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    What is Employer Branding? 根据前亚马逊CEO杰夫·贝佐斯的说法,“你的品牌是当你不在房间里时人们对你的评价。”对我们这些在招聘领域的人来说,你的品牌是求职者和潜在候选人在线上阅读关于你的信息、在你的网站和社交媒体上看到的内容,以及从你现在的员工那里在Glassdoor等网站上听到的信息。 所有这些,还有更多,构成了你的雇主品牌。在这篇博客文章中,我们深入探讨了良好的雇主品牌战略的基本原理,并分享了如何将雇主品牌融入你的招聘工作的提示。 According to former Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” For those of us in the recruiting space, your brand is what job seekers and potential candidates read about you online, see on your website and social media, and hear about from your current employees on sites like Glassdoor. All of this, and more, is what makes up your employer brand. In this blog post, we dig into the fundamentals of a good employer branding strategy and share tips on how you can incorporate employer branding into your recruitment efforts. Defining Employer Branding Employer branding is the intentional management of an organization’s reputation and value proposition amongst current and prospective employees. In other words, it refers to efforts made by members of an organization (most often, recruitment and talent acquisition teams) to cultivate a positive image of their company’s brand, both internally and externally. Having a strong employer brand increases your credibility with job seekers, reduces company turnover, and can dramatically reduce your cost-per-hire. According to LinkedIn, among small to mid-size businesses, 72% of recruiting leaders worldwide agreed that employer brand has a significant impact on hiring. Image via @HubSpot on Instagram Their research also shows that having an employer branding strategy has an impact on their business’ bottom line, with a 50% reduced cost-per-hire, 50% more qualified job applicants, and a 28% reduced employee turnover. Numbers don’t lie: employer branding can have a significant impact on your business’ overall reputation, as well as your entire recruitment funnel. When job seekers can get a glimpse into what it’s like to work at your company, read reviews from current and past employees about their experiences, and see your brand’s initiative to share your culture outside of your business’ walls, they become attracted to your brand’s online presence. From there, it becomes that much easier for your recruiting team to engage those qualified job seekers, convert them into candidates, and, eventually, hire them into your organization. Who’s Responsible for Employer Branding? Employer branding, from an internal perspective, is culture, and culture is the responsibility of every leader and every employee within an organization. It requires input and, ultimately, buy-in from everyone throughout the organization. When you have a culture that your entire company believes in, people outside of your company will start to believe in it too. The implementation and execution of an employer branding strategy, however, remains largely the responsibility of the organization’s talent acquisition team. Why? Because talent acquisition and recruitment teams know their organization, and their ideal candidates, best. As such, they play a major role in helping to shape, share, and maintain the message of their organization’s employer brand. It’s up to them to understand how their organization is viewed (both internally and externally), to create and circulate a positive identity with current employees and stakeholders, and to craft a strategy around communicating that employer brand identity outside the walls of the company. This can be done in a few ways, from utilizing social media as a recruiting tool to elevating job descriptions to showcase company culture and perks, as well as engaging with reviews left on sites like Glassdoor. In some cases, like social media, it will make sense to team up with your organization’s marketing team to ensure that your messaging is aligned with theirs. By doing so, you‘ll be able to work together to achieve both teams’ goals. Building an employer brand is no easy task – it requires research, testing, and optimization. But in the end, it can become a main driver of applications from candidates who are excited to work at your organization. How to Build Employer Branding into the Recruiting Process In many ways, your employer branding is the recruiting process. Candidates have the power to research your organization, look up reviews, and even talk to current employees – all without ever contacting a recruiter or clicking on a job posting. When it comes to employer branding within the recruiting process, there are various moving pieces to pay close attention to, including: Cultivating an employer brand presence on social media: Become a champion of your own company culture, and make sure that job seekers who research your brand’s social presence (pssst…a lot of them will!) get a clear, accurate picture of what it’s like to work at your company. Improving and optimizing your corporate careers site: Despite the rise of social media, most candidates still visit a company’s corporate career site to learn more about their culture and the type of work they do, and to look for potential employment opportunities. Put your best foot forward with high-quality employee testimonial videos, office photography, and an accurate description of who your company is. Responding to employee reviews: Our research has found that on average, a higher Glassdoor rating leads to an almost ~50% increase in application conversion rates. Replying to every employee review your organization has on Glassdoor, whether positive or negative, can have a massive impact on the likelihood that job seekers will see, click on, and apply to your jobs. Ensuring a positive candidate experience: Word travels fast in the age of the Internet, and if a candidate has a poor experience during your hiring process, they’ll likely share their negative feelings. Continuously audit your hiring process for potential roadblocks, communicate timelines and expectations clearly with candidates, and ensure that even candidates who don’t receive an offer feel positive about their experience. And, like any other organizational initiative, employer branding efforts should be continually measured and improved. Common metrics include: Candidate and new hire satisfaction with the hiring process Cost-per-hire Time-to-hire Quality of hire (like new hire retention, hiring manager satisfaction) Number of applicants Employee retention rates Employee engagement scores Social media sentiment Number of social media followers Traffic to corporate career site Review site ratings (like Glassdoor and Indeed) eNPS (employee Net Promoter Score) Placement on employer ranking sites New hire interviews Employee exit surveys But don’t worry – you don’t need to measure every metric we’ve listed here (unless you want to, of course!). Where possible, set benchmarks ahead of the launch of your employer branding program, so you can later measure against the specific metrics that are most valuable to your organization. Connect these chosen metrics to your recruiting goals, and don’t forget to pay attention to post-hire measures of quality, such as new hire retention and employee satisfaction. Why Investing in Employer Branding Matters Across the board, one of the biggest obstacles that candidates come up against during their job search is not knowing what it’s like to work for an organization (LinkedIn). Think about it: you stumble on a job title you’re interested in, read the job description, and might come away knowing more about the position…but nothing about the company that position is for. So, you do a quick Google search, read a few positive (and, likely, a few negative) company reviews, visit the company’s social media (where they showcase their marketing efforts), and take a look at the careers page (which hosts their other various open positions). And still, you’ve learned nothing about the company’s values, culture, or what it might be like to join the team. Often, this can keep good-fit candidates from ever clicking on the “Submit Application” button. Your reputation plays a key factor in helping candidates take that final step to enter your recruitment pipeline. Having a positive reputation leads to more interest in your company, lower recruitment costs, and an employer brand and culture that your employees can rave about. By investing in employer branding, you can improve both your bottom line, as well as the overall culture of your organization.
  • 资讯
    美国领先企业联合成立了一个联盟,应对人工智能对技术岗位劳动力的影响 由思科(Cisco)牵头,埃森哲(Accenture)、谷歌(Google)、国际商业机器公司(IBM)和微软(Microsoft)等主要行业参与者参与的人工智能 ICT 劳动力联盟(AI-Enabled ICT Workforce Consortium)AI-Enabled Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Workforce Consortium 旨在评估和减轻人工智能对技术工作的影响。该联盟旨在确定受人工智能进步影响的岗位所需的关键技能,为再培训和提高技能提供途径。该倡议借鉴了私营部门、顾问和政府的合作见解,为人工智能环境下的劳动力做好准备,强调了全球合作促进包容性技术未来的必要性。 人工智能 ICT 劳动力联盟致力于提供实际可行的洞见,发掘重新培训和提升技能的新机遇 思科牵头成立的AI赋能信息通信技术(ICT)工作力联盟,包括埃森哲、Eightfold、谷歌、IBM、Indeed、英特尔、微软和SAP等行业领导者的加入。该联盟将评估人工智能对科技岗位的影响,并为最可能受到AI影响的职业确定技能发展途径。 联盟的成立得到了美国-欧盟贸易与技术委员会人才成长工作组的推动,思科主席兼CEO Chuck Robbins在该工作组的参与,以及美国商务部的建议,起到了催化剂的作用。 顾问团包括美国劳工联盟-产业组织联合会、CHAIN5、美国通信工人联合会、DIGITALEUROPE、欧洲职业培训协会、可汗学院和SMEUnited等。 比利时鲁汶,2024年4月4日-- 思科(纳斯达克代码:CSCO)和另外八家行业领先公司包括埃森哲、Eightfold、谷歌、IBM、Indeed、英特尔、微软和SAP,以及六位顾问今天宣布,成立了致力于提升和重新培训最可能受到AI影响岗位的AI赋能ICT工作力联盟。该联盟受到美国-欧盟贸易与技术委员会人才成长工作组的启发,旨在探究AI对ICT岗位的影响,帮助工作者发现并参与相关培训计划,同时连接企业和具备相应技能、准备就绪的工作者。 作为私营部门的合作平台,联盟正评估AI如何改变工作岗位及所需技能,让工作者取得成功。首阶段工作成果将总结为一份提供给企业领导者和工作者实际建议的报告。未来几个月将公布更多详情。研究结果旨在为那些寻求为员工重新培训和提升技能的雇主提供实用的洞见和建议。 联盟成员涵盖了在AI前沿创新的企业,他们深知AI对劳动力市场的当前和未来影响。各成员企业已分别记录了AI带来的机遇与挑战。通过合作,这些组织能够汇聚见解,推荐行动计划,并在其广泛的影响领域内实施这些发现。 “人工智能正加速全球劳动力市场的变革,为私营部门提供了一个强大机会,帮助工作者重新培训和提升技能,以迎接未来,”思科执行副总裁兼首席人事、政策与目标官Francine Katsoudas表示。“我们新成立的AI赋能工作力联盟的任务是向组织提供关于AI对劳动力影响的知识,并装备工作者以相关技能。我们期待吸引更多利益相关方——包括政府、非政府组织和学术界——一同迈出确保AI革命惠及每个人的重要一步。” 联盟的工作受到了美国-欧盟贸易与技术委员会人才成长工作组的启发,思科主席兼CEO Chuck Robbins领导其技能培训工作流程的指导,以及美国商务部的建议。美国总统拜登、欧盟委员会主席冯德莱恩和欧洲理事会主席米歇尔于2021年6月成立了TTC,目的是通过合作和民主方法在贸易、技术和安全领域推进美国和欧盟的竞争力和繁荣。 “在美国商务部,我们致力于推动先进技术的发展,并深化与全球伙伴和盟友之间的贸易与投资关系。这项工作正帮助我们建立一个强大且具竞争力的经济体,由能够获得高质量、高薪、可维持家庭生活的未来工作的才华横溢的劳动力所推动。我们明白,经济安全与国家安全紧密相连。这就是我为何感到自豪地看到人才成长工作组的努力以及AI赋能ICT工作力联盟的成立,”美国商务部长Gina Raimondo表示。“我感激联盟成员加入这一努力,共同面对AI快速发展所带来的新型劳动力需求。这项工作将为这些工作的具体技能需求提供前所未有的见解。我希望这个联盟仅是一个开始,并且私营部门将其视为一个行动呼吁,确保我们的劳动力能够享受到AI带来的好处。” AI赋能ICT工作力联盟的工作解决了对具备AI各方面技能训练的熟练劳动力的紧迫需求。联盟将利用其成员和顾问的力量,推荐和扩大包容性的重新培训和提升技能培训计划,以惠及多方利益相关者——学生、职业转换者、当前的IT工作者、雇主和教育者——大规模提升工作者以适应AI时代。 在其首阶段工作中,联盟将评估AI对56个ICT岗位角色的影响,并为受影响岗位提供培训建议。这些岗位角色根据Indeed Hiring Lab的数据,包括在2023年2月至2024年期间在美国和五个ICT劳动力最多的欧洲国家(法国、德国、意大利、西班牙和荷兰)获得最高岗位发布量的前45个ICT职位的80%。这些国家的ICT部门共计拥有1000万名ICT工作者,占据了行业的重要份额。 联盟成员普遍认识到,随着AI在商业的所有方面的加速融合,及时集结力量,建立一个包容性、能提供维持家庭生活机会的劳动力市场的重要性。联盟成员承诺,在将越来越多地整合人工智能技术的职业领域,开发工作者路径。为此,联盟成员设定了具有远见的目标,并通过技能发展和培训计划,在未来十年内对全球超过9500万人产生积极影响。联盟成员的目标包括: 思科承诺到2032年为2500万人提供网络安全和数字技能培训。 IBM将在2030年前为3000万人提供数字技能培训,包括200万人的AI技能。 英特尔计划到2030年为超过3000万人提供当前和未来工作的AI技能。 微软承诺到2025年为来自弱势社区的1000万人提供需求旺盛的数字技能培训和认证,为他们在数字经济中提供工作和生计机会。 SAP计划到2025年为全球200万人提供提升技能培训。 谷歌最近宣布投入2500万欧元,支持全欧洲人民的AI培训和技能提升。 埃森哲 “帮助组织识别技能差距并进行大规模快速培训是埃森哲的重点任务,这个联盟汇集了一系列致力于在我们社区中发展尖端技术、数据和AI技能的行业合作伙伴。在各个行业中,为与AI协同工作的人员进行重新培训至关重要。那些在技术投资中与学习投资同等重视的组织,不仅创造了职业发展路径,还能在市场中占据领先地位。” - 埃森哲首席领导力与人力资源官Ellyn Shook Eightfold “工作的动态和本质正在以前所未有的速度演变。Eightfold通过深入分析最受欢迎的职位,了解重新培训和提升技能的需求。通过其人才智能平台,我们为商业领袖提供了迅速适应不断变化的商业环境的能力。我们为能够为组织预备未来工作做出贡献而感到自豪。” - Eightfold AI首席执行官兼联合创始人Ashutosh Garg 谷歌 “谷歌坚信,技术创造的机遇应真正面向所有人。我们自豪地加入AI赋能工作力联盟,进一步推动我们使AI技能培训普及化的工作。我们致力于跨领域合作,确保不同背景的工作者都能有效利用AI,为面向未来的职位做好准备,获得新机会,在经济中茁壮成长。” - 谷歌成长计划创始人Lisa Gevelber IBM “IBM自豪地加入这个及时的企业主导倡议,通过汇集我们的共同专业知识和资源,为AI时代的劳动力做好准备。作为行业领袖,我们共同的责任是发展可信赖的技术,并为所有背景和经验水平的工作者提供学习新技能和提升现有技能的机会,以应对AI采纳改变工作方式并创造新职位的挑战。” - IBM欧洲中东非洲人力资源副总裁Gian Luigi Cattaneo Indeed “Indeed的使命是帮助人们找到工作。我们的研究表明,Indeed上今天发布的几乎每个职位,从卡车司机到医生到软件工程师,都将面临不同程度的受到基于GenAI的变革的影响。我们期待为工作力联盟的重要工作做出贡献。那些授权其员工学习新技能并获得与不断发展的AI工具的实践经验的公司,将加深他们的专业团队,提高员工留存率并扩大其合格候选人库。” - Indeed AI创新部门负责人Hannah Calhoon 英特尔 “作为全球AI创新的领导者,英特尔自豪地加入ICT工作力联盟,继续我们的努力,为所有人塑造一个包容和公平的技术未来。作为联盟的一员,我们将与行业领袖合作,分享最佳实践,创造可访问的学习机会,并与各方利益相关者协作,确保工作者掌握了迎接明天的技术技能。” - 微软人力资源法律副总裁兼副总法律顾问Amy Pannoni SAP “SAP自豪地加入这一努力,帮助为未来的工作准备我们的劳动力,并确保AI在企业和职位中的应用是相关的、可靠的、负责任的。面对我们不断变化的世界的复杂性,AI有潜力重塑行业、革新解决问题的方式,并释放前所未有的人类潜能,使我们能够构建一个更智能、更高效和更包容的劳动力。多年来,SAP支持了许多技能发展计划,我们期待作为联盟的一部分推动更多的学习机会、创新和积极变化。” - SAP副总裁兼全球开发学习负责人Nicole Helmer 关于思科 思科(纳斯达克代码:CSCO)是全球技术领袖,通过帮助我们的客户重新构想他们的应用、支持混合工作模式、保障企业安全、改造基础设施,并实现可持续发展目标,连接一切,让任何事情成为可能。在新闻室了解更多信息,并在X上关注我们@Cisco。 思科和思科标志是思科及/或其在美国和其他国家的关联公司的商标或注册商标。思科的商标列表可在www.cisco.com/go/trademarks查看。提到的第三方商标属于其各自所有者。使用“合作伙伴”一词并不意味着思科与任何其他公司之间存在合伙关系。 来源:思科公司   LEUVEN, Belgium, April 4, 2024 - Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) and a group of eight leading companies including Accenture, Eightfold, Google, IBM, Indeed, Intel, Microsoft and SAP as well as six advisors today announced the launch of the AI-Enabled Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Workforce Consortium focused on upskilling and reskilling roles most likely to be impacted by AI. The Consortium is catalyzed by the work of the U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council's (TTC) Talent for Growth Task Force, with the goal of exploring AI's impact on ICT job roles, enabling workers to find and access relevant training programs, and connecting businesses to skilled and job-ready workers. Working as a private sector collaborative, the Consortium is evaluating how AI is changing the jobs and skills workers need to be successful. The first phase of work will culminate in a report with actionable insights for business leaders and workers. Further details will be shared in the coming months. Findings will be intended to offer practical insights and recommendations to employers that seek ways to reskill and upskill their workers in preparation for AI-enabled environments. Consortium members represent a cross section of companies innovating on the cutting edge of AI that also understand the current and impending impact of AI on the workforce. Individually, Consortium members have documented opportunities and challenges presented by AI. The collaborative effort enables their organizations to coalesce insights, recommend action plans, and activate findings within their respective broad spheres of influence. "AI is accelerating the pace of change for the global workforce, presenting a powerful opportunity for the private sector to help upskill and reskill workers for the future," said Francine Katsoudas, Executive Vice President and Chief People, Policy & Purpose Officer, Cisco. "The mission of our newly unveiled AI-Enabled Workforce Consortium is to provide organizations with knowledge about the impact of AI on the workforce and equip workers with relevant skills. We look forward to engaging other stakeholders—including governments, NGOs, and the academic community—as we take this important first step toward ensuring that the AI revolution leaves no one behind." The Consortium's work is inspired by the TTC's Talent for Growth Task Force and Cisco Chair and CEO Chuck Robbins' leadership of its skills training workstream, and input from the U.S. Department of Commerce. The TTC was established in June 2021 by U.S. President Biden, European Commission President von der Leyen, and European Council President Michel to promote U.S. and EU competitiveness and prosperity through cooperation and democratic approaches to trade, technology, and security. "At the U.S. Department of Commerce, we're focused on fueling advanced technology and deepening trade and investment relationships with partners and allies around the world. This work is helping us build a strong and competitive economy, propelled by a talented workforce that's enabling workers to get into the good quality, high-paying, family-sustaining jobs of the future. We recognize that economic security and national security are inextricably linked. That's why I'm proud to see the efforts of the Talent for Growth Task Force continue with the creation of the AI-Enabled ICT Workforce Consortium," said U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo. "I am grateful to the consortium members for joining in this effort to confront the new workforce needs that are arising in the wake of AI's rapid development. This work will help provide unprecedented insight on the specific skill needs for these jobs. I hope that this Consortium is just the beginning, and that the private sector sees this as a call to action to ensure our workforces can reap the benefits of AI." The AI-Enabled ICT Workforce Consortium's efforts address a business critical and growing need for a proficient workforce that is trained in various aspects of AI, including the skills to implement AI applications across business processes. The Consortium will leverage its members and advisors to recommend and amplify reskilling and upskilling training programs that are inclusive and can benefit multiple stakeholders – students, career changers, current IT workers, employers, and educators – in order to skill workers at scale to engage in the AI era. In its first phase of work, the Consortium will evaluate the impact of AI on 56 ICT job roles and provide training recommendations for impacted jobs. These job roles include 80% of the top 45 ICT job titles garnering the highest volume of job postings for the period February 2023-2024 in the United States and five of the largest European countries by ICT workforce numbers (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands) according to Indeed Hiring Lab. Collectively, these countries account for a significant segment of the ICT sector, with a combined total of 10 million ICT workers. Consortium members universally recognize the urgency and importance of their combined efforts with the acceleration of AI in all facets of business and the need to build an inclusive workforce with family-sustaining opportunities. Consortium members commit to developing worker pathways particularly in job sectors that will increasingly integrate artificial intelligence technology. To that end, Consortium members have established forward thinking goals with skills development and training programs to positively impact over 95 million individuals around the world over the next 10 years. Consortium member goals include: Cisco to train 25 million people with cybersecurity and digital skills by 2032. IBM to skill 30 million individuals by 2030 in digital skills, including 2 million in AI. Intel to empower more than 30 million people with AI skills for current and future jobs by 2030. Microsoft to train and certify 10 million people from underserved communities with in-demand digital skills for jobs and livelihood opportunities in the digital economy by 2025. SAP to upskill two million people worldwide by 2025. Google has recently announced EUR 25 million in funding to support AI training and skills for people across Europe. Accenture "Helping organizations identify skills gaps and train people at speed and scale is a major priority for Accenture, and this consortium brings together an impressive ecosystem of industry partners committed to growing leading-edge technology, data and AI skills within our communities. Reskilling people to work with AI is paramount in every industry. Organizations that invest as much in learning as they do in the technology not only create career pathways, they are well positioned to lead in the market." - Ellyn Shook, chief leadership & human resources officer, Accenture Eightfold "The dynamics of work and the very essence of work are evolving at an unprecedented pace. Eightfold examines the most sought-after job roles, delving into the needs for reskilling and upskilling. Through its Talent Intelligence Platform, it empowers business leaders to adapt swiftly to the changing business environment. We take pride in contributing to the creation of a knowledgeable and responsible resource that assists organizations in preparing for the future of work." - Ashutosh Garg, CEO and Co-Founder, Eightfold AI Google "Google believes the opportunities created by technology should truly be available to everyone. We're proud to join the AI-Enabled Workforce Consortium, which will advance our work to make AI skills training universally accessible. We're committed to collaborating across sectors to ensure workers of all backgrounds can use AI effectively and develop the skills needed to prepare for future-focused jobs, qualify for new opportunities, and thrive in the economy." - Lisa Gevelber, Founder, Grow with Google IBM "IBM is proud to join this timely business-led initiative, which brings together our shared expertise and resources to prepare the workforce for the AI era. Our collective responsibility as industry leaders is to develop trustworthy technologies and help provide workers—from all backgrounds and experience levels—access to opportunities to reskill and upskill as AI adoption changes ways of working and creates new jobs." - Gian Luigi Cattaneo, Vice President, Human Resources, IBM EMEA Indeed "Indeed's mission is to help people get jobs. Our research shows that virtually every job posted on Indeed today, from truck driver to physician to software engineer, will face some level of exposure to GenAI-driven change. We look forward to contributing to the Workforce Consortium's important work. The companies who empower their employees to learn new skills and gain on-the-job experience with evolving AI tools will deepen their bench of experts, boost retention and expand their pool of qualified candidates." - Hannah Calhoon, Head of AI Innovation at Indeed Intel "At Intel, our purpose is to create world-changing technology that improves the lives of every person on the planet, and we believe bringing AI everywhere is key for businesses and society to flourish. To do so, we must provide access to AI skills for everyone. Intel is committed to expanding digital readiness by collaborating with 30 countries, empowering 30,000 institutions, and training 30 million people for current and future jobs by 2030. Working alongside industry leaders as part of this AI-enabled ICT workforce consortium will help upskill and reskill the workforce for the digital economy ahead." – Christy Pambianchi, Executive Vice President and Chief People Officer at Intel Corporation Microsoft "As a global leader in AI innovation, Microsoft is proud to join the ICT Workforce Consortium and continue our efforts to shape an inclusive and equitable technology future for all. As a member of the consortium, we will work with industry leaders to share best practices, create accessible learning opportunities, and collaborate with stakeholders to ensure that workers are equipped with the technology skills of tomorrow," - Amy Pannoni, Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, HR Legal at Microsoft SAP "SAP is proud to join this effort to help prepare our workforce for the jobs of the future and ensure AI is relevant, reliable, and responsible across businesses and roles. As we navigate the complexities of our ever-evolving world, AI has the potential to reshape industries, revolutionize problem-solving, and unlock unprecedented levels of human potential, enabling us to create a more intelligent, efficient, and inclusive workforce. Over the years, SAP has supported many skills building programs, and we look forward to driving additional learning opportunities, innovation, and positive change as part of the consortium." - Nicole Helmer, Vice President & Global Head of Development Learning at SAP About Cisco Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) is the worldwide technology leader that securely connects everything to make anything possible. Our purpose is to power an inclusive future for all by helping our customers reimagine their applications, power hybrid work, secure their enterprise, transform their infrastructure, and meet their sustainability goals. Discover more on The Newsroom and follow us on X at @Cisco. Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Cisco's trademarks can be found at www.cisco.com/go/trademarks. Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. SOURCE Cisco Systems, Inc.
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    Become a Speaker at NACSHR Events 申请加入NACSHR活动的分享嘉宾 北美华人人力资源协会(NACSHR)自2016年成立以来,一直致力于为人力资源专业人士和企业领导者量身打造一个顶级的交流平台。多年来,NACSHR 论坛已发展成为北美最具影响力的人力资源活动之一,吸引了众多行业领袖和专家的参与。 从 2024 年开始,我们将举办多场论坛活动,为该领域的资深专家和人力资源领袖提供演讲机会。这些活动是在行业内打造个人品牌和思想领导力的绝佳平台。应大家的要求,我们现在开始接受分享演讲名额的申请。我们诚邀您申请并与我们一起分享您的专业知识和见解。我们将对申请进行审核与讨论,以确保符合我们的会议主题和活动的专业水准。 感兴趣吗? 请认真填写下表,标有星号 (*) 的为必填项。 点击这里:https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/898DB159-05B5-1C3E-BCD4-9C7A6E324482 *注:演讲内容应侧重于专业经验和知识分享,避免包含宣传推广内容。企业内部人力资源专业人士将获得优先考虑。我们鼓励行业赞助商和HR第三方机构与我们联系,寻求赞助机会。 成为NACSHR的演讲分享嘉宾,您将获得绝佳的个人品牌提升机会,为此,我们特别介绍如下: 关于分享演讲形式: ·主题演讲 Session:20分钟左右 围绕HR专业前沿知识 ·圆桌对话 Panel:30-40分钟 3-4位嘉宾 ·Workshop: 60 分钟 1-2个嘉宾 确定成为NACSHR分享嘉宾权益和责任: 权益 -获得当次论坛的通票,可以参加全部会议 -如果举办会议晚宴,则赠送名额1个(仅限本人) -嘉宾参会纪念品及纪念证书(电子版) -单人的会议海报及个人品牌推广机会(Linkedin\X\小红书\微信公众号等渠道) -会议期间咖啡和茶畅饮 -赠送额外参会门票1张*(有限制条件) (NACSHR不提供会议期间食宿交通以及会议现金酬劳和其他要求) 以上内容根据每次会议组织不同会略有调整,如晚宴不一定每次会议举办,对外赠送名额仅限企业内部HR同仁。 责任: · 配合会议部门,在有效时间内提供相关文件 · 会议前1周提供PPT等相关资料,格式比例以具体通知为主 · 注意分享机会以专业,经验,趋势等内容为主,而非任何营销,产品的推广 · 会议我们会录音和部分录像,以及向参会嘉宾提供演讲PPT,你可以提供与演讲不同的副本。 · 尊重会议赞助合作伙伴,积极和中性的评论 · 其他事宜   Stay Together Stay Powerful 核心话题聚焦: · 华人HR北美职场发展相关 · HR专业相关领域 · HR科技与AI相关 · 未来工作、DEI · 其他 *门票赠送仅限为inhouse HR或HR相关学生等。 为保证会议专业和顺利举办,免费门票限制条件主要是已经购买门票则无法通过退票重新注册免费门票、HR服务机构销售、顾问或类似岗位无法使用免费门票。 附录NACSHR赞助合作等相关可以联系: 赞助参展合作: Annie annie@nacshr.org 或者点击这里:https://www.nacshr.org/Survey/CDBE9324-6291-EB0E-3E50-91532A2A70BB   感谢对NACSHR的支持! Stay Together Stay Powerful
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    Happy Easter!祝大家复活节快乐! Happy Easter to all our dear friends at NACSHR! As we step into this beautiful season of renewal and hope, accompanied by the delightful presence of chocolate bunnies and colorful eggs, we're sending a heartfelt bouquet of wishes your way. May this Easter not only fill your homes with laughter and warmth but also ignite your professional spaces with innovative ideas and vibrant growth. Let's allow the rejuvenating spirit of Easter to inspire us to hatch groundbreaking strategies and nurture our aspirations. This Easter, let's cherish the incredible power of connection and the beauty of our community. It's the perfect occasion to strengthen our bonds and celebrate the diverse tapestry of talents and perspectives that each of us contributes. To all our HR friends, let's take this moment to deepen our dedication to creating workplaces where every individual feels valued, supported, and empowered to flourish. Wishing you an Easter that overflows with joy and presents new opportunities to make meaningful impacts. As we indulge in Easter treats and gather with our loved ones, let us also gaze ahead with hope and anticipation for what the future unfolds. May the essence of Easter inspire us to approach challenges with bravery and embrace opportunities with open arms. Here's to a magnificent Easter, abundant in peace, prosperity, and progress for everyone. May it rejuvenate our spirits and rekindle our enthusiasm for making every workplace a beacon of positivity and growth. Happy Easter, dear friends at NACSHR! May this season bring everlasting happiness and success to you and your families. 亲爱的NACSHR的朋友们,祝大家复活节快乐!当我们迈入这个充满更新与希望的美好季节,同时享受着巧克力兔和彩蛋带来的乐趣,我们向你们发送最真挚的祝福。愿这个复活节不仅让你们的家充满笑声和温暖,也在你们的职场中点燃创新的思维和活力的增长。让复活节的复兴精神激励我们孵化出创新的策略,培养我们的志向。 在这个复活节,让我们珍视连接的力量和我们社群的美好。这是完美的时刻来加强我们的联系,庆祝我们每个人贡献的多样化才能和视角。对于我们所有HR的朋友们,让这成为一个深化我们致力于创造每个人都感到被重视、支持和有力量成长的工作环境的时刻。祝愿你们的复活节充满欢乐,开启新的机会,让我们做出有意义的影响。 当我们享受复活节的美食并与我们所爱的人聚集时,让我们也满怀希望和期待地看向未来。愿复活节的精神鼓励我们勇敢面对挑战,开放心扉迎接机会。祝大家有一个辉煌的复活节,充满和平、繁荣和进步。愿它重新点燃我们的精神,重新激发我们为让每一个工作场所成为积极成长的灯塔的热情。 亲爱的NACSHR的朋友们,复活节快乐!愿这个季节为你们及你们的家人带来永恒的幸福和成功。
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    应对心理健康危机:42%的公司计划推出新的员工福利 根据The Conference Board的最新报告,尽管HR领导们对劳动力市场的乐观程度略有上升,但员工保留和参与度的预期与去年相比有所下降,显示出劳动力短缺的持续问题。报告揭示,随着员工心理健康问题的加剧,42%的公司计划今年提供新的福祉福利。企业承认对员工福祉负有责任,并在增加对健康项目的关注和支出方面取得了显著进展。报告强调,全面考虑员工福祉不仅可以提高员工参与度和生产力,还能保留人才。  Tackling the Mental Health Crisis: 42% of Companies Plan to Offer New Employee Well-Being Benefits NEW YORK, March 22, 2024 -- Corporate America's HR leaders continue to be more optimistic than pessimistic about the state of the workforce. The Conference Board CHRO Confidence Index ticked up to 54 in Q1, from 53 last quarter. (A reading of more than 50 points reflects more positive than negative responses.) While retention and engagement expectations improved from last quarter, the survey reveals they are down compared to this time last year, signaling ongoing concerns about labor shortages. Hiring expectations remained stable. The survey also reveals that businesses are stepping up as mental health concerns continue taking a toll on workers throughout the nation: 42% of surveyed companies plan to offer new well-being benefits this year. Indeed, 36% say businesses are responsible for the well-being of their employees, with another 62% saying they are somewhat responsible. As a result, they are ramping up their focus on employee wellness: In addition to those offering new well-being benefits, a quarter plan to increase spending on well-being initiatives. "Taking a holistic view of worker well-being can not only improve employee engagement and productivity but also retain your talent—a top focus of both CEOs and CHROs this year," said Diana Scott, Leader of The Conference Board US Human Capital Center. The Index, conducted quarterly, was launched in Q1 2023 and is comprised of three components—hiring, retention, and engagement—as well as special questions included in each survey. Nearly 150 CHROs participated in the Q1 survey, which included additional questions on employee well-being. Key findings include: Hiring The CHRO Confidence Index: Hiring component remained the same as both last quarter and YoY, at 55. CHROs' workforce expansion plans remained stable in Q1, with fewer CHROs expecting to increase or decrease hiring in the next six months: 36% of CHROs expect to increase their hiring over the next six months—down from 44% in Q4. 13% expect to decrease their hiring over the next six months—down from 19% in Q4. Retention The CHRO Confidence Index: Retention component rose to 53 in Q1 2024 from 51 in Q4 2023. But retention expectations are down YoY from 57 in Q1 2023. CHRO expectations regarding employee retention ticked up slightly in Q1: 29% of CHROs expect their employee retention levels to improve over the next six months—up slightly from 28% in Q4. 19% of CHROs expect employee retention to decrease over the next six months, down from 22% in Q4. Engagement The CHRO Confidence Index: Engagement component rose to 54 in Q1 2024 from 52 in Q4 2023. But engagement expectations are down YoY from 58 in Q1 2023. Fewer CHROs expect declines in employee engagement in Q1: 35% expect engagement levels to increase—down slightly from 37% in Q4. 20% expect engagement levels to decrease—down significantly from 31% in Q4. Special Questions for Q4: Employee Well-Being For Q1 2024, the Index also surveyed CHROs on employee well-being. CHROs overwhelmingly agree that organizations share responsibility for their employees' well-being. 62% said organizations are somewhat responsible. 36% said organizations are responsible. Only 2% said organizations are not responsible for employee well-being. A quarter of CHROs increased spending on employee well-being in 2024. 26% said their well-being budget increased for FY2024. 69% said it remained the same. Only 5% decreased spending on well-being. Nearly half of CHROs plan to offer new well-being benefits, despite most keeping spending the same. 42% plan to offer new benefits this year. 39% do not plan to offer new benefits. 19% are discussing offering new benefits. Mental and physical health are the top priorities for new well-being initiatives. Of those offering new benefits: 20% are offering mental health initiatives. 15% are offering physical health and fitness initiatives. 12% are offering financial well-being initiatives. 10% are offering work-life balance initiatives. About The Conference BoardThe Conference Board is the member-driven think tank that delivers trusted insights for what's ahead. Founded in 1916, we are a non-partisan, not-for-profit entity holding 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt status in the United States. www.conference-board.org SOURCE The Conference Board
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    世界幸福报告能教给我们关于工作的什么? What The World Happiness Report Teaches Us About Work 最新《世界幸福报告》揭示,尽管经济增长,美国幸福感下降。研究强调,高薪并非幸福的关键,而公平薪酬、良好的企业文化才是。特别是年轻人,受到气候变化、政治纷争等影响,幸福感低落。企业需关注文化建设、弹性工作,关照员工心理健康。工作场所的信任、社区感和公平至关重要。我们要反思:真正的幸福是什么? 我每年都认真研读《世界幸福报告》,今年的报告特别引人深思。以下是我对一些关键发现的解读。 首先,美国的幸福指数(10分满分)降至第23位,比全球最幸福的国家芬兰低了13%。实际上,在过去15年中,美国的幸福度几乎下降了8%,呈现出持续的年降趋势。对于我们这些生活在美国的人来说,这可能并不陌生:坏消息、政治争斗以及人们在价值观上的分歧似乎无处不在。 这一切发生的同时,美国的GDP增长却持续领先世界上大多数主要经济体。这意味着我们作为一个国家正在变得更加富裕,却显著地变得不那么幸福(下文将详细解释)。 从企业角度来看,这个观点很简单:仅仅提高薪资并不能使人们感到更加幸福。尽管每个人都希望得到公平的报酬,但高薪酬并不直接转化为高参与度。我们2023年的《薪酬公平终极指南》发现,与薪酬水平相比,薪酬公平与员工参与度的关联性高出7倍。 其次,报告指出,在美国,年轻人的幸福感明显低于老年人(这一点并非在所有国家都适用,但在大多数发达国家中是这样的)。在美国,30岁以下人群的幸福评分为6.4,而60岁以上人群的评分为7.3,幸福度低了12%。我们对年轻人的这一低幸福评分使美国在全球青年幸福排行榜上仅位列第62位,远低于我们的总体排名。 这反映出我在上周播客中讨论的现象。如今的年轻工作者担忧全球变暖,他们在年轻时就经历了疫情的冲击,他们对于战争、通货膨胀、社会问题以及政治不和感到沮丧。埃德曼信任度量尺表明,年轻人认为相比政府,企业在为社会带来创新方面更值得信赖,高出近20%。但令人担忧的是,这种信任程度也在下滑。 从企业的视角来看,这进一步强化了播客中提到的观点:我们(美国)的劳动力中位年龄现已达到33岁。这表明许多关键员工对生活的热情有所下降,这迫使雇主需要采取更多措施。我们对企业文化、员工福祉、工作灵活性和个人成长的关注,现在比以往任何时候都显得更为重要。这就是像四天工作周、灵活工作时间以及其他诸多福利(如生育支持、儿童看护、心理健康、健身、财务福利)变得越来越普遍的原因。 (最新的劳动统计局数据显示,我们在福利上的支出占工资总额的31.1%,比三年前的29%有所增加。在信息行业,这个比例高达35.5%,是有史以来的最高值。) 此外,重点强调:对企业来说,重振早期职业发展计划至关重要。许多企业在20世纪60、70年代建立了这些计划,但随后这些计划逐渐被忽视。如果你正在从大学招聘顶尖人才,并投资于校园招聘(这一趋势正在上升),那么确保你有一个坚实的1-2年发展计划、工作轮岗以及面向年轻人的群体参与计划是非常重要的。我最近与康卡斯特讨论了他们的计划,他们的早期职业发展计划正在直接为他们的领导力管道做出贡献。 第三,也是最引人注目的一点是,报告强调了社会关系和信任在幸福感中的巨大作用。进行这项研究的学者团队发现,幸福感的“坎特里尔阶梯”(一个简单的“你觉得自己多幸福”的1-10评分问题)可以分解为六个贡献因素: 人均GDP(财富)、社会支持(密切关系的数量和质量)、预期寿命(健康)、生活选择的自由(按个人意愿生活的能力)、慷慨(向他人给予金钱和时间的倾向)以及腐败感知(相信“系统”是公平的)。 这些因素对幸福的贡献度大开眼界。 令人惊讶的是,社会关系是幸福感的最大贡献者,而健康只占大约1.4%。请注意,第二重要的因素是对腐败的感知或者说是公平感,这解释了为什么薪酬公平非常重要。我们再次发现,财富对幸福感的影响相对较小。 这对我们的工作有何启示? 这里有一些简单的启示: 关系很重要。如果管理层和主管不能建立起团队合作感,员工便会感到不适。尽管我们面临财务和运营压力,但我们仍需抽时间了解员工、倾听他们的声音,并与他们共度愉快时光。通过聚集人员并创建跨功能团队,我们即使在远程工作情况下也能建立社交关系。 信任至关重要。我曾在高层领导贪婪、不忠、不诚实的环境中工作过,公司内的每个人都能感觉到这一点。信任是经年累月建立起来的资产,我们必须不断地进行投资。通过道德、诚实和倾听来培养信任,你的领导模式中包含了这些元素吗? 薪酬的影响可能比你想象的要小。虽然每个人都希望赚更多钱,但人们更希望感觉到奖励是公平且慷慨的。因此,不应仅仅过度奖励表现突出的员工,而忽视其他人的努力。 生活选择的自由极为重要。众多研究显示,与薪资相比,员工更加重视工作的灵活性,因此,考虑将四天工作周和灵活工作选项作为你的雇佣政策的核心部分是非常重要的。 多年前,我在一个人力资源领导者的大型会议上发表了关于企业公民责任的演讲。我指出,公司就像小型社会一样,如果我们的企业“社会”不公平、不透明、不自由,那么我们的员工就会感受到痛苦。演讲结束时,我不确定听众的反应如何,但来自宜家的一大群人向我走来,给了我一个热情的拥抱。宜家这家公司,深深植根于瑞典的社会主义文化,是地球上最长久的公司之一。他们真心相信集体思维、公平和对每个个体的尊重。 原文来自:https://joshbersin.com/2024/03/what-the-world-happiness-report-can-teach-us-about-work/
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    Glassdoor匿名社区被实名的隐私泄漏事件:职场社交平台的信任危机 概要:网友爆料Glassdoor未经同意添加真实姓名到用户档案,威胁到匿名安全。用户Monica发现自己的全名和城市信息被不正当添加。Glassdoor坚持此举合法,但却加剧用户对数据泄露和法律风险的恐惧。此举反映了Glassdoor收购Fishbowl后对身份验证政策的更改,引起公众对其长期匿名承诺的质疑。用户的担忧加深,要求更大的透明度和对个人数据的控制。保护隐私,维护信任应成为首要任务。 一个匿名让大家发表工资和对老板公司评论的公司,悄悄得把用户的真实信息添加到用户资料中。。。引发了巨大的风波。 随着Glassdoor被曝未经允许添加真实姓名到用户个人资料,公众对隐私的担忧急剧上升 在一件震惊公众的事件中,广受欢迎的员工评价及公司透明度平台Glassdoor的用户披露,他们的真实姓名在未征得明确同意的情况下被添加至他们的个人资料中。这一隐私侵犯事件在专业社区引发广泛关注,人们开始质疑在处理用户数据时的道德界限,以及这一事件对职场评价平台匿名性的可能影响。 一位名为Monica的Glassdoor用户通过一篇博客文章引起了人们的关注。她在文章中详细描述了在与客服互动后,自己的名字和所在城市怎样意外出现在了她的Glassdoor个人资料上——这是她声称在注册过程中从未提供过的信息。她的经历揭露了Glassdoor在数据处理方面的做法,表明用户的个人信息可能基于从电子邮件往来中提取的详情而被添加到个人资料中。 这一事件不仅破坏了用户对Glassdoor隐私保护承诺的信任,也引发了人们对于数据泄露或法律行为可能导致身份暴露的担忧。Glassdoor一直以其用户政策中的匿名保证为核心,这一政策允许人们在不担心遭受报复的情况下,坦诚地分享对雇主的看法和意见。 争议随着Glassdoor在2021年收购了Fishbowl而进一步加剧,这一行动需要更改用户验证方式。 这次整合导致人们更加密切关注Glassdoor对用户隐私的承诺及其服务条款调整的透明度。 这种情况引发了关于用户隐私和平台内容真实性之间平衡的重大问题。电子前沿基金会(Electronic Frontier Foundation)的律师Aaron Mackey表达了对于用户信任可能被侵蚀和此类政策变动可能带来的法律后果的担忧。这一发展可能成为行业对用户隐私处理方式的一次重要测试,特别是在数字权利和数据保护日益受到关注的情况下。 面对这些指责,Glassdoor的回应显得比较温和,其发言人Amanda Livingood发表了一份声明,强调该公司对匿名性和用户选择的承诺。然而,缺乏开放的对话和对数据处理流程的明确解释,使许多用户感到不满,并对平台的未来方向持谨慎态度。 这一事件的影响超越了Glassdoor本身,标志着专业网络和评价行业可能迎来转折点。这个领域的公司可能会面临更大的压力,要求它们加强对数据处理实践的透明度,并加强对未授权信息更改的防护措施。 随着事件的进一步发展,这一情况可能促使相似平台重新评估其政策,推动整个行业向着更严格的隐私标准和以用户为中心的数据政策集体前进。Glassdoor的这一插曲不仅凸显了透明度与隐私之间的细微平衡,也强调了在信息和用户赋权时代,数字平台面临的挑战正在不断演变。
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    【报名事项】付款方式—欢迎参加NACSHR2024夏季论坛,注意事项及付款方式,请查看相关信息(不断更新中) 欢迎参加6月8日-9日在硅谷举办的2024年的北美华人人力资源夏季论坛。  期待6月份与您相聚会议现场! NACSHR论坛会议相关信息: 时间:2024年6月8日-9日 周六周日,其中周六上午 8点开放签到 地点:SONESTA SILICON VALLEY   1820 Barber Lane, Milpitas, California 95035(可以直接绕到酒店后面的会议中心停车场) 会议详情:https://www.nacshr.org/1659.html (会不断更新) 参会指南:https://www.nacshr.org/1940.html 付款方式如下:(为方便大家,特别提供2种付款方式) 因EventBrite手续费非常高,应大家要求,今年特别提供 Zelle 方式付款,收款人为本次会议运营负责人. 付款zelle地址为 gawain520@qq.com 或者扫码支付。支付时请memo处备注您的报名姓名及参会人数,感谢! (这个是没有手续费的) 您可以选择通 Eventbrite的NACSHR会议链接进行报名和付费。报名及付费链接如下: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2024-nacshr-tickets-857613855127 (注:Eventbrite 会收取一些手续费,信用卡或者美国之外的或如果无法使用zelle 建议可以使用,或者联系我们) 备注:如需银行账号转账或企业支付,或写支票,请直接联系我们获取详细信息   NACSHR会议费用供参考: 论坛个人门票价格:400 美元(6月7日前支付) 现场门票:500 美元 6月8日现场支付 论坛团队门票:3人含以上 9折优惠 如有嘉宾推荐,可以根据优惠券扣除相关金额 ———————————————————————————————————————————— 备注: · 如果您有HR职位招聘,可以点击这里免费发布:https://www.nacshr.org/job   如果有任何问题可以联系我们: 联系人:Annie 邮件: nacshr818@gmail.com  网站:https://www.nacshr.org *报名收到此邮件,意味着您已经报名参加NACSHR及合作伙伴主办的论坛,亦表示您已经清晰了解参会注意事项和用户隐私条款等事宜。 若非本人报名,请邮件告知:nacshr818@gmail.com Become a Speaker at NACSHR Events   附录: 会议详情:https://www.nacshr.org/1659.html  不断更新 成为论坛分享嘉宾 : https://www.nacshr.org/1732.html 会议赞助合作:Annie  nacshr818@gmail.com  or  annie@nacshr.org  
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    知名员工奖励公司BlueBoard突然宣布关闭 BlueBoard, a once-popular software company for organizing employee rewards, abruptly ceased operations, leaving users in the dark regarding their accounts and rewards. Founded in San Francisco in 2014, the company experienced financial struggles despite raising seed and Series A funding. The abrupt shutdown raised concerns among users about unreturned funds and unresolved rewards. The company failed to issue any advance notices of layoffs, contrary to regulations. The situation has prompted discussions on the proper ways to shut down a company. 据KQED报道,知名员工奖励软件公司BlueBoard本周突然宣布停止运营。 公司在周五发送给用户的邮件中声明:“我们即将停止所有运营,并将关闭公司网站和应用程序。从此以后,我们将不再提供任何服务。” BlueBoard成立于2014年,总部最初设在旧金山,专注于为企业提供员工奖励和表彰的软件解决方案。如今,该公司已经停业,官网上的通知仅简单表示:“自2024年3月12日起,BlueBoard停止所有运营。感谢过去几年里所有支持我们的人。” 公司表示:“我们已经尝试了数月来获得续续经营所需的资金,遗憾的是我们未能成功。” BlueBoard在2015年完成种子轮融资,并在2020年完成A轮融资,据Crunchbase数据显示。但是,由于财务困难,公司不得不在2017年将总部迁至圣地亚哥,并最终走向关闭。 对于用户是否能够使用系统中存储的奖励,目前尚无明确信息。 首席执行官兼联合创始人Taylor Smith在接受KQED采访时表示,“目前有几方正在努力找到解决方案。”但他没有提供更多评论。 在在线论坛中,BlueBoard的用户对公司的突然关闭表示惊讶,并询问他们是否还能访问自己的账户。 “这是一个展示如何不应该关闭公司的‘绝佳’案例研究。”一位用户在Y Combinator运行的Hacker News论坛上表示,“他们没有提到如何退还客户资金,这是所有客户最关心的问题。第二个问题是关于正在进行或已经预定的奖励的状态,这也没有在邮件中提到。” 在X上(该网站之前被称为Twitter),一位用户抱怨:“真的吗,@blueboard就这样关闭了,并且没退还他们欠我妻子的500美元?” 截至上周五,BlueBoard尚未向州就业发展部门发出任何关于大规模裁员的工人调整和再培训通知。按照规定,公司在关闭工厂或进行大规模裁员前,需要提前60天通知员工和政府。 请继续关注此事件的最新发展。
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    首位人工智能软件工程师 Devin诞生,会改变职场? Devin是由Cognition开发的第一个完全自主的人工智能软件工程师,标志着人工智能和软件开发行业的一个重大飞跃(点击这里访问视频)。 Devin通过独立解决GitHub问题和通过工程面试,证明了其执行专业工程任务的能力。这一革命性的AI正在改变技术与人类合作的动态,影响人力资源策略、人才获取以及自由职业和合同工作的未来。对于人力资源专业人士来说,像Devin这样的AI的崛起需要重新评估招聘实践并将AI整合到劳动力中,确保它补充而不是替代人类专业知识。 Devin的成功标志着劳动力动态的转变,强调人力资源在适应技术进步和AI开发的道德考虑方面的不断发展的角色。 在人工智能与软件开发的前沿领域,我们迎来了一个划时代的里程碑——全球首个完全自动化的AI软件工程师Devin的问世。由Cognition——一个专注于技术中的推理与规划的应用AI实验室所创造,Devin设定了全新的软件工程标准。 Devin之所以与众不同,在于它在软件开发过程中无需人工干预就能独立操作和解决问题的卓越能力。Devin不仅在SWE-Bench编码基准测试中独立解决了13.86%的GitHub开源项目问题,还成功通过了顶尖AI公司的实际工程面试,并在Upwork上完成了真实的工作任务,证明了其符合甚至超越专业工程标准的能力。 Devin的引入,不仅是技术实力的展现,更代表了技术与人类协作关系中的一次范式转变。Devin配备了完整的开发者工具集,并具有独特的学习适应能力,能够在软件开发生命周期内无缝工作,从修复bug到开发应用程序,再到微调机器学习模型,无所不能。 Devin的出现对人力资源专业人士和企业团队来说,意味着超出软件工程本身的深远影响。AI技术的融入劳动力市场,为HR部门带来新的机遇与挑战。AI能够自主完成面试并执行传统由人完成的工作,迫使人力资源部门需要重新评估招聘和管理的标准策略。 此外,Devin在Upwork等平台的成功案例,展示了自由职业和合约工作的新趋势,影响了公司对项目人员配置和远程工作政策的看法。对于人力资源部门来说,适应这一变化意味着将AI协作视为人才的补充,促进AI与人类共同创新的环境。 然而,引入AI工程师如Devin也带来了劳动力发展和AI伦理使用方面的重要讨论。人力资源专业人士在这些变革中将扮演关键角色,确保像Devin这样的AI进步加强而不是取代人类专长,并维持AI开发和部署的伦理标准。 随着Devin进入早期接入阶段,Cognition邀请工程师和企业团队体验与AI软件工程师合作的潜力。这不仅是科技行业的一大步,也是人力资源专业人士重新思考并塑造未来工作方式的号召。 总结而言,Devin的发布标志着软件工程和劳动力动态领域的重大转折点。随着AI技术的不断进步,人类与AI的协作提供了创新和效率的新途径。Devin从一个概念到一个运行中的AI工程师的发展,不仅展示了AI技术的快速发展,还突出了人力资源在技术驱动世界中日益变化的角色。
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