马斯克的反HR管理模式:从企业到联邦政府Elon Musk’s approach to workforce management, first seen during his Twitter takeover, is now playing out on a national scale. As an advisor to the Trump administration and head of the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), Musk is applying his “lean efficiency” philosophy to federal bureaucracy. His tenure at companies like Tesla, SpaceX, and X has been marked by mass layoffs, rigid accountability, and controversial HR policies. While his leadership style prioritizes efficiency and rapid change, it often leads to legal challenges and employee dissatisfaction. Organizations can learn from Musk’s aggressive tactics by balancing accountability with strategic communication and employee well-being.
当一封名为**“十字路口的选择”(A Fork in the Road)**的邮件突然出现在员工的收件箱中,内容警告他们若不回复将被视为自动辞职时,许多人感到不安。这种强硬的管理手段并不是新鲜事,而是埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)多年来一贯的管理风格。
这次大刀阔斧的改革为外界提供了一个窗口,让人们得以一窥马斯克的管理哲学:极端效率、高度问责、快速决策。这一模式已在他旗下的多家公司——特斯拉(Tesla)、SpaceX 和 Neuralink 等得到了体现,如今,他正试图将其应用到美国联邦政府。作为特朗普政府的顾问及“政府效率部”(DOGE)负责人,马斯克正在推行一系列激进的机构改革,包括裁员、重组和强化绩效考核制度,而这些措施无一不让人想起当初的推特改革。
专家分析指出,马斯克的模式核心在于高度问责,但缺乏过渡和沟通,这也是其争议所在。“他的管理风格强调立刻执行,而不是渐进式调整,” 谈判专家安德烈斯·拉雷斯(Andres Lares)表示,“但在政府这样的大型机构中,像泰坦尼克号掉头一样,不可能一夜之间完成变革。”
作者:Ryan Golden
The top 5 HR trends today – and HR's guide to what's nextSAP SuccessFactors 每年都会深入研究全球 HR 趋势,以帮助企业制定更有效的人才战略。2025 年,他们分析了来自 40 家全球权威媒体的 254 项预测,归纳出 5 大核心“元趋势”,展现 HR 在企业中的双重角色:既是变革的“指挥者”,也是政策落地的“引航者”。
1️⃣ 重新连接员工: 由于经济压力、决策争议和信任危机,员工体验恶化,57% 的员工认为如果公司不采取措施,他们的倦怠问题不会改善。HR 需关注心理契约,增强员工信任。
2️⃣ AI 从炒作走向实际价值: AI 进入大规模落地阶段,企业需明确 ROI 并平衡员工和领导者对 AI 价值的不同预期。46% 的员工认为 AI 省下的时间属于自己,而非公司。
3️⃣ 技能转型的平衡策略: 由于 AI 发展迅猛,企业技能鸿沟加剧。除了关注技能,薪酬激励成为推动学习的重要因素,54% 的员工表示,如果公司实施基于技能的薪酬体系,他们会更愿意学习新技能。
4️⃣ DEI&B 的分歧: 企业对多元化、公平性和包容性(DEI&B)态度不一,26% 的员工认为公司对 DEI&B 关注过多,而 33% 认为关注太少。HR 需明确 DEI&B 战略,以促进长期文化变革。
5️⃣ 混合办公的未来: 组织已基本确定办公模式,2025 年将验证其成效。54% 的员工愿意牺牲部分薪酬,以换取更大的工作灵活性。
这些趋势展现了 HR 在塑造未来工作模式中的关键作用,企业需借助创新技术和数据驱动的洞察来优化人力资源管理。
Each year, the HR Research Scientists at SAP SuccessFactors conduct research to understand the top HR and workforce trends facing organizations and share our perspective on what HR teams should consider as they look to help their companies address these trends. This year we aggregated and synthesized data from 40 global and regional reputable business press sources that put forward 254 individual trends and predictions grounded in their own research and data. We then conducted a content analysis of the trends sample to derive the five key themes, or “meta-trends.” While our annual report always includes some pointed commentary and critique about each trend based on our expertise in psychology, new this year is calling upon our own body of original applied research to incorporate datapoints and insights, resulting in a more evidence-based point of view.
This year’s trends are in different stages of maturity and on different trajectories; therefore, the role that HR needs to play to help businesses tackle and capitalize on these trends is different. We’ve organized the trends into two sections aligned to the dual role HR will play in addressing them.
First, HR will need to act as a Conductor, leading the orchestration of a strategy and associated change management across the business to realize the opportunities these trends offer:
Trend #1: Reconnecting the disconnected employee: Contentious decisions, macroeconomic and sociopolitical stressors, and breached trust with leadership has led to employee stress and burnout – and consequently, a crisis of disconnect and counterproductivity. In the year ahead:
Leaders must ruthlessly prioritize fulfilling their end of the “psychological contract” by meeting employees’ basic needs.
People managers will be seen as a lifeline for employees drowning in disconnect.
STAT: 57% of employees feel unless their companies make some serious changes, their burnout will not get better.
Trend #2: Moving from AI hype to AI impact:Organizations are shifting from AI pilot projects to enterprise-wide rollouts, demanding proof of clear value and ROI. In the year ahead:
Organizations will home in on their key value drivers for AI, revealing their true priorities.
The body of research on the ROI of AI will be built this year.
Organizations will find friction between leaders’ and employees’ goals for using AI.
STAT: 46% of employees feel that the time that they save by using AI tools at work belongs to them, not their organization.
Trend #3: Striking a balance to steer skills forward: Organizations continue to face pervasive skills gaps, in part due to rapid AI advancements. A more balanced approach is needed to see tangible progress in skills-based transformations this year. In the year ahead:
“Skills-based” will no longer be the only goal.
Pay will prove itself the missing piece of the upskilling puzzle.
The human vs. technical skill debate will move from or to and.
STAT: 54% of employees would be more motivated to learn new skills if their company instituted skills-based pay.
Second, HR will need to act as a Navigator, leading the organization through precarious waters and circumventing obstacles to put policies into practice for the betterment of all stakeholders:
Trend #4: Divesting or doubling down on diversity, equity, inclusions, and belonging (DEI&B): Some organizations remain committed to DEI&B goals, continuing to ask “How are we going to do this?” Others plan to divest, instead now asking “Are we going to do this?” In the year ahead:
Some will shy away from DEI&B goals, but these approaches will vary.
Taking a stand on DEI&B will change company cultures in the long term, but it’s not clear exactly how.
STAT: 26% of employees say companies focus too much on DEI&B, 41% of employees say companies focus an appropriate amount on DEI&B, and 33% of employees say companies focus too little on DEI&B.
Trend #5: Plugging into or pulling the plug on hybrid work: Now that organizations have determined their position on where their employees will work, it’s time to see if they achieve the outcomes they intended. In the year ahead:
Those businesses choosing the return-to-office path will see whether their bets paid off this year.
Those choosing the hybrid or remote path will take it a step further, integrating autonomy as a core value in other aspects of work design.
STAT: 54% of employees would consider being paid less if they could have more flexibility in where and when they work.
Read the report to see what’s now and what’s next for each trend, along with some fast facts that uplevel the nerdiness of this year’s trends report. We also include a section on how SAP SuccessFactors solutions can help organizations address the 2025 HR trends.
在企业环境瞬息万变的今天,传统的人力资源部门正经历从“后台运营”向“战略伙伴”转型的巨大变革。面对人工智能崛起、新一代员工价值观迭代以及全球经济政治形势的波动,首席人力官(Chief People Officer, CPO)的地位和职能正变得前所未有地关键。
1. 从业务支持到业务引领新时期的CPO不仅要确保员工薪资、劳动合规、人员福利等基础工作能够稳定运转,更要深度参与组织设计、领导力培养和战略性人才布局。在企业长期增长的目标指引下,CPO的“业务敏锐度”成为衡量其价值的关键指标,必须与CEO及其他高管组成紧密的“智囊团队”。
2. 动态用工与领导力梯队快速变化的外部环境需要更灵活的用工模式。报告提出“领导力流动性”概念,一方面培养管理者的多元能力与跨部门学习力,另一方面通过短期专家与项目型人才的配置,实现企业人力资源的动态调度。此外,打造深层次的继任计划与领导力储备库,将吸纳、培养、留用和晋升等人才环节打通,从而持续为企业输送新鲜血液。
3. AI驱动的人力资源升级随着AI、数据和数字化技术的普及,人力资源管理者需要更好地利用这些工具来进行人才评估、绩效管理和招聘筛选。报告强调,CPO应积极发挥带头作用,不仅要在HR内部尝试更多自动化与智能化应用,也要引导其他业务部门正确使用AI技术,将“重复性工作”交给自动化,将“创造性与战略性工作”留给人力团队,不断提升企业整体效率。
4. 包容与韧性的文化塑造在地缘政治和经济不确定性凸显的时代,企业需要一种更具弹性与凝聚力的文化。CPO应协助管理层在全公司范围内推动多元、健康、包容的工作氛围,强化员工心理支持和沟通渠道。通过惠及不同年龄、不同背景员工的个性化政策,帮助组织在“高速变化”与“人才多元化”之间找到平衡点,激发个人与组织的双向潜能。
5. 全新“工具包”助力未来从制定接班人计划到探索混合办公模式,从部署AI到建设全球化团队,CPO需要一套兼具系统思考和实践落地的“工具包”,才能在愈加复杂的商业环境中为企业提供持续的战略价值。
**内容来源:**本文基于 Heidrick & Struggles 的《Chief People Officer of 2030: Building a tool kit to get from here to there》报告撰写。
近日,一家名为 Firecrawl 的初创公司在 Y Combinator 招聘板上发布了一条“只招 AI 的岗位”,年薪仅在 1 万到 1.5 万美元之间。这个话题一石激起千层浪,也再次将“AI 是否能成为企业‘员工’”的讨论推到台前。几乎在同一时间,企业管理软件巨头 Workday 宣布推出全新的 Workday Agent System of Record(ASOR),正式赋能企业管理“AI Agent”。
1. Firecrawl“AI 岗位”何以成为刷屏话题?
Firecrawl 是一家获得 Y Combinator 支持的创业公司,最初从编程教育领域转型,专注为 AI 系统提供开源 Web 爬虫服务。该团队最近在 YC 的官方招聘平台贴出了一则极具话题性的职位信息:
“请仅在你是 AI Agent,或创建了 AI Agent 的情况下再来申请。”
岗位职责包括自主研究当下热门的模型动向并构建示例应用;而薪资仅 1 万到 1.5 万美元/年,看似并不够养一个人类开发者,却“足以”支撑一个无需吃喝住宿的 AI 程序。Firecrawl 创始团队坦陈这是一次 PR+实验 的尝试:他们想借此寻找能够开发出“真能落地”的 AI Agent 的高手,也希望藉由这一反常规操作吸引更多人的关注。
不过,从他们后续反馈看,尽管收到了约 50 份“AI 应聘”,暂时还没有哪个满足公司对自动化研发与管理的高要求。
2. 社交媒体热议:从调侃到对未来的设想
Firecrawl 这份招聘帖迅速在社交媒体上发酵。有人质疑是噱头,也有人兴致勃勃地想象“AI 替代人力”的场景。其中,最吸睛的一则评论,活脱脱像一出科幻对话:
私募基金(PE):我们想收购你们公司。你们有多少员工?CEO:零……不过我们有 275 个 AI Agent,在做 3000 人的工作,每年只花 1.5 万美元。
虽然带着调侃的语气,但也反映了人们对“大规模 AI 劳动力”可能带来的冲击有所期待或焦虑。和 Firecrawl 这样的“小步试水”相比,企业对 AI 的依赖 已经不仅局限在呼叫中心、聊天机器人等特定领域,而是开始从底层基础设施(如爬虫、数据处理)到上层业务逻辑(例如代码生成、自动化运营)全方位渗透。
3. Workday Agent System of Record:让“AI 员工”成为正式档案
几乎在同一时间,Workday 于 2025 年 2 月 11 日发布了最新的 Workday Agent System of Record (ASOR)。这是其新一代 Workforce Management 方案中的重要里程碑,为企业提供了一套专门管理 AI 工具或 AI Agent 的体系。以下是基于 Workday 官方信息整理的关键亮点:
AI Agent 统一登记与身份管理借助 ASOR,企业可以像在 Workday 系统中登记人类员工信息那样,为 AI Agent 设立专门的“档案”(Record),包括 Agent 的名称、版本、负责的业务领域、权限范围等。
实时监测与合规管控ASOR 支持对 AI Agent 在企业内各系统间的行为进行可追溯监测,如接收了哪些输入、执行了哪些操作、产出了哪些结果。同时还能关联企业或行业的合规策略,如数据访问等级、敏感信息保护等,一旦 Agent 触发异常行为,系统将自动预警。
授权与性能评估在 ASOR 框架下,企业 HR 与 IT 团队可对 AI Agent 的权限进行灵活配置,并通过绩效指标了解 Agent 是否达到预期产出或效率。例如,可以量化该 Agent 帮助分析的数据量、生成的文档质量以及为团队节省的时间成本。
AI 与“人力”协同Workday 方面强调,ASOR 并非鼓励公司用 AI 取代人力,而是帮企业 “稳妥地” 推动人机协作:让人类员工与 AI Agent 各司其职,减少重复性工作,并确保最终决策和关键审核仍掌握在合格的人员手中。
4. “AI 员工”与“人类员工”:一条尚未清晰的边界
Firecrawl 的例子表明,目前要真正“雇 AI”还显得不切实际。从技术上,大模型虽有强大的生成、分析能力,但依旧缺乏对复杂项目的完全自主规划;从管理和法律上,AI 的责任归属、劳动关系认定、薪酬及合规标准都还在探索阶段。不过,正如 Workday 推出的 ASOR 所示,主流 HRTech 供应商已开始正式将 AI 劳动力纳入企业管理体系。未来人力资源部可能不仅要管理人,还要管理那些“数字工作者”——一方面评估其效能,另一方面也要防范其潜在风险。
5. 对人力资源与组织管理的启示
招聘模式的升级虽然 Firecrawl 的招聘更像一场高调实验,但它反映了企业在特定领域对“可自动执行任务的 AI 系统”的需求正在增长。HR 在未来可能要评估和筛选的不仅是人选,还有“AI 模型”或“Agent 产品”的适配度。
人才与技术深度融合人机协同已成为新趋势。具有 AI 技术背景或跨领域管理能力的专业人才,将在组织中扮演连接点的角色:帮助 AI Agent 融入流程、评估绩效,并做必要的干预或纠偏。
合规与风险控制Workday ASOR 的出现,暗示着大规模使用 AI 工具的企业势必需要更加成熟的合规方案。不论是数据安全,还是在决策过程中出现失误时的责任归属,都需要明晰的流程与法律依据。
组织文化的塑造当“AI 同事”成为常态,企业文化也将面对冲击:如何让人类员工接受并拥抱智能工具?如何平衡工作分工,让 AI 和人类各施所长?这对管理者的沟通与变革能力提出了更高要求。
6. 结语:从“噱头”到“系统化管理”,下一步会怎样?
Firecrawl 的“雇 AI”招聘帖,虽然带着极强的 PR 属性,但也让人们切实感受到——AI 已不再只是后台算法,而正逐步走向前台,参与到企业日常运营。而 Workday 全新发布的 Agent System of Record 则是主流软件厂商对这一趋势的正式回应,表明大企业在管理“数字劳动力”方面的需求正变得现实且急迫。无论是担忧 AI 会抢走工作机会,还是期待它能极大提升效率,都无法否认:当技术与人力资源紧密结合,组织架构与管理方式都将被重新定义。或许在不远的将来,“你的团队有多少 AI Agent?” 也会像“你有多少员工?” 这样成为一家公司竞争力的衡量维度之一。趁现在,不妨思考如何让“人机协作”真正发挥 1+1>2 的效能,迎接新一轮的 HR 变革浪潮。
从2016年起,北美华人人力资源协会(NACSHR)一直致力于构建一个专为HR专业人士及商业精英打造的交流平台。多年来,NACSHR的论坛已经发展成为北美地区最有影响力的人力资源活动之一,吸引了众多行业领导者和专家的关注与参与。 2025年6月,我们非常荣幸能够邀请北美优秀的华人人力资源专业人士以及从业者,一起加入NACSHR的夏季盛典。基于我们多年会议的成功传统,NACSHR夏季论坛将是一场专业前沿、落地实践、聚焦华人发展的形式丰富多样的盛会。
Stay Together Stay Powerful
2025北美华人人力资源夏季论坛 2025 NACSHR Summer Forum
时间:2024年6月7日-8日 周六周日 (9:00-17:00 ) 周六8点半签到
地点:Silicon Valley CA (报名后告知)
主办:NACSHR Chuhai.tips
会议形式:专业论坛+小组讨论+晚宴酒会+职业机会+企业参访+互动交流 (更多精彩陆续发布)
晚宴:150美元/人(不单独销售,需购买门票,名额有限,售完为止 参与者为分享嘉宾、特邀专家、VIP参会等40人规模)
报名: https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/B86228DD-27A2-360E-078F-0B57F24B9F7B (因会场空间大小,名额有限,先到先得)
HR Leader Pass:仅限InhouseHR和学生及企业内部HR相关职能 (其中4月1日前有一个特惠价格 400美元 /买一送一 )
General Pass:适用于HR服务机构、顾问、猎头人才服务等非InhouseHR相关
(会议期间提供咖啡和茶等 注:但午餐需自理,因酒店午餐成本非常高,所以不含会议午餐)
联系人:Annie(nacshr818@gmail.com)或 点击申请 : https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/CDBE9324-6291-EB0E-3E50-91532A2A70BB
媒体合作:联系 nacshr818@gmail.com(备注媒体合作)
· 作为人力资源服务机构,有多种方式可以参与共襄盛举。你可以选择各种赞助形式,如钻石赞助、演讲赞助、设置展位、Demo展示,年度合作等多种方式,具体可以联系我们。 另外如果贵司还没有加入北美华人人力资源服务图谱,点击这里可以加入:https://www.nacshr.org/map/Register/join
赞助合作: Annie nacshr818@gmail.com 备注 赞助合作
· 希望作为嘉宾分享交流,我们特别欢迎在北美地区有丰富实践经验的InhouseHR的同仁,可以点击申请演讲分享嘉宾的链接 (https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/898DB159-05B5-1C3E-BCD4-9C7A6E324482 ),或者邮件我们 nacshr818@gmail.com备注 嘉宾
· 行业媒体或华人协会等其他组织,热烈欢迎加入到论坛的合作中 ,邮件我们 nacshr818@gmail.com 备注 媒体合作
2025 North America Chinese HR Summer Forum: A Premier Event for HR Professionals!
Date: June 7-8, 2025 (Saturday & Sunday)
Time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Check-in starts at 8:30 AM on Saturday)
Location: Silicon Valley, CA (Exact venue details will be provided upon registration)
Registration: Register Now
Since 2016, the North America Chinese Society for Human Resources (NACSHR) has been dedicated to building a platform for HR professionals and business leaders to connect, share insights, and grow together. Over the years, the NACSHR Forum has become one of the most influential HR events in North America, drawing industry leaders and experts from various fields.
In June 2025, we are excited to welcome outstanding Chinese HR professionals and industry practitioners to join us for the NACSHR Summer Forum, a landmark event focused on cutting-edge HR trends, practical insights, and professional networking for Chinese HR leaders. Continuing the success of our past forums, this year’s event promises an even richer and more dynamic experience, offering unparalleled opportunities for learning, collaboration, and career advancement.
What to Expect at NACSHR 2025?
Engaging Keynotes & Expert Panels – Learn from 30+ top Chinese HR professionals and industry leaders.
Interactive Roundtables & Workshops – Gain hands-on insights into the latest HR strategies and best practices.
Networking & Career Development – Expand your professional network and explore new career opportunities.
Exclusive Corporate Visits & Social Events – Connect with HR peers through in-depth discussions, company tours, and an evening gala.
Stay Together, Stay Powerful – Join us in shaping the future of HR for Chinese professionals in North America!
Ticket Information
HR Leader Pass – For in-house HR professionals and students (Special Early Bird Offer before March 1: $300 Buy-One-Get-One-Free).
General Pass – For HR service providers, consultants, recruiters, and other non-inhouse HR professionals.
Coffee and tea will be provided during the event. Please note that lunch is not included due to high venue costs.
To ensure an optimal experience for all attendees, the NACSHR organizing team reserves the right to review and adjust registration categories. If your registration type requires adjustment, you may need to pay the price difference.
Sponsorship & Speaking Opportunities
Become a Sponsor or Exhibitor
Partner with us to showcase your brand to a highly engaged HR audience. We offer various sponsorship packages, including keynote sponsorships, exhibition booths, product demos, and annual partnership opportunities.
Apply for Sponsorship
Contact: Annie at nacshr818@gmail.com (Subject: Sponsorship Inquiry)
Become a Speaker
We welcome experienced in-house HR professionals in North America to share their insights and best practices.
Apply to Speak
Contact: nacshr818@gmail.com (Subject: Speaker Inquiry)
Media Partnerships & HR Community Collaborations
We invite media outlets and HR associations to collaborate and promote this prestigious event.
Contact: nacshr818@gmail.com (Subject: Media Partnership)
Why You Can’t Miss NACSHR 2025?
Hear from Industry Experts – Gain insights from successful entrepreneurs, HR leaders, and talent strategists who understand both Chinese and North American HR landscapes.
Stay Ahead of the Curve – Whether you're an HR veteran or a rising professional, our sessions will equip you with the latest knowledge and strategies.
Career Growth & Job Opportunities – Discover new job openings and connect directly with hiring professionals.
The Largest Chinese HR Forum in North America – Join the biggest gathering of Chinese HR professionals and industry peers.
Expand Your Network – Engage in thought-provoking discussions, exchange ideas, and build meaningful professional relationships.
Unlock New Career Potential – Learn how Chinese professionals can navigate and thrive in North America’s HR industry.
Spots are limited—Register now to secure your seat!
Sign Up Today
We look forward to welcoming you to NACSHR 2025! ?
H-1B 申请流程概览
Today, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that the initial registration period for the fiscal year 2026 H-1B cap will open at noon Eastern on March 7 and run through noon Eastern on March 24, 2025. During this period, prospective petitioners and representatives must use a USCIS online account to register each beneficiary electronically for the selection process and pay the associated registration fee for each beneficiary.
Prospective H-1B cap-subject petitioners or their representatives are required to use a USCIS online account to register each beneficiary electronically for the selection process and pay the associated $215 H-1B registration fee for each registration submitted on behalf of each beneficiary.
If you are an H-1B petitioning employer who does not have a USCIS online account, you will need to create an organizational account. If you are an H-1B petitioning employer who had an H-1B registrant account for the FY 2021 – FY 2024 H-1B registration seasons, but you did not use the account for FY 2025, your existing account will be converted to an organizational account after your next log in. First-time registrants can create an account at any time. You can find additional information and resources on the organizational accounts, including a link to step-by-step videos, on the Organizational Accounts Frequently Asked Questions page. These FAQs will be updated with FY 2026 information before the start of the initial registration period.
Representatives may add clients to their accounts at any time, but both representatives and registrants must wait until March 7 to enter beneficiary information and submit the registration with the $215 fee. Selections take place after the initial registration period closes, so there is no requirement to register on the day the initial registration period opens.
The FY 2026 H-1B cap will use the beneficiary-centric selection process launched in FY 2025. Under the beneficiary-centric process, registrations are selected by unique beneficiary rather than by registration. If we receive registrations for enough unique beneficiaries by March 24, we will randomly select unique beneficiaries and send selection notifications via users’ USCIS online accounts. If we do not receive registrations for enough unique beneficiaries, all registrations for unique beneficiaries that were properly submitted in the initial registration period will be selected. We intend to notify by March 31 prospective petitioners and representatives whose accounts have at least one registration selected.
The U.S. Department of Treasury has approved a temporary increase in the daily credit card transaction limit from $24,999.99 to $99,999.99 per day for the FY 2026 H-1B cap season. This temporary increase is in response to the volume of previous H-1B registrations that exceeded the daily credit card limit. Transactions more than $99,999.99 may be made via Automated Clearing House (ACH). Use of ACH may require the payor to alert their bank in advance to remove any potential ACH block on their account. We will provide additional information before the start of the initial H-1B registration period.
An H-1B cap-subject petition, including a petition for a beneficiary who is eligible for the advanced degree exemption, may only be filed by a petitioner whose registration for the beneficiary named in the H-1B petition was selected in the H-1B registration process. Additional information on the electronic registration process is available on the H-1B Electronic Registration Process page.
Organizational Account Enhancements for FY 2026
For FY 2026, we have made multiple enhancements for organizational and representative accounts for H-1B filing. These enhancements include:
The ability for paralegals to work with more than one legal representative. A paralegal will now be able to accept invitations from multiple legal representative accounts, allowing them to prepare H-1B registrations, Form I-129 H-1B petitions, and Form I-907 requests for premium processing for different attorneys, all within one paralegal account;
An easier way for legal representatives to add paralegals to company clients.
Pre-population of certain Form I-129 fields from selected H-1B registrations; and
The ability to prepare a spreadsheet of H-1B beneficiary data and upload the information to pre-populate data in H-1B registrations.
These enhancements will be live before the start of the initial registration period.
AI正在重塑HR和招聘行业,从简历筛选到面试安排,许多环节被自动化取代。然而,这种“高效”是否付出了牺牲人性化的代价?Dave Owen分享的图表揭示了招聘中的AI趋势,也引发了对成本、伦理和与人互动减少的担忧。作为一个以人为本的行业,HR如何在效率和人性化之间找到平衡?你的工作是否因为AI而更高效?还是更难与人互动?欢迎分享你的看法!
最近,我在LinkedIn上看到Dave Owen分享的一张关于人工智能(AI)与招聘的图表(附录Owen的原文),让我震惊。这张图生动地展示了AI如何可能重塑人才招聘领域,而事实上,这种改变已经在很多地方发生了。
来看一下这张图表吧。一个人才招聘总监(Talent Acquisition Director)正站在最前线,负责监督道德规范、人才搜索以及技术系统的使用。在这里,AI开始渗透进招聘流程,接管了从头到尾的招聘工作。
原文来自Linedin Laurie Ruettimann
Dave Owen的LinkedIn:
Here's what I think many Enterprise TA models will evolve into near-term ?
This might be the last 'traditional' TA model before things become truly unrecognisable (for the better). Faster moving companies could also skip this for new 'agentic' rebuilds.
Here are some characteristics of this model:
Hiring Funnel
✅ Well understood & ‘flattening’ (speeding up)
? 50% EFT reduction
✅ 100-150% increase in recruiter carrying capacity
? No transactional roles or sourcing teams
✅ Candidate Experience Managers
✅ Heavy focus on Ethics, Governance, Compliance & Risk
✅ 100% rejection feedback rate
✅ Less understood & broadening (slowing down)
✅ 25-50% EFT increase
✅ Strategic & Analytical Generalists (HR + Talent + Workforce)
✅ Talent & Hiring formally merge
✅ Default prioritisation of internal capabilities & skills
The SaaS stack is just a combination of my favourite products or Founders. Many (!) other SaaS solutions are available..
Happy Chinese New Year!Happy Chinese New Year!
As we usher in the Year of the Snake, NACSHR sends our heartfelt wishes to all HR professionals in the North American Chinese community. Here’s to a year filled with professional growth, innovative solutions, and meaningful contributions to your organizations.
We’re grateful for your commitment to advancing the HR field and being part of our vibrant community. Let’s tackle 2025 together with passion, collaboration, and a forward-thinking mindset. Wishing you a prosperous and fulfilling year ahead!