Nenuca Syquia:硅谷百位最具影响力女性之一将亲临华人人力资源年度峰会,教你如何掌握职场“隐形力量”!

2024年09月22日 877次浏览

硅谷百位最具影响力女性之一、加利福尼亚州“年度商业咨询CEO”得主 Nenuca Syquia 将于今年十月出席硅谷华人人力资源年度峰会,并发表主题分享「Power Beyond Title and Presence」,探讨如何在职场中发展和运用个人力量。


Nenuca Syquia 将在演讲中分享:

  • 权力不是与生俱来的天赋,而是可以后天培养的。

  • 权力并非模糊的概念,它可以被拆解为具体的技能,供你学习和掌握。

  • 权力不是非此即彼的;你可以根据不同情境灵活运用自己的影响力。

在本次峰会中,Nenuca 将引导与会者深入理解权力的真正含义,分析权力的不同来源,识别自身拥有的权力类型及需要扩展的部分,并帮助大家制定个性化的影响力策略。

关于演讲嘉宾:Nenuca Syquia

Nenuca Syquia 是 Better Organizations by Design (BOxD) 的首席执行官兼创始人,这是一家致力于将客户业务中的人力资源与战略目标相结合的咨询公司。BOxD 提供广泛的服务,包括组织设计、团队辅导、领导力发展、多元化与包容性(DEI)、变革管理及业务整合。Nenuca 称这种综合方法为“融合变革层次”,以此提高变革成功的可能性,无论是在组织、团队还是领导层级。

Nenuca 拥有跨行业的丰富经验,从跨国企业如赛诺菲、谷歌到旧金山芭蕾舞团及家族企业,她成功地帮助各种规模和生命周期的企业完成转型。作为一位企业家、全球团队领导者和移民,她对多种挑战有着切身的体会。


Nenuca 的演讲通俗易懂、非常接地气。届时她将新的概念与当前趋势、客户故事及个人经验相结合,为观众带来生动而富有启发的体验。此次峰会上,Nenuca 将帮助与会者学会如何发掘和增强个人的力量,为自身和组织创造更大的价值。不要错过这次与 Nenuca 交流和学习的机会!



2024北美华人人力资源年度峰会 2024 NACSHR Annual Conference

时间:10月5日-6日 周六周日 October 5-6, 2024 (9:00-17:00)

地点: Crowne Plaza Silicon Valley North ( Union City) (32083 Alvarado-Niles Rd. Union City CA 94587)




Title: Power Beyond Title and Presence


When we conjure up images of powerful people, those likely include high-ranking executives and members of illustrious boards. Their choices shape the lives of their employees, customers, and even communities.

If you’re not already one of those powerful people but aspire to, where do you even begin? What do you do when power has historically been held by a group of people who are nothing like you? How do you get others to recognize and value what you bring to the table?

Here’s some good news:

Power isn’t innate or something you’re born with. It can be developed.

Power isn’t an ambiguous concept. It can be broken down into specifics which you can master.

It isn’t binary in that you either have it or you don’t. You can learn to flex your power depending on the situation.

In this session, you will:

Understand what power actually is

Parse apart the different sources of power

Identify what kind of power you have, and what kind you need to expand

Develop your own custom strategy for influence

Nenuca's bio:

Nenuca Syquia is the CEO and Founder of Better Organizations by Design (BOxD), a consulting firm dedicated to aligning the people side of client's businesses with their strategy and goals. The firm offers services in organization design, team coaching, executive and leader development, DEI, change and integration. If you're thinking, "That's quite the breadth of services!" You are right, and that is 100% by design. Nenuca refers to this as "tying together the layers of change," which increases the odds of successful change, whether it is primarily at the organization, team or leader levels.

Having transformed businesses large and small, across industries, and at different parts in their lifecycle - from Sanofi to The San Francisco Ballet and Google to family-owned businesses - Nenuca has seen almost everything. As an entrepreneur, leader of a global team, and immigrant, she can relate to a wide variety of challenges firsthand.

As a regular speaker at conferences, webinars and podcasts, Nenuca is known for making complex topics accessible and actionable. She introduces new concepts and blends them with examples from the zeitgeist, clients' stories, and her own personal life to create an engaging and informative experience.

Nenuca holds a Masters of Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University and a Masters of Science in Organizational Development from the University of San Francisco. She has been recognized as one of Silicon Valley Business Journal's 100 Most Influential Women and by CEO Monthly as Business Consulting CEO of the Year for California. Outside of BOxD, she serves as the Co-Chair of the Silicon Valley Chapter of 50/50 (an established nationwide organization dedicated to achieving gender equity on corporate boards) and as a City Commissioner for the city of Sunnyvale, CA, advising on equity-related issues.