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    精彩回顾:2024北美华人人力资源年度论坛在硅谷成功举办 2024年10月5日至6日,由北美华人人力资源协会主办的北美华人人力资源年度论坛在硅谷成功举办。这场历时两天的专业论坛,汇聚了来自北美各地的华人人力资源领域的精英与大咖,共同探讨人力资源行业的最新趋势、政策变化及技术创新对未来工作的影响。在此一并感谢我们的赞助合作伙伴:Law Office of  Xiaomin Hu P.C.、 中国南方航空 、LYD Law。 两天的深度对话与专业演讲 本次论坛并未设定统一的主题,旨在通过多元化的议题和深入的讨论,全面覆盖当下人力资源行业的热点话题。论坛邀请了24位业内顶尖的华人人力资源专家,带来了包括三场深度对话、一场工作坊和十场专业主题演讲,为与会者提供了广泛的视角和实用的见解。来自不同领域的专业人士和从业者,通过面对面的交流与讨论,共同探讨了如何应对行业挑战并促进业务的成功。 与会者纷纷表示,这种高水准的行业盛会不仅提供了宝贵的学习机会,更为大家建立了紧密的联系,提升了他们在工作中的战略思维与实践能力。 精彩议题聚焦行业前沿 在为期两天的论坛中,多场主题演讲和讨论环节涵盖了人力资源行业的方方面面,既有对新兴技术如人工智能的探索,也有对政策变化、跨文化管理等议题的深入剖析。AI技术在招聘领域的应用现状与未来趋势、如何通过数据驱动实现HR投资回报率(ROI)、不确定时代中的领导力、全球HR团队的协作与支持策略、在跨越时区和文化的全球化团队中,HR如何有效促进协作成为论坛的一个重点讨论方向。中资企业在北美市场的人力资源管理挑战:对于中资企业来说,如何在北美市场管理和发展人力资源是一个复杂的课题。专家们就中资企业在跨文化适应、合规要求、人才吸引与保留等方面面临的挑战展开了深入探讨,提出了一系列切实可行的解决方案。 法律与技术并重:新时代的HR挑战 随着人工智能等新技术的发展,企业在招聘和管理过程中面临着越来越复杂的法律合规挑战。论坛还特别关注了AI时代的美国工作签证及企业运营中的法律应对策略,帮助HR专业人士了解如何在合规的框架内灵活应对新技术带来的挑战。与此同时,论坛还探讨了如何在企业全球扩展的过程中,为高管提供移民机会,帮助企业在拓展业务的同时吸引并留住顶尖人才。 HR技术趋势:技术创新驱动行业变革 2024年是HR技术快速发展的关键一年,论坛上嘉宾们从实操角度探讨了2024 HR科技趋势。无论是数据驱动的决策、人工智能的招聘应用,还是基于云端的员工管理系统,技术创新正在深刻改变HR领域的运作方式。与会者们纷纷表示,未来的HR管理将越来越依赖技术工具的支持,HR技术将成为企业战略成功的核心驱动力。 与会者收获:知识与人脉双丰收 此次论坛不仅为HR从业者提供了最新的行业信息和技术洞察,还通过多场互动环节,尤其是晚宴和泳池酒会,都促成了与会者之间的深度交流。无论是对HR技术的探索,还是对全球化背景下企业管理的深入讨论,与会者都在这次论坛中获得了满满的知识与实践经验。 与会者们在会议结束后纷纷表示,通过此次论坛,他们不仅提升了对HR领域前沿趋势的认知,还结识了许多志同道合的同行伙伴。大家期待通过持续的交流与合作,共同推动北美华人人力资源行业的进一步发展。 北美华人人力资源服务图谱(V0.9版本)正式发布 在会议期间,备受关注的关于北美华人人力资源服务图谱V0.9版本正式发布,欢迎大家关注,如果希望入驻进入北美HR服务图谱,可以点击加入:https://www.nacshr.org/map/Register/join  更多关注北美HR图谱官网 www.nacshr.org/map ,有任何建议和问题随时和我们联系:nacshr818@gmail.com 最后 2024北美华人人力资源年度论坛通过多元化的议题设置和深入的专业探讨,为与会者提供了丰富的学习和交流机会。无论是HR技术的前沿发展,还是跨文化管理、法律合规等实际挑战,论坛为HR从业者提供了宝贵的实战经验和未来发展的指引。 相信在未来,华人人力资源专业人士将在全球职场中发挥越来越重要的作用,推动行业的创新与进步。 再次感谢我们的会议赞助合作伙伴:Law Office of  Xiaomin Hu P.C.、 中国南方航空 、LYD Law。
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    北美华人人力资源服务图谱(V0.9版本)正式发布,欢迎下载 备受关注的关于北美华人人力资源服务图谱V0.9版本正式发布,2024年12月会发布1.0 正式版本,欢迎大家关注,下图可以点击获取高清大图。 更多关注北美HR图谱官网 www.nacshr.org/map  北美华人人力资源服务图谱(NACSHR Landscape)汇聚来自加拿大、美国、墨西哥等北美地区的顶尖华人人力资源服务机构,全面覆盖企业所需的各类HR服务。作为北美企业人力资源服务采购的权威指南,NACSHR图谱不仅是企业挑选优质服务伙伴的必备工具,更是服务机构展示品牌实力、拓展北美市场的绝佳平台。 NACSHR图谱将通过全方位、多渠道的广泛传播,精准触达北美地区的华人管理精英,成为企业开拓北美市场的首选资源。无论是本土扩张还是海外发展,NACSHR图谱都将助您抢占先机,赢得市场。 加入NACSHR图谱,您的品牌将与北美最优秀的HR服务商齐名,共同引领行业未来! 附录: 如何申请加入NACSHR图谱的认证服务 ( https://www.nacshr.org/2172.html ) NACSHR图谱VIP服务权益:优惠 2000美元/年  3600美元/2年 (原价3000美元/年 ) · NACSHR图谱版本LOGO+简称展示,优先前排展示(其他仅为文字简称) · 网页版本分类优先显示,LOGO展示,品牌形象好,实力展示 · 网页版本页面提供推荐的VIP徽章 · NACSHR推荐服务机构海报 · NACSHR网站右侧长年推荐展示 · NACSHR每周EDM中推荐展示 · 客户需求优先对接 · NACSHR活动优先\优惠参加 覆盖人群 NACSHR服务图谱将覆盖北美地区的NACSHR用户和会员。我们将通过微信群、小红书、网站、LinkedIn等社交媒体渠道进行广泛传播,确保您的品牌信息触达更多潜在客户。 加入北美华人人力资源服务机构图谱,是提升品牌和拓展市场的绝佳机会。立即行动,抓住这次难得的机遇,成为众多企业信赖的HR服务提供者! 期待您的参与! 我们诚挚邀请您加入北美地区最全面的华人人力资源服务机构图谱(North American Chinese HR Service Companies Landscape)。此图谱旨在助力HR服务机构树立强大品牌形象,帮助企业更高效地寻找专业HR服务。该图谱由北美华人人力资源协会(NACSHR)联合权威媒体全力打造,并将在2024北美华人人力资源年度峰会上隆重发布。这将成为众多企业在北美地区采购HR服务的重要指南。 覆盖范围广泛 北美华人人力资源服务机构图谱将汇聚来自加拿大、美国、墨西哥等地的优秀华人人力资源服务机构,涵盖HR服务的各个方面,包括但不限于:招聘服务(猎头,RPO,校招等)、HR咨询培训、移民签证,劳动关系、薪酬福利、人力资源外包、薪酬外包、EOR、灵活用工等等。 参与机构条件 在北美地区设有实体和工作人员的HR服务机构均可参与。无论是华人创办的机构,还是客户对象包含华人公司,亦或是希望开拓企业市场的公司,皆欢迎加入。 加入NACSHR服务图谱的理由 加入NACSHR服务图谱将为您提供诸多好处: 品牌推广:通过NACSHR多个渠道展示您的品牌,提升品牌知名度。 客户获取:成为企业寻找HR服务的首选指南,带来潜在客户。 专业背书:与NACSHR和权威媒体合作,提升机构信誉和美誉。 市场拓展:扩大在北美地区的市场影响力。 如何加入 扫码登记:扫描提供的二维码登记相关信息。 点击链接:https://www.nacshr.org/map/Register/join 表现形式与收益NACSHR服务图谱将以多种形式展示,包括图谱、海报、网页、短视频等,这些形式将确保您的品牌获得最大程度的曝光(部分形式仅限于VIP服务)。北美华人人力资源服务机构图谱第一个版本将于2024年10月5日在北美华人人力资源年度峰会中重磅发布。 如何加入北美华人人力资源服务机构图谱 为了方便大家参与北美华人人力资源服务机构图谱,我们提供两种服务选择: 免费服务:适合所有希望加入的机构,只需要填写链接提交相关资料即可。 VIP服务:优惠 2000美元/年(原价3000美元/年 ),包含诸多额外权益,是提升品牌的最佳选择。VIP服务将为您提供更全面的推广和支持,帮助您在竞争中脱颖而出。 NACSHR图谱VIP服务权益:优惠 2000美元/年  3600美元/2年 (原价3000美元/年 ) · NACSHR图谱版本LOGO+简称展示,优先前排展示(其他仅为文字简称) · 网页版本分类优先显示,LOGO展示,品牌形象好,实力展示 · 网页版本页面提供推荐的VIP徽章 · NACSHR推荐服务机构海报 · NACSHR网站右侧长年推荐展示 · NACSHR每周EDM中推荐展示 · 客户需求优先对接 · NACSHR活动优先\优惠参加 覆盖人群 NACSHR服务图谱将覆盖北美地区的NACSHR用户和会员。我们将通过微信群、小红书、网站、LinkedIn等社交媒体渠道进行广泛传播,确保您的品牌信息触达更多潜在客户。 加入北美华人人力资源服务机构图谱,是提升品牌和拓展市场的绝佳机会。立即行动,抓住这次难得的机遇,成为众多企业信赖的HR服务提供者! 期待您的参与! 北美华人人力资源协会 North American Chinese Society of Human Resource, (known as NACSHR) 关于北美华人人力资源服务图谱 北美华人人力资源服务图谱(NACSHR Landscape)汇聚来自加拿大、美国、墨西哥等北美地区的顶尖华人人力资源服务机构,全面覆盖企业所需的各类HR服务。作为北美企业人力资源服务采购的权威指南,NACSHR图谱不仅是企业挑选优质服务伙伴的必备工具,更是服务机构展示品牌实力、拓展北美市场的绝佳平台。 NACSHR图谱将通过全方位、多渠道的广泛传播,精准触达北美地区的华人管理精英,成为企业开拓北美市场的首选资源。无论是本土扩张还是海外发展,NACSHR图谱都将助您抢占先机,赢得市场。加入NACSHR图谱,您的品牌将与北美最优秀的HR服务商齐名,共同引领行业未来! 常见问题 ·哪些机构可以参与? 在北美地区有实体和工作人员的HR服务机构均可,华人创办或客户对象包含华人公司,希望开拓中企市场等 ·为什么要加入NACSHR服务图谱? 太多理由!无论从品牌推广到获取客户,NACSHR服务图谱都是你不可错过的重要渠道 ·如何加入? 请扫码登记,或者点击这里登记相关信息,并选择相关权益,所有服务为1年有效期 ·图谱有哪些表现形式,收益有哪些? 多个形式,图谱、海报、网页、手册等诸多形式。 ·是否需要支付费用? 为更广泛的参与,提供免费和VIP服务2种供选择。 VIP服务收费为2000美元,包含诸多权益,是你最佳的选择,当然你可以先从免费开始。 从收集整理到发布推广,都是需要相当成本。 ·NACSHR服务图谱会覆盖哪些人群? 首先会覆盖北美地区NACSHR用户和会员,我们会通过诸多微信群、小红书、网站、LinkedIn等社交媒体等渠道发布和传播。
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    参会指南:北美华人人力资源年度论坛日程及会议注意事项,保存收藏转发 各位参会嘉宾,非常欢迎参加NACSHR北美华人人力资源年度论坛! 为营造良好的会议氛围,帮助大家尽快熟悉会议安排以及会议相关行政事宜,特别分享论坛相关注意事项如下,烦请了解和熟悉! 2024北美华人人力资源年度论坛 2024 NACSHR Annual Conference 时间:10月5日-6日 周六周日 October 5-6, 2024 (9:00-17:00 周六上午8点半签到) 地点:  Crowne Plaza Silicon Valley North 一楼会议室  (32083 Alvarado-Niles Rd. Union City CA 94587 ) 几个机场SFO\SJC\OAK 到酒店距离差不多. 报名参会:https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/418189BC-FF9F-D9B7-B7F8-8E5980AAFFA1 赞助合作伙伴:Law Office of  Xiaomin Hu P.C.、 中国南方航空 、LYD Law 会议日程  DAY1    DAY2  PS: 周五4号晚上、周六5号晚上8点半 在酒店泳池大堂举行自由交流酒会,欢迎自由参加 会议午餐:自理  活动期间会组成不同小组,可结伴前往 Union Landing 广场 5分钟路程(I-880, Union City, CA 94587) 会议提问:可以这个链接提前输入自己的问题 http://hrday.com/survey/survey.php?id=50C568AA-5E95-CC19-714E-CD2BD7FE9AB3 会议日程安排: 第二天日程安排 Workshop :Power Beyond Title and Presence 2024北美华人人力资源年度峰会 2024 NACSHR Annual Conference 时间:10月5日-6日 周六周日 October 5-6, 2024 (9:00-17:00) 地点:  Crowne Plaza Silicon Valley North ( Union City) 报名:https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/418189BC-FF9F-D9B7-B7F8-8E5980AAFFA1 费用:400美元/人 优惠票 (10月4日前) 晚宴:150美元/人(不单独销售,需购买门票,名额有限,售完为止 参与者为分享嘉宾、特邀专家、VIP参会等40人规模) 合作伙伴:Law Office of  Xiaomin Hu P.C.、 中国南方航空 、LYD Law、虚位以待 峰会形式:论坛、评选、参访、职业机会、展位、颁奖、workshop、晚宴酒会等 注:不含会议午餐和参访期间交通  (付款方式及报名后的注意事项:https://www.nacshr.org/2022.html) 参会其他注意事项 (更详尽事宜访问网站,以网站为准): 视频和摄影 参加 NACSHR 即表示您同意由官方展会摄影师和摄像师拍摄您的形象。由此产生的材料,包括静态照片、视频和音频记录,NACSHV 可以在新闻材料、宣传材料、网站和其他宣传渠道中不受限制地使用。与会嘉宾可以使用智能手机拍照和捕捉数字图像,仅限于个人、非商业用途,且摄影活动不得造成干扰。在会议进行时,与会嘉宾可以在座位上拍照,条件是不得站在媒体区域、阻挡其他人视线或使用闪光灯。照片不得以任何方式出售、复制、传播、分发或用于任何商业目的。 直播和录制会议 虽然 NACSHR 会录制和拍摄各种会议活动,这些活动主要是为了现场观众的利益。尽管我们实行“禁止直播和录制”的政策,但我们理解与会者希望通过手机捕捉照片和视频,并在社交网络上分享的愿望。为了保护发言者和会议内容的版权,与会嘉宾不得直播会议,并且同意录制任何单场会议的连续视频不得超过 60 秒。 NACSHR Forum Attendee Guidelines 1. Safety and Emergency Procedures Emergency Exits and Safety Routes: Locate emergency exits and familiarize yourself with the nearest safety routes upon arrival.   Emergency Response: Remain calm and follow the directions of staff in case of an emergency.   Health Safety: Adhere to all health and safety guidelines set by the venue, including the use of masks and sanitizers as required. 2. Registration and Identification Pre-registration: Ensure smooth entry by completing online registration and identity verification in advance.   Badge Display: Wear your conference badge at all times for access and visibility during the event. 3. Code of Conduct Respect and Professionalism: Maintain respect for all participants, speakers, and staff. Harassment, discrimination, or inappropriate behavior will result in expulsion from the venue.   Intellectual Property: Respect intellectual property rights; do not record or disseminate presentation content or materials without permission.   Cyber Security: Exercise caution when using venue Wi-Fi, especially when accessing sensitive or critical information. 4. Photography and Recording Personal Use: Non-commercial photography and video recording should not disrupt the event or other attendees’ experience.   No Live Broadcasting: Live broadcasting of any session is prohibited without explicit permission from the organizers. 5. Facility Use Cleanliness: Keep the venue clean; dispose of trash in designated receptacles.   Equipment Care: Use conference facilities and equipment responsibly; damages may be subject to compensation. 6. Communication and Networking Engagement: Participate actively in discussions and networking opportunities to enhance your professional connections.   Cultural Sensitivity: With diverse backgrounds among attendees, display cultural sensitivity and inclusiveness. 7. Intellectual Property and Confidentiality Confidentiality Obligations: Confidential information and unpublished data discussed at the forum must not be disclosed without authorization.   Material Distribution: Conference materials are for session use only and should not be copied or distributed without consent. 8. Legal Compliance and Ethical Standards Local Laws: Comply with all applicable local laws, including antitrust laws and fair competition.   Ethical Behavior: Encourage high standards of professional ethics, characterized by honesty, fairness, and responsibility. 9. Anti-Harassment Policy Harassment-Free Environment: Commit to a harassment-free environment; all complaints will be taken seriously to ensure the rights and privacy of victims. 10. Complaints and Feedback Mechanism Feedback Channels: Establish clear channels for complaints and feedback during and post-event.   Rapid Response Team: Have a rapid response team available during the event to handle any emergencies or urgent needs from attendees. 11. Property Security Personal Belongings: Attendees are advised to keep personal belongings secure as the organizers are not liable for loss or damage.   Facility Equipment: Unauthorized use or relocation of venue facilities and equipment is prohibited. 12. Prohibition of Political and Religious Advocacy Neutral Policy: The forum is a platform for professional and business exchanges; any form of political or religious advocacy is prohibited.  
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    【重磅】北美地区最大的华人人力资源盛会-2024北美华人人力资源年度峰会10月硅谷举办,日程嘉宾发布 2024 NACSHR Annual Conference -The Largest Chinese HR event in North America 2024北美华人人力资源年度峰会-北美地区最大的华人人力资源盛会 北美地区最大规模的华人人力资源盛会——2024北美华人人力资源年度峰会,将于10月在硅谷盛大举办,诚挚邀请您共襄盛举! 自2016年成立以来,北美华人人力资源协会(NACSHR)一直致力于为华人HR专业人士和职场高管精英打造一个卓越的交流平台。多年间,NACSHR年度论坛已发展成为北美最具影响力的人力资源活动之一,吸引了无数行业领导者和HR专家的关注与参与。 2024年,NACSHR年度论坛将升级为北美华人人力资源年度峰会,规模更大,内容更丰富,形式更多样,话题更专业,汇聚更多杰出的HR代表。我们诚挚邀请您加入我们,共同参与和创造这一盛会! 十月硅谷,我们将再次迎接全球华人人力资源专业人士和从业者齐聚一堂,延续我们成功的传统。即将到来的峰会将包括专业小组讨论、实用工作坊、行业大咖演讲、年度奖项评选、企业参观、晚宴酒会等丰富多彩的交流活动。这些会议不仅旨在提供最新的行业知识和趋势,还为与会者提供了与顶尖专业人士近距离交流的宝贵机会,并帮助与同行建立或加深联系。 Stay Together Stay Powerful NACSHR2024年度峰会不仅是学习和交流的场所,更是启迪和灵感的源泉,为华人HR同仁搭建了通向职业新篇章的桥梁。我们期待全球华人HR同事们共聚一堂,共同探索和塑造未来人力资源的新趋势。 加入我们的NACSHR2024年度峰会,共享思想的碰撞和心灵的触动。我们期待您的参与,共同见证这一人力资源盛会的精彩时刻! 2024北美华人人力资源年度峰会  2024 NACSHR Annual Conference 时间:10月5日-6日 周六周日 October 5-6, 2024 (9:00-17:00) 地点:   Crowne Plaza Silicon Valley North ( Union City) (32083 Alvarado-Niles Rd. Union City CA 94587) 报名:https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/418189BC-FF9F-D9B7-B7F8-8E5980AAFFA1 费用:400美元/人 (10月4 日前报名支付)  现场门票:500美元/人 晚宴:150美元/人(不单独销售,需购买门票,名额有限,售完为止 参与者为分享嘉宾、特邀专家、VIP参会等40人规模) 合作伙伴:Law Office of  Xiaomin Hu P.C.、 中国南方航空 、LYD Law、虚位以待 会议形式:专业论坛、年度评选、晚宴酒会、参访交流、职业机会等 注:不含会议午餐和参访期间交通  (付款方式及报名后的注意事项:https://www.nacshr.org/2022.html) 10月5日周六第一天日程安排 10月6日周日第二天日程安排 NACSHR年度峰会同期活动: ·北美HR采购指南—NACSHR图谱登记:https://www.nacshr.org/2063.html ·北美HR招聘平台: https://www.nacshr.org/job 你为什么不能错过NACSHR峰会: 聆听行业大咖的精心分享: 演讲嘉宾包括成功的企业家、重量级的行业内大咖、优秀的人才战略专家。 他们精通中国以及北美的人力资源市场,乐于分享他们的观点和经验。 确保您能听到行业内最专业成功人士的分享。 学习新知识,掌握新动态: 不论您是职场老将还是新兵,更新知识库是一个永恒的课题。 峰会设置了多种会议形式,各种方式获取行业动态和职场经验。 有行业内大咖的独家分享,帮助您打开新视野,更具竞争力。 职业发展新机遇,更广泛的选择: NACSHR设置了北美地区HR岗位需求,现场更有机会面对面沟通交流。 非正式的会议交流,更有益深入交流,为您的职场铺就成功之路。 北美地区最大的华人HR行业盛会: 聚焦北美华人人力资源行业精英,汇聚北美职场华人力量。 汇集首屈一指的企业家、创业家和行业先锋,打造北美唯一、最大的华人HR盛会。 交流新资讯,结交新伙伴: 探讨行业热点话题,激发创新思维,共同推动HR行业的发展。 利用大会机会结识北美地区的华人HR同仁,拓展个人交际圈。 启发职场新思维,实现职业新突破: 探讨华人管理者如何实现职场发展目标。 设有职场人讨论环节,与嘉宾、行业专家和同行伙伴一起探讨如何在美国职场实现自我价值。 如何可以参与NACSHR峰会? 作为人力资源服务机构,有多种方式可以参与共襄盛举。你可以选择各种赞助形式,如钻石赞助、演讲赞助、设置展位、Demo展示,年度合作等多种方式,具体可以联系我们。 另外亦可参与NACSHR年度评选! 参展赞助与合作: Annie annie@nacshr.org 或者点击这里:https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/CDBE9324-6291-EB0E-3E50-91532A2A70BB 参与分享演讲:(仅限 inhouse HR) Gavin  nacshr818@gmail.com 嘉宾申请链接: https://www.nacshr.org/1732.html The Largest Chinese HR event in North America, —the 2024 North American Chinese HR Conference — will be held in Silicon Valley this October. We warmly invite you to join us! Since its inception in 2016, the North American Chinese Society of Human Resources (NACSHR) has been dedicated to creating an exceptional platform for Chinese HR professionals and executive elites to connect and exchange ideas. Over the years, the NACSHR Annual Summit has grown into one of the most influential HR events in North America, attracting numerous industry leaders and HR experts. In 2024, the NACSHR Annual Summit will be upgraded to the North American Chinese HR Conference, featuring a larger scale, richer content, more diverse formats, and more professional topics. We sincerely invite you to join us in participating and creating this grand event! This October in Silicon Valley, we will once again welcome Chinese HR professionals and practitioners from around the world to gather together, continuing our tradition of success. The upcoming conference will include professional panel discussions, practical workshops, keynote speeches from industry leaders, annual awards, company visits, gala dinners, and other diverse networking activities. These sessions are designed not only to provide the latest industry knowledge and trends but also to offer attendees valuable opportunities to engage closely with top professionals and build or strengthen connections with peers. Stay Together Stay Powerful The NACSHR 2024 Conference is not just a venue for learning and networking; it is also a source of inspiration and ideas, serving as a bridge for Chinese HR colleagues to embark on new career chapters. We look forward to seeing Chinese HR professionals from around the globe come together to explore and shape the future trends of human resources. Join us at the NACSHR 2024 Conference to share in the exchange of ideas and the touching of hearts. We eagerly anticipate your participation in witnessing the exciting moments of this HR grand event! 2024 North American Chinese HR Conference Date: October 5-6, Saturday-Sunday (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM) Location: Crowne Plaza Silicon Valley North ( Union City ) (32083 Alvarado-Niles Rd. Union CityCA 94587) Registration: https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/418189BC-FF9F-D9B7-B7F8-8E5980AAFFA1 Fee: $300 per person for early bird tickets (before September 1) Why Attend the NACSHR Event? Gain Insights from Industry Experts: Our speakers include successful entrepreneurs, industry leaders, and top talent strategy experts. With deep knowledge of both the Chinese and North American HR markets, they are eager to share their perspectives and experiences, ensuring you gain valuable insights from the best in the field. Learn New Knowledge and Stay Updated: Whether you are a seasoned professional or new to the field, updating your knowledge base is a perpetual endeavor. The summit features various session formats to provide industry updates and practical career insights. Exclusive shares from industry experts will help you broaden your horizons and enhance your competitiveness. Discover New Career Opportunities: NACSHR highlights HR job opportunities in North America, offering a unique chance for face-to-face networking. Informal networking sessions facilitate deeper connections, paving the way for your career success. Participate in North America's Largest Chinese HR Industry Event: Focused on elite Chinese HR professionals in North America, the event brings together the strength of Chinese professionals in the workplace. Featuring top entrepreneurs, innovators, and industry pioneers, NACSHR stands as the largest and only Chinese HR event in North America. Exchange New Information and Build Partnerships: Explore industry hot topics, stimulate innovative thinking, and collectively drive the HR industry forward. Use the event to connect with fellow Chinese HR professionals in North America and expand your personal network. Inspire New Career Thinking and Achieve Breakthroughs: Discuss how Chinese managers can achieve their career development goals. With dedicated discussion sessions, engage with speakers, industry experts, and peers to explore ways to realize your potential in the American workplace. 往届回顾: https://www.nacshr.org/762.html https://nacshr.org/1991.html        
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    Nenuca Syquia:硅谷百位最具影响力女性之一将亲临华人人力资源年度峰会,教你如何掌握职场“隐形力量”! 硅谷百位最具影响力女性之一、加利福尼亚州“年度商业咨询CEO”得主 Nenuca Syquia 将于今年十月出席硅谷华人人力资源年度峰会,并发表主题分享「Power Beyond Title and Presence」,探讨如何在职场中发展和运用个人力量。 在当今社会,我们常常认为权势人物是那些位高权重的高管或知名董事会成员,他们的决策不仅影响员工和客户,还对大众产生深远影响。那么,对于那些尚未成为这种“权力人物”但心怀抱负的人来说,应该从哪里开始?当权力历来掌握在与你截然不同的人手中时,该如何赢得他人的认可与重视? Nenuca Syquia 将在演讲中分享: 权力不是与生俱来的天赋,而是可以后天培养的。 权力并非模糊的概念,它可以被拆解为具体的技能,供你学习和掌握。 权力不是非此即彼的;你可以根据不同情境灵活运用自己的影响力。 在本次峰会中,Nenuca 将引导与会者深入理解权力的真正含义,分析权力的不同来源,识别自身拥有的权力类型及需要扩展的部分,并帮助大家制定个性化的影响力策略。 关于演讲嘉宾:Nenuca Syquia   Nenuca Syquia 是 Better Organizations by Design (BOxD) 的首席执行官兼创始人,这是一家致力于将客户业务中的人力资源与战略目标相结合的咨询公司。BOxD 提供广泛的服务,包括组织设计、团队辅导、领导力发展、多元化与包容性(DEI)、变革管理及业务整合。Nenuca 称这种综合方法为“融合变革层次”,以此提高变革成功的可能性,无论是在组织、团队还是领导层级。 Nenuca 拥有跨行业的丰富经验,从跨国企业如赛诺菲、谷歌到旧金山芭蕾舞团及家族企业,她成功地帮助各种规模和生命周期的企业完成转型。作为一位企业家、全球团队领导者和移民,她对多种挑战有着切身的体会。 此外,她还担任50/50硅谷分会的联合主席(该组织致力于推动公司董事会的性别平等),以及森尼维尔市的市政委员,为地方政府在公平相关问题上提供建议。 Nenuca 的演讲通俗易懂、非常接地气。届时她将新的概念与当前趋势、客户故事及个人经验相结合,为观众带来生动而富有启发的体验。此次峰会上,Nenuca 将帮助与会者学会如何发掘和增强个人的力量,为自身和组织创造更大的价值。不要错过这次与 Nenuca 交流和学习的机会! 了解最新的人力资源优秀实践,拓展优秀的专业人脉,加入北美HR互助社团...... 金秋十月,邀您相聚硅谷,参与这场华人人力资源盛会。 2024北美华人人力资源年度峰会 2024 NACSHR Annual Conference 时间:10月5日-6日 周六周日 October 5-6, 2024 (9:00-17:00) 地点: Crowne Plaza Silicon Valley North ( Union City) (32083 Alvarado-Niles Rd. Union City CA 94587) 报名:https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/418189BC-FF9F-D9B7-B7F8-8E5980AAFFA1 参会联系:nacshr818@gmail.com 赞助合作:Annie(annie@nacshr.org) 附录: Title: Power Beyond Title and Presence Abstract: When we conjure up images of powerful people, those likely include high-ranking executives and members of illustrious boards. Their choices shape the lives of their employees, customers, and even communities. If you’re not already one of those powerful people but aspire to, where do you even begin? What do you do when power has historically been held by a group of people who are nothing like you? How do you get others to recognize and value what you bring to the table? Here’s some good news: Power isn’t innate or something you’re born with. It can be developed. Power isn’t an ambiguous concept. It can be broken down into specifics which you can master. It isn’t binary in that you either have it or you don’t. You can learn to flex your power depending on the situation. In this session, you will: Understand what power actually is Parse apart the different sources of power Identify what kind of power you have, and what kind you need to expand Develop your own custom strategy for influence Nenuca's bio: Nenuca Syquia is the CEO and Founder of Better Organizations by Design (BOxD), a consulting firm dedicated to aligning the people side of client's businesses with their strategy and goals. The firm offers services in organization design, team coaching, executive and leader development, DEI, change and integration. If you're thinking, "That's quite the breadth of services!" You are right, and that is 100% by design. Nenuca refers to this as "tying together the layers of change," which increases the odds of successful change, whether it is primarily at the organization, team or leader levels. Having transformed businesses large and small, across industries, and at different parts in their lifecycle - from Sanofi to The San Francisco Ballet and Google to family-owned businesses - Nenuca has seen almost everything. As an entrepreneur, leader of a global team, and immigrant, she can relate to a wide variety of challenges firsthand. As a regular speaker at conferences, webinars and podcasts, Nenuca is known for making complex topics accessible and actionable. She introduces new concepts and blends them with examples from the zeitgeist, clients' stories, and her own personal life to create an engaging and informative experience. Nenuca holds a Masters of Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University and a Masters of Science in Organizational Development from the University of San Francisco. She has been recognized as one of Silicon Valley Business Journal's 100 Most Influential Women and by CEO Monthly as Business Consulting CEO of the Year for California. Outside of BOxD, she serves as the Co-Chair of the Silicon Valley Chapter of 50/50 (an established nationwide organization dedicated to achieving gender equity on corporate boards) and as a City Commissioner for the city of Sunnyvale, CA, advising on equity-related issues.
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    加入北美HR服务图谱(NACSHR图谱)的认证推荐服务 加入NACSHR图谱的认证服务 NACSHR图谱VIP服务权益:优惠 2000美元/年  3600美元/2年 (原价3000美元/年 ) · NACSHR图谱版本LOGO+简称展示,优先前排展示(其他仅为文字简称) · 网页版本分类优先显示,LOGO展示,品牌形象好,实力展示 · 网页版本页面提供推荐的VIP徽章 · NACSHR推荐服务机构海报 · NACSHR网站右侧长年推荐展示 · NACSHR每周EDM中推荐展示 · 客户需求优先对接 · NACSHR活动优先\优惠参加 覆盖人群 NACSHR服务图谱将覆盖北美地区的NACSHR用户和会员。我们将通过微信群、小红书、网站、LinkedIn等社交媒体渠道进行广泛传播,确保您的品牌信息触达更多潜在客户。 加入北美华人人力资源服务机构图谱,是提升品牌和拓展市场的绝佳机会。立即行动,抓住这次难得的机遇,成为众多企业信赖的HR服务提供者! 期待您的参与! 北美华人人力资源协会  North American Chinese Society of Human Resource, (known as NACSHR) 关于北美华人人力资源服务图谱 北美华人人力资源服务图谱(NACSHR Landscape)汇聚来自加拿大、美国、墨西哥等北美地区的顶尖华人人力资源服务机构,全面覆盖企业所需的各类HR服务。作为北美企业人力资源服务采购的权威指南,NACSHR图谱不仅是企业挑选优质服务伙伴的必备工具,更是服务机构展示品牌实力、拓展北美市场的绝佳平台。 NACSHR图谱将通过全方位、多渠道的广泛传播,精准触达北美地区的华人管理精英,成为企业开拓北美市场的首选资源。无论是本土扩张还是海外发展,NACSHR图谱都将助您抢占先机,赢得市场。加入NACSHR图谱,您的品牌将与北美最优秀的HR服务商齐名,共同引领行业未来!   如图所示:(部分服务展示)    
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    Workday签署最终协议收购Evisort,这是一家AI原生文档智能平台 Workday宣布收购Evisort,这是一家AI原生文档智能平台,此举旨在提升Workday在财务和HR数据管理领域的能力。Evisort利用先进的AI技术,从复杂的法律和商业文件中提取清晰、可操作的见解,帮助企业优化支出、增加收入、降低风险并管理义务。通过此次收购,Workday的客户将能够更高效地挖掘数据价值,加速业务决策和行动。 Evisort的平台使用户能够快速从合同、发票和政策文件等非结构化数据中提取信息,自动化流程,发现错误或缺失信息,并做出更明智的业务决策。例如,客户可以利用Evisort的AI技术更快地理解合同条款,优化文件创建过程,并确保利益相关者了解审查情况和必要的行动。 此次交易预计将在Workday 2025财年第三季度结束前完成,需满足惯常的交割条件。Workday表示,这次收购将帮助公司实现其愿景,即帮助客户从最重要的数据中释放更大的价值。 Evisort的AI驱动文档智能平台将使Workday客户能够更快、更高效地从大量的财务和HR数据中获取关键洞察并采取行动 拉斯维加斯,2024年9月17日 -- Workday公司(纳斯达克股票代码:WDAY),一家致力于帮助组织管理人力和财务的领先解决方案提供商,今天宣布已签署最终协议,将收购Evisort,一家领先的AI原生文档智能平台。通过此次收购,Workday将在其财务和HR套件中引入AI驱动的文档智能解决方案。 超过80%的业务数据是非结构化的,组织方式不利于搜索、分析或行动,包括合同、发票和政策文件中的数据。通过Evisort强大的AI功能,Workday将帮助客户从这些未开发的数据中获取关键洞察,以便更快地做出关键业务决策和行动。 Evisort是一家在文档智能领域受信任的AI领导者和先锋。该公司的平台利用AI技术,从存储在文档管理系统中的复杂法律和商业文件中提取清晰且可操作的洞察。大型组织使用Evisort分析整个企业的文件,挖掘重要信息,帮助他们减少支出、增加收入、降低风险和管理义务。 “组织坐拥海量数据,但由于搜索和分析过于复杂和耗时,往往无法发挥其全部潜力。”Workday首席财务官办公室集团总经理Terrance Wampler表示。“Evisort将帮助我们实现帮助客户解锁最关键数据价值的愿景。借助AI驱动的文档智能功能,客户将能够更快、更高效地获取并行动在这些洞察上,保持在当今快速变化的商业环境中的领先地位。” “AI是一股强大的力量,正在转变组织将文件中的非结构化数据转化为战略性业务决策的方式,”Evisort创始人兼首席执行官Jerry Ting表示。“我们很高兴将Evisort的文档智能技术与Workday的统一财务和HR平台相结合,这将使客户能够更有效地利用关键业务数据,在一个单一的真实系统内工作。” 通过Workday和Evisort的文档智能解决方案,客户将能够将非结构化数据从文档管理系统引入Workday,帮助客户更高效、智能地管理人力和财务流程,包括: 获取更准确的数据。 客户将能够在几秒钟内从业务文件中提取并转移数据,且更加准确和自信。这包括直接从文件中提取财务和运营细节以自动化下游流程,揭示错误或缺失信息,以及搜索支付条款等详细信息。 通过自动化驱动对齐和行动。 客户将能够使用强大的AI帮助员工更好地理解合同,简化文件创建过程,并让利益相关者了解审查和必要的行动。 做出更明智的业务决策。 客户将能够最大限度地利用业务文件,通过通知有利条款和条件以及建议的行动来提升决策效果。 Workday与Evisort:AI驱动的文档智能,打造变革工作场所 Workday将在各种应用场景中提供Evisort的AI驱动文档智能解决方案,帮助团队更好地实现目标并重塑角色,包括: 会计。 会计人员将能够利用AI功能快速导航业务文件,如收入合同、供应商发票和资产协议,更有效地阅读、转换、匹配和记账。例如,对于收入合同,会计人员将收到合同错误的警报,获得收入确认时间表的建议,并在合同续约时得到通知。 采购。 组织将利用这些AI驱动的解决方案提升供应商合同谈判和合同风险管理活动。这将推动降低支出机会,支持合规,并帮助减少风险。例如,采购专业人员将能够识别现有供应商协议中的未声明利益,并根据历史基准评估合同语言以指导谈判。这将有助于保护利润并防止不必要的风险。 员工知识库。 员工将能够更快速地访问有关HR和财务政策(如福利和费用)的信息,从而减少获取关键员工信息的时间。例如,员工将能够使用AI聊天机器人简单提问,并获得即时答案和参考支持文档。 关于Evisort收购的详情 该交易预计将在Workday的2025财年第三季度结束(2024年10月31日)前完成,需满足惯常的交割条件。Orrick律师事务所担任Workday的法律顾问,Goodwin律师事务所担任Evisort及其股东的法律顾问。 关于Workday Workday是一家领先的企业平台,帮助组织管理其最重要的资产——人力和财务。Workday平台以AI为核心,帮助客户提升人力、提升工作效率,并推动业务持续发展。全球超过10,500家组织在使用Workday,包括中型企业和超过60%的《财富》500强公司。有关Workday的更多信息,请访问workday.com。 © 2024 Workday, Inc. 保留所有权利。Workday及其标志是Workday公司的注册商标。所有其他品牌和产品名称是各自所有者的商标或注册商标。 关于Evisort Evisort的AI原生合同智能平台帮助包括微软、Workday、McKesson、BNY Mellon、西联汇款和NetApp在内的知名组织全面了解其合同。Evisort通过先进的专有AI技术——包括第一个专为合同设计的大型语言模型(LLM)——赋能团队更快速、更智能地起草、管理、分析和优化协议,帮助加快交易,减少风险和成本,并将法律和合同挑战转化为战略性业务机会。 前瞻性声明 本新闻稿包含与Workday、Evisort及Workday收购Evisort相关的前瞻性声明。这些前瞻性声明仅基于当前可用的信息以及Workday的当前信念、期望和假设。由于前瞻性声明涉及未来,因此存在固有的风险、不确定性、假设和难以预测的情况变化,其中许多因素超出了Workday的控制范围。如果风险变为现实,假设证明不正确,或者我们经历意外的情况变化,实际结果可能与这些前瞻性声明所暗示的结果有重大差异,因此,您不应依赖任何前瞻性声明。此声明中的前瞻性声明包括但不限于:有关拟议交易潜在利益和效果的声明;Workday对Evisort业务及其能力的计划、目标、期望和意图;以及拟议交易的预期完成时间。风险包括但不限于:(i)交易可能无法按时或根本无法完成的风险;(ii)未能实现交易预期利益的风险;(iii)Workday实施其对Evisort业务及其能力的计划、目标和其他期望的能力,以及我们在我们的HR和财务应用套件中交付AI驱动的文档智能解决方案的能力;(iv)交易公告或完成的负面影响;(v)与收购相关的意外费用或负债;以及(vi)我们向美国证券交易委员会(“SEC”)提交的文件中描述的其他风险和因素,包括我们最近提交的10-Q表格和我们将不时向SEC提交的其他报告,这些文件可能导致实际结果与预期有差异。Workday不承担任何义务,也不打算在本新闻稿发布后更新任何此类前瞻性声明。 本文件、Workday网站或其他新闻稿或公开声明中引用的任何尚未发布的服务、功能或功能均可能会发生变化,且可能不会按计划交付或根本不交付。购买Workday服务的客户应根据当前可用的服务、功能和功能做出购买决策。 来源:Workday公司
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    David Green:The best HR & People Analytics articles of August 2024 I’ve just returned from a three-week family holiday in the South of France and am feeling refreshed, recharged and ready for the final four months of the year. These are invariably the busiest for the team at Insight222, and 2024 is set to be no different. The Digital HR Leaders podcast returns from its summer sojourn on September 3 with a special episode on how HR can help their organisations embrace the blended workforce, featuring Diane Gherson and Lynda Gratton, and based on their brilliant recent HBRarticle, The Insight222 Global Executive Retreat, which we host annually for leaders of 100+ companies that are part of the Insight222 People Analytics Program, takes place in Amsterdam from September 24-26 with guest speakers including: Erin Meyer, Prasad Setty, Janine Vos, and a workshop on storytelling with Duarte, Inc.. The fifth annual Insight222 People Analytics Trends report, which studies how leading companies are using people analytics to generate business value will be published in October – you can read the 2023 study here. Additionally, I will be speaking at a number of conferences before the end of the year including Workday Rising (Las Vegas, September 16-19), People Analytics World (New York, October 2-3), UNLEASH World (Paris, October 16-17), and Workday Rising EMEA (London, November 12-14). This edition of the Data Driven HR Monthly is sponsored by our friends at 365Talents 365Talents goes beyond traditional approaches, offering more than just technology for Skills-Based Organizations. Our approach is not just about managing skills; it's about making the entire process seamless, effective, and enjoyable. Picture real-time insights into your workforce's skills, coupled with the expertise to implement strategic HR projects aligning with your business goals. Our experience in talent mobility and skill development contribute to creating a more democratic, inclusive, and future-ready world of work where every individual has the power to shape their professional path. Start your skills journey with 365Talents today and join the ranks of trailblazers like Veolia, SLB, TotalEnergies, SocGen, and more! To find out more click here: https://www.365talents.com/en/lp/experience-365talents 2024 Skills Impact Report In today’s fast-paced and increasingly disruptive environment, companies need to adopt a more flexible approach that puts its people and their skills at the center of its talent management strategies. This has become more and more imperative as: 59% of the global workforce are disengaged. 69% of job candidates say they would reject a job offer from an employer with a negative reputation, even if they were unemployed. 87% of organizations currently have an existing skills gap or expect to within the next two to ten years. Enter the 2024 Skills Impact Report. It explores the business imperative of talent experience for Skills-Based Organizations, the impact it has on your employees, the pillars of design thinking for HR and how to start applying it to your strategy with 5 intuitive roadmap worksheets. CASE STUDY: SEGULA Technologies Group In 2020, as the world faced significant engineering transformations, the COVID crisis, talent shortages, and the rise of AI, SEGULA Technologies Group launched a strategic initiative to plan and manage the resources and skills of its workforce. The goal of this ambitious project was to identify and leverage the talents of the Group's 15,000 employees across 30 countries, using AI to drive innovative skills management and enhance overall performance. Read the Case Study to learn all the steps and actions taken to successfully tackle the challenge! To sponsor an edition of the Data Driven HR Monthly, and share your brand with more than 130,000 Data Driven HR Monthly subscribers, send an email to dgreen@zandel.org. Share the love! Enjoy reading the collection of resources for August and, if you do, please share some data driven HR love with your colleagues and networks. Thanks to the many of you who liked, shared and/or commented on July’s compendium. If you enjoy a weekly dose of curated learning (and the Digital HR Leaders podcast), the Insight222 newsletter: Digital HR Leaders newsletter is published every Tuesday – subscribe here. NEW: Insight222 research report on the People Analytics Ecosystem Access the new Insight222 study here: Building the People Analytics Ecosystem: Operating Model v 2.0. HYBRID, GENERATIVE AI AND THE FUTURE OF WORK MCKINSEY - Gen AI’s next inflection point: From employee experimentation to organizational transformation HR plays an especially important role in gen AI, both by transforming the people domain and by acting as a gen AI copilot for all employees. One executive noted that for every $1 spent on technology, $5 should be spent on people. A new study by McKinsey finds that to generate value from the momentum associated with GenAI, businesses must transform their processes, structures, and approach to talent. The article, penned by Charlotte Relyea, Dana Maor, Sandra Durth, and Jan Bouly, outlines the key findings from the research: (1) Employee use is at an inflection point, while their organisations lag behind. (2) The next inflection point will see organisations shift from individual experimentation to strategic value capture. (3) Reinvent domains by translating vision into value. (4) Reimagine talent and skilling by putting people at the centre (see FIG 1). (5) Reinforce the changes to continue transforming (“To make gen AI changes stick, organizations need the right infrastructure to support continuous change and win over hearts and minds”). FIG 1: Early adopters prioritise talent and the human side of GenAI more than other companies (Source: McKinsey) DAVE ULRICH - How are You Doing at AI for HR? A Ten-Item Assessment to Evaluate Your Progress Getting started in AI for HR often begins with initiatives that can be done relatively quickly and easily. Dave Ulrich shares key takeaways from a recent deep-dive, he and his colleagues at The RBL Group facilitated with senior HR leaders on AI in HR. He distils these into ten dimensions designed to help HR leaders assess how they are doing at applying AI for HR to their organisation (see FIG 2). These include: (1) Articulate a business case. (2) Develop Talent who can ‘do’ AI. (3) Create Responsible AI policies. (4) Create metrics to guide and measure success. (5) Start with low-hanging fruit. FIG 2: Criteria to evaluate how well your organisation is using AI for HR (Source: Dave Ulrich) DUNCAN HARRIS AND KATE ZOLNER - 5 Employee Fears of AI and How to Overcome Them If companies want to get the most out of AI, they need employee trust. Securing it is not easy. More than three-quarters of employees don’t think their organization’s future use of the technology will be ethical. Duncan Harris and Kate Zolner present the findings of Gartner research on the five main employee fears of AI use by their organisations (see FIG 3), which have a negative impact on employee trust. They then explain how leaders can address these fears through initiatives in areas such as learning, co-creation, effective communications, ethics and data privacy. As well as enabling the organisation to benefit from AI, Harris and Zolner argue that these solutions will lead to higher levels of inclusion, engagement and effort. FIG 3: Five Employee Fears of Organizational AI Use (Source: Gartner) STACIA GARR - How is HR using Gen AI today? | MAX BLUMBERG - GenAI in HR: Slashing Costs, Boosting Efficiency | SWANAND DEODHAR, FAVOUR BOROKINI, AND BEN WABER - How Companies Can Take a Global Approach to AI Ethics | BAIN - AI Survey: Four Themes Emerging Four more resources tracking topics related to GenAI in HR. (1) Stacia Sherman Garr’s LinkedIn post summarises RedThread Research analysis of how HR is using GenAI today (see FIG 4). (2) Max Blumberg (JA) ?? provides a summary of his report on Slashing HR Costs: The Ultimate Blueprint for Implementing GenAI in HR, which provides guidance on implementing GenAI to transform HR cost efficiency, and includes Max’s GenAI HR Cost Reduction Maturity Model (see FIG 5). (3) Ben Waber teams up with Swanand Deodhar and Favour Borokini in a Harvard Business Review article offering guidance on how companies can take a global approach to AI ethics: “Because AI and related data regulations are rarely uniform across geographies, compliance can be difficult. To address this problem, companies need to develop a contextual global AI ethics model that prioritizes collaboration with local teams and stakeholders and devolves decision-making authority to those local teams.” (4) Gene R., Sanjin Bicanic, Jue Wang, Richard Lichtenstein, and Arjun Dutt share the four key themes that emerged from Bain’s recent AI survey, which includes that the emphasis has shifted from experimentation in 2023 to delivering real value 12 months later – thanks to Hung Lee for sharing Bain’s research in a recent edition of Recruiting Brainfood. FIG 4: How HR is using GenAI (Source: RedThread Research) FIG 5: GenAI HR Cost Reduction Maturity Model (Source: Max Blumberg) MARC EFFRON - Above the Fray: What We Know About How WFH and Hybrid Affect Work We should approach solving this problem in the same intelligent way as we suggest all human problems be solved – start with the science. As his article on skills-based organisations testified, Marc Effron has a penchant for cutting through the hype and getting to the heart of an issue. As such, I highly recommend digging into his new analysis on what the science and evidence says are the trade-offs among WFO, WFH and hybrid work. Firstly, Effron dispels four myths propagated by proponents and opponents on CEOs, real estate, proximity bias and employees who prefer WFH. Then he examines the consequences of different work arrangements on (1) performance, (2) creativity, (3) innovation (4) work relationships, (5) collaboration, and (6) managing based on the emerging knowledge available via Google Scholar. LYNDA GRATTON - Seven Truths About Hybrid Work and Productivity | BRIAN ELLIOTT - Hybrid Work: How Leaders Build In-Person Moments That Matter | REBECCA KNIGHT - 17 Team-Building Activities for In-Person, Remote, and Hybrid Teams To get the most from hybrid work, leaders should prepare for trade-offs, make expectations clear, and think harder about how productivity is measured. Three more resources on hybrid work to read in conjunction with Marc Effron’s article above. First, Lynda Gratton unveils seven key findings from what she is seeing from experiments in hybrid working including: (1) Hybrid work is a continuum. (2) Productivity is usually challenging — and measurement is always complex. (3) It’s useful to view hybrid work as fundamentally a job design option. Second, Brian Elliott provides guidance on the four essential times leaders should be intentional about building moments that matter for hybrid workers: (1) Team development (“Get people together three or four times a year, with a 50-50 mix of business and social”). (2) Onboarding and training. (3) New-team formation and major-initiative kick-offs (“Grapple together over the objectives and norms of a project”). (4) Business-function-specific activities (“Let teams figure out the best in-person schedules for their needs”). Finally, Rebecca M. Knight provides guidance to leaders on team-building activities for in-person, remote and hybrid teams. FIG 6: Focus on Productivity, Not Physical Presence (Source: Brian Elliott, Future Forum) PEOPLE ANALYTICS NAOMI VERGHESE, JONATHAN FERRAR, AND JORDAN PETTMAN - Building the People Analytics Ecosystem: Operating Model v2.0 ARTICLE | FULL REPORT One of the questions we get asked most by the people analytics leaders and chief people officers we work with at Insight222 is: What capabilities do I need to build into our people analytics function? Based on research of more than 250 companies, focus interviews with 20 organisations, and our experience of working with more than 120 global companies as part of the Insight222 People Analytics Program, my colleagues Naomi Verghese, Jonathan Ferrar and Jordan Pettman have developed a new report: Building the People Analytics Ecosystem: Operating Model v 2.0. The executive article provides a summary of the key highlights, while the full report breaks down the six elements of the People Analytics Ecosystem (see FIG 7): (1) A Value Chain: from client drivers to business outcomes. (2) People Strategy at the Centre: a symbiotic relationship exists between people strategy and people analytics. (3) Five Core Capabilities: consulting, data science and research, employee listening, analytics at scale, adoption. (4) Four Additional Capabilities: reporting, data governance, workforce planning, AI strategy. (5) Internal Partnerships: HR and other business stakeholders are key to operational effectiveness. (6) External Partnerships: external suppliers and expertise are important for enabling success. FIG 7: The People Analytics Ecosystem (Source: Insight222 Building the People Analytics Ecosystem: Operating Model v 2.0) NELSON SPENCER - Introducing the S.T.A.R.T. Framework The strategy pillar is all about aligning with your overall HR and Business goals. You should be able to connect how your strategy is driving business outcomes. Nelson Spencer, who has worked in both sports and people analytics, presents his S.T.A.R.T Framework (see FIG 8), which is designed to solve a perennial problem for many HR functions: the disconnect between analytics, technology and operations. As Nelson explains, S.T.A.R.T has been designed “to consider these three critical functions holistically, acknowledging that they are part of a bigger puzzle and are all deeply interconnected.” The five pillars, which Nelson describes in detail in his article, are: (1) Strategy, (2) Technology, (3) Analytics, (4) Results, and (5) Transformation. He then provides guidance on how to implement the framework in organisations of varying sizes, from small to large. FIG 8: The S.T.A.R.T Framework (Source: Nelson Spencer) MICHAEL LUCA AND AMY EDMONDSON - Where Data-Driven Decision-Making Can Go Wrong When making decisions (using data), managers should consider internal validity—whether an analysis accurately answers a question in the context in which it was studied. They should also consider external validity—the extent to which they can generalize results from one context to another. Drawing on their research and work with companies, Michael Luca and Amy Edmondson present an approach that considers internal validity and external validity that leaders can apply to discussions of data to support better decision-making. This approach is designed to help leaders avoid five common pitfalls (see FIG 9) associated with data-driven decision-making. FIG 9: How to avoid predictable errors (Source: Michael Luca and Amy Edmondson) WILLIS JENSEN - Building a Network View of Data | MARTHA CURIONI - Supporting HR Adoption of People Analytics | JACKSON ROATCH - Your Best Career Move could be Going for a Run | SERENA HUANG - The Future of Work is Wellbeing | JASPAR SPANJAART - How NVIDIA's Talent Intelligence approach helped fuel its trillion-dollar rise | TOBY CULSHAW - The Talent Nexus: Redefining Business Agility for the 21st Century CEO In each edition of the Data Driven HR Monthly, I feature a collection of articles by current and recent people analytics leaders. These are intended to act as a spur and inspiration to the field. Six are highlighted in this month’s edition.  (1) In another excellent edition of his Making People Analytics Real blog, Willis Jensen discusses how to get a network view of data: “Linking your data together should be a top priority for any people analytics team.” (2) Martha Curioni provides guidance on how to support HR to adopt people analytics harnessing insights from the likes of Isabel Naidoo, Patrick Coolen, Greg Newman, and Amit Mohindra. One of Martha’s tips focuses on the importance of including HRBP’s rather than going around them. (3) As someone whose best ideas invariably come when I’m on a run, I particularly enjoyed Jackson Roatch’s article exploring the link between physical exercise and workplace learning, performance and thriving. (4) In an edition of her From Data to Action blog, Serena H. Huang, Ph.D. explores how AI can support wellbeing and lays out a ten-point plan on responsible AI principles for workplace wellbeing (see FIG 10). (5) NVIDIA’s Meta McKinney, MLIS and Nickolas Dowler, MBA explain to Jasper Spanjaart how the company’s Talent Intelligence strategy helped fuel its growth: “A winning Talent Intelligence strategy requires several key ingredients: data-driven and tested theories, meticulous and thoughtful research, reliable data, creative problem-solving, clear communication of the rationale, trusted relationships with business leaders, and the financial support and freedom to execute.” (6) Toby Culshaw provides a compelling breakdown of what he describes as The Talent Nexus: “The Talent Nexus represents a revolutionary approach to talent management and acquisition in the modern business landscape. It's an AI-driven, quantum-computing-enhanced ecosystem that transforms how organizations interact with, deploy, and develop talent.” A must-read for all those involved in talent intelligence, people analytics and workforce planning. FIG 10: Responsible AI Principles for Workplace Wellbeing (Source: Serena Huang) THE EVOLUTION OF HR, LEARNING, AND DATA DRIVEN CULTURE RAVIN JESUTHASAN - The AI revolution is coming to L&D AI will empower the L&D function to support strategic workforce planning through skills-related insights and interventions. This will help organizations shift from costly ‘churn and burn’ strategies to more cost-effective and sustainable reskilling and upskilling programs. Ravin Jesuthasan, CFA, FRSA examines how AI is set to transform the learning and development function. He highlights Mercer analysis that finds that AI and automation will likely augment some L&D activities (see FIG 11), as well as outlining four potential AI uses cases for corporate L&D: (1) Producing L&D content. (2) Personalising L&D delivery. (3) Driving the skills-powered revolution. (4) Democratising knowledge. For more from Ravin, watch the recent LinkedIn Live on Skills-Powered Organisations in the Age of AI, which I moderated and featured Ravin alongside Tanuj Kapilashrami. FIG 11: Time by task: L&D versus AI and Automation (Source: Mercer) NANCY DUARTE - Are Your Presentations Too Emotional — or Too Analytical? When making a presentation, leaders need to balance appeals to both logic and emotion — the head and the heart. Nancy Duarte provides invaluable guidance on how to strike a balance between logic and emotion when making a presentation, and how credibility plays a crucial role in this balancing act. She explains that the first step in achieving this balance is understanding the audience: “Are they data-driven decision makers who thrive on statistics and factual evidence? Or are they more likely to be swayed by personal stories and emotional connections?” FIG 12: An Analytical and Emotional Balance That’s Just Right (Source: Nancy Duarte) WORKFORCE PLANNING, ORG DESIGN, AND SKILLS-BASED ORGANISATIONS SANDRA LOUGHLIN – Seven Elements of Skills Data Quality Skills data quality isn’t talked about much despite being the foundation for the SBO value proposition, a critical input to selecting and gaining value from skills tech vendors, and arguably the most difficult part of a skills transformation. These wise words open Sandra Loughlin, PhD’s excellent article, where she outlines seven aspects of skills data quality, why they matter and their trade-offs: (1) Relevance (“Skills that are tracked should be the skills that need to be tracked—there’s no point in collecting skills data that won’t help you make better business decisions”). (2) Accuracy. (3) Validity. (4) Completeness. (5) Consistency (“Skills data should be consistently defined, recorded, and categorized across systems and within the organization”). (6) Timeliness. (7) Uniqueness. Thanks to Victoria Holdsworth for highlighting Sandra’s article. EMPLOYEE LISTENING, EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCE, AND EMPLOYEE WELLBEING CATHERINE COPPINGER - Introducing Two New Metrics: Fragmented & Interrupted Time Catherine Coppinger from Worklytics introduces two new metrics: (1) Fragmented Time (“the sum of the total number of hours people have in blocks of time that are too short to get any deep work done”) and (2) Interrupted Time (“a metric designed to measure those periods of the day where people keep getting interrupted and just can’t find enough concentrated time to finish an important task”). Understanding these can help individuals and managers organise time more productively while enhancing employee wellbeing (see FIG 13). Read as a follow-up to another recent article by Catherine: 4 New Ways to Model Work, which featured in the July edition of Data Driven HR Monthly. FIG 13: Source: Catherine Coppinger, Worklytics MCKINSEY - What employees say matters most to motivate performance Performance management is most effective when it features strong, consistent internal logic that employees understand In their article, Asmus Komm, Brooke Weddle, Dana Maor, Katharina Wagner and Vivian Morrow Breaux present the findings of a McKinsey study of more than 1,000 employees across the globe on what matters most to motivating employee performance. The findings provide insights to employers to guide their approach with regards to performance management. These include: (1) Performance management frameworks should be consistent and clearly articulated. (2) Goal setting has impact when goals are measurable and clearly linked to company priorities (see FIG 14). (3) Performance reviews with skilled managers are crucial to employee performance. (4) Rewards that include nonfinancial incentives provide a boost. FIG 14: Employees are motivated by measurable goals linked to company/team (Source: McKinsey) LEADERSHIP, CULTURE, AND LEARNING MEGAN REITZ AND AMY EDMONDSON - When a Team Member Speaks Up — and It Doesn’t Go Well Speaking up — and being heard — in organizations is critical. What gets said, and what doesn’t, directs ethical behavior, innovation, inclusion, and performance. In their article for Harvard Business Review, Megan Reitz and Amy Edmondson explore how 'conversational failures' often cause breakdowns in psychological safety rather than being used as opportunities to learn and develop. They discuss why they occur and the reasons why it is difficult to learn from these failures, before providing guidance on how these failures can become ‘intelligent’: (1) Prepare to learn from conversations. (2) Notice critical moments. (3) Implement process tools. (4) Attend to learning over the long term. For more on ‘intelligent failure’, tune in to Amy’s conversation with me on the Digital HR Leaders podcast: How Learning to Fail Can Help People and Organisations to Thrive. If you’re not failing, you’re not journeying into new territory JAMIE SMITH - How boards can champion a resilient talent strategy Talent strategy is increasingly vital to driving overall strategy. Based on a study of by EY and Corporate Board Member magazine of US public company directors across a range of industries, Jamie Carroll Smith presents analysis of the four opportunities identified in the research for boards to champion a resilient talent strategy: (1) Gain deeper insight into the employee experience. (2) Enable a workforce for the future (“Directors recognize that AI developments demand a reskilling of the workforce”). (3) Harness the value of diversity, equity and inclusion (“The future talent pool may depend on companies prioritizing DEI”). (4) Identify opportunities to strengthen talent governance. Thanks to Brian Heger for highlighting in an edition of his excellent Talent Edge newsletter. FIG 15: The biggest impacts of AI on company workforce strategy (Source: EY) JEN FISHER, SUE CANTRELL, JAY BHATT, AND PAUL SILVERGLATE - The important role of leaders in advancing human sustainability More than eight out of 10 executives surveyed say a stronger commitment to prioritizing a positive human impact would increase their company’s ability to attract new talent (82%), appeal to customers and clients (81%), and profitability (81%). Jen Fisher, Susan Cantrell, Jay Bhatt, and Paul Silverglate outline the key findings from Deloitte’s third annual Workplace Wellbeing report. The primary finding suggests that leaders can play a key role in prioritising and advancing a human sustainability agenda, particularly when it comes to measuring outcomes and holding their organizations accountable for progress. Insights identified in the study include: (1) The three trends impacting today’s workforce the most are skills, burnout and mental health. (2) The modern work experience doesn’t promote human sustainability but C-suite leaders aren’t seeing it. (3) While three out of four executives believe workforce wellbeing is excellent or good, workers are having a different experience (see FIG 16). The article then provides guidance on the metrics companies can implement to measure human sustainability including on skills development, purpose, DEI and societal impact. FIG 16: Source – Deloitte Wellbeing at Work survey, 2024 DIVERSITY, EQUITY, INCLUSION, AND BELONGING JANINE LEE - Breaking Down Barriers to Belonging for Women of Color in Tech In her article in Harvard Business Review, Dr. Janine Lee, MBA, Ed.D. Global Head of L&D at Google, outlines the findings from her doctoral research on workplace belonging for women of colour in the tech industry. Janine highlights the top belonging contributors and detractors identified in the study (see FIG 17), and then offers three recommendations to boost workplace belonging: 1) Invest in programs that foster peer-based relationships, 2) Enable sponsorship and mentoring opportunities, and 3) Hold leaders accountable to “walk the talk.” FIG 17: Sense-of belonging contributors and detractors (Source: Janine Lee) HR TECH VOICES Much of the innovation in the field continues to be driven by the vendor community, and I’ve picked out a few resources from August that I recommend readers delve into: GURU SETHUPATHY – Understanding the EU AI Act in Four Handy Charts – Guru Sethupathy of FairNow provides an invaluable breakdown of the EU AI Act and its implications. FIG 18: The four risk levels under the EU AI Act (Source: FairNow) EMILY KILLHAM - How to Build a Better Boss: What Leaders (and Their Teams) Need Now to Thrive – Emily Killham delivers a new study by Perceptyx identifying five key behaviours for managers, the positive and negative impacts of manager behaviour on employees and organisations, and the role of employee feedback in help managers take corrective action. FRANCISCO MARIN - The Role of Active and Passive Organizational Network Analysis in Cybersecurity – Francisco Marin of Cognitive Talent Solutions breaks down how active and passive ONA can support organisational cybersecurity initiatives including the detection of anomalous communications, enhancing incident response and tailoring security strategies. LOUJAINA ABDELWAHED - How To Lose an Employee in 10 Days – Loujaina Abdelwahed, PhD presents analysis by Revelio Labs highlighting the negative impact of return to office on employee reviews and attrition. FIG 19: Negative reviews of RTO correlate positively with attrition (Source: Revelio Labs) ALICIA ROACH – Not all ‘Workforce Planning’ is the Same – If you are interested in workforce planning and don’t follow Alicia Roach of eQ8 on LinkedIn, you really should. In her recent post, Alicia reflects on her ‘triangle of workforce planning’ (see FIG 20), which skilfully illustrates the value of ‘strategic’ workforce planning. FIG 20: Source – Alicia Roach PODCASTS OF THE MONTH In another month of high-quality podcasts, I’ve selected six gems for your aural pleasure: (you can also check out the latest episodes of the Digital HR Leaders Podcast – see ‘From My Desk’ below): EMILY HACKER AND DAN WEISS - The Critical Role Data Plays in Skills Development - Emily Hacker, CPTD and Dan Weiss share insights from MetLife's skills journey with Stacia Sherman Garr and Dani Johnson of RedThread Research on the Workplace Stories podcast. The key learning from the conversation is that your skills data doesn't need to be perfect to benefit employees, improve talent acquisition, and enhance workforce planning. JOSH BERSIN - The Future Of The Workforce Has Arrived, Can’t You See It? – Inspired by his recent trip to Europe, Josh Bersin explains why the traditional industrial work model has ended, gig work is now mainstream, reskilling should be given primacy, and why HR professionals need to reskill in AI to stay relevant. BRYAN HANCOCK AND EMILY FIELD - Managing in the era of gen AI – In this episode of McKinsey Talks Talent, Bryan Hancock and Emily Field, two of the authors along with Bill Schaninger, Ph.D. of Power to the Middle: Why Managers Hold the Keys to the Future of Work, join host Lucia Rahilly to explain why middle managers matter, what leaders could do differently to make more of the managers on their teams, and how gen AI could change middle managers’ jobs—for the better. ANSHUL SHEOPURI - How Mastercard is Training Employees for the AI Era – Anshul Sheopuri, EVP People Operations and Insights at Mastercard, joins Christopher Rainey on the HR Leaders podcast to shares insights on leveraging AI in HR and the importance of continuous learning. JAMES GALLMAN - Bridging HR Technology, Analytics, AI Agents, LLMs, & Nudging at NetApp - James Gallman , VP HR PMO, Systems and Analytics at NetApp, joins hosts Cole Napper and Scott Hines, PhD on the Directionally Correct podcast to discuss the overlap between HR technology and people analytics. LILY ZHENG - Ground Your DEI Efforts in Data – In an episode of Women at Work, DEI strategist and consultant Lily Zheng joins hosts Amy Bernstein and Amy Gallo to explain the role of data and analytics in DEI, and the importance of measuring outcomes to make lasting progress. VIDEO OF THE MONTH JULIET SCHOR - Smarter Work for a Better World? Studies suggest that the Four Day Week may reduce burnout and depression, while also offering significant opportunities to reduce our collective carbon footprint. One of my favourite sessions at this year’s Wharton People Analytics Conference saw Professors Juliet Schor and Iwan Barankay discuss what we know about the four-day work week and share their different perspectives on what this alternate structure might mean for organisations and their employees. BOOKS OF THE MONTH One of the benefits of being on holiday the past few weeks has been that it enabled me to catch up on some reading, hence there being two books of the month for August: NICK VAN DAM – Boosting Your Well-being: The Best Version of Me - A wonderful book – and a wonderful cause with 100% of the book’s royalties being donated to the e-Learning for Kids Foundation. Written by Prof. dr. Nick van Dam, and 20 co-authors, this is a comprehensive book on professional wellbeing. It delves into the interconnected aspects of four key dimensions: body, mind, purpose, and environment, and offers a compelling approach to self- improvement. I particularly enjoyed the chapters on resilience and adaptability (written by Jacqui Brassey, PhD, MA, MAfN ?️ (née Schouten) ), sleep (Dr Els van der Helm) and contribution (Emily Ricci). An uplifting and potentially life-changing read. KALIFA OLIVER – I Think I Love My Job: Secrets To Designing A People-Centered Employer Value Proposition - At times a powerful and relatable story of the ups and downs of corporate life, and at others a compelling narrative on how to approach work, harness data and build a world-class employee experience. Kalifa Oliver, Ph.D. combines both an academic and a practitioner mindset that empowers the reader to take charge of their career, challenge workplace norms, and use data to revolutionise the employee experience. FROM MY DESK August saw us reach a notable milestone on the Digital HR Leaders podcast – our 200th episode, and we celebrated in style with a special guest, Amy Edmondson, Thank you to Louis Gordon and the team at HiBob for sponsoring series 40 of the podcast. AMY EDMONDSON - How Learning to Fail Can Help People and Organisations to Thrive – Harvard professor, pioneer of psychological safety and Thinkers50 #1, Amy Edmondson joined me for our 200th episode, where we discussed intelligent failure, and how failing well can drive individual and organisational success. DAVID GREEN - What key elements do you believe are essential to building a strong company culture? - A round up of series 40 of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, with insights from John Winsor, Maureen N. Dunne, Ph.D., Nirit Peled-Muntz, Heidi Manna and Amy Edmondson. DAVID GREEN - Five Key Elements For Building a Strong Company Culture? – A recent article for myHRfuture, where I break down five elements in building a strong company culture including aligning with organisational mission and using people data as your GPS. LOOKING FOR A NEW ROLE IN PEOPLE ANALYTICS OR HR TECH? I’d like to highlight once again the wonderful resource created by Richard Rosenow and the One Model team of open roles in people analytics and HR technology, which now numbers close to 500 roles – and has now been developed into a LinkedIn newsletter too. THANK YOU Wayne Tarken for kindly writing a post about me on LinkedIn: Curious About People Analytics? - What Leaders Can Learn from Thursday's Thought Leader. Ester Martinez and her team at People Matters for including the Digital HR Leaders podcast in their list of 100 must-read resources for HR and talent leaders. Rachel Collins for her post emphasising the need to move from employment to employability, inspired by the LinkedIn Live I hosted recently with Ravin Jesuthasan and Tanuj Kapilashrami. Similarly, thanks to James Elliott for also posting here about the LinkedIn Live with Ravin and Tanuj. David McLean , whose post on learning from your failures references the Digital HR Leaders podcast episode with Amy Edmondson. Veronika Birkheim , whose post on Culture Diagnostics, references the Digital HR Leaders podcast episode with Heidi Manna. Andrew Gadomski for his post on how he uses the Data Driven HR Monthly as a learning tool at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Irada Sadykhova for her post on how to build a strong company culture, which was inspired by a recent series of the Digital HR Leaders podcast. Ashley Utz for her post reflecting on the recent Digital HR Leaders podcast episode with Nirit Peled-Muntz. HR Executive Leadership Exchange for including me in their list of the Top 10 HR Leaders You Should Follow. Mirro.io for including me in their list of Top HR Leaders to Follow in 2024. Daniyal Wali and The Talent Games for including me in their list of the Top 10 HR Tech Leaders to Follow in 2024. Finally, a huge thank you to the following people who shared the July edition of Data Driven HR Monthly. It's much appreciated: Jaqueline Oliveira-Cella Andrés García Ayala Kristhy Bartels Sandy Zou Danielle Farrell, M.A. David Hodges Jeff Wellstead Gord Johnston MA, BHJ, BA, CHRP Debbie Harrison Dave Millner Sharna Wiblen Aizhan Tursunbayeva, PhD, GRP Catriona Lindsay Amardeep Singh, MBA Walter Maes Marcano Gert-Jan Tretmans Tim Peffers Kouros Behzad Adam Tombor (Wojciechowski) Lewis Garrad Sebastian Szachnowski Bob Pulver John Golden, Ph.D. Ben Wigert, Ph.D, MBA Ken Oehler Alexis Fink Katia Simões Francisca Solano Beneitez Abbas Qaidari Onno Bouman Aravind Warrier Kathleen Kruse Adedamola Adeleke ☁️ Elodie MENAGER Susan Knolla John Healy David Simmonds FCIPD Andrews Cobbinah, MLPI, ACIHRM Deviprasad Panda Vanesa C. David McLean Timo Tischer Prachi Agasti Maria Alice Jovinski Tristan Hack Adam McKinnon, PhD. Nicole Hazard Michael Arena Andras Vicsek Jane Kuhn Emily Pelosi, PhD Malgorzata Langlois Ahmed Salah ?? Swechha Mohapatra (IHRP-SP, SHRM-SCP, CIPD) Paul Daley Kyle Forrest Shivaani Talesra Ryan Wong Shujaat Ahmad Tessa Hilson-Greener Vivek Ojha Jacob Nielsen Søren Kold Tobias W. Goers ツ Terri Horton, EdD, MBA, MA, SHRM-CP, PHR Galo Lopez Noriega Marino Mugayar-Baldocchi Alexandra Nawrat Marian Stancik Hanadi El Sayyed Marcela Niemeyer Higor Gomes Kirsten Edwards Andreea Lungulescu Bradford Williams Faiza Tasneem(Associate CIPD) Alysson DuPont, SHRM-SCP, MBA Dr. Peter Schulz-Rittich Joaquin Hernandez Doug Shagam Mariami Lolashvili Caitie Jacobson Jaap Veldkamp Jaejin Lee Yvonne Bell (She/Her) John Gunawan Roberto Amatucci Philipp Heller Tina Peeters, PhD Gianni Giacomelli Lina Makneviciute Roshaunda Green, MBA, CDSP, Phenom Certified Recruiter Jacob Bradburn, Ph.D. Ying Li Phil Inskip Jack Liu Jonathan Berríos Leiva Stephen Hickey Lars Schmidt Geetanjali Gamel Dan George Anabel Fall Alejandra Barbarelli Adam Gibson Mia Norgren David van Lochem Nick Lynn Silja Kupiainen Heather Whiteman, Ph.D. Meghan M. Biro Martijn Wiertz Agnes Garaba Dolapo (Dolly) Oyenuga Laurent Reich Sebastian Kolberg Sebastián Mestre Chris Long Penny Newman Ralf Buechsenschuss Sebastian Knepper Marcela Mury Joseph Frank, PhD CCP GWCCM Dave Fineman Ron Ben Oz Danielle Bushen Kimberly Rose Daorong Lin Sukumaran Mariappan Abhilash Bodanapu Sonia Mooney Kerrian Soong Jay Polaki⚡️ SHRM-SCP/SPHR Remco van Es Ken Clar Matt Elk Aulia Raubien Natalie Wiseman Graham Irene Wong David Balls (FCIPD) Olivier Bougarel Ramesh Karpagavinayagam Oliver Kasper Andrew Kilshaw Nick Hudgell Gal Mozes, PhD Tatu Westling Brandon Merritt Johnson UNLOCK THE POTENTIAL OF YOUR PEOPLE ANALYTICS FUNCTION THROUGH THE INSIGHT222 PEOPLE ANALYTICS PROGRAM At Insight222, our mission is to make organisations better by putting people analytics at the centre of business and upskilling the HR profession The Insight222 People Analytics Program® is your gateway to a world of knowledge, networking, and growth. Developed exclusively for people analytics leaders and their teams, the program equips you with the frameworks, guidance, learnings, and connections you need to create greater impact. As the landscape of people analytics becomes increasingly complex, with data, technology, and ethical considerations at the forefront, our program brings together over one hundred organisations to collectively address these shared challenges. Insight222 Peer Meetings, like this event in London, are a core component of the Insight222 People Analytics Program®. They allow participants to learn, network and co-create solutions together with the purpose of ultimately growing the business value that people analytics can deliver to their organisations. If you would like to learn more, contact us today. ABOUT THE AUTHOR David Green ?? is a globally respected author, speaker, conference chair, and executive consultant on people analytics, data-driven HR and the future of work. As Managing Partner and Executive Director at Insight222, he has overall responsibility for the delivery of the Insight222 People Analytics Program, which supports the advancement of people analytics in over 90 global organisations. Prior to co-founding Insight222, David accumulated over 20 years experience in the human resources and people analytics fields, including as Global Director of People Analytics Solutions at IBM. As such, David has extensive experience in helping organisations increase value, impact and focus from the wise and ethical use of people analytics. David also hosts the Digital HR Leaders Podcast and is an instructor for Insight222's myHRfuture Academy. His book, co-authored with Jonathan Ferrar, Excellence in People Analytics: How to use Workforce Data to Create Business Value was published in the summer of 2021. MEET ME AT THESE EVENTS I'll be speaking about people analytics, the future of work, and data driven HR at a number of upcoming events in 2024: September 11 - Productivity, Purpose, and Profit: How to thrive in ‘25 (London) September 16-19 - Workday Rising (Las Vegas) September 24-26 - Insight222 Global Executive Retreat (Colorado, US) - exclusively for member organisations of the Insight222 People Analytics Program October 2-3 - People Analytics World (New York) October 16-17 - UNLEASH World (Paris) October 22-23 - Insight222 North American Peer Meeting (hosted by Workday in Pleasanton, CA) - exclusively for member organisations of the Insight222 People Analytics Program November 12-14 - Workday Rising EMEA (London) November 19-20 - Insight222 European Peer Meeting (hosted by Merck in Darmstadt, Germany) - exclusively for member organisations of the Insight222 People Analytics Program More events will be added as they are confirmed.
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    Indeed 职业定义中的年龄歧视引发的轩然大波 The Uproar Over Ageism in Career Definitions by Indeed 最近的Indeed报告将45岁定义为“职业晚期”、55岁以上为“职业衰退”,引发了对年龄歧视的批评。专家如Lyndsey Simpson强调,这种标签不仅有害,还忽视了老年工作者的潜力。尽管该报告旨在描述职业阶段,但其用语引起了广泛反响,最终导致信息图的删除。像Elizabeth Isele这样的倡导者强调,多代工作力的好处,如更强的人才管道和增强的工作稳定性。 最近,Indeed的一份报告因将45岁定义为“职业晚期”、55岁以上定义为“衰退”而被批评为“年龄歧视”。来自Freelance Informer的报道指出,55Redefined Group的创始人兼首席执行官、全球老龄化人口价值专家Lyndsey Simpson在LinkedIn上发文,批评该平台发布了她所视为“公然的年龄歧视和不负责任的内容”。 Indeed的信息图将45岁定义为“职业晚期”、55岁以上为“衰退”,同时将35-45岁称为“职业中期”。根据Freelance Informer的报道,该信息图在多次投诉后已被撤下。 Simpson表示:“在55岁以上,数百万人正在他们选择的职业中找到自己的步伐,或者正在重新技能培训,重新回到劳动力市场,或者开始新的企业。” Simpson认为,Indeed的指南延续了有害的刻板印象,削弱了老年工作者的潜力。她敦促公司认识到老年工作者的价值,并起来反对过时的偏见。 Next Up招聘机构的首席执行官Victoria Tomlinson说:“感谢成千上万分享、评论和发送电子邮件的人——Indeed已经撤下了这篇文章。” 尽管在Tomlinson的评论之后该图形仍可见一段时间,但现已被删除。 全球经验丰富的企业家精神研究所创始人Elizabeth Isele为Indeed的报告做出了贡献。她在报告中说:“多代工作力具有明显的竞争优势,原因有很多。立即,雇主就能开辟更强大、更广泛的人才渠道。你会得到一个更大的想法基因池。提高你的劳动力的连续性和稳定性。并在该劳动力中保留知识。”Isele指出,预计到2030年,55岁以上的工作者将增加1.5亿。
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    Happy Labor Day Happy Labor Day to all Chinese HR professionals in North America! Your dedication and hard work significantly enrich our workplaces and drive the future of HR. #LaborDay #ChineseHR #NACSHR #HappyLaborDay Happy Labor Day
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