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    胡晓敏:公司改组重组合并,HR要留意哪些移民法风险 公司改组重组合并,HR要留意哪些移民法风险? Xiaomin Hu Founder & Managing Attorney Law Office of Xiaomin Hu P.C. 或者访问:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcbhtw6ODCg   美国经济衰退背景下的公司重组:HR视角的移民与签证挑战 在当前的经济环境下,美国的公司重组和合并活动日益频繁,这对HR专业人员提出了新的挑战。胡律师在其近期的讲座中,深入分析了美国经济衰退对公司重组、合并及其对人力资源相关法律风险的影响。特别是,她关注于如何管理与员工签证和移民状态相关的复杂问题。 雇员裁员后的选择 胡律师首先讨论了公司裁员对H1B、L、O签证持有者的影响。裁员后,员工有60天的宽限期来寻找新的雇主或改变签证类型,例如转为B1/B2旅游签证或F1学生签证。如果公司停业,这些员工的H1B身份将自动终止。胡律师强调,HR部门必须为这些员工提供清晰的指导和支持。 继承利益者的重要性 胡律师指出,在公司重组或合并期间,理解“继承利益者”(Successor in Interest)概念至关重要。继承利益者是指新公司愿意并有能力继续雇佣原公司的员工,并承担所有相关的移民责任。这有助于保持员工的移民案件连续性,避免在移民程序中出现断裂。 劳工证申请(PERM)的影响 公司重组可能对PERM流程产生影响。新的继任者公司需要确保与原公司的劳工证申请保持一致,避免在审计过程中出现问题。这需要HR部门在整个过程中保持严谨的记录和沟通。 移民状态的转换 在公司重组后,胡律师讨论了如何转换移民状态,例如从H1B转为B1/B2或F1签证。在某些情况下,如果员工已有批准的I-130或I-140,并且优先日期是当前的,他们可能有资格递交I-485以维持他们的身份。 对H1B员工和绿卡申请的影响 公司重组对H1B员工的身份可能需要进行调整。胡律师建议HR部门准备好必要的文件,以应对移民局的可能调查。同时,如果公司在提交PERM或I-140之前重组,新的继任者公司需要重新审查整个申请流程。如果变更发生在提交140申请之后,新公司必须证明其为“继承利益者”。 胡律师的讲座为HR专业人员提供了宝贵的见解,帮助他们在经济衰退和公司重组期间有效管理与移民和签证相关的挑战。她的建议强调了在这些动荡时期内保持法律合规性和为员工提供支持的重要性。通过这些策略,HR部门可以更好地应对不断变化的经济环境,同时保护公司和员工的利益。
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    视频:Leading Through Transformation The Future of HR in the AI Era Leading Through Transformation The Future of HR in the AI Era Jiajia Chen Senior Group Product Manager Nvidia 点击访问:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toiy_sBDXHs 以下为演讲稿翻译整理,仅供参考: 引领变革:人工智能时代人力资源的未来 欢迎大家,我很高兴有机会讨论一个自2022年底以来成为焦点的话题。随着chat的广泛成功,许多人开始思考一个问题:我还会有工作吗?对于一些父母来说,这个问题可能会有所不同:我的孩子将来会有工作吗?在深入这个问题之前,让我简单介绍一下自己。我早期的职业生涯涉及多个商业领域,包括人力资源,后来我专注于人工智能产品管理。我拥有几个学位,包括法律学位、MBA学位、经济学科学学位和软件工程学位。我曾在Nidia管理人工智能基础设施产品组合几年。去年晚些时候,我转移到另一个名为Nidia Omniverse的产品组,这是一个数字孪生平台工业元宇宙。我们的企业客户可以使用Omniverse来创建数字孪生工业元宇宙,通过利用模拟和生成性人工智能以及与大型生态系统合作。通过这些经历,我对人工智能和人力资源有了深刻的理解。在这次演讲中,我希望能提供一个框架,帮助大家思考如何在人工智能时代领导转型,如何保持相关性并比人工智能发展得更快。 人工智能并不是一个新概念。让我们快速回顾一下人工智能发展的简史,为今天的对话奠定基础。人工智能领域诞生于1950年代。1950年,艾伦·图灵提出了模仿人类智能的通用机器的概念。1956年,人工智能这一术语被创造出来。在1970年代和1980年代,人工智能最初的乐观预期开始减弱,因为进展没有达到高期望,人工智能研究的资金减少,领域经历了被称为人工智能冬天的时期。在人工智能冬天期间,研究人员专注于发展专家系统,这是基于规则的系统,旨在模仿人类专家在特定领域的知识和决策能力。这种方法在实际应用中取得了一些进展,例如医学诊断和工业自动化。1980年代,人工智能的焦点转向了机器学习和神经网络。机器学习算法允许计算机在没有明确编程的情况下从数据中学习,并做出预测或决策。受人类大脑结构启发的神经网络引起了关注,并被应用于各种任务,包括图像和语音识别。得益于大量数据的可用性和计算能力的进步,人工智能经历了复兴。Nidia的贡献是关键的。 2022年11月推出的ChatGPT标志着人工智能的关键时刻。生成性人工智能正在推动机器创造的边界。人工智能越来越多地融入各种应用和行业,正在金融、医疗保健、网络安全等领域发挥作用,转变行业并创造新的机会。 你们中有多少人尝试过ChatGPT?你们喜欢它的哪些功能?是否用它来草拟电子邮件、创建培训材料,或者提出棘手的问题,试图愚弄chat GPT,证明你的人类智能更高级?人工智能预计将在各个维度对工作场所产生重大变化。 以下是人工智能可能带来的九个变化。 首先,提高生产力:人工智能是否会提高生产力和经济增长?许多人这样预期,但也有很多人告诉你,到目前为止,这种生成性人工智能趋势并没有大幅提高生产力,除了提供一些有趣的玩具。你们中的一些人可能听说过“生产力悖论”,这是1970年代和1980年代在美国发生的现象。我的预测是,人工智能不会发生这种情况。人工智能可以更快地传播,且所需的资本投资更少。这是因为人工智能在短期内的应用主要是软件革命,所需的大部分基础设施,如计算设备、网络和云服务,已经到位。你现在可以通过手机立即使用chat GPT和迅速增长的类似软件。 其次,收入不平等:人工智能是否会带来自动化的奢华时代,还是只会加剧现有的不平等?美国国家经济研究局发布的一份报告称,自1980年以来,美国工资变化的50%到70%可以归因于蓝领工人被自动化取代或降级导致的工资下降。人工智能、机器人技术和新的复杂技术导致财富高度集中。直到最近,受过大学教育的白领专业人士基本上没有受到低教育工人的命运。拥有研究生学位的人看到他们的薪水上涨,而低教育工人的薪水显著下降。这一问题将加剧,低技能的白领工人也将受到影响。 第三,劳动力技能提升和风险转移:随着某些任务的自动化,人工智能需要专注于提升和重新技能化劳动力。员工需要获得新的技能和知识,以适应不断变化的工作要求,并有效地与人工智能系统协作。有关这一主题的研究很多,不同研究的数据也有所不同。彭博社的研究显示,由于人工智能对工作的影响,全球将有超过1.2亿工人在未来三年内需要重新培训。据信,由于人工智能相关部署,中国将有超过5000万工人需要重新培训。美国将需要重新培训1150万人,以适应劳动力市场的需求。巴西、日本和德国的数百万工人也将需要帮助应对人工智能、机器人技术及相关技术带来的变化。根据麦肯锡的一项研究,由于快速自动化的采用,多达3.75亿工人可能需要转换职业类别。 第四,重新定义工作角色:人工智能有潜力重塑工作角色并创造新的角色。一些任务和工作可能会完全自动化,导致某些领域的工作流失。然而,人工智能也为创造涉及管理和协作人工智能系统、分析人工智能生成的内容、开发和维护人工智能技术的新角色创造了机会。例子包括美国政府试图将制造业带回美国。许多人认为,像第二次世界大战后一样,将创造数百万高薪的蓝领工人工作。然而,这最有可能不会发生,因为在美国建造的新工厂几乎不会雇用许多人类工人。一切都将通过机器人或管理系统自动化。 第五,增强决策制定:人工智能系统可以分析大量数据,检测模式,并生成支持决策过程的洞察。这可以使员工和管理者获得更准确、更及时的信息,使各种职能(如运营、市场营销、财务、人力资源)的决策更加明智。2019年哈佛商业评论提出了一个概念,称为人工智能驱动的决策,与数据驱动的决策相比,它允许我们克服作为人类处理器的固有局限性,如低效和认知偏见,因为你可以指派机器来处理大量数据,让我们人类应用判断力、文化价值观和情境来选择决策选项。 第六,人工智能与人类的协作:人工智能技术使得人与智能系统之间的协作成为可能。这种协作可能涉及利用人工智能在数据分析、模式识别和预测方面的优势,而人类则提供批判性思维、创造力、同理心和复杂问题解决技能。如果能够有效地实现人与人工智能系统的协作,可以带来改进的成果和创新。的确,许多公司已经使用人工智能自动化流程,但到目前为止,证据表明,那些旨在取代员工的部署只会带来短期的生产力提升。在一项涉及1500家公司的基本研究中发现,当人类和机器一起工作时,公司取得了最显著的绩效提升。 第七,增强智能:人工智能可以通过补充和增强人类能力来增强人类智能。它可以协助人们执行诸如信息检索、数据分析和问题解决等任务。人工智能支持的虚拟助手和机器人可以为人们提供即时支持和指导,提高他们的效率和效果。 第八,伦理考虑:人工智能在工作场所的整合引发了与隐私、安全、公平、透明度和问责制相关的伦理考虑。组织需要建立伦理框架和指南来确保人工智能系统的合理和可信赖的开发和部署。 第九,监控和评估AI实施。这个变化涉及到持续监控人工智能在工作场所的影响,并从员工那里收集反馈,以识别改进领域。定期的评估和反馈循环将有助于完善人工智能的实施和使用,确保其在增进工作效率、创新和其他方面的应用是有效和恰当的。(以上为AI补充,仅供参考) 目前,我们已经详细讨论了人工智能在工作场所创造的变化,以及人力资源应该如何应对这些变化。 现在,让我分享这张早先在一次HR会议上使用的幻灯片。2016年,我在一个名为“HR新模型”的会议上发表了演讲。现在,让我们看看这个模型。一个典型的组织结构包括首席执行官、人力资源业务伙伴、共享服务和一个运营部门,支持管理者和员工群体。公司是否能用这个模型应对人工智能在工作场所带来的变化?我们是否需要一个不同的模型?在回答这个问题之前,让我们看看应对每种类型变化需要发生什么。在这张幻灯片上,我展示了我简单的颜色编码技术。我简单地将所有类型的能力和技能分类并用不同颜色高亮显示。现在我们可以看到几个主要类别和一些零散项目。让我们稍微深入一些颜色分类的挑战。 首先,以蓝色突出显示的助理挑战和两个工作场所的变化。HR可以评估利用人工智能的技能和能力要求,为员工提供必要的资源,使他们能够理解和利用人工智能技术,以及如何通过人工智能来增强他们的工作。这包括关于人工智能概念、数据分析、自动化工具和人工智能支持决策的培训。HR可以培养持续学习的文化。 其次,以绿色突出显示的变革管理和沟通,在四个不同的工作场所变化中出现。HR可以积极地向员工传达人工智能实施的目的和好处,以提高生产力和效率。HR可以协助经理和员工分析工作并重新设计工作流程,以利用人工智能技术。这涉及识别可以自动化或由人工智能增强的任务和活动,简化工作流程,消除冗余或低价值测试,并确定人类和人工智能如何合作以优化生产力和效率。 第三,以热粉色突出显示的职业发展和内部流动性,在三个不同的工作场所变化中出现。HR可以进行技能评估,以确定组织内现有技能,并确定需要解决的AI相关角色的差距。这包括识别与人工智能技术合作所需的技术技能,如机器学习,以及有效沟通、批判性思维和问题解决所必需的软技能。 最后,以灰蓝色突出显示的伦理指导和治理,在三个不同的工作场所变化中出现。HR可以与法律、合规团队等相关利益相关者协作,为人工智能变革建立治理框架。那些仍以黑色显示的功能在未来几年将看到更多的自动化和置换,投资较少,因为这些能力在人工智能转型中的相关性较低。 为了跟上甚至领导人工智能趋势及其对工作场所的影响,HR可以采取几个积极的步骤。以下是我们可以考虑的一些关键行动:持续学习,HR专业人士可以深入了解人工智能技术、应用和影响;识别人力资源中的人工智能用例,HR可以探索各种可以增强其功能和简化流程的人工智能应用,例如自动化日常行政任务、改进候选人筛选和选拔流程,以及提供个性化的学习和发展机会;评估组织的人工智能准备情况,HR可以评估组织当前的基础设施、技术能力和文化,以确定其采用人工智能的准备情况;通信和透明度,人工智能实施期间的沟通和透明度对于缓解对工作安全的担忧、澄清人工智能采用的好处以及确保员工理解人工智能技术将如何增强而非取代他们的工作至关重要;监控和评估人工智能实施,HR可以持续监控人工智能对工作场所的影响,并从员工那里收集反馈,以识别改进领域。定期的评估和反馈循环将有助于完善人工智能实施。  
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    精彩图集:2023NACSHR年度论坛精彩回顾(一) 成功举办2023北美华人人力资源年度论坛,感谢所有参会同仁以及赞助合作伙伴与分享嘉宾! 6月17-18日 70多位北美地区华人HR同仁相聚在加州硅谷度过超级充实的两天!话题多样全面,覆盖大家关心的各个趋势与实践,受到参会嘉宾的一致好评!期待2024年6月再聚! 请欣赏:  
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    成功举办2023北美华人人力资源年度论坛,感谢所有参会同仁以及赞助合作伙伴与分享嘉宾! 6月17-18日 70多位北美地区华人HR同仁相聚在加州硅谷度过超级充实的两天!话题多样全面,覆盖大家关心的各个趋势与实践,受到参会嘉宾的一致好评!期待2024年6月再聚!
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    重磅揭晓嘉宾日程—2023北美华人人力资源年度峰会即将于6月17-18日在加州硅谷盛大举办,大咖云集,华人HR精英汇聚 时隔三年,我们再度重聚!2023北美华人人力资源年度峰会 6月17-18日在硅谷举办!会议形式多样,嘉宾大咖云集,汇聚华人HR精英,不可错过!Stay Together Stay Powerful 诚挚邀请全世界华人HR以及人力资源行业从业人员参加本次年度盛会。 2023北美华人人力资源协会年度峰会  时间:2023年6月17日-18日 周六周日 (9:00-17:00 ) 地点:Sonesta Silicon Valley 1820 Barber Lane Milpitas, CA 95035 门票:https://nacshr23.eventbrite.com 一年一度北美华人人力资源协会年度论坛将于6月17-18日在硅谷举行,诚挚邀请北美各地华人HR同仁积极参与,共建华人人力资源社团,携手华人HR一起成长! 今年论坛话题多样,更多关注HR细分专业本身以及华人HR同仁在美的职业发展,我们特别邀请华人HR杰出代表与您共同交流 30多位北美华人优秀的HR及专家为你带来2天充实的专业内容。 相信一定不可错过! · 广泛的北美华人人力资源网络社群 · 适合华人HR职场发展的专业分享 · 潜在的工作和发展机会 日程如下:
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    【嘉宾介绍】北美华人人力资源年度峰会6月17-18日在硅谷举办,诚邀参加 Stay Together Stay Powerful 诚挚邀请全世界华人HR以及人力资源行业从业人员参加本次年度盛会。 2023北美华人人力资源协会年度峰会  时间:2023年6月17日-18日 周六周日 (9:00-17:00 ) 地点:Sonesta Silicon Valley 1820 Barber Lane Milpitas, CA 95035 门票:https://nacshr23.eventbrite.com  (火热报名中)
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    【重磅】2023北美华人人力资源年度峰会6月17-18日在加州硅谷举办,大咖云集,机会难得,火热报名中 近年来华人HR在北美企业中的角色的日益多样化和重要,如何更好地维护和团结在北美华人职场人,实现职业道路的成功成为一个关键的课题。 北美华人人力资源协会以着眼华人人力资源从业者以及人才交流为基石,于2016年应运而生。自2016年开始举办10月北美华人人力资源协会年度论坛,精心呈现HR专业论坛,专题交流,走进企业参访交流以及私密交流晚宴。 COVID-19影响的几年,我们暂停了线下面对面的活动,2023年重启线下交流,2023年话题话题涵盖北美职场华人HR如何实现个人的职业发展、HR专业知识与实践分享,近距离接触同行大咖,结识同行伙伴,来一场关于职业发展的思维碰撞,更是参与互助互信的华人HR圈子! Stay Together Stay Powerful 诚挚邀请全世界华人HR以及人力资源行业从业人员参加本次年度盛会。 2023北美华人人力资源协会年度峰会  时间:2023年6月17日-18日 周六周日 (9:00-17:00 ) 地点:Sonesta Silicon Valley 1820 Barber Lane Milpitas, CA 95035 门票:https://nacshr23.eventbrite.com  (优惠进行中) 一年一度北美华人人力资源协会年度论坛将于6月17-18日在硅谷举行,诚挚邀请北美各地华人HR同仁积极参与,共建华人人力资源社团,携手华人HR一起成长! 今年论坛话题多样,更多关注HR细分专业本身以及华人HR同仁在美的职业发展,我们特别邀请华人HR杰出代表与您共同交流 30多位北美华人优秀的HR及专家为你带来2天充实的专业内容。 相信一定不可错过! · 广泛的北美华人人力资源网络社群 · 适合华人HR职场发展的专业分享 · 潜在的工作和发展机会   6大理由告诉您不可错过  北美华人人力资源协会于2016年10月在湾区成立并成功举办了首届论坛,吸引了来自北美各地人力资源行业的企业,从业者和学生。今年北美华人人力资源论坛在经历COVID-19之后再度重启! 我们整理了下列6个原因来告诉您为什么不可错过这次论坛。   联系我们: 合作赞助:Annie   annie@nacshr.org 报名咨询:hi@nacshr.org 关于北美华人人力资源协会 为了更好的帮助和团结在北美的华人人力资源工作者以及在北美职场的华人,协会由美国硅谷优秀的华人人力资源同仁们共同发起成立于2016年。 协会宗旨是为北美华人人力资源从业者提供广泛的交流平台,促进华人人力资源在海外的发展,维护华人人力资源从业者及职场华人的正当权益,建立北美地区乃至国际范围内的华人人力资源交流合作组织。 2023北美华人人力资源协会年度峰会 时间:2023年6月17日-18日 周六周日 (9:00-17:00 ) 地点:Sonesta Silicon Valley 1820 Barber Lane Milpitas, CA 95035 门票:https://nacshr23.eventbrite.com  (优惠进行中)  
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    Sana Raises Additional $28M Led by NEA to Build the Universal AI Platform for the Enterprise Sana, a company focused on building a universal AI platform for the enterprise, has secured an additional $28 million in funding, with NEA (New Enterprise Associates) leading the investment round. This infusion of funding will undoubtedly help Sana advance its mission of creating an AI platform that caters specifically to the needs of businesses. The Swedish-born Sana scaleup becomes one of Europe’s most highly-funded AI companies with $62M in total Series B funding May 31,2023 Sana, the leading AI-powered learning and knowledge platform, announced today it’s landed another $28m in an opportunistic investment round led by NEA. Workday Ventures also joined the round. With a combined total of $62m in Series B funding, the Swedish-born scaleup is now one of the most highly-funded AI companies. Sana's mission is to augment human intelligence through artificial intelligence. To that end, the company has built a category-defining product that blends the best of enterprise search, a learning management system, meeting tools, and a knowledge management system into one single platform. Underpinning this suite of tools is Sana AI, the company's latest release. Sana AI is an omnipresent assistant that can do everything from search across all your company's apps and take actions in response to natural language commands to generating real-time summaries of live meetings and creating entire learning courses from scratch, and writing SQL to query your data. In other words, it's like ChatGPT for your company's knowledge. By augmenting an organization's ability to capture, organize, and access knowledge at every step through AI, Sana enables any team to move faster and be more productive—from sales and customer support teams to product specialists and software engineers. "At Sana, we believe every organization's mission depends on the collective intelligence of its employees. That intelligence depends on knowledge, yet most institutional knowledge today is scattered across multiple tools, trapped in people's minds, and lost in verbal conversations. AI is the key to solving this problem at scale. By unlocking knowledge for every employee across any organization, we unlock global progress," said Joel Hellermark, founder and CEO of Sana. "We're thrilled to have the support from NEA and strategic investors like Workday Ventures on this mission." Sana wasn’t looking for funding when NEA made its proactive offer. The scaleup had a healthy runway having closed a $34m Series B round led by Menlo Ventures last December. One of the reasons for the additional investor interest is commercial performance: Sana has grown its business 3x year over year. NEA will be represented on Sana's board by CEO Scott Sandell and Managing Director Philip Chopin. Since joining NEA in 1996, Sandell has played a critical role in many industry-transforming businesses, including Robinhood, Salesforce, Tableau Software, and Workday. "Sana's past track record and current trajectory are exceptional. Thanks to top talent, bold vision, and rare organizational alignment, we believe they've already built a world-class learning and knowledge platform. But what excites us most is where Sana is going next: indexing every form of an organization's functional data through LLMs to become the de-facto AI platform for the enterprise. The use cases for this type of product are endless," said Scott Sandell, CEO at NEA. In addition to Sana's commercial growth and ambitious team, NEA was impressed by the level of customer advocacy. The platform is used by an impressive client roster of market-leading companies like Merck, Kry/Livi, and Svea Solar—all of whom praise Sana's superior user experience and product velocity. "Since day one, we've been amazed at Sana's pace of innovation and commitment to addressing customer feedback. The platform is more than a tool—it's become Svea Solar’s home for learning and knowledge. We see the latest iteration of Sana AI as a productivity game-changer, " said Hanna Manberg, CHRO at Svea Solar. With the additional funding, Sana will continue expanding its product development and commercial teams across Stockholm, London, and New York offices. Sana's headquarters will remain in Stockholm, where founder and CEO Joel Hellermark founded the company aged 19, six years after teaching himself to code in C. "Joel is an exceptional founder. This Series B extension is a testament to his technical and commercial prowess and visionary leadership. As we enter the new age of artificial intelligence, we believe the Sana team is well positioned to become one of the world's most successful and impactful AI companies," said Philip Chopin, Managing Director at NEA UK. About Sana Sana is an AI-powered learning platform that empowers organizations to find, share, and harness the knowledge they need to achieve their missions. Backed by some of the world's leading investors, operators, and founders, Sana has raised more than $85m to date. The company's headquarters are in Stockholm, Sweden, with offices in London and New York. For more information, head to www.sanalabs.com. About NEA New Enterprise Associates, Inc. (NEA) is a global venture capital firm focused on helping entrepreneurs build transformational businesses across multiple stages, sectors and geographies. Founded in 1977, NEA has over $25 billion in assets under management, as of March 31, 2023 and invests in technology and healthcare companies at all stages in a company’s lifecycle, from seed stage through IPO. The firm's long track record of investing includes more than 270 portfolio company IPOs and more than 450 mergers and acquisitions. For more information, please visit www.nea.com.
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    Sana Raises $34M Series B to Transform the Way Organizations Learn Through AI Sana has raised $34 million in a Series B funding round to revolutionize the way organizations learn through AI. This funding round was led by Menlo Ventures, a venture capital firm. Existing investor EQT Ventures also joined the round with several founders and operators. This Series B funding round is a significant milestone for Sana, providing them with the necessary resources to scale their platform, refine their AI capabilities, and further drive innovation in the learning space. Following 7x year-over-year growth, Menlo Ventures leads funding round to accelerate US expansion Dec.13,2022 Sana, the leading AI-powered learning platform, announced the close of its $34M Series B led by Menlo Ventures. Existing investor EQT Ventures also joined the round with several founders and operators. Menlo Ventures’ partner JP Sanday joins the board as part of this round. This funding follows a 7x year-over-year increase in Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR). Sana was founded with the vision of leveraging artificial intelligence to help organizations learn and share knowledge. To that end, Sana built a category-leading learning platform that enables organizations to consolidate their learning and capture, organize, and personalize all their institutional knowledge. From personalized learning recommendations to an AI writing assistant that automatically generates content, Sana applies the latest breakthroughs in AI to enhance and optimize the entire learning and knowledge-sharing journey. Sana's AI-powered semantic search empowers employees to get the knowledge they need from anywhere in their organization. The platform connects and indexes tools like Slack, Salesforce, Notion, LinkedIn Learning, and Google Workplace to provide employees with automatically generated answers in natural language. The result: an end-to-end platform that decreases onboarding time, improves sales efficiency, and grows and retains top talent. "Now a $30 billion industry, the learning and development market has demanded more sophisticated tools. With a world-class product and incredible team, Sana is uniquely positioned to win the market. They offer two vital benefits to the historically underserved L&D category: the scalability and efficiency of artificial intelligence and the compelling experience of a consumer-grade product,” said JP Sanday, Partner at Menlo Ventures. "The ambitious customers we serve—pioneers like Alan, Svea Solar, Kry/Livi, and Merck—are on a mission to change the world. Sana’s job is to accelerate their efforts by ensuring every employee has access to the right knowledge at the right time. By leveraging the power of AI, Sana can unlock organizational knowledge with unprecedented scale and speed, supercharging the organizations we serve,” said Joel Hellermark, founder and CEO of Sana. Sana is now the home for knowledge and learning at digital health company Alan—consolidating a myriad of learning and productivity tools. Today, Alan uses Sana to onboard employees, train sales and customer support reps, and develop their leaders. "Speed, transparency, and personal growth are key to Alan's culture, and Sana was the only provider able to deliver on all three. Since using the platform, we've decreased our ramp time while boosting learner engagement. We think Sana has set a new standard for what organizations expect from a learning platform. Their tech and UX have leapfrogged the industry," said Filip Lam, Head of People Growth at Alan. With the new funding, Sana will extend its product development and expand its team across Stockholm, London, and New York offices. The headquarters will remain in Stockholm, where founder and CEO Joel Hellermark founded the company aged 19, six years after teaching himself to code in C. “Joel’s visionary leadership, and his rare combination of being technically skilled and exceptionally ambitious, has enabled him to assemble a world-class team from some of the foremost tech companies. With learning as the foundation of human progress, we believe team Sana has the potential to play an important role in reimagining learning as we know it,” said Sandra Malmberg, Director at EQT Ventures. "Our ambition is to build an internet-scale Library of Alexandria, where more than a billion people can learn about anything and share everything they know," said Hellermark. "We're thrilled to have the support of Menlo Ventures and previous backers on this mission." About Sana Sana is an AI-powered learning platform that empowers organizations to find, share, and harness the knowledge they need to achieve their missions. Backed by some of the world’s leading investors, operators, and founders, Sana has raised $54M to date. The company's headquarters are in Stockholm, Sweden, with offices in London and New York. About Menlo Ventures Menlo Ventures is a venture capital firm that strives to have a positive impact on everything we do. That’s why we support businesses including Benchling, Chime, Carta, Poshmark, Uber, and Roku that are reimagining life and work for the better. Over 43 years, we’ve grown a portfolio that includes more than 70 public companies, over 100 mergers and acquisitions, and $5.5 billion under management. We invest at every stage and in every sector, with expertise in Consumer, Enterprise, and Healthcare. From developing market strategies to creating communities, we provide real impact where entrepreneurs need it most. When we’re in, we’re all in. www.menlovc.com