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    2025年HR趋势洞察:挑战与机遇并存 2025年,人力资源领域面临的挑战和机遇并存。从如何高效管理日常运营到吸引和留住顶尖人才,HR专业人士正在努力应对新时代的变化和需求。同时,HR自动化也成为焦点,无论是招聘、绩效跟踪还是员工福利管理,智能化的解决方案正在逐步改变工作方式。本报告基于Simpli Group的调研数据,为您呈现2025年HR领域的关键趋势与优先事项,深入解析企业在未来发展中需要关注的核心问题。无论是应对HRMS软件的使用挑战,还是规划下一阶段的自动化升级,这份报告都能为HR专业人士提供宝贵的洞察和实用建议。 随着2025年的到来,人力资源领域迎来了一场机遇与挑战并存的变革。从日常运营管理到人才激励与保留,再到HR自动化的深入应用,HR专业人士正在快速适应新时代的需求与期望。基于Simpli Group的调研数据,本文为您深入解析2025年HR行业的主要趋势与关键策略。 日常运营与人才管理:双重挑战 在2025年,如何高效管理日常运营依然是HR领域的首要挑战,占据了41%的关注度。然而,吸引并留住顶尖人才也成为企业不可忽视的任务,占比达到30%。现代企业不仅需要卓越的日常管理能力,还需通过有效的激励手段构建稳定的人才队伍。 调研显示,奖励与留住优秀员工是HR专业人士在人才管理中的核心策略,占比高达56%。其次是提升雇主品牌影响力(19%)、改进招聘流程(13%)和优化入职体验(13%)。显然,只有在“选、用、育、留”四个环节上全面发力,企业才能在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出。 HR自动化:智能化引领未来 随着技术的快速发展,HR自动化逐渐成为行业热点。在众多自动化任务中,招聘与绩效跟踪位列优先事项,占比分别为38%和31%。此外,员工福利管理及薪资与考勤管理也同样重要,各占15%。 同时,HR自动化的未来方向也逐渐清晰。调查显示,HR们计划将绩效跟踪(40%)和**学习管理系统(30%)**作为下一步的重点模块。这表明,企业正努力通过技术赋能,实现更高效的人才发展与团队管理。 HRMS软件:挑战与机遇并存 尽管HRMS软件在提升效率方面有着显著优势,但其使用过程中的问题也不容忽视。数据显示,43%的受访者认为数据上传与复杂界面是使用HRMS软件的主要障碍。此外,服务支持(29%)和用户培训(14%)也对HR系统的普及产生了一定阻碍。 然而,值得关注的是,43%的受访者对在2025年尝试新HR软件表示高度接受。这一数据反映出HR从业者对新技术的开放态度和对改进现有系统的迫切需求。 总结:2025年HR的优先事项 2025年,HR行业正朝着更加智能化与人性化的方向发展。从提升日常运营效率到聚焦人才保留,再到加速HR自动化应用,企业需要在多个维度上实现突破。与此同时,对HRMS软件的优化与应用也将成为助推行业发展的重要引擎。 未来,只有那些能够平衡技术与人性需求的企业,才能在HR领域的竞争中占据领先地位。
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    HR and HRIS Trends for 2025: Key Priorities for HR Leaders to Address Today 随着2025年的临近,人力资源(HR)和人力资源信息系统(HRIS)正经历着加速变革的时期。HR流程的数字化、不断变化的员工期望以及新的职场动态,正深刻地重塑组织在人才管理和运营方面的方式。面对这些挑战,HR领导者必须提前洞察趋势并作出调整,以成功推动HR职能的转型。 HR Path作为该领域的领导者,被列入Gartner®《2024年HR转型咨询市场指南》的代表性供应商名单。这一认可彰显了我们在帮助企业进行HR转型方面的专业知识和承诺,使它们能够采用针对未来需求的最佳实践和技术。到2025年,HR领导者不仅需要应对快速变化的环境,还要利用工具和策略,让组织在竞争中保持优势。 本文概述了2025年的关键HR和HRIS趋势,并提供了实用的见解,帮助决策者制定策略并应对未来的挑战。 1. HR职能的数字化转型:至关重要的变革 HR流程的数字化已经成为战略重点。自动化行政任务并利用先进的HRIS工具,使HR领导者能够专注于更高价值的活动,如人才管理和提升员工体验。 人工智能(AI)和机器人流程自动化(RPA)等技术正在重新定义企业在招聘、培训、绩效管理和福利管理方面的方法。到2025年,HR数字化的步伐将因员工期望和业务效率的需要而进一步加快。 2. 员工体验:HR战略的核心 到2025年,员工体验仍将是HR的核心优先事项。员工期望迅速演变,灵活性、自主性、工作场所幸福感和成长机会成为吸引和留住人才的关键因素。 HR领导者需要实施能够为每位员工提供无缝且个性化体验的解决方案,无论他们的工作模式是现场、混合还是远程。HRIS工具通过集中信息、简化行政流程和改进组织内部的沟通,为员工创造一个他们感到被重视和投入的工作环境。 3. 人力资源数据在人才管理中的战略重要性 HR数据在战略决策中变得愈发重要。大数据和HR分析使HR领导者能够更好地理解员工行为、识别关键人才并预测未来技能需求。到2025年,利用HR数据进行战略决策将成为首要任务。 企业必须投资于收集、分析和利用HR数据的工具,以优化招聘、绩效管理和劳动力规划流程。定制的仪表板和报告将帮助HR领导者监控其战略的有效性,并根据实际业务需求进行调整。 4. 远程办公与灵活性:混合模式的演变 到2025年,混合工作模式将继续占主导地位,但会更加细化。许多公司可能会保留完全或部分远程的工作安排,而另一些公司则逐步恢复到更传统的现场模式,或实施符合其业务和员工需求的混合系统。 后疫情时期表明,没有单一方法适合所有组织。有些公司发现远程办公提高了生产力并提供了更大的灵活性,而另一些公司更重视面对面的协作和公司文化的加强。 企业需要找到平衡点: 对一些公司来说,这可能意味着固定的办公室日以维持团队凝聚力和协同工作。 对另一些公司而言,则可能是灵活的混合模式,让员工选择远程或办公室工作时间。 HRIS工具将在管理这种灵活性方面发挥关键作用,包括跟踪考勤、管理缺勤和优化工作日程。这些工具还将衡量这些实践对绩效和员工幸福感的影响。 5. 持续学习与技能发展:战略重点 到2025年,持续学习和技能发展将成为中心议题。企业必须预测岗位角色和技能需求的变化,以应对未来挑战。提升技能和重新培养将成为支持员工职业成长的首要任务。 HR领导者应投资于在线培训解决方案、学习管理系统(LMS)和学习体验平台(LXP),以提供灵活、可访问和个性化的培训路径。这些工具将帮助员工保持技能的更新,同时促进他们在组织中的成长。 6. 多样性与包容性:2025年的关键目标 多样性与包容性(D&I)将在2025年继续成为优先事项。企业必须实施具体的战略,以促进包容性的工作环境。HR领导者需要确保招聘、职业管理和薪酬实践的公平性和透明性。 HRIS工具应包括跟踪D&I计划和衡量进展的功能。目标是创造一个无论性别、背景或经验如何,每位员工都能茁壮成长的工作场所。 7. 员工幸福感:2025年的重点 员工幸福感,特别是心理健康,将成为2025年HR领导者的关键关注点。企业必须引入心理支持计划,促进工作与生活的平衡,并提供更加适应员工需求的工作空间。 HRIS工具可以整合幸福感项目,衡量员工满意度并提供支持服务。到2025年,创造一个健康的工作环境将成为吸引和留住顶尖人才的重要因素。 总结 2025年,HR和HRIS趋势将与组织的演进密不可分。为在这场转型中取得成功,HR领导者必须预测不断变化的员工期望,拥抱数字技术,并专注于灵活性、学习、多样性和幸福感为中心的战略。通过今天做出正确的决策,企业不仅可以应对当前的挑战,还能在未来职场中占据领导地位。   As we approach 2025, human resources (HR) and human resource information systems (HRIS) are undergoing a period of accelerated transformation. The digitalization of HR processes, evolving employee expectations, and new workplace dynamics are profoundly reshaping how organizations manage talent and operations. In light of these challenges, HR leaders must anticipate trends and adapt to drive the transformation of their HR functions successfully. HR Path, recognized as a leader in this field, was listed as a Representative Vendor in the Gartner® Market Guide for HR Transformation Consulting 2024. This acknowledgment underscores our expertise and commitment to helping businesses navigate HR transformations, enabling them to adopt best practices and technologies tailored to future demands. By 2025, HR leaders will not only have to manage a rapidly changing environment but also leverage the tools and strategies that will keep their organizations competitive. This article provides an overview of key HR and HRIS trends for 2025, offering practical insights to help decision-makers structure their strategies and address upcoming challenges.   1. The Digitalization of HR Functions: A Vital Transformation The digitalization of HR processes is now a strategic imperative. Automating administrative tasks and utilizing sophisticated HRIS tools allow HR leaders to focus on higher-value activities, such as talent management and enhancing employee experiences. Technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA) are redefining how organizations approach recruitment, training, performance management, and benefits administration. In 2025, the pace of HR digitalization will continue to accelerate, driven by employee expectations and the need for overall business efficiency.   2. Employee Experience: The Core of HR Strategy Employee experience will remain at the heart of HR priorities in 2025. Employee expectations are evolving rapidly, with flexibility, autonomy, workplace well-being, and growth opportunities emerging as essential factors for attracting and retaining talent. HR leaders must implement solutions that provide a seamless and personalized experience for every employee, regardless of their role or work model (on-site, hybrid, or remote). HRIS tools play a crucial role in delivering this experience by centralizing information, simplifying administrative processes, and improving communication across the organization. The goal is to create a work environment where every employee feels valued and engaged.   3. The Strategic Importance of HR Data in Talent Management HR data is becoming increasingly central to strategic decision-making. Big data and HR analytics enable HR leaders to better understand employee behaviors, identify key talent, and predict future skill needs. By 2025, leveraging HR data for strategic decision-making will be a top priority. Organizations must invest in tools that collect, analyze, and utilize HR data to optimize recruitment, performance management, and workforce planning processes. Custom dashboards and reports will help HR leaders monitor the effectiveness of their strategies and make adjustments based on real business needs.   4. Remote Work and Flexibility: Evolving Hybrid Models By 2025, the hybrid work model will continue to dominate but with greater nuance. While many companies may maintain fully or partially remote work arrangements, others are gradually returning to more traditional on-site models or implementing hybrid systems tailored to their business and workforce needs. The post-pandemic period has demonstrated that no single approach works for everyone. Some organizations have seen telework boost productivity and offer greater flexibility, while others value physical presence for strengthening company culture and face-to-face collaboration. Businesses will need to strike a balance: For some, this might mean fixed in-office days to maintain team cohesion and synergy. For others, it may involve flexible hybrid models, allowing employees to choose when to work remotely or in-office. HRIS tools will play a key role in managing this flexibility by tracking attendance, managing absences, and optimizing work schedules. These tools will also measure the impact of these practices on performance and employee well-being.   5. Continuous Learning and Skills Development: A Strategic Priority In 2025, continuous learning and skill development will take center stage. Companies must anticipate changes in job roles and required skills to address future challenges. Upskilling and reskilling will become priorities for supporting employees in their professional growth. HR leaders should invest in online training solutions, learning management systems (LMS), and learning experience platforms (LXP) to provide flexible, accessible, and personalized training pathways. These tools will help keep employees’ skills up to date while fostering their growth within the organization.   6. Diversity and Inclusion: Achieving Key Objectives in 2025 Diversity and inclusion (D&I) will remain top priorities in 2025. Companies must implement concrete strategies to foster an inclusive work environment. HR leaders will need to ensure that recruitment, career management, and compensation practices are equitable and transparent. HRIS tools should include features to track D&I initiatives and measure progress. The goal is to create a workplace where every employee, regardless of gender, background, or experience, can thrive.   7. Employee Well-being: A 2025 Priority Employee well-being, particularly mental health, will be a key focus for HR leaders in 2025. Businesses must introduce psychological support initiatives, promote work-life balance, and provide more adaptable workspaces. HRIS tools can integrate well-being programs to measure employee satisfaction and offer support services. By 2025, creating a healthy work environment will be a critical factor in attracting and retaining top talent.   In 2025, HR and HRIS trends will be inseparable from organizational evolution. To succeed in this transformation, HR leaders must anticipate changing employee expectations, embrace digital technologies, and focus on strategies centered around flexibility, learning, diversity, and well-being. By making the right decisions today, companies can not only address current challenges but also position themselves as leaders in the future of work.
  • 全球人力资源
    The Key to a Thriving Workforce? A Smart Approach to AI 微软的最新数据强调了人工智能对员工赋权、活力和生产力的积极影响。领导者可以通过关注其员工队伍是否在“繁荣”中来促进良好表现,微软将“繁荣”定义为被赋予权力和充满活力地进行有意义的工作。员工信号调查显示,人工智能的使用能通过减少乏味工作并促进有意义的工作来提高生产力、努力和影响。人工智能工具还与更高的赋权和活力得分相关,表明员工队伍的“繁荣”。成功的关键在于将人工智能与支持性文化相结合,提供必要的培训,并使人工智能项目与公司目标保持一致。 New data reveals how access to AI can help employees feel more empowered and energized, and find more meaning in their work. what’s the best way for leaders to foster good performance? How can they tell if their efforts are successful or not? Often, companies try to answer these questions by measuring metrics like engagement or financial results. And while those are critical to business success, at Microsoft, we also want to explore whether the workforce is thriving. “Thriving has become the North Star for how we understand employees,” says Microsoft VP of People Analytics Dawn Klinghoffer, who leverages data to help leaders understand and improve employee’s experience. “We define thriving as being empowered and energized to do meaningful work. Are people excited to come to work every day, excited about the opportunities ahead?” One of the ways we gauge this at Microsoft is with our Employee Signals survey, a biannual company-wide poll. The recent results not only offered insights into the tangible benefits of thriving, they also uncovered a key catalyst for fostering it: access to AI. The Benefits of Thriving We are focused on fostering a culture of thriving because our research suggests that doing so can boost how effective our workforce perceives itself to be. We also found that employees who are thriving are likely to have the highest scores on our indicators of high performance, like productivity, effort, and impact Additionally, survey results suggest that employees who are thriving are more likely to go above and beyond what is expected of them. They take more pride in their work and they are less apt to look for employment elsewhere. Recent Employee Signals survey results give us some new insights about what it means to thrive in this new era of work. We discovered that higher scores on what we’ve identified as the most important factors that support thriving—finding meaning in work, feeling empowered, and feeling energized—also translate to a measurable boost in productivity. Furthermore, access to AI seems to correlate with higher scores on each of these pillars. Meaningfulness: According to our data, employees who find their work meaningful are 59% more likely to say they are productive at work—and 28% more likely to say they put in extra effort. Key to that is minimizing time spent on tasks that don’t feel meaningful. This is where AI comes in: AI assistants can lighten the load by generating rough drafts, sifting through piles of data, or simply acting as a sounding board and brainstorming partner to help people nail down a plan of action. Crucially, incorporating AI into the day correlated to a 20% jump in scores relating to meaningful work. “What we find is that AI is really there to help you take friction and toil out of the system, and to remove the drudgery of work,” Klinghoffer says. “And when people are able to remove some of that drudgery, we see that they’re more productive, and they thrive more.” Empowerment: Survey results also point to a future in which AI empowers people in their jobs. People who are empowered do not feel they have resource constraints, and they aren’t overburdened with people telling them how to do their work, Klinghoffer says, “so they have more freedom to do things the way they want and need to get the job done.” Access to AI tools and resources, we found, correlated to 34% higher scores for questions related to empowerment. Energy: Our employees who say they feel energized are 44% more likely to say they feel proud of their work, and 22% more likely to say they take the initiative to be productive and put discretionary effort into their work. All levels of AI use— learning about it, grasping its value, incorporating it into processes and products, or simply having AI resources—correlated to higher reported energy levels. In fact, scores on energy-related questions for those using AI jumped almost 27%. These results offer solid evidence that AI can be a catalyst for thriving and high performance. But how a company goes about making AI available will determine whether the company can reap these benefits. If employees are equipped with the right knowledge, tools, training, and resources to leverage AI in their work, they can begin to tap the full potential of an AI companion. The key to success, Klinghoffer says, is integrating AI in a way that spans culture, learning, and people management. That way, everyone will understand how AI can help them focus on the most meaningful work. The ABCs of Thriving with AI Klinghoffer recommends keeping the following blueprint top of mind. Accelerate alignment: Strengthen connections between employees, the company’s mission, and the transformative potential of AI. Clarify how AI initiatives align with the company’s goals and employees’ roles. Celebrate contributions to AI projects to highlight their impact on the company and customers. “Employees who felt more connected to the mission and really understood how their work fits into the larger system were also the ones who were really thriving,” says Ketaki Sodhi, Senior HR Data Analyst at Microsoft. “When we looked at Copilot and employee sentiment around AI, these were also the folks who were willing to experiment and find ways to use AI to take some of the drudgery out of the day-to-day.” Smart leaders should seek out those internal champions and offer them support and encouragement. Be inclusive: Create an environment where all employees feel equipped to engage with AI. This includes providing AI education, training, and resources, as well as fostering a culture of innovation and supporting a safe space for experimentation. Regular check-ins and feedback sessions can help employees express concerns and share ideas related to AI. Once users are encouraged and equipped to explore the possibilities of AI, our research suggests that a time savings of just 11 minutes a day is all it takes for them to start to appreciate its value. Cultivate collective growth: Create a culture that empowers employees to decide how to do their best work, while investing in moments that matter together. Provide employees with the flexibility to plan their days and create time to meaningfully engage with AI. Encourage them to explore how AI can help them free up time for creative and strategic work. Then highlight use cases and foster collaboration among teams to encourage knowledge sharing. Collective growth encompasses in-role experiences (how do we create time and space for employees to learn within their role?) and beyond (what comes next for me? Is there a viable career that excites me at this company?). AI can help with both—by eliminating the drudgery that keeps employees from doing more creative work, and by facilitating positive employee movement. “You see a huge boost. People get excited doing something new, growing their skills and experiences, and furthering their career,” Klinghoffer says. “A couple of months ago on my team we had people who were interested in a different role raise their hands, and we facilitated changes for about 20% of my org.”
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    Indeed宣布裁员1000人,占美国员工8%,CEO说要简化组织结构 Indeed,这家招聘网站宣布裁员约 1000 人,约占其美国员工总数的 8%。这一决定是通过首席执行官克里斯-海姆斯(Chris Hyams)的一封信传达的,主要影响到研发团队和市场团队。与去年因节约成本而裁员 15%不同,此次裁员旨在简化组织结构,以更好地进行决策和实现收入增长。海因斯强调,公司与人力资源部和 DEIB+ 团队合作,确保决策的公平性和客观性,并指出裁员不会对女性、代表性不足的性别或少数民族造成过大的影响。受影响的员工将获得更好的离职待遇,这体现了公司在过渡期间为员工提供支持的努力。 美国知名招聘网站Indeed宣布将大规模裁员,解雇约1,000名员工,占其美国员工总数的约8%。这一决定通过CEO Chris Hyams于周一发给员工的一封信传达,信中详细说明了裁员的战略原因及公司未来的发展方向。 受影响的职位主要集中在研发(R&D)和市场推广团队。此次行动是继去年裁减15%员工后的又一大动作,去年裁员是由于疫情后招聘岗位减少所致。然而,Hyams强调此次裁员并非出于节约成本的考虑,而是为了简化公司的组织结构。 “我们需要简化组织,以便更轻松和快速地做出决策,并更有效地增加收入和招聘,”Hyams在信中解释道。他承认这些决定对员工生活有重大影响,并对公司目前的状况负有责任。 Indeed一直与人力资源、法律和多样性、公平、包容和归属(DEIB+)团队密切合作,确保裁员过程的公平和客观。Hyams保证决策过程没有对女性、代表性不足的性别或少数群体产生不成比例的影响。公司还改进了受影响员工的离职补偿包,体现了公司在这一过渡期对他们的支持承诺。 此次重组努力是Indeed更广泛战略的一部分,旨在提高运营效率,并为可持续增长做好准备。Hyams指出:“尽管过去一年全球经济在若干领域有所改善,但我们尚未为可持续增长做好准备。尽管我们迄今为止付出了努力,但我们的组织仍然过于复杂,存在大量重复劳动和过多的组织层级,这些都拖慢了决策过程。” Hyams最后表示,相信这些变化是Indeed成功应对未来挑战和机遇所必需的。公司希望通过这些变化,创建一个更加精简和灵活的组织,能够更快地做出决策和更有效地增加收入。 Indeed的决定反映了科技公司在快速变化的经济环境中努力平衡效率和增长的更广泛趋势。在公司度过这一过渡期的过程中,业内将密切关注这些变化对其业绩和员工士气的影响。 关于Indeed: Indeed是领先的招聘网站,帮助人们找到工作并帮助公司招聘人才。公司在全球运营,连接了数百万求职者与各行业的就业机会。凭借对创新和用户体验的关注,Indeed继续在就业市场中占据重要地位。  
  • 全球人力资源
    2024年组织中人力资源部门的21个关键角色-来自AIHR 组织中人力资源部门的21个关键角色,分为“关键角色”、“合规角色”和“新兴角色”三个部分,如下所示: 关键角色 吸引候选人:开发和执行策略以吸引合适的候选人。 选择候选人:从众多申请者中挑选出最适合的候选人。 内部和外部招聘:内部晋升和外部招聘的管理。 绩效评估:对员工的工作表现进行评估。 薪酬:设计和实施薪酬策略。 员工福利管理:设计和管理员工福利计划。 学习与发展:确保员工技能与组织需求保持一致。 合规角色 晋升:晋升机制的设计与实施。 问题解决小组:创建和管理解决问题的小组。 全面质量管理(TQM):实施全面质量管理以提高服务或产品质量。 信息共享:确保重要信息能够及时传达给所有员工。 组织发展:通过战略性的人力资源管理提升组织效能。 调查管理:管理各种员工调查,收集反馈以改进工作环境。 合规管理:确保公司遵守所有相关法律和规章制度。 商业合作伙伴:HR作为管理层的战略合作伙伴,提供人力资源解决方案。 新兴角色 数据与分析管理:使用数据分析来支持决策过程。 人力资源技术管理:管理和优化HR相关的技术和系统。 变更管理:领导和管理组织变更。 员工体验:设计和改进员工的整体工作体验。 多元化、公平、包容和归属感(DEIB):推广和实施多元化和包容性策略。 公关:管理公司的公共形象和应对公关危机。 原文来自:https://www.aihr.com/blog/human-resources-roles/   Attracting candidates, Selecting candidates, Hiring from within and from outside, Performance appraisals, Compensation, Employee benefit management, Learning & development, Promotions, Problem-solving groups, Total quality management (TQM), Information sharing, Organizational development, Survey management, Compliance management, Business partnering, Data & analytics management, HR technology management, Change management, Employee experience, DEIB, PR 吸引候选人、选择候选人、内部和外部招聘、绩效评估、薪酬、员工福利管理、学习与发展、晋升、问题解决小组、全面质量管理 (TQM)、信息共享、组织发展、调查管理、合规管理、业务合作、数据与分析管理、人力资源技术管理、变革管理、员工体验、DEIB、公共关系  
  • 全球人力资源
    根据美世 2024 年全球人才趋势研究,高管认为人工智能是提高生产力的关键,但大多数员工尚未做好转型的准备 Mercer's 2024 Global Talent Trends Study unveils critical insights from over 12,000 global leaders and employees, highlighting the increasing importance of AI in productivity, discrepancies between executive and HR perceptions, the necessity of human-centric work design, and the growing challenges in trust, diversity, and resilience within the workforce. The study emphasizes the urgency of adapting talent strategies to foster greater agility and employee well-being amidst technological advances and shifting workforce dynamics. 美世今天发布了2024年全球人才趋势研究。该研究借鉴了全球 12,000 多名高管、人力资源主管、员工和投资者的见解,揭示了雇主为在这个新时代蓬勃发展而采取的行动。 “今年的调查结果突显了工作中的惊人转变,”美世总裁帕特·汤姆林森 (Pat Tomlinson) 表示。“他们指出,高管层和人力资源部门对于 2024 年业务发展的看法存在显着分歧,而且员工对于技术影响的看法也存在滞后。随着我们迎来人机团队的时代,组织需要将人置于转型的核心。” 生成式人工智能 (AI) 被视为提高生产力的关键 生成式人工智能能力的快速增长引发了人们对劳动力生产力提升的希望,40% 的高管预测人工智能将带来超过 30% 的收益。然而,五分之三 (58%) 的人认为科技进步的速度超过了公司对员工进行再培训的速度,不到一半 (47%) 的人认为他们可以通过当前的人才模式满足今年的需求。 “通过人工智能提高生产力是高管们最关心的问题,但答案不仅仅在于技术。提高员工生产力需要有意识的、以人为本的工作设计。”美世全球人才咨询主管兼该研究的作者 Kate Bravery 说道。“领先的公司认识到人工智能只是其中的一部分。他们正在从整体的角度来解决生产力下降的问题,并通过新的人机协作模式提供更大的敏捷性。” 寻找通向未来工作的可持续道路面临着挑战。四分之三 (74%) 的高管担心他们的人才的转变能力,不到三分之一 (28%) 的人力资源领导者非常有信心他们能够使人机团队取得成功。提高敏捷性的关键是采用技能驱动的人才模型,这是高增长公司已经掌握的。 员工信任度全面下降 2023 年,对雇主的信任度从 2022 年的历史最高水平下降,这是一个危险信号,因为研究表明信任对员工的精力、蓬勃发展感和留下来的意愿产生重大影响。那些相信雇主会为他们和社会做正确事情的人,表示自己正在蓬勃发展、具有强烈的使命感、归属感和被重视感的可能性是其他人的两倍。 近一半的员工表示,他们希望为一个令他们感到自豪的组织工作,一些公司的回应是优先考虑可持续发展工作和“良好工作”原则。鉴于公平薪酬(34%)和发展机会(28%)是员工今年留下来的主要驱动力,雇主有动力在未来一年在薪酬公平、透明度和公平获得职业机会方面取得更快进展。 在全球范围内,员工都清楚,归属感有助于他们成长,但只有 39% 的人力资源领导者表示,女性和少数族裔在其组织的领导团队中拥有良好的代表,只有 18% 的人表示,最近的多元化、公平性和包容性努力提高了员工保留率关键多元化群体。四分之三的员工 (76%) 目睹过年龄歧视。由于这些挑战加上持续的技能短缺,更多地关注包容性和满足员工的需求将有助于所有员工蓬勃发展。 未来几年,韧性将至关重要 最近在风险缓解方面的投资已获得回报,64% 的高管表示他们的业务能够承受不可预见的挑战,而两年前这一比例为 40%。通货膨胀等近期担忧严重影响高管的三年计划,但网络和气候等长期风险可能没有得到应有的必要关注。 建立个人韧性与企业韧性同样重要,五分之四 (82%) 的员工担心自己今年会精疲力竭。为员工福祉重新设计工作对于缓解这一风险至关重要,51% 的高增长公司(2023 年收入增长 10% 或以上)已经这样做了,而低增长同行中只有 39% 这样做了。 员工体验是重中之重 超过一半的高管 (58%) 担心他们的公司在激励员工采用新技术方面做得不够,三分之二 (67%) 的人力资源领导者也担心他们在没有改变工作方式的情况下实施了新技术解决方案。员工体验是今年HR的首要任务;这是一个值得关注的问题,因为蓬勃发展的员工表示雇主设计的工作体验能够发挥他们的最佳水平的可能性是普通员工的 2.6 倍。 人力资源部门在改善所有人的工作方面发挥着关键作用,但人力资源部门越来越有必要与风险和数字化领导者合作,以按要求的速度引入必要的变革。为了满足组织和员工的期望,96% 的公司计划今年对人力资源职能进行一些重新设计,重点是跨部门交付和领先的数字化工作方式。 投资者重视敬业的员工队伍 今年,美世首次收集资产管理公司关于组织的人才战略如何影响其投资决策的意见。近十分之九 (89%) 的人将员工敬业度视为公司绩效的关键驱动力,84% 的人认为“流失和燃烧”方法会损害商业价值。投资者还表示,营造信任和公平的氛围是未来五年建立真正、可持续价值的最重要因素。 单击此处了解更多信息并下载今年的研究。 关于美世 2024 年全球人才趋势研究 美世全球人才趋势目前已进入第九个年头,汇集了来自 17 个地区和 16 个行业的 12,200 多名高管、人力资源领导者、员工和投资者的见解,该研究重点介绍了当今领先组织为确保人员长期可持续发展所采取的措施。在此过程中走得更远的组织在四个领域取得了长足的进步。(1) 他们认识到,以人为本的生产力需要关注工作的演变以及工作人员的技能和动机。(2) 他们认识到信任是真正的工作对话,通过透明度和公平的工作实践得到加强。(3) 随着风险变得更加关联且难以预测,他们认识到,提高风险意识和缓解水平对于建立一支准备就绪、有复原力的员工队伍至关重要。(4) 他们承认,随着工作变得越来越复杂,简化、吸引和激励员工走向数字化的未来至关重要。 关于美世 美世坚信,可以通过重新定义工作世界、重塑退休和投资成果以及释放真正的健康和福祉来建设更光明的未来。美世在 43 个国家/地区拥有约 25,000 名员工,公司业务遍及 130 多个国家/地区。美世是Marsh McLennan (纽约证券交易所股票代码:MMC)旗下的企业,Marsh McLennan 是风险、战略和人才领域全球领先的专业服务公司,拥有超过 85,000 名同事,年收入达 230 亿美元。通过其市场领先的业务(包括达信、Guy Carpenter和奥纬咨询),达信帮助客户应对日益动态和复杂的环境。