟练劳动力的紧迫需求。联盟将利用其成员和顾问的力量,推荐和扩大包容性的重新培训和提升技能培训计划,以惠及多方利益相关者——学生、职业转换者、当前的IT工作者、雇主和教育者——大规模提升工作者以适应AI时代。 在其首阶段工作中,联盟将评估AI对56个ICT岗位角色的影响,并为受影响岗位提供培训建议。这些岗位角色根据Indeed Hiring Lab的数据,包括在2023年2月至2024年期间在美国和五个ICT劳动力最多的欧洲国家(法国、德国、意大利、西班牙和荷兰)获得最高岗位发布量的前45个ICT职位的80%。这些国家的ICT部门共计拥有1000万名ICT工作者,占据了行业的重要份额。 联盟成员普遍认识到,随着AI在商业的所有方面的加速融合,及时集结力量,建立一个包容性、能提供维持家庭生活机会的劳动力市场的重要性。联盟成员承诺,在将越来越多地整合人工智能技术的职业领域,开发工作者路径。为此,联盟成员设定了具有远见的目标,并通过技能发展和培训计划,在未来十年内对全球超过9500万人产生积极影响。联盟成员的目标包括: 思科承诺到2032年为2500万人提供网络安全和数字技能培训。 IBM将在2030年前为3000万人提供数字技能培训,包括200万人的AI技能。 英特尔计划到2030年为超过3000万人提供当前和未来工作的AI技能。 微软承诺到2025年为来自弱势社区的1000万人提供需求旺盛的数字技能培训和认证,为他们在数字经济中提供工作和生计机会。 SAP计划到2025年为全球200万人提供提升技能培训。 谷歌最近宣布投入2500万欧元,支持全欧洲人民的AI培训和技能提升。 埃森哲 “帮助组织识别技能差距并进行大规模快速培训是埃森哲的重点任务,这个联盟汇集了一系列致力于在我们社区中发展尖端技术、数据和AI技能的行业合作伙伴。在各个行业中,为与AI协同工作的人员进行重新培训至关重要。那些在技术投资中与学习投资同等重视的组织,不仅创造了职业发展路径,还能在市场中占据领先地位。” - 埃森哲首席领导力与人力资源官Ellyn Shook Eightfold “工作的动态和本质正在以前所未有的速度演变。Eightfold通过深入分析最受欢迎的职位,了解重新培训和提升技能的需求。通过其人才智能平台,我们为商业领袖提供了迅速适应不断变化的商业环境的能力。我们为能够为组织预备未来工作做出贡献而感到自豪。” - Eightfold AI首席执行官兼联合创始人Ashutosh Garg 谷歌 “谷歌坚信,技术创造的机遇应真正面向所有人。我们自豪地加入AI赋能工作力联盟,进一步推动我们使AI技能培训普及化的工作。我们致力于跨领域合作,确保不同背景的工作者都能有效利用AI,为面向未来的职位做好准备,获得新机会,在经济中茁壮成长。” - 谷歌成长计划创始人Lisa Gevelber IBM “IBM自豪地加入这个及时的企业主导倡议,通过汇集我们的共同专业知识和资源,为AI时代的劳动力做好准备。作为行业领袖,我们共同的责任是发展可信赖的技术,并为所有背景和经验水平的工作者提供学习新技能和提升现有技能的机会,以应对AI采纳改变工作方式并创造新职位的挑战。” - IBM欧洲中东非洲人力资源副总裁Gian Luigi Cattaneo Indeed “Indeed的使命是帮助人们找到工作。我们的研究表明,Indeed上今天发布的几乎每个职位,从卡车司机到医生到软件工程师,都将面临不同程度的受到基于GenAI的变革的影响。我们期待为工作力联盟的重要工作做出贡献。那些授权其员工学习新技能并获得与不断发展的AI工具的实践经验的公司,将加深他们的专业团队,提高员工留存率并扩大其合格候选人库。” - Indeed AI创新部门负责人Hannah Calhoon 英特尔 “作为全球AI创新的领导者,英特尔自豪地加入ICT工作力联盟,继续我们的努力,为所有人塑造一个包容和公平的技术未来。作为联盟的一员,我们将与行业领袖合作,分享最佳实践,创造可访问的学习机会,并与各方利益相关者协作,确保工作者掌握了迎接明天的技术技能。” - 微软人力资源法律副总裁兼副总法律顾问Amy Pannoni SAP “SAP自豪地加入这一努力,帮助为未来的工作准备我们的劳动力,并确保AI在企业和职位中的应用是相关的、可靠的、负责任的。面对我们不断变化的世界的复杂性,AI有潜力重塑行业、革新解决问题的方式,并释放前所未有的人类潜能,使我们能够构建一个更智能、更高效和更包容的劳动力。多年来,SAP支持了许多技能发展计划,我们期待作为联盟的一部分推动更多的学习机会、创新和积极变化。” - SAP副总裁兼全球开发学习负责人Nicole Helmer 关于思科 思科(纳斯达克代码:CSCO)是全球技术领袖,通过帮助我们的客户重新构想他们的应用、支持混合工作模式、保障企业安全、改造基础设施,并实现可持续发展目标,连接一切,让任何事情成为可能。在新闻室了解更多信息,并在X上关注我们@Cisco。 思科和思科标志是思科及/或其在美国和其他国家的关联公司的商标或注册商标。思科的商标列表可在www.cisco.com/go/trademarks查看。提到的第三方商标属于其各自所有者。使用“合作伙伴”一词并不意味着思科与任何其他公司之间存在合伙关系。 来源:思科公司   LEUVEN, Belgium, April 4, 2024 - Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) and a group of eight leading companies including Accenture, Eightfold, Google, IBM, Indeed, Intel, Microsoft and SAP as well as six advisors today announced the launch of the AI-Enabled Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Workforce Consortium focused on upskilling and reskilling roles most likely to be impacted by AI. The Consortium is catalyzed by the work of the U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council's (TTC) Talent for Growth Task Force, with the goal of exploring AI's impact on ICT job roles, enabling workers to find and access relevant training programs, and connecting businesses to skilled and job-ready workers. Working as a private sector collaborative, the Consortium is evaluating how AI is changing the jobs and skills workers need to be successful. The first phase of work will culminate in a report with actionable insights for business leaders and workers. Further details will be shared in the coming months. Findings will be intended to offer practical insights and recommendations to employers that seek ways to reskill and upskill their workers in preparation for AI-enabled environments. Consortium members represent a cross section of companies innovating on the cutting edge of AI that also understand the current and impending impact of AI on the workforce. Individually, Consortium members have documented opportunities and challenges presented by AI. The collaborative effort enables their organizations to coalesce insights, recommend action plans, and activate findings within their respective broad spheres of influence. "AI is accelerating the pace of change for the global workforce, presenting a powerful opportunity for the private sector to help upskill and reskill workers for the future," said Francine Katsoudas, Executive Vice President and Chief People, Policy & Purpose Officer, Cisco. "The mission of our newly unveiled AI-Enabled Workforce Consortium is to provide organizations with knowledge about the impact of AI on the workforce and equip workers with relevant skills. We look forward to engaging other stakeholders—including governments, NGOs, and the academic community—as we take this important first step toward ensuring that the AI revolution leaves no one behind." The Consortium's work is inspired by the TTC's Talent for Growth Task Force and Cisco Chair and CEO Chuck Robbins' leadership of its skills training workstream, and input from the U.S. Department of Commerce. The TTC was established in June 2021 by U.S. President Biden, European Commission President von der Leyen, and European Council President Michel to promote U.S. and EU competitiveness and prosperity through cooperation and democratic approaches to trade, technology, and security. "At the U.S. Department of Commerce, we're focused on fueling advanced technology and deepening trade and investment relationships with partners and allies around the world. This work is helping us build a strong and competitive economy, propelled by a talented workforce that's enabling workers to get into the good quality, high-paying, family-sustaining jobs of the future. We recognize that economic security and national security are inextricably linked. That's why I'm proud to see the efforts of the Talent for Growth Task Force continue with the creation of the AI-Enabled ICT Workforce Consortium," said U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo. "I am grateful to the consortium members for joining in this effort to confront the new workforce needs that are arising in the wake of AI's rapid development. This work will help provide unprecedented insight on the specific skill needs for these jobs. I hope that this Consortium is just the beginning, and that the private sector sees this as a call to action to ensure our workforces can reap the benefits of AI." The AI-Enabled ICT Workforce Consortium's efforts address a business critical and growing need for a proficient workforce that is trained in various aspects of AI, including the skills to implement AI applications across business processes. The Consortium will leverage its members and advisors to recommend and amplify reskilling and upskilling training programs that are inclusive and can benefit multiple stakeholders – students, career changers, current IT workers, employers, and educators – in order to skill workers at scale to engage in the AI era. In its first phase of work, the Consortium will evaluate the impact of AI on 56 ICT job roles and provide training recommendations for impacted jobs. These job roles include 80% of the top 45 ICT job titles garnering the highest volume of job postings for the period February 2023-2024 in the United States and five of the largest European countries by ICT workforce numbers (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands) according to Indeed Hiring Lab. Collectively, these countries account for a significant segment of the ICT sector, with a combined total of 10 million ICT workers. Consortium members universally recognize the urgency and importance of their combined efforts with the acceleration of AI in all facets of business and the need to build an inclusive workforce with family-sustaining opportunities. Consortium members commit to developing worker pathways particularly in job sectors that will increasingly integrate artificial intelligence technology. To that end, Consortium members have established forward thinking goals with skills development and training programs to positively impact over 95 million individuals around the world over the next 10 years. Consortium member goals include: Cisco to train 25 million people with cybersecurity and digital skills by 2032. IBM to skill 30 million individuals by 2030 in digital skills, including 2 million in AI. Intel to empower more than 30 million people with AI skills for current and future jobs by 2030. Microsoft to train and certify 10 million people from underserved communities with in-demand digital skills for jobs and livelihood opportunities in the digital economy by 2025. SAP to upskill two million people worldwide by 2025. Google has recently announced EUR 25 million in funding to support AI training and skills for people across Europe. Accenture "Helping organizations identify skills gaps and train people at speed and scale is a major priority for Accenture, and this consortium brings together an impressive ecosystem of industry partners committed to growing leading-edge technology, data and AI skills within our communities. Reskilling people to work with AI is paramount in every industry. Organizations that invest as much in learning as they do in the technology not only create career pathways, they are well positioned to lead in the market." - Ellyn Shook, chief leadership & human resources officer, Accenture Eightfold "The dynamics of work and the very essence of work are evolving at an unprecedented pace. Eightfold examines the most sought-after job roles, delving into the needs for reskilling and upskilling. Through its Talent Intelligence Platform, it empowers business leaders to adapt swiftly to the changing business environment. We take pride in contributing to the creation of a knowledgeable and responsible resource that assists organizations in preparing for the future of work." - Ashutosh Garg, CEO and Co-Founder, Eightfold AI Google "Google believes the opportunities created by technology should truly be available to everyone. We're proud to join the AI-Enabled Workforce Consortium, which will advance our work to make AI skills training universally accessible. We're committed to collaborating across sectors to ensure workers of all backgrounds can use AI effectively and develop the skills needed to prepare for future-focused jobs, qualify for new opportunities, and thrive in the economy." - Lisa Gevelber, Founder, Grow with Google IBM "IBM is proud to join this timely business-led initiative, which brings together our shared expertise and resources to prepare the workforce for the AI era. Our collective responsibility as industry leaders is to develop trustworthy technologies and help provide workers—from all backgrounds and experience levels—access to opportunities to reskill and upskill as AI adoption changes ways of working and creates new jobs." - Gian Luigi Cattaneo, Vice President, Human Resources, IBM EMEA Indeed "Indeed's mission is to help people get jobs. Our research shows that virtually every job posted on Indeed today, from truck driver to physician to software engineer, will face some level of exposure to GenAI-driven change. We look forward to contributing to the Workforce Consortium's important work. The companies who empower their employees to learn new skills and gain on-the-job experience with evolving AI tools will deepen their bench of experts, boost retention and expand their pool of qualified candidates." - Hannah Calhoon, Head of AI Innovation at Indeed Intel "At Intel, our purpose is to create world-changing technology that improves the lives of every person on the planet, and we believe bringing AI everywhere is key for businesses and society to flourish. To do so, we must provide access to AI skills for everyone. Intel is committed to expanding digital readiness by collaborating with 30 countries, empowering 30,000 institutions, and training 30 million people for current and future jobs by 2030. Working alongside industry leaders as part of this AI-enabled ICT workforce consortium will help upskill and reskill the workforce for the digital economy ahead." – Christy Pambianchi, Executive Vice President and Chief People Officer at Intel Corporation Microsoft "As a global leader in AI innovation, Microsoft is proud to join the ICT Workforce Consortium and continue our efforts to shape an inclusive and equitable technology future for all. As a member of the consortium, we will work with industry leaders to share best practices, create accessible learning opportunities, and collaborate with stakeholders to ensure that workers are equipped with the technology skills of tomorrow," - Amy Pannoni, Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, HR Legal at Microsoft SAP "SAP is proud to join this effort to help prepare our workforce for the jobs of the future and ensure AI is relevant, reliable, and responsible across businesses and roles. As we navigate the complexities of our ever-evolving world, AI has the potential to reshape industries, revolutionize problem-solving, and unlock unprecedented levels of human potential, enabling us to create a more intelligent, efficient, and inclusive workforce. Over the years, SAP has supported many skills building programs, and we look forward to driving additional learning opportunities, innovation, and positive change as part of the consortium." - Nicole Helmer, Vice President & Global Head of Development Learning at SAP About Cisco Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) is the worldwide technology leader that securely connects everything to make anything possible. Our purpose is to power an inclusive future for all by helping our customers reimagine their applications, power hybrid work, secure their enterprise, transform their infrastructure, and meet their sustainability goals. Discover more on The Newsroom and follow us on X at @Cisco. Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Cisco's trademarks can be found at www.cisco.com/go/trademarks. Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. SOURCE Cisco Systems, Inc.
  • AI
    推荐:The best HR & People Analytics articles of March 2024 024年3月,David Green带领我们深入了解了人力资源和人力分析的最新趋势。在欧洲和美国的几场关键活动中,他强调了人力分析在提升员工体验、AI在工作场所的角色、以及四天工作周趋势的增长中的转型作用。此外,Culture Amp对Orgnostic的收购和在Culture First Leaders Forum上的见解,突出了培养适宜的组织文化对于未来工作的战略重要性。Green的观点强调了HR需要采用数据驱动策略,以实现有效的劳动力规划、技能发展和组织增长。 2024 HR TRENDS AND PREDICTIONS KATE BRAVERY, JOANA SILVA, AND JENS PETERSON - Workforce 2.0: Unlocking human potential in a machine-augmented world – Mercer Global Talent Trends 2024 The world of work is in full metamorphosis, forever changed by the seismic shifts of the past few years and accelerated by the imminent human-machine teaming revolution. Just as organizations were settling into a new normal — with a focus on hybrid working, comprehensive health and well-being, digitalization, and upskilling — Generative AI (Gen AI) burst onto the scene. Those are the opening words from the Mercer Global Talent Trends 2024 report, which has recently been published. As ever, the study, which is based on a survey of more than 12,000 executives, HR leaders, employees, and investors, and is authored by Kate Bravery Joana Silva and Jens Peterson is an absolute must-read. The study highlights a disconnect between what HR is prioritising for the 2024 people agenda and the initiatives that executives believe will have the most impact on business growth (see FIG 1).  The study highlights four priorities that firms that outpace their competitors are focusing on: (1) Driving human-centric productivity. (2) Anchoring to trust and equity. (3) Boosting the corporate immune system. (4) Cultivating a digital-first culture. My tip to enjoy the study: find a couple of hours, make yourself a cup of tea and have a pen and paper to hand. FIG 1: HR priorities for the 2024 people agenda (Source: Mercer Global Talent Trends 2024) FIG 2: Drivers and drainers of employee productivity(Source: Mercer Global Talent Trends 2024) HYBRID, GENERATIVE AI AND THE FUTURE OF WORK BRIAN ELLIOTT - Return-to-Office Mandates: How to Lose Your Best Performers There is mounting evidence that mandates don’t improve financial performance. Instead, they damage employee engagement and increase attrition, especially among high-performing employees and particularly those with caregiving responsibilities. That’s according to Brian Elliott in his latest column in MIT Sloan Management Review, which highlights that the workers most likely to be turned off by return-to-office mandates are the company’s highest performers. Elliott highlights the link between factors such as pressure from investors and the CEO echo chamber with RTO pronouncements, as well as how only one in three executives believe that RTO has had even a slight impact on productivity. He recommends instead focusing on productivity rather than physical presence (see FIG 3) and how this can inspire a boom loop in engagement as opposed to a doom loop in trust. Finally, Elliott presents findings from the Future Forum and i4CP, highlighting the negative impact of RTO mandates, before offering guidance on how to build an outcomes-driven organisation: “The bottom line is that when trust is balanced with accountability, people and organizations will thrive.” FIG 3: Focus on Productivity, Not Physical Presence (Sources: Future Forum, Centre for Transformative Work Design, and Slack) AARON DE SMET, SANDRA DURTH, BRYAN HANCOCK, MARINO MUGAYAR-BALDOCCHI, AND ANGELIKA REICH - The human side of generative AI: Creating a path to productivity As teams start using gen AI to help free up their capacity, the middle manager’s job will evolve to managing both people and the use of this technology to enhance their output. A fascinating new study from McKinsey, which provides analysis on workers who are at the forefront of gen AI usage (which as FIG 4 shows is dominated by those in non-technical roles) and dives into the job factors and skills these workers say they need. The authors emphasise how firms can enhance productivity by crafting jobs that put people before tech – rather than the other way around. They conclude that companies that set a people-centric talent strategy will give themselves a competitive edge as more workers and jobs are affected by the changes gen AI brings. The article is rich with data and powerful visualisations – kudos to the authors: Aaron De Smet Sandra Durth Bryan Hancock Marino Mugayar-Baldocchi and Angelika Reich ). FIG 4: Workers who use generative AI as part of their jobs comprise a much larger group than those who hold traditionally technical roles (Source: McKinsey) PETER CAPPELLI, PRASANNA (SONNY) TAMBE, AND VALERY YAKUBOVICH - Will Large Language Models Really Change How Work Is Done? LLMs are much more complicated to use effectively in an organizational context than is typically acknowledged, and they have yet to demonstrate that they can satisfactorily perform all of the tasks that knowledge workers execute in any given job. In their article, Peter Cappelli Prasanna Tambe and Valery Yakubovich look at the use and challenges of integrating Large Language Models (LLMs) in organisations, and present practical recommendations on how to work with LLMs successfully. The five challenges outlined in the article are: (1) The Knowledge Capture Problem. (2) The Output Verification Problem. (3) The Output Adjudication Problem. (4) The Cost-Benefit Problem. (5) The Job Transformation Problem – How will LLMs work with workers? Guidance includes developing and circulating standards for the use of LLMs in organisations, establishing a central office to produce important LLM output, and providing training to users. NICK BLOOM – Why WFH is a win-win-win | WFH research update (March 2024) Nick Bloom’s recent post on LinkedIn highlighting his research on why remote working is a win for firms (due to increased productivity of $20,000 a year for each remote day a week), employees, and society is extremely compelling. I also recommend reading Nick’s latest monthly data for March, which includes numerous insights such as that workers in their 50s and 60s are fully onsite more often than younger workers. For more from Nick, please tune in to his discussion with me on the Digital HR Leaders podcast: Unmasking Common Myths Around Remote Work. FIG 5: Workers in their 50s and 60s are fully onsite more often than younger workers (Source: WFH Research) PEOPLE ANALYTICS PIETRO MAZZOLENI - Transforming HR: How IBM measures the success of its people data platform investments For those of you who haven’t already subscribed to Pietro Mazzoleni’s People Data Platform newsletter, where he unpacks insights from transforming IBM's internal data platform for people analytics, I highly recommend you do. In this edition, Pietro walks through the three tiers of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) IBM uses to evaluate investments in Workforce 360, its people data platform (see FIG 6). Watch out for an upcoming episode of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, where I discuss with CHRO Nickle LaMoreaux how IBM is augmenting HR programs with AI. The episode will air from April 9. FIG 6: Three tiers of KPIs to evaluate investments in a people data platform (Source: Pietro Mazzoleni) NAOMI VERGHESE - Influencing C-Suite and Board Decisions with People Analytics Insights Naomi Verghese shares key learnings from the recent Peer Meeting for member companies of the Insight222 People Analytics Program, hosted by HSBC in their global headquarters in London. The Peer Meeting, which was attended by over 60 people analytics leaders and practitioners from more than 40 companies focused on two of the key findings from the Insight222 People Analytics Trends study for 2023: influencing senior stakeholders and measuring value. In her article, Naomi covers four topics: (1) how to implement a people analytics operating model that drives business outcomes (based on insights shared at the Peer Meeting by Rob Etheridge and Bec Aoude). (2) how to use AI to democratise insights from people data, using an example of work Andrew Elston has led at HSBC. (3) how Microsoft’s employee listening ecosystem (see FIG 7) helped the firm identify the moments that matter for in-person collaboration (insights from a session led by Dawn Klinghoffer), and (4) how to influence the board of directors, with insights from Justine Thompson. If you would like to learn more about our People Analytics Program, contact us today. FIG 7: Microsoft’s employee listening ecosystem (Source: Dawn Klinghoffer, Microsoft) BRENT DYKES - The Future Of Data Storytelling Is Augmented, Not Automated Brent Dykes continues his rich vein of writing with an article exploring whether AI tools should be used to automate data storytelling. He provides reasons why data storytelling can’t or shouldn’t be automated including for reasons of oversimplification, transparency and trust, and the fact that storytelling is essentially a human skill. Instead, Brent advocates that the path forward should be augmented data storytelling, and lays out a powerful illustration of how this would work (see FIG 8) The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller. The storyteller sets the vision, values, and agenda of an entire generation that is to come. FIG 8: Data storytelling comparisons: Humans vs. AI (Source: Brent Dykes) HALLIE BREGMAN – Where should People Analytics sit in an Organisation? Part 1 & Part 2 | WILLIS JENSEN – Can Data Cleaning be Automated? | COLE NAPPER - Universal Models & People Analytics | ALEXANDER LOCHER - How to harness the value of people data and operational HR insights | ANGELA LE MATHON, STACIA GARR, AND DANI JOHNSON - Generating Value from People Data In recent editions of the Data Driven HR Monthly, I’ve been featuring a collection of articles by current and recent people analytics leaders. These act as a spur and inspiration to the field. Five are highlighted here. (1) If you don’t already follow Hallie Bregman, PhD on LinkedIn, you really should. Hallie regularly publishes thoughtful and insightful posts on topics important to the field. The two I’ve included here look at the pros and cons of situating people analytics in or outside HR. (2) Willis Jensen analyses whether AI will reduce the amount of data cleaning undertaken by people analysts given that much of this work involves judgement without hard, fast or consistent rules. (3) Cole Napper, who I’m looking forward to co-chairing People Analytics World with in London in April – also with Michael M. Moon, PhD – explains how many of the models we use in people analytics are borrowed from other disciplines. (4) Alexander S. Locher highlights some of the current trends in people analytics (see FIG 9) and offers guidance on how to harness value from your people data. (5) Angela LE MATHON, VP People Data and Analytics, shares how GSK generates value with their people data, how they’re using AI to gather information, and how skills verification ties in with Stacia Sherman Garr and Dani Johnson of RedThread Research. FIG 9: Current trends in people analytics (Source: Alexander Locher, EY) THE EVOLUTION OF HR, LEARNING, AND DATA DRIVEN CULTURE JO IWASAKI, KAREN EDELMAN, AND YASMINE CHAHED - Time to rethink talent in the boardroom Just over a third of board and c-level executives believe their workforce related discussions are adequate to meet their organisation’s needs. That’s the standout finding from a new global survey by Jo Iwasaki Karen Edelman and Dr Yasmine Chahed for Deloitte of 500 board members and C-suite executives in more than 50 countries on corporate governance and talent. The three top insights from the study were: (1) Many boards could be focusing more on talent-related issues. (2) Most organisations are just starting to think about their AI strategies. (3) Amplifying the talent experience will require boards to adopt a broader perspective. FIG 10: Workplace related topics that are top board priorities (Source: Deloitte) DAVE ULRICH - Pre-flections on GenAI and HR: Where to Go and How to Get There GenAI will help shape HR’s future by offering both information symmetry to synthesize and optimize the past and present and information asymmetry to create and guide the future. Dave Ulrich offers some initial reflections on what the journey could look like for applying GenAI to HR work, as well as some possible actions to drive progress (see example in FIG 11 for ‘Talent’). Dave also highlights four important considerations to manage the risk and realise the opportunity of GenAI in HR. (1) Who should champion, sponsor, participate in, and be accountable for this journey? (2) What individual skills and organisation capabilities will be required to make GenAI in HR happen? (3) What will be the regulatory and legal policies and risks associated with the effort? (4) What metrics of value-added GenAI for HR will be most useful and tracked? FIG 11: Examples of GenAI/HR initiatives in the Talent domain (Source: Dave Ulrich) HEIN KNAPPEN - How HR Adds to Enterprise Value Hein J.M. Knaapen, a former chief people officer himself, shares his perspectives on the crucial role HR plays in driving business value, and offers practical advice to CHROs on how to make this a reality. Hein highlights the four people priorities that connect to value: (1) Performance management, (2) Succession management, (3) Leadership development, and (4) Capability building, providing guidance on each. Value creation should be the focus. Nothing else. And only four people priorities connect to value: performance management, succession management, leadership development and capability building. WORKFORCE PLANNING, ORG DESIGN, AND SKILLS-BASED ORGANISATIONS STEFAN HIERL - Identifying the AI Potential in Your Organization: A Strategic Approach Leveraging Generative AI to assess the AI Potential in a workforce helps businesses go beyond just talking about how AI might change jobs. As Stefan Hierl astutely observes in his excellent article, in the rush to jump on the AI bandwagon, many companies fall into the trap of overlooking a critical preliminary step: conducting a systematic evaluation of where AI can deliver transformative value. In his article, Stefan outlines a five-step approach to quantify the potential of AI to support organisations identify opportunities for automating and augmenting work activities. The five steps (see FIG 12), which Stefan outlines in detail are: (1) Decomposing roles by breaking down each role into its main activities and respective time shares. (2) AI potential assessment – estimating the potential of AI at the activity level. (3) Expert validation – cross-verifying the generative AI findings with domain experts. (4) Identify high-value areas – creating an overview where AI can significantly enhance workforce productivity (see example in FIG 13). (5) Use case development – exploring specific AI applications to capitalise on identified potential. FIG 12: Five steps to perform an activity based AI potential assessment (Source: Stefan Hierl) FIG 13: AI potential by role – example (Source: Stefan Hierl) MATT SIGELMAN, JOSEPH FULLER, AND ALEX MARTIN - Skills-Based Hiring: The Long Road from Pronouncements to Practice For all its fanfare, the increased opportunity promised by Skills- Based Hiring was borne out in not even 1 in 700 hires last year (2023). This is one of the standout findings from a new study by Matt Sigelman and Alex Martin of The Burning Glass Institute and Joseph Fuller from Harvard Business School. Their analysis reveals three categories of firms, who have publicly stated they have removed degree requirements in hiring, based on their actual hiring outcomes: (1) Skills-based hiring leaders (e.g. Cigna) – who have increased their share of non-degree hires in the roles analysed by nearly 20%. (2) In name only (e.g. Bank of America) – 45% of firms studied have made the shift in name only with no meaningful difference in actual skills-based hiring. (3) Backsliders e.g. Uber) – 20% of the firms analysed had made short-term gains by dropping degree requirements, but the change doesn’t stick. The report also highlights the roles best positioned for skills-based hiring (see FIG 14). FIG 14: The roles best positioned for skills-based hiring (Source: Sigelman et al) JORDAN PETTMAN - How to Accelerate the Impact of Strategic Workforce Planning (SWP) through the Organisation Strategy Ecosystem Jordan Pettman, one of my colleagues at Insight222, knows a thing or two about workforce planning. In his recent article for myHRfuture, Jordan explores how strategic design can be brought to life through an integrated ecosystem (see FIG 15) encompassing four components: (1) Organisation strategy, (2) Operating model, (3) Organisation design and strategic workforce planning, and (4) Organisation effectiveness. FIG 15: The Organisation Strategy Ecosystem (Source: Jordan Pettman, Insight222) EMPLOYEE LISTENING, EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCE, AND EMPLOYEE WELLBEING JACQUELINE BRASSEY, LARS HARTENSTEIN, BARBARA JEFFERY, AND PATRICK SIMON – Working nine to thrive One of the few positives to emerge through and since the pandemic has been a stronger focus on employee health and wellbeing. According to new research by Jacqui Brassey, PhD, MA, MAfN (née Schouten) Lars Hartenstein Barbara Jeffery and Dr. Patrick Simon, on behalf of the McKinsey Health Institute, improving employee health and wellbeing doesn’t just benefit workers and organisations, it could generate between $3.7 to $11.7 trillion in global economic value (see FIG 16). Their article focuses on six drivers of health that employers can influence - social interaction, mindsets and beliefs, productive activity, stress, economic security, and sleep – and provides guidance on how organisations can move the dial on each. FIG 16: Improving global employee health and wellbeing could create up to $11.7 trillion in economic value (Source: McKinsey Health Institute) LEADERSHIP, CULTURE AND LEARNING LINKEDIN LEARNING – Workplace Learning Report 2024: L&D powers the AI future As AI reshapes how people learn, work, and chart their careers, L&D sits at the center of organizational agility, delivering business innovation and critical skills. Aligning learning programs to business goals emerges as the top L&D focus area for 2024 in LinkedIn Learning’s annual report on the L&D field, which is based on analysis of LinkedIn behavioural data and focus interviews with L&D professionals around the globe. The report is structured into three chapters: (1) The State of L&D (the study finds that a strong learning culture derives retention, mobility, and promotion. – see FIG 17), (2) Skills agility (the study finds that only 33% of organisations have internal mobility programs), and (3) How L&D succeeds) with priorities #1 and #2 being to lean into analytics and build the right metrics – see FIG 18). The report features contributions from the likes of: Amanda Nolen (who asks: “What if Chief Learning Officers become Chief Skills Officers”), Chris Louie Geraldine Murphy Terri Horton, EdD, MBA, MA, SHRM-CP, PHR Alexandra Halem Ekpedeme "Pamay" M. Bassey Shruti Bharadwaj and Dani Johnson. FIG 17: Business outcomes and learning culture (Source: LinkedIn Learning) FIG 18: How L&D tracks business impact (Source: LinkedIn Learning) AYSE KARAEVLI AND SERDEN ÖZCAN - Make Better Allies of Your Workforce When the board takes the recommendations of employee advisory groups seriously and incorporates them into decisions, employees become more empowered, and their perspectives become embedded into their company’s long-term objectives. In their article for MIT Sloan Management Review, Ayse Karaevli and Serden Ozcan present findings from their interviews with board directors, CEOs, CFOs, and employee representatives to understand how to manage conflict and engage workers. From their analysis, Ayse and Serden identified three strategies effective leaders use to include employees (see FIG 19): (1) Identify mutual goals and interests, (2) Foster inclusive decision processes, and (3) Give employees strategic responsibilities. The article then describes each of these in detail with examples from the likes of ThyssenKrupp, Allianz, Siemens, and Bayer before highlighting the importance of employee advisory groups, engagement with board members and the role of committees and task forces to imbue governance and participation. FIG 19: Three Strategies to Avert Workforce Controversies (Source: Ayse Karaevli and Serden Özcan) DIVERSITY, EQUITY, INCLUSION, AND BELONGING SUNDIATU DIXON-FYLE, MASSIMO GIORDANO, TANIA HOLT, TUNDE OLANREWAJU, DARA OLUFON, AND SANDRA SANCIER-SULTAN - Ethnocultural minorities in Europe: A potential triple win Greater inclusion of ethnocultural minorities could fill talent gaps and spur company growth, increase economic empowerment of these groups, and generate benefits for the economy and broader society. Despite the anti-immigration policies of many current European governments (that includes you, Rishi Sunak), stagnant economies, tight labour markets, and shrinking working populations mean that immigration is key to unlocking economic growth. In their superb analysis for McKinsey, Sundiatu Dixon-Fyle Massimo Giordano Tania Zulu Holt Tunde Olanrewaju Dara Olufon and Sandra Sancier-Sultan provide data insights on what they classify as ethnocultural minorities in Europe, and their (mostly challenging) experiences. The authors also provide guidance for companies on ethnocultural minority employee inclusion across five dimensions (see FIG 20). FIG 20: Companies can consider ethnocultural minority employee inclusion across five dimensions (Source: McKinsey) HR TECH VOICES Much of the innovation in the field continues to be driven by the vendor community, and I’ve picked out a few resources from March that I recommend readers delve into: ANDREA DERLER, PETER BAMBERGER, MANDA WINLAW, AND CUTHBERT CHOW - When New Hires Get Paid More, Top Performers Resign First - To attract talent to the organisation, employers often pay new hires more than they pay equivalent workers in the same role. Analysis by the Visier Inc. team of Andrea Derler, Ph.D. Peter Bamberger Manda Winlaw and Cuthbert Chow shows that in these times of increasing pay transparency, this strategy risks your high-performers resigning. ANDREW PITTS AND CHAD MITCHELL - Exploring a few largely untapped sources of data for passive Organizational Network Analysis – This article by Andrew Pitts and Chad Mitchell of Polinode looks at a number of data sources that are typically overlooked for ONA including: 360 reviews, peer to peer recognition tools, opportunity marketplaces, and talent intelligence data. FRANCISCO MARIN - Key Considerations for Defining the Scope of an ONA Pilot – Francisco Marin of Cognitive Talent Solutions provides a helpful guide to defining the scope of an ONA pilot including tips on clarifying the objective, data privacy and securing executive sponsorship. HAKKI OZDENOREN AND JOHN BOUDREAU – Is the Future of Work Lost in Translation – John Boudreau joins forces with Hakki Ozdenoren of Revelio Labs to conduct analysis on resumes and jobs mentioning the ‘future of work’, with HR featuring prominently (see FIG 21). FIG 21: A diverse set of roles contribute to the Future of Work (Source: Revelio Labs) PODCASTS OF THE MONTH In another month of high-quality podcasts, I’ve selected five gems for your aural pleasure: (you can also check out the latest episodes of the Digital HR Leaders Podcast – see ‘From My Desk’ below): JAMIL ZAKI, BRYAN HANCOCK, BROOKE WEDDLE, AND LUCIA RAHILLY  - It’s cool to be kind: The value of empathy at work – In this episode of McKinsey Talks Talent, Jamil Zaki (author of The War for Kindness) joins Bryan Hancock Brooke Weddle and Lucia Rahilly to make the case for investing in empathic behaviour—for reasons including higher productivity, a stronger workplace culture, and better organisational health—as well as to discuss how to go about cultivating kindness at work. CAL NEWPORT AND ADAM GRANT – How to be productive without burning out – Cal Newport discusses insights from his new book, Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout, with Adam Grant on WorkLife. They dig into the data on productivity, debate the benefits and drawbacks of doing fewer things (and spending less time on email and social media), and discuss individual habits and organisational practices for preventing burnout and promoting worthwhile work. JOSH BERSIN - Why “Talent Density” Is So Critical In Business Today – Fresh from discussing his Dynamic Organizations research at Gloat Live, Josh Bersin discusses why ‘Talent Density’ is becoming one of the key strategies for growth. DONNA MORRIS AND LARS SCHMIDT - Inside Walmart’s Bold Strategy to Transform Retail Work – Walmart’s chief people officer, Donna Morris, joins Lars Schmidt on his Redefining Work podcast to discuss how Walmart is not just navigating but leading the revolution in workplace technology—with people firmly at its core. This was an especially insightful listen as only two days before I had seen Marty Autrey speaking at the Wharton People Analytics conference on how Walmart provides data-based nudges to its store managers to help them drive business outcomes and enhance employee experience. RYAN HAMMOND, COLE NAPPER AND SCOTT HINES - Turnover Prediction, ML Ethics, & The HiQ Story – Ryan Hammond shares the epic story of HiQ Labs with Directionally Correct hosts Cole Napper and Scott Hines, PhD, as well as insights from his practitioner and academic backgrounds including how to ethically use internal and external data to do turnover prediction. VIDEO OF THE MONTH TANUJ KAPILASHRAMI, MICHAEL FRACCARO, TAMLA OATES-FARNEY, AND DAVID GREEN – CHRO Panel: Delivering against the transformation imperative March’s Video of the Month proved to be a highlight for me as it features me moderating the CHRO Panel at the recent Gloat Live event in New York. The panel was comprised of Tanuj Kapilashrami Michael Fraccaro and Tamla Oates-Forney, and featured discussion on the increasingly pivotal role of the CHRO in business transformation, lessons learnt and successes from transitioning to a skills-based organisation, and how technology can enable a culture of inclusivity and opportunity. BOOKS OF THE MONTH With a lot of travelling back and forth from the US in March, I found time to dig into two new books, which I recommend to readers of this newsletter: MARC SOKOL AND BEVERLY TARULLI – Strategic Workforce Planning: Best Practices and Emerging Directions Strategic workforce planning – the process of looking forward, assessing how to compete and win in your chosen market or business arena, and linking those insights to your existing and potential future workforce – is core to any institution that aspires to sustain itself over time. Those are the opening words of Marc Sokol and Beverly Tarulli, Ph.D., the editors of an indispensable new volume of SIOP’s Professional Practice Series. It provides an overview of SWP, covering best practices, methodologies and new directions in the field as well as featuring contributions and case studies from a stellar list of contributors. These include: Sheri Feinzig Alexis Fink Adam Gibson Brian Heger Adam McKinnon, PhD. Kanella Salapatas and Dave Ulrich. Grab yourself a copy! SALVATORE V. FALLETTA – Creepy Analytics: Avoid Crossing the Line and Establish Ethical HR Analytics for Smarter Workforce Decisions In Creepy Analytics, Dr. Salvatore Falletta provides a thoughtful approach to HR Analytics that is both evidence-based and ethical – ensuring that organisations get the insights they need while respecting employee privacy. The book is built around the author’s seven-step HR Analytics Cycle (see FIG 22) and is well-researched. Thanks to Salvatore too for referencing Excellence in People Analytics several times, particularly in relation to the guidance Jonathan Ferrar and I offer around governance and the development of an ethics charter. As Alec Levenson opines in his endorsement of the book: “Falletta has done a masterful job addressing some of the most important ethical issues for workforce analytics.” FIG 22: The HR Analytics Cycle (Salvatore V. Falletta) RESEARCH REPORT OF THE MONTH MAX BLUMBERG, ALEC LEVENSON, AND DAVE MILLNER - A Strategically Aligned HR Operating Model In their recently published paper, three eminent and progressive thinkers in our field – Max Blumberg (JA) ?? Alec Levenson and Dave Millner – set out a pivot in how HR is structured and works in order to more closely align the function to the capabilities required for successful strategy execution. They present a new HR structure (see FIG 23) designed around four key pillars, before describing each pillar in detail and providing some diagnostic steps to implement this new operating model. FIG 23: A new HR structure (Source: Blumberg, Levenson, and Millner) FROM MY DESK March saw four episodes from Series 37 of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, sponsored by our friends at Culture Amp - thank you to Ellisa Packer and Jodie Evans, a round-up of series 36 and a guest appearance by yours truly on the Future Work/Life podcast: DAVID GREEN AND OLLIE HENDERSON - Driving growth in people and businesses using data – In a role reversal, it was my turn in the hotseat as I joined Ollie Henderson on his Future Work/Life podcast to talk people analytics, talent marketplaces, AI, hybrid work models and the future skills required by HR professionals. DORIE CLARK - How to Embrace Long-Term Thinking in HR Leadership – Dorie Clark and I discuss how to pivot to long-term thinking, how to prioritise effectively, and why embracing failure can drive innovation and creativity. DIDIER ELZINGA - How to Prove the ROI of a Positive Company Culture – Didier Elzinga joins me to discuss ways of engaging the board on culture topics, the relationship between a healthy culture and business performance, and how to demonstrate the ROI of culture and engagement initiatives. ROB BRINER - What is Evidence Based HR and Why is it Important? – Rob Briner shares the principles of evidence-based HR, how it differs from people analytics, and offers recommendations to chief people officers on how they can incorporate EBHR into their work. LOUISE MILLAR AND OLIVIA EDWARDS - Actionable People Analytics Strategies to Influence Senior Leadership – In a powerful example of people analytics in practice at a SME, Louise Millar and Olivia Edwards share insights from the people analytics journey at Chetwood. DAVID GREEN – How will AI transform the role of HR? – A round-up of series 36 of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, with insights from episodes featuring Dawn Klinghoffer Jeremy Shapiro Thomas Hedegaard Rasmussen Serena H. Huang, Ph.D. Luke Farrugia Kaz Hassan Eric Siegel and Bernard Marr. THANK YOU Thomas Kohler for including the February edition of Data Driven HR in his round-up of HR resources. Reb Rebele for referencing me in his post about the Wharton People Analytics Conference – you were missed, Reb. Olimpiusz Papiez for providing a great set of takeaways on the Digital HR Leaders podcast episode with Dawn Klinghoffer, Jeremy Shapiro, and Thomas Rasmussen on People Analytics, AI and ML. Peter Johnson for including me in his list of HR thought leaders. Mokkup.ai for including my article on How Will AI Impact People Analytics in 2024 and Beyond? in their collection of Top 14 reads for Data Professionals. Thinkers360 for including me in their list of the Top 50 B2B Thought Leaders, Analysts & Influencers You Should Work With In 2024 (EMEA) Joveo for including me in their list of Top 9 Twitter Influencers Every Talent Acquisition Specialist Should Follow To the following people who sharing the February edition of Data Driven HR Monthly. It's much appreciated: Allison Ardianto Eakkasit Toratana Jillian Meade David Balls (FCIPD) Kingsley Taylor Military Veterans of LinkedIn Robin Carlin Amy C. Lewis, PhD Russ Fatum Kouros Behzad Emily Klein Madison Clary Robert Rogowski Phillip M. Randall, PhD, CPG Gord Johnston MA, BHJ, BA, CHRP ANDRES CAMPOVERDE Aravind Warrier Francisca Solano Beneitez Satya Prakash Pandey Malgorzata (GOSIA) LANGLOIS Dr. Zohaib Azhar (PhD-HR) Jane Datta David McLean John Lawson Alice Damonte Martha Curioni Vipul M. Mali ↗️ Jens Keuter Phil Inskip Andrew Smith MBA Ekta Vyas Ph.D Oswaldo Machado Bill Brown Barry Marshall Paola Carranco Murthy Nibhanipudi VS Jaana Saramies ? Robert Houghton Aysegul Tigli Indre Radzeviciute Radha Jeevan Melissa Hopper Fritz Tina Peeters, PhD Morten Hartvig Berg Pedro Pereira Gavin Wiseman UNLOCK THE POTENTIAL OF YOUR PEOPLE ANALYTICS FUNCTION THROUGH THE INSIGHT222 PEOPLE ANALYTICS PROGRAM At Insight222, our mission is to make organisations better by putting people analytics at the centre of business and upskilling the HR profession The Insight222 People Analytics Program® is your gateway to a world of knowledge, networking, and growth. Developed exclusively for people analytics leaders and their teams, the program equips you with the frameworks, guidance, learnings, and connections you need to create greater impact. As the landscape of people analytics becomes increasingly complex, with data, technology, and ethical considerations at the forefront, our program brings together over one hundred organisations to collectively address these shared challenges. Insight222 Peer Meetings, like this event in London, are a core component of the Insight222 People Analytics Program®. They allow participants to learn, network and co-create solutions together with the purpose of ultimately growing the business value that people analytics can deliver to their organisations. If you would like to learn more, contact us today. ABOUT THE AUTHOR David Green ?? is a globally respected author, speaker, conference chair, and executive consultant on people analytics, data-driven HR and the future of work. As Managing Partner and Executive Director at Insight222, he has overall responsibility for the delivery of the Insight222 People Analytics Program, which supports the advancement of people analytics in over 90 global organisations. Prior to co-founding Insight222, David accumulated over 20 years experience in the human resources and people analytics fields, including as Global Director of People Analytics Solutions at IBM. As such, David has extensive experience in helping organisations increase value, impact and focus from the wise and ethical use of people analytics. David also hosts the Digital HR Leaders Podcast and is an instructor for Insight222's myHRfuture Academy. His book, co-authored with Jonathan Ferrar, Excellence in People Analytics: How to use Workforce Data to Create Business Value was published in the summer of 2021.
  • AI
    Josh Bersin:3400亿美元的企业学习的市场将迎来巨大变革 作者:Josh Bersin  本文探讨了企业学习行业的演变,特别是人工智能如何引领这一行业的巨变。企业每年在员工培训和发展上的开支超过3400亿美元,从传统的课堂培训到在线学习,再到以技能为中心的学习,行业一直在不断发展。现在,人工智能预计将彻底改变公司的学习管理系统(LMS)和学习体验平台(LXP),通过个性化和动态生成内容来提高学习效率和效果。文章强调了适应这种变化的重要性,以及AI在企业培训和人才发展中的潜力。 企业在员工培训和发展上的年支出超过3400亿美元,平均每名员工每年花费超过1500美元。这笔巨额开支支撑着一个全球产业,涉及数百家内容和技术公司,现正站在重新定义的风口浪尖。请允许我详细解释这一过程。 从电子学习到集体学习再到自主学习的演变 20世纪90年代末,随着互联网的崛起,以传统教室授课为主的培训产业发生了翻天覆地的变化。企业和内容提供者纷纷开发“电子学习”课程,试图在线复制面对面教学的体验。那是一个充满创新的时期,虽然今天看来有些过时,但它孕育了像Skillsoft(并购了众多竞争对手)、Cornerstone(同样并购了众多竞争对手)以及一大批传统的学习管理系统(LMS,例如Plateau、SumTotal、Learn.com、Pathlore等)公司,这些公司最终都被并购。 如今,LMS市场的规模已超过200亿美元,这一切几乎都是在线培训推动的结果。虽然这些系统可能看起来笨重,但它们对全球每家公司的交易和记录保持都至关重要。 当公司争相购买LMS系统——这是一个投资者非常关注的热门市场时,他们发现一个庞大的课程目录并不实用。因此,他们开始构建一套特征,我称之为“以人才为驱动的学习”,包括基于能力的学习、与职业角色一致的课程和职业发展路径系统。这些特征被添加到LMS中,使得这些系统不仅仅是教育工具,更像是“人力资源系统”,从而促使供应商扩展到更多的人才管理功能。 早期的开拓者Saba和Cornerstone开始推出绩效管理工具。回顾起来,这些尝试可能看起来有些简单,但当时它们代表了一个重大突破。突然之间,公司不再单独购买LMS系统,而是选择购买包含多个功能的“人才管理套件”,这迫使专注于LMS的供应商开始涉足招聘、目标管理乃至薪酬管理。他们可能没有意识到,放弃核心业务最终会导致他们被市场颠覆。 随着Facebook(2004年)、YouTube(2005年)和Twitter(2006年)的相继出现,内容世界发生了巨变。视频、文章和专家意见变得触手可及,那些笨重、以课程目录为导向的LMS系统显得格外难以使用。因此,随着公司寻求新的解决方案,原本投入巨资于人才管理的LMS市场开始显露老态。学习体验平台(LXP)市场随着Pathgather(2010年)、Degreed(2012年)、EdCast(2013年)的诞生而兴起,企业转向这一新兴领域投资。(更多历史,请参阅《从电子学习到集体学习》。) 2010年代初,整个行业的理念是尝试模仿Google,打造一个既具有Twitter式动态性又拥有YouTube式丰富内容的企业学习系统。传统的LMS和人才管理系统逐渐过时,供应商在缓慢的增长中寻求出路,最终合并为几家大型玩家。 随后,微学习的概念兴起。iPhone成为了视频播放平台(2008年),Instagram(2010年)、Snapchat(2011年)及后来的TikTok(2015年)向我们展示了短视频和“微学习”可以是多么的有趣。过长的两小时在线课程变得不受欢迎,因此LXP供应商开始扩展自己的产品线。随着公司将越来越多的内容投入到LXP中,我们意识到需要一种方法来寻找、精准定位并个性化所有这些学习材料。 此变化自然引发了内容市场的爆发。LinkedIn、Coursera、Udemy、OpenSesame、Go1等供应商决定开拓这个领域,推动了新材料的狂热消费。自那以后,内容市场继续繁荣发展,尽管仍然主要由小型玩家主导,但被更大的聚合商所整合,这些聚合商销售并分发多种品牌。 (顺便提一下,Workday在2016年收购了视频公司Mediacore,以抓住这波趋势。由于缺少核心LMS功能,他们花费数年时间将其发展成为一个完整的LMS。) 进入技能的世界。 你可能不会相信,但“技能记录系统”的概念最初出现在LXP领域,供应商如Degreed和EdCast建立了一个搜索术语数据库,并用“技能”一词标记内容。在消费者市场,我们能接收到成百上千的信号来推荐广告,但LXP供应商只有少数工程师,因此他们的“技能分类”相对简单。这个概念迅速走红,公司开始专注于构建基于“技能”的培训,随后是招聘和人才战略。 同时,L&D领域正处于创造性混乱之中。出现了如360 Learning、Fuse Universal、Kineo等数百家内容创作和分享系统的供应商,旨在帮助公司创作、分享视频内容,并按角色、技能或职能进行组织。这些并非严格意义上的LMS系统,但它们位于LMS前端,使员工能够轻松创建和消费动态内容。 这一时期,从2018年至今,成为L&D领域的热潮。市场充斥着各式各样的视频内容工具,同时像STRIVR和Talespin这样的先锋公司开始为虚拟现实(VR)构建工具和内容系统。自创内容平台、视频平台和VR平台正在满足重要需求,而LMS市场则变得更加固定、枯燥和无趣。(Talespin最近被Cornerstone收购。) 顺带一提,我仍然认为“能力学院平台”市场具有巨大潜力(这类平台提供综合的专业能力和小组学习功能,例如我们的Josh Bersin Academy)。Docebo、Learn-In、Nomadic、NovoEd和Intrepid等供应商仍在增长,但随着时间推移,这些系统可能被整合进人才市场。这一领域一直是行业的一个亮点。(想了解更多,请阅读《能力学院:L&D的未来方向》。) 作为分析师,我得诚实说,过去几年对我来说有些单调。我们帮助了数百家公司决定该选择哪种L&D系统,但通常我们发现这些组织有太多平台,内容分散杂乱,缺乏一致性的数据处理,以及在这一领域的过度投资。因此,这个静态期代表了过去3到5年的趋势,是企业整理过去十年购买历史的好机会。 世界突然再次发生变化。技能分类的理念迅速蔓延,同时新兴的人才智能系统,如Eightfold、Gloat、Fuel50等纷纷涌现。这些新兴系统使公司能够按技能寻找人才、根据技能推荐职位和机会,并按技能动态规划职业路径,再次与L&D领域发生碰撞,促使我们将所有内容“整合”进这些新平台中。(更多信息,请阅读《人才智能入门》。) 本周我刚与我最喜爱的L&D专家之一通话(他即将在我们的会议上演讲),他向我展示了他所在的大型制药公司如何将其LMS、LXP和人才市场融合成一个无缝、端到端的体系。他可能略微超前于当前趋势,但这正是事物发展的方向。 然而,故事还在继绀。又一场变革已经到来,这一次的影响力与YouTube、Instagram或iPhone相媲美,甚至更大。没错,就是AI。 AI,如许多人所预料,将彻底颠覆这个行业。正如我们在电子学习和人才管理时代所见证的那样,这意味着供应商生态将彻底改变。 AI如何改变一切 让我不夸大其词地告诉你。在这30年的故事中,有一点始终未变:企业培训关注的核心始终是内容。是的,我们希望内容更简短、更快速、能在手机上查看——但如果内容本身没有实用价值,不切实际,不易于消费,它就无法发挥作用。你们中有多少人为了得到学分而快速点击通过那些以页面为基础的合规课程,但实际上几乎没有注意内容?这正是我们面临的挑战。所有这些向视频、微学习、大规模开放在线课程(MOOCs)以及其他形式的转变,都是为了解决这个问题的尝试。 比如,假设企业学习系统能识别你是谁,你只需提出一个问题,它就能生成答案、一系列资源和一组动态学习对象供你消费。有时候,你可能只需快速获取答案即可。其他时候,你可能会深入研究内容。还有时,你可能会浏览整个课程,并花时间学习所需的知识。 假设这一切都是完全个性化的。这意味着你不会看到一个“标准课程”,而是根据你当前知识水平定制的特殊课程。 这就是AI即将带给我们的。而且,这已经在今天开始发生了。 不仅生成式AI能够回答问题和吸收内容(例如,Galileo™已经容纳了我们25年以上的每一项研究,包括视频、播客和文章),它还能生成视频、测试、测验甚至整个课程。它可以作为技术课程的教学助手,也可以作为领导力项目的教练或导师,并且能够进行语言转换。 AI能够根据你的身份动态生成内容,这意味着什么? 那么,LMS市场、LXP市场、VR学习市场以及所有内容提供商将如何呢?在未来几年,我们将见证一场巨大的行业洗牌。 供应商正在采取的行动 虽然我无法确切知道每个L&D供应商正在做什么,但可以肯定,变化正在迅速进行中。 Docebo Shape能够从文档中生成高效的互动式培训材料(Arist也能做到这点)。Uplimit构建了一个完整的L&D平台,采用AI智能体和课程中自动生成的内容。我们的合作伙伴Sana不仅能自动生成内容,还围绕AI核心建立了一个完整的LMS系统。Cornerstone通过收购Talespin,能够动态创建角色模拟和几乎可以无限配置的场景。快速增长的“精确技能”供应商Growthspace,可以根据1100种具体的商业技能,为你匹配一个“技能教练”,与你的具体目标对齐。 LMS市场不会消失,但正如人才智能系统正在逐渐取代应聘追踪系统(ATS)和人力资源管理系统(HRMS)一样,AI驱动的内容平台将逐步侵蚀LMS市场。我的制药公司朋友希望他的LXP能成为他们的“动态内容系统”,但坦白说,我不确定LXP供应商是否已经准备好迎接这个挑战。许多供应商,从LinkedIn到Microsoft,将不得不重新考虑他们如何成为“动态学习”系统,以及他们希望在其中扮演什么角色。 正如所有技术转变一样,通常情况下,从头开始构建的系统会超越旧有系统。对于Cornerstone或Docebo这样拥有数千客户的公司来说,当新技术出现时,他们不能简单地“替换”他们已经建立的系统。因此,新兴的AI驱动学习系统可能会由新的供应商推出,并随着这些公司的发展,开始取代和竞争现有的系统。 尽管看上去简单,学习技术实际上非常复杂。Workday几乎花了十年时间从Mediacore发展到一个相对健全的LMS,并且他们才刚刚开始尝试AI。因此,不要期望你现有的供应商能够一夜之间彻底改变。 但有一件事我可以确定:颠覆即将来临。就像Plateau、Saba和SumTotal在2000年代初期时“市场上最热门的供应商”一样,它们很快就成为了过时系统和收购目标,当市场变化时同样的情况也可能发生在今天。新兴供应商如Sana、Growthspace、Uplimit、Docebo、LMS365等将崭露头角。 尽管风险资本家通常对这个市场持谨慎态度,但往往是那些拥有最佳管理团队的公司最终胜出。大型供应商如LTG、Cornerstone和Skillsoft拥有充足的资金,因此随着市场的发展,任何事情都有可能发生。但对我来说,一件事是明确的:前方是一个巨大的增长周期。 AI的机会是真实的,而且极为巨大 想象一下我们公司中的遗留内容量。全球必然存在价值超过一万亿美元的  合规培训、销售培训、运营培训、安全培训和领导力发展内容。如果AI能够在大规模上“重新利用”和“再创造”这些内容,我们将看到这个巨大的市场向新系统转变,最终实现知识管理和学习的完美结合。 我来举一个简单的例子。我们的一位Galileo客户是一家拥有百年历史的大型航空航天公司,他们在工程、产品设计、航空和国防技术方面有着丰富的积累。他们构建了喷气引擎、导弹、核潜艇以及各种系统。对于一名新工程师,他们需要超过三年的时间来完成“入职培训”,因为需要掌握大量的知识产权、设计专长和系统操作。他们的资深工程师们都在逐渐退休! 他们在我们的帮助下,开始了一个以AI为中心的试点项目,把多年累积的内容放到一个新平台中,供年轻工程师使用。我相信,这将带来翻天覆地的变化。Galileo将协助处理管理层面的问题,而一个类似的AI助手将帮助工程师学习、寻找文档、观看视频并参加相关课程。传统的LMS和HRMS工具可能不会在这一过程中发挥重要作用。 考虑一下你的公司。你们囤积了多少内容、专业知识和旧有的培训资料?AI可以“释放”这些资源给你的员工,使其以前所未有的方式变得可用。这是一个激动人心的新时代,充满了即将到来的变革。
  • AI
    首位人工智能软件工程师 Devin诞生,会改变职场? Devin是由Cognition开发的第一个完全自主的人工智能软件工程师,标志着人工智能和软件开发行业的一个重大飞跃(点击这里访问视频)。 Devin通过独立解决GitHub问题和通过工程面试,证明了其执行专业工程任务的能力。这一革命性的AI正在改变技术与人类合作的动态,影响人力资源策略、人才获取以及自由职业和合同工作的未来。对于人力资源专业人士来说,像Devin这样的AI的崛起需要重新评估招聘实践并将AI整合到劳动力中,确保它补充而不是替代人类专业知识。 Devin的成功标志着劳动力动态的转变,强调人力资源在适应技术进步和AI开发的道德考虑方面的不断发展的角色。 在人工智能与软件开发的前沿领域,我们迎来了一个划时代的里程碑——全球首个完全自动化的AI软件工程师Devin的问世。由Cognition——一个专注于技术中的推理与规划的应用AI实验室所创造,Devin设定了全新的软件工程标准。 Devin之所以与众不同,在于它在软件开发过程中无需人工干预就能独立操作和解决问题的卓越能力。Devin不仅在SWE-Bench编码基准测试中独立解决了13.86%的GitHub开源项目问题,还成功通过了顶尖AI公司的实际工程面试,并在Upwork上完成了真实的工作任务,证明了其符合甚至超越专业工程标准的能力。 Devin的引入,不仅是技术实力的展现,更代表了技术与人类协作关系中的一次范式转变。Devin配备了完整的开发者工具集,并具有独特的学习适应能力,能够在软件开发生命周期内无缝工作,从修复bug到开发应用程序,再到微调机器学习模型,无所不能。 Devin的出现对人力资源专业人士和企业团队来说,意味着超出软件工程本身的深远影响。AI技术的融入劳动力市场,为HR部门带来新的机遇与挑战。AI能够自主完成面试并执行传统由人完成的工作,迫使人力资源部门需要重新评估招聘和管理的标准策略。 此外,Devin在Upwork等平台的成功案例,展示了自由职业和合约工作的新趋势,影响了公司对项目人员配置和远程工作政策的看法。对于人力资源部门来说,适应这一变化意味着将AI协作视为人才的补充,促进AI与人类共同创新的环境。 然而,引入AI工程师如Devin也带来了劳动力发展和AI伦理使用方面的重要讨论。人力资源专业人士在这些变革中将扮演关键角色,确保像Devin这样的AI进步加强而不是取代人类专长,并维持AI开发和部署的伦理标准。 随着Devin进入早期接入阶段,Cognition邀请工程师和企业团队体验与AI软件工程师合作的潜力。这不仅是科技行业的一大步,也是人力资源专业人士重新思考并塑造未来工作方式的号召。 总结而言,Devin的发布标志着软件工程和劳动力动态领域的重大转折点。随着AI技术的不断进步,人类与AI的协作提供了创新和效率的新途径。Devin从一个概念到一个运行中的AI工程师的发展,不仅展示了AI技术的快速发展,还突出了人力资源在技术驱动世界中日益变化的角色。
  • AI
    Valoir 报告显示 HR 尚未准备好迎接 AI,你呢? 研究显示,人力资源管理领导者面临的主要问题包括缺少 AI 相关的专业知识以及面临的风险和合规性问题。 弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿--Valoir 发布的一项全球新报告显示,尽管 AI 驱动的自动化似乎无法避免,但人力资源部门似乎并未做好准备。这项涵盖超过150位人力资源执行官的调查揭示了利用 AI 的巨大机会,但同时也显示出在制定政策、实施实践和进行培训方面普遍存在不足,以便安全有效地将 AI 技术应用于人力资源管理。 “虽然许多机构开始采用生成式 AI,但很少有组织建立必要的政策、准则和保障措施。作为员工数据的保护者和公司政策的制定者,人力资源领导者需要在 AI 的政策和培训方面走在前列,不仅为自己的团队,也为广大员工群体做好准备。” 以下内容需要特别注意: “AI 正在快速融入人力资源管理领域,特别是在招聘、人才发展和劳动力管理等方面。然而,引入 AI 也伴随着诸如数据泄露、误解、偏见和不当内容等风险,”Valoir 的首席执行官 Rebecca Wettemann 表示。“面对这些挑战并采取措施减少风险的人力资源部门,可以显著提升其从 AI 中获得的益处。” 人力资源的自动化与战略转型潜力 报告指出,有35%的人力资源部门员工的日常工作非常适合自动化处理。在所有人力资源管理活动中,招聘环节最有潜力应用 AI 技术,并且已成为采纳率最高的领域,近四分之一的组织已经开始利用 AI 支持的招聘流程。人才发展、劳动力管理以及培训和发展同样被视为 AI 自动化的关键领域。 生成式 AI 正在加速人力资源部门的生产力提升及风险增加 尽管到2023年中旬,超过三分之四的人力资源领域工作者已经尝试使用过某种形式的生成式 AI,但仅有16%的组织制定了关于使用生成式 AI 的具体政策。而且,真正关于其伦理使用的政策数量更是寥寥无几。人力资源领导者认为,缺乏 AI 相关技能和专业知识是采纳 AI 的最大障碍,但只有14%的组织制定了有效的 AI 使用培训政策。这些政策对于确保所有员工都能充分利用 AI 带来的好处并最小化风险是至关重要的。 “尽管生成式 AI 正被广泛采纳,但几乎没有哪些组织建立了必要的政策、准则和保护措施。作为员工数据的守护者和公司政策的制定者,人力资源领导者必须在 AI 政策和培训方面先行一步,这不仅是为了他们自己的团队,也是为了整个员工群体的利益,”Wettemann 表示。 报告的关键知识点: Integration Challenges: HR faces challenges in managing AI use due to lack of policies, practices, and training. Early Adoption vs. Preparedness: While HR has been an early adopter of AI, most organizations still lack the proper frameworks for safe and effective AI adoption. Rapid Product Release: Post-Chat GPT announcement, HR software vendors have rapidly released generative AI products with varying capabilities. AI’s Double-Edged Sword: AI offers great benefits but also poses risks of "accidents" due to immature technology, inadequate policies, and lack of training. AI Experimentation and Automation Opportunity: Over three-quarters of HR workers have experimented with generative AI. 35% of HR tasks could potentially be automated by AI. Current AI Utilization: The main opportunities for HR benefits from AI are in recruiting, learning and development, and talent management, with recruiting leading in AI adoption. Adoption Barriers: Main hurdles include lack of AI expertise (28%), fear of compliance and risk (23%), and lack of resources (21%). Policy and Training Deficiencies: Only 16% of organizations have policies on generative AI use, and less than 16% have training policies for AI usage. Risk Areas in AI: Data compromises, AI hallucinations, bias and toxicity, and recommendation bias are identified as primary risks. Future Plans for AI: Over 50% of organizations plan to apply AI in recruiting, talent management, and training within the next 24 months. Least Likely AI Adoption: Benefits management has the lowest likelihood of current or future AI adoption due to data sensitivity concerns. AI Skills and Expertise: The significant gap in AI skills and expertise impacts the adoption and effective use of AI in HR. HR’s Role in AI Adoption: HR needs to develop policies, provide training, and ensure ethical AI use aligning with organizational principles. Recommendations for HR: Suggestions include experimenting with generative AI, developing ethical AI usage policies, creating role-specific AI training, and identifying employee groups at risk from AI automation.
  • AI
    Josh Bersin谈How To Create Talent Density 如何打造人才密度 Josh Bersin发表文章谈到:在过去几年里,我注意到大公司的表现开始不如小公司。我们现在看到苹果和谷歌都出现了这种情况,而微软应对这一挑战也有相当长的一段时间了。 随着公司的发展,帮助我们推动组织绩效的一个重要理念就是人才密度。这篇文章讨论了人才密度的概念,即公司中技能、能力和表现的质量和密度。强调传统的员工绩效评估模型已导致平庸。建议采用人才密度方法,包括招聘增加或乘数效应的人才,基于帕累托分布管理绩效,以及专注于赋权、反馈和领导力。文章强调,为了创新和市场竞争力,尤其在AI和技术进步的背景下,维持高人才密度的重要性。 In this (long) article, I want to talk about a new concept called Talent density. And as I pondered the concept I think it represents one of the more important topics in management. So I hope you find it as interesting as I do. First of all, the concept of talent density, pioneered by Netflix by the way, is simple. Talent Density is the quality and density of skills, capabilities and performance you have in your company. So, if you have a company that is 100% high performers, you’re very dense. If you have a company that’s 20% high performers, you’re not very dense. It’s easy to understand, but hard to implement, because it gets to the point of how we define performance, how we select people to hire, how we decide who’s going to get promoted, how we decide who’s going to work on what project and how we’re going to distribute pay. So before I explain talent density, let’s talk about the basic beliefs most companies have. Most organizations believe that they’re operating with a normal distribution or bell curve of performance. I don’t know why that statistical model has been applied to organizations, but it has become almost a standard policy. (Academics have proven it false, as I explain below.) Using the bell curve, we identify the “mean” or average performance, and then categorize performance into five levels. Number ones are two standard deviations to the right and number fives are two standard deviations to the left. The people operating at level one get a big raise, the people operating at level two get medium raise, the people operating at level three get an average raise, the people operating at level four get a below average raise and the people operating at level five probably need to leave. Lots of politics in the process, but that’s typically how it works. As I describe in The Myth of The Bell Curve, these performance and pay strategies have been used for decades. And at scale they create a mediocrity-centered organization, because the statistics limit the quantity and value of 1’s. If you’re operating at 1 level and you get a 2, you’ll quit. If you’re operating at 3 level, you’re probably going to coast. You get my drift. And since the bulk of the company is rated 2 or 3, most of the managers are in the middle. As the saying goes, A managers hire A people, B managers hire C people. So over time, if not constantly tuned, we end up with an organization that is almost destined to be medium in performance. Now I’m not saying every company goes through this process, but if you look at the productivity per employee in large organizations it’s almost always below that of smaller organizations. Why? Because as organizations grow, the talent density declines. (Netflix, as an example, example, generates almost $3M of revenue per employee, twice that of Google and 10X that of Disney. And they are the only profitable streaming company, with fewer than 20,000 employees and a $240 billion market cap.) The traditional model was fine in the industrial age when we had a surplus of talent, jobs were clearly defined, and most employees were measure by the “number of widgets they produced.” In those days we could swap out a “low performer” for a “high performer” because there were lots of people in the job market. We don’t live in that world anymore. The world we now live in has sub 4% unemployment, a constant shortage of key skills, and a growing shortage of labor. And thanks to automation and AI, the revenue or value per person has skyrocketed, almost an order of magnitude higher than it was 30 years ago. So we need a better way to think about performance in a world where companies with fewer people can outperform those who get too big. Look at how Salesforce, Google, Apple, who are essentially creative companies, have slowed their ability to innovate as they get bigger. Look at how OpenAI, who is a tiny company, is outperforming Google and Microsoft. Today most businesses outperform through innovation, time to market, customer intimacy, or IP – not through scale or “harder work.” How do we maintain a high level of talent density when we’re growing the company and hiring lots of people? Netflix wrote the book on this, so let me give you the story. First, the hiring process should focus on talent density, not butts in seats. Rather than hire someone to “fill a role” we look for someone who is additive or multiplicative to the entire team. Hire someone that challenges the status quo and brings new ideas, skills, and ideas beyond the “job” as defined. Netflix values courage, innovation, selflessness, inclusion, and teamwork, for example. These are not statements about “doing your job as defined.” Netflix’s idea is that each incremental hire should make everybody else in the company and everybody else in the team produce at a higher level. Now this is a threatening thing for an insecure manager because most managers don’t want to hire somebody that could take their job away. But that’s why we have this problem. Second, we need to manage or create some type of performance management process that is built around the Pareto distribution (also called the Power Law) and not the normal distribution. In the Pareto distribution or the power law, we have a small number of people who generate an outsized level of performance, you can call it the 80/20 rule or the 90/10 rule. (20% of the people do 80% of the work) Studies have shown that companies and many populations work this way, and it makes sense. Think about athletes, where a small number of super athletes are 2-3 better than their peers. The same thing is true in music, science, and entertainment. It’s also true in sales and many business disciplines. Research conducted in 2011 and 2012 by Ernest O’Boyle Jr. and Herman Aguinis (633,263 researchers, entertainers, politicians, and athletes in a total of 198 samples). found that performance in 94 percent of these groups did not follow a normal distribution. Rather these groups fall into what is called a “Power Law” distribution. In every population of human beings there are a few people who just have God-given gifts to outperform in the job, and they just naturally seem to be far better than everyone else. Bill Gates once told the company that there were of the three engineers that he felt made the company of Microsoft. And I’ve heard this in many other companies, where one software engineer and the right role can do the work of 10 other people. Now, this is not to say that everybody will fall into one level of the Pareto distribution. At a given point in time in your career, you may be in the 80% and over time, as you learn and grow and find the things that you’re naturally good at, you’ll end up in the 20%. But in a given company this is a dynamic that’s constantly taking place. And that’s what Netflix is doing – constantly working on talent density. What does this mean for performance management? It means that in order to care for a population like this, we have to hire differently, avoid the bell curve, and pay high performers well. Not just a little more than everybody else, a lot more. And that’s what happens in sports and entertainment, so why not in business. If you look at companies like Google, Microsoft, and others, there are individuals in those companies that make two to three times more than their peers. And as long as these decisions are made based on performance, people are fine with it. What obviously does not work is when person making all the money is the person who’s the best politician, best looking, or most popular. And that leads me to item three: In the Netflix culture there’s a massive amount of empowerment, 360 feedback, candor and honesty. You’ve probably read the Netflix culture manifesto: it’s all about the need for people to be honest, to speak truth, to give each other feedback, and to focus on judgement, courage, and accountability. Netflix only recently added job levels: they didn’t have job levels for many years. Giving people feedback is a challenge because it’s uncomfortable. So this has to to start at the top and it has to be done in a developmental, honest way. This does not mean people should threaten or disparage each other, but we all need to know that at the end of a project or the end of the meeting it’s okay for somebody to tell us “here’s what was great about that and here’s what wasn’t great about it.” One of the most important institutions in the world, the US military lives, eats and dies by this process. If you’re in the military and you mess something up, you can guarantee that somebody’s going to tell you about it, and you’re going to get some help making sure you don’t do it again. We don’t have life or death situations in companies, but we can certainly use this kind of discipline. The fourth thing that matters in talent density is leadership and goal setting. One of the things that really gets in the way of a high performing company is too many individual goals, too many siloed projects and responsibilities and people not seeing the big picture. If your goal setting and performance management process is 100% based on individual performance you are sub-optimizing your company. Not only does this work against teamwork, but there really isn’t a single thing in a company that anybody can do alone. So our performance management research continuously shows that people should be rewarded for both their achievements as well as that of the team. (Here’s the research to explain.) Why is talent density important right now? Let me mention a few reasons. First, we’re entering a period of low unemployment so every hire is going to be challenging. And thanks to AI, companies are going to be able to operate with smaller teams. What better time to think about how to “trim down” your company so it’s performing at its best? Second, the transformations from AI are going to require a lot of flexibility and learning agility in your company. You want a highly focused, well aligned team to help make that happen. And while AI will help every company improve, your ability to leverage AI quickly will turn into a competitive advantage (think back about how web and digital and e-commerce did the same). (I firmly believe the companies with the most ingenious applications of AI will disrupt their competitors. I’m still amazed at Whole Food’s hand recognition checkout process: I can see self-service coffee, groceries, and other retail and hospitality coming.) Third, the post-industrial business world is going to start to devalue huge, lumbering organizations. Many big companies just need a lot of people, but as Southwest Airlines taught us long ago, it’s the small team that performs well. So if you can’t break your company into small high-performing teams, your talent density will suffer. When the book is written on Apple’s $10 Billion car, I bet one problem was the size and scale of the team. We’ll see soon enough. By the way, I still recommend everyone read “The Mythical Man-Month,” which to me is the bible of organizing around small teams. What if you’re a healthcare provider, retailer, manufacturer, hospitality company? Does talent density apply to you? Absolutely! Go into a Costco and see how happy and engaged the employees are. Then go into a poorly run retailer and you’ll feel the difference. In my book Irresistible I give examples of companies who embrace what I call “the unquenchable power of the human spirit.” Nobody wants to feel like they’re underperforming. With the right focus on accountability and growth we can help everyone out-perform their expectations. Now is a time rethink how our organizations work. Not only should we promote and reward the hyper-performers, the Pareto rule and Talent Density thinking encourage us to help mid-level performers learn, grow, and transform themselves into superstars. Let’s throw away the old ideas of bell curve, forced distribution, and simplistic performance management. Companies that push for everlasting high performance are energizing places to work, they deliver outstanding products and services, and they’re great investments for stakeholders.   AI中文翻译: 在这篇篇幅较长的文章中,我想探讨一个被称为“人才密度”的新概念。思考此概念时,我认为它是管理领域中极其重要的议题之一。希望您能像我一样发现其趣味性。 首先,Netflix首创的“人才密度”概念其实很简单。 人才密度指的是公司内部技能、能力和表现的质量与密集程度。 换句话说,如果你的公司全是高绩效人才,那么你的“人才密度”就很高。如果只有20%是高绩效人才,那么你的“人才密度”就不高。这个概念虽然容易理解,但实际执行起来却颇具挑战,因为它涉及到我们如何定义绩效、招聘员工的标准、晋升决策、项目分配以及薪酬分配。 在详细解释“人才密度”之前,让我们先看看大多数公司的基本信念。许多组织相信,他们的员工表现遵循一个正态分布或钟形曲线。这个统计模型为何被广泛应用于组织之中,我并不清楚,但它几乎已成为标准做法。(实际上,如我下文将解释的,学术研究已证明这一模型是错误的。) 采用钟形曲线,我们确定平均表现(即“平均线”),然后将员工的表现划分为五个等级。表现最好的被归为一级,标准为右偏两个标准差;表现最差的被归为五级,左偏两个标准差。 一级表现者获得大幅度加薪,二级表现者获得中等加薪,三级表现者获得平均水平的加薪,四级表现者加薪低于平均,五级表现者可能就需要离开公司了。虽然这个过程充满了政治操作,但这就是它通常的运作方式。 正如我在《钟形曲线的神话》中所述,这些关于绩效和薪酬的策略已经使用了数十年。而且,当这些策略在大规模下实施时,它们会造成以平庸为中心的组织文化,因为这种统计方法限制了顶尖人才的数量和价值。如果你是一级表现者却被评为二级,你很可能就会选择离职。如果你是三级表现者,你可能就会选择安于现状。你应该明白我的意思了。而且,由于大部分员工的评级为二级或三级,大多数管理者也就处于中等水平。 常言道,A级的管理者招聘A级人才,B级的管理者则招聘C级人才。因此,如果不持续进行优化调整,组织最终几乎注定会变得中庸。 我并不是说每家公司都会经历这一过程,但如果你查看大型组织的员工生产率,通常都低于小型组织的生产率。为什么呢?因为随着组织规模的扩大,“人才密度”往往会下降。(以Netflix为例,其每名员工创造的收入几乎为300万美元,是Google的两倍,是迪士尼的十倍。他们是唯一盈利的流媒体公司,员工不足20,000人,市值2400亿美元。) 在工业时代,人才供过于求,工作职责明确,大多数员工的表现以“生产的产品数量”来衡量。那个时候,低绩效者可以轻松地被高绩效者替换,因为劳动市场上有大量的人才可供选择。 但我们不再生活在那个时代了。在我们现在的世界里,失业率低于4%,关键技能持续短缺,劳动力整体也日益减少。而且,得益于自动化和AI技术,每位员工创造的收入或价值比30年前高出了几个数量级。 因此,在一个人员更少的公司可以超越体量更大的公司的世界中,我们需要一种更好的绩效思考方式。看看Salesforce、Google、Apple这些本质上依靠创新的公司,随着规模扩大,它们的创新能力如何变缓。再看看OpenAI,尽管是一个小公司,却在超越Google和Microsoft。 如今,大多数企业通过创新、市场响应速度、客户亲密度或知识产权而非规模或“更加努力的工作”来实现超越。 在我们不断发展公司并招聘大量人员的同时,我们如何保持高水平的“人才密度”?Netflix在此领域有着开创性的工作,让我来分享一下他们的故事。 首先,招聘过程应专注于提高“人才密度”,而不是仅仅为了填补空缺。我们寻找的不是简单地“填补一个角色”的人,而是能够为整个团队带来正面或倍增效果的人才。我们寻找的是那些能够挑战现状、带来新观点和技能,并超出传统“工作定义”的人。例如,Netflix重视勇气、创新、无私、包容和团队合作等价值观,并不仅仅是“完成既定工作”。 Netflix的理念是,每一次新增的招聘都应该使公司内每个人和团队的每个成员的生产力得到提升。这对于那些缺乏安全感的管理者来说可能是个挑战,因为大多数管理者并不希望招聘可能会取代他们的人。但正是这种思维方式导致了我们当前的问题。 其次,我们需要建立或改进一种围绕帕累托分布(也称作幂律分布)而非正态分布的绩效管理流程。在帕累托分布或幂律分布中,少数人贡献了超出常规的绩效水平,这可以称作80/20规则或90/10规则。(即20%的人完成了80%的工作) 研究显示,许多公司和人群实际上都是以这种方式运作的,这是合理的。想想那些在体育、音乐、科学和娱乐领域表现出色的人,其中少数顶尖人才的表现是同龄人的两到三倍。销售和许多商业领域也是如此。 2011年和2012年由Ernest O’Boyle Jr.和Herman Aguinis进行的研究(涵盖了633,263名研究人员、艺术家、政治家和运动员,共198个样本)发现,这94%的群体的表现并不遵循正态分布,而是呈现所谓的“幂律分布”。 在每个人群中,总有少数人因为天赋异禀,在工作中表现出色,自然而然地比其他人优秀得多。 比尔·盖茨曾经对微软说过,他认为公司中的三名工程师是公司的基石。我也在许多其他公司听到过类似的故事,其中一位软件工程师在合适的位置上可以完成其他十人的工作量。 这并不意味着每个人都将被归入帕累托分布的某一层级。在你职业生涯的某个阶段,你可能处于80%的群体中,但随着你不断学习、成长并找到自己真正擅长的领域,你最终可能进入20%的群体。但在任何一个公司,这种动态都在不断发生。这就是Netflix一直在努力提升“人才密度”的原因。 这对绩效管理意味着什么?这意味着,为了照顾这样一个群体,我们必须采取不同的招聘方式,避免使用钟形曲线,并且为高绩效者提供丰厚的薪酬。这不仅仅是支付比其他人稍微多一点的薪水,而是要多得多。这在体育和娱乐领域已经是常态,那么为什么不可以应用到商业领域呢? 如果你观察Google、Microsoft等公司,你会发现,这些公司中的个别人物赚取的收入是他们同事的两到三倍。只要这些决策基于绩效,大家通常都能接受它。 当然,不起作用的情况是,赚取高薪的是那些最擅长政治、外表最出众或最受欢迎的人。 这就引出了第三点:在Netflix的文化中,存在着大量的授权、360度反馈、直率和诚实。您可能已经读过Netflix的文化宣言,它强调人们需要诚实、坦诚、互相提供反馈,并专注于判断力、勇气和责任感。直到最近,Netflix才引入了职级制度——在很多年里,他们根本没有职级制度。 提供反馈是挑战性的,因为这会使人感到不适。因此,这个过程必须从高层开始,并以一种促进发展、诚实的方式进行。这并不意味着人们应互相威胁或贬低,但我们都需要明白,在项目结束或会议结束时,对方告诉我们“这是成功之处,这是失败之处”是完全可以接受的。 美国军队是世界上最重要的机构之一,它依靠这种过程生存、发展和克服困难。如果你在军队犯错,你可以确信会有人告诉你,并且你会得到帮助以确保你不会再犯同样的错误。虽然公司里没有生死攸关的情况,但我们完全可以借鉴这种纪律性。 在“人才密度”中很重要的第四点是领导力和目标设定。阻碍高绩效公司发展的一个常见问题是过多的个人目标、孤立的项目和职责,以及员工无法看到整体大局。 如果你的目标设定和绩效管理过程完全基于个人表现,那么你就在削弱你的公司。这不仅阻碍了团队合作,而且实际上没有什么是公司内任何人能够独立完成的。因此,我们的绩效管理研究不断表明,人们应该同时因其个人成就和团队成就而获得奖励。(这是相关的研究。) 为什么“人才密度”在当前尤为重要?我来列举几个原因。 首先,我们正处于一个失业率低的时期,因此每次招聘都将是一个挑战。而且,随着AI技术的帮助,公司将能够以更小的团队运作。在这样一个时刻,有什么比考虑如何“精简”你的公司、使其发挥最佳表现更合适的时机呢? 其次,随着AI的变革,你的公司将需要极大的灵活性和学习适应能力。你需要一个高度专注、良好协调的团队来实现这一目标。而且,尽管AI将帮助每个公司提高效率,但你快速应用AI的能力将变成一个竞争优势(回想一下网站、数字化和电子商务如何实现了同样的事情)。 (我坚信,那些能够巧妙应用AI的公司将会颠覆它们的竞争对手。我对Whole Foods的手掌识别结账过程仍感到惊讶:我预见到自助服务咖啡、杂货及其他零售和酒店业务的出现。) 第三,后工业时代的商业世界将开始贬低庞大、笨重的组织。许多大公司只是需要大量员工,但正如西南航空所示,小团队的表现通常更好。因此,如果你无法将你的公司划分为小型高效团队,你的“人才密度”将受到影响。 当有关Apple的100亿美元汽车项目的书籍编写时,我敢打赌问题之一将是团队的规模和规模。我们很快就会发现。顺便说一下,我还是推荐每个人阅读《神话般的人月》,对我而言,这本书是关于围绕小团队进行组织的经典之作。 如果你是医疗服务提供者、零售商、制造商或酒店业者,“人才密度”是否适用于你?当然适用!走进一家Costco,看看员工是多么的开心和投入。然后走进一个管理混乱的零售商,你就能感受到区别。 在我的书《不可抗拒》中,我列出了那些拥抱我所称之为“人类精神不可磨灭力量”的公司的例子。没有人愿意觉得自己表现不佳。通过适当的关注责任和成长,我们可以帮助每个人超越他们自己的期望。 现在是时候重新考虑我们的组织如何运作了。我们不仅应该提升和奖励顶尖表现者,帕累托法则和“人才密度”思维还鼓励我们帮助中等表现者学习、成长,并将自己转变为明星。 让我们抛弃旧的钟形曲线、强制分配和简单化绩效管理的想法。不断追求高绩效的公司是充满活力的工作场所,他们提供卓越的产品和服务,并且对投资者而言是极好的投资。