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    Hireology Named Best Applicant Tracking System of 2024 by Hotel Tech Report Hireology's recognition by Hotel Tech Report showcases their ability to understand the unique needs of the hotel sector and deliver innovative solutions. With an increasingly competitive job market, hiring the right personnel is crucial for hotels to maintain their high standards of service and guest satisfaction.   "We’re excited to announce that Hireology has ranked #1 overall on the Global Best Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) list in the 2024 HotelTechAwards! The HotelTechAwards are produced by Hotel Tech Report, the leading authority on hotel software and digital transformation in the hotel industry." Often referred to as “the Grammys of hotel tech,” the HotelTechAwards rank the world’s best hotel software companies and products based on authentic, timely reviews from real users. Winners have been selected from more than 200 of the top technology products around the world. “The ranking process is simple, transparent, and unbiased — judging is based on time tested ranking factors developed specifically for the industry. Only verified hoteliers with hands-on experience using each product are allowed to participate in the voting process. This means that Hireology’s users decided the #1 ATS,” said Hotel Tech Report CEO, Jordan Hollander. With more than 10,000 customers, Hireology is the only applicant tracking system built to power better hiring for multi-location businesses that largely rely on skilled talent like hotels. Our platform makes it easy for users to source quality talent across key channels, streamline hiring with innovative recruitment automation, and make smarter hiring decisions rooted in data. “This recognition from Hotel Tech Report validates the work we’re doing at Hireology to help hotels capture more than their fair share of quality talent and fill critical revenue-driving roles faster,” said Adam Robinson, CEO at Hireology. “We’re grateful for every customer who helped us earn the top spot on this list, and we’re looking forward to helping even more hotels navigate today’s challenging hiring market and achieve their goals in 2024 and beyond.” In 2023 alone, Hireology launched several critical product updates that are designed to help their hotel customers not only attract better quality talent but also streamline the hiring process to fill critical roles faster, including: Indeed Sponsored Jobs integration: Sponsor jobs on Indeed directly from the Hireology platform — helping you maximize your reach to top candidates and make hires faster all without ever leaving Hireology Innovative ChatGPT integration: Leverage generative AI to instantly craft quality descriptions for new open jobs Enhanced candidate communication automations: Keep candidates engaged and reduce no-shows with automated messaging for routine updates Employee referral campaign templates and manager: Quickly launch optimized text and email campaigns and start driving quality referrals faster Hotel Tech Report’s lists are based on data from over 16,000 verified customer reviews during the HotelTechAwards period. These reviews were written and published between September 1,2023–December 15,2023, with participation from every major hotel brand and thousands of independents. In one review, a Hireology customer noted how they’ve driven better quality candidates and made smarter hiring decisions with our platform: “With Hireology I am able to track all of my candidates from the various recruiting websites and see all the candidates in one spot. With their screening tools I am able to pick out the candidate that has the most potential to be a good fit for the position. I have a better turn out and response rate for candidates that I have considered, and I have had a better quality of candidates who show up to the interview. The candidates that I have hired have become invaluable assets to my property.” Today’s announcement comes at the heels of the Winter G2 awards, where they placed in the top 10 in more than 200 reports and earned the top spot in 28—including referral programs, recruitment marketing, and HR analytics. Additionally, Hireology was recently named the American Hotel and Lodging Association’s (AHLA) Leadership Partner for Talent Technology. Learn more about this partnership here. To learn more about Hireology’s hospitality-specific ATS, take a self-guided virtual tour today! Or reach out to one of our experts for a free 1:1 consultation. SOURCE Hireology
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    OpenAI革新发布:ChatGPT团队版与GPT商店 OpenAI最近推出了两项重大创新:ChatGPT团队版和GPT商店。这些进展不仅展示了OpenAI在人工智能领域的深厚实力,而且标志着AI技术在商业和创新应用领域的新篇章。 首先,让我们深入了解ChatGPT团队版。这是一个专为团队合作设计的产品,旨在提高团队工作效率和协作。ChatGPT团队版在传统ChatGPT的基础上增加了许多新功能和服务,包括: 高级模型访问权:用户可以使用如GPT-4这样的高级模型,这些模型具有更长的上下文窗口,能够处理更复杂的对话和数据分析。 工具支持:团队版提供DALL·E 3、GPT-4 with Vision、浏览功能和高级数据分析工具,以及更高的消息上限。 数据安全与隐私:OpenAI保证不会在用户的业务数据或对话上进行模型训练,其模型也不会从用户的使用中学习,确保数据安全和隐私。 安全的工作空间:提供了一个专门的、安全的协作空间,方便团队成员之间的沟通和协作。 自定义GPT创建和共享:用户可以创建和共享定制版的GPT,以适应特定的工作流程和需求,且无需编码。 管理控制台:提供了一个便于团队和工作空间管理的管理员控制台。 新功能和改进的早期访问:用户可以优先体验OpenAI的新功能和改进。 ChatGPT团队版的定价为每个用户每月25美元(按年计费)或每个用户每月30美元(按月计费)。这一产品不仅提供了强大的AI工具和服务,而且通过其高级功能和定制选项,为各种团队和业务提供了前所未有的灵活性和高效性。 哈佛商学院的一项研究表明,使用GPT-4的波士顿咨询集团员工在完成任务时,速度比未使用AI的同事快25%,工作质量提高了40%。这一发现凸显了ChatGPT团队版在提高团队效率和工作质量方面的巨大潜力。 除了ChatGPT团队版,OpenAI还推出了GPT商店。这是一个探索和使用定制版ChatGPT的平台,旨在促进AI技术的广泛应用和创新。GPT商店汇集了来自OpenAI合作伙伴和社区开发的各种GPT应用,覆盖艺术创作、学术研究等多个领域。这个商店不仅是产品展示和购买的平台,还是一个促进创新和技术交流的社区。 在GPT商店中,用户可以发现各种有趣和有用的GPT应用,这些应用不仅展示了AI技术的多样性,也体现了OpenAI在推动AI技术广泛应用方面的决心。通过这个平台,OpenAI旨在建立一个充满活力的社区,鼓励更多的人参与到AI技术的创新和应用中来。 OpenAI的这两项新产品发布,不仅彰显了公司在人工智能领域的领先地位,更体现了其推动AI技术广泛应用和社会发展的愿景。随着AI技术的不断进步和普及,我们可以预见,OpenAI将继续在人工智能领域扮演重要角色,推动技术和社会的共同发展。 总的来说,ChatGPT团队版和GPT商店的推出是OpenAI在其使命——“通过友好AI推动所有人的福祉”——上的重要一步。通过这些产品,OpenAI不仅提高了团队协作和创新的可能性,而且为广泛的用户群体提供了更加丰富和多样的AI体验。随着这些产品在市场上的推广和应用,我们期待看到AI技术在更多领域的积极变革。
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    美国劳工部新规:重塑雇员与独立承包商关系,企业与劳动力面临新挑战 今天,美国劳工部宣布了关于工人何时可以被归类为独立承包商的最终规则。新规定于 3 月 11 日生效,该规定使用多因素“经济现实”测试来确认工人是否是独立承包商。但该规定并未受到所有人的欢迎。这一历史性的变革于2023年10月发布,经过几个月的准备期后正式生效。 新规则采用了一种多因素的“经济实际”测试来判断一个人是否应被视为雇员或独立承包商。主要考量因素包括:工作机会带来的利润或亏损可能性、个人投资的大小、工作的持久性和时间安排的稳定性、对工作的控制程度、工作性质与业务运营的关联性,以及工人的专业技能和主动性。 对于依赖独立承包商的公司如Uber,这一变化意味着他们可能需要重新评估并可能重新分类其劳动力。这可能导致更高的劳动成本和增加的合规责任。 对劳动者来说,这一规则提供了更明确的分类标准,保障他们获得应有的工资和福利。然而,这也可能限制了他们的工作灵活性,特别是在共享经济领域。经济上,新规则将促进劳动市场的公平竞争,避免不公平的劳动力成本竞争。这对于整体劳动力市场的健康发展具有长远意义。 这一变革不仅影响了企业的运营模式,也影响了劳动者的工作和生活方式。它是对现代劳动力市场的一次重要调整,将在未来引发更多关于劳动法律和政策的讨论。新规则确认,如果工人在经济现实上在经济上依赖雇主工作,则他们不是独立承包商。 代理劳工部长朱莉·苏(Julie Su)在一份新闻稿中表示:“将员工错误地归类为独立承包商是一个严重的问题,剥夺了工人的基本权利和保护。” “这项规则将有助于保护工人,特别是那些面临最大剥削风险的工人,确保他们得到正确分类并获得应得的工资。” 更多详细信息,请参考美国劳工部网站和相关文件。 : 常见问题 - 最终规则:FLSA 下的员工或独立承包商分类 https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/flsa/misclassification/rulemaking/faqs
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    2024年的HRTech:GenAI、分析和技能技术 In 2024, the field of Human Resources is experiencing a transformative shift with the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as Generative AI (GenAI), advanced analytics, and skills technology. This article by Dave Zielinski, featured on SHRM Online, delves into the evolving landscape of HR, highlighting the significant impact of these technologies on enhancing the employee experience, improving regulatory compliance, and revolutionizing talent management. Industry analysts and thought leaders share insights on the growing importance of GenAI in HR processes, the challenges of maintaining employee experience in cost-cutting scenarios, and the potential of predictive analytics in optimizing workforce planning. 接受SHRM Online采访的人力资源行业分析师、从业者和思想领袖表示,今年,人力资源职能部门将采用生成式人工智能 (GenAI),投资于提升员工体验的技术,并采用强大的预测分析和技能技术。 人力资源领导者将转向技术,这些技术不仅可以提高法规遵从性,还可以帮助其组织做出更好、更快的人才决策并重新定义工作方式。 有远见的公司将继续投资 EX 一些分析师预测,随着高管将注意力转向降低成本和提高效率,远离包容性、公平和多样性等问题,员工体验 (EX) 将在 2024 年出现“衰退”;灵活的工作安排;和员工心理健康。员工的工作选择将减少,雇主将收回一些影响力。 不过,尽管许多组织可能会在 2024 年减少或冻结 EX 支出,但专家对此类举措的后果提出警告。 JP Gownder 是 Forrester 的副总裁兼首席分析师。他在博文中写道,根据 Forrester 研究,66% 的技术决策者表示,他们将在 2024 年增加对 EX 或人力资源技术的投资,其中许多投资将旨在提高效率,而不是 EX 结果。 但逆流而上的领导者将在 2024 年获得实实在在的好处。 “通过开发成熟的 EX 计划,您的组织可以提高生产力、降低人员流失率并提高创造力,”Gownder 写道。 其他专家认为,足智多谋的人力资源领导者会在预算紧张的情况下找到投资 EX 的方法。 管理咨询公司光辉国际 (Korn Ferry) 首席人力资源官 (CHRO) 业务的高级客户合伙人丹·卡普兰 (Dan Kaplan) 表示:“人力资源部门将被迫在低迷的市场中保持参与度,甚至在成本削减和削减的整个过程中也不例外。” “这将是一场艰难的舞蹈,但最好的人力资源领导者会找到办法做到这一点。” 光辉国际 (Korn Ferry) 专门负责人力资源问题的高级客户合伙人胡安·巴勃罗·冈萨雷斯 (Juan Pablo Gonzalez) 表示,组织对 EX 的承诺在 2024 年不会减弱,但 EX 看起来会非常不同。 “EX 的本质可能会变得更加个性化,同时也会变得不那么个性化,”冈萨雷斯说。“例如,通过使用 Microsoft Office Copilot、Workday 和 Salesforce 等大型软件平台中已有的人工智能功能,雇主和员工已经改变了他们的 EX。正在发生的情况是,员工与技术的互动越来越多地取代了与人的互动,但与技术的互动已经变得更加适合员工的特定需求和情况。” 亚特兰大人力资源咨询公司 IA 的创始人兼管理负责人 Mark Stelzner 表示,虽然由于组织面临控制盈利的挑战,预算将在 2024 年重新分配,但良好的 EX 相关技术投资将继续为公司带来红利。 “我认为投资 EX 实际上会提高效率并降低成本,”Stelzner 说。“到 2024 年,我们可能会看到组织不断转向‘流程主导、技术支持’的理念。端到端流程的优化通常会导致诸如消除现有技术债务以及统一工具和技术等决策,以减少员工的困惑并优化个性化,从而减少集成良好的接触点。” Gartner 专门研究人力资源技术的副总裁分析师 John Kostoulas 表示,做出更具战略性的采购决策和改善现有技术生态系统的治理是改善 EX 的两个关键。Gartner 最近的研究发现,60% 的人力资源领导者认为他们当前的技术阻碍而不是改善了员工体验。 Nucleus Research 专门负责员工体验的研究经理 Evelyn McMullen 表示,仅仅为了提高效率而不是 EX 结果而设计的技术投资可能被证明是短视的。她指出,改进的 EX 通常会带来更好的绩效并降低与营业额相关的成本。 麦克马伦说:“考虑到劳动力市场和求职者优势的不断波动,减少 EX 预算的风险尤其大。” “当控制权不可避免地回到求职者手中时,保留 EX 投资的组织将能够更好地捕获和留住最优秀的人才。” GenAI 从实验转向加速采用 到 2024 年,通过更多地采用该技术,人力资源职能将从涉足 GenAI 转向更深的领域。 随着领导者制定更严格的 GenAI 治理计划以及使用该技术的风险开始降低,人力资源和招聘部门将越来越多地使用其 HRIS 平台中已有的 GenAI 工具来编写职位描述和面试指南、创建敬业度调查、开发培训课程、分析数据,并制定政策。 世界大型企业联合会 2023 年底对首席人力资源官的调查发现,61% 的首席人力资源官计划在 2024 年投资人工智能以简化人力资源流程。 分析师 Eser Rizaoglu 表示:“许多人力资源领导者的 GenAI 之旅仍处于起步阶段,但要么通过现有的人力资源技术提供商获得 GenAI 功能,要么到 2024 年中期购买新的 GenAI 工具。” Gartner 的人力资源研究和咨询实践。 Rizaoglu 表示,许多人力资源技术供应商仍在努力弄清楚如何充分利用 GenAI 的功能,同时平衡保护数据、确保有效治理和考虑道德因素的需求。他表示:“在实现这种精细的平衡之前,GenAI 能力在人力资源领域的大规模扩散将面临挑战。” Stelzner 表示,虽然去年 GenAI 带来了兴奋并刺激了人力资源领域的实验,但“冷酷的现实”是许多组织仍然没有准备好全力投入。 “到 2024 年,GenAI 采用率的任何增长都可能是渐进式的,包括更好地利用聊天机器人、增强员工沟通的个性化、更加关注人才招聘领域的可能性以及系统升级和实施测试的自动化。”他说。 埃森哲进行的研究发现,GenAI 有潜力改变组织 40% 的工作时间。“这并不意味着 40% 的工作岗位将会消失,而是反映了工作方式的转变,”负责该公司人力资源转型和交付实践的埃森哲董事总经理迈克尔·本亚明 (Michael Benyamin) 表示。“技术将取代一些任务,让员工在工作中变得更有生产力、更具创造力和效率。人工智能是人类能力的倍增器。” 随着 GenAI 开始增强或转变更多的工作角色,人力资源和学习领导者将需要创建敏捷的学习计划,以重新培训员工使用快速发展的 GenAI 工具的技能。许多工人几乎没有接受过如何使用该技术的培训。 Salesforce 于 2023 年进行的一项调查发现,62% 的员工表示他们缺乏有效、安全使用 GenAI 的技能。波士顿咨询集团的另一项研究发现,尽管该技术有望从根本上重塑他们的工作方式,但只有 14% 的一线员工接受过与人工智能相关的技能提升。 Benyamin 表示,随着 GenAI 在工作场所变得越来越普遍,人力资源部门必须帮助制定负责任和道德的人工智能使用政策,并制定培训计划来解决偏见、歧视、数据保护和适当数据使用等问题。 更加关注变革管理,提高新人力资源软件的采用率 专家认为,许多人力资源领导者将寻求通过采用变革管理策略来提高 2024 年技术投资的回报,例如确保员工使用新采用的技术解决方案。 人力资源面临的一项持续挑战是管理云技术供应商源源不断的更新和新功能,导致许多人力资源软件即服务 (SaaS) 许可证闲置。位于加利福尼亚州帕洛阿尔托的 SaaS 智能平台 Productiv 于 2023 年进行的一项研究发现,组织中 53% 的 SaaS 许可证总体未使用。 位于阿拉巴马州亨茨维尔的人力资源咨询和研究公司 Lighthouse Research 的首席研究官本·尤班克斯 (Ben Eubanks) 表示,许多组织低估了如何确保员工在新的人力资源平台和应用程序推出后定期使用它们。 “人力资源和人才技术不是‘按下开关就可以开始’类型的解决方案,”尤班克斯说。“但许多雇主仍然这么认为,并低估了采用该技术所需的行为改变。” 重新思考员工敬业度调查 更多的人力资源和执行团队将重新考虑如何创建敬业度调查以及分发调查的频率,以减少“调查疲劳”。 ServiceNow 高级副总裁兼员工工作流程产品总经理 Gretchen Alarcon 表示,随着组织继续努力寻找“秘方”,让员工在 2024 年更频繁地重返办公室,人力资源领导者将需要使用更有意义的方法测量工具。 她说:“组织将利用员工的声音调查和反馈来分析在办公室花费的时间与员工情绪和生产力的关系。” “这将使领导者能够根据数据而不是假设做出决策,这样他们就可以根据员工的需求、行为和提高生产力的因素来调整重返办公室 [RTO] 策略。” 从改进的技能技术中获益 转向基于技能的招聘和晋升策略的人力资源和招聘领导者将受益于技术的发展,例如使用人工智能和机器学习自动创建、组织和更新员工技能数据库的技能本体,从而显着减少体力工作量人力资源部要求。 下一代本体论和其他新兴技能技术可以使人力资源领导者更轻松地识别组织中的技能差距,然后相应地调整招聘或学习和发展计划。虽然市场上没有真正的端到端技能技术解决方案,但许多人力资源领导者正在将人工智能驱动的点解决方案结合在一起,以创建有效的技能数据库和评估工具。 “到 2024 年,随着组织采用技能智能技术,他们将开始认识到,这不是拥有最大的技能数据库,而是一个不断更新的丰富且互联的技能数据库,”Alarcon 说。她补充说,此类数据库使公司能够了解人才缺口是否是由于缺乏合适的人才或缺乏技能造成的,以及他们是否需要为未来培养、购买或借用人才。 预测分析工具变得更加强大 人力资源从业者和分析师认为,人力资源部门将受益于日益强大的预测分析工具,这些工具将改善劳动力规划和数据驱动的决策。 光辉国际 (Korn Ferry) 的冈萨雷斯 (Gonzalez) 表示:“凭借更大的数据集和改进的算法,人力资源部门应该能够采取一些措施,例如缓和过去几年的招聘盛衰周期。” 例如,冈萨雷斯表示,雇主不会雇佣数千名员工,然后在六个月后解雇其中一半,而是能够更好地预测在合理的时间内他们需要的员工数量和类型。他说:“然后他们可以雇用和培养一支更稳定的员工队伍,以造福所有组织利益相关者。” Stelzner 认为,许多人力资源部门由于没有充分发挥数据分析的潜力而错失了机会。他说,如果未能投资分析人力资源数据所需的工具和技能,可能会导致洞察力缺失,并阻碍人力资源战略与更广泛的业务目标保持一致的能力。 “从历史上看,人力资源部门也一直在努力解决数据的准确性问题,”斯特尔兹纳说。“这会影响该职能部门依靠报告和数据分析来通知和支持其决策的能力。更糟糕的是,企业的其他部门已经接受过培训,预计人力资源系统会提供有问题的数据,因此在数据清理、报告和分析方面还有很多工作要做,以重新获得整个企业的可信度。” Dave Zielinski 是 Skiwood Communications 的负责人,这是一家位于明尼阿波利斯的商业写作和编辑公司。 作者:Dave Zielinski
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    Ceipal Further Increases Recruiter Productivity With New WhatsApp Integration The integration of WhatsApp into the Ceipal platform is a positive development for recruiter productivity. WhatsApp, a popular messaging application, is widely used by individuals and businesses worldwide. By incorporating this widely-used communication channel into Ceipal, the platform can now offer recruiters a more seamless and efficient way to engage with candidates. Users Can Strengthen Candidate Relationships, Schedule Interviews, and Auto-Source Candidates Directly From the Ceipal ATS ROCHESTER, N.Y.,OCT. 11,2023 Ceipal, ​​the industry-leading, AI-powered total talent acquisition and automation platform, is further increasing recruiter productivity through its new integration with WhatsApp—a free, cross-platform messaging service—so they can deepen their engagement with candidates in real-time. Ceipal applicant tracking system (ATS) users can now connect with candidates directly through WhatsApp conversations that strengthen relationships, improve efficiency, and attract talent faster. Ceipal users can configure WhatsApp to contact candidates and automatically schedule interviews with them directly through the ATS, allowing candidates to accept, reschedule, or reject calendar invites directly from WhatsApp. The integration also enables users to auto-source candidates with Ceipal’s industry-leading artificial intelligence technology, which connects with potential candidates by sharing job information via email and WhatsApp messages to engage top talent from internal databases. “In order to create remarkable candidate experiences, recruiters and staffing professionals must be able to immediately reach and nurture top talent before the competition,” said Ceipal Founder and CEO Sameer Penakalapati. “By interacting with candidates via instant messaging tools, such as WhatsApp, they can further build out their talent pools and personalize their communication with them. Ceipal’s WhatsApp integration is another solution for recruiters and staffing professionals to streamline their workflows and boost their productivity so they can strengthen their candidate relationships.” Additionally, recruiters and staffing professionals can use WhatsApp to share GDPR consent requests. Candidates can easily accept or decline requests directly through WhatsApp, providing a more efficient way to handle these responses. Ceipal’s WhatsApp integration is part of its suite of productivity applications integrations, which enable users to leverage their favorite software more effectively. These integrations help recruiters and staffing professionals save valuable time, automate repetitive processes, and empower them to grow their businesses. For more information about Ceipal’s WhatsApp integration, which is now available for free, please visit the WhatsApp integration page. About Ceipal Ceipal is a scalable, AI-driven, total talent acquisition platform that provides visibility across all channels and sources while organizing your data into a single talent ecosystem. With the power of advanced automation and artificial intelligence, Ceipal’s industry-leading ATS and CRM capabilities empower you to efficiently identify, assess, engage, hire, and onboard the best talent. Ceipal Procurewise, our native and fully integrated VMS platform, provides unmatched capabilities for your HR, corporate procurement teams, and MSPs to source, manage, and engage contingent staffing, direct sourcing, and statement of work vendors and workers. Ceipal enables you to integrate, manage, and improve the entire talent acquisition lifecycle, so you can simplify, scale, and transform any high-growth business into a diverse talent powerhouse. Welcome to the new frontier of talent acquisition. SOURCE Ceipal
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    Brandon Hall Group and G2 Name JazzHR a Leading ATS Great news for JazzHR customers! JazzHR, an Employ solution, has been recognized as top recruiting software for small businesses by G2 and the Brandon Hall Group™. This recognition further supports JazzHR as a powerful, easy-to-use applicant tracking system — perfect for SMBs looking to move away from manual recruiting and streamline their hiring. JazzHR recognized as leading ATS software for small and medium-sized business JazzHR won a coveted Brandon Hall Group Silver award for excellence in the Best Advance in Talent Acquisition Technology for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses category. This is the fourth time JazzHR has received recognition from Brandon Hall Group, receiving a Silver award last year. The 2023 Brandon Hall Group Excellence in Awards™ are given for work in Learning and Development, Talent Management, Talent Acquisition, Human Resources, Sales Enablement, Future of Work, and Education Technology. “In our 30th year, the Excellence in Technology Awards continue to showcase the best innovations in Learning, Talent Management, Talent Acquisition, HR, Workforce Management and Sales Enablement technologies,” said Brandon Hall Group COO Rachel Cooke. “We are proud to receive applications from a diverse range of organizations globally, reflecting the ever-evolving landscape of technology solutions.” Entries were evaluated by a panel of veteran, independent senior industry experts, Brandon Hall Group analysts, and executives based upon these criteria: fit the need, program design, functionality, innovation, and overall measurable benefits. The complete list of winners can be found at: https://excellenceawards.brandonhall.com/winners/. As SMBs embark on their hiring journey for 2024, they need a central recruiting solution that allows them to easily post to job boards, source candidates, schedule interviews, and automate workflows. The recognition from Brandon Hall Group reinforces that JazzHR empowers SMBs to replace time-consuming, repetitive recruiting activities with automated recruiting software. G2 reports name JazzHR a leading small business recruitment software provider In addition to the recognition from Brandon Hall Group, JazzHR was also featured in the four G2 reports throughout 2023 that highlight the top applicant tracking systems for growing companies. And most recently, JazzHR has been spotlighted as one of the best ATS solutions in the G2 Winter 2024 Reports. The JazzHR SMB hiring platform was named a leader in the small business applicant tracking system and recruitment marketing categories, with more than two dozen badges awarded. JazzHR recruitment software has helped streamline hiring for thousands of growing companies and many hiring team members have shared their positive experiences on G2: “I haven’t found a better ATS for such a competitive price. It’s great for prescreening, pipeline management, collaboration, assessments, sending job offers, in addition to an easy to set up career page and seamless job syndication.” “I like how JazzHR simplifies the whole recruitment process. It’s user-friendly, especially for setting up job posts and tracking applicants. Plus, the collaboration tools are great for getting the whole team involved in the hiring decisions.” “As an HR department of one, I love the collaboration features! It makes working with hiring teams so much easier without extra training and hassle. I also appreciate the extra hands of the workflows to create a seamless experience for candidates.” Streamline your small business recruiting process in 2024 with JazzHR. Book a demo today to learn how our SMB hiring technology can help you make great hires smarter and faster. SOURCE JazzHR
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    Personal Branding Expert And Host Of Leading Career Podcast, Jayzen Patria, Challenges You To Lead With Your Brand In The New Year Jayzen Patria emphasizes the importance of building a strong personal brand that aligns with one's values, strengths, and aspirations. Your personal brand is how you present yourself to the world and how others perceive you. It encompasses your unique skills, experiences, and personality traits that set you apart from others in your field. He also emphasizes the importance of consistency in personal branding. It's essential to ensure that your brand messaging, visual identity, and online presence align with your desired image. Consistency builds trust and helps others recognize and remember your brand. Lead With Your Brand! Will Help You Seize Control of Your Career in 2024 With A Collection of Resources to Jumpstart Your Next Career Breakthrough Jayzen Patria, one of the nation’s sought-after personal branding experts and the host of the leading career podcast “Lead With Your Brand!” is issuing a compelling challenge to professionals seeking to seize control of their careers in 2024. Patria’s Lead With Your Brand!™ Challenge transcends conventional career development, prompting professionals to build winning, super premium personal brands starting in the new year with a collection of resources to help jumpstart one’s next career breakthrough in 2024. Included within these resources are the five essential steps of his Lead With Your Brand!™ System in the form of actionable strategies, as well as complimentary downloadable worksheets designed to guide professionals through each of these five steps. Patria is known to lead with the question,“In your career, are you coffee or are you Starbucks?” which really underscores the transformative nature of his Lead With Your Brand!™ System. His thought-provoking query drives home the distinction between being recognized for your job title, in a similar way to being thought of as a boring old commodity like coffee, or instead being known as a super premium brand like Starbucks that people are willing to wait in line and pay a premium price for because of the incredible value that you bring. Beginning in January, the podcast is also set to unveil a series of new episodes, with Patria poised to continue to offer listeners a chance to explore his proven personal branding methodology. Of the new episodes listeners can look forward to in the new year, one of the first will include an interview with Mark Bertolini, the former CEO of Aetna and current head of Oscar Health, as well as author of the bestselling business book,“Mission-Driven Leadership: My Journey as a Radical Capitalist.” For the last four seasons, the Lead With Your Brand!™ podcast has featured exclusive interviews with industry titans, executives, and influencers who have shared their personal brand journeys and insights with listeners. With nearly 200 episodes, the podcast offers valuable advice and inspiration for individuals looking to build and elevate their personal brands in today’s competitive landscape. It transcends conventional offerings, serving as a catalyst for career breakthroughs. Jayzen Patria is a personal branding expert, diversity advocate and keynote speaker, helping transform organizations through the power of their people finding their true brand voice and bringing their best authentic selves to work every day. “The Lead With Your Brand Challenge is here to help you develop and lead with your personal brand into the new year, and make 2024 the year you achieve your next career breakthrough.” exclaims Patria. SOURCE HRTECH SERIES
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    EzPaycheck 2024 Helps Businesses Update Payroll Tax Rates For Compliance And Efficiency EzPaycheck, a leading payroll software provider, has announced the release of EzPaycheck 2024, a software update designed to help businesses update their payroll tax rates for compliance and efficiency. The update includes the latest tax rate changes and ensures that businesses stay up-to-date with payroll tax regulations. HalfPriceSoft.com offers a new 2024 version of ezPaycheck for novice payroll processors, ease of use and peace of mind. Download and test drive to get ready for the new tax year. EzPaycheck payroll software from Halfpricesoft.com has been released for compliance, efficiency and cost effectiveness. The latest software release includes the new 943 form for customer convenience with no additional cost. Furthermore, it still includes all of the exceptional features and forms from previous year versions. When recently interviewed, Dr. Ge stated, “The payroll processing software, ezPaycheck 2024, has been revamped for compliance and efficiency.” The payroll processing software, ezPaycheck 2024, has been revamped for compliance and efficiency for customer ease of use. Despite its cost and ease of use, business, HR and entrepreneurs should not mistakenly assume ezPaycheck 2024 runs short on features. ezPaycheck 2024 has an abundance of features a business needs to run payroll quickly and easily, including: Supports daily, weekly, biweekly, semimonthly and monthly payroll periods. Features report functions, print functions, and pay stub functions. Automatically calculates Federal Withholding Tax, Social Security, Medicare Tax and Employer Unemployment Taxes. Includes built-in tax tables for all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Easily calculates differential pay Prints miscellaneous checks as well as payroll calculation checks. Prints payroll checks on blank computer checks or preprinted checks. Creates and maintains payroll for multiple companies, and does it simultaneously. Prints Tax Forms NEW 943 Form,940,941,W2, and W3 (Copy A preprinted form required) Supports multiple accounts at no additional charge. Supports network access (additional cost) 30 day no cost trial. No registration required and absolutely no obligation. ezPaycheck is compatible with Windows 11,10,8,7, and other Windows systems. We also sell a MAC version separately. SOURCE HRTECH SERIES
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    ManpowerGroup to Announce 4th Quarter 2023 Earnings Results MILWAUKEE, Jan. 2, 2024  ManpowerGroup (NYSE: MAN), the world leader in innovative workforce solutions, today announced that it plans to release 4th quarter earnings results before the market opens on Tuesday, January 30,2024. Management will discuss the results the same day in a live webcast at 7:30 a.m. Central Time (8:30 a.m. Eastern Time), which can be accessed on the company's website. The webcast will be available for replay at the same URL beginning at 10:30 a.m. Central Time (11:30 a.m. Eastern Time) on January 30,2024.  The replay will remain available for 30 days in this location. Supplemental financial information referenced in the webcast and the text of the 4th quarter press release can be found on the company's website, in the section titled "Financial Information," after 7:30 a.m. Central Time on January 30,2024. About ManpowerGroup ManpowerGroup®(NYSE: MAN), the leading global workforce solutions company, helps organizations transform in a fast-changing world of work by sourcing, assessing, developing, and managing the talent that enables them to win. We develop innovative solutions for hundreds of thousands of organizations every year, providing them with skilled talent while finding meaningful, sustainable employment for millions of people across a wide range of industries and skills. Our expert family of brands – Manpower, Experis, and Talent Solutions – creates substantially more value for candidates and clients across more than 70 countries and territories and has done so for 75 years. We are recognized consistently for our diversity – as a best place to work for Women, Inclusion, Equality, and Disability, and in 2023 ManpowerGroup was named one of the World's Most Ethical Companies for the 14th time – all confirming our position as the brand of choice for in-demand talent. For more information, visit  www.manpowergroup.com. SOURCE ManpowerGroup
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    Mark Your Calendars: Top Recruiting and HR Events in 2024 Top Recruiting and HR Events in 2024 The recruiting and HR industry is always evolving, and staying ahead of the curve is essential for success. One of the best ways to do this is to attend industry events. In 2024, there are a number of great events happening in North America that you won’t want to miss. For HR tech vendors these events are great opportunities to showcase your latest software. Talent Acquisition, Technology, and More Whether you’re interested in talent acquisition, HR technology, or human resources in general, there’s an event for you. Some of the major events on the calendar include: Talent Acquisition Week (January 29-February 4): This week-long virtual event is all about talent acquisition. Attendees can expect to hear from industry experts on a variety of topics, including sourcing, recruiting, and onboarding. HR Technology Virtual Conference (March 12-14): This virtual conference is the place to learn about the latest HR technology trends. Attendees can expect to see demos of new products and hear from thought leaders about how HR technology can be used to improve employee experience and productivity. ADP Meeting of the Minds (Feb 28 – Mar 2): This annual event is a great opportunity to network with other HR professionals and learn about the latest trends in the industry. Attendees can expect to hear from ADP executives and industry experts on a variety of topics. Upcoming Events in Spring and Summer In addition to these major events, there are a number of other great events happening throughout the year. Here are a few of the upcoming events later on in the year: Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Annual Conference & Expo (June 23-26): This is the largest HR conference in the world, and it’s a great opportunity to learn about the latest trends in the industry and network with other HR professionals. Unleash America (May 7-9): This Las Vegas event is designed for HR executives and senior leaders. Attendees can expect to hear from industry experts on a variety of topics, including talent management, leadership development, and change management. HR Tech Conference (Sept 24-27): This conference is all about HR technology. Attendees can expect to see demos of new products and hear from thought leaders about how HR technology can be used to improve employee experience and productivity. Get Out There and Learn These are just a few of the many great recruiting and HR events happening in 2024. I encourage you to check out the full calendar of events on our sister site and find ones that are relevant to your interests. Attending industry events is a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest trends, learn from experts, and network with other professionals. So mark your calendars and get ready to learn! SOURCE HRTECH FEED
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