• team performance
    Josh Bersin:通过效率实现高速增长:新时代的主题 最近的选举中,各种信息混杂,但有一条呼声响彻领导人的耳中:美国政府必须提高效率。美国选民似乎对芯片和基础设施法案上花费的数十亿美元并不感冒:他们想要的是更低的税收和更负责任的政府。 正如埃隆·马斯克所解释的那样,降低成本是一项涉及数千个细节的工作。每当你聘请一名经理,就会产生更多的费用中心。本周,亚马逊首席执行官安迪·贾西 (Andy Jassey) 宣布他希望减少经理人数。正如我在最近的 HBR 文章(通过力量倍增器发展你的公司)中所讨论的那样,如果你围绕“更少的人”进行设计,你的公司实际上可以发展得更快。 围绕更少的员工来优化公司意味着什么?这意味着要改变很多事情: 在没有组织发展计划的情况下,不要分配员工 不要在发展前就招聘员工并期望收入会随之而来(Salesforce招聘 1000 名销售代表来销售 AI?) 迫使管理人员在基层实现自动化,并不断重新思考岗位职责 消除复杂的职位名称,减少级别,以便于人员调动 停止根据“控制范围”支付管理人员的薪酬——根据产出、收入、盈利能力或增长进行评估 加倍投资培训,并开始在不同的职业类别之间进行交叉培训 告诉那些请求增加员工数量的领导“重新考虑减少员工数量的计划” 用奖金支付员工工资,避免根据绩效高薪加薪(这会使不公平制度化) 大力投资人工智能和自动化测试项目,让一线员工给你出主意 除非你有非常明确的商业案例,否则避免大规模的 ERP 升级 培育精英管理文化,奖励人们的技能和表现,而不是“达到目标”。 许多人力资源实践必须进行调整。最重要的是人才密度的理念,让每个人都能表现出色……并重新思考我们的招聘方式,这样我们就不会在不知不觉中招聘了太多员工。 我们从小就接受这种古老的钟形曲线观念:只有 10% 的人能被评为 1,20% 的人被评为 2,依此类推。这个愚蠢的想法本应迫使人们竞争,这样人们就会争相获得备受推崇的 1 评级。虽然这在逻辑上说得通,但效果却适得其反。如果你相信(就像我一样)每个人都能成为高绩效者,那么这种制度会伤害最有抱负的人的绩效。 每个员工都能在合适的角色中发挥出超强的表现。 研究表明,真正的团队表现遵循“力量曲线”——少数人(篮球界的勒布朗·詹姆斯或斯蒂芬·库里)的表现比其他人高出 10 到 100 倍。其他团队成员见证了他们的成功,并找到了属于自己的“超强表现”角色。如果所有高评价的位置都被占满,其他人的动力又是什么呢?我们希望每个人都能感觉到自己可以成为超级明星,我们希望公司能帮助他们找到这个机会。 我们招聘员工时,不是以附加的方式满足“缺少的技能”或“缺少的人数”,而是以“力量倍增效应”为目的。新员工是否会成倍地提高整个团队的绩效?或者他们只是“填补了一个看似空缺的职位”。后一种做法是走向官僚主义的旅程;前一种做法是超级竞争性增长的秘诀。(我们称之为“人才密度”) 为什么现在提出这些观点? 在一个员工减少的世界里,我们所有人都将面临人才短缺的问题。随着AI的加速发展,我们必须把公司视为由超高绩效员工组成的网络。 我无法预测联邦政府将会做些什么,但希望这些有启发性的思考能够影响华盛顿。是的,我们还有工会等问题需要考虑,但即使是世界上最大的机构也有其局限性。 如今,自动化触手可及,任何“大公司”都可能受到小公司的威胁。因此,越早开始“精简”思维,越能获得优势。   作者:Josh Bersin
    team performance
  • team performance
    The Power of Employeeship and its Direct Impact on Company's Results After The Great Resignation in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic and the huge wave of Baby-boomers retirement, pressure was put on companies. Till now, the war of talent is still ongoing in the time on the edge of various crisis. Company centered strategy is shifting to people centered. What should we do? The war for Talent is something that many companies around the globe have faced over more than two decades. This phenomenon coined by Steven Hankin of McKinsey & Company in 1997 is still ongoing, more challenging than ever. It simply refers to an increasingly competitive landscape for recruiting and retaining talented employees. The Great Resignation in addition is an ongoing economic trend in which employees have voluntarily resigned from their jobs in early 2021 in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the most cited reasons for resigning include wage stagnation is the long-lasting job dissatisfaction. Here we could also add depopulation in some Western countries, big gap between demand and supply in critical competencies and huge wave of Baby-boomers retirement, big uncertainty in the world with conflicts and energy crisis, all of that indeed put the pressure on companies to Re-think the People strategy. So, the million question is which driving factor is the most important enabler for companies to attract and retain people? There is no general recipe and no copy-paste strategy. Instead, look deeper into your people analytics, needs and behaviours. You will find the answer BUT I would dare to emphasize that psychological safety is taking more and more place among employees as the most critical one. By empowering Employeeship with psychological safety in the ground companies can gain both in terms of individual but also team performance. Research and survey are showing that innovation as a competitive advantage is possible if a company has people with high motivation and strong feeling of belonging. How could the way to empowered Employeeship look like: "Empowered Employeeship leads to usage of full potential a company possess in its people" 1. Create a Culture of Care where people feel comfortable to admit, share and learn from failures. Companies need to have strong leadership commitment and empower its employees to bring even difficult topics to the table and discuss. Care from psychological perspective includes continues learning and development in all aspects. Care is very much about listening and understanding, supporting and coaching in the way that opens up for new ways of thinking and managing things. 2. Develop a Culture where ownership and responsibility in the organization is strong linked to each and one of the employees. If the employee is rather a partner than a subordinate than the individual contribution and feeling of personal value will be higher. This employee will give a company more value back because it will feel respected, acknowledged and empowered. This in turn will even strengthen company´s leaders and most probably lead the company to a higher maturity level. The better people the better business. At the end, all business problems are people problems. Therefore make your people accountable, responsible and put the hat of ownership on top of their heads. Just to mention, Employeeship is a philosophy adopted notably in Sweden where the hierarchy is abandoned. And it gives great companies, brands and results! 3. When having 1 and 2 in place then the most natural part is to work further with Inclusion. You can also say that companies need to develop a Sense of Coherence where three parts are important: a) the employee needs to feel included in an environment that is understandable and purposeful; b) the employee needs to have resources and conditions that makes the work possible and manageable; and c) the work that the person is expected to deliver and perform need to be part of the bigger picture and the employee needs to understand that. Just sitting in front of the computer day in and day out, delivering for example drawings of calculations will not give meaning long term. But if you put these deliveries into the bigger context by showing where this piece of a puzzle is and how it is connected to other pieces will most probably lead to higher satisfaction and retention rates, loyalty, performance and for certain create strong attractiveness as well. Empowered Employeeship leads to usage of full potential a company possess in its people. We all have individual responsibility to contribute to a culture where other people feel comfortable. Just start with yourself and how you would like to be treated. Clear direction from top management and strong commitment from all employees will make this journey possible. SOURCE ManageHR
    team performance