• 观点
    未来人才招聘的10大趋势 影响未来招聘的10大趋势:数字招聘营销,雇主品牌,候选人经验,数字驱动,人工智能与自动化,多样性和包容性,远程工作机会,雇员权益,录像招聘,个性化内容。 关键资讯: 考虑到商业环境的不可预测性,人力资源专业人士需要战略性地规划人才收购。 认识和处理员工情绪对于培养积极的工作场所文化至关重要,这反过来又有助于组织的氛围健康。 对数据驱动的洞察力使组织能够不断改进招聘战略,有效地分配预算,并对不断变化的人才市场需求保持敏感。 在2024年的动态格局中,人力资源专业人士急需适应变化,在预期和未预见的变化中前进。严峻的现实是,任何组织,无论规模大小或地点如何,都无法精心策划变革过程中的每一个波折和转折。 经济转变不仅影响企业,也影响企业中的个人。Gartner 报告了员工中普遍存在的权利被剥夺、怀疑和疲劳感——强调了人力资源在持续不断的变化中解决这些问题的紧迫性。公司为未来的变化做好准备的关键在于为未来做好团队准备,重点关注可伸缩性和基本面。 本文深入探讨了公司在当今市场下运营时,应该优先考虑的十个关键点。处理和优先考虑这些关键方面可确保征聘专业人员具备适应能力,并准备好应对可能出现的任何挑战。 1.数字招聘营销 数字招聘营销是一种战略方法,它利用数字平台、社交媒体和在线广告来扩大招聘工作的覆盖面和参与度。在当今互联互通的世界里,人们积极参与并利用各种在线渠道,同时这也成为了有效获取人才的关键。这种方法使组织能够接触到更广泛、更多样化的受众,在潜在候选人最多的地方接触到他们。 超过一半的新世代(54%)每天至少花4个小时在社交媒体上,另有38%的人超过这个时间段。这使得公司必须利用候选人的角色来了解他们的顶尖人才的行为,并确保他们出现在候选人积极使用的数字渠道上。这种方法还使组织能够微调他们的品牌信息,使之与候选人的目标、动机和痛点保持一致。有了这些洞察力,组织可以调整其招聘广告策略,在不同的平台上向不同的人物展示相关的招聘广告,从而提高招聘与组织需求保持一致的机会。 通过利用这些平台的力量,公司可以提高知名度,并积极与潜在人才接触——创建一个动态的、响应性强的招聘战略,与当今候选人的偏好和行为保持一致。 2.雇主品牌 87%的人强调文化的重要性,以至于在经济衰退期间他们会继续优先考虑文化。然而,调整多样和分散的劳动力构成了巨大的挑战。 文化不仅仅是一个流行词,它还是生产力、创新和动力的驱动力——这是最重要的。然而,设定和执行新的文化优先事项可能令人生畏。培养一种关心和支持的文化至关重要——不要把个人当作数字来加强关系,而是要建立一个更强大的雇主品牌。 认识到每个人的期望和需求的独特性后,组织必须采取更加量身定制的方法。保持关心员工情绪的意识至关重要,尤其要理解提高员工满意度的因素。一旦掌握了员工情绪的脉搏,以及是什么驱使他们感到满足,公司就可以制定一个与公司愿景相一致的战略沟通计划。这种积极主动的方法加强了联系,并有助于保证多年的企业文化健康。88%的人对找到一份令人满意的工作体验感兴趣,因此要确保公司留住顶尖人才和培养强大的雇主品牌,优先考虑企业文化是十分重要的。 3.候选人经验 提升候选人经验的一个方法是优先安排招聘时间。快速招聘的组织具有竞争优势。另一方面,那些行动太慢的人可能会失去顶尖人才,并可能经历生产率和员工满意度的下降。 沟通是应聘者沮丧的关键因素,75%的应聘者表示他们在申请后从未收到回复,60%的人在线上沟通时消失无踪。快速招聘不仅仅是一种趋势,它还能改变游戏规则。对速度和准确性的需求是至关重要的。APQC 报告说,从申请批准到接受工作邀请,瓶蕨要花上30个自然日。此外,如果公司花太长时间招聘人才就会创造一种负面的员工体验——而那些不善于设计积极员工体验的团队,将面临36%的自愿离职率。 为了解决这个问题,招聘专业人员必须优先考虑移动兼容性,并通过取消不必要的步骤简化流程,从而增加招聘时间。流畅的应用体验不仅仅是为了方便,它还可以作为增加候选人参与度的催化剂,提高接收到的应用程序的质量。通过专注于以用户为中心的设计和尽量减少摩擦,招聘人员为更加无缝的招聘之旅做好了准备。 提示:首先对现有的招聘程序进行彻底分析,找出瓶颈或效率低下的问题。此外,通过简化决策层次结构和精简审批流程,优化内部工作流程,从而加快对合格候选人的响应。 4.数据驱动的招聘 数据驱动的招聘使公司能够利用数据分析的力量做出明智的决定,跟踪基本的招聘指标,优化策略以获得更好的结果。在一个信息至关重要的时代,组织可以利用数据驱动的洞察力来加强对招聘过程的理解。 了解公司招聘营销结果背后的衡量标准,使团队能够全面管理当前的投资,并有效地规划未来。创建数据可视化可能是复杂的,但对于招聘专业人士来说这种总结性信息很宝贵,因为可以获得细粒度的可见性,并有效地传达公司的招聘故事。有了对招聘营销分析的全面了解,公司可以根据特定工作类型的平均申请成本,战略性地分配每个计划的预算,从而有效地达到招聘目标。 通过采用数据驱动的招聘战略,各组织不仅可以简化招聘程序,还可以在吸引和留住顶尖人才方面获得竞争优势。数据分析带来持续进步,确保招聘战略是动态的、反应迅速的,并与人才市场不断变化的需求保持一致。 5.人工智能与自动化 将人工智能和自动化集成到各种招聘流程中,例如简历筛选、候选人匹配和面试安排,旨在简化任务和提高效率。然而,在这样做之前,了解公司的目标以及人工智能如何能够无缝地融入现有的战略是至关重要的。 使人工智能举措与组织目标相一致,能保证人工智能更有针对性和更有影响力地融入招聘工作流程。人工智能的可能性是无穷无尽的,但是关注目标是什么是至关重要的。为了充分利用人工智能在招募方面的潜力,必须对要加强的区域进行严格的检查。 此外,人工智能驱动技术的有效性直接受到数据质量的影响,强调确保全面和准确的数据的重要性,以最大限度地提高人工智能产出。招聘专业人士需要评估其数据来源,以确保不存在固有的偏见,并寻求由大量数据驱动的工具,这些数据对于得到有效和准确的人工智能结果是必要的。这不仅提高了准确性和效率,而且防止了意想不到的结果。 6.多样性和包容性 在招聘战略中提高多样性、公平性、包容性和归属感,对于促进包容性工作场所和吸引多样化的候选人至关重要。最近的一项研究显示,在接受调查的300多名高管中,近60%的人表示,他们的组织在去年扩大了 DEIB 的工作。相比之下,只有约三分之一的人维持这些努力,1%的人显着降低了他们的 DEIB 活动。虽然大约60%的受访者报告说,不同类型员工的培训,学习和发展有所改善,但只有三分之一的受访者建立了多样性基准,不到四分之一的受访者认为领导层有责任实现 DEIB 的目标。 这些统计数据突出了对 DEIB 进行优先排序的必要性。促进公平确保每个人都有公平的机会、资源和进步,解决可能存在的系统性偏见。包容性的工作场所能培养员工的归属感,让员工感到自己受到重视、尊重,并有能力为自己的工作做出最大贡献。这提高了员工的士气,有助于提高生产力和整个组织的成功。 在 DEIB 中高效的组织拥有高生产力员工的可能性是其他组织的1.9倍。在强调多样性不仅仅是一个过时的趋势时,可以说内在动机对于 DEIB的培养是至关重要的。这些努力看起来似乎太大而无法进行,但关注特定的瓶颈是一个很好的起点。许多公司正通过这种方式应对挑战,取得有意义的进展。 7.远程工作机会 企业越来越支持远程工作安排,以吸引更广泛的人才库。这种转变反映了工人们观念的变化,他们习惯寻找完全适应生活的工作,而不会围绕工作重塑自己的生活。值得注意的是,与职业抱负(70%)相比,员工更重视工作-生活平衡(93%)、时间灵活性(81%)和心理健康支持(83%)。 远程工作已被证明是一种节省时间的行动,通过最大限度地减少被打扰造成的停工时间,工人们每年可以节约近62个小时。美国政府责任署报告还强调,在2020年和2021年,远程工作提高了工人的生产率和企业绩效。强调深入,集中的工作,远程安排不仅提高生产力,而且节省宝贵的时间和资源。 公司应优先考虑在可行的情况下提供远程工作,以保持竞争力。在远程工作不可行的情况下,采用灵活的工作模型仍然是有利的。工作安排方面的灵活性仍然使公司能够通过消除地域壁垒,进入更广泛的人才库,使团队能够不分地点招聘工作熟练的专业人员。此外,灵活性成为一个关键因素,吸引和留住多样化和成熟的劳动力,适应不同的需求和偏好。这种方法提高了员工的满意度,有助于提高员工的留任率和整个组织的忠诚度。此外,灵活的工作模式提供了适应性和弹性,在应对不可预见的劳动力挑战方面被证明是非常宝贵的。 8.雇员权益 员工宣传是一个有力的战略,通过分享他们在社交媒体和各种平台上的积极经验来吸引潜在的候选人,从而赋予员工作为品牌大使的权力。通过鼓励员工真实地展示他们对工作场所的满意度和热情,公司利用团队成员的真实声音来建立一个引人注目的雇主品牌。这不仅培养了一个积极的公众形象,而且建立了与潜在候选人的真正联系,受到现有员工的第一手经验的影响。 这种做法被证明是互惠互利的,提高了公司的声誉,同时为员工提供了一个表达他们对工作场所的自豪感的平台。它战略性地利用了员工的有机触角,在竞争激烈的人才市场上,放大了员工对于公司的积极言论。一项研究发现,与品牌频道相比,员工分享公司品牌信息的频率高达561%。 除了提高公司的知名度,这还有助于招聘人员发现那些已经熟悉公司并有兴趣在那里工作的人。一份员工权益基准报告显示,来自员工的个性化社交媒体帖子比非个性化的帖子产生了令人印象深刻的64%的参与度。这强调了员工倡导在建立一个真实的、有吸引力的雇主品牌中所起的影响作用。 当员工分享他们积极的经历和热情时会与志同道合的人产生共鸣,这些人有着相似的价值观和抱负。这种结合培养了一种社区和归属感,使公司对那些认同共同精神的人更具吸引力。 9.录像招聘 以招聘为目的视频使用激增,包括视频面试、虚拟招聘会和雇主品牌视频,为招聘经理提供了一个变革性的机会。随着用户在视频页面上花费的时间平均增加了88%,这种媒介成为了区分公司、扩大曝光度和增加参与度的有力工具。 凭借其创造丰富视觉故事的能力,视频在品牌、客户、公众和潜在员工之间建立了联系。这为求职者打开了一条与未来潜在同事建立联系的渠道,帮助他们更生动地展望自己在公司的前景。在近92%的人每周观看某种形式的视频的背景下,这种做法的影响是普遍的, 通过将视频整合到品牌推广和招聘工作中,员工不再仅仅依赖面试谈话来衡量他们是否适合一个组织的文化:他们可以亲眼目睹这一切。此外,求职者对公司员工的信任度是公司本身的三倍,他们会提供有关在那里工作的真实信息,这强化了视频内容在塑造一个透明、真实的雇主品牌方面的重要性。 提示: Jamyr 可以帮助雇主缩放视频内容用于招聘,简化制作过程,并将视频整合到任何网页、社交媒体平台或招聘广告中。 10.个性化内容 在求职申请期间,候选人的课程时间比去年同期增加了10%以上。此外,平均而言,成功完成申请的候选人会浏览职业网站的9页内容。该报告强调了求职者不断变化的心态,他们在申请选择方面变得更加挑剔。 候选人在做出申请决定之前,正在进行彻底的尽职调查,并仔细考察工作地点。这一变化突显了塑造一个引人注目、透明的雇主品牌的重要性。它还突出说明了个性化的候选人经验如何成为与候选人建立更深层次联系的关键,从而增加了吸引和留住顶尖人才的可能性。 个性化为候选人创造了一个更具吸引力和更加量身定制的过程,使他们感到自己受到重视和理解。这种个性化的方法表明公司致力于将候选人视为独特的个体而不是一般的申请人。这也提高了雇主的品牌,因为候选人更有可能对一家投入精力了解他们的技能、偏好和愿望的公司有一个积极的看法。这种积极的印象可以使公司对顶尖人才更具吸引力。 此外,个性化的招聘经验有助于提高候选人的满意度。当应聘者感到他们的需求和期望在整个过程中都得到了考虑,他们更有可能获得积极的体验,而不管结果如何。这可以带来积极的口碑,这在竞争激烈的就业市场中是很有价值的。 向前看 从技术进步的迅速和不确定性到财政、政治和社会压力,雇主和雇员会受到方方面面的干扰,工作也受到巨大的影响。为了驾驭当前的市场,我们迫切需要建立一个稳定和安全的公司,来承受变革的挑战,并在其中茁壮成长。 在招聘团队的支持下,实现更高的招聘效率,优化您的投资回报!我们人工智能驱动的招聘营销和人才参与服务授权组织以更少的资源完成更多的工作,驱动进步,使他们成为首选雇主。 作者: Carol Anne Perkins |2024年1月25日|候选人经验,招聘营销,招聘营销趋势 SOURCE recuitics
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    The Power of Employeeship and its Direct Impact on Company's Results After The Great Resignation in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic and the huge wave of Baby-boomers retirement, pressure was put on companies. Till now, the war of talent is still ongoing in the time on the edge of various crisis. Company centered strategy is shifting to people centered. What should we do? The war for Talent is something that many companies around the globe have faced over more than two decades. This phenomenon coined by Steven Hankin of McKinsey & Company in 1997 is still ongoing, more challenging than ever. It simply refers to an increasingly competitive landscape for recruiting and retaining talented employees. The Great Resignation in addition is an ongoing economic trend in which employees have voluntarily resigned from their jobs in early 2021 in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the most cited reasons for resigning include wage stagnation is the long-lasting job dissatisfaction. Here we could also add depopulation in some Western countries, big gap between demand and supply in critical competencies and huge wave of Baby-boomers retirement, big uncertainty in the world with conflicts and energy crisis, all of that indeed put the pressure on companies to Re-think the People strategy. So, the million question is which driving factor is the most important enabler for companies to attract and retain people? There is no general recipe and no copy-paste strategy. Instead, look deeper into your people analytics, needs and behaviours. You will find the answer BUT I would dare to emphasize that psychological safety is taking more and more place among employees as the most critical one. By empowering Employeeship with psychological safety in the ground companies can gain both in terms of individual but also team performance. Research and survey are showing that innovation as a competitive advantage is possible if a company has people with high motivation and strong feeling of belonging. How could the way to empowered Employeeship look like: "Empowered Employeeship leads to usage of full potential a company possess in its people" 1. Create a Culture of Care where people feel comfortable to admit, share and learn from failures. Companies need to have strong leadership commitment and empower its employees to bring even difficult topics to the table and discuss. Care from psychological perspective includes continues learning and development in all aspects. Care is very much about listening and understanding, supporting and coaching in the way that opens up for new ways of thinking and managing things. 2. Develop a Culture where ownership and responsibility in the organization is strong linked to each and one of the employees. If the employee is rather a partner than a subordinate than the individual contribution and feeling of personal value will be higher. This employee will give a company more value back because it will feel respected, acknowledged and empowered. This in turn will even strengthen company´s leaders and most probably lead the company to a higher maturity level. The better people the better business. At the end, all business problems are people problems. Therefore make your people accountable, responsible and put the hat of ownership on top of their heads. Just to mention, Employeeship is a philosophy adopted notably in Sweden where the hierarchy is abandoned. And it gives great companies, brands and results! 3. When having 1 and 2 in place then the most natural part is to work further with Inclusion. You can also say that companies need to develop a Sense of Coherence where three parts are important: a) the employee needs to feel included in an environment that is understandable and purposeful; b) the employee needs to have resources and conditions that makes the work possible and manageable; and c) the work that the person is expected to deliver and perform need to be part of the bigger picture and the employee needs to understand that. Just sitting in front of the computer day in and day out, delivering for example drawings of calculations will not give meaning long term. But if you put these deliveries into the bigger context by showing where this piece of a puzzle is and how it is connected to other pieces will most probably lead to higher satisfaction and retention rates, loyalty, performance and for certain create strong attractiveness as well. Empowered Employeeship leads to usage of full potential a company possess in its people. We all have individual responsibility to contribute to a culture where other people feel comfortable. Just start with yourself and how you would like to be treated. Clear direction from top management and strong commitment from all employees will make this journey possible. SOURCE ManageHR
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    10个方法让你更好地营销人力资源科技10 Ways to Become a Better HR Tech Marketer 为有效拓展并参与到人力资源领域,人力资源科技公司应该采取全面的市场营销策略,囊括多种渠道,响应目标群众,展现价值主张。具体步骤包括:理解人力资源领域,强调投资回报率,创造有价值的内容,与行业影响者合作,细分受众,参与行业会议,展现前沿行业思想,加强线上展现力,培养客户友好关系,跟踪前沿趋势。人力资源营销的成功需要时间的积累与不懈的努力。祝你好运! To effectively reach and engage the HR community, HR technology firms should adopt a comprehensive marketing strategy that encompasses various channels, resonates with the target audience, and demonstrates value proposition. 为加强营销力量,以下是行动策略的具体步骤: Here’s a breakdown of actionable strategies to enhance marketing efforts: Understand the HR community: Thoroughly understanding the needs, challenges, and aspirations of HR professionals is crucial for crafting relevant and impactful marketing messages. Conduct surveys, engage in industry forums, and interview HR leaders to gain insights into their preferences and pain points. Highlight the ROI: HR professionals are data-driven and results-oriented. Clearly demonstrate the return on investment (ROI) of your HR technology solutions. Quantify the benefits, such as cost savings, increased efficiency, or improved employee productivity. Create valuable content: Develop informative and engaging content that addresses the specific needs of HR professionals. Produce blog posts, white papers, infographics, and case studies showcasing real-world success stories. Leverage industry influencers: Partner with industry thought leaders, bloggers, and social media influencers to reach a wider audience. Collaborate on content creation, webinars, and social media campaigns to gain credibility and trust. Engage in targeted outreach: Utilize digital marketing tools to target HR professionals with personalized messaging. Segment your audience based on their roles, industries, and interests to deliver relevant content and offers. Attend industry events: Actively participate in HR conferences, trade shows, and networking events to connect with potential customers and showcase your solutions. Build relationships with key decision-makers and industry peers. Demonstrate thought leadership: Establish your company as a trusted resource by sharing expert insights and perspectives on HR trends and challenges. Contribute to industry publications, participate in panel discussions, and offer webinars to position your brand as a leader. Build a strong online presence: Develop a user-friendly and informative website that clearly communicates your value proposition and showcases your solutions. Utilize social media platforms to engage with HR professionals, share content, and respond to inquiries promptly. Nurture customer relationships: Prioritize customer satisfaction by providing excellent customer support and proactively addressing any concerns. Gather feedback regularly to improve your products, services, and marketing strategies. Stay up-to-date with trends: Continuously monitor emerging HR trends and technologies to ensure your marketing efforts remain relevant and aligned with the evolving needs of the industry. HR Tech marketing is all about being persistent and consistent over time. Good luck! SOURCE HRTECHFEED
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    改善居家办公问责制的7个方法 受漫长的疫情影响以及网络通讯日益方便迅捷,居家办公了越来越合理化。居家办公成为职场大势,而管理者通常认为居家办公会严重影响员工工作效率。事实上,与其一味心里过滤不如正视其好处,适应混合式和多元化工作。 想了解居家办公问责制,就要知道是居家办公问责制的什么,其好处是什么,以及七个改善团队或企业问责制的方法。 居家办公(WFH)是许多美国专业人士的新型常态,无论是全职的远程工作还是混合式工作。然而,这种工作制度给企业和员工带来许多利益的同时也带来了特别的挑战——尤其是问责制的问题。没有了传统的办公环境,办公效率以及办公可靠度就需要刻意努力和有效的策略来维持。 在这篇文章中,我们将探讨如何改善居家办公的问责制,让个人和团队在这种新的工作环境下蓬勃发展。 What is work-from-home accountability? 什么是居家办公问责制? Accountability is taking ownership of one’s actions, decisions and outcomes in the remote work context. This means being responsible for meeting deadlines, maintaining quality levels and honoring commitments made to colleagues and stakeholders. When working from home, it’s important to establish clear expectations and guidelines for accountability. This includes: Defining specific goals and objectives Setting realistic deadlines Providing regular feedback Giving support Accountability in remote work also requires effective communication. Inform all team members about progress, challenges and any changes that may affect the workflow. This promotes transparency and allows for better collaboration and problem-solving among teams. Benefits of work-from-home accountability 居家办公问责制的好处 To enhance accountability in remote work, it’s important to recognize its significance. Some of the benefits of focusing on accountability in remote workers include: Improved responsibility: When people hold themselves accountable for their work, they’re more likely to step up and take responsibility for the outcome of their tasks. This also gives employees a sense of accomplishment and improves job satisfaction. More transparency: When you set clear expectations for remote teams, it’s easier for them to be clear about what they’re working on and when they may need help. This also increases trust among team members. Improved collaboration: Remote team accountability helps employees collaborate by outlining who’s responsible for what, so they know who to communicate with to ensure work is completed. Fewer missed deadlines: When working remotely, it’s easy to let deadlines slide past without colleagues reminding you when work is due. Improving accountability among WFH team members helps reduce the number of missed deadlines and streamlines workflows. Better work-life balance: Accountability also improves work-life balance for employees by making sure no team members have to pick up the slack for others. 7 ways to improve work-from-home accountability 改善居家办公问责制的7个方法 Leaders and managers can establish and improve WFH accountability through a few methods. Every organization is different, so you’ll need to find what works best for your situation. 1. Set a clear WFH policy 建立明确的WFH政策 The first step in establishing WFH accountability is to have a clear policy in place. It’s a good idea to ensure team members have buy-in so they don’t feel that they can’t follow the rules. Some items your policy should cover should include expected working hours, hybrid schedules and technology usage policies. Some virtual teams may work on their own schedules and timelines while others will need to have set hours in place to ensure collaboration. Many virtual teams will need more structure than others. It’s important your policy encompasses the best system for your entire organization. Work with your managers and team leaders to find out what policies will work best for everyone. 2. Clarify responsibilities 明确职责 If employees know what’s expected of them, they’ll be more likely to hold themselves accountable to those expectations. Make sure you set clear goals, deadlines and benchmarks so employees can hold themselves to them. Workers need to know what they’re responsible for and who to ask if a project is running late or they need more help. Key performance indicators (KPIs) help teams measure the quality and efficiency of their work to make changes where needed. This is particularly important in a remote work environment where team members don’t have regular physical interactions with each other. 3. Provide the right tools 提供合适的工具 Remote employees may need additional technology and tools to communicate, collaborate and complete tasks. Make sure you provide your teams with the right technology to help them meet goals and stay on track. Virtual teams will need the right communication tool for team meetings, plus project management and collaboration tools to keep each other accountable in real time. Time management and tracking tools help teams determine how to assign project deadlines and prioritize as well. Cloud-based systems help employees work from anywhere and at any time, helping them complete projects when working from home or traveling. Leadership also needs specialized software like ActivTrak to maintain visibility and manage hybrid and remote workforces. 4. Encourage clear communication 鼓励清晰的交流 The best-performing virtual teams are those who can communicate regularly and clearly about their work. Many of the tools you provide your team members will help them communicate about work status, bottlenecks and processes. However, you should also encourage communication among teams through other means, such as weekly newsletters and quarterly all-staff meetings. Just make sure that you’re not scheduling unnecessary meetings for your team’s needs. 5. Give regular check-ins 日常打卡 Beyond clear communication about the team or organization as a whole, structured check-ins for individual employees helps ensure work-from-home policies are working for each person. Give employees a chance to voice their concerns with existing policies or let their managers know where they may be struggling. This also provides an opportunity for managers to help employees see where they’re hitting goals or where they may need to work harder. WFH environments may change over time as your team members and their needs change, so flexibility and regular feedback are key. 6. Measure productivity 衡量工作效率 Remote employee management requires understanding how your teams work best and what blockers may keep them from productivity. One way to make sure you’re setting realistic goals and that team members are accountable for their work when they work from home is to monitor productivity. There are many benefits to using WFH productivity tracking software like ActivTrak, including helping team members with time management, task management and accountability. It also gives your leaders insight to make decisions driven by data rather than guesswork, so you can see where workflows and processes may need tweaking or what’s working for your remote teams. You can also see if team members may be working too much or too little and redistribute the workload as needed. 7. Reward employees for achievements 员工成就奖励 Create a culture of engagement by rewarding employees for being accountable and meeting (or exceeding) expectations. Bonuses, extra paid time off or gifts can be special rewards, but even publicly praising employees for their contributions can go a long way toward improving accountability in your team. Other rewards can include new opportunities to further their careers or take on new challenges. Different teams and employees will have different needs for feeling valued and rewarded, so let your managers find the best way to let employees know they’re appreciated. Use ActivTrak to improve work-from-home accountability If you’re ready to take the next step to enhance work-from-home accountability for your team, ActivTrak offers a comprehensive workforce analytics platform customizable to your needs. Get insights to assess and improve employee productivity and well-being and gain visibility into how work gets done within your company. Use data to inform key decisions and optimize outcomes for your remote or hybrid teams. To see how ActivTrak can empower your team, contact our sales team for a free demo. SOURCE ActivTrak
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    Employers, Employees Disconnected over AI-related Job Displacements Looking at the fast-growing AI age, generative AI is having a great impact on job security. Most employees have expressed their 'psychologically unsafe' at work, while most employers are unconcerned about this. In fact, in order to generate values more efficiently, leaders are supposed to be open to generative AI and upskill their employees. 'Misaligned perceptions' among leaders, employees erode trust, report says. Employers and employees are not seeing eye to eye when it comes to the impact of generative AI in the workplace, hindering trust and preventing organisations from unlocking the potential of the technology at work. This is according to a new report from Accenture after collecting data from over 7,000 C-suite leaders and 5,000 employees of large organisations across 19 countries. According to the report,58%of employees are worried about generative AI's impact on job security. This comes amid recent research from the International Monetary Fund saying the rapid rise of AI will expose nearly 40% of jobs worldwide, while another report from Goldman Sachs said it will put at risk 300 million jobs. C-suite not concerned about AI But members of the C-suite don't appear too concerned about this outcome, as the report found that less than one-third of them feel job displacement is a concern for people. It also found a disconnect between employees and the C-suite when it comes to how gen AI will affect well-being. For 60% of employees, they believe it will increase stress and burnout, while only 37% of leaders see this as an issue. These disconnected views contribute to the lack of trust from employees, who don't believe their organisations will ensure positive outcomes when utilising generative AI, according to the report. "Misaligned perceptions between leaders and workers also erode trust," the report said. "This lack of trust puts the trifecta of opportunities at risk." 'Trifecta of opportunities' The report outlined three opportunities that organisations can maximise when it comes to gen AI and they are: Accelerating economic value Increasing productivity that drives business Fostering more creative and meaningful work of people But the lack of trust from their employees are preventing these organisations from leveraging these opportunities, despite 95% of them saying they see the value in working with AI, according to the report. Role of leaders in gen AI integration It also comes as two-thirds of employees said they don't have the technology and change leadership expertise to drive the reinvention need to take advantage of AI, according to the report. "There's a way, however, for leaders to close the trust gap and accelerate gen AI integration: Look at and emulate how leading organisations are leveraging gen AI in ways that are better for business and better for people," the report said. Only nine per cent of organisations in the survey were classified as "reinventors," who have achieved the capability for continuous reinvention and have maximised the potential of AI. More than half of these reinventors are already redesigning jobs and roles around AI as steps to reshape the workforce, according to the report. "Key to all of this: three-quarters are actively involving their people in their enterprise change efforts, while reskilling people," the report said. These organisations are being transparent to employees throughout the process to establish and foster trust, according to the report. Ellyn Shook, chief leadership and human resources officer, Accenture, underscored the role of leaders in the transition to gen AI. "Success starts with leaders who are willing to learn and lead in new ways, to scale gen AI responsibly, to create value and ensure work improves for everyone," Shook said in a statement. "It starts with asking a simple question: are people 'net better off' working here? This not only unlocks people's potential and drives bottom-line growth, but also paves the way for workers feeling comfortable, trusting and ready to work with gen AI. What we've learned from the past as leaders is that what happens next is up to us. The best outcomes are ours to shape." SOURCE HRD
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    HR Predictions for 2024: The Global Search For Productivity 2024年的HR预测强调了生产力和AI在商业和雇佣实践中的关键作用。这篇文章讨论了公司在动态的经济条件和不断变化的劳动力市场背景下,如何适应他们的人才管理和招聘策略。强调了员工赋权的增加,劳动力市场的变化,以及技能发展的重要性。文章还探讨了劳动力囤积、混合工作模式和员工激活等关键概念。此外,还涉及领导力挑战、薪酬公平、DEI计划,以及可能的四天工作周。 一起来看Josh Bersin 带来新得见解 For the last two decades I’ve written about HR predictions, but this year is different. I see a year of shattering paradigms, changing every role in business. Not only will AI change every company and every job, but companies will embark on a relentless search for productivity. Think about where we have been. Following the 2008 financial crisis the world embarked on a zero-interest rate period of accelerating growth. Companies grew revenues, hired people, and watched their stock prices go up. Hiring continued at a fevered pace, leading to a record-breaking low unemployment rate of 3.5% at the end of 2019. Along came the pandemic, and within six months everything ground to a halt. Unemployment shot up to 15% in April of 2020, companies sent people home, and we re-engineered our products, services, and economy to deal with remote work, hybrid work arrangements, and a focus on mental health. Once the economy started up again (thanks to fiscal stimulus in the US), companies went back to the old cycle of hiring. But as interest rates rose and demand fell short we saw layoffs repeat, and over the last 18 months we’ve seen hiring, layoffs, and then hiring again to recover. Why the seesaw effect? CEOs and CFOs are operating in what we call the “Industrial Age” – hire to grow, then lay people off when things slow down. Well today, as we enter 2024, all that is different. We have to “hoard our talent,” invest in productivity, and redevelop and redeploy people for growth. We live in a world of 3.8% unemployment rate, labor shortages in almost every role, an increasingly empowered workforce, and a steady drumbeat of employee demands: demands for pay raises, flexibility, autonomy, and benefits. More than 20% of all US employees change jobs each year (2.3% per month), and almost half these changes are into new industries. Why is this the “new normal?” There are several reasons. First, as we discuss in our Global Workforce Intelligence research, industries are overlapping. Every company is a digital company; every company wants to build recurring revenue streams; and soon every company will run on AI. Careers that used to stay within an industry are morphing into “skills-based careers,” enabling people to jump around more easily than ever before. Second, employees (particularly young ones) feel empowered to act as they wish. They may quietly quit, “work their wage,” or take time out to change careers. They see a long runway in their lives (people live much longer than they did in the 1970s and 1980s) so they don’t mind leaving your company to go elsewhere. Third, the fertility rate continues to drop and labor shortages will increase. Japan, China, Germany, and the UK all have shrinking workforce populations. And in the next decade or so, most other developed economies will as well. Fourth, labor unions are on the rise. Thanks to a new philosophy in Washington, we’ve seen labor activity at Google, Amazon, Starbucks, GM, Ford, Stellantis, Kaiser, Disney, Netflix, and others. While union participation is less than 11% of the US workforce, it’s much higher in Europe and this trend is up. What does all this mean? There are many implications. First, companies will be even more focused on building a high-retention model for work (some call it “labor hoarding.”) This means improving pay equity, continuing hybrid work models, investing in human-centered leadership, and giving people opportunities for new careers inside the company. This is why talent marketplaces, skills-based development, and learning in the flow of work are so important. Second, CEOs have to understand the needs, desires, and demands of workers. As the latest Edelman study shows, career growth now tops the list, along with the desire for empowerment, impact, and trust. A new theme we call “employee activation” is here: listening to the workforce and delegating decisions about their work to their managers, teams, and leaders. Third, the traditional “hire to grow” model will not always work. In this post-industrial age we have to operate systemically, looking at internal development, job redesign, experience, and hiring together. This brings together the silo’d domains of recruiting, rewards and pay, learning & development, and org design. (Read our Systemic HR research for more.) What does “business performance” really mean? If you’re a CEO you want revenue growth, market share, profitability, and sustainability. If you can’t grow by hiring (and employees keep “activating” in odd ways), what choice do you have? It’s pretty simple: you automate and focus on productivity. Why do I see this as the big topic in 2024? For three big reasons. First, CEOs care about it. The 2024 PwC CEO survey found that CEO’s believe 40% of the work in their company is wasted productivity. As shocking as that sounds, it rings true to me:  too many emails, too many meetings, messy hiring process, bureaucratic performance management, and more. (HR owns some of these problems.) Second, AI enables it. AI is designed to improve white-collar productivity. (Most automation in the past helped blue or gray collar workers.) Generative AI lets us find information more quickly, understand trends and outliers, train ourselves and learn, and clean up the mess of documents, workflows, portals, and back office compliance and administration systems we carry around like burdens. Third, we’re going to need it. How will you grow when it’s so hard to find people? Time to hire went up by almost 20% last year and the job market is getting even tougher. Can you compete with Google or OpenAI for tech skills? Internal development, retooling, and automation projects are the answer. And with Generative AI, the opportunities are everywhere. What does all this mean for HR? Well as I describe in the HR Predictions, we have a lot of issues to address. We have to accelerate our shift to a dynamic job and organization structure. We have to get focused and pragmatic about skills. We have to rethink “employee experience” and deal with what we call “employee activation.” And we are going to have to modernize our HR Tech, our recruiting, and our L&D systems to leverage AI and make these systems more useful. Our HR teams will be AI-powered too. As our Galileo™ customers already tell us, a well-architected “expert assistant” can revolutionize how HR people work. We can become “full-stack” HR professionals, find data about our teams in seconds instead of weeks, and share HR, leadership, and management practices with line leaders in seconds. (Galileo is being used as a management coach in some of the world’s largest companies.) There are some other changes as well. As the company gets focused on “growth through productivity,” we have to think about the 4-day week, how we institutionalize hybrid work, and how we connect and support remote workers in a far more effective way. We have to refocus on leadership development, spend more time and money on first line managers, and continue to invest in culture and inclusion. We have to simplify and rethink performance management, and we have to solve the vexing problem of pay-equity. And there’s more. DEI programs have to get embedded in the business (the days of the HR DEI Police are over). We have to clean up our employee data so our AI and talent intelligence systems are accurate and trustworthy. And we have to shift our thinking from “supporting the business” to “being a valued consultant” and productizing our HR offerings, as our Systemic HR research points out. All this is detailed in our new 40-page report “HR Predictions for 2024,” launching this week, including a series of Action Plans to help you think through all these issues. And let me remind you of a big idea. Productivity is why HR departments exist. Everything we do, from hiring to coaching to development to org design, is only successful if it helps the company grow. As experts in turnover, engagement, skills, and leadership, we in HR have make people and the organization productive every day. 2024 is a year to focus on this higher mission. One final thing: taking care of yourself. The report has 15 detailed predictions, each with a series of action steps to consider. The last one is really for you: focus on the skills and leadership of HR. We, as stewards of the people-processes, have to focus on our own capabilities. 2024 will be a year to grow, learn, and work as a team. If we deal with these 15 issues well, we’ll help our companies thrive in the year ahead. Details on the Josh Bersin Predictions The predictions study is our most widely-read report each year. It includes a detailed summary of all our research and discusses fifteen essential issues for CEOs, CHROs, and HR professionals. It will be available in the following forms: Webinar and launch on January 24: Register Here (replays will be available) Infographic with details: Available on January 24. Microlearning course on Predictions: Available on January 24. Detailed Report and Action Guide: Available to Corporate Members and Josh Bersin Academy Members (JBA).  (Note you can join the JBA for $495 per year and that includes our entire academy of tools, resources, certificate courses, and SuperClasses in HR.)
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    How to Learn More About Labor Relations There’s a lot of talk about labor relations (i.e., union activity) in today’s news. While we’re reading about it more, the actual number of American workers that belong to unions is relatively small. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it’s 10.1% and only 6% in the private sector. So, it’s not unusual that individuals might not have much labor relations experience. That’s what today’s reader note is all about. "I am looking for some direction. I love your emails and share them with my peers.  Can you suggest any online blog, certificate program, or course I can take that would help me interpret union contracts more effectively? I am struggling to understand the grey area of the language sometimes. What I interpret the language as saying is different than the original intent of the language and I get stuck. Any help or direction you could give would be great. Have a great day!" When it comes to labor relations, one of the first things that individuals need to know is what legislation governs your industry. For instance, many organizations are governed by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). But some industries – like transportation – are governed by the Railway Labor Act. And if you’re in the public sector, the rules are different as well. So, understanding the rules is step one. While I have some labor relations experience, I know someone who is a specialist in this area and thankfully, when I asked if he would share his expertise, he said “yes”. Michael VanDervort is a staff member with the Labor Relations Institute (LRI) in Tulsa Oklahoma. In his role, Michael specializes in creating thriving workplaces driven by positive associate relations. Before joining LRI, Michael worked in labor relations for Publix Super Markets and was executive director of CUE Inc., a non-profit, member-run organization dedicated to assisting companies in the creation and maintenance of positive working environments. Michael and I have known each other for years. We met as volunteer leaders with the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) and HR Florida. Michael, thanks for much for being here. Can you share with readers how you got started in labor relations? [VanDervort] I grew up in Michigan at a time when the state was the center of the universe when it came to the auto industry and manufacturing, especially the UAW (United Auto Workers). My dad was a manufacturing supervisor at that time and would come home with paperwork that included lists of grievances that had been filed by employees, and he would have to write responses. I guess I was an HR nerd even then because I remember reading the complaints and saying,‘But why….??’ about all kinds of work-related complaints. When I graduated with my bachelor’s, I originally planned to go to law school, but I decided to take a year off to earn some cash. I applied for and got hired into a job with the U.S. Postal Service as a letter carrier, and I joined the National Association of Letter Carriers Union (NALC). I became a union member, realized how bad the relationship between craft workers and postal management was, and started asking,‘But why…?’ again. I became active with the union, winding up as an elected official, but I knew I could do more. A few years later, I applied to graduate school for my master’s in labor and industrial relations. I switched to the management side 35 years ago because that’s where you can make the most difference, and I have been doing this work ever since and still love it. Before we start talking about the reader note, I want to ask about non-union environments. Why should HR professionals in non-union environments learn about labor relations? [VanDervort] If you manage in a non-union environment, you have a blank slate for establishing a thriving workplace culture. If you do this well, your people will never need a union. That’s the first reason. The second is that even though it may seem remote and esoteric to non-union practitioners, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is an influential agency with jurisdiction over many crucial aspects of the workplace that apply to all employers, regardless of union status. Any employee, including non-union employees covered by the NLRA, can file an unfair labor practice (ULP) charge with the NLRB and bring the Board to your front door. Most of these charges would be related to protected concerted activity for things like complaining about unfair treatment, being disciplined, or fired for sharing company information, or handbook policy violations. The reader expressed interest in building their labor relations knowledge. If someone wants to learn more about the area of labor relations, can you name a handful of low-cost / no-cost resources? [VanDervort] There are many newsletters and organizations that focus on labor relations in different ways, including professional organizations like: CUE Inc., a community for positive employee relations HR Policy Association Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Law firms also provide great resources with their blogs and newsletters. Jackson Lewis Littler Mendelson P.C. Ogletree Deakins And free blogs, newsletters, and podcasts abound. Labor Relations Radio Labor Union News Projections Inc. and the ProjectHR podcast Lastly, my own firm, the Labor Relations Institute, offers free resources and I do a podcast called Labor Relatedly, which I co-host with attorney Jon Hyman as part of the DriveThruHR show. I put out a LinkedIn newsletter called “Positive Employee Relations” several times a week that is a great resource for staying current on developments in the labor space. And if I have some budget dollars, are there any labor relations educational programs that might be helpful? [VanDervort] CUE offers some low-cost training like Labor Relations 101 and a periodic certification course in labor relations. They also offer two conferences yearly, which are great learning opportunities for those seeking to learn more about labor relations. Michigan State University’s School of Human Resources & Labor Relations offers unique monthly courses and a certificate program for someone preparing for a leadership role in a unionized organization. Cornell University also offers an online certification in labor relations. This reader note talks about collective bargaining agreement (CBA) language. If an HR pro is trying to interpret the CBA, what should they do? Is there someone specific they should turn to for guidance? [VanDervort] The first piece of advice I received about learning labor relations and contract interpretation was ‘read the labor agreement’. This is completely true. Everything starts with the labor agreement. From there, you have guidelines in precedent, past grievance settlements, bargaining notes from negotiations, and your internal/external labor attorneys to draw from. However, you need to build your own knowledge first because every conversation you have around grievances, arbitration, and work rules with a union representative derives from that CBA, so you need to know it inside out. Last question. I’ve worked with some companies where labor relations were left up to lawyers and consultants. I’m not a lawyer or consultant bashing – they are invaluable, especially when employees might be considering union representation (i.e., organizing) and contract negotiations. How can an HR pro know when to call in outside expertise?  [VanDervort] It goes back to knowing the basics of labor law, what the current trends are in labor relations are, and how they might impact your employer. If you are non-union, follow what the NLRB is doing policy-wise. They create policies every week that impact non-union workplaces significantly. You are not doing your job if you aren’t on top of these developments. Stay abreast of what labor unions are doing and what industries they focus on for organizing. If you get a surprise petition or ULP charge, you are going to be hard-pressed to respond. If you are a union employer facing contract negotiations, ULPs, or even a strike, you must be prepared and have plans in place. These are the times when having a labor attorney or consultant in your contacts makes sense. A huge thanks to Michael for sharing his experience and knowledge with us. Michael frequently speaks and writes about a wide variety of human resources topics, including labor and employee relations, positive workplace leadership, and social media. So, I hope you’ll check out all the resources he has provided. One of the big takeaways for me in this conversation with Michael is there’s a place for labor relations in both union and non-union environments. And he’s absolutely right in saying that the NLRB is an influential agency. It’s worth your time to proactively understand what’s happening, not only for your own professional development but your company culture. Image captured by Sharlyn Lauby while exploring the streets of Tampa, FL SOURCE HR Bartender
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    AI in Hiring: How to Weigh the Tech’s Benefits Against its Risks Karen Boyle, senior vice president of human resources at the Graham Company, asks: Do the pros outweigh the cons when using AI in the hiring process? (Karen Boyle, SHRM - SCP, is senior vice president, human resources at the Graham Company.) The demand for a strong workforce along with the competitive hiring landscape has put increased pressure on human resource executives. The average corporate position receives approximately 250 applications per job opening, according to Zippia. HR professionals are tasked with narrowing down the pool of applicants, conducting an extensive interview process, and hiring talent that fits the culture and needs of their respective companies. Artificial intelligence has been introduced as a way to improve efficiencies throughout that process, and many say they’ve already implemented the tech. Sixty-five percent of recruiters say they’re currently using AI in the recruitment process and 96% of senior HR professionals say they expect AI to greatly enhance the talent acquisition process, Zippia also reported. Those numbers speak for themselves. As a HR executive, I have witnessed the benefits of what AI can do but I’m also cautious about the potential risks. AI’s benefits HR pros stand to gain benefits from AI in a number of ways, namely in interview prep, candidate vetting and overall time savings. In terms of preparation, AI tools can be used to help HR craft appropriate questions for interview teams to ensure every interview is thoughtful. Interviewing doesn’t come naturally to everyone, so this step is critical in making sure employees are properly prepared and positioned for success. Among other things, AI can assist with strategic questions that go beyond typical prompts like,“tell me about yourself,” which are generic and often leave interviewees unsure where to begin. For example, at my company, we look for candidates who display traits of grit, tenacity and resilience. For us, being able to ask specific questions that demonstrate those traits is key. With adequate preparation throughout the hiring process, companies are more likely to secure the right talent. It’s also a two-way street: Interviewees want to know those they are being interviewed by are just as prepared as they are. AI is similarly capable of streamlining the vetting process. When companies are hiring for multiple positions at one time, HR departments have limited bandwidth to properly review and vet candidates. By tapping into AI, the process is expedited and becomes more efficient for HR professionals. For instance, if a job listing requires certain industry expertise or a specific certification, AI can quickly identify the appropriate resumes that meet those requirements. This can help HR executives go from 250 applications to, let’s say,100. That makes the job exponentially faster and easier, as you have already weeded out those who would not qualify. One common theme among those benefits? Time savings. Most hiring managers and recruiters who have used AI say it saves time in the talent acquisition process. Knowing how important time is, AI can certainly serve as a resource to let HR leaders execute their jobs more efficiently. This is especially important as HR executives spend several hours a day reviewing applications, vetting candidates and preparing interviewers for conversations. With AI, HR pros may have more time to focus on other important elements of the job. AI’s risks Despite AI’s ability to streamline hiring processes and ease HR’s workload, companies must also account for the risks. Just like with any technology, there are some concerns that cannot be ignored. When considered for use in the hiring process, AI inherently loses some of the nuance that comes from the human element. The tech often functions based on algorithms and because of this, there exists the potential for entire groups of candidates to be disregarded. In a situation like this, an algorithm-based outcome could stunt the growth and promotion of a company’s diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. Additionally, some companies are using AI to conduct actual interviews, which fully eliminates the human approach to hiring, inhibiting the discovery of certain attributes in applicants like work ethic, dedication and drive. An organization also must weigh the significant security risks that AI can pose. When using this technology, hiring managers working with personal data must be aware that some tools use any data entered to train the system. This can increase the risk for breaches in privacy. We’ve already seen troubling headlines of the security flaws of various AI tools. In fact, a major multinational appliance and consumer electronics company announced earlier this year that it would be banning employees from using AI tools after sensitive company information was leaked. Finally, HR professionals need to be mindful of how AI can be used by potential candidates to manipulate resumes and skill sets to better position themselves for listed job qualifications. For example, a candidate can use AI to determine the best key words or phrases to use when applying for a specific position. Trying to combat this issue adds a challenging layer to the already complex and time-consuming hiring process. This further underscores how crucial the human element is to the hiring process, allowing HR leaders to identify inconsistencies between what is on a resume and what it said in an interview. So, the question remains: Do the pros outweigh the cons when using AI in the hiring process? That is for each company to determine. For me, it’s about striking a balance and using the technology to serve as a complementary element. SOURCE HRDIVE
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    沃尔玛将商店经理的平均薪资提高至 128,000 美元 In a strategic move to attract and retain employees amid a tight labor market, Walmart, the world's largest retailer, has announced a significant salary increase for store managers from $117,000 to $128,000. Alongside the 9% raise, Walmart is revamping its managers' bonus program to emphasize store profits more prominently in annual bonus calculations. Cedric Clark, Executive Vice President of Walmart U.S. Store Operations, highlighted that bonuses could now reach up to 200% of the base salary if targets are met. This change comes after years without salary adjustments for managers and reflects Walmart's efforts to navigate the challenges of retaining staff in an evolving retail landscape. 沃尔玛公司表示,由于这家全球最大的零售商希望在紧张的劳动力环境中吸引和留住员工,商店经理的平均工资将从 117,000 美元上涨至 128,000 美元。 除了 9% 的加薪外,该公司还表示正在“重新设计”经理的奖金计划。沃尔玛在其网站上表示,商店利润将在计算年度奖金中发挥更大的作用。沃尔玛美国门店运营执行副总裁塞德里克·克拉克 (Cedric Clark)在帖子中表示,如果所有目标均实现,奖金现在可能高达经理基本工资的 200% 。 公司发言人表示,十多年来,沃尔玛没有对商店经理的薪酬进行任何调整。此前,商店销售额是决定奖金的主要因素,经理最多可以获得基本工资150%的奖金。 随着员工越来越多地面临不守规矩的顾客以及商店盗窃事件的增加,零售商一直在努力保留员工。 尽管近年来,随着员工竞争加剧,工资大幅上涨,但有迹象表明,雇主的影响力正在回归,至少对于某些职位而言是这样。去年,作为调整工资结构的一部分,沃尔玛降低了一些新员工的起薪。较低的税率影响了在线订单拣货员、货架库存员和其他新员工。 据该公司称,约 75% 的商店经理在沃尔玛开始时都是小时工。
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    3 Non-Obvious Ways to Advance Your HR Career Let us take a look at 3 non-obvious ways to advance your HR career with William Taylor. (a VP at Workforce.com with 7 years of experience helping major companies develop better workforce management and HR practices) Summary Work in human resources on a small team at a small company. – More Focus on strategy by automating administrative work. – More Understand how HR impacts your company’s bottom line. – More When it comes to most HR career advice, the conversation is often dominated by talks of SHRM vs. HRCI accreditation, postgraduate study opportunities, or job hopping to get ahead. While these are all legitimate pathways to career growth, you’re probably already aware of them. They also lean further towards how to get a pay raise rather than how to become better at HR. So here are three ways you may not have thought about that can boost your HR expertise and advance your career. 1. Do HR at a smaller company Running HR at a small company gives you the ability to take more ownership, see how every part of HR operates, and take part in more strategic initiatives. This is often discouraged because many processes aren’t built out at smaller companies, but this is precisely why it’s a great opportunity. You get to be the one that builds out HR from the ground up. What constitutes a small company is hard to define, but an excellent place to start is somewhere smaller than where you currently are. Other good rules of thumb are fewer than five people in the HR department or less than 1,000 total employees. 2. Give yourself time to work on strategic HR Probably the biggest complaint about career advancement is that there isn’t time to work on strategic HR initiatives because HR is bogged down in busy work. This is a fair assessment. Some of the biggest culprits are collecting onboarding documentation, updating employee details, and fielding payroll queries. Don’t accept this reactive approach to HR. Get rid of the paper onboarding, let staff add their own availability and PTO, and allow them to access payroll details like their direct deposit information and electronic pay stubs. By automating these processes, HR is no longer the middleman between front-line staff and an outdated HRIS. Instead, HR actually has time to pursue valuable strategic initiatives like employee retention and talent development. 3. Understand the commercials of your company For most people, advancing their careers often involves promotions to more senior positions. While your technical HR skills help you on this journey, a firm understanding of how your company operates financially becomes probably the most essential tool in your toolbox as you develop seniority. The most crucial part for HR is understanding budgets. Both overall and team budgets, as well as HR budget metrics, like labor spend, cost of employee turnover, etc. This will help you justify the value of HR initiatives and show their impact on the bottom line. Secondly, you need to understand the business you’re in. Learn who your customers are, how your service or product solves their problems, and what role each team plays in that process. Doing so will help you make better decisions in HR, but it will also help to make other teams respect you. Both of these are essential if you ever want to become a CHRO. Next steps You’re probably not going to be able to do everything listed. Moving to a smaller company is a big step, but eliminating busy work to free up time for strategic HR and understanding your company’s commercials are two steps you can begin immediately. Schedule, engage, and pay your staff in one system with Workforce.com. SOURCE Workforce
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