• Dave Ulrich
    David Green:The best HR & People Analytics articles of August 2024 I’ve just returned from a three-week family holiday in the South of France and am feeling refreshed, recharged and ready for the final four months of the year. These are invariably the busiest for the team at Insight222, and 2024 is set to be no different. The Digital HR Leaders podcast returns from its summer sojourn on September 3 with a special episode on how HR can help their organisations embrace the blended workforce, featuring Diane Gherson and Lynda Gratton, and based on their brilliant recent HBRarticle, The Insight222 Global Executive Retreat, which we host annually for leaders of 100+ companies that are part of the Insight222 People Analytics Program, takes place in Amsterdam from September 24-26 with guest speakers including: Erin Meyer, Prasad Setty, Janine Vos, and a workshop on storytelling with Duarte, Inc.. The fifth annual Insight222 People Analytics Trends report, which studies how leading companies are using people analytics to generate business value will be published in October – you can read the 2023 study here. Additionally, I will be speaking at a number of conferences before the end of the year including Workday Rising (Las Vegas, September 16-19), People Analytics World (New York, October 2-3), UNLEASH World (Paris, October 16-17), and Workday Rising EMEA (London, November 12-14). This edition of the Data Driven HR Monthly is sponsored by our friends at 365Talents 365Talents goes beyond traditional approaches, offering more than just technology for Skills-Based Organizations. Our approach is not just about managing skills; it's about making the entire process seamless, effective, and enjoyable. Picture real-time insights into your workforce's skills, coupled with the expertise to implement strategic HR projects aligning with your business goals. Our experience in talent mobility and skill development contribute to creating a more democratic, inclusive, and future-ready world of work where every individual has the power to shape their professional path. Start your skills journey with 365Talents today and join the ranks of trailblazers like Veolia, SLB, TotalEnergies, SocGen, and more! To find out more click here: https://www.365talents.com/en/lp/experience-365talents 2024 Skills Impact Report In today’s fast-paced and increasingly disruptive environment, companies need to adopt a more flexible approach that puts its people and their skills at the center of its talent management strategies. This has become more and more imperative as: 59% of the global workforce are disengaged. 69% of job candidates say they would reject a job offer from an employer with a negative reputation, even if they were unemployed. 87% of organizations currently have an existing skills gap or expect to within the next two to ten years. Enter the 2024 Skills Impact Report. It explores the business imperative of talent experience for Skills-Based Organizations, the impact it has on your employees, the pillars of design thinking for HR and how to start applying it to your strategy with 5 intuitive roadmap worksheets. CASE STUDY: SEGULA Technologies Group In 2020, as the world faced significant engineering transformations, the COVID crisis, talent shortages, and the rise of AI, SEGULA Technologies Group launched a strategic initiative to plan and manage the resources and skills of its workforce. The goal of this ambitious project was to identify and leverage the talents of the Group's 15,000 employees across 30 countries, using AI to drive innovative skills management and enhance overall performance. Read the Case Study to learn all the steps and actions taken to successfully tackle the challenge! To sponsor an edition of the Data Driven HR Monthly, and share your brand with more than 130,000 Data Driven HR Monthly subscribers, send an email to dgreen@zandel.org. Share the love! Enjoy reading the collection of resources for August and, if you do, please share some data driven HR love with your colleagues and networks. Thanks to the many of you who liked, shared and/or commented on July’s compendium. If you enjoy a weekly dose of curated learning (and the Digital HR Leaders podcast), the Insight222 newsletter: Digital HR Leaders newsletter is published every Tuesday – subscribe here. NEW: Insight222 research report on the People Analytics Ecosystem Access the new Insight222 study here: Building the People Analytics Ecosystem: Operating Model v 2.0. HYBRID, GENERATIVE AI AND THE FUTURE OF WORK MCKINSEY - Gen AI’s next inflection point: From employee experimentation to organizational transformation HR plays an especially important role in gen AI, both by transforming the people domain and by acting as a gen AI copilot for all employees. One executive noted that for every $1 spent on technology, $5 should be spent on people. A new study by McKinsey finds that to generate value from the momentum associated with GenAI, businesses must transform their processes, structures, and approach to talent. The article, penned by Charlotte Relyea, Dana Maor, Sandra Durth, and Jan Bouly, outlines the key findings from the research: (1) Employee use is at an inflection point, while their organisations lag behind. (2) The next inflection point will see organisations shift from individual experimentation to strategic value capture. (3) Reinvent domains by translating vision into value. (4) Reimagine talent and skilling by putting people at the centre (see FIG 1). (5) Reinforce the changes to continue transforming (“To make gen AI changes stick, organizations need the right infrastructure to support continuous change and win over hearts and minds”). FIG 1: Early adopters prioritise talent and the human side of GenAI more than other companies (Source: McKinsey) DAVE ULRICH - How are You Doing at AI for HR? A Ten-Item Assessment to Evaluate Your Progress Getting started in AI for HR often begins with initiatives that can be done relatively quickly and easily. Dave Ulrich shares key takeaways from a recent deep-dive, he and his colleagues at The RBL Group facilitated with senior HR leaders on AI in HR. He distils these into ten dimensions designed to help HR leaders assess how they are doing at applying AI for HR to their organisation (see FIG 2). These include: (1) Articulate a business case. (2) Develop Talent who can ‘do’ AI. (3) Create Responsible AI policies. (4) Create metrics to guide and measure success. (5) Start with low-hanging fruit. FIG 2: Criteria to evaluate how well your organisation is using AI for HR (Source: Dave Ulrich) DUNCAN HARRIS AND KATE ZOLNER - 5 Employee Fears of AI and How to Overcome Them If companies want to get the most out of AI, they need employee trust. Securing it is not easy. More than three-quarters of employees don’t think their organization’s future use of the technology will be ethical. Duncan Harris and Kate Zolner present the findings of Gartner research on the five main employee fears of AI use by their organisations (see FIG 3), which have a negative impact on employee trust. They then explain how leaders can address these fears through initiatives in areas such as learning, co-creation, effective communications, ethics and data privacy. As well as enabling the organisation to benefit from AI, Harris and Zolner argue that these solutions will lead to higher levels of inclusion, engagement and effort. FIG 3: Five Employee Fears of Organizational AI Use (Source: Gartner) STACIA GARR - How is HR using Gen AI today? | MAX BLUMBERG - GenAI in HR: Slashing Costs, Boosting Efficiency | SWANAND DEODHAR, FAVOUR BOROKINI, AND BEN WABER - How Companies Can Take a Global Approach to AI Ethics | BAIN - AI Survey: Four Themes Emerging Four more resources tracking topics related to GenAI in HR. (1) Stacia Sherman Garr’s LinkedIn post summarises RedThread Research analysis of how HR is using GenAI today (see FIG 4). (2) Max Blumberg (JA) ?? provides a summary of his report on Slashing HR Costs: The Ultimate Blueprint for Implementing GenAI in HR, which provides guidance on implementing GenAI to transform HR cost efficiency, and includes Max’s GenAI HR Cost Reduction Maturity Model (see FIG 5). (3) Ben Waber teams up with Swanand Deodhar and Favour Borokini in a Harvard Business Review article offering guidance on how companies can take a global approach to AI ethics: “Because AI and related data regulations are rarely uniform across geographies, compliance can be difficult. To address this problem, companies need to develop a contextual global AI ethics model that prioritizes collaboration with local teams and stakeholders and devolves decision-making authority to those local teams.” (4) Gene R., Sanjin Bicanic, Jue Wang, Richard Lichtenstein, and Arjun Dutt share the four key themes that emerged from Bain’s recent AI survey, which includes that the emphasis has shifted from experimentation in 2023 to delivering real value 12 months later – thanks to Hung Lee for sharing Bain’s research in a recent edition of Recruiting Brainfood. FIG 4: How HR is using GenAI (Source: RedThread Research) FIG 5: GenAI HR Cost Reduction Maturity Model (Source: Max Blumberg) MARC EFFRON - Above the Fray: What We Know About How WFH and Hybrid Affect Work We should approach solving this problem in the same intelligent way as we suggest all human problems be solved – start with the science. As his article on skills-based organisations testified, Marc Effron has a penchant for cutting through the hype and getting to the heart of an issue. As such, I highly recommend digging into his new analysis on what the science and evidence says are the trade-offs among WFO, WFH and hybrid work. Firstly, Effron dispels four myths propagated by proponents and opponents on CEOs, real estate, proximity bias and employees who prefer WFH. Then he examines the consequences of different work arrangements on (1) performance, (2) creativity, (3) innovation (4) work relationships, (5) collaboration, and (6) managing based on the emerging knowledge available via Google Scholar. LYNDA GRATTON - Seven Truths About Hybrid Work and Productivity | BRIAN ELLIOTT - Hybrid Work: How Leaders Build In-Person Moments That Matter | REBECCA KNIGHT - 17 Team-Building Activities for In-Person, Remote, and Hybrid Teams To get the most from hybrid work, leaders should prepare for trade-offs, make expectations clear, and think harder about how productivity is measured. Three more resources on hybrid work to read in conjunction with Marc Effron’s article above. First, Lynda Gratton unveils seven key findings from what she is seeing from experiments in hybrid working including: (1) Hybrid work is a continuum. (2) Productivity is usually challenging — and measurement is always complex. (3) It’s useful to view hybrid work as fundamentally a job design option. Second, Brian Elliott provides guidance on the four essential times leaders should be intentional about building moments that matter for hybrid workers: (1) Team development (“Get people together three or four times a year, with a 50-50 mix of business and social”). (2) Onboarding and training. (3) New-team formation and major-initiative kick-offs (“Grapple together over the objectives and norms of a project”). (4) Business-function-specific activities (“Let teams figure out the best in-person schedules for their needs”). Finally, Rebecca M. Knight provides guidance to leaders on team-building activities for in-person, remote and hybrid teams. FIG 6: Focus on Productivity, Not Physical Presence (Source: Brian Elliott, Future Forum) PEOPLE ANALYTICS NAOMI VERGHESE, JONATHAN FERRAR, AND JORDAN PETTMAN - Building the People Analytics Ecosystem: Operating Model v2.0 ARTICLE | FULL REPORT One of the questions we get asked most by the people analytics leaders and chief people officers we work with at Insight222 is: What capabilities do I need to build into our people analytics function? Based on research of more than 250 companies, focus interviews with 20 organisations, and our experience of working with more than 120 global companies as part of the Insight222 People Analytics Program, my colleagues Naomi Verghese, Jonathan Ferrar and Jordan Pettman have developed a new report: Building the People Analytics Ecosystem: Operating Model v 2.0. The executive article provides a summary of the key highlights, while the full report breaks down the six elements of the People Analytics Ecosystem (see FIG 7): (1) A Value Chain: from client drivers to business outcomes. (2) People Strategy at the Centre: a symbiotic relationship exists between people strategy and people analytics. (3) Five Core Capabilities: consulting, data science and research, employee listening, analytics at scale, adoption. (4) Four Additional Capabilities: reporting, data governance, workforce planning, AI strategy. (5) Internal Partnerships: HR and other business stakeholders are key to operational effectiveness. (6) External Partnerships: external suppliers and expertise are important for enabling success. FIG 7: The People Analytics Ecosystem (Source: Insight222 Building the People Analytics Ecosystem: Operating Model v 2.0) NELSON SPENCER - Introducing the S.T.A.R.T. Framework The strategy pillar is all about aligning with your overall HR and Business goals. You should be able to connect how your strategy is driving business outcomes. Nelson Spencer, who has worked in both sports and people analytics, presents his S.T.A.R.T Framework (see FIG 8), which is designed to solve a perennial problem for many HR functions: the disconnect between analytics, technology and operations. As Nelson explains, S.T.A.R.T has been designed “to consider these three critical functions holistically, acknowledging that they are part of a bigger puzzle and are all deeply interconnected.” The five pillars, which Nelson describes in detail in his article, are: (1) Strategy, (2) Technology, (3) Analytics, (4) Results, and (5) Transformation. He then provides guidance on how to implement the framework in organisations of varying sizes, from small to large. FIG 8: The S.T.A.R.T Framework (Source: Nelson Spencer) MICHAEL LUCA AND AMY EDMONDSON - Where Data-Driven Decision-Making Can Go Wrong When making decisions (using data), managers should consider internal validity—whether an analysis accurately answers a question in the context in which it was studied. They should also consider external validity—the extent to which they can generalize results from one context to another. Drawing on their research and work with companies, Michael Luca and Amy Edmondson present an approach that considers internal validity and external validity that leaders can apply to discussions of data to support better decision-making. This approach is designed to help leaders avoid five common pitfalls (see FIG 9) associated with data-driven decision-making. FIG 9: How to avoid predictable errors (Source: Michael Luca and Amy Edmondson) WILLIS JENSEN - Building a Network View of Data | MARTHA CURIONI - Supporting HR Adoption of People Analytics | JACKSON ROATCH - Your Best Career Move could be Going for a Run | SERENA HUANG - The Future of Work is Wellbeing | JASPAR SPANJAART - How NVIDIA's Talent Intelligence approach helped fuel its trillion-dollar rise | TOBY CULSHAW - The Talent Nexus: Redefining Business Agility for the 21st Century CEO In each edition of the Data Driven HR Monthly, I feature a collection of articles by current and recent people analytics leaders. These are intended to act as a spur and inspiration to the field. Six are highlighted in this month’s edition.  (1) In another excellent edition of his Making People Analytics Real blog, Willis Jensen discusses how to get a network view of data: “Linking your data together should be a top priority for any people analytics team.” (2) Martha Curioni provides guidance on how to support HR to adopt people analytics harnessing insights from the likes of Isabel Naidoo, Patrick Coolen, Greg Newman, and Amit Mohindra. One of Martha’s tips focuses on the importance of including HRBP’s rather than going around them. (3) As someone whose best ideas invariably come when I’m on a run, I particularly enjoyed Jackson Roatch’s article exploring the link between physical exercise and workplace learning, performance and thriving. (4) In an edition of her From Data to Action blog, Serena H. Huang, Ph.D. explores how AI can support wellbeing and lays out a ten-point plan on responsible AI principles for workplace wellbeing (see FIG 10). (5) NVIDIA’s Meta McKinney, MLIS and Nickolas Dowler, MBA explain to Jasper Spanjaart how the company’s Talent Intelligence strategy helped fuel its growth: “A winning Talent Intelligence strategy requires several key ingredients: data-driven and tested theories, meticulous and thoughtful research, reliable data, creative problem-solving, clear communication of the rationale, trusted relationships with business leaders, and the financial support and freedom to execute.” (6) Toby Culshaw provides a compelling breakdown of what he describes as The Talent Nexus: “The Talent Nexus represents a revolutionary approach to talent management and acquisition in the modern business landscape. It's an AI-driven, quantum-computing-enhanced ecosystem that transforms how organizations interact with, deploy, and develop talent.” A must-read for all those involved in talent intelligence, people analytics and workforce planning. FIG 10: Responsible AI Principles for Workplace Wellbeing (Source: Serena Huang) THE EVOLUTION OF HR, LEARNING, AND DATA DRIVEN CULTURE RAVIN JESUTHASAN - The AI revolution is coming to L&D AI will empower the L&D function to support strategic workforce planning through skills-related insights and interventions. This will help organizations shift from costly ‘churn and burn’ strategies to more cost-effective and sustainable reskilling and upskilling programs. Ravin Jesuthasan, CFA, FRSA examines how AI is set to transform the learning and development function. He highlights Mercer analysis that finds that AI and automation will likely augment some L&D activities (see FIG 11), as well as outlining four potential AI uses cases for corporate L&D: (1) Producing L&D content. (2) Personalising L&D delivery. (3) Driving the skills-powered revolution. (4) Democratising knowledge. For more from Ravin, watch the recent LinkedIn Live on Skills-Powered Organisations in the Age of AI, which I moderated and featured Ravin alongside Tanuj Kapilashrami. FIG 11: Time by task: L&D versus AI and Automation (Source: Mercer) NANCY DUARTE - Are Your Presentations Too Emotional — or Too Analytical? When making a presentation, leaders need to balance appeals to both logic and emotion — the head and the heart. Nancy Duarte provides invaluable guidance on how to strike a balance between logic and emotion when making a presentation, and how credibility plays a crucial role in this balancing act. She explains that the first step in achieving this balance is understanding the audience: “Are they data-driven decision makers who thrive on statistics and factual evidence? Or are they more likely to be swayed by personal stories and emotional connections?” FIG 12: An Analytical and Emotional Balance That’s Just Right (Source: Nancy Duarte) WORKFORCE PLANNING, ORG DESIGN, AND SKILLS-BASED ORGANISATIONS SANDRA LOUGHLIN – Seven Elements of Skills Data Quality Skills data quality isn’t talked about much despite being the foundation for the SBO value proposition, a critical input to selecting and gaining value from skills tech vendors, and arguably the most difficult part of a skills transformation. These wise words open Sandra Loughlin, PhD’s excellent article, where she outlines seven aspects of skills data quality, why they matter and their trade-offs: (1) Relevance (“Skills that are tracked should be the skills that need to be tracked—there’s no point in collecting skills data that won’t help you make better business decisions”). (2) Accuracy. (3) Validity. (4) Completeness. (5) Consistency (“Skills data should be consistently defined, recorded, and categorized across systems and within the organization”). (6) Timeliness. (7) Uniqueness. Thanks to Victoria Holdsworth for highlighting Sandra’s article. EMPLOYEE LISTENING, EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCE, AND EMPLOYEE WELLBEING CATHERINE COPPINGER - Introducing Two New Metrics: Fragmented & Interrupted Time Catherine Coppinger from Worklytics introduces two new metrics: (1) Fragmented Time (“the sum of the total number of hours people have in blocks of time that are too short to get any deep work done”) and (2) Interrupted Time (“a metric designed to measure those periods of the day where people keep getting interrupted and just can’t find enough concentrated time to finish an important task”). Understanding these can help individuals and managers organise time more productively while enhancing employee wellbeing (see FIG 13). Read as a follow-up to another recent article by Catherine: 4 New Ways to Model Work, which featured in the July edition of Data Driven HR Monthly. FIG 13: Source: Catherine Coppinger, Worklytics MCKINSEY - What employees say matters most to motivate performance Performance management is most effective when it features strong, consistent internal logic that employees understand In their article, Asmus Komm, Brooke Weddle, Dana Maor, Katharina Wagner and Vivian Morrow Breaux present the findings of a McKinsey study of more than 1,000 employees across the globe on what matters most to motivating employee performance. The findings provide insights to employers to guide their approach with regards to performance management. These include: (1) Performance management frameworks should be consistent and clearly articulated. (2) Goal setting has impact when goals are measurable and clearly linked to company priorities (see FIG 14). (3) Performance reviews with skilled managers are crucial to employee performance. (4) Rewards that include nonfinancial incentives provide a boost. FIG 14: Employees are motivated by measurable goals linked to company/team (Source: McKinsey) LEADERSHIP, CULTURE, AND LEARNING MEGAN REITZ AND AMY EDMONDSON - When a Team Member Speaks Up — and It Doesn’t Go Well Speaking up — and being heard — in organizations is critical. What gets said, and what doesn’t, directs ethical behavior, innovation, inclusion, and performance. In their article for Harvard Business Review, Megan Reitz and Amy Edmondson explore how 'conversational failures' often cause breakdowns in psychological safety rather than being used as opportunities to learn and develop. They discuss why they occur and the reasons why it is difficult to learn from these failures, before providing guidance on how these failures can become ‘intelligent’: (1) Prepare to learn from conversations. (2) Notice critical moments. (3) Implement process tools. (4) Attend to learning over the long term. For more on ‘intelligent failure’, tune in to Amy’s conversation with me on the Digital HR Leaders podcast: How Learning to Fail Can Help People and Organisations to Thrive. If you’re not failing, you’re not journeying into new territory JAMIE SMITH - How boards can champion a resilient talent strategy Talent strategy is increasingly vital to driving overall strategy. Based on a study of by EY and Corporate Board Member magazine of US public company directors across a range of industries, Jamie Carroll Smith presents analysis of the four opportunities identified in the research for boards to champion a resilient talent strategy: (1) Gain deeper insight into the employee experience. (2) Enable a workforce for the future (“Directors recognize that AI developments demand a reskilling of the workforce”). (3) Harness the value of diversity, equity and inclusion (“The future talent pool may depend on companies prioritizing DEI”). (4) Identify opportunities to strengthen talent governance. Thanks to Brian Heger for highlighting in an edition of his excellent Talent Edge newsletter. FIG 15: The biggest impacts of AI on company workforce strategy (Source: EY) JEN FISHER, SUE CANTRELL, JAY BHATT, AND PAUL SILVERGLATE - The important role of leaders in advancing human sustainability More than eight out of 10 executives surveyed say a stronger commitment to prioritizing a positive human impact would increase their company’s ability to attract new talent (82%), appeal to customers and clients (81%), and profitability (81%). Jen Fisher, Susan Cantrell, Jay Bhatt, and Paul Silverglate outline the key findings from Deloitte’s third annual Workplace Wellbeing report. The primary finding suggests that leaders can play a key role in prioritising and advancing a human sustainability agenda, particularly when it comes to measuring outcomes and holding their organizations accountable for progress. Insights identified in the study include: (1) The three trends impacting today’s workforce the most are skills, burnout and mental health. (2) The modern work experience doesn’t promote human sustainability but C-suite leaders aren’t seeing it. (3) While three out of four executives believe workforce wellbeing is excellent or good, workers are having a different experience (see FIG 16). The article then provides guidance on the metrics companies can implement to measure human sustainability including on skills development, purpose, DEI and societal impact. FIG 16: Source – Deloitte Wellbeing at Work survey, 2024 DIVERSITY, EQUITY, INCLUSION, AND BELONGING JANINE LEE - Breaking Down Barriers to Belonging for Women of Color in Tech In her article in Harvard Business Review, Dr. Janine Lee, MBA, Ed.D. Global Head of L&D at Google, outlines the findings from her doctoral research on workplace belonging for women of colour in the tech industry. Janine highlights the top belonging contributors and detractors identified in the study (see FIG 17), and then offers three recommendations to boost workplace belonging: 1) Invest in programs that foster peer-based relationships, 2) Enable sponsorship and mentoring opportunities, and 3) Hold leaders accountable to “walk the talk.” FIG 17: Sense-of belonging contributors and detractors (Source: Janine Lee) HR TECH VOICES Much of the innovation in the field continues to be driven by the vendor community, and I’ve picked out a few resources from August that I recommend readers delve into: GURU SETHUPATHY – Understanding the EU AI Act in Four Handy Charts – Guru Sethupathy of FairNow provides an invaluable breakdown of the EU AI Act and its implications. FIG 18: The four risk levels under the EU AI Act (Source: FairNow) EMILY KILLHAM - How to Build a Better Boss: What Leaders (and Their Teams) Need Now to Thrive – Emily Killham delivers a new study by Perceptyx identifying five key behaviours for managers, the positive and negative impacts of manager behaviour on employees and organisations, and the role of employee feedback in help managers take corrective action. FRANCISCO MARIN - The Role of Active and Passive Organizational Network Analysis in Cybersecurity – Francisco Marin of Cognitive Talent Solutions breaks down how active and passive ONA can support organisational cybersecurity initiatives including the detection of anomalous communications, enhancing incident response and tailoring security strategies. LOUJAINA ABDELWAHED - How To Lose an Employee in 10 Days – Loujaina Abdelwahed, PhD presents analysis by Revelio Labs highlighting the negative impact of return to office on employee reviews and attrition. FIG 19: Negative reviews of RTO correlate positively with attrition (Source: Revelio Labs) ALICIA ROACH – Not all ‘Workforce Planning’ is the Same – If you are interested in workforce planning and don’t follow Alicia Roach of eQ8 on LinkedIn, you really should. In her recent post, Alicia reflects on her ‘triangle of workforce planning’ (see FIG 20), which skilfully illustrates the value of ‘strategic’ workforce planning. FIG 20: Source – Alicia Roach PODCASTS OF THE MONTH In another month of high-quality podcasts, I’ve selected six gems for your aural pleasure: (you can also check out the latest episodes of the Digital HR Leaders Podcast – see ‘From My Desk’ below): EMILY HACKER AND DAN WEISS - The Critical Role Data Plays in Skills Development - Emily Hacker, CPTD and Dan Weiss share insights from MetLife's skills journey with Stacia Sherman Garr and Dani Johnson of RedThread Research on the Workplace Stories podcast. The key learning from the conversation is that your skills data doesn't need to be perfect to benefit employees, improve talent acquisition, and enhance workforce planning. JOSH BERSIN - The Future Of The Workforce Has Arrived, Can’t You See It? – Inspired by his recent trip to Europe, Josh Bersin explains why the traditional industrial work model has ended, gig work is now mainstream, reskilling should be given primacy, and why HR professionals need to reskill in AI to stay relevant. BRYAN HANCOCK AND EMILY FIELD - Managing in the era of gen AI – In this episode of McKinsey Talks Talent, Bryan Hancock and Emily Field, two of the authors along with Bill Schaninger, Ph.D. of Power to the Middle: Why Managers Hold the Keys to the Future of Work, join host Lucia Rahilly to explain why middle managers matter, what leaders could do differently to make more of the managers on their teams, and how gen AI could change middle managers’ jobs—for the better. ANSHUL SHEOPURI - How Mastercard is Training Employees for the AI Era – Anshul Sheopuri, EVP People Operations and Insights at Mastercard, joins Christopher Rainey on the HR Leaders podcast to shares insights on leveraging AI in HR and the importance of continuous learning. JAMES GALLMAN - Bridging HR Technology, Analytics, AI Agents, LLMs, & Nudging at NetApp - James Gallman , VP HR PMO, Systems and Analytics at NetApp, joins hosts Cole Napper and Scott Hines, PhD on the Directionally Correct podcast to discuss the overlap between HR technology and people analytics. LILY ZHENG - Ground Your DEI Efforts in Data – In an episode of Women at Work, DEI strategist and consultant Lily Zheng joins hosts Amy Bernstein and Amy Gallo to explain the role of data and analytics in DEI, and the importance of measuring outcomes to make lasting progress. VIDEO OF THE MONTH JULIET SCHOR - Smarter Work for a Better World? Studies suggest that the Four Day Week may reduce burnout and depression, while also offering significant opportunities to reduce our collective carbon footprint. One of my favourite sessions at this year’s Wharton People Analytics Conference saw Professors Juliet Schor and Iwan Barankay discuss what we know about the four-day work week and share their different perspectives on what this alternate structure might mean for organisations and their employees. BOOKS OF THE MONTH One of the benefits of being on holiday the past few weeks has been that it enabled me to catch up on some reading, hence there being two books of the month for August: NICK VAN DAM – Boosting Your Well-being: The Best Version of Me - A wonderful book – and a wonderful cause with 100% of the book’s royalties being donated to the e-Learning for Kids Foundation. Written by Prof. dr. Nick van Dam, and 20 co-authors, this is a comprehensive book on professional wellbeing. It delves into the interconnected aspects of four key dimensions: body, mind, purpose, and environment, and offers a compelling approach to self- improvement. I particularly enjoyed the chapters on resilience and adaptability (written by Jacqui Brassey, PhD, MA, MAfN ?️ (née Schouten) ), sleep (Dr Els van der Helm) and contribution (Emily Ricci). An uplifting and potentially life-changing read. KALIFA OLIVER – I Think I Love My Job: Secrets To Designing A People-Centered Employer Value Proposition - At times a powerful and relatable story of the ups and downs of corporate life, and at others a compelling narrative on how to approach work, harness data and build a world-class employee experience. Kalifa Oliver, Ph.D. combines both an academic and a practitioner mindset that empowers the reader to take charge of their career, challenge workplace norms, and use data to revolutionise the employee experience. FROM MY DESK August saw us reach a notable milestone on the Digital HR Leaders podcast – our 200th episode, and we celebrated in style with a special guest, Amy Edmondson, Thank you to Louis Gordon and the team at HiBob for sponsoring series 40 of the podcast. AMY EDMONDSON - How Learning to Fail Can Help People and Organisations to Thrive – Harvard professor, pioneer of psychological safety and Thinkers50 #1, Amy Edmondson joined me for our 200th episode, where we discussed intelligent failure, and how failing well can drive individual and organisational success. DAVID GREEN - What key elements do you believe are essential to building a strong company culture? - A round up of series 40 of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, with insights from John Winsor, Maureen N. Dunne, Ph.D., Nirit Peled-Muntz, Heidi Manna and Amy Edmondson. DAVID GREEN - Five Key Elements For Building a Strong Company Culture? – A recent article for myHRfuture, where I break down five elements in building a strong company culture including aligning with organisational mission and using people data as your GPS. LOOKING FOR A NEW ROLE IN PEOPLE ANALYTICS OR HR TECH? I’d like to highlight once again the wonderful resource created by Richard Rosenow and the One Model team of open roles in people analytics and HR technology, which now numbers close to 500 roles – and has now been developed into a LinkedIn newsletter too. THANK YOU Wayne Tarken for kindly writing a post about me on LinkedIn: Curious About People Analytics? - What Leaders Can Learn from Thursday's Thought Leader. Ester Martinez and her team at People Matters for including the Digital HR Leaders podcast in their list of 100 must-read resources for HR and talent leaders. Rachel Collins for her post emphasising the need to move from employment to employability, inspired by the LinkedIn Live I hosted recently with Ravin Jesuthasan and Tanuj Kapilashrami. Similarly, thanks to James Elliott for also posting here about the LinkedIn Live with Ravin and Tanuj. David McLean , whose post on learning from your failures references the Digital HR Leaders podcast episode with Amy Edmondson. Veronika Birkheim , whose post on Culture Diagnostics, references the Digital HR Leaders podcast episode with Heidi Manna. Andrew Gadomski for his post on how he uses the Data Driven HR Monthly as a learning tool at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Irada Sadykhova for her post on how to build a strong company culture, which was inspired by a recent series of the Digital HR Leaders podcast. Ashley Utz for her post reflecting on the recent Digital HR Leaders podcast episode with Nirit Peled-Muntz. HR Executive Leadership Exchange for including me in their list of the Top 10 HR Leaders You Should Follow. Mirro.io for including me in their list of Top HR Leaders to Follow in 2024. Daniyal Wali and The Talent Games for including me in their list of the Top 10 HR Tech Leaders to Follow in 2024. Finally, a huge thank you to the following people who shared the July edition of Data Driven HR Monthly. It's much appreciated: Jaqueline Oliveira-Cella Andrés García Ayala Kristhy Bartels Sandy Zou Danielle Farrell, M.A. David Hodges Jeff Wellstead Gord Johnston MA, BHJ, BA, CHRP Debbie Harrison Dave Millner Sharna Wiblen Aizhan Tursunbayeva, PhD, GRP Catriona Lindsay Amardeep Singh, MBA Walter Maes Marcano Gert-Jan Tretmans Tim Peffers Kouros Behzad Adam Tombor (Wojciechowski) Lewis Garrad Sebastian Szachnowski Bob Pulver John Golden, Ph.D. Ben Wigert, Ph.D, MBA Ken Oehler Alexis Fink Katia Simões Francisca Solano Beneitez Abbas Qaidari Onno Bouman Aravind Warrier Kathleen Kruse Adedamola Adeleke ☁️ Elodie MENAGER Susan Knolla John Healy David Simmonds FCIPD Andrews Cobbinah, MLPI, ACIHRM Deviprasad Panda Vanesa C. David McLean Timo Tischer Prachi Agasti Maria Alice Jovinski Tristan Hack Adam McKinnon, PhD. Nicole Hazard Michael Arena Andras Vicsek Jane Kuhn Emily Pelosi, PhD Malgorzata Langlois Ahmed Salah ?? Swechha Mohapatra (IHRP-SP, SHRM-SCP, CIPD) Paul Daley Kyle Forrest Shivaani Talesra Ryan Wong Shujaat Ahmad Tessa Hilson-Greener Vivek Ojha Jacob Nielsen Søren Kold Tobias W. Goers ツ Terri Horton, EdD, MBA, MA, SHRM-CP, PHR Galo Lopez Noriega Marino Mugayar-Baldocchi Alexandra Nawrat Marian Stancik Hanadi El Sayyed Marcela Niemeyer Higor Gomes Kirsten Edwards Andreea Lungulescu Bradford Williams Faiza Tasneem(Associate CIPD) Alysson DuPont, SHRM-SCP, MBA Dr. Peter Schulz-Rittich Joaquin Hernandez Doug Shagam Mariami Lolashvili Caitie Jacobson Jaap Veldkamp Jaejin Lee Yvonne Bell (She/Her) John Gunawan Roberto Amatucci Philipp Heller Tina Peeters, PhD Gianni Giacomelli Lina Makneviciute Roshaunda Green, MBA, CDSP, Phenom Certified Recruiter Jacob Bradburn, Ph.D. Ying Li Phil Inskip Jack Liu Jonathan Berríos Leiva Stephen Hickey Lars Schmidt Geetanjali Gamel Dan George Anabel Fall Alejandra Barbarelli Adam Gibson Mia Norgren David van Lochem Nick Lynn Silja Kupiainen Heather Whiteman, Ph.D. Meghan M. Biro Martijn Wiertz Agnes Garaba Dolapo (Dolly) Oyenuga Laurent Reich Sebastian Kolberg Sebastián Mestre Chris Long Penny Newman Ralf Buechsenschuss Sebastian Knepper Marcela Mury Joseph Frank, PhD CCP GWCCM Dave Fineman Ron Ben Oz Danielle Bushen Kimberly Rose Daorong Lin Sukumaran Mariappan Abhilash Bodanapu Sonia Mooney Kerrian Soong Jay Polaki⚡️ SHRM-SCP/SPHR Remco van Es Ken Clar Matt Elk Aulia Raubien Natalie Wiseman Graham Irene Wong David Balls (FCIPD) Olivier Bougarel Ramesh Karpagavinayagam Oliver Kasper Andrew Kilshaw Nick Hudgell Gal Mozes, PhD Tatu Westling Brandon Merritt Johnson UNLOCK THE POTENTIAL OF YOUR PEOPLE ANALYTICS FUNCTION THROUGH THE INSIGHT222 PEOPLE ANALYTICS PROGRAM At Insight222, our mission is to make organisations better by putting people analytics at the centre of business and upskilling the HR profession The Insight222 People Analytics Program® is your gateway to a world of knowledge, networking, and growth. Developed exclusively for people analytics leaders and their teams, the program equips you with the frameworks, guidance, learnings, and connections you need to create greater impact. As the landscape of people analytics becomes increasingly complex, with data, technology, and ethical considerations at the forefront, our program brings together over one hundred organisations to collectively address these shared challenges. Insight222 Peer Meetings, like this event in London, are a core component of the Insight222 People Analytics Program®. They allow participants to learn, network and co-create solutions together with the purpose of ultimately growing the business value that people analytics can deliver to their organisations. If you would like to learn more, contact us today. ABOUT THE AUTHOR David Green ?? is a globally respected author, speaker, conference chair, and executive consultant on people analytics, data-driven HR and the future of work. As Managing Partner and Executive Director at Insight222, he has overall responsibility for the delivery of the Insight222 People Analytics Program, which supports the advancement of people analytics in over 90 global organisations. Prior to co-founding Insight222, David accumulated over 20 years experience in the human resources and people analytics fields, including as Global Director of People Analytics Solutions at IBM. As such, David has extensive experience in helping organisations increase value, impact and focus from the wise and ethical use of people analytics. David also hosts the Digital HR Leaders Podcast and is an instructor for Insight222's myHRfuture Academy. His book, co-authored with Jonathan Ferrar, Excellence in People Analytics: How to use Workforce Data to Create Business Value was published in the summer of 2021. MEET ME AT THESE EVENTS I'll be speaking about people analytics, the future of work, and data driven HR at a number of upcoming events in 2024: September 11 - Productivity, Purpose, and Profit: How to thrive in ‘25 (London) September 16-19 - Workday Rising (Las Vegas) September 24-26 - Insight222 Global Executive Retreat (Colorado, US) - exclusively for member organisations of the Insight222 People Analytics Program October 2-3 - People Analytics World (New York) October 16-17 - UNLEASH World (Paris) October 22-23 - Insight222 North American Peer Meeting (hosted by Workday in Pleasanton, CA) - exclusively for member organisations of the Insight222 People Analytics Program November 12-14 - Workday Rising EMEA (London) November 19-20 - Insight222 European Peer Meeting (hosted by Merck in Darmstadt, Germany) - exclusively for member organisations of the Insight222 People Analytics Program More events will be added as they are confirmed.
    Dave Ulrich
  • Dave Ulrich
    How Will AI Impact People Analytics in 2024 and Beyond(Podcast) 2024年,人员分析将面临一个转折点。这个转折点集中在AIML上,以及它如何为组织创造优势,以及 HR 中的大量活动和工作,HR内部的数据科学分析团队有一个独特的位置可以研究。 将人员分析从洞察转变为影响需要什么?人员分析和人力资源专业人员如何影响企业领导者?人工智能和机器学习对现在和未来的人员分析有何影响? 这些只是我们本周在数字人力资源领导者播客从寒假回归时讨论的三个主题。与我一起参加会议的还有三位嘉宾,他们都亲自启发了我,还有无数其他人,他们在人员分析领域拥有超过40年的经验: Dawn Klinghoffer,Microsoft人员分析全球主管和 Insight222 的董事会顾问,他在过去20年中一直在 Microsoft 建立和领导人员分析功能。 杰里米·夏皮罗(Jeremy Shapiro),默克公司(Merck & Co)劳动力分析全球主管,纽约战略人力资源分析会议小组的联合召集人。 Thomas Hedegaard Rasmussen,壳牌组织发展和学习副总裁,曾在澳大利亚国民银行、壳牌和马士基建立并领导人员分析职能。 您可以通过单击下面的图片或访问播客网站来收听。 在对话中,我们探讨了如何通过人员分析来推动业务价值,重点介绍了 Thomas 最近与 Mike Ulrich 和 Dave Ulrich 合著的论文(将人员分析从洞察力转移到影响力)中的发现,以及 Insight222的2023 年人员分析趋势报告中确定的领先公司的八个特征。 如果您能够访问企业中的战略对话,则更容易受到它们的影响。而且,如果你有高层领导的支持,以试图一次做太多事情为代价来追求那些相对较少的高价值项目,那么确定优先级也更容易。 Dawn、Jeremy、Thomas 和我还讨论了: 人员分析的三个“I”:洞察力、影响力和影响力 确定人员分析工作的优先级并将其与业务需求保持一致的技术 如何在人员分析和财务之 间建立成功的关系 人工智能和机器学习如何支持人员分析工作 人工智能将如何在未来12个月和几年内改变工作世界。 我希望人工智能能够真正帮助人力资源部门充满活力,并有能力去做有意义的工作,消除今天人力资源部门发生的许多任务的苦差事。 资源 以下是本集讨论的一些材料的链接: 托马斯与迈克·乌尔里希(Mike Ulrich)和戴夫·乌尔里希(Dave Ulrich)共同发表的论文:将人员分析从洞察力转移到影响 Insight222 的 2023 年人员分析趋势研究:投资交付——人员分析的新模型 Dawn 关于蓬勃发展的文章:为什么 Microsoft 衡量员工的发展,而不是敬业度 杰里米与汤姆·达文波特(Tom Davenport)和珍妮·哈里斯(Jeanne Harris)合著的开创性文章《哈佛商业评论》:在人才分析上竞争 Source Linkedin
    Dave Ulrich
  • Dave Ulrich
    2024年必关注的50位人力资源影响者 Top 50 HR Influencers to Follow in 2024-BY Peoplebox 在不断发展变化的人力资源领域,对于全球的HR专业人士来说,紧跟最新趋势和洞见至关重要。NACSHR很高兴与大家分享Peoplebox的年度文章——《2024年必关注的50位人力资源影响者》。这篇文章由Shaini Ekka撰写,突出了人力资源界的引领者。这些影响者正在用创新的想法和实践重新定义人力资源管理,这些想法和实践正在全球范围内塑造着未来的工作场所。让我们一起探索这些行业领袖的思想和方法论,他们在2024年产生了重大影响。   原文来自:https://www.peoplebox.ai/blog/top-50-hr-influencers-2024/   Top 50 HR Influencers to Follow in 2024 Step into the world of HR Influencers! Our blog introduces you to the leaders shaping the future of Human Resources. Discover the game-changers, their ideas, and the fresh perspectives shaping HR this year. Let’s explore together the top 50 minds redefining how we see and do HR in 2024. 1. Josh Bersin Josh Bersin, currently affiliated with Bersin by Deloitte, serves as a prominent keynote speaker, advisor, educator, and mentor to global HR and business leaders. His mission is to enhance work-life worldwide, and he achieves this by guiding HR professionals and organizations in various domains of corporate HR, including talent management, recruitment, training and development, and workplace automation. With his extensive expertise, Josh is dedicated to empowering HR professionals and companies to create more fulfilling and efficient work environments. Linkedin | Twitter 2. Dave Ulrich Dave Ulrich is a distinguished name in the field of Human Resources and leadership. Renowned as a thought leader and influential speaker, he has made significant contributions to the field of HR, particularly in HR competencies and HR transformation. With a strong background in academia, Dave has been a professor at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business and has authored numerous books and articles on HR and leadership. His work is instrumental in shaping the modern HR landscape, emphasizing the strategic role of HR in organizations and how HR can contribute to business success. Dave Ulrich’s insights and research have had a profound impact on HR professionals, making him a respected authority in the industry. Linkedin | Twitter 3. Meghan Biro Meghan is the founder and CEO of TalentCulture. She has experience working with hundreds of companies, including early start-ups to well-known brands such as Microsoft, IBM, and Google, to help recruit and empower excellent talent. Apart from this, Meghan has been a guest on numerous radio shows and online forums and has been a featured speaker at global conferences. She is also a regular contributor at Forbes, Huffington Post, and several other media outlets and has been nominated as one of the top 100 Social Media Power Influencers. Meghan is the high-tech recruiter who constantly writes about HR tech and Talent Management topics on Forbes.com. Her professional background has expanded in recruiting, tech, marketing, branding, and digital media. Linkedin | Twitter 4. David Green David is an Executive Director at Insight222 & myHRfuture.com, serving the companies with Fortune100 firms. He is a people analytics leader, writer, speaker, conference chair, and data-driven HR. Before launching his own business Zandel, which provides speaking, advisory, and consulting services on people analytics, data-driven HR, and the future of work, David was the Global Director of People Analytics Solutions at IBM Watson Talent. David has extensive experience helping organizations embark upon and accelerate their People Analytics journeys. He was the Main Stage MC at UNLEASH World in Amsterdam in 2018 – Europe’s largest and most popular show on the Future of Work and Workplace Technology. David is one of the HR influencers and a co-author of the book “Excellence in People Analytics”, which gives a unique perspective on People Analytics to provide HR practitioners with everything they require to know as to how to immerse the accurate infrastructure and technologies for data collection to build a culture of analytics in the HR team. Linkedin | Twitter 5. Liz Ryan Liz is the creator and leader of Human Workplace, a company that offers coaching, content, and consulting services. She’s a featured speaker and the author of several books, including “REINVENTION ROADMAP : Break the Rules to Get the Job You Want and Career You Deserve.” Liz discusses and presents on the modern workplace, provides expert opinions on employment-related issues, and guides CEOs and business owners on matters related to workforce strategy and HR. In her own words, Liz is on a mission to transform and improve work experiences for individuals. Linkedin | Twitter 6. Steve Boese Steve serves as a Co-Chair of the HR Technology conference in collaboration with H3 HR Advisors. He is a tech editor and writer for Human Resource Executive Magazine, and he co-hosts the HR Happy Hour podcast with Trish. His extensive expertise in Human Capital Management technologies comes from his past roles in product development and as a corporate HR leader, where he managed internal HR tech systems. Linkedin | Twitter 7. Tim Sackett With two decades of experience in the Talent Acquisition Industry, Tim has served as an Executive HR professional. His extensive career includes roles within Fortune 500 companies spanning diverse sectors such as healthcare, retail, dining, and technology. Notably, he holds the position of President at HRU Technical Resources. Tim’s leadership extends beyond his corporate roles. He also serves as the President of the Association of Talent Acquisition Professionals (ATAP), showcasing his commitment to advancing the field. Furthermore, he is a prolific author, best known for the widely acclaimed book “The Talent Fix: A Leader’s Guide to Recruiting Great Talent.” Recognized for his profound influence in the HR domain, Tim earned a place among the Top 10 Global HR Influencers by Workforce Magazine in 2018. Linkedin | Twitter 8. Johnny C. Taylor Jr Johnny C. Taylor Jr. is a distinguished figure in the world of Human Resources and employment advocacy. As the President and CEO of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), he plays a pivotal role in shaping HR practices and policies in the United States and beyond. With a career marked by leadership in the HR field, he is a recognized authority on workforce issues, labor trends, and employment law. Under his leadership, SHRM has made significant strides in advancing HR practices, championing diversity and inclusion, and advocating for workplace policies that support both employees and organizations. He is not only a prominent advocate for HR professionals but also a vocal proponent of fostering work environments that are fair, inclusive, and responsive to the needs of the modern workforce. His extensive experience and passion for shaping the world of work make him a notable influencer and a leading voice in the ever-evolving landscape of human resources. Through his leadership and advocacy, he continues to leave a lasting impact on the HR profession and the broader realm of employment practices. Linkedin | Twitter 9. Greg Savage Greg is a mentor for business growth, a speaker, and the founder of two recruitment firms, each valued at $100 million. He also serves on 16 recruitment boards. He authored “The Savage Truth,” a popular book about recruitment that shares his wisdom on leadership, business, and life from his extensive four-decade career. Greg earned the title of the most influential recruiter in Australia in the past six decades and was recognized as the most influential Australian business figure on Twitter. Follow him to explore his valuable insights, guidance, and mentoring on building highly profitable recruitment companies with a global reach across various industries. Twitter 10. William Tincup William Tincup, President of RecruitingDaily, is a well-known figure in the HR industry. He’s recognized for his straightforward and no-nonsense approach to human resources. Tincup wears many hats—he’s a writer, speaker, consultant, and advisor. When it comes to topics like recruiting, leadership, talent management, and the future of work, he’s known for his candid and brutally honest opinions. He is actively involved in the HR technology startup scene, serving on the Board of Advisors or Directors for 15 such companies. He’s been sharing his insights on HR-related issues for over a decade, making him a respected and influential voice in the field. Linkedin | Twitter 11. Steve Browne With over three decades of experience as an accomplished speaker, writer, and thought leader in Human Resource Management, Steve Browne is committed to uniting the global HR community and facilitating its collective learning and growth. Throughout his career, Browne has successfully navigated HR roles across diverse industries, including manufacturing, consumer products, professional services, and the restaurant sector. His extensive background and expertise make him a valuable contributor to the field of HR and an influential voice in the industry. Linkedin | Twitter 12. Laurie Ruettimann As a Writer, Speaker, and Podcaster at Punk Rock HR, Ruettimann provides her LinkedIn and Twitter followers with a daily glimpse into the challenges, triumphs, and moments of enlightenment that accompany the journey of guiding organizations, HR teams, and individuals in confronting and embracing their failures more effectively. With 14 years of experience as an HR professional, Ruettimann transitioned into a highly sought-after consultant, speaker, and writer. Linkedin 13. Jeanne Meister Jeanne is a workplace advocate known for co-authoring the widely-read book “The Future Workplace Experience: 10 Rules For Mastering Disruption in Recruiting and Engaging Employees.” With her corporate learning background, she’s a top HR influencer. Jeanne initiated the Future Workplace Network to encourage discussions between CEOs and leaders, aiming to raise awareness about the future of work. An accomplished speaker and writer, she has contributed to respected publications like Forbes, the Financial Times, and Harvard Business Review. Linkedin | Twitter 14. Mary Jantsch Mary Jantsch used to lead Talent & Partner Success at Elpha, a startup that supports women in technology careers. Her work at Elpha focused on connecting companies with strategies to attract, hire, and retain more women in the workforce. Today, Mary operates as an independent People Ops Consultant, Pay Transparency Advisor, and writer. She is a firm believer in prioritizing culture, people, and processes right from the beginning of an organization’s journey. You can follow her social channels for honest insights and practical guidance on all things related to HR and People Ops. Linkedin | Twitter 15. Mark Stelzner Mark is a well-respected figure in the field of HR, bringing over 25 years of experience in HR change. He describes himself as someone who has built strong relationships through careful attention to detail, a natural sense of curiosity, and a good-natured sense of humor. For the past 17 years, Mark has served as the managing principal of IA, a consulting firm that focuses on senior executives and HR management Linkedin | Twitter 16. Madison Butler Madison Butler offers a fresh perspective in the field of HR and people operations. As the Chief People Officer at GRAV, a Texas-based smoking supplies retailer, she urges HR and people ops professionals to challenge the norm and tackle important issues like race and gender. Her passion lies in nurturing company culture, fostering talent development, retaining employees, and promoting inclusive workplaces. She hosts the “Bye Bye Binary” podcast and runs a career hub for the queer community. Linkedin 17. Lily Zheng Lily Zheng is a consultant, speaker, and author who helps organizations move beyond one-time diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training. On LinkedIn, she initiates conversations on crucial workplace topics, offers valuable resources, and encourages a fresh perspective on DEI in the workplace. Their work as a DEI advocate has gained recognition in reputable publications like Forbes, CNBC, The New York Times, and Entrepreneur. She is also the author of “Gender Ambiguity in the Workplace: Transgender and Gender-Diverse Discrimination” and their recently published book “DEI Deconstructed: Your Practical Guide to Effective DEI Work.” Linkedin 18. Lars Schmidt He’s the author of the bestseller “Redefining HR: Transforming People Teams to Drive Business Performance” and frequently contributes to Fast Company. With over 20 years of experience, he’s the founder of Amplify, which assists companies and HR leaders in navigating the evolving work environment through courses, podcasts, books, and more. Notably, Lars has been recognized as a top influencer by HR Examiner, HuffPost, and LinkedIn. Linkedin | Twitter 19. Katie Burke Katie Burke has served as HubSpot’s Chief People Officer since 2017. She has a strong passion for diversity, inclusion, and culture, as well as a love for Beyoncé. She firmly believes in blending culture, innovation, leadership, and inclusiveness to create an outstanding workplace experience. Under her guidance, HubSpot gained recognition for its unique workplace culture. Katie initiated the company’s diversity and inclusion efforts, which include annually sharing diversity data and implementing programs to enhance diversity in leadership. Linkedin | Twitter 20. Laszlo Bock Formerly a refugee who escaped from Communist Romania, Bock’s journey to becoming a high-ranking executive at tech giant Google is a captivating one. His experiences and insights are always worth paying attention to. During his time as the former Senior Vice President of People at Google, he played a pivotal role in helping the company secure numerous accolades, including the title of ‘Best Company to Work For’ on more than 30 occasions, and over 100 awards as a leading employer. Bock’s pioneering initiatives have set industry standards, making him a role model for organizations worldwide. Linkedin | Twitter 21. Kris Dunn Kris Dunn is the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) at Kinetix and a well-loved blogger known for HR Capitalist and Fistful of Talent. With extensive experience in leading HR for both large corporations and startups, Kris emphasizes the importance of hiring top talent and then creating an environment that maximizes their motivation, performance, and effectiveness. He is also a sought-after speaker and influencer who can be found on LinkedIn and Twitter, where he shares the latest insights from the HR and business world, including his own thoughts, and provides valuable tips on upcoming online events. Linkedin | Twitter 22. Sharlyn Lauby Sharlyn is part of the board at The Workforce Institute, where they research and educate about important workplace issues worldwide. She’s also a writer, speaker, trainer, and consultant in HR management. Sharlyn has written books about hiring, running effective meetings, building strong leaders, and boosting employee engagement. She shares HR and other insights on her blog, HR Bartender, which was recognized as one of the top 5 HR blogs by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). Linkedin | Twitter 23. Suzanne Lucas She’s a former HR expert who turned into a busy freelance writer and speaker. In her own words, she offers career guidance with a touch of humor to businesses, HR professionals, employees, and job seekers. Through her expert articles, blog posts, and valuable contributions to various well-known platforms, she has assisted countless individuals in advancing their careers and becoming more effective managers. Linkedin | Twitter 24. Ben Eubanks He’s an HR analyst, author, and podcaster, and he currently holds the role of Chief Research Officer at Lighthouse Research & Advisory, a company that specializes in human capital management analysis. With a broad range of experience in areas like recruiting, benefits, training, employee relations, and executive coaching, Ben has worked in different company settings, including non-profits and small organizations. Notably, he co-founded the industry event HRevolution, manages a blog and podcast, and is involved in HR certification development through his program HR Summer School. Linkedin | Twitter 25. Trish McFarlane She is the host of famous podcast HR Happy Hour. Apart from the podcast, Trish also shares her thoughts on topics like analytics, human capital management, talent, and recruiting on her Twitter. She’s the author of the HR Ringleader blog and holds the role of VP of HR Practice/ Principal Analyst at the Brandon Hall Group. With over 15 years of experience in various fields, including Big 4 public accounting, PR, healthcare, and IT, Trish brings a wealth of knowledge to leadership, performance management, training & development, change management, social media, and innovation. She engages her audience with real-life examples of how leadership shapes organizations. She is indeed a very known HR influencer in the business world. Linkedin | Twitter 26. Jon Ingham Jon Ingham is widely recognized as a leader in innovation, technology, and talent management in the human resources and business fields. He’s an accomplished writer, blogger, and contributor in the digital HR realm, sharing valuable tips, ideas, and advice on effective employee lifecycle management making him a notable influencer. With a wealth of expertise, Jon is a go-to source for insights and guidance in the HR and business space. Linkedin | Twitter 27. Kathryn Minshew Kathryn is the creator and leader of The Muse, an online platform for careers. She spends her time shaping the future of work, caring deeply about career growth, and helping businesses find and keep the best people. She also values building strong company cultures for long-lasting organizations. If you check out her social media profiles, you’ll see her discussing workplace topics and culture. Give her a follow for more insights! Linkedin | Twitter 28. Kathleen Hogan Kathleen Hogan holds the position of Chief People Officer and Executive Vice President of Human Resources at Microsoft. She began her journey with the company in 2003 as the Chief Operating Officer of Worldwide Sales, later taking on the role of Corporate Vice President of Worldwide Services in 2009, and assuming her current role as Chief People Officer in 2015. Kathleen’s primary goal is to empower Microsoft’s 217,000+ global employees to achieve their objectives within a culture that attracts and motivates exceptionally passionate talent. Linkedin 29. Joey V. Price Joey V. Price is the CEO of Jumpstart:HR, a company that helps startups and small businesses with HR outsourcing and consulting. He hosts two podcasts, “Business, Life, and Coffee” and “While We Were Working,” the latter being aimed at HR and people leaders, discussing current HR topics. With extensive HR experience, Joey emphasizes the importance of achieving high returns on investment by ensuring a content and engaged workforce. He also served as an adjunct professor at Stony Brook University in New York. Linkedin | Twitter 30. Jodi-Ann Burey Jodi-Ann Burey is a popular speaker, influencer and writer who shares insights on being true to yourself, the complexity of identity, and reshaping workplace environments with her 38,000+ LinkedIn followers. Her TEDx Talk, “The Myth of Bringing Your Full, Authentic Self to Work,” has reached 1.4 million viewers and encouraged both employers and employees to reconsider their approach to creating a welcoming workplace. Jodi-Ann’s contributions have been featured on well-known platforms like The Muse and HBR, and she has been a guest on Brené Brown’s podcast, “Dare To Lead.” Beyond her professional discussions, Jodi-Ann also addresses her journey with cancer on her podcast, “Black Cancer.” Linkedin | Twitter 31. Ester Martinez Ester Martinez serves as CEO & Editor-in-Chief at People Matters, guiding a thriving community for CHROs and business leaders. Together, they drive progress in talent and work practices, shaping sustainable business impact. She is an influencer and contributes valuable insights to the industry. She is also an active member of various HR and Business forums in India and internationally. Linkedin | Twitter 32. Jennifer Kim Jennifer Kim is an advisor for startups, a coach for leadership, and a strategist for diversity and inclusion. She is highly regarded for her work in helping startups embrace people operations as a crucial aspect of their business. Jennifer also manages the “Inclusion At Work” resource on Twitter and offers a course focused on talent acquisition in the startup ecosystem. Jennifer Kim is recognized as a “dot connector” who helps startups grow and thrive by fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment. Twitter   33. Jacob Morgan Jacob Morgan, a well-known speaker and writer, is the creator of Future of Work University. He specializes in leadership, employee experiences, and the future of work. Jacob is engaged in sharing his thoughts, offering advice, and penning best-sellers. Being a influencer, he shares valuable information and handpicked content on various social media  platforms. Linkedin | Twitter 34. Jackye Clayton Jackye holds the role of VP for Talent Acquisition and DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) at Textio. She is a strong supporter of DEI and has extensive experience in diverse industries. Jackye excels in discovering exceptional talent and championing her team. Additionally, she hosts the show “But First Coffee”. Linkedin | Twitter 35. David Hanrahan David Hanrahan, Eventbrite’s Chief Human Resources Officer, has spent over twenty years as an HR leader in various companies, including Zendesk, Twitter, Shell, and Electronic Arts. His diverse skill set encompasses managing substantial hiring in high-growth environments, crafting job frameworks, executing effective reward strategies, analyzing and improving employee engagement. Linkedin 36. Claude Silver Claude Silver is famous for her role as the Chief Heart Officer at VaynerMedia, a digital advertising agency. In this special job, she’s known for her dedication to creating a work environment that’s all about people and empathy. She highlights the value of emotional smarts and personal connections at work. Her efforts have earned her a strong reputation in HR and leadership. She keeps pushing for kinder and more heart-centered ways of managing and leading. Linkedin | Twitter 37. Adam Karpiak Adam Karpiak dedicated eight years to progressing from a recruiter to the Vice President of Recruiting. Afterward, he established his own company, which functions as a comprehensive recruiting agency. Additionally, Adam guides job seekers in distinguishing themselves during their job hunt and making informed decisions about their ideal work settings. Linkedin | Twitter 38. Jessica Miller-Merrell Jessica Miller-Merrell founded Workology and hosts its podcast. She’s known for her work on Generation Z’s influence in the workplace, as well as her discussions on upcoming HR technologies and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion. Jessica is recognized as a Forbes Top 50 Social Media Power User and is a driving force for change in the workplace, with a strong emphasis on human resources and talent acquisition. Linkedin | Twitter 39. Jim Stroud Jim Stroud is a writer, blogger, and public speaker. His primary focus revolves around human resources, recruitment, and job search strategies. Hailing from Atlanta, Georgia, Jim has received recognition for his work, such as being featured in Monster.com‘s “Top Ten Employment Bloggers to Follow on Twitter” and securing the seventh spot on the “Top 25 HR Digital Influencers” list. Additionally, he’s the author of the book “The Number One Job Hunting Book in the World!” published in 2015. Linkedin | Twitter 40. Lou Adler Lou Adler is often referred to as the first headhunter. Through his company, The Adler Group, he has provided training to over 40,000 recruiters and hiring managers. He’s also an accomplished author, with some of his books ranking as bestsellers on Amazon. On his Twitter account, he shares valuable insights on making smarter hiring decisions and offers guidance for HR professionals looking to enhance their recruitment techniques. Linkedin | Twitter 41. Marc Coleman Marc is the creator and top boss at UNLEASH.ai, which is like a big online market for HR stuff. His goal is to get HR, learning, and hiring leaders from around the world excited about the future of work and new HR tech. He really loves bringing people together to think up and make the future of work happen. For years, he’s built strong HR brands and helped make trustworthy HR groups all over the world. Linkedin | Twitter 42. Cynthia Trivella Cynthia serves as the lead partner at TalentCulture, a thriving community of professionals keen on all aspects of the work world, where technology has a significant impact. With over two decades of experience, Cynthia is one of the most well-liked experts and trendsetters in HR technology. Her knowledge spans marketing communications, talent finding, and hiring, and she has a strong passion for finding and keeping talent, boosting the company’s reputation, and enhancing the employee journey. Linkedin | Twitter 43. Craig Fisher Craig is the creator, specialist in employer branding and marketing strategy at TalentNet Media. This company focuses on building employer brands and plans for hiring new talent. Craig also offers guidance to various businesses in HR technology and digital strategies. He’s collaborated with major companies like LinkedIn, Toyota, YUM! Brands, HootSuite, and many more. Craig’s achievements include founding the first LinkedIn-certified training company in North America and initiating the initial Twitter chat for recruiters. Linkedin | Twitter  44. Vernā Myers Vernā holds the position of VP of Inclusion Strategy at Netflix, where she focuses on promoting cultural diversity and inclusion. She’s an expert in the field of diversity and is known for her work as a cultural innovator and social commentator. Her role involves developing and executing strategies that infuse cultural diversity, equity, and inclusivity into every aspect of Netflix’s global operations. Linkedin | Twitter 45. Amy C. Waninger Amy is the CEO of Lead at Any Level, a company that partners with organizations to develop a diverse leadership talent pool, ensuring a lasting competitive edge. She’s a DEI influencer, making inclusion happen, as a speaker, trainer, and consultant. Her focus is on helping companies keep their top talent and foster inclusive environments. Amy is a specialist in leadership, diversity, inclusion, networking, and unconscious bias. She frequently talks about retaining employees, keeping them engaged, and reducing turnover on her social media platforms Linkedin | Twitter 46. Risha Grant Risha serves as the CEO of Risha Grant LLC, a company that offers a wide range of services related to diversity and inclusion communication and consulting. She is widely recognized for her expertise in this field and is an international speaker, author, consultant, and host of the KJRH-NBC Risha Talks series. Linkedin | Twitter 47. Jan Tegze Jan serves as the Technical Recruiting Director at Tricentis. He is a speaker, trainer, blogger, and a leader in talent acquisition. Jan is also the author of “Full Stack Recruiter: The Ultimate Edition,” a thorough guidebook essential for professionals in the field. His background includes effectively leading teams and implementing recruitment and sourcing procedures. At conferences and events, Jan discusses various topics, such as global recruitment, sourcing techniques, innovative recruitment tools, strategies for sourcing, analytics, and more. Linkedin | Twitter 48. Lynne Oldham Lynne holds the role of Chief People Officer at Glynn 100 and Stash. With more than two decades of experience in strategic HR leadership and talent acquisition across different sectors, she is dedicated to building vibrant, efficient, and financially successful companies. Lynne focuses on harnessing diversity and crafting strategies that inspire a sense of belonging and engagement among employees, ultimately leading to positive outcomes. Linkedin | Twitter 49. Dalila Wilson-Scott Dalila is the EVP and Chief Diversity Officer at Comcast Corporation and President of the Comcast NBCUniversal Foundation. She frequently speaks on philanthropy and equity-related topics at prominent events like the Aspen Ideas Festival, Social Innovation Summit, MIT Solve, USC Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy, and the Women’s Philanthropy Institute’s Annual Symposium. The DEI influencer is passionate about social impact, inclusion, and innovation, topics she frequently discusses on her social media profiles. Linkedin | Twitter 50. Lindsay-Rae McIntyre Lindsay-Rae is the Chief Diversity Officer at Microsoft, aiming to build a stronger future through inclusive culture and technology. With more than 20 years of experience in HR for the technology industry, she is passionate about using cutting-edge, inclusive people methods to drive corporate growth. With more than 18K followers on her LinkedIn profile, Lindsay shares her tips and knowledge on diversity, inclusion, and allyship matters. Linkedin | Twitter  
    Dave Ulrich