• talent strategy
    2025洛杉矶华人HR新年论坛—2025北美华人人力资源洛杉矶论坛1月4日举办,欢迎参加 北美华人人力资源洛杉矶论坛将于2025年1月4日在洛杉矶隆重举行,这是一场为在美华人HR专业人士量身打造的盛会。论坛将聚焦人力资源管理的多个核心话题,从人才招聘、组织发展、薪酬福利,到多元化与包容性、HR科技等,全面探讨华人HR在职场中面临的独特挑战和机遇。 积极响应南加华人HR的呼声,特别举办本次洛杉矶论坛,诚邀南加的HR童鞋们积极参与! 作为华人HR社群的一员,您将有机会在这里与来自各领域的优秀同行直接交流,拓展专业人脉,为职业发展带来新思路。此外,论坛还特别欢迎HR服务机构、法律、猎头等等领域的专业合作伙伴加入,与参会者深入互动,共同探讨华人HR市场的最新动态与前沿解决方案。 期待您的参与,与我们共同打造一个推动北美华人HR领域发展的高质量交流平台! Stay Together Stay Powerful 立即报名,锁定席位,探索人力资源的无限可能! 2025北美华人人力资源洛杉矶论坛 2025 North American Chinese HR Forum - Los Angeles 时间:2025年1月4日周六 9:30-17:00   (8点30分开始签到) 地点:Residence Inn By Marriott Anaheim Brea  (180 S State College Blvd , Brea, California, USA, 92821) 报名地址:https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/D1098614-EA75-67CF-6B55-7DEA34FC1C4F 会议费用:150美元/人 12月25日前 现场门票200美元/人 会议期间提供咖啡和茶等 注:午餐需自理,届时各小组自行组队 (不含会议午餐) 你为什么不能错过NACSHR峰会: 聆听行业大咖的精心分享: 演讲嘉宾包括成功的企业家、重量级的行业内大咖、优秀的人才战略专家。 他们精通中国以及北美的人力资源市场,乐于分享他们的观点和经验。 确保您能听到行业内最专业成功人士的分享。 学习新知识,掌握新动态: 不论您是职场老将还是新兵,更新知识库是一个永恒的课题。 峰会设置了多种会议形式,各种方式获取行业动态和职场经验。 有行业内大咖的独家分享,帮助您打开新视野,更具竞争力。 职业发展新机遇,更广泛的选择: NACSHR设置了北美地区HR岗位需求,现场更有机会面对面沟通交流。 非正式的会议交流,更有益深入交流,为您的职场铺就成功之路。 南加地区最大的华人HR行业盛会: 聚焦南加华人人力资源行业精英,汇聚南加职场华人力量。 汇集首屈一指的企业家、创业家和行业先锋,打造北美唯一、最大的华人HR盛会。 交流新资讯,结交新伙伴: 探讨行业热点话题,激发创新思维,共同推动HR行业的发展。 利用大会机会结识北美地区的华人HR同仁,拓展个人交际圈。 启发职场新思维,实现职业新突破: 探讨华人管理者如何实现职场发展目标。 设有职场人讨论环节,与嘉宾、行业专家和同行伙伴一起探讨如何在美国职场实现自我价值。 如何可以参与NACSHR峰会? 作为人力资源服务机构,有多种方式可以参与共襄盛举。你可以选择各种赞助形式,如钻石赞助、演讲赞助、设置展位、Demo展示,年度合作等多种方式,具体可以联系我们。 另外如果贵司还没有加入北美华人人力资源服务图谱,点击这里可以加入: https://www.nacshr.org/map/Register/join 参展赞助与合作: nacshr818@gmail.com 或者点击这里:https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/CDBE9324-6291-EB0E-3E50-91532A2A70BB 同时2025年NACSHR 活动计划和NACSHR年度合作伙伴计划也已经推出,欢迎索取加强合作 参与分享演讲:(仅限 inhouse HR) Gavin nacshr818@gmail.com 嘉宾申请链接: https://www.nacshr.org/1732.html The North American Chinese HR Forum will be held in Los Angeles on January 4, 2025, tailored specifically for Chinese HR professionals in the U.S. This forum will focus on multiple core topics in human resource management, ranging from talent acquisition, organizational development, and compensation & benefits to diversity and inclusion, HR technology, and more. It will comprehensively explore the unique challenges and opportunities faced by Chinese HR professionals in the workplace. In response to the strong demand from Chinese HR professionals in Southern California, this Los Angeles forum is specially organized, inviting HR peers from SoCal to participate actively! As a member of the Chinese HR community, you will have the opportunity to engage directly with top professionals from various fields, expand your network, and bring fresh perspectives to your career development. Additionally, the forum warmly welcomes partnerships from HR service providers, legal advisors, recruitment firms, and other specialized partners to interact with attendees and discuss the latest trends and innovative solutions in the Chinese HR market. We look forward to your participation as we work together to build a high-quality exchange platform for advancing the Chinese HR field in North America! Stay Together Stay Powerful Register now to secure your spot and explore the endless possibilities in human resources! 2025 North American Chinese HR Forum - Los Angeles Date: Saturday, January 4, 2025, 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM Location: Residence Inn By Marriott Anaheim Brea (180 S State College Blvd , Brea, California, USA, 92821) Registration Link: https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/D1098614-EA75-67CF-6B55-7DEA34FC1C4F Registration Fees:$150 per person if paid by December 25th, $200 per person for on-site tickets Note: Coffee and tea will be provided during the forum. Lunch is self-arranged, with groups forming to organize meals. Lunch is not included in the event.  
    talent strategy
  • talent strategy
    Josh Bersin: With Thoughtful Design And Culture, Dropbox Proves Remote Work Is A Winner Dropbox, a company with a $7 billion market cap and over $2.5 billion in revenue, has adopted a "Virtual First" strategy in response to the pandemic, transforming its work model from lavish San Francisco offices to a remote-first approach. This shift was led by CEO Drew Houston and Chief People Officer Melanie Rosenwasser, moving away from an office-centric culture to enhance productivity and teamwork through remote work. The strategy includes home office stipends, Dropbox Studios for face-to-face interactions, and innovative meeting management services. Despite initial challenges, this approach has led to high employee satisfaction and a strong talent strategy, allowing Dropbox to thrive in a competitive tech landscape. One of the most interesting tech companies we’ve studied is Dropbox, a $7 billion market cap rocket ship generating more than $2.5 billion in revenue. This kind of company, which sells a platform that competes with Microsoft, Google, and other major players, lives in a world of brutal competition: competition for product leadership, sales deals, and talent. And today, as AI engineers are in short supply, Dropbox has to attract the best and brightest to continue its growth. In its early days, Dropbox was a typical San Francisco-based tech company with gourmet food, gorgeous offices, and a culture of lavish benefits. In the pre-pandemic 2010s this was the rage, and Dropbox became a hot place to work. The pandemic upset that applecart. Not only did “work at home” obsolete the company’s real estate and gourmet investments, it forced the company to rethink its culture. The Chief People Officer, Melanie Rosenwasser, told me that the first few months of the pandemic were traumatic. Employees were upset by working at home and weren’t sure what the company stood for. She and Drew Houston, the CEO, had to rethink the whole operating model. As Melanie described it to me, they took a risky, irreversible move. They decided to totally shift their operating model from that of “San Francisco gourmet offices” to “energized, empowered, team-based, remote work.” Not an easy decision. Note that just this week Eric Schmidt, the ex-CEO and board member at Google, blamed Sundar Pichai for “remote work laziness” as cause for Google’s “falling behind in AI.” So the debate about remote work continues, and some of the most successful leaders still haven’t figured it out. Well Drew, Melanie, and the Dropbox team placed a bet. Knowing that the pandemic had interrupted their campus investments, they dramatically shifted to a “Virtual First” strategy. And they told the company “we are moving away from an office-centric culture” and going to a model of remote-first work. And this included converting offices to Dropbox Studios as well as a carefully architected approach to teamwork, collaboration, and periodic face-to-face activity. Rather than ask people to “come in 3 days a week” (this kind of policy bugs people because they drag themselves into the office just to zoom with others at home), they designed one of the most sophisticated approaches I’ve seen. Employees receive a generous stipend for home office improvements and the company now offers a series of programs, services, and tools to make team and personal productivity thrive. While it seemed risky it worked exceedingly well. By holistically thinking about culture, management, teamwork, and productivity, the company developed a set of innovations that empower people to work at their best, meet with their teams at least one week per quarter, and come together when and where it makes sense. And this model, which looks like an HR innovation, became a business innovation that helps the company thrive. While Dropbox lost a significant number of employees at first, now the company has one of the highest Glassdoor ratings in its industry (4.3, 85% recommend CEO, higher than Google). Dropbox wins awards for employment brand. And not only does Virtual First create productive operations, it helps the company build “tools for the new world of work,” which is where every company is going. Work at home is complicated. In between dogs, kids, gardeners and delivery people we’re futzing with MS Teams, Zoom, Webex, Google Docs, and dozens of other tools. Most of them work well but they’re each different and inconsistent. Dropbox, as a “system designed for remote work” simplifies this enormously. Virtual First helps Dropbox test its products on itself. Why has Virtual First succeeded? As Melanie and the team explains, the shift turbo-charged its talent strategy. Now Dropbox can hire people from any geography in the world (reducing labor cost) and they look for high-energy, passionate, high-performers (not employees who like the offices). Teamwork is stronger than ever. I know, from our company, that this works well. We have 40+ people in our organization and we rely on frequent face-to-face meetings, an open culture, and tremendous amounts of training and communication to grow. Back when I ran our company in an office we hardly talked with each other unless we had a meeting. Things are much more collaborative and productive now. Dropbox has proven this at scale. You can read about Virtual First on the Dropbox website, but one of the innovations I want to point out is the company’s “concierge service” for meetings. (The Offsite Planning Team.) When you as a leader want to have a meeting, this team helps you decide your objectives, reviews the outcomes you want to achieve, and then puts together a detailed plan (location, logistics, agenda, tools) to help you make it work. This removes enormous amounts of wasted time from managers and helps the company operate productively. I cannot tell you how much time I’ve wasted “managing offsite meetings.” To have a seasoned, professional group that helps with this entire strategy in process is a godsend. For Dropbox, this team now knows precisely how the teams work and can continuously improve its consulting services to make sure face-to-face meetings are impactful. A “new manager introduction” meeting, for example, is different from a “get product ready for launch meeting” as you can imagine. How does this apply to your company? Regardless of industry, I guarantee you have remote work teams. Many companies have front line workers (healthcare, retail, manufacturing, transportation) who have to locate with customers. But think about finance teams, IT teams, scientific teams, and HR. We all need productive remote work practices, and Dropbox has proven that a strategic focus on this area will pay off. Melanie and I will be doing a webcast in the near future and she is joining us at our Irresistible 2025 Conference as well. Dropbox has taken the lead in this new world, and they want to share their learnings with all of us.
    talent strategy
  • talent strategy
    推荐阅读:关于成为技能型组织的问题 https://talentstrategygroup.com/is-the-juice-worth-the-squeeze/ 本文深入探讨了基于技能的组织架构的概念,这一趋势由咨询和技术供应商所推广。报告从多个角度审视了将组织转型为基于技能的模式的必要性、优势以及所面临的挑战。通过对Deloitte、Korn Ferry、PwC、McKinsey和Accenture等知名咨询公司发布的报告进行批判性分析,本文揭示了在推进技能为中心的组织结构转型过程中存在的一系列问题和疑问。 首先,报告指出了对于“技能”定义的普遍缺乏共识,这种模糊不清的定义为组织实施基于技能的转型带来了困难。 其次,尽管咨询和技术公司对于基于技能的组织转型充满热情,但他们通常未能提供足够的证据来支持这一做法能够带来的具体好处,特别是在组织效率和员工满意度方面。 此外,报告还质疑了基于技能的转型对于组织结构、人员配置、培训、薪酬等方面的深远影响,指出这种大规模转型的成本和风险可能远远超过其潜在的好处。 同时,报告强调了现有简单有效的解决方案,如调整职位描述,以减少对大规模组织重组的需求。 通过提出17个关于基于技能组织的问题并给出回答,报告为读者提供了一个全面、客观的视角,帮助他们在面对每天涌现的关于可能帮助企业发展的产品和服务信息时,能够做出更为谨慎的选择。 总之,本报告建议在考虑向基于技能的组织转型之前,组织应更加深入地分析和评估这一做法的实际效益和潜在风险,确保决策基于充分的信息和理性的考量。在追求创新和改革的同时,保持对传统组织结构和管理方式的适当尊重和利用,可能是更为稳妥和高效的道路。 推荐给大家!    
    talent strategy