• Onboarding
    HR:清醒吧!员工更信任AI而非HR 多年来,我一直是HR的支持者和朋友。在与HR团队的每次交流中,我都对他们的热情、投入和善意印象深刻。然而,尽管我们尽了最大努力,一项针对851名职场专业人士的最新调查发现,“员工更信任AI,而非HR。” 什么?这怎么可能? 在你否定这个结果之前,让我解释一下数据。这并不像表面看起来那样简单。 数据揭示了什么? 1. AI被认为更值得信任 当被问到“你更信任AI还是HR专业人士”时,54%的受访者表示更信任AI,而27%表示更信任HR。这个数据虽然听起来奇怪,但实际上反映的是“信任”的问题。员工知道经理有偏见,因此任何由HR提供的绩效评估、加薪或其他反馈可能都会受到某种偏见的影响(甚至是近期偏见)。 而AI没有“个人意见”。在基于真实数据的情况下,它的决策往往更“值得信赖”。65%的受访者相信AI工具会被公平使用。 这很合理:我们已经从认为AI会毁灭世界的担忧中跨越了鸿沟,现在更多地将其视为统计和基于数据的决策系统。而且你可以问AI“为什么选择这个候选人”或“为什么这样评估这个员工”,AI会给出精准且明确的答案。(而人往往难以清楚地解释自己的决定。) 2. AI已被信任用于绩效评估 尽管目前市场上可用的AI绩效评估工具还很少(如Rippling的工具),但39%的受访者认为AI的绩效评估会更公平,33%认为基于AI的薪酬决策不会有偏见。同样,这很可能是因为AI能够清晰地解释其决策,而管理者往往依赖“直觉”。 3. AI更受欢迎作为职业教练 当被问到“你是否重视AI工具在职业目标设定方面的指导能力”时,64%的受访者表示“是”。这再次表明员工对反馈和指导的需求,而这是许多管理者做得不够好(或者不够开放)的地方。 这不是对HR的否定,而是对管理者信任度的质疑 对我而言,这些数据揭示了三个重要点,每个都可能让你感到意外: 1. 员工对管理者的决策能力存疑 我们并不总是信任“管理者”在招聘、绩效和薪酬方面做出公正、不偏不倚的决定。员工知道偏见存在,因此希望有一个系统可以更公平地选择和评估他们。 2. AI从“令人恐惧”到“被信任”的转变 我们已经跨越了“AI令人害怕”的心理鸿沟,开始更多地将其视为可信赖的工具,这使得企业可以更大规模地将AI用于人事决策。 3. HR需要迅速适应AI时代 对于HR部门来说,前进的方向已经明确。我们现在必须立刻学习AI工具,将它们引入最重要的HR领域,并投入时间去管理、培训和利用这些工具。 关于HR赢得信任的能力,现在的逻辑变成了这样:公司内部支持和信任的建立将越来越依赖于HR如何选择和实施AI系统。员工的期望很高,因此我们必须满足这些需求。不管你喜欢与否,AI正在改变我们管理人的方式。
  • Onboarding
    ADP Lyric HCM, The Next-Gen HR Platform Many Have Waited For Josh Bersin 写文章介绍了ADP的 Lyric HCM,给予了高度评价。ADP于2018年启动了一项秘密项目,目标是开发下一代企业人力资源管理平台。这个项目最终被命名为ADP Lyric HCM,它的设计旨在应对当代灵活多变的工作环境。Lyric HCM基于高度可扩展的微服务架构,能够处理包括全职、兼职、临时工、自由职业者等多种员工类型,同时支持多重管理结构。该平台具有灵活性,可帮助企业快速适应组织重组、兼并收购等变化,且能够实现全球薪资和税务管理,提供符合各地法律法规的自定义规则。 Lyric HCM的设计不仅注重系统的灵活性,还融入了大量的AI功能,使其在用户体验上更加智能化和易用。通过ADP Assist这一AI工具,用户可以通过自然语言与系统互动,轻松进行复杂的HR操作。此外,Lyric HCM还提供实时的行业基准数据,帮助企业根据最新的薪酬和岗位信息做出决策。该系统的“人本位”架构使其更具灵活性,相比传统以职位为基础的系统,它可以更好地满足当代企业多重任务、多角色管理的需求。 Lyric HCM不仅支持多种HR功能,如招聘、绩效管理、培训和发展,还拥有一个统一的员工体验平台,员工可以通过简单的查询完成例如婚假申请等事务。此外,ADP还建立了强大的全球服务团队,确保客户获得定制化的实施和长期支持。 自上线以来,ADP Lyric HCM已经吸引了超过120个大型客户,证明了其系统的稳定性和可扩展性。其核心市场定位是为全球化、分布式的企业提供服务,尤其是在零售、医疗保健、餐饮等行业。作为一款融合AI技术的全新平台,Lyric HCM展示了未来人力资源管理系统的潜力,并成为Workday、Oracle、SAP等主要HCM供应商的有力竞争对手。   In the Spring of 2018 I attended a confidential meeting in New York City to learn about a project called Lifion. ADP had hired a new team of engineers convened in a secret mission to build the “next-generation platform” for ADP’s offerings in the enterprise market. This new system, designed ten years after the release of Workday, was intended to be a highly scalable, configurable, micro-services based system, capable of managing payroll, HR processes, and all talent applications for any category of employee. The system had to support dynamic teams, many worker modalities (full-time, part-time, hourly, gig, contract), and enable a company to manage many organization structures within its corporate function, each with different business rules and overlapping employees. It was designed, in a sense, for the highly flexible, dynamic companies of the post-pandemic era. In addition to this flexible architecture, the system was designed to support workers with multiple managers (and multiple time sheets), dynamic reconfiguration for M&A or new business entities, and global payroll and tax services with custom business rules that might be variable across the company. It needed to include a recruiting module, a variety of options for goals and performance management, tools for onboarding and development, excellent reporting, and an easy-to-use narrative interface that let any employee, manager, or HR professional use, configure, or run reports on the system. In my initial meeting I walked away impressed, and I wrote an article describing this project. Today, almost six years later, this product has a name (ADP Lyric HCM) and it has reached general availability for ADP customers with 1,000 customers or more. Today ADP has 120+ large accounts so the system is proven. And since its inception Lyric HCM has been infused with extensive AI features (ADP Assist is on par with SAP Joule as a true AI interface) and benchmark information from ADP’s data cloud. In other words, this system has the potential to be a “The Next Generation” HCM platform in the market. What Is ADP Announcing And Offering The core HR system has to do a lot of things. Not only does it have to manage payroll, benefits, and tax rules (in a global, constantly changing regulatory environment), it has to be flexible, easy to configure, and filled with easy-to-use interfaces for employees and HR. And by “flexible” I mean the system has to make it easy to open a new org structure, move employees around, and create multiple modes for a “manager” or supervisor. Almost all traditional HCM providers, Workday, Oracle, and SAP, were not designed to work this way. These vendors built contract work add-ons but in most cases when you want to flatten your organization, merge with another company, or reorganize roles it’s difficult. Flattening the organization often means “re-implementing” your HRMS. Most companies only do it once a decade. ADP Lyric HCM is designed to fix this. Imagine a company like Gold’s Gym where the company is constantly opening new Gyms and hiring new managers, with employees dual reporting to multiple managers. I talked with Gold’s Gym and as you can imagine the company went through a transformation during the pandemic. Started as a Southern California fitness company, Gold’s was acquired and is now a global organization branching into many new offerings. Facilities were consolidated and each local fitness center operates with a lot of management independence. For example, an employee who is a trainer in one gym with one manager may also be a trainer or support staff in another gym with another manager. This type of “work-centric” (as opposed to “job-centric”) operation is becoming very common. Lyric HCM supports these multi-manager work models, including features for performance management, time tracking, and contract workers. Think about any retailer, healthcare company, or other highly distributed operation. One Gold’s Gym may pay overtime in one way, another in a different way. You can imagine the permutations. Every company has situations like this. I was recently at Rolls-Royce where they are centralizing engineering teams away from product groups, making 30 to 40% of their engineers “floaters.” Rolls has enormous contracts with government and commercial customers, each with different financial models. They need a system like this just like a gym, restaurant chain, or elder care network. There’s more. In addition to these HRMS and global payroll features, ADP has built an employee experience platform, employee communications system, and learning and development system. You simply type a query like “I’m getting married” and the system shows a page that consolidates tasks and resources in one place. If an HR manager wants to “pay a bonus” the system asks what organization, shows a list of people, and lets the manager define the bonus without hunting for menus and panels. Highlights Of The Next Gen Approach Since this system was architected in the age of AI, it has some very unique capabilities out of the box. First, in the area of flexibility, this is a “person-based” architecture, as opposed to a “role-based” architecture. That feature alone enables all these features to be possible. Second, in the area of usability, the system is among the most “AI-enabled” interfaces I’ve seen. While most HCMs are building assistants to speed through transactions, Lyric HCM literally “learns” what you’re trying to do and prompts you through the process. Remember these HCM systems are complex (Workday’s “Users Guide” is 2500 pages long), so we want the system to feel approachable not intimidating. As you can see from this slide, ADP also offers embedded benchmarks as well as a nudge engine. The benchmarks come from ADP’s data cloud, giving companies up to date salary ranges and other metrics by job title and job level (no other HCM platforms do this). The nudge engine is used for Lyric HCM’s onboarding and development system, reminding users of tasks or activities they need to perform. ADP Assist, the company’s Gen AI tool, lets you ask questions about any employee or group, legal and tax issues, and payroll or financial data. It’s quite powerful and I would say it rivals Joule as a conversational interface for HCM. Third, the system has a novel and approachable interface for employees. Rather than offer people a variety of “centers” or “portals” to find things, the system is smart enough to give employees exactly what it thinks they need. Typical HR transactions like changing your family status or address, or looking at benefits or pay are simple. Persona-based dashboards are designed for payroll or tax managers. And any HR professional can customize the interface for their use. Because the system is so dynamic, users can set up smart reports and other views to pinpoint the data and organizational unit they’re interested in. And ADP has built a management development tool (to take newly promoted supervisors through development), an onboarding system, and many features for performance and goal management. Where Will This Go? ADP Services When we think about ADP’s platforms we have to remember that ADP is not just a cloud software company. Most of the company’s revenue comes from services: payroll, PEO, and license fees around those offerings. This means ADP’s sales and service organization is very service-centric and highly trained in all areas of HR. (Most HR software sales teams are not HR domain experts.) To support Lyric HCM the company put together a global service team combined with dedicated client success executives to make sure each customer has a personalized, outcome-based implementation plan. This means ADP Lyric HCM is not just a great platform, but a set of people to help with configuration, utilization, integration, and long-term planning. ADP is starting to work with integrators, but likely will handle most of their customer implementations themselves. Impact On The Market. At this point Lyric HCM is positioned as an offering for mid to large companies headquartered in the United States with global workforces. This means Lyric HCM is directly positioned to compete with UKG, Ceridian, Workday, Oracle, SAP, and vendors like Darwinbox, HiBob (which is going upmarket), Lattice, and others. The “Pay” companies (Paychex, Paycor, Paycom) are focused primarily on smaller companies, but as they grow their offering they may compete as well. That is not to say ADP can solve every client need. These platforms mature over many years and each vendor has different industry and focus features. At this point I believe ADP will most likely win in industries like retail, hospitality, health care, and other distributed, hourly workforce companies. And given ADP’s focus on small and medium business, it will take time for ADP to reach large companies. Nevertheless, it’s time for change in HCM. Designed for agility and infused with AI, ADP Lyric HCM shows us a future we’ve been looking for.
  • Onboarding
    Workday Vs. ADP (2024 Comparison) Workday HCM 和 ADP Workforce Now 是大中型企业的两个顶级薪资系统。每个人都有自己的定价、功能、服务、支持和客户评级。我们对它们进行了并排比较,以帮助您确定哪一个最适合您的业务。 目录 Workday Vs. ADP: at a Glance How Workday and ADP Stack Up Additional Features Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Workday还是ADP:一目了然 Workday HCM 和 ADP Workforce Now 都是全套人力资源信息系统(HRIS),允许企业从工资单、福利和人力资源到招聘、入职、绩效和学习等所有内容进行一键式管理。这两种软件解决方案都包含大量功能,涵盖整个员工生命周期,覆盖吸引到留住员工,培训和离职员工等到一个解决方案中。此外,两款软件都通过跟踪员工上班时间、管理福利、计算税款和分配付款的功能来简化工资单。 这两家软件公司都没有在网上披露其价格,因此很难确定哪个是更好的金融投资。两家公司都要求潜在客户直接与销售团队联系。ADP Workforce Now 给提供了三种选项,让客户从中选择一个,而 Workday HCM 则直接与企业合作,提供针对其公司需求定制的报价。 Workday和ADP如何选择 Workday HCM 和 ADP Workforce Now 都为大中型企业提供全面的 HR 和薪资解决方案。它们都为人才管理、人才招聘、时间跟踪、分析和报告、薪酬管理等提供了广泛的功能。一些关键差异可能会帮助您决定哪一个更适合您的业务。 ADP Workforce Now 提供三种计划以及几个附加包,以确保您只为公司需要的确切功能集付费,而避免为不需要的功能付费。Workday HCM 没有透露其定价,但根据该网站,它没有多个计划选项。相反,公司似乎必须购买全有或全无的套餐。ADP Workforce Now 采用模块化方法,使企业能够随着业务规模的扩大而发展成更强大的计划。 其他的功能 ADP Workforce Now 帮助其客户通过支付卡向无纸化支付系统迈进。与直接存款与银行账户的工作方式类似,工资被加载到员工的工资卡账户中。具有成本效益的付款不仅环保,而且对没有银行账户的员工也非常有益。 最后 Workday HCM 和 ADP Workforce Now 都是为全球各种规模的企业提供人力资源和支付解决方案的领导者,这是有原因的。它们都是高度复杂的软件,具有强大的功能,几乎可以满足所有 HR 需求。ADP 的模块化计划和附加包使其更适合成长型企业,而 Workday 的一刀切方法使其更适合成熟企业。 常见问题(FAQ) Workday 受知名公司欢迎吗? Workday 为全球9,500多家客户提供服务。它的一些主要客户包括知名公司,如7-Eleven、空中客车、美国银行、BBVA、BP、卡拉威高尔夫、卡特彼勒、雪佛龙、花旗集团、CVS和迪克体育用品。 Workday 的最佳替代品是什么? 公司可以使用多种 HCM 软件平台作为 Workday 的替代品。Workday 的主要竞争对手包括 OnPay,Paychex Flex,QuickBooks 和 Gusto。 ADP Run 和 ADP Workforce Now 有什么区别? ADP Workforce Now 是一款功能齐全的人力资源管理软件,专为大中型企业设计,而 ADP Run 是一款专为小型企业设计的缩减薪资软件解决方案。 ADP 的最佳替代品是什么? 如果您发现它不符合您的需求,市场上有许多 ADP 竞争对手。我们排名最高的包括 OnPay,PayChex Flex 和 TriNet。 Source Forbes ADVISOR
  • Onboarding
    How to Build Your HR Technology Stack for 2024 In the AI age, you should use HR technology to ensure seamless integration and compatibility with your overall HR strategy for 2024. These are what Beqom is aiming for. Jan.17,2024 As organizations navigate the complexities of the evolving workforce in 2024, the strategic use of technology in Human Resources (HR) has become critical. This blog explores the crucial role of HR systems to deliver on corporate objectives, automate and streamline processes, improve the employee user experience, and reduce the administrative burden on HR. We also take a look at essential criteria for HR when evaluating technology solutions and delve into the nuanced landscape of trying to rely on HR suites versus a best-of-breed approach. What is an HR tech stack? The term "HR tech stack" refers to the comprehensive suite of tools and software applications that HR professionals use to manage various aspects of human resources. Just as a chef carefully selects and organizes different ingredients and methods to create a masterpiece, HR leaders curate and integrate diverse solutions to optimize HR processes, enhance employee engagement, and contribute strategically to business success. An HR tech stack typically includes a combination of software for recruitment, onboarding, performance management, learning and development, employee engagement, compensation management, and more. These tools work synergistically to streamline HR workflows, drive efficiency, and enable data-driven decision-making. The selection of tools depends on the unique needs and objectives of the organization, reflecting its high-level philosophy for HR technology adoption. The evolution of HR tech stack in modern businesses The journey of HR tech stacks has undergone a significant evolution in tandem with the changing of the modern workplace. In the early stages, HR systems primarily focused on automating administrative tasks and maintaining employee records. However, as organizations recognized the strategic importance of HR in achieving business objectives, the HR tech stack evolved into a dynamic ecosystem designed to address complex challenges and leverage opportunities. Key phases in the evolution have included: Automation of administrative tasks Early 2000s: The initial phase saw the adoption of HR information systems (HRIS) to automate routine administrative tasks, such as payroll processing and time tracking. Basic Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) emerged to simplify recruitment processes. Introduction of integrated suites Mid-2000s to early 2010s: Integrated HR suites gained prominence, offering a unified platform for various HR functions. These suites aimed to streamline processes and enhance data consistency by providing a centralized platform for HR activities. Focus on employee experience and engagement Late 2010s: With the increasing emphasis on the employee experience, HR tech stacks expanded to include tools for talent management (recruiting, onboarding, learning, etc.), compensation and benefits, performance management, and employee engagement. Mobile applications and self-service portals became integral to fostering a positive workplace culture. Rise of specialized best-of-breed solutions Present day: The current phase witnesses a shift towards specialized best-of-breed software. Businesses are recognizing the value of choosing tools that excel in specific HR functions, providing depth and flexibility in their HR tech stacks, while delivering an improved employee experience. Significance of the evolution The evolution of HR tech stacks mirrors the broader transformation in HR's role—from a predominantly administrative function to a strategic partner driving company success. Modern HR tech stacks are not just about automation; they represent a strategic investment in technologies that empower HR professionals to make informed decisions, enhance employee engagement, and contribute meaningfully to achieving business objectives. Crafting a high-level philosophy for HR technology As organizations embark on the journey of leveraging technology in their Human Resources (HR) functions in 2024, it's helpful first to establish a high-level philosophy to guide your choices. As with most business decisions, it’s best to start with the "why" and articulate the overarching goals HR seeks to achieve for the company. Aim for strategic alignment Why do it? Your high-level systems philosophy must align seamlessly with the organization's overall strategic objectives. HR digital solutions should not be implemented in isolation but as a strategic enabler, contributing to the achievement of broader business goals like diversity, profit margin, market share, and so on. How to do it. HR leaders should collaboratively engage with organizational leadership to understand key business objectives and challenges. The technology philosophy should then be crafted to align with and support these goals. Enhance the employee experience Why do it? A key focus of HR technology should be on enhancing the overall employee experience. By delivering value to employees, providing user-friendly interfaces, fostering collaboration, and enabling self-service capabilities, HR can create an environment where employees thrive. How to do it. Conducting regular employee feedback surveys, analyzing pain points in HR processes, and understanding employee needs will inform the technology approach. The goal is to implement solutions that make work more meaningful and enjoyable for employees. Drive efficiency and agility Why do it? HR technology should be a catalyst for operational efficiency and agility. By automating repetitive tasks, streamlining workflows, and providing real-time insights, HR contributes to the organization's ability to adapt swiftly to changing market dynamics. How to do it. Assessing current HR processes, identifying bottlenecks, and evaluating the capability and adaptability of existing systems will guide the decision-making process. The aim is to implement an HR platform that not only addresses current needs but also scales as the organization evolves. Enable data-driven decision-making Why do it? A high-level philosophy should emphasize the importance of leveraging data for informed decision-making. HR technology should provide the tools and analytics necessary to transform raw data into actionable insights, empowering HR professionals to make strategic decisions. How to do it. Assessing the company's data maturity, identifying critical HR metrics, and understanding the capabilities of offerings in the market to support strategic decision-making at all levels will guide the choice of technology that aligns with this philosophy. Cultivate a culture of continuous improvement Why do it? The philosophy behind HR technology should embrace a culture of continuous improvement. Solutions should not be static but evolve to meet changing organizational needs, staying abreast of industry trends and workplace regulations, and driving innovation. How to do it. Regularly evaluating the effectiveness of existing technology, staying informed about emerging HR tech trends, and fostering a culture of innovation within the HR team contribute to a philosophy that embraces ongoing improvement. In essence, the high-level philosophy behind the HR tech stack should be a strategic roadmap, guiding the business towards success. It is the articulation of what HR aims to achieve and why technology is a critical enabler in achieving those objectives. Crafting this philosophy involves aligning with corporate goals, prioritizing employees, driving efficiency and agility, leveraging data, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. As companies embark on the transformative journey of HR technology adoption, a well-defined and thoughtfully considered high-level philosophy will serve as the North Star, ensuring that technology becomes a powerful ally in achieving organizational excellence. The growing importance of technology in HR As Josh Bersin has framed it, we are now entering a post industrial economy. The industrial revolution over the last 150 years has created massive amounts of automation and productivity-enhancing advancements. The result is that employees no longer are just replaceable commodities, needed for menial tasks. They are more skilled and specialized than ever before, and that trend is only going to continue with the blossoming of artificial intelligence. Now, says Bersin, “every company is in the people business.”  HR is more important than ever, and the HR tech stack plays a key role in shaping today’s high performing organization in many ways, including: Efficiency and productivity In the fast-paced business environment of 2024, efficiency is key. Technology enables HR professionals to automate repetitive tasks and streamline complex processes. Whether in recruiting (resume screening, scheduling interviews, managing employee records), compensation (salary planning, merit increases, pay equity) or performance management (goal-setting, collecting feedback, performance reviews)—to name a few examples—the use of technology not only saves time but also allows HR teams to focus on strategic initiatives that contribute to the overall productivity of the organization. Data-driven decision-making Technology provides HR with tools to collect, analyze, and interpret data, and to make predictions. This data-driven approach enables HR professionals to make informed decisions regarding talent acquisition, employee engagement, compensation strategy, and workforce planning. Harnessing the power of workforce analytics can lead to more effective strategies and better outcomes for the business. Remote work and collaboration With the rise of remote work, HR technology facilitates seamless collaboration between dispersed teams. Virtual onboarding processes, digital communication tools, feedback platforms, self-service tools, and remotely administered systems are among the essential components that enable HR to adapt to the changing dynamics of the modern workplace. Impact of technology on different areas of HR Virtually every aspect of HR can be improved and accelerated through the use of digital solutions. It is up to HR leaders to determine what areas can have the most impact on the organization’s success and prioritize accordingly. Recruitment and talent acquisition Technology streamlines the recruitment process by leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) for resume screening and predictive analytics for identifying top talent. Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) automate the hiring pipeline, reducing time-to-fill and ensuring a more efficient recruitment process. Learning and development HR software facilitates personalized learning experiences through e-learning platforms and Learning Management Systems (LMS). This not only enhances employee skills but also ensures that training programs align with organizational goals and industry trends. Compensation management and pay equity Technology can play a pivotal role in transforming compensation management, which is a critical core function. These solutions empower HR professionals to create transparent pay structures, conduct market analysis, design flexible compensation strategies, support data-driven pay decisions at all levels, and administer rewards efficiently. Advanced pay equity tools can ensure ongoing fair pay and legal compliance. Collaboration and coaching Integrated collaboration platforms facilitate seamless communication among dispersed teams, enhancing the employee experience and contributing to increased productivity. Support for manager coaching takes collaboration one step further and aids in employee-manager alignment. Goal-setting and tracking Software provides automation for setting and tracking individual and team goals, speeding up the cascading of high level goals throughout the organization, fostering real-time evaluation and progress tracking, and promoting a more dynamic performance management process. Continuous feedback and recognition Automated feedback and recognition tools contribute to a positive workplace culture by ensuring timely acknowledgment of employee achievements, fostering a sense of appreciation and motivation, as well as supporting continuous improvement. 360-degree feedback Performance management tools enable the automation of 360-degree feedback processes, providing a holistic view of employee performance from various perspectives within the enterprise. Performance appraisal and calibration Automation in performance appraisal processes, including calibration features, ensures consistency and fairness in evaluating employee performance across the organization, and saves enormous amounts of time. Impact on the business, employees, and HR staff HR technology has something to benefit everyone in the organization. Business impact Implementing HR technology positively affects the bottom line. Improved efficiency, better talent management, and data-driven decision-making contribute to overall business success. The adaptability of HR tech to changing market demands ensures that businesses stay competitive and agile, and attract and retain needed talent. Employee experience From recruitment to retirement, HR technology enhances the employee experience. Self-service portals, mobile applications, and digital communication tools empower employees, providing them with the tools they need to thrive in the workplace. This, in turn, contributes to a positive workplace culture, motivation, productivity, and loyalty. HR department and staff HR professionals benefit from technology by automating administrative tasks, allowing them to focus on strategic HR functions. Access to real-time data also equips HR staff with the insights needed to make informed decisions. This shift from transactional to strategic roles enhances the value HR brings to the organization. Risks of not embracing technology in HR Conversely, failure to keep up with the advances in HR technology can put your company at a competitive disadvantage. Organizations that fail to embrace HR digital solutions risk falling behind competitors who leverage these tools for strategic advantage. The ability to attract and retain top talent often hinges on the adoption of modern HR practices and technology. Employees want to work for a company with efficient processes, and increasingly, for companies that practice transparency and workplace equity. Manual processes are prone to errors and inefficiencies, both of which are costly. Without the aid of technology, HR departments may struggle with accuracy in record-keeping, compliance issues, and inefficient workflows, hindering the overall effectiveness of HR operations. Building a tech stack for HR So how to best approach technology adoption for HR? Assess organizational needs. Before implementing an HR solution, HR executives should conduct a thorough assessment of the organization's needs. Understanding specific pain points, goals, and desired outcomes is essential for choosing the right solutions. What are the company’s objectives and what would be needed to accomplish them? Identify critical areas. These are areas where you can gain the most strategic benefit, and where you therefore do not want to compromise on functionality. What is mission critical, what is core to realizing your strategy and achieving your goals? In other words, what is most worthy of investment? Consider integration and scalability. A well-rounded tech stack should be easily integrable with existing systems and scalable to accommodate future growth. Seamless integration ensures data consistency and avoids silos, while scalability future-proofs the technology against evolving organizational needs. Criteria for evaluating HR technology solutions Here are some key areas to consider when evaluating technology solutions. Functional coverage First and foremost, technology solutions should be able to do what you need done. You should not have to compromise on your strategy to conform to system limitations. If a solution cannot really handle your needs, scan the market to see if there is an alternative that is a better fit for your needs. Integration capabilities Seamless integration with existing systems is crucial for data consistency and efficient workflows. HR professionals should prioritize technology solutions that support interoperability. Scalability and global compatibility Large organizations must choose solutions that are scalable to accommodate their size and adaptable to meet global complexities and diverse compliance requirements. Global compatibility supports consistency in HR practices across different regions. User experience and accessibility A user-friendly interface and accessibility across devices are critical considerations. HR technology should be intuitive for users globally, promoting widespread adoption and engagement. And remember that part of the user experience is delivering real value to the end users. Data security and compliance Given the sensitivity of HR data, security features and compliance with data protection regulations should be paramount. Robust security measures safeguard against data breaches and ensure confidentiality. Vendor expertise and support Every solution has people behind it who create, implement, update, and support it. Even the most intuitive systems need support to keep the technology improving and advancing, look for expertise and a commitment to innovation. Comparing HR suites and best-of-breed solutions It is often tempting to try to rely on your core HR suite to handle most or all of your HR software needs. However, the benefit of a single source supplier is limited compared to the possible benefits of a best-of-breed approach. Limitations of HR suites Some of the common problems encountered when trying to stretch an HR suite to cover every need include: Lack of specialization. Comprehensive HR suites often provide a generalist approach, attempting to cover a broad spectrum of HR functions. While this may be suitable for some organizations, it can result in a lack of depth for specialized functions like compensation management and performance management. Slower innovation. The sheer size and complexity of comprehensive suites can sometimes lead to slower adaptation to emerging technologies and industry trends. The bureaucratic processes involved may hinder the swift integration of innovative solutions that could benefit the organization. Complex implementation. Implementing extensive HR suites can be intricate and resource-intensive, requiring substantial time and effort. The complexity of these systems may lead to challenges in user adoption and ongoing maintenance. Advantages of a best-of-breed HR tech approach What is driving companies to seek best-of-breed solutions within their HR tech stack? Some reasons include: Specialization. Best-of-breed solutions excel in specific HR functions, providing advanced features and customization options tailored to the organization's unique needs. This specialization ensures that each component of the HR tech stack is functionally rich and optimized for maximum efficiency. Faster innovation. Specialized providers often innovate more rapidly, adapting to industry trends and technological advancements with agility. This proactive approach allows organizations to stay at the forefront of HR technology, driving continuous improvement. Flexibility and integration. Best-of-breed solutions offer flexibility and can be seamlessly integrated with other systems. This allows organizations to build a tailored tech stack that aligns precisely with their requirements, avoiding the constraints of a one-size-fits-all solution. A best-of-breed HR technology success story One large multinational bank was facing an increasingly complex and competitive landscape including new non-traditional players, increasing regulation, artificial intelligence, and automation. These challenges made it crucial for them to attract, retain, and leverage their human capital to its fullest potential. They wanted to give employees and line managers a uniform and engaging experience, and establish a culture of continuous improvement, and so were seeking best of breed solutions for key HR processes to complement their core SAP HCM solution. beqom enabled crowdsourced real-time continuous feedback, regular check-ins, and agile goal setting, supporting managers in providing timely and helpful coaching. With pulse surveys, structured 360 feedback and insightful analytics, the solution measures the entire employee experience at every touchpoint. With beqom they can align personalized rewards with real-time performance data, as well as with feedback, skills, behavior, and goals, to provide meaningful and effective rewards. The bank was able to consolidate all compensation processes, including salary and promotion increases, short and long-term incentives, and cash awards, across more than 30 countries. And, their compensation budget can be continuously monitored as performance ratings are submitted and their cost impact calculated. All in all, it’s a real success story that shows the power of HR technology to transform an organization. Moving forward with your HR technology stack In today’s dynamic workplace, technology solutions will play a pivotal role in empowering HR professionals to deliver value for the organization. To find out how best-of-breed solutions can transform your HR processes and help you build a high-performing organization, take a positive first step and contact us at beqom. SOURCE Beqom
  • Onboarding
    人工智能正在以比我预期更快的速度改变企业学习AI Is Transforming Corporate Learning Even Faster Than I Expected 在《AI正在比我预想的更快地改变企业学习AI Is Transforming Corporate Learning Even Faster Than I Expected》这一文中,Josh Bersin强调了AI对企业学习和发展(L&D)领域的革命性影响。L&D市场价值高达3400亿美元,涵盖了从员工入职到操作程序等一系列活动。传统模型正在随着像Galileo™这样的生成性AI技术的发展而演变,这改变了内容的创建、个性化和传递方式。本文探讨了AI在L&D中的主要用例,包括内容生成、个性化学习体验、技能发展,以及用AI驱动的知识工具替代传统培训。举例包括Arist的AI内容创作、Uplimit的个性化AI辅导,以及沃尔玛实施AI进行即时培训。这种转型是深刻的,呈现了一个AI不仅增强而且重新定义L&D策略的未来。 在受人工智能影响的所有领域中,最大的变革也许发生在企业学习中。经过一年的实验,现在很明显人工智能将彻底改变这个领域。 让我们讨论一下 L&D 到底是什么。企业培训无处不在,这就是为什么它是一个价值 3400 亿美元的市场。工作中发生的一切(从入职到填写费用账户再到复杂的操作程序)在某种程度上都需要培训。即使在经济衰退期间,企业在 L&D 上的支出仍稳定在人均 1200-1500 美元。 然而,正如研发专业人士所知,这个问题非常复杂。有数百种培训平台、工具、内容库和方法。我估计 L&D 技术空间的规模超过 140 亿美元,这甚至不包括搜索引擎、知识管理工具以及 Zoom、Teams 和 Webex 等平台等系统。多年来,我们经历了许多演变:电子学习、混合学习、微型学习,以及现在的工作流程中的学习。 生成式人工智能即将永远改变这一切。 考虑一下我们面临的问题。企业培训并不是真正的教学,而是创造一个学习的环境。传统的教学设计以教师为主导,以过程为中心,但在工作中常常表现不佳。人们通过多种方式学习,通常没有老师,他们寻找参考资料,复制别人正在做的事情,并依靠经理、同事和专家的帮助。因此,必须扩展传统的教学设计模型,以帮助人们学习他们需要的东西。 输入生成人工智能,这是一种旨在合成信息的技术。像Galileo™这样的生成式人工智能工具 可以以传统教学设计师无法做到的方式理解、整合、重组和传递来自大型语料库的信息。这种人工智能驱动的学习方法不仅效率更高,而且效果更好,能够在工作流程中进行学习。 早期,在工作流程中学习意味着搜索信息并希望找到相关的东西。这个过程非常耗时,而且常常没有结果。生成式人工智能通过其神经网络的魔力,现在已经准备好解决这些问题,就像 L&D 的瑞士军刀一样。 这是一个简单的例子。我问Galileo™(该公司经过 25 年的研究和案例研究提供支持):“我该如何应对总是迟到的员工?请给我一个叙述来帮助我?” 它没有带我去参加管理课程或给我看一堆视频,而是简单地回答了问题。这种类型的互动是企业学习的大部分内容。 让我总结一下人工智能在学习与发展中的四个主要用例: 生成内容:人工智能可以大大减少内容创建所涉及的时间和复杂性。例如,移动学习工具Arist拥有AI生成功能Sidekick,可以将综合的操作信息转化为一系列的教学活动。这个过程可能需要几周甚至几个月的时间,现在可以在几天甚至几小时内完成。 我们在Josh Bersin 学院使用 Arist ,我们的新移动课程现在几乎每月都会推出。Sana、Docebo Shape和以用户为中心的学习平台 360 Learning 等其他工具也同样令人兴奋。 个性化学习者体验:人工智能可以帮助根据个人需求定制学习路径,改进根据工作角色分配学习路径的传统模型。人工智能可以理解内容的细节,并使用该信息来个性化学习体验。这种方法比杂乱的学习体验平台(LXP)有效得多,因为LXP通常无法真正理解内容的细节。 Uplimit是一家致力于构建人工智能平台来帮助教授人工智能的初创公司,它正在使用其Cobot和其他工具为学习人工智能的技术专业人员提供个性化的指导和技巧。Cornerstone 的新 AI 结构按技能推荐课程,Sana 平台将 Galileo 等工具与学习连接起来,SuccessFactors 中的新 AI 功能还为用户提供了基于角色和活动的精选学习视图。 识别和发展技能:人工智能可以帮助识别内容中的技能并推断个人的技能。这有助于提供正确的培训并确定其有效性。虽然许多公司正在研究高级技能分类策略,但真正的价值在于可以通过人工智能识别和开发的细粒度、特定领域的技能。 人才情报领域的先驱者Eightfold、Gloat和SeekOut可以推断员工技能并立即推荐学习解决方案。实际上,我们正在使用这项技术来推出我们的人力资源职业导航器,该导航器将于明年初推出。 用知识工具取代培训:人工智能在学习与发展中最具颠覆性的用例也许是完全取代某些类型培训的潜力。人工智能可以创建提供信息和解决问题的智能代理或聊天机器人,从而可能消除对某些类型培训的需求。这种方法不仅效率更高,而且效果更好,因为它可以在个人需要时为他们提供所需的信息。 沃尔玛今天正在实施这一举措,我们的新平台 Galileo 正在帮助万事达卡和劳斯莱斯等公司在无需培训的情况下按需查找人力资源信息和政策信息。LinkedIn Learning 正在向 Gen AI 搜索开放其软技能内容,很快 Microsoft Copilot 将通过 Viva Learning 找到培训。 这里潜力巨大 在我作为分析师的这些年里,我从未见过一种技术具有如此大的潜力。人工智能将彻底改变 L&D 格局,重塑我们的工作方式,以便 L&D 专业人员可以花时间为企业提供咨询。 L&D 专业人员应该做什么?花一些时间来了解这项技术,或者参加Josh Bersin 学院的一些新的人工智能课程以了解更多信息。 随着我们继续推出像伽利略这样的工具,我知道你们每个人都会对未来的机会感到惊讶。L&D 的未来已经到来,而这一切都由人工智能驱动。